Zorro (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Juego de máscaras

Six bullets would better.
No, I looked them over
and I found nothing.
The question is why they created
something like that.
That's right, Mei.
All this is secret.
What's she saying?
The miners.
They're left with no work.
Yes. Zorro should do something,
but I don't know what yet.
Zorro, no. You.
So you want to buy the mine
and Ramírez's lands.
If I'm not ill-informed,
after his brother's death
and with no heirs, his land
became government property.
That is so.
What's your price?
You were well informed, Diego,
but you weren't the only one.
Other ranchers have asked
about those lands
What's the highest offer?
That wouldn't be fair to the others.
Don't you think?
You're right.
Then what do you propose?
An auction.
A public auction.
Public, legal and open to everyone.
It could be no other way.
Gómez, I have a mission for you.
What do you want me to do?
Silence Diego de la Vega and all those
who speak to him about the auction.
The auction is a fraud, I'm sure.
The Governor will have made
a deal with someone.
I don't know who'd be interested
in that land.
The land? I don't know.
But the mine, many, I assure you.
We must watch the Governor's visits.
Of course. But just in case
our dear Pedro Victoria
is tempted to keep it quiet,
we should put him
on the front page tomorrow.
A public, legal and open auction
deserves nothing less!
Goodbye, eh!
You look beautiful.
- Really?
- Yes.
Put them on.
They were Grandma's.
They were going to be yours one day.
Go on.
Put them on.
- Mama
- I had my doubts as well.
It'd be strange if you didn't.
What's worrying you?
Can one love two people
at the same time?
But you can only marry one.
You must choose.
A wedding is just a celebration
until the bride and groom say "I do".
Engagements can be broken,
marriages cannot.
Did you agree with Papa?
I only want you
to think it over well.
Come here.
Listen to me.
You have a future ahead of you.
Find answers to your questions.
Decide who you are
and what life you want to live.
I hope we haven't made you
wait too long.
With such a result,
any wait is short.
Have fun.
Good evening, my girl.
- Captain.
- Don Tadeo.
Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
Are we going to dinner
in a private room?
Am I so predictable?
Can we go to the prison first?
The prison?
I want to see where you live.
I want to know more about you.
Do you realize we're always
talking about me?
That's because you're
much more interesting than I am.
You know I'm an orphan,
raised by the Jesuits and
I suppose I became
a soldier because
I like order
and it was
the only way to have a family.
Are you sure you want to go
to the prison?
Is it not ready for inspection?
- It always is.
- Then take me.
But in exchange, we take a walk
around the port after dinner.
I didn't take you
as so romantic, Captain.
Nor you so martial, señorita Márquez.
Lolita. Captain.
Will you not introduce your companion?
Excuse me. This is Mei,
my new housekeeper.
Mei, Lolita Márquez
and Captain Monasterio.
Very pretty.
She only speaks Chinese.
Well, she's learning a little.
The essential to work with you.
Out for a jaunt or going to dinner?
Both. The usual thing
for engaged couples.
Have a good evening. Captain
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
De la Vega is full of surprises.
You were close friends, weren't you?
As children. We lost contact
when he went to Spain.
Of course.
We're here to show our respect
to our brothers who died
fighting like warriors.
Especially Hut Xwal.
The captain shot him in the back,
on the Governor's orders.
There's more here than I thought.
We have more than enough
to buy Ramírez's mine.
No, not just thanks to my father.
Thanks to you as well.
Excuse me. What?
Mei, in California, you knock.
Tell her.
What's she saying? What is this?
A letter?
In my jacket?
They want to see me.
The Clan of the Bear.
My father's killers.
It says they'll send someone.
It doesn't say when or where,
only that it'll be soon.
Good evening, miss.
I need to speak
to Mr Diego urgently.
This is my office.
Here I draft letters for my superiors,
leave permits, staff meetings
A little of everything.
Austere, clean, ordered.
It's a military office.
Why did you choose California?
It seemed like a good place
to put down roots.
To start a real family.
I don't think I was mistaken.
Show me the rest.
They tried to burn down the newspaper.
They did, yes.
Men with their faces covered
beat us up.
They clearly wanted
to destroy the printing press.
Luckily, they didn't succeed.
Excuse me.
- I'm still a little
- Relax.
Take your time.
Anyway, there'll be no Californian
for a few days.
- No.
- Yes.
How did they know the auction
would be in the paper tomorrow?
Good question, my friend.
Whoever did it,
whoever they are,
wanted to eliminate competition
at the auction.
Be careful, Mr Diego.
You're next.
I'm sure they'll come.
If they come for Diego de la Vega,
they'll find me.
They're the ones
who should be careful.
What are you doing roaming
around the De la Vega estate?
Are you sure you want to do it?
We have nothing against you.
I know you set fire to the newspaper.
What's your intention?
- We're looking for Diego de la Vega.
- What for?
We just wanted to scare him.
Who sent you?
I repeat. Who sent you?
The Governor.
I don't know why.
Tell the Governor that
Diego de la Vega is mine.
It's personal.
Most of our time
is spent in the yard.
Here we make sure that
there are no escape attempts
or unwanted visitors.
I hope that doesn't mean me.
It's strange seeing you here.
You'll have to get used to it.
I want to apologize
for not having kept my promise.
Lolita, I firmly believe
in law and order.
It's my life.
Since I came to these lands,
I thought we were bringing
- But
- It hasn't been so?
Lately it's been very confusing.
I don't want to carry out injustice
in the name of the law.
you're the best man I know.
I'm sure you're doing the right thing.
Look out!
Guards, to me!
We're being attacked!
- Careful!
- We're under attack!
Fire at will!
Let's go!
Are you OK?
A little lower
and it would've been hopeless.
I've failed again.
You risked your life for me.
Be quiet.
Good morning, my friend.
I see you're in one piece.
You didn't have
an unexpected visit last night?
Fortunately not, but I saw
a trail of blood on the road.
Perhaps Zorro and his followers
did you a favor you're unaware of.
Me? I don't think so.
He hates me.
Come on.
Thanks to the recent clashes
with the Governor,
Zorro is even more popular.
And now he has an aide
and a small army.
Precisely today we received
a story about him.
- Look.
- Seriously?
- We may publish it.
- It won't be today.
A shame.
I'm sure Mr. De la Vega
hasn't come to discuss Zorro.
No, I wanted to know
if you found out anything.
What does it matter if we can't
publish anything for some days.
The auction already has a winner.
Luckily, I put copies
in the storeroom.
Did you know this?
Darling, if I found out
everything in the press,
I'd never have left Moscow.
It's a shame it's gotten out.
We would've saved ourselves
quite a sum of money.
I thought we had a deal.
And we do.
Casual, like our encounters.
Now, if you're not satisfied,
we can break it.
Is that what you want?
I imagined so.
Would you undo me?
We had a deal.
I thought the proposal
was only for us.
Despite my discretion,
the ranchers know more about
California law than expected.
So I was obliged
to open up the auction.
Bid high and we'll work it out.
In any case, it's a pittance
for a great empire like Russia.
Do you mind?
Not at all.
What a curious technique.
Why this interest in the natives?
As testimony to what they were
when they disappear.
Just so it's clear
although no rancher
has as much money as Russia,
this setback beyond our control
should be compensated
by a cut in the commission.
We'll discuss the details
when we know the final price.
What do you think?
First, that if we want
to think like them,
we must speak like them.
And second?
There's a saying in my region.
"Any man who gets rich in a year
should've been hanged
12 months before."
A little greed favors progress,
but too much impedes it.
We'll soon a deal with the Governor.
The mine is key to connecting
Los Angeles with Alaska
and establishing our position
in the zone.
Do you have a plan for this?
I'm starting to think of one.
First we win this auction.
The Russians.
We can't compete with a company
backed by the Russian crown.
No, I'm not telling the natives.
The concession was snatched from them,
it'd be like trampling them again.
Wait, I have an idea.
Tell Mei.
We're going to need help.
A lot of help.
Tell Mr. Tchang that Diego de la Vega
has a business proposition.
Thank you for your visit, Mr Diego,
but we have an outstanding matter.
Confucius says that
it's possible to get something
with barely a few words
imbued with affection.
Which ones?
Give Mei back to me.
I propose another few.
Let's do business together.
May I?
It's only an advance
of what you, the miners
and your people can make.
And Mei?
Mei works for me.
And she's with me
of her own free will.
In case you don't know
or you've perhaps forgotten,
slavery was abolished in California
when we joined Mexico.
If you don't come back
your sister will take your place.
Mr Diego is a good friend
of the Governor.
Do you want me to tell him?
Any problem?
Now tell me, what's this business
you're proposing?
It's all ready.
There are men on the road,
at the estate entrance and here.
No one can approach
without us knowing.
There were in the square
and Zorro freed his men.
- Today I want no surprises.
- It won't happen again.
Like last night at the prison.
That was an attempted attack.
We put them to flight.
- I'm told you were wounded.
- Nothing major.
Zorro is losing respect
for you, Captain.
So am I.
It's a pity about your newspaper.
Nothing serious.
In a couple of days
we'll be on the street again.
Have you seen Mr Diego de la Vega?
Is he coming?
I thought he wasn't interested
in acquiring land.
He wouldn't miss this
for anything in the world.
My son!
Your generosity is endless.
If it's alright with you,
I'll hold the masses for
Don Alejandro on Friday evening.
Excuse me, I don't know
what you're talking about.
I thought it was your doing.
No, I'd never call my father
Don Alejandro.
Do you know who it might be?
Your father was always
very reserved.
Mind if I keep it?
Of course.
Go with God, my son.
Sir, sir!
That wagon is waiting for you.
- What's your name?
- Francisco.
Francisco, do you know where
the De la Vega ranch is?
This is for you
if you do me a favor.
I need you to mount my horse
and go there as fast as you can.
Find Bernardo. He's mute.
You can't miss him.
Tell him I want him to go
to the auction in my place.
Go to the ranch, find the mute
and tell him to go to the auction.
Very good.
Let's go.
What's going on?
What are they doing here?
No one gets on the ship!
Let's go.
- What are they shouting?
- I don't know.
Go to the backyard
and make sure everything's in order.
Captain, go to the port
and find out what's happening.
Mr. Andreyevich
assured me he'd come.
He should've been here
some time ago.
Right away.
Where am I?
Before the Clan of the Bear.
The protectors of these lands.
Californian patriots.
We seek independence from Mexico
because California will soon be free.
We know you've been looking into
your father and us.
We decided to show ourselves
to answer your questions.
Don Alejandro, your father,
was one of us.
Do you want to take his place?
What do I do with that?
Put it to your head
and fire.
Trust is essential to our endeavor.
What are we waiting for?
We've been here over an hour.
Apart from Mr Diego,
is anyone else missing?
How would I know?
Then start.
Please, Governor.
Very well. Let us begin.
The auction is not only for
this fine residence behind me,
but also for the mine rich in coal
that Ramirez successfully exploited
for the last six years.
We start the bidding at 2000 pesos.
Does anyone bid 2000?
My turn.
What do you want of me?
Do you wish to join us
and free California?
And if I don't?
You may go.
But never speak to anyone
of this encounter
or we'll kill you and yours.
It sounds reasonable.
If my father was a part of this,
I accept.
Make way!
Make way!
You can come down!
You stay here.
Let him have your horse.
Warning shots!
Follow me.
Doña Carmen de la Madrid
bids 4000 pesos.
Does anyone raise the bid?
Remember, as well as the house
and estate, the lot includes the mine.
Does anyone bid 5000?
No one?
4000 pesos going once
Congratulations, my dear.
You're getting it for under its value.
4000 pesos going twice
It's still a considerable sum.
4000 pesos going three times
Halt there.
Diego de la Vega bids 10,000.
This is getting interesting.
Any higher bids?
10,000 pesos going once.
10,000 pesos going twice.
10,000 pesos going three times.
Sold to Don Diego de la Vega.
Are you really going to share
the profits among the miners?
And I've given them a day off.
That's almost revolutionary.
Well, they risk their lives
and I, a piece of land.
It seems the Chinese were
the true beneficiaries of the auction,
although they had no intention
of bidding.
So it seems.
And I'm happy for my friend.
Thank you.
- Cheers. And to California.
- To California.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Take care of that wound.
See you soon.
Rest up.
Before I go,
I'd like to tell you something.
You're right to be angry with me.
- Diego, that doesn't
- No, wait. Let me say it.
Otherwise, I never will.
Lolita, I want you to know that
- that I'm
- What's that?
Leave him be.
Leave him be.
Are you alright?
- Captain.
- I'm fine.
He's worth more alive than dead.
Are you alright?
It's a woman.
It's Zorro.
- A wagon, quickly!
- I'll go!
We must take her to Los Angeles.
That wagon, my girl?
It's the only empty one.
The others are full of things.
That wagon is waiting for you.
Diego, we need help.
Now that Zorro has fallen,
we can set the wedding day.
- Weren't we going to Los Angeles?
- That's right.
Why didn't we go to Panama
and get another ship?
We must pick up a woman
in San Jose de Costa Rica.
The mission cannot
be carried out without her.
Who is she?
It's better if she explains.
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