Zero Day (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[ominous music playing]
[reporter 1] Monica Kidder
was found dead in her cell
by apparent suicide
within the past hour.
An extraordinary final twist
in a day that has already
[reporter 2] as the
nation has learned
that one of its most successful
businesspeople was behind
one of the most horrific attacks
in the history of this country.
She is now believed to have orchestrated
the massive Zero Day attack
in apparent retaliation
Push a quote from an FBI source
familiar with the investigation.
Got it.
"The Bureau had become increasingly
concerned with Kidder's radical rhetoric
in the weeks before Zero Day."
[reporter 1] The only possible
explanation I can think of
is that Kidder tonight
opted to end her own life,
as she must've concluded the evidence
against her was overwhelming.
- I think this is as close to a confession
- Did we do this?
- Did we?
- [Richard] We?
We didn't do anything.
And if you're worried about the death
of a autistic sociopath,
you haven't been paying attention.
Jesus Christ.
This only breaks our way
if the trail stops at her.
Please, just shut the fuck up, Jerry.
Please. Does anybody actually
think that this is going to play?
That Monica Kidder
is the end of all of this?
She had the means and the motive.
She did do the things she's accused of.
The rest is becoming truth.
That's all that matters.
It's not the truth.
My father is not gonna go for that.
- Do you know something?
- I know him.
So long as there's a single loose
thread, he's gonna keep pulling at it.
- We have this under control.
- Have we ever had this under control?
One minute of system shock,
that's what you said.
A few months with the right power
in the right hands
and the country's back on track
by Christmas.
You have been wrong
about every single thing.
I'll be the first to admit
that things have not gone to plan.
- [chuckles sarcastically]
- But here we are.
And we have to remember
what we set out to accomplish.
To cut off the political fringe
on both sides.
To expose a vulnerability
that has been mistaken for freedom.
To restore a shaken faith
in our ability to govern.
And despite your father's
every attempt to fuck it all up,
we are finally close
to being able to do all of it.
What we need to do is take a breath.
Come tomorrow, there will be
no more loose threads to pull.
- It's being handled.
- Handled. Like Monica Kidder.
We have to come clean.
Anything else we do at this point
will make it worse.
I'm going to remind you, Alex,
that we have partners in this.
And their idea of coming clean is not
something you want to contemplate.
I know you're struggling with this.
We all are.
But we owe it
to the American people to finish this.
I'll call a car and get you home.
[dramatic music playing]
No. Um
No, I'll get my own ride.
- [dramatic music continues]
- [door opens, shuts]
[reporter 3] We've just heard
from a source within the FBI.
I'm gonna quote it
because I want to get it right.
"The Bureau had been increasingly
concerned about Kidder's radical rhetoric
in the weeks before the Zero Day attack,
with her oft-stated concerns regarding
the proposed regulation of Panoply"
How long have they been out for?
Then find whoever's in charge
of maintaining the cell cameras.
He's right here.
Uh, I'm putting you on speaker,
Mr. Pennington.
Go ahead.
Now that we're in Panoply's system,
we can see exactly how Kidder modified
the NSA's design and how she
spread the malware so widely.
Kidder's apps,
they're on 80% of the phones in America.
So they push the bug out
via automatic updates.
From there, it jumps to any device
that it comes into contact with
via Bluetooth, uh, USB, anything.
The coding itself
is extraordinarily elegant.
It has an AI engine that lets it
learn new operating systems.
Could she really have done this
on her own?
[Tim] She has the technical expertise.
She had the help
of a few hardcore loyalists.
- No question she was capable.
- No, that's not what I was asking.
There's no reason to doubt
this isn't exactly what it looks like.
Sociopathic billionaire doesn't like
Uncle Sam taking away her toys,
so she tears the whole house down.
And then she conveniently hangs herself
before anybody can ask her any questions.
- Give us a call every hour with an update.
- [Tim] Yes, sir.
Everybody seems to be
getting on board with this.
Last night, you said
that she was too smart.
To take this kind of a risk, yeah.
- [phone vibrating]
- It's Alex.
- [Alex] Mom.
- [Sheila] Your father's here too.
Um, I'm coming up to the house. I
need to talk to you, to both of you.
- What's going on? You okay?
- [Alex] I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I I I'll explain when I see you.
Be careful.
[dramatic sting]
Alex. Alex.
[ominous music playing]
[static buzzing]
[woman] Code orange! Code orange!
- [electronic whirring]
- [indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[machines beeping]
- [beeping stops]
- [man] What about now?
[ominous music continues]
- [music fades]
- [watch ticking]
That's a minute.
- [Sheila] Nothing's coming back on.
- [Tom] Sir, ma'am.
We're bringing the cars around front.
I'm afraid we need to relocate you.
That's ridiculous.
The generator's gonna kick in.
[Tom] There's been a threat.
I was on my way to brief you
when this happened.
To this location, specifically.
- [Sheila] What kind of threat?
- Extremist, ma'am.
The crowd outside's
already getting frothy.
Motion sensors,
cameras, they're all down.
There's no guarantee they'll work
even with power. We need to not be here.
[Tom] Let's go.
[dramatic music playing]
[man 1] Police stations are down.
- [Tim] What do we got?
- [man 2] We're compromised.
Power grid, cellular networks,
FAA, mass transit.
It's the same scope and scale,
only it's persistent this time.
Not the same. This time,
we know exactly how this bug works.
- Where are we on the next patch?
- [woman] We just started.
Last update,
the team was at least a day away.
- Tell them they've got an hour.
- Sir?!
Not for every system, just the grid.
Let's get the lights back on,
then transportation systems.
We are gonna troubleshoot this
the old-fashioned way.
One fail point at a time.
- [dramatic music continues]
- Right this way. Watch your step.
[George] What's the plan?
The closest secure facility.
National Guard training base
in Cortland, 20-minute drive.
- [dramatic music continues]
- [indistinct yelling]
Lock him up! Fuck George Mullen!
Lock him up! Fuck
We're getting through that?
We have no choice, sir.
Do it carefully.
[Tom] All right, clear a path, guys.
We'll find her.
[crowd continues] Lock him up!
Fuck George Mullen!
Lock him up! Fuck George Mullen!
Stand clear of the driveway!
[crowd] Lock him up! Fuck George Mullen!
Lock him up! Fuck George Mullen!
- Open the gates.
- [agent] Opening.
- Tear gas on standby.
- No. No tear gas.
That's negative on tear gas.
[clamoring continues]
[man 1] Push the line back!
Out of the way!
[man 2] Hey! Hey!
Hold the perimeter, guys.
[agent] We can't hold it!
They're breaking through!
[clamoring continues]
- [Tom] Guys, hold the perimeter.
- [agent] Negative! Perimeter breached!
[clamoring continues]
[indistinct yelling]
- Keep moving.
- Don't run them over.
- Well, we need to push through this.
- You can't, Tom.
- [grunts]
- It's just a bottle.
We lost sight of you guys. Can you exit?
- [loud explosion]
- [glass shatters]
[indistinct yelling]
[man] Fuck you!
[clamoring continues]
- Back up! Everybody move!
- [gunshots]
[clamoring continues]
[George] Hey! Back off!
- Stop!
- I can't get
- [clamoring]
- [yelling]
[clamoring continues]
[dramatic music continues]
[man] Got 'em.
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
Hello, George.
[man] Prince 594 confirm, over.
[Prince] Prince 594.
[man] Prince, Emmett Kelly
has been retired, over.
Prince, do you copy?
[Prince] Confirmed.
Emmett Kelly retired, over.
Proceeding with the remainder
of the cleanup, over.
[Prince] Affirmative, over.
[Jeremy] Seems like they bought it.
You're a dead man.
For the time being, anyway.
When the lights come back on,
we'll spread the word on social,
push out some blurry video.
CIA isn't authorized
to operate on U.S. soil.
I'll overlook it this time.
What are you doing here?
When you arrested Kidder, I thought
it was about time we had another chat.
It's a good thing I did.
Let's just say
President Mitchell and I had an interest
in you and your well-being.
We had strong reason to believe
the Zero Day plot involved actors
from inside the government.
At the highest level.
We thought it was possible.
How far does it go? Who else?
[Jeremy] We're not sure.
But far enough we couldn't trust
the normal channels.
We needed someone out of the game,
like you, to find out for us.
To be honest, I was starting to think
we made a terrible mistake.
At Langley, I tried to bring you in,
but it was like you didn't hear me.
Then at the presser,
you bring up Proteus.
After Valerie came to see me,
I started to put it together.
if someone is using Proteus on you,
it isn't us, and it never was.
I know that.
These next few hours,
this is the endgame.
I need to know that you're okay, George.
[car doors closing]
Lily, go up to your room.
- [Lily] What Mom?
- Go, go, go.
[knocking on door]
These men will keep us safe,
but we need to come inside.
Where's George?
- [sirens blaring, horns honking]
- [clamoring]
It's just a few blocks.
I think it's better if we walk.
- All right.
- I'll be right behind you, sir.
[man] Let's go!
[indistinct chatter]
That's right. We should be pushing out
the grid patch shortly.
- Hoping within the hour.
- Okay, after that, comms is the priority.
Credible information combats panic. We
need to tell people help is on the way.
Ma'am, on that
There's been some radio traffic.
Claims that something happened
to President Mullen.
Power, then comms.
Keep the team focused.
Thanks, Daniel.
- I can come up with you.
- No, I'm just gonna grab some stuff.
- Then I want to head upstate.
- [Daniel] I'll be waiting right here.
[Alex] Thanks.
[sirens wailing faintly]
[door shuts]
[Alex gasps]
Oh my
You wanted to tell me something,
but I can't imagine anything
that makes sense to me now.
We were trying to fix things.
We? Who's we? You and Dreyer?
It wasn't just Dreyer.
By the time he came to me,
there were a dozen members behind him.
- From both sides.
- So it was their idea?
- Hmm.
- She said that she could scare people.
In just one minute, she could remind
everybody how vulnerable we are,
how fragile we are, and that
makes sense. It does. It makes sense
that if you can remind people
what's really important,
then maybe they'll tune out all the
noise and the bullshit and the lies,
and we can
go back to actually hearing each other.
So we let it happen
because it made that point for us.
It made it better than we
ever could have made it,
but I did not know
that anybody was gonna die. I didn't
So you associated yourself
with Robert Lyndon.
Fucking Lyndon is a parasite. I
didn't know Lyndon was involved in this.
Think about it.
When is the last time the country was
able to solve any of its problems? When?
Because we haven't passed a single piece
of legislation in 18 months.
You wouldn't believe all the things Dreyer
said he was willing to work with me on
if he didn't have to worry about these
nuts in his party coming after him.
It went too far.
When Mitchell gave you the commission,
we were just stuck.
- This is not the answer.
- We took a big chance
to change things for the better.
Yes, a change for the better.
- What you do about that is you work at it.
- Look around you.
The world that you think you understand,
it doesn't even exist anymore.
The worst part about that is I
used to think that you couldn't help it,
that you didn't know
how broken everything is,
but I think I'm wrong.
I think you do know.
- I think you know and don't want to see.
- Things are always broken.
- This holier than thou
- [George] We try to fix them.
It's just a massive fucking dodge so
you don't have to get your hands dirty.
That's true. So you don't
have to help any real people.
Easier said than done.
You don't have to solve
any actual problems.
- I did!
- You didn't!
- I did what I knew was right.
- You should've done more!
You're oversimplifying everything!
- Then maybe we all could've done more!
- You're damn right, but we do our best!
[breathing shakily]
I hear you, okay? I hear you.
Tell me what to do right now.
Tell me what to do right now.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
If you tell me what to do right now,
I will do it. I will do it.
- Dad, please, please.
- Yeah.
[Alex] I promise, I will do it
if you tell me what to do.
I will do it.
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[Alex continues sobbing]
[electronic whirring]
[woman] That's it?
That's it! That's it!
[Tim] Got it! Yes!
Okay, okay, let's focus up.
I want comms up next.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[reporter 1] As the commission continues
its work to restore downed systems,
cyber experts predict this second attack
was a last gasp from Kidder,
a poison pill triggered
from beyond the grave.
Perhaps with the assistance of
Sorry, I'm just now receiving an update.
We have breaking news now and
it's terrible, if true.
As the lights come
back on in many cities,
we are hearing reports
that commission head George Mullen
was the target of an attack
near his home outside New York.
[reporter 1] the beloved former president
may have been the victim of an attack
by radicalized supporters of Evan Green,
who you will remember was detained
No word yet on the condition
of former first lady, Sheila Mullen.
If you are just joining us,
that is former president
George Mullen currently missing
and feared dead at this hour.
They got to "feared dead" quickly.
- Yeah.
- [Lily] Mom?
Oh, Lily. Honey, I
Um, I'm Sheila.
Um, come come join us.
This is my friend, Sheila.
We're just watching some
[reporter 3] Your thoughts, Jonathan, if
these reports turn out to be accurate?
[Jonathan] I didn't always agree
with George Mullen,
but I don't think
anyone can dispute his patriotism.
This is a guy
who came out of retirement to serve.
I'm sorry. I'm told we have
House Speaker Dreyer. Let's go to that.
- [man] about former president Mullen?
- [woman 1] Mr. Speaker?
Devastated, heartbroken,
if these reports turn out to be true.
George Mullen was devoted
to defending America
from the kind of misguided extremism
that motivated the Zero Day attacks,
and that apparently
has cost him his life.
George and I served
on opposite sides of the aisle.
We argued often, fought even,
but we always agreed on one thing,
that this is
the greatest country on earth,
and it's worth
doing anything to defend it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, the president
has called me to the White House.
- [woman] What happened to the commission?
- [man] What's next for the commission?
[Richard] I expect the president and I
will be discussing that.
But right now, all our thoughts
should be with the Mullen family
and the millions of families
affected by tonight's attack.
If George Mullen has,
in fact, been assassinated,
it's a terrible loss
from which we will not soon recover.
But his death is
but one casualty
in the war against our enemies.
A war that has only just begun.
- Thank you.
- [guard] This way, sir.
[siren wailing]
[phone vibrating]
[George] That was touching.
You and I need to meet.
In person.
[dramatic music playing]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[Richard] Beautiful.
[George] In the light, it is.
You and I
We're actually on the same side.
You know that?
All I know is that you're gonna
go to prison for a long time.
A decade ago, maybe.
Today, I'm not so sure.
- Treason's still a capital offense?
- Treason implies a betrayal.
Everything I've done
has been out of loyalty.
Loyalty to the same things
that you claim to care about so deeply.
And the thousands of people
that died in these attacks?
You violated your oath, and you've done
irreparable damage to this country.
No, I gave it
a last chance to save itself.
How many years do
you think we have left?
With half the country caught up
in a fever dream of lies and conspiracy,
the other half shouting about pronouns
and ranking their grievances?
Destroying democracy
is not the way to save it.
Does chemo destroy the patient
when it rids them of cancer?
And so you decide what the cancer is?
You know what the cancer is.
The white nationalists ranting
about being replaced.
The anarchists shouting,
"Abolish the police."
The delusional that think
an election is open to interpretation.
Not to mention clowns like Evan Green
who dole out their poison online
and on television just to make a buck.
And the commission can solve all that?
Properly utilized, its powers can.
Temporarily and surgically deployed.
If Mitchell had made the obvious move,
the smart move,
and given me the reins, we'd
already be on the other side of this.
Every dictator that ever seized power
always said it's just temporary.
And you know what was left
when they were finished?
Graveyards and ruins. Every single time.
Stand there and pass judgment on me
all you want.
But what's happening in this country
isn't a rough patch.
It's an emergency. If we don't do
something drastic soon, we're finished.
Your daughter understood that.
My daughter has made a lot of mistakes,
but the biggest one was believing you
and that you care about anything
other than yourself and your own power.
Your daughter's a hero.
I know what she thinks
about me deep down,
but she was willing to put all
that aside for the greater good.
She saw what we could accomplish
if we worked together.
- You should be proud of her.
- Call your lawyer.
Tell him you're being arrested.
Not tonight.
You want to disband the commission
to end all this
and slowly euthanize the country?
I can't stop you.
Maybe you really are that blind.
But here's what's gonna happen.
I'll step down when my term is up,
and I'll make sure the others do too.
You've already got Kidder, and you can
hype up Lyndon's role all you want
because he's never coming back.
It ends there.
- Bad guys lose, everyone goes home happy.
- This isn't a negotiation.
It isn't?
Because any other way,
you're putting a rope
around your daughter's neck.
Like you said, George,
treason's still a capital offense.
Are you really willing
to do that to your daughter?
Is your wife willing to let you?
[pensive music playing]
[pensive music continues]
[birds chirping]
[pensive music continues]
[birds chirping]
[reporter] Joining us now, commission
spokesperson, Melissa Kornblau.
[Melissa] Thank you for having me.
As you can see by the quick restoration
of services after the second attack,
the American people can rest assured
the Zero Day malware
is no longer a threat.
Former President Mullen will be delivering
the commission's final report tomorrow,
at which point he will be addressing
the steps that we've taken to ensure
our country's future cybersecurity,
as well as our conclusions
about who is ultimately responsible.
[Wayne] Morning,
sir. We just got a call.
President Mitchell is touring
some recovery sites in the city today.
Apparently, she wants
to come by and see you.
- Here at the house?
- [Wayne] Yeah, around 11.
Not our only visitor today.
Alex wanted to see me later.
What'll you tell her?
The same thing you did, that I love her.
Well, I meant about tomorrow.
That you haven't slept or eaten in days,
and I don't know anything.
George, whoever she is
and whatever she's done, we raised her,
and we have to take
some responsibility for that.
I can't lose another child.
[pensive music playing]
[birds chirping]
[knocking at door]
[pensive music continues]
Madam President.
So this is what purgatory looks like?
Sit down. Sit down.
I hope you don't mind the imposition.
I find that my office has
a tendency to discourage candor.
[George] From both its visitors
and its occupants, apparently.
You could've said more
in that first meeting.
But, when sharing information,
what we suspect, what we know,
what we can prove,
those are all very different things,
and ultimately all less important
than what the listener
is willing to believe.
What do you think the American people
are willing to believe?
The question of the hour.
I hear that the commission's report
is still a work in progress.
I'm guessing that you're facing
some terrible decisions.
Is that why you're here,
to make sure my judgment isn't clouded?
Actually, I'm here
to say that I'm sorry.
Yes, I held some things back,
but I had no idea
it might turn out to be this personal.
People trust you
to do the right thing.
Whatever you say in that report
will be the truth in their minds.
The truth is the truth.
The last time you
spoke to a joint session
was to announce
that you weren't running again.
I heard the rumors then,
that it was about more
than just your son's passing.
About an affair.
To be that reckless,
and with your own chief of staff,
and then to lie about it
to the American people,
I never bought it.
Not for a second.
But later I began to wonder
if there was more to it
than just an affair.
If you kept it all quiet,
not for your own sake,
but to protect someone innocent
who didn't deserve all that pain.
And this I can believe
because the truth
is the truth,
but it's not always
the most important thing.
[pensive music playing]
Now, you once told me
something that I never forgot.
You said that our job
is to govern the country as it is,
not as we wish it was.
The public finds out
how deep this really went,
right at this moment,
I don't think we survive that.
We have an obligation
to protect the American people.
Maybe a guilty conscience
is the least we can bear for them.
You stop the coup.
We pin this on Kidder alone.
It doesn't bother you
that people might never know that?
Dreyer's office is already
telling reporters that he's retiring,
leaving on a high note.
Unlike you, I want a second term,
and the road to that
just got a whole lot easier.
There's a lot of good to do still.
Mistakes I've learned from
that I can correct.
That's the truth that
matters most to me.
Four more years.
I promise there'll be enough time
for unfinished business.
[pensive music continues]
[pensive music continues]
- [pensive music continues]
- [birds chirping]
[faint buzzing]
[faint buzzing continues]
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[gentle music playing]
[gentle music continues]
[knocking on door]
[Valerie] Thank you.
Mr. Speaker.
Ms. Whitesell.
This is quite
the high-class delivery service.
"Report on the investigation
into the Zero Day cyberattack
on the United States of America."
- Weighty stuff.
- Go ahead.
Take your time.
Your boss is a very wise man.
I've always admired him.
Mitchell's team suggests
a joint session to present it.
Bipartisan display embracing the results
shows the country is moving forward.
Fine by me.
[dramatic music playing]
[reporter] Former President Mullen
expected here first
to thank commission staffers
for their work.
He's then expected to go to Washington.
Sources on the Hill who've seen
advanced copies of the report
confirm that Monica Kidder
was the mastermind behind the attack.
Additionally, Mullen is expected
to propose new cybersecurity measures
for Congress to consider.
[camera shutters clicking]
[clamoring continues]
- [music halts]
- [elevator chimes]
[Melissa] Good morning, sir.
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct cheering]
[applause fades]
Just over a month ago,
each of you answered a call to service.
And in just the last week,
in a few short hours,
you brought us back from catastrophe,
saved countless thousands of lives.
This country and I personally
owe you all an enormous
debt of gratitude.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Good job.
[indistinct chatter]
[George] Carl.
- Mr. President.
- How are you feeling?
- Never better.
- [George] Good.
I added a few more footnotes.
Sir, if I may,
I understand the investigation
uncovered additional angles.
This is what we're going with.
- It's been an honor, sir.
- Me too.
[pensive music playing]
- [Valerie] Lab examined it all night.
- And?
Debris of indeterminate origin.
Could be an electronic device
that was attached to the feeder.
Could be junk that accidentally fell
into the seed at the factory.
[George] Hmm.
All the stress, all the pressure,
all at once.
Being back at the White House,
where Nick passed.
Doctors say that could explain it.
Top-secret neurological weapon
or just a
tired old man with too many demons.
[George breathes deeply]
Does it really matter?
And Lily?
I told her everything, the truth.
Whatever happens now,
it's gonna be up to her.
- You sure about this?
- I am.
I'll be watching.
[pensive music playing]
[pensive music continues]
- Mr. President.
- Is she here?
She left half an hour ago.
Actually, not sure for where.
Asked me to give you this, though.
[Richard] Thank you. Always a pleasure.
- Tommy. Congresswoman, good to see you.
- Can I have a word?
I'll see you inside. How are you, Bob?
She's gone.
I guess she didn't want
to watch her father lie for her.
[reporter] As you can see,
the chamber nearly filled.
Members of the House, the Senate,
and I believe that's
the Secretary of Defense
now taking his seat
as we await former
President George Mullen
and the final word on what has been
a tumultuous time in this country.
- [man] Mr. Speaker.
- And here we go.
[man] The former President
of the United States, George Mullen.
[dramatic music playing]
[applause continues faintly]
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President,
Chief Justice,
members of the United States Congress
and the Cabinet,
my fellow Americans.
Not long ago, this country was attacked,
not by bombs or planes,
but by computer code,
a new kind of war,
both destructive and terrifying.
Those responsible flew no flag,
made no demands,
and made no claim of responsibility.
They hid like cowards in the shadows.
But this country, as it always has,
rose to the challenge.
You, its people, rallied together,
and this Congress acted immediately
to authorize a special body,
the Zero Day Commission,
tasked with hunting down
those responsible.
Tonight, I stand before you to
share the findings of that commission.
[high-pitched ringing]
[eerie distorted music playing]
[eerie music stops]
It remains our conclusion
that the cyber weapon used on Zero Day
was originally developed
by our own National Security Agency.
Earlier this week,
my team and I delivered our final report
to President Mitchell and Speaker Dreyer,
laying out in full detail all the
evidence that validates these conclusions.
Evidence that also points to the roles
Monica Kidder and Robert Lyndon played.
[high-pitched ringing]
[distorted music playing]
[distorted music stops]
George, are you all right?
[George] Those are
those are the facts.
[distorted music continues, fades]
Those are the facts, but not the truth.
It's funny.
When you lose someone
[pensive music playing]
Someone you really love,
something that really matters.
They're never really gone.
They're never really lost.
They won't let you ignore them.
And you know what?
The truth is like that.
It can be hard to find,
sometimes even harder to face,
but always worth the effort.
And the truth tonight
is that some of this country's
most powerful people
chose to give up on it.
They saw the division, the bitterness.
Heard the countless,
endless, blatant lies.
And they convinced themselves
that the only way to fix it
was to scare you
into giving away your freedom.
They thought that if they had more power,
they could get rid of our problems for us.
Well, my own daughter
hoped for that too.
And she left this for me.
This I know is real.
"The greatest honor of my life
was when the people of my district
chose me to represent them
in the United States Congress."
"My greatest regret
is that I did not live up
to the faith they placed in me."
"I betrayed my oath, and I lost my way."
"I realize now the way to silence the
voices that are poisoning this country
is not by throwing them in a cell."
"It's to stop listening."
"The way to solve our problems
is to look for common good."
"Not wins."
"The way forward is
to confront hard truths."
"Not hide from them."
"Which is why I will not hide."
"I will turn myself in
and face justice."
[pensive music continues]
The Zero Day attack was a conspiracy led
by House Speaker Richard Dreyer.
[clamoring and screaming]
He was joined by members of this body
from both sides of the aisle.
Among them, Congressman Jerry Benson.
Congresswoman Barbara Rollins.
Senator Max Trillin.
Senator Pat Bishop.
And Congresswoman Alexandra Mullen.
But they are not the only ones.
There are most certainly more conspirators
from within government and outside it.
We must find them.
The Zero Day Commission ends tonight,
but not its work.
It is my hope that President Mitchell
will now use every constitutional tool
she has to bring
this country's enemies to justice,
no matter who they are.
May God watch over
those who now pick up the fight,
and may he always bless
the United States of America.
You self-righteous son of a bitch.
I hope you're proud of yourself.
You just destroyed the country.
Every time we can do the right thing,
it's another chance to save it.
[clamoring continues]
[reporter 1] Mullen has delivered
an absolute bombshell tonight,
upending everything
we thought we knew about
We're now receiving reports
that Congresswoman Alexandra Mullen
may already be in custody.
[reporter 2] FBI sources indicate
the director will appoint a task force
to investigate Speaker Dreyer
and other members of Congress
now implicated in the conspiracy.
[reporter 3] Leaving the country to face
a difficult but essential task
of confronting the enemy within
and bringing them to justice.
[reporter 4] An extraordinary turn
as Mullen has spared no one,
including his own
daughter, in laying out
[soft dramatic music playing]
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[birds chirping]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[soft dramatic music ends]
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