365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

The Clues Point to Lee Shin

(Episode 7)
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
Hyeong Ju.
- Sun Ho. - My gosh.
Why did you get caught?
Why Why are you here?
- The The gun. - Yes, the gun.
I thought you were Jo Doo Pal.
- Jo Doo Pal? - He's on the wanted list,
and the factory he works at is around here.
Why won't you check your text?
If you weren't here for him, why were you running around
exactly like how Jo Doo Pal runs?
Well, it's
Is everything okay?
Ga Hyeon. Ga Hyeon?
(Recent calls)
Was that Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon?
Sun Ho, I'll call you later.
Wait. You'll look extra suspicious if you leave like this.
So why were you here?
I wanted to help Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon researching for her webtoon.
She's at a dangerous place, so I have to be there for her.
I see.
- Is it love? - No way.
- Then what is it? - Soon Woo will catch Jo Doo Pal,
so don't worry about it.
Hey, where are you? Where are you?
I arrested Jo Doo Pal. Operation complete.
This was Nam Soon Woo, over.
What was that?
Hey. Hey!
Bae Jung Tae, he's the biggest jerk.
He said he'll marry me.
But he took my money and ran away.
Goodness, you're a perfectly fine young woman,
but you have an awful taste in men.
Hey, I'll help you get your money back.
You should stop crying.
There, there.
Who are you?
Goodness, it wasn't me. I didn't make her cry. Right?
He's looking for Bae Jung Tae too.
I see.
Are you two cops?
I'm not a cop. I'm a detective.
Why were you looking for Bae Jung Tae?
We have rules for our business.
The police also have rules.
Goodness, I'm sure my client has a reason to look for him.
We get half the amount if we find him, everything if we catch him.
The client already promised to give us a huge sum,
so we're just doing our job.
Who's your client?
We don't work for the person.
We only work for money.
Is that so? That's why you're working so hard.
You're trespassing, and you damaged the property.
Are you all right? It looks like she could write
a short novel about what happened to her.
Goodness, I really don't know.
I don't know.
Give me your phone.
I got your number.
Once you find out who your client is
or if you find Bae Jung Tae,
call me right away, okay?
Darn it. I can't believe how unlucky I am today.
What was he up to?
But this isn't everything.
Someone called him, so I picked up.
- Clean it up. - It was Ms. Lee Shin's voice.
She hung up when she heard my voice.
When I called her back, the phone was turned off.
Are you saying Ms. Lee Shin made him do these things?
Who knows? But what we do know is
that she had been in contact with Bae Jung Tae all along,
when we didn't even know her number.
She's not here right now.
She left the country to attend a seminar.
She left the country?
Do you expect me to believe that?
I have no reason to tell you anything else.
Please leave.
You should leave now.
If you don't, I'll call security.
Bae Jung Tae?
He may have used an alias. Go Dong Cheol.
Oh, him? He's well known in the gambling world.
His nickname is Go Getter since he always doubles up
even when he doesn't have any money to gamble.
Where does he usually gamble?
It's always different since people meet up and gamble
after knowing each other online.
If he shows up,
- should I invite him to play? - Yes.
But what sins have you committed that you're so eager to help?
Come on, now. I'm innocent.
Anyway, lie low.
- Call me if you get in touch. - I will.
Is she not home?
Seung Min.
Ma'am, hello.
I didn't know you'd be here.
You postponed yesterday's meeting to today.
You're 15 minutes late already.
Oh, right.
I'm sorry. Let's go inside.
Don't be. I can wait an entire day for you.
I thought the bell was broken.
("Hidden Killer Season 2" Storyline)
You've finished the endings for every episode and the season.
This will last at least six months.
How did you finish this in a single day?
I just wrote down whatever came to mind.
It still needs some touch-ups.
Not at all. I think you can just draw them.
Oh, right. I thought you needed a new assistant,
so I came up with a few candidates. Here.
No, thank you. I prefer being alone for now.
The detective who helped you was dispatched to the countryside,
so we need to find someone else.
I think you'll need some help from your assistant.
I know a detective who can help.
I've thoroughly looked through them and came up with
I'll hire an assistant later.
Is it because of what happened to Ju Young?
I shouldn't have said that.
I'll tell our team leader so.
Soon Woo, these are your first handcuffs.
- Thank you. - Take good care of them.
How did you know that he'd arrest Jo Doo Pal?
Can you now see who arrests whom?
Jo Doo Pal has been arrested.
Hyeong Ju, these are my first handcuffs.
I miss you.
He's been here for six months. It's time that he arrested someone.
Captain Heo, shouldn't he receive a special promotion
for arresting Jo Doo Pal?
- Special promotion? - Special promotion?
- He caught him. - That's right.
It was his first, and he was just a figurehead.
Special promotion, as if. Work harder.
- Yes, sir. - All right. Let me see that.
They were lying low in Daepo-dong.
But now they are causing a headache in our jurisdiction.
I'm sure there are more places that Jo Doo Pal is in charge of.
Investigate, go on a stakeout
Do whatever it takes to locate those places.
- Got it? Let's nip it in the bud. - Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir. - Yes, sir.
Good luck on the reporting, sir.
How was the date?
You went on a date?
I was just helping her with her work.
- Work? - Work.
- Webtoon. - Webtoon.
Ms. Shin.
I sense romance.
Aren't you going to interrogate Jo Doo Pal?
I'm sorry. I'll do well.
He was embarrassed and took it out on Soon Woo.
I read the beginning part of "Hidden Killer".
This is Ji Hwan, the righteous one.
He's the problem-solver, right?
Pay for the webtoon.
Your love for her is amazing.
Could you check a phone number for me?
- Whose phone number? - I'm not sure.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
I'm going to send you a photo. Could you check immediately?
Mr. Bae Jung Tae had this photo.
Why would he?
I think "when" is the more important question.
(November 4, 2018, 2nd floor auditorium)
This photo is older than the time we reset our lives,
so how did he get this?
You two knew each other already, didn't you?
The reason why you visited me last time
wasn't because you were afraid Mr. Bae would get killed, right?
How do you two know each other?
The stocks I had suddenly crashed,
so I stole some company funds.
Why isn't he here yet?
- There he is. - There you are.
Hurry up and sit down.
- Goodness. - Wait!
Darn it.
Why, thank you.
- I'd like 5,000 dollars more. - Your ID card, please.
Your business card.
"Hello Securities"? We're in the same field.
I wanted to make some money, so I gambled.
I won again.
I ended up taking out a private loan.
I think that's where he spotted me.
Aren't you freezing?
If you had kept your promise, this wouldn't have happened.
- Look at this. - Look at it.
Are you already done reading?
- Goodness. - Stamp your fingerprint.
- Let's do it. - No!
- Come on, now. - No!
Let's see if we can use any of your organs.
How did you know I'd be here?
It's hard to forget this face.
But then again, I couldn't recognize you at first.
You looked too shabby.
I heard you paid Ms. Baek right after the reset.
Your kidney and your eyes put together
aren't worth that much.
You're really something.
Come on. We're reset buddies.
Let's help each other out.
I've looked into you,
and it looked like I could help you out.
He threatened to tell my company about my gambling.
I had no choice but to give him some money.
There must've been many ways for him to get money.
So why did he threaten you?
It seemed like he gambled all the money he got
through horse racing betting.
Every time he ran out of money, he came to me
as if I was an ATM machine.
I see. It must've been tough.
By the way,
did Mr. Bae ever talk about Ms. Lee Shin?
No. Why?
It's nothing.
(Hello Investment and Securities)
Cha Jeung Seok!
- I'm fine. - You have more than enough money.
How dare you tell those thugs about me
just because you didn't want to give me some petty money?
- Let me go, please. - So this is how you'll play?
Fine, then.
- Cha Jeung Seok. - I'm fine.
Bring it on!
You scumbag. Let me go!
Look at him.
All right. Here. Take this.
What do you want me to do with this money?
Are you telling me to buy a popsicle and get lost?
It's me, Bae Jung Tae.
I noticed that your wife and your daughter moved.
Richmond Street, was it?
Canada's too far for me.
Should I tell your boss what you've done?
I'll see you there in 10 minutes.
That punk. You should've said that sooner.
Move aside. Don't touch them.
Go on.
It's freezing.
How did you know I was here?
Mr. Kim Dae Sung.
You knew about him, didn't you?
I already confirmed his alibi with the detectives.
It looks like you already know that I'm a detective too.
You knew that Ms. Seo Yeon Soo and Kim Dae Sung
were a couple, right?
Were you acquainted with Seo Yeon Soo before the reset?
Did you scrap Kim Dae Sung's car back then as well?
I did scrap his car twice,
but I didn't know who Seo Yeon Soo was.
Did you come here to ask me that?
You can be charged with threatening even if you didn't take money.
I'll bet the rest of my career as a detective
that you have a recording of your phone call
with Kim Dae Sung on your phone.
I know a thing or two about the law too.
You need to bring a warrant before I can show you
Are you insane?
Who is this crazy jerk?
Stop right there!
Hey Darn it.
When will he come back?
Well then.
Let's talk again next time.
Give me a call if you remember anything.
Why are you back alone? I thought you went to arrest him.
He'll find a way to escape even if I arrest him.
Then why did we come here?
I only followed you because you said you're on a stakeout.
Listen to it. It'll be good.
- Who is this crazy jerk? - What?
Don't let me catch you.
You were right, Ga Hyeon.
The number that called Bae Jung Tae was
opened under Ms. Lee Shin's name.
That's why
you'll cover for me.
Okay, I get it.
But this isn't even a gun.
- With these? - Exactly in 15 minutes.
I trust you with this, Ga Hyeon.
I know a thing or two about the law too.
You need to bring a warrant before I can show you
Who is this crazy jerk?
Wait, isn't it illegal to tap his phone like this?
It can't be used as evidence.
I got to do all kinds of things after resetting my life.
We'll be able to find out the orders Ms. Lee Shin has been
giving to Bae Jung Tae, and why she has been
running our background checks.
She might have noticed that it was my voice.
Do you think she'll contact him again?
We should hope so.
- Doctor Lee is waiting for you. - Okay.
Great to see you again.
- Me too. How's everything going? - Yes.
Perfect. Come on in.
- Yes. - Yes?
(Ko Jae Young)
(Choi Kyung Man, died on January 25, Seo Yeon Soo, died on January 27)
(Hanteo Apartment's guard)
(Choi Kyung Man, died on January 25, Seo Yeon Soo, died on January 27)
(Choi Kyung Man, died on January 25, Seo Yeon Soo, died on January 27)
He didn't want to waste a penny,
so he has never even bought a scratch card before.
He wouldn't buy any lottery.
He said it was his wish to buy his son a house
if he wins the lottery.
He did buy him a house, I guess.
He helped out a little with his death benefit.
He didn't even get to see his son's wedding.
He lived such a tough life, then passed away.
He wanted to live to see his grandchildren,
so he quit smoking and drinking a year ago.
I can't believe how he passed away
after a glass of drink.
Thank you for coming by.
I guess my old man was
in good terms with residents of that apartment.
It's cold outside. You should go back in.
Okay. Goodbye.
Yes, thank you.
Hyeong Ju, can you check
if Mr. Choi Kyung Man had
a lottery ticket on him at the time of his death?
Why do you need to know that?
(Hanteo Apartment's guard, Fiancé: Kim Dae Sung)
Mr. Choi Kyung Man definitely bought a lottery on this day.
I confirmed that the first place bought the ticket there.
But his wife didn't know anything about the lottery ticket.
It was missing on the articles he had.
Bae Jung Tae took these pictures.
Bae Jung Tae needed money,
and he knew Mr. Choi Kyung Man will be buying a winning ticket.
Are you saying Bae Jung Tae
killed Mr. Choi Kyung Man?
Take a look at this.
This arrived two days before Mr. Choi Kyung Man's death.
Do you know where I saw
the same exact basket?
Will you stop?
She moved out this morning.
I can't deal with this much noise day after day.
Do you think this is a coincidence?
But you can receive a flower basket from just anybody.
Kim Dae Sung could have sent it to her.
According to Mr. Choi's wife,
he also said he wasn't sure who gave him those flowers.
What if
someone is after us,
and that person has been sending the flower baskets?
But Mr. Choi Kyung Man died of a heart attack,
and Seo Yeon Soo's case was concluded as an accidental fall.
It doesn't make any sense to think that someone is after us.
What brings you here without a notice?
It's not like we ever called.
Why? Is anyone here?
No, right? Make it spicier than usual.
He's really good at making tteokbokki.
I love tteokbokki too.
- All right. - What?
Wow, this is so good.
This is Soon Woo's party for using his handcuffs for the first time.
Isn't this way too simple?
Way back in my days,
when Hyeong Ju used his handcuffs for the first time.
I gave him this house.
- This house? - Not just that. You gave me a car.
- Really? - He rented out his old house
and sold him his old car.
- I see. - I got at least 500 dollars less
compared to the market price at that time.
It has been running fine without any trouble for seven years.
It didn't cause me any trouble,
but the brakes didn't work, so I almost died a few times.
But 500 dollars is quite a lot.
Isn't it?
What? Why?
I'm wondering if we are truly partners.
Stop it. This is good enough.
Mr. Park paid for this.
Then Mr. Ji cooked.
What about you?
- Exactly. What did you do? - You're awful.
You can't help it.
People say fate brings your partner to you.
- Grab a drink. - You're unlucky.
Try making a toast with them.
Go ahead.
Do it.
He's really unlucky.
I heard he came back again.
What in the world have you been doing, Cha?
How did some thug like that get a hold of your weakness?
I won't let this happen again.
Your performance has been the lowest recently.
Are you going to let your reputation drop that low too?
Pay him out
or report him to the police and get him locked up.
You need to come up with a way to deal with this for good!
I'll deal with this for good.
(Letter of Resignation)
Hey, Cha!
You have two months at most in that position.
Don't work too hard.
And try to contain your anger too.
Hey! Cha! You!
Hey, you!
Goodness, Mr. Cha.
What brings you here at this hour?
I quit my job.
I fought with my abusive boss, then quit my job first
before I ended up with defaulting bonds.
Then we should celebrate.
Isn't that so?
- All right, cheers! - Cheers!
I'm probably the only guy who celebrates after he quits.
When will you leave the country?
I'll start getting ready.
I'll only think about my family once I move to Canada.
I could deal with getting fired and becoming penniless,
but I couldn't take getting divorced and never seeing my daughter again.
The older you get, the more important your family is.
Be good to your family while they're around and young.
How's your wife?
She still recognizes me.
But she'll soon ask, "Who are you, old man?"
Wait, is she
She's at a sanatorium.
It would be great if things would always be like this.
You all have a sweet family.
I've been preparing for the college entrance exam for two years
and became the odd one out.
Ko Jae Young, why did you decide to reset?
To get my revenge.
There's this guy I really want to kill.
I lost to this weak guy in a video game competition.
I know all of his moves, so this time, I'll destroy him.
Are you a professional gamer?
That's why you kept saying everything is a game
and that you need to keep people alive or dead.
By any chance,
do you know what this flower is?
Let me see.
Goodness, these are very pretty.
Anyway, what are these flowers?
I'm not really sure.
These are too dry. You can't even do an image search.
Why do you ask?
I want to use it for my work.
For "Hidden Killer"?
Isn't that webtoon about killing people?
Yes, well. Right.
Ms. Shin, take a look at this.
My daughter drew that.
What do you think? Is she talented?
Yes, it looks very cute.
Right? Isn't she promising?
Hey, that's so cute.
My daughter sent it to me for my birthday.
I might forget to bring my wallet and phone,
but I always carry that around with me like a talisman.
It feels like my daughter is protecting me.
Goodness! Here's another guy who's a fool for his daughter!
- Thank you. - You're very good with alcohol.
Don't say that.
Since you paid for everything today,
I'll make sure I buy a huge meal for everyone before I leave.
How about this Saturday?
Sounds great.
All I have is time.
I can make it too.
What about Detective Ji?
I'll I'll call him.
Okay! Then it's eleven o'clock on Saturday.
Let's meet here again.
On that day, I'll treat all of you
with a luxurious full-course dining!
- Make sure you come! - Okay.
All right.
Goodbye, then.
- Bye. - Let's go.
- Bye. - Goodbye.
Was it just a coincidence?
Was I overreacting?
The characters for "Hidden Killer" weren't this difficult to create.
Isn't that so, Maru?
You're so cute.
It's something I've always done. It's not that hard.
Are you back?
Let's meet up.
Yes, okay.
- Yes? - It's not the phone with a USIM,
so I didn't hear who it was or where they're meeting.
What about Bae Jung Tae? Is he still at home?
Yes, he is.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
I missed Bae Jung Tae.
I found something over here.
(Episode 8 will be aired shortly.)
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