35 Awr (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I'm getting married in a week.
You don't want to, do you? I should have given you more credit.
It's you, isn't it? You're the fox.
Ever been with a married man? You could if you wanted.
We were trying for a baby.
- Eighteen? Just a coincidence? - Haydn, this is my baby.
Do you think I've never seen this? Don't be such a cliche.
It's embarrassing.
- We've found someone in the grounds.
- Ouch! It's hard for me to be objective, Mererid.
But Kelvin and his brother are very well-known to police.
It was a matter of time before they killed someone.
"Hello, DCI Owens? There's something here you should see.
" 3 HOURS TO GO Everyone seemed fine.
Stewart? Steve please.
I don't want to Not like this.
I've got a gun, OK? Get in the driver's seat.
Get in the driver's seat.
Don't do anything stupid, right? OK, start the car.
- Where's Stewart? - Just start the car, OK? - Where are we going? - Back to the hotel.
Get a move on.
Just fucking drive.
You don't have to do this.
Kelvin's in jail already.
You could just walk away.
I won't tell anyone, OK? You're a good person deep down, aren't you? And Kelvin's a good person too.
Isn't he? And I know he's innocent.
And as long as I keep saying that he can't be sentenced.
They'd need a retrial.
He could be released.
OK? What if he did it? What? I was there.
After what he did to Susie, I was so fucking angry with him.
Kelvin, come on, it's pointless hiding in there.
Let's talk, now.
I wanted to kill him.
Maybe I would have if I hadn't Kelv? Fuck! Fuck, Kelv.
No Leights! Leights! I've known from day one that Kelv was capable of it.
I remember what I saw.
Just go, OK? Leave me here.
No way.
- They'll catch you.
- No, because you'll help me.
OK? I heard you talking about your children on the way here.
Leave my children out of this.
Wouldn't it be a shame if something happened to them? Fucking drive.
Wait there for your taxi.
A bit '90s, isn't it? You pick something then.
- I think I'll go now.
- You must have one drink, Matt.
Sit down.
I'll sort you out now.
Here, love.
Open this for me, will you? MOBILE RINGS God, Cal.
How am I going to tell you? Not everyone gets the chance to choose how they go, do they? I've just found out that I have a son, Steve.
Steve, can you hear me? Don't do this.
Where are you going? For a walk.
Steve! Carwyn! Yoo-hoo! Carwyn! Come out! Carwyn! Carwyn! Flipping heck.
You could have answered.
And let Val know you're in here? We're not doing anything, are we? We're just talking.
Maybe it would be better if you went now, Nadine, eh? You're a good person, Carwyn.
That's what I like about you.
You don't hide anything.
You couldn't.
Could you? Nadine, no.
Not until I've sorted matters with Joanne, OK? I don't want to cheat on her.
You don't have to do anything.
Wrong floor.
So, let me do this.
KNOCK ON DOOR Oh, bloody hell, Val, OK.
I'll be with you now.
Carwyn? It's me, Joanne.
Let me in.
Joanne! - Jo! - Oh, baby! I got your texts.
You sounded so miserable.
Oh, my God.
This room's lush.
There's loads of room.
You made it sound like a shithole.
Come on, I want you to meet everyone.
What the hell is that? Um, I walked into a door.
Oh, my God, Carwyn.
What about the photos? Listen, there's a party next door.
Oh, Ben.
Do you think we'll still be here tomorrow night? We'll be dismissed if we don't agree and this will have been for nothing.
Not for nothing.
We're friends for life now, us lot.
Hey, you'll have to come over for a barbecue one weekend.
That's one thing David can do.
The works.
Lamb kebabs, chicken skewers, no expense spared.
And I get them cheap at work, if they're almost off.
Mmm, sounds good, Val.
If the timings work out, it would be nice to meet up again.
Oh, please.
As if we ever want to see each other again.
I've always known what I'd do with Haydn.
But what am I going to do with you, eh, Ree? That's the question.
What now? Just Just switch off the engine, OK? Let me think.
Stop going on about fucking Stewart.
He was nice to me.
Yes, well, all bent coppers are nice.
- What? - He wants a conviction.
That's the only reason he was nice to you.
You're wrong.
Then why did he phone someone when you went out of the car? Mm? He was saying don't worry, it's a done deal.
- Who did he phone? - I don't fucking know.
One of his cronies.
"I think everything will be OK.
"It should all be over by tomorrow.
"I'm fairly confident they'll find him guilty, so don't worry, OK?" Who was on the phone? Just my brother.
What did he want? Nothing, just catching up.
He must be busy with this case.
- Must you drink so much this early? - Eat! You're a total psycho.
I don't think I'm the worst out of this lot.
At least I don't sneak around people's rooms watching them.
I'm just gathering information, OK? For who? Right, I'm starving.
Get me food, OK? - Food? - Bloody hotels do serve food.
- Yes, I just - Just remember.
I know where you live.
If you breathe a word to anyone you know what'll happen to those kids.
Now go.
There's this blog.
It's called the Fox.
They look into miscarriages of justice, shit like that.
They found I'd had a jury summons and they asked me to work for them.
Find out stuff about people.
I'm doing it for the right reasons.
OK, Steve? - That's contempt of court, Ree.
- Yeah, right.
This jury's a fucking joke, Steve.
They want to prove that this jury thing is outmoded.
Contempt of court, eh? Exactly.
Bring it on.
Nice to meet you.
Here you are, love.
And some tonic.
And here's Peredur with the gin.
Thanks, love.
Did you put them on the tab? No, there was no-one there.
- They won't miss them.
- Slow down.
The dress has to fit! Gin's low calorie, the best drink out there.
What's your dress like? Don't spare any detail.
Isn't this a surprise, Carwyn? - Did you know she was coming? - She just turned up.
She's a liability now.
She's endangering all our lives.
- If she tells anyone where we are - She won't, OK? She's solid.
It's not right that she's here.
- Someone should tell Stewart - That's it.
Blab if you want to.
How long until I can kick them all out? Give it half an hour? Then you can feign a headache or pretend to faint or something.
I could be a corpse and it wouldn't stop her.
Isn't DCI Owens with you? He dropped me off.
Said something about going to the station.
Oh, right, I see.
I'm tired.
I'm going up.
Yes, you carry on.
Goodnight now.
What have you done with Haydn? I want to help you.
How? What if? What if you can do something worse to him than just killing him? What do you mean? Getting him to confess what he did to your mother and plaster it all over the Internet? Then the police would investigate it.
He'd get charged and jailed.
OK? That's what you want, isn't it? Maybe.
It could work.
First, you have to help me get the laptop back, OK? I'm sure he won't be long.
- Is everything OK? - I want to see DCI Owens.
Don't we all? - Sorry? - He just dropped Mererid off - and now he's, well - Mererid? - Where has Mererid been? - I'm not sure.
She's back now, anyway.
I'm sure he won't be long.
Mererid? Mererid? Blinking heck! Fifteen years! And you're still young.
Yes, well, when you know, you know.
We've always known, haven't we, babe? - Soulmates.
- Oh, please, pass the sick bucket.
Ignore him.
He's single.
And for a good reason.
Where's the sense in tying yourself down to one person forever? I mean, that's not realistic, is it? At some point, you will get sick of them.
You haven't met the right one.
- There is no right one, you muppet.
- Hey, don't talk to Jo like that.
It's chemical bonding, love.
It's oxytocin and all that shit.
Love is like some mental illness, really.
The single ones are the only sane ones.
- I think you've had enough, Taz.
- You should know better than anyone.
- The whole marriage thing is a farce.
- Please, don't, Taz.
Carwyn would never cheat on me, OK? And Moira's husband has died, so shut up, will you? Use a bit of sense.
Come in, love.
- You must meet Joanne.
She's a doll.
- Right.
Ready, Jo? - We'd better get back.
- There's time for one more.
We haven't toasted the bride-to-be! They won't let you stay, will they? If you want quality time with me, we'd better go now, eh? - OK! - Quality time! Oh, to be young again.
There was a time I couldn't undress quickly enough! Hey, Nadine.
What can I get you? Mererid? What are you doing? MOBILE RINGS Well, the little bitch.
MOBILE RINGS Rachel, we're eating.
- Maybe it's important.
- Rache.
I think the two of us should talk.
OK, love? About what? Heulwen Morgans.
Her photo's on your phone.
You knew her, didn't you? .
2 HOURS TO GO Leighton wanted some gardening work with us.
You said we needed someone we could trust.
He gave me Heulwen's name as a referee.
Rache? We hadn't seen each other for 40 years, since school.
She wasn't just a friend at school.
She was more than that.
Before I could turn round, they'd gone back up north.
Trying to get her as far from me as possible.
The moment I saw her, I knew it would happen again.
I wanted to tell you.
She kept pushing me to say something.
But I couldn't.
Did you kill her? It was my fault.
I was with her that evening.
On my way home, I got a text.
"You need to come back x" I knew how it would look.
Her blood was on me.
I was the last person to see her.
I was scared so I phoned Stewart.
I didn't know what else to do.
You'll have to leave this to me now, Rache, OK? Go back to Dorien.
He told me that he'd sort it.
So I went.
The next thing I knew, Kelvin had been arrested.
No-one came to question me, but my DNA was everywhere.
Stewart somehow got rid of my DNA and kept it out of the report.
I told him that I didn't do it.
I'm not sure he believed me, mind.
Listen even if you were there Kelvin was in the house.
- He must have done it.
- Kelvin liked Heulwen.
Maybe he even loved her.
And if he saw us So he's here.
He said he'd kill my family if I said anything, Matt.
My children.
He was just saying that, OK? Hey, hey, hey, it's alright.
- I've got to do what he said, OK? - Mererid, no.
- We have to tell someone.
- No, no, not until he's gone.
How are you so sure that he won't harm you when you hand over the food? Think about it.
It'd be much easier for him to just get rid of you.
Come with me.
Please, Matt.
Mererid? If I see one of the police, I'll talk to them, OK? RINGTONE - Hiya.
- Hiya, love.
Are you OK? I'm at Dad's, so I can't talk for long.
How did your exam go? I messed it up.
I'm sure you didn't.
- Are you coming home tomorrow? - Yes, I hope so.
Or I'll go bananas.
It must be boring as hell, being stuck with that jury.
Actually, Cal, there's someone here I know.
Someone I haven't seen for a while.
Do you remember me telling you about Haydn? Not really.
It's odd, bumping into him again after all this time.
Caleb! - Dad's here.
I have to go.
- Caleb, wait.
Babes, it's OK.
It's OK, wedding nerves.
Come and have a cwtch.
I don't want a cwtch.
What's wrong, Carwyn? I don't want this.
What? I don't love you, Jo.
I haven't loved you since 2008.
2010, at a push.
Is this a wind-up? How do we know, eh? That you love me.
I mean, you've never been with anyone else.
I mean you wouldn't buy a car without trying out a few other cars.
- A car? - Sorry.
You know what I mean.
Just a turn of phrase.
You want to test-drive someone else, do you, Carwyn? Please.
I can't stand much more of this.
If you're going to do it Alright, Haydn? I don't believe this.
My Auntie Jane has cancer.
Cancer! I'm sorry.
OK, Jo? - I'll go to the hospice to explain.
- This will kill her.
I'm going to be a social pariah.
No-one will touch me after this.
I've wasted 15 years on you, 15 years! Carwyn, you! Turn that down, Peredur.
- What's wrong? - Just turn it down.
"You're crap in bed anyway, can't even get it up.
" Joanne, come back! We live together.
We have stuff to sort out.
I'll sort everything, don't worry.
I can't wait to dump your shit.
The bloody football memorabilia, and your weird porcelain hedgehogs.
Jo, come on.
Taz! Are you alright, love? Just leave me alone, OK? I've got a spare dressing gown in my room.
I'll fetch it.
She'll be alright, once she cools down.
I'm sure.
I was just trying to tell the truth, that's all.
Just telling the truth.
- I can't see anyone.
- Maybe he's still in the car.
- I still say we should tell someone.
- No, Matt! I'm putting this food in the car.
Then we'll leave, OK? OK.
Don't Don't be long.
Rache? We'll get through this.
Everything will be OK.
Matt? Matt? I admit I was drunk at the time and I'm ready to face the consequences.
I apologize for all the pain caused to the family.
Is that enough? Shit, Haydn.
- Talk to the camera, not to me.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
Shall I do it again? - No, leave it.
It's important to send it out as soon as we can.
Send it out where? To the world, Haydn.
What if we booked a cottage somewhere this weekend? You always say we should be more spontaneous.
I don't want to go anywhere.
By the time we get back, the case will be over.
Kelvin will be in jail.
Dorien, there's no running away from this.
- I killed her.
- No, Rache.
Kelvin did.
I didn't mean Heulwen.
You've got what you wanted.
Let me go now, please.
- What happens now? - You're free, for now.
- But I thought - Do you want me to change my mind? Go, Haydn.
- Shit, Steve, he's - Let him be.
She saw me.
She saw me leaving.
She could have gone to the police any time.
But she gave Leighton an alibi instead.
Stewart was worried.
It was only a matter of time before she talked or blackmailed me.
When she had that accident Stewart told me that the best thing would be would be She might have died anyway.
That's what I keep telling myself.
I haven't met anyone here who actually loves the person they're with.
I mean, you hate Dave's guts.
I don't hate David.
That's what you always say.
He's my David, isn't he? That's how I always talk about him.
It doesn't mean I don't love him.
I don't know what I'd do without him.
I know him better than I know myself.
That counts for something, I can tell you.
- You're bloody mental, Val.
- Less of your cheek, sonny.
This doesn't taste very nice.
I'm going back inside.
Coming? Yeah, in a bit.
I feel grim.
- Are you going to be sick? - Dunno.
Stick yourself in the recovery position before you sleep.
That's how I trained my boys.

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