Zero Hour s01e06 Episode Script


1 Previously on Zero Hour - Where is she? - What are you doing? The clocks Did she take them? My wife lied to me for five years, and I never suspected.
The clocks they're a map to the true cross of Christ.
The Shepherds have struggled to protect the cross from a group known as the Pyrates.
I saw something I can't explain.
Do we have any family in Germany? - What do we tell him? - Nothing yet.
- We got a name.
- - Korbin Sturm.
Was conscripted into the Nazi party for field research on something called Zero Hour.
The expedition was looking for the secret of life and death.
Project Zero Hour didn't die with the Nazis.
You want to know what Laila found here.
She found you.
Hey! Aah! We're done! You will stay forever blind to the truth about what you really are.
5 is the number of Grace.
The Father and the Son.
But if either is a lie, then all is a doubt.
What you are witnessing is the lord's wrath, but it's not directed at you.
The record number of tsunamis this year not directed at you.
Earthquakes, more measured above 7.
5 than at any point in history not directed at you.
The rapture? It's begun? When it does, you will not need to ask.
He's giving us a sign that we're on the right path.
For 2,000 years, God's waited for us to evolve, to have the capability to deliver upon his prophecy.
And once we find the cross, that's exactly what we're going to do.
Special Agent Rebecca Riley, medevaced in from South America.
Vital signs are stable.
Gunshot wound to the right shoulder.
BP is 100 over 60.
Pulse, 54.
She's lost a lot of blood.
Sir, you'll have to wait out here.
And now from our affiliate in Miami, we have Rebecca Salazar reporting on the conditions down there.
Rebecca? I'm here in Key West, where the eye of Hurricane Alex hit in the early morning hours.
It's a category 4 hurricane, and its effects are devastating here on the Florida coast.
Take a look behind me.
You can see the streets are flooded, the trees are toppled, power lines are down.
Residents who weren't able to escape before the storm She's awake.
You can see her now.
Are now trying to flee.
They are Vincent didn't just swim out of Paraguay.
Either he's in the air or he's on the ground.
Find him.
This thing called "recovery," have you heard of it? So you wanna tell me what happened out there between you and Vincent? What do you mean? All that stuff he was shouting about brotherhood? "Find out who you really are"? You know, for someone on a quest for the true cross, Vincent sure seems real interested in you.
Glad you could join us.
Any word from Hank? Yeah.
Beck's doing fine, so he's on his way back.
So how'd it go last night? Uh, Paige and I? It was Yeah, we just grabbed a bite, you know? Tossed around a few conspiracy theories.
Sounds romantic.
It wasn't a date.
We were working.
On what? On what's so important about the true cross.
I mean, there's lots of relics out there.
Like the Spear of Destiny, which supposedly pierced the heart of Jesus That's that's just sitting in some museum in Vienna somewhere.
No one's killing folks trying to get their hands on that.
So why the cross? Are you okay? Yes, father.
Why wouldn't I be? Must have been hard to leave someone you've spent every day with for the last five years.
I I just feel bad for Hank.
I broke his heart.
Laila Galliston broke his heart.
You were doing what you had to do in service.
Well, it's over now.
We have the clocks.
The cross is safe, right? What is it? The elders have spoken.
They've decided it's time to complete the chain.
Follow the clocks to the cross and move it.
Why? You think Hank won't continue coming for you, asking questions? He's seen too much now.
It's only a matter of time before the Pyrates figure out a way to get to him.
We have no choice but to move the cross.
Not just for our sake for the sake of all humanity.
Laila's following the clocks to the cross, and we can't do anything to stop her.
I can't believe the entire flight home from Germany, he had the clock in his hand, and he didn't even look at it.
Yeah, well, pulling a ticking box out on an airplane isn't necessarily a good idea these days.
Wait a minute.
A plane.
The airport, Rachel.
Hank had to go through security.
Somewhere out there is an X-ray of Hank's bags.
I'll bet you money that TSA stores those bad boys, at least for a little while.
Call your girlfriend.
See if she has any pull at Homeland Security.
First of all, not my girlfriend.
Second of all most importantly You think she's my girlfriend? Hank.
We have an idea on how to find Laila.
How? She's in the wind.
There's nothing to go on.
The clocks maybe she's still following them.
We should, too.
We're not giving up on this, Hank.
She owes all of us answers.
It's pretty clear she has no intention of giving them to us.
Where are you going? You guys keep looking for Laila, but if I'm gonna figure out where I'm going, I need to figure out where I started.
I don't understand.
I'm going home.
Hank, honey.
I didn't hear you come in.
Where's dad? He's out back.
He's trying to fix that old broken-down tractor again.
We need to talk.
Last couple of weeks, I've seen things things that don't make sense.
They make me question whether or not I'm part of this family.
Of course you're part of this family.
Where's all this coming from? It it's coming from here, dad.
Look, there's There's birthdays, family gatherings I mean, every big event in my life, except my birth.
I don't understand.
No first tooth, first bath I mean, these are the firsts that every parent clings to Hank, calm down.
You're scaring your mother.
You're under a lot of pressure.
Everything with Laila I know.
But it doesn't change what I've seen.
A Nazi officer with my face, frozen to death in a submarine.
In a clinic in Paraguay, there's there's footage of a patient who looks exactly like me.
It doesn't make any sense.
It's a simple question, dad.
Am I your son? It's time.
It's time we tell him the truth.
Zero Hour 01x06 Weight In '67, I was an army doctor stationed at an American military hospital in Germany.
I had just reported for duty, and just inside the entrance of the hospital, there was a duffel bag, and it was moving.
Well, I decided to take a peek inside.
And there you were staring up at me Smirking.
You couldn't have been more than 2 weeks old.
Your father and I couldn't have children of our own.
We'd been praying for a miracle, and there you were.
The point is, I asked you if we had family in Germany, and you lied.
No, we didn't lie, we just didn't know for sure.
Hank, none of this changes the fact that you have been and always will be our son.
That's a good story, dad.
It's the truth.
The whole truth? Of course.
Hank, where are you going? I'm gonna try and find someone who can give me some real answers.
Hank, come back here.
Let's talk about this.
He's not gonna stop searching for answers, Roland.
What if he finds them? Let's pray that he doesn't.
- Rachel.
- Yeah? Can you send me the address of the Nazi memorabilia guy who gave me this Korbin Sturm video? He may have some information I need.
About who? Me.
I'll call you later.
- I got the scan! - Aw, sweet.
What scan? Security scan of your baggage from Germany.
The one with the clock in it.
Keep me posted.
Not going well? I'm not sure.
This definitely doesn't belong in the clock, so it's clearly the puzzle.
What I can't figure out is how.
No hidden messages, secret openings, nothing.
It's mostly hollow inside.
There's some kind of ball in the middle.
See how the density contrast changes? You think the puzzle's inside? Can we get a better look? Yeah, I'm already on it.
Does the scan show us anything about the clocks? Beck, what are you doing here? You should be resting at the hospital.
The longer I'm in there, the, uh, the farther away Vincent and Laila get.
Where's Hank? He's out.
Clearing his head.
All right.
Catch me up.
What've we got here? The heat should melt the iron.
Let's just hope it doesn't eat away whatever's inside.
What is it? What are those lines there? I don't know.
It's clearly some sort of pattern.
What about that? Down there? Looks like a hole.
This can't be the entire puzzle.
There's gotta be more there.
There is.
It's just on the other side.
The side we can't see.
A Crescent moon and star An internationally recognized symbol of the faith of Islam.
They're are also symbols depicted on several Muslim flags.
By their position here, my guess is Turkey.
Turkey's a big country.
I know where the next clock is.
The resemblance is absolutely uncanny.
I know.
So sorry.
Where are my manners? Obatzda? No, thank you.
Like I said over the phone, I was hoping you might have some additional information about Korbin Sturm His family, wife, kids? I doubt that I could find any specifics, but we'll see.
Do you know the word "doppelganger" is translated from the German to be "double walker"? It's just a little bit of trivia for you to chew on while I'm searching.
Did you hear something? What? Clearly, his blood has trespassed through history.
Looking at you, I'd say there's no question you are descended from the commandant.
The only question is, how? Aha.
Here we are.
It's a very impressive bloodline, linked directly from the once-powerful Hohenzollern House.
Their motto, "Nihil Sine Deo" "Nothing without God.
" Any descendents? Any names? Mm, it's a mystery, I'm afraid.
But he had a wife? Marlena.
Fled Germany just after Sturm.
No record of her since.
Well, thank you for your time.
Surely you don't want to leave without touching a little of your history.
A few items of Sturm I've Had the opportunity to obtain.
Would you like to shoot a few rounds off? I have some original bullets I keep for special occasions such as this.
No one will mind.
I'll take a rain check.
May I ask where you found all these things? Mm.
They turned up six years ago in Louisiana.
All from the same dealer, which is rather unusual.
Dealer's name? Uh I-I have a receipt here somewhere.
Ah, here we are.
"Timeless Treasures.
" If that dealer's still anything like I remember, you may wish you had your hands on that luger after all.
We found her! Laila? How? NCIC shows one of her aliases Hannah Bishop reserved a rental car for pickup tomorrow in Istanbul.
- I guess she thinks there's a clock there.
- Yeah, but where? Last time I checked, that's still a big-ass city.
We gotta narrow it down.
Unless somebody already did that for us.
Paige, pull up a street map of Istanbul.
All those lines it's like the puzzle in the clock.
We just have to match the pattern to a specific intersection.
But I'm just I'm not sure how to do that.
I think I know.
It's just like doing snap to grid on a magazine layout.
"X" marks the spot.
you've ignored his reputation Where you supposed to be, hon? I was looking for the guy, whoever owns the junk store across the street? That would be Erik.
Why am I looking at a $5 in my hand when the bet was for $10? So either you're stupid or you think I am.
So which is it? Excuse me, Erik? Can't you see I'm in the middle of I was hoping you could tell me about It's not possible.
No, I'm not him.
I know.
I look like him.
That's part of the reason why I'm here.
I want to figure out why that is.
I was hoping you could tell me about the items that you sold that belonged to Korbin Sturm.
I had a right to sell them.
They were mine.
How did you find them? I mean, who gave them to you? Nobody gave them to me.
I inherited them.
From who? From the man you're the spittin' image of.
From Sturm.
My father.
I just wanna ask you some questions.
See me walkin' away? That means I ain't keen on answerin'.
Aren't you curious? About what? About why you look like my father? It seems clear to me.
The bastard messed around.
And, no, I don't do family reunions.
Hey, Arron, I can't talk right now.
Yeah, I'm with a guy who says he's Korbin Sturm's son.
Do you know his name? Yeah.
Erik Haas.
Why does it sound like you're not in New York? We sort of followed Laila to Istanbul.
We think she's after the next clock.
Hold on.
If this guy is Korbin Sturm's son, is there any way I mean, Hank, could this guy be your dad? Either that, or he's not who he says he is.
There's only one way to find out.
Paternity test.
Right now, he doesn't seem very happy to see me.
I don't think I'm gonna get him to agree to give me a sample.
Who said anything about agreeing? Just go Maury Povich on his ass.
Steal a strand of hair or something.
Grab a hat or a hairbrush.
Be careful, all of you.
We will.
We promise.
Haas? Mr.
Haas? Mr.
Haas? I'm not leaving until I get my answers.
We can talk, or you can drag my ass outta here.
It's your choice.
Your mother Three months pregnant when he abandoned us.
You're talking about Marlena Sturm? I can tell I'm gonna need more beer to continue this conversation.
I have some in the front.
Do not make yourself at home.
Why did God make me this way? God didn't make you this way.
Your parents did.
Why didn't they want me? Why did they leave me here? Vincent You must accept your circumstances.
This is where you are, who you are.
I did what she asked.
I looked into Hank Galliston.
Tell her I found nothing of importance.
I'm curious how did you get into this business? Your parents where are they? So you don't like to speak? Did she do this to you? Do you want to see what they did to me? We must be willing to go further than them to do what they're too scared or weak to do.
Cross that line, and they will yield.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Good.
There is something I need you to do for me.
It was different back then.
A man could call himself a treasure hunter, people begged for stories, stories about us old-timers.
What kind of treasures were you looking for? Depended on what needed finding.
That's the thing about treasures Wasn't always about a pot of gold.
Nah, real treasure that's about someone wanting something bad enough, they'll do or pay just about anything to get it.
Your father didn't abandon you.
You have this idea of who Korbin Sturm was, but you're wrong.
He didn't leave for another woman.
He left because he thought the world was in danger.
He sacrificed himself for a higher calling.
What higher calling could there possibly be than family? How do you just leave without saying a word, without explaining why? I don't know why.
But I do know that people aren't always what they seem.
They have secrets.
Maybe he thought by leaving, he was protecting you.
He didn't protect us.
After he left, the Nazis came after my mother.
The only safe place she could find was with a family friend halfway around the world Istanbul.
That's where I was born, in a dump of a house.
But the friend who took us in He was good to us.
Kind of a holy guy, you know? But he died kind of sudden, in some kind of accident.
And my mom, after she passed I got the house in Istanbul.
I always thought that house was a piece of crap.
But you know what? I was wrong.
That house was where it all began, where I learned about finding treasures.
The clock's gone.
Someone must have gotten here first.
It doesn't look like anyone's lived here in a while.
Hello, Laila.
Or is it Anna or Hannah or Sarah? It's been hard keeping up.
Laila, no! I wondered why you didn't want me to see your face.
I thought perhaps you were misshapen A burn victim.
You're to go through the boy.
You took his tongue.
What foul sort of woman does that to a child? What do you want, Mr.
Vincent? Answers.
The cross of Christ is that where it all leads? Why would a couple of old timbers be worth all that pain? Because I believe.
And I do not.
Why would you with your history? You think we don't know about those horrible, milky eyes you keep hidden from the rest of the world? Those are the real answers you're interested in, Mr.
You wanna know about the kid who grew up in the orphanage, the one who spent his entire life without parents, wondering where he came from, who made him, who knows only one language violence because he can't exist with the rest of humanity.
Yes, I know everything about him Every single thing there is.
I want you to tell me everything you know, or I break your neck.
Oh, Vincent.
You can't kill the only one who has the answers.
Nor can you torture me.
I'm a believer.
I'll die before I break.
I will tell you your whole sordid secret.
You just have to find the cross.
You do that for me, and it'll be a time of revelation.
Trust me.
No more secrets.
No more puzzles, no more riddles.
Let's start with Russiyana Flight 71.
You purchased a ticket, but you didn't board the flight.
Why? I got a call from a friend who needed me.
- So I got off - You're lying! You knew that flight was gonna explode.
You knew those people were gonna die, all 217 of them, including my husband.
What do you know, Laila? What do you know about that flight? Some questions are better left unanswered, for everyone's sake.
I know what you're here to find, Hank.
You think I'm your father, but I'm not.
How can you be so sure? Because when I was young, I had an unfortunate accident.
Let's just say it's medically impossible.
Whoever lived here was one of these new apostles.
Right? Holiest of Holies? Yeah, that's how it's worked in the past.
Well, the last guy who owned this place wasn't so holy.
He was kind of the opposite.
12 outstanding warrants, 3 of them violent.
The name Erik Haas mean anything to you? Oh, no.
Hank's in trouble.
How? The guy he's with is bad news.
Okay, call the Bureau.
Tell them to set up a team.
I'll try calling Hank.
Don't think about moving.
Excuse me.
I have to take this.
Can you hear me? Hank, you're with Dangerous.
You need to What? I-I can't hear you.
The clocks Did you say "clocks"? Did you find Laila? I think you've been just a little disingenuous with me, Hank.
He's dangerous.
Get out You didn't come here hunting for a father.
You came here hunting for a clock.
I have no qualms about shooting a man.
I've done it before.
Whatever you think you've heard I heard you loud and clear.
The clock's my birthright, and no bastard son of my father is gonna take that from me.
You came here for a payday, spinnin' stories about what a noble man my father was, when I know it's all a bunch of bull.
Whatever you think you know about that clock, you're wrong.
It'll get you killed.
You know what I think? I think you're trying to put the fear of God in me, make me give it up.
Is that what you're trying to do, Galliston? Get up.
We're leaving.
Why? What's happening to Hank? What do you care, after what you've done to him? Whoa.
Help me, please! I'm a United States Federal Agent.
These people kidnapped me! Check my pockets.
My FBI credentials are right inside.
She's lying! Go ahead and check.
Go ahead.
Time for you to leave before you can't.
Everything I'm telling you is the truth, okay? I can prove it.
If you reach into my pocket, there's a letter from your father.
Bull crap.
It's in his own handwriting, in his own words.
Don't believe a word she's saying.
I'm questioning this woman on behalf of the United States of America.
She grabbed me off the street against my will! - It's not true.
- - She's wanted for questioning in the United States.
We believe that she is aiding and abetting a known terrorist.
Where's Laila? One of his men had her.
That's impossible.
All my men are here.
"I chose the world over you "my love "but if I had to do it again, I would choose you over the world.
" "To my unborn child, "words cannot express the conflicted feelings "of pain, loss, and love I have, knowing that I" "will never hold you "or be able to tell you that I will protect you" "forever.
" If what you say is true, then my father was not the son of a bitch I thought he was.
Help me here.
Yeah? And I guess these aren't as valuable as I thought they were.
Oh, my God.
How did you find I told you, I'm a treasure hunter.
I'm good at what I do.
I tried getting the eighth.
I tracked it all the way to a flea market in Brooklyn.
Someone swiped it out from under me before I got there.
If I can find you, they will, too.
We need to move these.
You didn't need to send in the cavalry.
I would've figured out another way.
And risk everything we've worked for? I told you your husband would not stop seeking answers.
It wasn't him.
It was the kids and her.
She knows about Flight 71.
Then you know what you must do.
How did he get all seven? He got the first one from the apostle in Istanbul, and that one led to the next, and to the next, like us, until he got to the one that Laila found at the flea market.
He thought they'd make him rich.
And he just gave them to you? He said he didn't need 'em anymore.
He thought that ours was a more noble quest.
How was Laila? Cold.
Paige just sent the DNA results.
Looks like the hair you took from his hat had a viable sample.
If Erik Haas is your father, this is gonna tell us.
What? It's impossible.
What's it say? According to this, Hank isn't Erik's son.
Hank is Erik's father.
Doesn't make any sense.
Maybe there's some kind of mistake.
Hello? Hello, Hank.
We need to meet.
It's time to end this.

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