You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

La verdad

Hey! Stop!
Son of a bitch!
Move it!
Who are you? Who sent you?
Let me go!
What are you doing? You're hurting me!
No, no!
Move it! Get out!
Get up!
-I thought he was armed.
It's Rafita. He loves codeine.
Stop it! Who are you?
I'm going to report you!
What's going on?
Daniel, what's going on?
Are you happy?
You're back in your country,
your homeland.
Relax, everything's going to be fine.
I only came to see how you're doing.
Let me tell you something.
You're about to reach
your final destination.
Behave yourself
and we'll all be fine, OK?
You're pretty.
Very pretty.
Have a good night. Excuse me.
Hey, calm down!
Hey! Calm down.
-Let go!
-Calm down!
Calm down!
Calm down.
Do you like what you do?
Kidnapping people?
Don't you have a sister,
a girlfriend, a mother?
Where are they?
What if this happened to someone you know?
Try all you want,
but you'll never break the glass.
Besides, what were you planning to do?
We're on the eighth floor!
Have some food.
I don't know what happened, Humberto.
I said I thought it better to end things
and he looked like
a huge weight had been lifted.
He's an asshole!
And then when I threw it in his face,
he became aggressive.
He threatened me.
It was scary.
And then the incident with the car.
Was he driving? Did you see him?
I don't know, but he's crazy
and dangerous.
When I got home, there was
What happened when you got home?
There was an orchid.
It's a secret between Alberto and me.
It's something only he knows.
The flower came with this.
Hey, hey. Don't worry.
I'm here.
It's not just the fact that he went crazy.
If the police were to find out
about our relationship
They'd consider you a suspect
in what happened to Prats.
Listen up, punk!
Don't even let the idea of telling anyone
go through that crazy head of yours.
You have no fucking clue
what it takes to get here.
Why am I only learning now
that you were recording him?
I told you to tell me
about everything you did.
We thought it was obvious, boss.
They know very well
that their phones are tapped.
They'd never say anything
compromising on there.
Recording them like this is the only way.
A judge gave us the warrant.
No judge gives warrants like this.
Yes, but this is
an exceptional and public case.
Stuff like this turns judges on.
Next time, I want
to be told ahead of time.
How'd you get that recording?
Before you focus on the red tape,
listen to everything we have.
It's not the first time someone
who challenges me regrets it.
It's only a threat.
We still don't have any concrete evidence.
He brags about getting
all of his enemies out of his way.
He's a politician.
He's referring to political enemies.
Sure, he's an asshole,
but that doesn't prove he killed his wife.
Give me something more.
I would if my hands weren't tied, damn it!
I'm sure that if we show up unannounced
and catch him off guard,
he'll make a mistake.
That's when we move in.
Damn it, Ramirez!
Just pressure him.
Velasco, I want the utmost discreetness.
-Does it hurt?
-A little, yes.
-Well, I'm going to
What is it?
No, nothing. It's just that
You heard Velasco.
They're very familiar
with that Russian gang
and they'll find them soon.
I know I don't have to say it
but I love you.
I love you and I appreciate
you being here with me.
I do, too.
I don't know what you did
in that van with that guy
and I don't want to know,
but thanks to that I know
my daughter is alive.
Why won't you eat?
Al right, be honest.
Are you hungry, yes or no?
Look, kid, you think I'm an asshole?
Those guys won't ask
if you want to eat or not.
They'll force-feed you!
I'm not going to eat.
And tell those guys, or whoever,
that I'm not going to play along.
Unlike you, I'm not afraid of them.
First of all, what happened is a tragedy,
but politically speaking,
it's a game changer.
We can either crumble
or become stronger than ever.
The worst thing we can do right now
is come across
like we want to get stronger.
Our position remains the same.
We'll be discreet,
we'll respect the police's job
and, above all, we'll respect
the victim's memory. Hmm?
No one, I repeat no one,
will ever speak
What's the matter, guys?
We'd like to speak with you alone.
Right, and I would like to not
have to speak with you at all.
This isn't an official interrogation,
is it?
Well, then
What was your relationship
with your wife like?
You already know.
You're repeating yourself.
According to you, was she a bad person?
What kind of question is that?
What, you want a gold star?
-Was your wife afraid of you?
Then why do you think your wife
recorded your conversations?
We're not getting a divorce!
I won't allow it!
You won't allow it?
You're not going to screw me now!
-What are you going to do?
-What am I going to do?
Whatever it takes!
This was on your wife's phone.
I'm sorry, but that
could be misconstrued and
I'll ask again.
Why do you think your wife
recorded your conversations?
I honestly don't know.
Did you kill your wife?
I'm sorry, but I think
this conversation is
I didn't kill her.
This is very unpleasant for us all.
You can imagine that
if you weren't who you are,
you'd be spending the night in jail.
I doubt the Captain
can keep this under wraps
for much longer, right?
So I'm the prime suspect?
No, you're the only suspect.
Do you feel better?
Any news?
Is it serious?
Damn it! Yes, yes.
I can't now, but I'll stop by.
Thank you for letting me know.
-Damn it!
-What happened?
There's a problem with the exhibit.
-What problem?
-It was burglarized.
You have to go.
I really don't want to leave you alone.
Don't worry. I'll wait here.
-Are you sure?
I'll go see what's going on
and I'll be right back.
These are very stressful days,
but I assure you
we'll be available to you.
This way.
By the way, I ask that you leave
through the rear exit.
The main door is teeming with reporters.
It's important to protect
the candidate, right?
Alex couldn't make it.
It seems his exhibit was burglarized.
Damn! I hope it's nothing serious.
Did Ana tell you what's going on?
They arrested the Russians
and they have an update.
What happened?
I'm sorry, but I can only
discuss the details with you.
Why? He's the reason why we're here.
Because he broke the law several times
and almost got you killed.
I'm right here.
Why are you talking to her?
You've done a great job
and you've guided us this far,
but we'll take over now, OK?
If you continue to interfere,
I'll have to arrest you.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing my job.
Thank you.
I'll wait outside.
It's Natalia's, right?
It was found in an abandoned car.
Someone broke it and the SIM card.
We couldn't find any fingerprints.
And did you find anything else?
We caught one of the guys
who kidnapped her.
We have some footage
and we need you to identify Natalia.
-No, no.
Don't worry. She's not dead.
Are you coming?
Yes, of course.
Come on.
Start recording.
Introduce yourself.
Introduce yourself to the camera.
Look, kid, don't waste my time.
You can ask Dasha. She knows.
This is how this works.
My name is Natalia.
Natalia Saldaña.
I'm 19.
I'm Mexican
and I live in Madrid with my mother.
Do you know anyone
who'd want to do something like this?
No clue.
Your girlfriend?
What about my girlfriend?
Are you sure she doesn't know about us?
I'm not jealous, but maybe she is.
Maybe she found out and decided
to do that to your picture.
No, she would never do that.
It's stupid.
Stupid? Define stupid.
Let's talk about something else.
How are things at work?
Any updates on Beatriz's killer?
I told you I don't talk
about work in my free time.
Well, I thought sleeping with an inspector
would grant me certain privileges.
In any case
everything gets leaked in the end.
I think your professionalism turns me on.
Voicemail box.
What happened?
I'll tell you later.
I need you to take me somewhere.
We're not really sure
why the police
where at PSD headquarters this morning.
We guess their visit is connected
to their investigation
of the murder of Beatriz Prats,
the wife of Social Democrat
candidate Alberto Torres.
We should remember Torres
has been an active participant
in the investigation.
He himself has made several comments
regarding his involvement
and his willingness to cooperate.
That's why their unexpected visit
is strange
So what do we do now?
There's not much we can do.
You didn't do it,
so they can't implicate you.
Yes, Gabriel, but when people
find out I'm a suspect,
it'll affect me in the polls.
And then what?
We need to be patient.
If they publish something,
we'll paint you as unjustly accused
even though you're supposed
to be presumed innocent.
Keep calm.
They'll find who's responsible.
Whoever he or she may be.
You don't think Eli had something
No, I don't think anything.
I'm just saying
she didn't like Bea very much.
Well, it was only natural.
She was obsessed with sleeping with me.
You didn't exactly turn her down.
You should've noticed
she's fucking psycho.
She's driving you nuts.
Alberto, that woman could
tell the press everything!
I've told you every which way
that everything's under control.
Right, right.
Sure, everything was also under control
while she was breaking up with you,
but that turned out to be a trick.
You don't really believe
it was her do you?
Need I remind you of the email
she showed you but never sent?
Need I remind you of what
she said about Beatriz in it?
She called her a burden.
I'm not saying she did it.
I'm saying the police
should know about it.
And then everyone will know
I had an affair with her.
And there goes my image
of suffering widower.
Alberto, we have to contain
the news for the next two weeks.
Right. You can handle that.
Guess what?
The boss doesn't want you to get sick,
and since you don't want to eat
and the boss doesn't want you to get sick,
I'm going to have to feed you like a baby.
Like a little baby.
All right.
Open up, baby.
Come on.
All right, open your mouth.
Open your mouth, baby.
Don't want me to use a spoon? OK, OK.
Open your mouth. Open your mouth!
Calm down! What's the matter with you?
The boss said to care for her!
Let go, asshole.
I told you I was nice.
We're all set, man.
Tomorrow it is.
She'll be there.
All right, then. See you.
How are you?
Good, boss.
That's nice. I'm glad to hear it.
I know this is a business,
but I want my people to be happy.
Diego told me about
your small disagreement.
Let's hear your version.
It's just that I know
we have to make sure she eats,
but I don't think
we should hit her so hard.
You're absolutely right.
You told us to take care of her.
Of course.
I've spoken to Diego
and asked him to work on his tactics.
He can't behave like an animal!
But there's something
that's bothering me, Huguito.
I have a question.
The question is,
why didn't you let Diego force-feed her?
I didn't want her to choke.
You think Diego is stupid enough
to let her choke?
Or do you think I'm stupid enough
to put someone like that in charge?
Or do you think you're smarter
than everyone else?
One, and get this straight.
No one breaks the chain of command.
If you overstep Diego,
you're overstepping me.
Two, I'm doing this for your sake.
The Lord says in the book of Proverbs
to discipline our children
while there's still time.
And three
I only give one warning.
Do it again
Look at me.
and you die.
You don't really believe it was her.
Need I remind you of the email
she showed you but never sent?
Need I remind you of what
she said about Beatriz in it?
She called her a burden.
And you thought she was
a poor girl who was in love.
It seems she's obsessed with Torres.
She hasn't stopped talking about his wife.
-Do we know who she is?
She's the one he met at the hotel.
She's an intern who works with Torres.
Her name is Elisabeth Molina.
She's the daughter
of a famous photographer.
-Alex Molina?
Thank you, Your Honor.
You got your search warrant.
Velasco, not a word of this to anyone.
Be very discreet.
What the hell is wrong with you?
There's no way.
Yes, you're always surprised
when you have to work.
Nothing is certain yet,
but we're on the right track.
Good job, guys.
You coming?
My name is Natalia.
Natalia Saldaña.
The police will find her.
Ana is a little snooty,
but I've been told
she's good at what she does.
I don't know how to thank you
for what you're doing for me
and my daughter.
I'll be happy if you give the cops
a hard time on my behalf.
-I'd like to be alone for a bit.
There's no rush.
I'm 19.
I'm Mexican
and I live in Madrid with my mother.
You're going to eat now.
Elisabeth Molina?
Inspector Urrutia.
We're investigating
the murder of Beatriz Prats.
You have the right to remain silent
and contact an attorney.
If you do, you'll have to
accompany us to the station.
No, it's fine.
My partner is Sub-inspector Velasco.
We have a search warrant
for your computer.
Yes, yes. Come in.
No, I've never been romantically involved
with Alberto Torres.
Are you sure about your answer?
Yes, of course.
We have evidence to the contrary.
What kind of evidence?
A hotel room.
Do you need to see the pictures?
As you can see, there's no point in lying.
Well, we slept together a couple of times
after Beatriz disappeared.
What was your relationship
with Beatriz like?
I'd only seen her around.
We spoke a few times at headquarters,
but she also spoke with other employees.
I don't think she even knew my name.
Why'd you leave the party?
Because I needed time to do my things.
What things?
Urrutia, I think I found something.
It's a draft.
An email that was never sent.
There are several like it.
Elisabeth, you'll have to
accompany us to the station.
Voicemail box.
I thought you said you didn't smoke.
Is it so hard to quit?
On the contrary.
I've quit hundreds of times.
Don't worry, there's no one here.
I don't like the situation.
No one does.
I know Alberto Torres will get very far.
Maybe not president,
but he'll be secretary of something.
In any case,
he'll be a powerful politician.
Everyone says so.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
I know for a fact
Torres didn't commit that crime.
You don't get to decide that.
If he's guilty, he'll fall.
But I'm sure he wasn't involved
in the death of his wife.
If you are, why don't you let
the police act freely?
Whenever the police come near Torres,
he loses standing in the public eye.
That's how it is.
Every mistake you make,
sinks Torres further.
He may sink so far down that
we may be unable to get back up.
That's what I'm trying to avoid.
What if Torres did kill his wife?
What happens to you?
Above all, what happens to me
after I let you know
you're being recorded?
You'll guarantee your job
and you'll avoid committing an injustice.
And I guarantee I'll keep
quiet about this forever.
Help us now and the party will help you.
If the investigation takes a turn
and it focuses on Torres again
or if Torres is found guilty
of killing his wife,
I hope you won't try anything
that may damage me.
Because then I'll be the one
who will destroy you.
And I don't mean just politically.
Is that clear?
Nice dog.
Have fear of me
Have fear of me
Hello? Is anyone here?
I think my wife broke her ankle
and I need help.
Thank goodness someone's here.
What happened?
My wife and I were hiking
a few kilometers away
and I think she broke her ankle.
She stuck in a ditch.
I need help getting her out.
Are you by yourself?
No, I'm here with someone. He's outside.
The three of us could help her.
Get away from her.
Relax, Daniel.
His wife is injured. We can help her.
Get away from her, I said!
I don't know what
your problem is, but it's true.
See for yourself.
I was recording my girlfriend
and she fell in a ditch.
-I'll show you.
-Don't move!
-Please calm down!
-Don't move.
You have a weapon!
-Back off!
-Daniel, please!
-What's going on?
-You're crazy!
Daniel, for goodness' sake!
Who sent you?
Who sent you?
This man came here to kill you!
He's been following us!
What the fuck are you talking about?
Tell me who sent you or I'll kill you!
Fuck! Stop it, Daniel!
Goddamn it!
-What are you doing?
-You almost killed him, damn it!
He's the one who came to kill you.
What are you saying?
He's here to kill you.
I don't understand. Who wants to kill me?
First the guy at the hospital
and now this.
-What's your problem?
Answer, damn it! Say something!
I was hired to kill you
before he came along.
Give me that, Monica.
Give me that.
Give me that.
"If only you'd disappear forever.
Alberto doesn't love you.
If you knew how much fun
I have with your husband,
you'd stay away. I pity you, Beatriz.
I'd give everything for you to die."
We're talking about a young woman's life.
Give me something
and I'll go where you can't go.
If you get the green light,
I ll step aside and you guys
or Ana can handle everything again.
She was smuggled in a container
from the Algeciras Port.
I have something for you.
Someone who couldn't
face you sent you this.
Don't you see?
Someone is trying to screw me over.
-What's this?
-I'll let you know when.
When what?
Do you want to leave, yes or no?
You think you know everything
about your wife's death.
Do you now whom she slept with
when she got sick of you?
That was never the case.
That was my number, Alberto.
She would vent with me.
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