A Love So Beautiful (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Game of Truth

Come on.
Hey, guys.
-Se-hyeong, why are you here?
-Are you in this class too?
Are you guys stalking me?
Am I still in class 1-7 or what?
I'm sick of it.
I'm more shocked
that you're in the natural sciences class.
Don't you suck at math?
Su-jin, don't be mean.
We're all friends here.
No, you can't sit here. The seat's taken.
By whom? You?
No, not me, but--
Then step aside.
This seat gets a lot of sunlight.
It'll make me look super handsome.
The sun has nothing to do with it.
It's because Heon, who sat here, is hot.
Your dull face doesn't stand a chance.
Hey, Heon!
Good morning.
That hurt, Ha-young.
Oh, Sol-i. My loyal friend saved my seat.
Guys, the bell just rang. Let's sit down.
Why is she still acting
like the class leader?
I know. Why did we have
to be in the same class again?
-Hi, guys!
-Hi, Dae-sung.
Greetings, everyone!
It turns out that I'll be
your homeroom teacher.
But majoring in natural sciences
doesn't mean you can neglect Korean.
-Got it!
-Got it!
Let's try our best this year!
You must love flowers.
It's about the universe.
How can a book title be so pretty
like you, Ha-young?
You're distracting me. Go away.
No, this is distracting you
from seeing me,
so take this away.
-Give it back!
-I won't.
-Oh, hello.
Hello, Mr. Lee.
Hey, Ha-young. Is your leg okay?
Yes, of course!
Be careful, and don't run too much.
I won't.
Ha-young, are you done?
Then, I'll get going again.
Catch me if you can!
What is that idiot saying?
Don't run.
She's charismatic as hell.
Mr. Song Hae's show! "Korea…"
Wait. Are you going to apply?
Yes, it's this Saturday.
Come with me, guys.
I'll give you the chance to support me.
Count me out. It's too far away.
But Ha-young…
The show hasn't come
to Gyeonggi Province in a while.
Besides, Osan isn't that far away.
It only takes an hour by bus.
Really? It's that close?
Yes, although we'll have to transfer
three times.
I'll showcase my hidden talent
and become a superstar.
Agencies will be after me
to make me their trainee.
Jin-hwan, you have a big dream.
That's good. The bigger, the better.
Your comment is irrelevant.
You're a swimmer.
You guys will come with me, right?
Count me in. It will be fun.
Did you even pass the preliminary round?
-When is it?
-This Saturday.
-Can you please put that down?
You always wield it as a weapon.
Mom, this Saturday--
You, get the money back tomorrow.
If you don't, you're dead meat!
The thing is, Ji-sun left for Macau
on a business trip today--
Wait, the Gye Ji-sun I know of?
Hey, Shin Gi-heon! You…
What the hell?
Did you just throw jokbal
into my handsome face?
I don't want to talk to you, so leave.
Get out right now!
Why must I be ashamed
of lending someone my money?
How is that yours?
I gave you that pocket money.
I can no longer
live like this anymore!
Fine, I can't stand it, either!
I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood
to hear you singing.
I need all of you here to stay motivated,
so sit tight.
Yes, this is number 178, Jeong Jin-hwan!
Should I start singing? Yes, sir!
Excuse me. Start from the refrain.
The refrain? Got it, sir.
I'll start over then.
It's love, it's love
Even if I erase it, it's still love
I try to let go of you
But you're the only one living in my heart
Only you, only you
You're the one I yearn and long for
I take out a photo of you
And gaze at it as I fall asleep
You made the first cut.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Have a good day.
Yes. I made it!
Guys! I'll be making my debut.
Do you have to go to Osan
for the second round, though?
Of course.
Ha-young, I'll promise
to say your name out loud on TV.
You'll all come with me, right?
Well, I can't say for sure.
If my Brother can't say for sure,
then neither can I.
Come on, Sol-i.
You have to come over. What's wrong?
I'm home.
I'm going to another city.
Don't wait up for me, and go to bed.
What's up?
What's wrong?
Heon, what should I do?
My parents had an argument,
and my dad hasn't been home for two days.
I tried calling him, but his phone's off.
And my mom isn't home today, either.
What if my parents get a divorce?
What do I do?
That sleeve turned wet.
I'm sure it's nothing serious.
Don't worry.
1. YES, 2. NO
Mom told me to collect laundry.
Over there. Take them.
By the way, why are the sleeves wet?
A neighborhood dog licked it.
There's a dog in our neighborhood?
I don't think I've seen one. Is it cute?
Yes, it is. But…
it's a little loud.
Take me with you
when you see it next time.
Sol-i! Sol?
Where have you been?
I was worried about you!
Wait, is this a dream?
It's not.
You should get up if it is a dream.
Did you go with Dad?
Yes, we went to Pohang
to look into a store to branch out.
So, does this mean the two of you made up?
Why would we even need to make up?
Look. No husband and wife
love each other as much as we do.
-Stop that.
Go have some king crabs.
I know how much you guys love king crabs.
Hurry up, all right?
King crabs. I love them!
Making you my lady
became a dream of mine
I will make it happen
No matter the obstacles
My dream used to be
Becoming the President, my dad's favorite
A friend of mine shared that dream…
Thank you for coming. Next.
I have another song prepared.
Please give me another chance.
Please love me
Don't bring tears to my eyes
Damn it.
The judges have no eye for talent.
How can they disqualify a genius like me?
Cheer up. You can try again
when they come to Suwon.
He's right.
Just think of it as our little picnic.
Since we're here,
why don't we spend the night here?
Hey, is it because you want
to spend some time with Heon?
Come on. It will be fun.
Sounds good.
Let's have some fun while we're here.
I can't. My mom will be worried.
Comeo n, Ha-young.
We rarely get a chance like this.
Then, let's vote on it.
-I'm in.
-Me too.
Me three.
Let's find a place to sleep first.
Shall we go over there?
-Thank you!
-Thank you!
-Have a good night.
-You, too.
Hold on. Shouldn't we call home first?
Right, let's do that.
-Hey, Mom.
I'm spending the night at Sol-i's.
Ha-young offered to tutor me today
at her place.
-Put her on?
-Put her on?
-Hi, Mother.
We won't stay up too late.
We'll study for a few more hours.
Don't worry.
Sure, good night.
-Hey, Mom.
-Mom, it's me. Good night.
Mom, I'll sleep over
at my friend's place today!
Just this once.
Hello, ma'am.
I'm Jin-hwan's classmate, Cha Heon.
Yes, thank you. Sure.
Are we good?
-Woo Dae-sung!
Why did you skip training today,
and where are you?
I'm at a friend's house.
What? Then put that friend's father
on the phone!
Take it.
I'm Jin-hwan's father.
Who are you trying to fool?
Put your father on!
What the…
Don't answer your phone tonight.
That's better.
Then I'll be dead once I get back.
Wow, that's a lot of stars.
I know. They're really pretty.
I've kept my nose
in my textbooks for so long,
I didn't know how pretty the sky is.
Hey, Jin-hwan.
When did you bury your nose in your books?
You always dozed off in class.
Can't you shut it
when I'm trying to be sentimental?
Be quiet, both of you.
Those stars may all look the same,
but some are planets,
while others are satellites.
I wonder if Rosetta and Philae
are up there too.
Rosetta and Philae? What are they?
In 2004, the European Space Agency
launched a space probe named Rosetta
along with a robotic lander called Philae.
Guys, are you listening to me?
Anyway, Philae landed safely,
but lost communication with Rosetta.
A shooting star! Guys, make a wish!
A shooting star? Wait, my wish.
Who was I talking to?
Don't you have a wish? Come on.
Meteors are just stone or dust.
They have no power to grant wishes.
Is everything okay with your parents now?
Oh, yes.
Their love for each other
helped them make up quickly.
I see. That's a relief.
By the way, thanks for listening to me.
Wait, Heon, did you not make a wish?
I didn't. What did you wish for?
I wished…
for you to like me.
But I took it back.
-What do you mean, "Why?"
It's too heartbreaking
My love for someone is growing
when he doesn't love me back.
So I'd rather not wish
for any reciprocation.
That way, I can keep crushing on you.
Anyway, Heon,
someday in the future,
if I ever get angry with you
and say, "Heon, I'm going to give up
on liking you."
Even if I say something like that,
don't say anything back.
Because I won't mean it. All right?
What? The Game of Truth at this hour?
Come on, it'll be fun. Write yours down.
I want Rosetta and Philae to be happy.
I like the girl
with the longest hair here.
You must keep these secrets.
Don't tell anyone.
What do you think? Isn't it great?
You were right. It's super pretty.
There's no echo.
Let's still go for it. Who's next?
Is it me?
Jeong Jin-hwan is an idiot!
Go on.
Guys, come and see me
win the gold medal next week!
Okay, your turn.
I wish Heon would say something!
Go, Park Ji-sung!
That's new. He really spoke up.
Heon, are you sure you're all right?
This is awesome!
Guys, I like Ha-young the most!
What's the secret you wrote down that day?
You know it's Sol-i's birthday
this Saturday, right?
Sol-i, hi.
Do you have plans tomorrow?
Sol-i, what's tomorrow's lunch menu?
Where are you? I'll be there.
-The secret you wrote down.
-That's supposed to stay secret.
So it's not a lie, is it?
It's all thanks to her.
Dae-sung, are you going public
with your girlfriend?
There. So stop following me.
I won't be there on Saturday either,
so don't wait for me.
Subtitle translation by: Hye-lim Park
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