68 Whiskey (2020) s01e07 Episode Script
Mister Fix-It
I know you don't want to hear this, but I have a plan.
You're right, I don't want to hear it, so let's drop it.
What the fuck did you just do? That right there is some of the finest saffron on the market.
- Saffron? - You got no idea.
This stuff is like red gold.
It's easily the most expensive spice by weight on the planet.
And guess where it's grown? Right here, in the fertile blood-soaked soil of Afghanistan.
How convenient.
This stuff sells for like 500 bucks an ounce retail.
Double that in some parts of the world.
We've been wasting our time with hashish.
Look, whatever you're scheme you're coming up with next, I don't want any part of it.
I owe people in four different time zones money.
A lot of money.
Look, I've already worked out all the math.
For every pound of this stuff that we sell, we make a cool eight grand profit.
Local farmers are already growing the stuff.
All we gotta do is buy low and sell high.
- Oh, is that all? - Yeah.
We sell directly to high-end restaurants all over the world.
For one, we have no contacts for high-end restaurants all over the world.
For two, most of the saffron trade around these parts is run by Taliban.
And for three, you forgot to mention the part where it takes a couple hundred thousand flowers just to harvest a single pound of the stuff.
How do you know all that? I've been reading the same article in the "Nat Geo" that's been sitting on the toilet for the last two months that you did.
I just happened to read the entire article.
I'm just trying to help you out, man.
Appreciate it, but all your schemes so far were supposed to be a sure thing.
The only thing I know for sure is that I'm flat broke and my family is about to lose their home.
I can't afford any more losses, my man.
We're gonna figure this one out.
We always do.
Can I sit with you guys? It's not fucking middle school.
You don't need to ask.
I was home schooled.
So did you see those rad wheels out there? - Stay away, kid.
- What? Why? You got a lot better things to do with the money you don't have.
Okay, but I I can go look, can't I? Just don't touch.
- Well, you know what? - Uh, I'm not hungry.
I'm gonna go check 'em out.
Keep it in your pants, kid.
They are beautiful, aren't they? Don't you think after laying your life on the line to spread freedom and democracy, you deserve to come home in something nice waiting for you in the garage? Well, it's my parents' garage.
Why don't you get in? Fire her up.
I never get tired of that sound.
Now I can get you into this for a low down payment of $5,000.
Oh, that's a lot of money.
That's barely three months' pay.
It's tax-free, and I'm gonna give you a $500 military discount.
Close your eyes for a second.
Picture this.
You return home a war hero.
You pull up to a stoplight in your brand-new sled.
In the car next to you, it's your rival.
- I don't have a rival.
- Light turns green, you dust that jackalope off the line.
Zero to 60, 3.
5 seconds.
Whole town sees it.
Ladies will be literally fighting over who gets to blow you from this passenger seat.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
How are you? Good to see you.
Eat up, gentlemen.
As you can see, it's a multiethnic, multinational base, got a lot of moving parts, but they move well together.
That's what matters.
That's attributed to your fine work as well.
Well, I'm doing the best I can with what I got.
Ah, thank you.
Staying out of trouble, Sergeant? Uh, doing my best, sir.
I'm giving Mr.
Goodall, the new Secretary of the Army, a tour around FOB Guardian.
Oh, welcome to the Orphanage, sir.
The Orphanage? It's an unsanctioned nickname.
- Ah.
- Yeah, when you're in a foreign country, out in the middle of nowhere, it's easy to feel abandoned.
Orphanage sounds apt.
I like it.
Sergeant Alvarez is one of my best flight medics.
Best of luck with this war, Mr.
Maybe let's get a picture over there, switch things up.
Sergeant, would you mind taking a photo? Sarah, my executive assistant, keeps telling me that I need fresh content for my social media platforms.
- Sure.
- Milton! Like to introduce you all to Allen Milton, one of the best war photojournalists who's ever lived.
Yeah, close in up.
Colonel Austin, could you just Thanks.
Say "too old for this shit".
Got it? Good.
Sergeant, if there is anything you need, please feel free to contact my office.
Service members like yourself keep this machine running.
Sir, can I ask a question? That's why I'm here.
Why is the DOD terminating the MAVNI program? - Alvarez - No.
That's an honest question.
And maybe one day we'll have the time to sit down so I can give you a complicated answer to a complicated situation.
Uh, Mr.
Secretary, I wanna show you our Tactical Operations Center.
- Good idea.
- Terrific.
Secretary Sorry, I realize you're very busy, but if you had a moment, my team and I would love to take you for a spin in the bird.
Show you what it's like to be a combat medic here in Afghanistan.
That would be very enlightening.
Sarah, follow up with Colonel Austin's office to set that up.
Your crew is hell-bent on being a pain in my ass! And may I remind you that you are still grounded after that incident with SecCorp and the morphine? Stay in your lane, Sergeant! That's an order! Way to get us back in the air.
Look, it'll give us a chance to corner this guy and maybe change his mind on this MAVNI bullshit.
'Cause there's no guarantee that this marriage is gonna get you the Green Card and keep you from getting deported.
Nothing is going to change that man's mind.
We're gonna try.
She's right.
Those motherfuckers tow the party line.
They don't make decisions by themselves.
At least I'll get some special dispensation for my wife out of it then.
You will do anything to have this marriage annulled.
Raise you 50.
- Puts me all in.
- That's the idea.
You gonna show your hand? Hang on.
What are you doing here? Why are you ghosting me like I'm some shitty date you're trying to shake? - [CHUCKLING.]
- Ghosting? I think it's what the kids call it when you don't wanna talk to someone anymore.
Hey buddy, go fuck yourself.
You know you're not allowed in here.
Try and remove me.
Why did you say "and that's how you sell it" to me after the fight? [CHUCKLES.]
I was just having a little fun, babe.
- Were you? - What do you wanna say to me? - Did you take a dive? - Huh? You heard what I said.
During the fight did you take a dive? Answer the fucking question.
Why would I do that? That's what I'm here to find out.
How'd Roback know to bet on me? How the hell do I know? After I told you all about the Bodyguard's weakness, you couldn't wait to run and tell him.
Okay, yes.
I told him because I knew Davis needed the cash.
He was gonna lose his family's home, and I knew that could help him.
Bullshit! This isn't about Davis.
This is about Roback.
This is about you screwing him behind my back the entire time we've been together.
I'm over Roback.
That doesn't really answer the question, does it? It should.
I had a gut feeling that everything I told you would get back to Roback, and I was right.
Wow, so this was some kind of loyalty test.
- And you failed.
- Well, fuck you and your test.
Then I need to hear it.
Have you been screwing Roback behind my back this whole time we've been together? Fuck! [CALL DIALING.]
- Hey.
- Hey, hey.
I was starting to think I was never gonna hear from you again.
How did Max do in his game? Good, he hit the game-winning home run.
- Oh! - Yeah.
He's really killing it.
I mean, the coach is going nuts.
- Oh, that's great.
- [SIGHS.]
Um so my tour got extended by three months.
Are you fucking kidding me? Why? We're spread so thin, and, you know, my job is mission critical.
No, I can't I can't believe we're doing this again.
- Yeah, I know.
- What do I tell the kids? The same thing you always tell them.
You know, that mommy loves them so much, and three months isn't really that long.
And what do I tell myself? That you knew this was gonna be a big part of our life when you married me.
I gotta go.
Thanks to Sergeant Roback here, Secretary Goodall reached out to my office to go on a ride-along with my flight medics, specifically your crew.
I thought we were grounded, sir.
You were, but against my better judgment, I have no choice but to send you up.
And if this was a ruse to get reinstated, congratulations, it worked.
But know that if I was not a crew short, you'd all still be on the ground.
Life has a funny way of changing up - the best laid plans, sir.
- But some more than others.
Just happy to be back in the air, sir.
I'm sure you are.
Does this mean that our pay is being reinstated? It does.
Can't send the Secretary of the whole goddamn Army up with a crew who's serving out an Article 15, can I? - Couldn't agree more, sir.
- Davis, you're dismissed.
You two stay here.
I've just received word from Corporal Durkin that you've both been given the green light for your Permanent Resident Card interview.
- Yes, sir.
- The corporal will RV with you both to schedule transportation to Bagram and the embassy.
- Thank you, sir.
- We really appreciate this.
You don't understand.
My mother has cancer, she's fighting for her life.
My father has recently been laid off from the factory where he worked for 35 years.
They barely have enough money for the both of them to eat, let alone to pay the mortgage and a mountain of medical bills.
Yes, I understand that the hospital has a lien on the house, but my nephews and nieces live in that house too.
Taking that house away means that you are putting three generations out on the street.
Listen, I wish that I could speak to you in person, but I'm currently stationed overseas.
That's correct, sir.
I'm in the United States Army.
Thank you.
Okay, I can get you $1,500 by the first of the month.
All right, what's the total amount owed? $152,000? That's 12 grand more than it was a month ago! Interest? [SIGHS.]
Listen to me, you ice cold motherfucker, this is straight up goddamn robbery! I don't give a shit if this call is being recorded! I'm glad it's being recorded! I want you to play it back over and over again so you can be reminded of how deeply I'm gonna fuck you when I get back stateside! Do you hear me? Hello? The hell y'all looking at? Hey, can we talk? Does it have anything to do with the mission we're about to go on? Not exactly.
Then no, we can't talk.
This is just business hours only.
Let me focus on my shit and you focus on yours, and let's get this thing over with.
- We're gonna fix this, amigo.
- Should I get you a vest too? - No, thank you.
Guessing you've been through this before.
That vest looks like it's been around.
We, uh, we ready to go, fellas? Always ready, sir.
- May I make one suggestion? - Yeah, absolutely.
You're the pros here.
I'm just along for the ride.
Quick fashion tip for the next time you find yourself outside the wire, try wearing camouflage.
Oxfords and chinos stand out.
You don't wanna make yourself an easy target.
I told you, Ryan.
He doesn't listen to anybody.
Don't worry, we'll be up in the air, so if you die, we all die with you.
Crash's sense of humor runs a bit toward the dark side.
They they call you Crash? Interesting nickname for a pilot.
Three tours, three crashes.
Statistical anomaly.
Oh, my goodness.
How you holding up? We need to land this thing.
I gotta catch my breath.
That's not really on the itinerary.
It is now.
Crash! Down.
- Is everything okay? - It is all good.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have, uh It is not on you.
I mean, it is you.
I should go.
No! No, no, no, no.
I I will explain.
I'll explain.
When I was a university student in Hamburg, I was with a girl who reminded me very much of you.
We were to get married, but it was called off.
What happened? She wanted to have sexual relations before committing to a lifetime of monogamy, but because of my religious beliefs, I could not.
So you're a virgin? The answer is technically yes.
I can't I don't think I can do this.
I understand.
No, you're not supposed to understand.
You're supposed to throw all your beliefs to the wind like I'm doing.
If my parents were alive and could take a look at you, you would realize that is exactly what I am doing as well.
Where are you going? Back to my regularly scheduled life to see if it's worth throwing away for a boy that I can't even get past second base with.
I am so sorry.
Another pro tip.
If you got a weak stomach, eat bananas before you fly.
They taste the same coming back up as they do going down Good to know.
- Sir, stay close.
- Yeah, of course.
Just need to get a little fresh air.
Not nearly as terrible as they make it out to be, huh? No.
No, no, no.
Our time here has been a struggle, but it will have been worth it when we help rid this beautiful country of the terrorist insurgents whose stated mission is to bring down our American way of life.
While we're on the subject, Mr.
Secretary, there are some damn fine soldiers who lay their lives on the line every day to support that mission.
They just happen to be born on foreign soil.
But they're as American as you and I.
I'm well aware of them, son, and I'm thankful for their sacrifice.
Why do you wanna get rid of them? As I stated earlier, this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it, but I will say there are serious national security issues at stake here that are far beyond your level of clearance.
Yeah, I doubt that, sir.
Sounds to me like a way to blame immigrants for problems created by politicians who only care about getting re-elected and not about our national security.
But lucky for you, that's just one soldier's opinion, right? Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again, boy.
Hey, you mind if I ask you a personal question? Well, that depends on how personal the question is gonna be.
Are you a religious man? Oh, I mean, I consider myself a devout Muslim.
Although I do struggle at times, I believe Allah holds me in his good graces because I do my best to practice the Five Pillars.
The Five Pillars? We declare our submission to Allah, give to those in need, um, fast during the month of Ramadan, and to make pilgrimage to Mecca.
That's four.
Um we pray five times a day.
I've never seen you pray ever.
Yeah, well, I am not perfect, all right? All right, well [SIGHS.]
what about sex? Oh, um, that's a little bit more complicated, but essentially, sex is reserved for marriage.
You were abstinent until you got married? No! No, no, God, no.
No, I went to university in Cambridge and I shagged pretty much everything with a clitoris before I met my wife.
And she doesn't know? She did the same, with men, of course.
One of the many reasons why she and I were made for one other.
Seriously though, one's commitment to the Five Pillars is a real test of their character and a clear indication that they're made of much sterner stuff than I.
Nice to see you taking such interest in the local culture, though.
May I ask why all of a sudden? You may not.
Okay then! Didn't realize that young man over there who was coming at me with both barrels is your husband.
Not really relevant information, sir.
It would've explained why he was in such an emotional state.
He obviously loves you a great deal.
Would it have made a difference? To me? Yes.
To the situation? No.
That's what I thought, sir.
I feel as though you have a better understanding of the bigger picture than he does.
- I'm afraid so.
- We should probably head back.
No, no.
One last photo.
Contact rear! - I'm shot! - Keep your head down! Guardian Main, Dustoff 3-1 is taking fire.
- Smoke out! - Conducting rapid exfil, over! [YELLS.]
- Come on! - [GROANS.]
Come on, come on, come on! [GUNSHOTS.]
Bullet went straight though the vest.
Milton! He's dead.
- Come on.
Oh, good God.
We got two.
One KIA, gunshot wound.
Second also sustained a gunshot wound.
Entry and exit through the right arm.
Tourniquet applied, currently stable.
All right, copy that.
Get a CAT scan, prep him for surgery.
Sì, Captain.
What the hell went down out there? He insisted on touching down.
We took 'em to what was up until this point a safe spot.
We met a sniper who changed all that.
Is he gonna be okay? He's pretty lucky.
Can't say the same for our other ride-along.
I have to go make some calls.
Look, Goodall was the one who insisted on touching down.
I tried to talk him out of it.
Yeah, but it was your idea to go up with him in the first place.
I honestly thought it would help you to talk to the guy.
How was I supposed to know we were gonna come under enemy fire? - Always a possibility.
- Well, yeah.
Doesn't really matter though.
We're all gonna catch flak for this.
I told you to leave it alone.
There was no good that could have come out of it.
Jesus, I was trying to help! You're always trying to help, but it always ends in disaster.
No comment.
Well, there's nothing we do now except wait and see what happens.
I'll take the heat for this myself.
You were right.
It's my idea to go up with him.
I'll be the one who goes down.
Not really up to you who goes down.
What's done is done.
- I can fix this.
- Enough! You're always trying to fix everything! Some shit can't be fixed, and that's just the way it is! I've been going along with you all this time, and it's gotten me nowhere.
Not only am I still fucked, but after each one of your "fixes", I end up somehow more fucked than I was before.
I guess I should feel lucky.
At least I'm not dead, but I am out.
You wanna lay into me now too? I don't need to.
I don't give a shit if this call is being recorded! I'm glad it's being recorded! I want you to play it back over and over again so you can be reminded of how deeply I'm gonna fuck you when I get back stateside! Do you hear me? Hello? Look, I'm sorry for losing my temper, sir, but you have to understand, my family is in a really bad spot, and I feel like I've been fighting every step of the way trying to make things right for them.
This behavior is totally inappropriate and unbecoming of a non-commissioned officer in the U.
You should know better than this, Sergeant.
It only happened once.
It won't happen again.
I promise.
- Only once? - [CLICK.]
Had time to cut together some selects.
A greatest hits of your telephone meltdowns, if you will.
Look, dickhead, do you want the fucking money or not? If you won't take a check, I can give you a boot in your ass.
Dealer's choice, motherfucker.
What? We're not asking for a handout, man! What is your fucking malfunction! No, I don't wanna speak to your manager.
I do want to put my hands around your neck, though.
We've received a number of formal complaints.
Are you aware that civilian misconduct can lead to a dishonorable discharge? I'm fully aware, sir.
Well, then remove your head from your ass, Sergeant, Because if you get slapped with a negative separation code showing financial irresponsibility or reckless behavior on your DD-214, a 19-year-old community college dropout is going to be giving you orders while you work the fry station at Wendy's.
Is there no way for the Army to help me? You're looking at your help.
The Army is providing you with an attorney pro bono, and my free legal advice to you is never threaten another civilian with bodily harm again or you'll be facing a military trial, and most probably a civilian suit as well.
Where did you get this rug? It's all a simple misunderstanding.
What he was even doing to rugs? The poor kid was trying to earn a few extra bucks for his family.
His folks own an antique store in West Texas, and these Afghan rugs go for a big premium.
Buckley would sneak off base, buy or trade for 'em, and then ship 'em home.
He was a smart kid.
Mad I didn't think of it.
Maybe for the better because you are still alive.
Do you know where the rest of them are by any chance? They sit in storage unit, so each of my nurses grab one to cheer up CHU.
I could, um, show you where the rest are if you would like.
I would like.
You should probably know Sasquatch and I aren't together anymore.
What? Roback! Get your ass in here! [DOOR OPENS.]
Permission to speak, sir.
Permission granted.
Look, I just wanted to clarify that this was all my idea, taking the Secretary up in the bird.
And that nobody from my crew except me should be held responsible That's not what this meeting is about, Sergeant.
At ease.
The Secretary understands that anything can and does happen in a war zone.
He mourns the loss of his friend, but between you and me, he's happy to embrace the battle cred this whole incident has given him.
So what's this all about, sir? I read your After Action Report from the day Buckley died.
Are there any details you think you may have left out? Not that I'm aware of, sir.
I recently got ahold of one of SecCorp's reports from the same day, in the same village.
According to them, they were ambushed by hostile forces, which is an interesting development.
Buckley wasn't where he was supposed to be, sir, but he was in full battle rattle, so there's no way he could've been mistaken for an enemy combatant, and he certainly wasn't a threat.
Neither was Qasem, that LN that we brought in, or anybody else from the village for that matter.
That's what I thought.
Heard them mentioning something about clearing the entire area.
It probably had something to do with what we stumbled upon that night.
- What night? - Nothing, sir.
- It was nothing.
- You know something I don't.
- Spit it out, Sergeant.
- No, I'm mistaken, sir.
Look, what I know, you know.
It's all in my report.
Fighting and winning a war is difficult enough without having these mercenaries conducting their own black ops in the middle of it.
You need anything else from me, sir? That's all for now, Sergeant.
You and Sasquatch broke up? What happened? Corporal! You need to go.
I'll be outside.
- Why are you here? - Is this a bad time? Actually, I don't care if it's a bad time.
I really need to speak to you.
- Come inside.
- Okay.
What you are doing is dangerous.
Not for me, but for you.
I'm willing to do whatever you want, and I realize this thing is engineered to self-destruct, but I don't care.
- Perhaps you should care.
- But I don't.
I mean, look at me, I'm sneaking off base in a war zone to hold hands with someone my father would never approve of.
I feel like a teenager.
What exactly did you come here to say to me? If waiting is what you want or need, it's fine.
I'll survive.
Believe me, just imagining us having sex does the trick and then some.
And I'm not saying I'll convert to Islam, but I am willing to meet you halfway.
And where is halfway to Islam? I have no idea.
But whatever it is we're doing here, I want to keep doing it.
Do you? Yes.
Very much.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Let's make it quick.
We've got about five minutes before shift change.
Talk to me.
Found out Sasquatch took a dive in the fight.
That fucking asshole.
You kidding me? Mm-hmm, that was pretty much my response too.
I feel totally responsible for you guys losing all your money.
It's fine.
You didn't know, right? I would try and keep this from reaching Davis's ears, though.
Got it.
Why are you telling me all of this? You trying to get me back? Is that what this is? No.
You're still married to Alvarez, and she still needs that green card.
We can't be seen together.
- Ever.
- If you recall, we were pretty good at not being seen together.
Not nearly as good as we thought we were.
I don't know if I can accept that.
Maybe it's time to.
You're late.
Hey man, I need to re-up on those M18s.
The bullet shattered your humerus.
Now I regret to inform you that it's not going to be an easy recovery.
You're probably going to be dealing with the residual effects for the rest of your life.
And that's the good news? - In this instance, yes.
- Hm.
- You wanted to see me, sir? - Yes, Corporal.
I need the Secretary's scans and medical chart sent directly on to Walter Reed Medical Center.
You're the only one that I trust to make sure it happens.
- On it, sir.
- Very good.
Try to get some rest.
You've got a long journey ahead of you.
Yes, sir? - May I ask you a question? - Of course.
Do you know why you're here? To transfer your scans and medical chart to No, I mean in Afghanistan.
Do you know why you're here in Afghanistan? I believe we're here to stop the threat of terrorism.
And do you think that goal is being accomplished? I can't really tell, sir.
Neither can I, and that's sort of my job.
I'm sure you'll figure it out, sir.
That makes one of us.
Is that all, sir? Unfortunately that just about covers it, Corporal.
Those are some gorgeous looking rugs you got there.
Yeah, my mom's a collector, so figured I'd surprise her for her birthday.
Go ahead and fill these out while I get these weighed.
- Where they off to? - Chicago, Illinois.
Sergeant Davis.
What do you need, Private? I need a money order for $5,000.
Tell me you didn't buy one of those cars.
Yeah, well, I I can't tell you I didn't because I did.
Petrocelli, those dealerships are a scam.
Everybody knows it.
They set up shop here on the base to target naive young soldiers on their first deployment.
Why would they do that? Because the car companies pay off somebody at the Pentagon, and kids like you got nothing better to spend your money on out here in the middle of the desert.
The car salesman gave me a $500 military discount, and a very low interest rate of 20%.
That's not a low interest rate.
Uh, give me a sec for that money order, Private.
And, uh, Sergeant, you're looking at nearly 100 pounds on those rugs.
It's gonna be pricey to send 'em all the way back to the States.
Wait, you found Buckley's rugs? You sending these back to his family? - Well, well - That is so awesome.
You are a really good person, Sergeant Davis.
And I I don't mean just on the outside, I mean in here on the inside.
A really good person.
You mind if I just do this over here? Sure, lemme just look how much this'll cost.
You said it's going to Chicago, Illinois? Yeah.
That's not where Buckley lives.
He's from Texas.
He actually has extended family all over.
Really? Yeah.
You know what, uh, tell them I said hey.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about their son.
I will.
Could you look up the address of a John Buckley in Texas who was KIA? I wanna reroute the shipment.
Here you go, sir.
You wanted to see us, sir? Yes.
I want to thank you both for saving my life.
It's what we get paid for, sir.
America would be better off if more immigrants were like you, Sergeant.
- They are, sir.
- I know.
That said though, if even one foreign national has ulterior motives amongst your rank, that's one too many.
After what happened at Fort Hood, we can't have that risk anymore.
If you don't mind my saying so, that is seriously flawed logic.
Not from where I'm standing.
Sorry to hear that, sir.
Um, the helicopter's ready for you, sir.
Thank you for your service, Sergeant.
I wish you the best.
If you really wanted to wish her the best, you'd help her! When everyone wants to know what the hell went down out there, I will not tell them that your little joyride ended in the death of my good friend.
I will instead speak well of you both because I admire your wife's bravery and good sense.
You are a lucky man, Sergeant, in more ways than one.
Here I was trying to save you, and you end up saving me.
One of these days we're gonna have to learn to save ourselves.
Welcome to our family.
Your bonus check will clear as soon as your paperwork processes and we receive proper documentation for your ETS.
Just a few months left.
You're about to come into a great deal of money for doing what you're already doing for practically nothing.
That's the fucking plan.
All right, we'll be in touch.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he breaks the news to Roback.
What makes you so sure he hasn't already? I'm sure.
I know you don't want to hear this, but I have a plan.
You're right, I don't want to hear it, so let's drop it.
What the fuck did you just do? That right there is some of the finest saffron on the market.
- Saffron? - You got no idea.
This stuff is like red gold.
It's easily the most expensive spice by weight on the planet.
And guess where it's grown? Right here, in the fertile blood-soaked soil of Afghanistan.
How convenient.
This stuff sells for like 500 bucks an ounce retail.
Double that in some parts of the world.
We've been wasting our time with hashish.
Look, whatever you're scheme you're coming up with next, I don't want any part of it.
I owe people in four different time zones money.
A lot of money.
Look, I've already worked out all the math.
For every pound of this stuff that we sell, we make a cool eight grand profit.
Local farmers are already growing the stuff.
All we gotta do is buy low and sell high.
- Oh, is that all? - Yeah.
We sell directly to high-end restaurants all over the world.
For one, we have no contacts for high-end restaurants all over the world.
For two, most of the saffron trade around these parts is run by Taliban.
And for three, you forgot to mention the part where it takes a couple hundred thousand flowers just to harvest a single pound of the stuff.
How do you know all that? I've been reading the same article in the "Nat Geo" that's been sitting on the toilet for the last two months that you did.
I just happened to read the entire article.
I'm just trying to help you out, man.
Appreciate it, but all your schemes so far were supposed to be a sure thing.
The only thing I know for sure is that I'm flat broke and my family is about to lose their home.
I can't afford any more losses, my man.
We're gonna figure this one out.
We always do.
Can I sit with you guys? It's not fucking middle school.
You don't need to ask.
I was home schooled.
So did you see those rad wheels out there? - Stay away, kid.
- What? Why? You got a lot better things to do with the money you don't have.
Okay, but I I can go look, can't I? Just don't touch.
- Well, you know what? - Uh, I'm not hungry.
I'm gonna go check 'em out.
Keep it in your pants, kid.
They are beautiful, aren't they? Don't you think after laying your life on the line to spread freedom and democracy, you deserve to come home in something nice waiting for you in the garage? Well, it's my parents' garage.
Why don't you get in? Fire her up.
I never get tired of that sound.
Now I can get you into this for a low down payment of $5,000.
Oh, that's a lot of money.
That's barely three months' pay.
It's tax-free, and I'm gonna give you a $500 military discount.
Close your eyes for a second.
Picture this.
You return home a war hero.
You pull up to a stoplight in your brand-new sled.
In the car next to you, it's your rival.
- I don't have a rival.
- Light turns green, you dust that jackalope off the line.
Zero to 60, 3.
5 seconds.
Whole town sees it.
Ladies will be literally fighting over who gets to blow you from this passenger seat.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
How are you? Good to see you.
Eat up, gentlemen.
As you can see, it's a multiethnic, multinational base, got a lot of moving parts, but they move well together.
That's what matters.
That's attributed to your fine work as well.
Well, I'm doing the best I can with what I got.
Ah, thank you.
Staying out of trouble, Sergeant? Uh, doing my best, sir.
I'm giving Mr.
Goodall, the new Secretary of the Army, a tour around FOB Guardian.
Oh, welcome to the Orphanage, sir.
The Orphanage? It's an unsanctioned nickname.
- Ah.
- Yeah, when you're in a foreign country, out in the middle of nowhere, it's easy to feel abandoned.
Orphanage sounds apt.
I like it.
Sergeant Alvarez is one of my best flight medics.
Best of luck with this war, Mr.
Maybe let's get a picture over there, switch things up.
Sergeant, would you mind taking a photo? Sarah, my executive assistant, keeps telling me that I need fresh content for my social media platforms.
- Sure.
- Milton! Like to introduce you all to Allen Milton, one of the best war photojournalists who's ever lived.
Yeah, close in up.
Colonel Austin, could you just Thanks.
Say "too old for this shit".
Got it? Good.
Sergeant, if there is anything you need, please feel free to contact my office.
Service members like yourself keep this machine running.
Sir, can I ask a question? That's why I'm here.
Why is the DOD terminating the MAVNI program? - Alvarez - No.
That's an honest question.
And maybe one day we'll have the time to sit down so I can give you a complicated answer to a complicated situation.
Uh, Mr.
Secretary, I wanna show you our Tactical Operations Center.
- Good idea.
- Terrific.
Secretary Sorry, I realize you're very busy, but if you had a moment, my team and I would love to take you for a spin in the bird.
Show you what it's like to be a combat medic here in Afghanistan.
That would be very enlightening.
Sarah, follow up with Colonel Austin's office to set that up.
Your crew is hell-bent on being a pain in my ass! And may I remind you that you are still grounded after that incident with SecCorp and the morphine? Stay in your lane, Sergeant! That's an order! Way to get us back in the air.
Look, it'll give us a chance to corner this guy and maybe change his mind on this MAVNI bullshit.
'Cause there's no guarantee that this marriage is gonna get you the Green Card and keep you from getting deported.
Nothing is going to change that man's mind.
We're gonna try.
She's right.
Those motherfuckers tow the party line.
They don't make decisions by themselves.
At least I'll get some special dispensation for my wife out of it then.
You will do anything to have this marriage annulled.
Raise you 50.
- Puts me all in.
- That's the idea.
You gonna show your hand? Hang on.
What are you doing here? Why are you ghosting me like I'm some shitty date you're trying to shake? - [CHUCKLING.]
- Ghosting? I think it's what the kids call it when you don't wanna talk to someone anymore.
Hey buddy, go fuck yourself.
You know you're not allowed in here.
Try and remove me.
Why did you say "and that's how you sell it" to me after the fight? [CHUCKLES.]
I was just having a little fun, babe.
- Were you? - What do you wanna say to me? - Did you take a dive? - Huh? You heard what I said.
During the fight did you take a dive? Answer the fucking question.
Why would I do that? That's what I'm here to find out.
How'd Roback know to bet on me? How the hell do I know? After I told you all about the Bodyguard's weakness, you couldn't wait to run and tell him.
Okay, yes.
I told him because I knew Davis needed the cash.
He was gonna lose his family's home, and I knew that could help him.
Bullshit! This isn't about Davis.
This is about Roback.
This is about you screwing him behind my back the entire time we've been together.
I'm over Roback.
That doesn't really answer the question, does it? It should.
I had a gut feeling that everything I told you would get back to Roback, and I was right.
Wow, so this was some kind of loyalty test.
- And you failed.
- Well, fuck you and your test.
Then I need to hear it.
Have you been screwing Roback behind my back this whole time we've been together? Fuck! [CALL DIALING.]
- Hey.
- Hey, hey.
I was starting to think I was never gonna hear from you again.
How did Max do in his game? Good, he hit the game-winning home run.
- Oh! - Yeah.
He's really killing it.
I mean, the coach is going nuts.
- Oh, that's great.
- [SIGHS.]
Um so my tour got extended by three months.
Are you fucking kidding me? Why? We're spread so thin, and, you know, my job is mission critical.
No, I can't I can't believe we're doing this again.
- Yeah, I know.
- What do I tell the kids? The same thing you always tell them.
You know, that mommy loves them so much, and three months isn't really that long.
And what do I tell myself? That you knew this was gonna be a big part of our life when you married me.
I gotta go.
Thanks to Sergeant Roback here, Secretary Goodall reached out to my office to go on a ride-along with my flight medics, specifically your crew.
I thought we were grounded, sir.
You were, but against my better judgment, I have no choice but to send you up.
And if this was a ruse to get reinstated, congratulations, it worked.
But know that if I was not a crew short, you'd all still be on the ground.
Life has a funny way of changing up - the best laid plans, sir.
- But some more than others.
Just happy to be back in the air, sir.
I'm sure you are.
Does this mean that our pay is being reinstated? It does.
Can't send the Secretary of the whole goddamn Army up with a crew who's serving out an Article 15, can I? - Couldn't agree more, sir.
- Davis, you're dismissed.
You two stay here.
I've just received word from Corporal Durkin that you've both been given the green light for your Permanent Resident Card interview.
- Yes, sir.
- The corporal will RV with you both to schedule transportation to Bagram and the embassy.
- Thank you, sir.
- We really appreciate this.
You don't understand.
My mother has cancer, she's fighting for her life.
My father has recently been laid off from the factory where he worked for 35 years.
They barely have enough money for the both of them to eat, let alone to pay the mortgage and a mountain of medical bills.
Yes, I understand that the hospital has a lien on the house, but my nephews and nieces live in that house too.
Taking that house away means that you are putting three generations out on the street.
Listen, I wish that I could speak to you in person, but I'm currently stationed overseas.
That's correct, sir.
I'm in the United States Army.
Thank you.
Okay, I can get you $1,500 by the first of the month.
All right, what's the total amount owed? $152,000? That's 12 grand more than it was a month ago! Interest? [SIGHS.]
Listen to me, you ice cold motherfucker, this is straight up goddamn robbery! I don't give a shit if this call is being recorded! I'm glad it's being recorded! I want you to play it back over and over again so you can be reminded of how deeply I'm gonna fuck you when I get back stateside! Do you hear me? Hello? The hell y'all looking at? Hey, can we talk? Does it have anything to do with the mission we're about to go on? Not exactly.
Then no, we can't talk.
This is just business hours only.
Let me focus on my shit and you focus on yours, and let's get this thing over with.
- We're gonna fix this, amigo.
- Should I get you a vest too? - No, thank you.
Guessing you've been through this before.
That vest looks like it's been around.
We, uh, we ready to go, fellas? Always ready, sir.
- May I make one suggestion? - Yeah, absolutely.
You're the pros here.
I'm just along for the ride.
Quick fashion tip for the next time you find yourself outside the wire, try wearing camouflage.
Oxfords and chinos stand out.
You don't wanna make yourself an easy target.
I told you, Ryan.
He doesn't listen to anybody.
Don't worry, we'll be up in the air, so if you die, we all die with you.
Crash's sense of humor runs a bit toward the dark side.
They they call you Crash? Interesting nickname for a pilot.
Three tours, three crashes.
Statistical anomaly.
Oh, my goodness.
How you holding up? We need to land this thing.
I gotta catch my breath.
That's not really on the itinerary.
It is now.
Crash! Down.
- Is everything okay? - It is all good.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have, uh It is not on you.
I mean, it is you.
I should go.
No! No, no, no, no.
I I will explain.
I'll explain.
When I was a university student in Hamburg, I was with a girl who reminded me very much of you.
We were to get married, but it was called off.
What happened? She wanted to have sexual relations before committing to a lifetime of monogamy, but because of my religious beliefs, I could not.
So you're a virgin? The answer is technically yes.
I can't I don't think I can do this.
I understand.
No, you're not supposed to understand.
You're supposed to throw all your beliefs to the wind like I'm doing.
If my parents were alive and could take a look at you, you would realize that is exactly what I am doing as well.
Where are you going? Back to my regularly scheduled life to see if it's worth throwing away for a boy that I can't even get past second base with.
I am so sorry.
Another pro tip.
If you got a weak stomach, eat bananas before you fly.
They taste the same coming back up as they do going down Good to know.
- Sir, stay close.
- Yeah, of course.
Just need to get a little fresh air.
Not nearly as terrible as they make it out to be, huh? No.
No, no, no.
Our time here has been a struggle, but it will have been worth it when we help rid this beautiful country of the terrorist insurgents whose stated mission is to bring down our American way of life.
While we're on the subject, Mr.
Secretary, there are some damn fine soldiers who lay their lives on the line every day to support that mission.
They just happen to be born on foreign soil.
But they're as American as you and I.
I'm well aware of them, son, and I'm thankful for their sacrifice.
Why do you wanna get rid of them? As I stated earlier, this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it, but I will say there are serious national security issues at stake here that are far beyond your level of clearance.
Yeah, I doubt that, sir.
Sounds to me like a way to blame immigrants for problems created by politicians who only care about getting re-elected and not about our national security.
But lucky for you, that's just one soldier's opinion, right? Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again, boy.
Hey, you mind if I ask you a personal question? Well, that depends on how personal the question is gonna be.
Are you a religious man? Oh, I mean, I consider myself a devout Muslim.
Although I do struggle at times, I believe Allah holds me in his good graces because I do my best to practice the Five Pillars.
The Five Pillars? We declare our submission to Allah, give to those in need, um, fast during the month of Ramadan, and to make pilgrimage to Mecca.
That's four.
Um we pray five times a day.
I've never seen you pray ever.
Yeah, well, I am not perfect, all right? All right, well [SIGHS.]
what about sex? Oh, um, that's a little bit more complicated, but essentially, sex is reserved for marriage.
You were abstinent until you got married? No! No, no, God, no.
No, I went to university in Cambridge and I shagged pretty much everything with a clitoris before I met my wife.
And she doesn't know? She did the same, with men, of course.
One of the many reasons why she and I were made for one other.
Seriously though, one's commitment to the Five Pillars is a real test of their character and a clear indication that they're made of much sterner stuff than I.
Nice to see you taking such interest in the local culture, though.
May I ask why all of a sudden? You may not.
Okay then! Didn't realize that young man over there who was coming at me with both barrels is your husband.
Not really relevant information, sir.
It would've explained why he was in such an emotional state.
He obviously loves you a great deal.
Would it have made a difference? To me? Yes.
To the situation? No.
That's what I thought, sir.
I feel as though you have a better understanding of the bigger picture than he does.
- I'm afraid so.
- We should probably head back.
No, no.
One last photo.
Contact rear! - I'm shot! - Keep your head down! Guardian Main, Dustoff 3-1 is taking fire.
- Smoke out! - Conducting rapid exfil, over! [YELLS.]
- Come on! - [GROANS.]
Come on, come on, come on! [GUNSHOTS.]
Bullet went straight though the vest.
Milton! He's dead.
- Come on.
Oh, good God.
We got two.
One KIA, gunshot wound.
Second also sustained a gunshot wound.
Entry and exit through the right arm.
Tourniquet applied, currently stable.
All right, copy that.
Get a CAT scan, prep him for surgery.
Sì, Captain.
What the hell went down out there? He insisted on touching down.
We took 'em to what was up until this point a safe spot.
We met a sniper who changed all that.
Is he gonna be okay? He's pretty lucky.
Can't say the same for our other ride-along.
I have to go make some calls.
Look, Goodall was the one who insisted on touching down.
I tried to talk him out of it.
Yeah, but it was your idea to go up with him in the first place.
I honestly thought it would help you to talk to the guy.
How was I supposed to know we were gonna come under enemy fire? - Always a possibility.
- Well, yeah.
Doesn't really matter though.
We're all gonna catch flak for this.
I told you to leave it alone.
There was no good that could have come out of it.
Jesus, I was trying to help! You're always trying to help, but it always ends in disaster.
No comment.
Well, there's nothing we do now except wait and see what happens.
I'll take the heat for this myself.
You were right.
It's my idea to go up with him.
I'll be the one who goes down.
Not really up to you who goes down.
What's done is done.
- I can fix this.
- Enough! You're always trying to fix everything! Some shit can't be fixed, and that's just the way it is! I've been going along with you all this time, and it's gotten me nowhere.
Not only am I still fucked, but after each one of your "fixes", I end up somehow more fucked than I was before.
I guess I should feel lucky.
At least I'm not dead, but I am out.
You wanna lay into me now too? I don't need to.
I don't give a shit if this call is being recorded! I'm glad it's being recorded! I want you to play it back over and over again so you can be reminded of how deeply I'm gonna fuck you when I get back stateside! Do you hear me? Hello? Look, I'm sorry for losing my temper, sir, but you have to understand, my family is in a really bad spot, and I feel like I've been fighting every step of the way trying to make things right for them.
This behavior is totally inappropriate and unbecoming of a non-commissioned officer in the U.
You should know better than this, Sergeant.
It only happened once.
It won't happen again.
I promise.
- Only once? - [CLICK.]
Had time to cut together some selects.
A greatest hits of your telephone meltdowns, if you will.
Look, dickhead, do you want the fucking money or not? If you won't take a check, I can give you a boot in your ass.
Dealer's choice, motherfucker.
What? We're not asking for a handout, man! What is your fucking malfunction! No, I don't wanna speak to your manager.
I do want to put my hands around your neck, though.
We've received a number of formal complaints.
Are you aware that civilian misconduct can lead to a dishonorable discharge? I'm fully aware, sir.
Well, then remove your head from your ass, Sergeant, Because if you get slapped with a negative separation code showing financial irresponsibility or reckless behavior on your DD-214, a 19-year-old community college dropout is going to be giving you orders while you work the fry station at Wendy's.
Is there no way for the Army to help me? You're looking at your help.
The Army is providing you with an attorney pro bono, and my free legal advice to you is never threaten another civilian with bodily harm again or you'll be facing a military trial, and most probably a civilian suit as well.
Where did you get this rug? It's all a simple misunderstanding.
What he was even doing to rugs? The poor kid was trying to earn a few extra bucks for his family.
His folks own an antique store in West Texas, and these Afghan rugs go for a big premium.
Buckley would sneak off base, buy or trade for 'em, and then ship 'em home.
He was a smart kid.
Mad I didn't think of it.
Maybe for the better because you are still alive.
Do you know where the rest of them are by any chance? They sit in storage unit, so each of my nurses grab one to cheer up CHU.
I could, um, show you where the rest are if you would like.
I would like.
You should probably know Sasquatch and I aren't together anymore.
What? Roback! Get your ass in here! [DOOR OPENS.]
Permission to speak, sir.
Permission granted.
Look, I just wanted to clarify that this was all my idea, taking the Secretary up in the bird.
And that nobody from my crew except me should be held responsible That's not what this meeting is about, Sergeant.
At ease.
The Secretary understands that anything can and does happen in a war zone.
He mourns the loss of his friend, but between you and me, he's happy to embrace the battle cred this whole incident has given him.
So what's this all about, sir? I read your After Action Report from the day Buckley died.
Are there any details you think you may have left out? Not that I'm aware of, sir.
I recently got ahold of one of SecCorp's reports from the same day, in the same village.
According to them, they were ambushed by hostile forces, which is an interesting development.
Buckley wasn't where he was supposed to be, sir, but he was in full battle rattle, so there's no way he could've been mistaken for an enemy combatant, and he certainly wasn't a threat.
Neither was Qasem, that LN that we brought in, or anybody else from the village for that matter.
That's what I thought.
Heard them mentioning something about clearing the entire area.
It probably had something to do with what we stumbled upon that night.
- What night? - Nothing, sir.
- It was nothing.
- You know something I don't.
- Spit it out, Sergeant.
- No, I'm mistaken, sir.
Look, what I know, you know.
It's all in my report.
Fighting and winning a war is difficult enough without having these mercenaries conducting their own black ops in the middle of it.
You need anything else from me, sir? That's all for now, Sergeant.
You and Sasquatch broke up? What happened? Corporal! You need to go.
I'll be outside.
- Why are you here? - Is this a bad time? Actually, I don't care if it's a bad time.
I really need to speak to you.
- Come inside.
- Okay.
What you are doing is dangerous.
Not for me, but for you.
I'm willing to do whatever you want, and I realize this thing is engineered to self-destruct, but I don't care.
- Perhaps you should care.
- But I don't.
I mean, look at me, I'm sneaking off base in a war zone to hold hands with someone my father would never approve of.
I feel like a teenager.
What exactly did you come here to say to me? If waiting is what you want or need, it's fine.
I'll survive.
Believe me, just imagining us having sex does the trick and then some.
And I'm not saying I'll convert to Islam, but I am willing to meet you halfway.
And where is halfway to Islam? I have no idea.
But whatever it is we're doing here, I want to keep doing it.
Do you? Yes.
Very much.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Let's make it quick.
We've got about five minutes before shift change.
Talk to me.
Found out Sasquatch took a dive in the fight.
That fucking asshole.
You kidding me? Mm-hmm, that was pretty much my response too.
I feel totally responsible for you guys losing all your money.
It's fine.
You didn't know, right? I would try and keep this from reaching Davis's ears, though.
Got it.
Why are you telling me all of this? You trying to get me back? Is that what this is? No.
You're still married to Alvarez, and she still needs that green card.
We can't be seen together.
- Ever.
- If you recall, we were pretty good at not being seen together.
Not nearly as good as we thought we were.
I don't know if I can accept that.
Maybe it's time to.
You're late.
Hey man, I need to re-up on those M18s.
The bullet shattered your humerus.
Now I regret to inform you that it's not going to be an easy recovery.
You're probably going to be dealing with the residual effects for the rest of your life.
And that's the good news? - In this instance, yes.
- Hm.
- You wanted to see me, sir? - Yes, Corporal.
I need the Secretary's scans and medical chart sent directly on to Walter Reed Medical Center.
You're the only one that I trust to make sure it happens.
- On it, sir.
- Very good.
Try to get some rest.
You've got a long journey ahead of you.
Yes, sir? - May I ask you a question? - Of course.
Do you know why you're here? To transfer your scans and medical chart to No, I mean in Afghanistan.
Do you know why you're here in Afghanistan? I believe we're here to stop the threat of terrorism.
And do you think that goal is being accomplished? I can't really tell, sir.
Neither can I, and that's sort of my job.
I'm sure you'll figure it out, sir.
That makes one of us.
Is that all, sir? Unfortunately that just about covers it, Corporal.
Those are some gorgeous looking rugs you got there.
Yeah, my mom's a collector, so figured I'd surprise her for her birthday.
Go ahead and fill these out while I get these weighed.
- Where they off to? - Chicago, Illinois.
Sergeant Davis.
What do you need, Private? I need a money order for $5,000.
Tell me you didn't buy one of those cars.
Yeah, well, I I can't tell you I didn't because I did.
Petrocelli, those dealerships are a scam.
Everybody knows it.
They set up shop here on the base to target naive young soldiers on their first deployment.
Why would they do that? Because the car companies pay off somebody at the Pentagon, and kids like you got nothing better to spend your money on out here in the middle of the desert.
The car salesman gave me a $500 military discount, and a very low interest rate of 20%.
That's not a low interest rate.
Uh, give me a sec for that money order, Private.
And, uh, Sergeant, you're looking at nearly 100 pounds on those rugs.
It's gonna be pricey to send 'em all the way back to the States.
Wait, you found Buckley's rugs? You sending these back to his family? - Well, well - That is so awesome.
You are a really good person, Sergeant Davis.
And I I don't mean just on the outside, I mean in here on the inside.
A really good person.
You mind if I just do this over here? Sure, lemme just look how much this'll cost.
You said it's going to Chicago, Illinois? Yeah.
That's not where Buckley lives.
He's from Texas.
He actually has extended family all over.
Really? Yeah.
You know what, uh, tell them I said hey.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about their son.
I will.
Could you look up the address of a John Buckley in Texas who was KIA? I wanna reroute the shipment.
Here you go, sir.
You wanted to see us, sir? Yes.
I want to thank you both for saving my life.
It's what we get paid for, sir.
America would be better off if more immigrants were like you, Sergeant.
- They are, sir.
- I know.
That said though, if even one foreign national has ulterior motives amongst your rank, that's one too many.
After what happened at Fort Hood, we can't have that risk anymore.
If you don't mind my saying so, that is seriously flawed logic.
Not from where I'm standing.
Sorry to hear that, sir.
Um, the helicopter's ready for you, sir.
Thank you for your service, Sergeant.
I wish you the best.
If you really wanted to wish her the best, you'd help her! When everyone wants to know what the hell went down out there, I will not tell them that your little joyride ended in the death of my good friend.
I will instead speak well of you both because I admire your wife's bravery and good sense.
You are a lucky man, Sergeant, in more ways than one.
Here I was trying to save you, and you end up saving me.
One of these days we're gonna have to learn to save ourselves.
Welcome to our family.
Your bonus check will clear as soon as your paperwork processes and we receive proper documentation for your ETS.
Just a few months left.
You're about to come into a great deal of money for doing what you're already doing for practically nothing.
That's the fucking plan.
All right, we'll be in touch.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he breaks the news to Roback.
What makes you so sure he hasn't already? I'm sure.