A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e07 Episode Script


That belongs to Jeong Jinman.
Don't touch it.
What a pretty package.
Do you have a death wish?
Lao rice tastes good.
What are you talking about?
Japanese rice is the best.
Lao rice.
Let's go.
Excuse me,
could the taller son
please stand closer to the family?
- Get in here.
- Jinman, smile.
Why do I have to smile?
All right.
Here we go.
One, two!
Be good
to your brother and sister-in-law.
And Jian.
Check on her when you can.
Worry about yourself, Mom.
Don't worry about me.
I lived a life without shame,
a good life.
And you've grown into a fine man.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Why would you be sorry?
Oh, it's time
for your brother to get here.
You can go now.
It's okay.
I'll stay a little longer.
While you're here,
spend more time with Jian.
Okay. I will, Mom.
I'll come again.
You're making a mess again!
Clean up!
Forget it. I'll just do it.
What's this supposed to be?
What is it?
You're an arms dealer.
How could your security be this sloppy?
I missed
I missed you.
Has his body been found?
The best in Southeast Asia
conducted the search.
They said no one could've survived
that scene. He's dead.
No matter how invincible he was,
he died there!
What will you do now?
I don't know. I haven't thought about it.
Come work for me!
Come on. I'll hire you!
I'll even make an online shopping mall
and expand the business!
I'm going to make so much money!
You handwrite ledgers
because you can't use a computer.
What online shopping mall?
My little brother will do it,
not me. He's a computer genius!
There's nothing he can't do
on a computer.
She assembled this gun earlier.
And I never taught her.
Is that you, Jinman?
Now, we'll split up
like this and put pressure on him.
If things go awry,
we'll go with plan B,
and Juncheol will finish it off.
That's the scenario I came up with.
There's no way Jeong Jinman won't show up.
One shot, two kills. Am I right?
What? Are you uncomfortable
about something?
Why do you look like
somebody just shot your dog?
It's just
Do we have to touch his family?
I mean, his niece is only seven.
Anyone who wants to leave can go.
Hey, Juncheol.
Is Jeong Jinman's family
the only family here?
We're all here
watching each other's backs.
Aren't we family too?
Then, what about Seonghwan?
Wasn't he part of the family?
Our youngest who went to hell
during the last mission.
You said we were family.
Did you forget his name already?
Why would you bring up
the late Seonghwan now?
I think you know why.
Even family members
can show favoritism.
I was an orphan.
I have no parents or children,
so I consider everyone here my family.
You would know.
You have two kids of your own.
Right. Isn't your eldest
entering elementary school this year?
Time sure goes by fast.
His first birthday
feels like just yesterday.
Back then,
he should've picked money.
But he takes after his dad and--
Lee Seongjo, you bastard.
What the fuck are you trying to say?
What about the rice cakes?
They're not here yet.
Jeong Jian.
You're making things harder for me.
I want to go home.
Are you
out of your freaking mind?
Mom passed away so suddenly.
There's something strange about it.
I think
we should do an autopsy.
Do you really
want to open her up?
Do you want to play
a loving son or something now?
It's not like that.
If you're that sure, fine.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Do you want the whole neighborhood
to know you two don't get along?
Why are you yelling?
There's no time for this.
We have a lot to do.
Jeong Jian!
Jeong Jinman.
Why are we going home?
Well, the food isn't ready yet.
They said to come back later.
I think it's going to be boring.
Damn, I'm not used to
wearing these clothes.
I look good though.
The juniper casket
is the most expensive on the market.
It's considered the best for burial.
I see.
I will think it over.
Yes, sir.
Thank you so much.
We still have a lot to do.
Hold it together.
Please attain enlightenment.
I'm sorry, but who are you?
You don't remember me?
I'm an old friend of Jinman's.
Oh, I see.
But I don't see Jinman.
Jinman asked me for a favor,
so I brought some wreaths.
But I have some issues moving them.
Will you two help me?
But why would the wreaths be here?
Tell me about it.
The workers made a mistake
and delivered them here.
Jeong Jinman
left the hospital with his niece.
What shall I do?
Damn it.
No use crying over spilled milk.
Excuse me?
What are you saying?
A lot of things don't make sense.
Can you check the security footage
at the hospital?
I got some food for you.
No matter what you do,
you'll be more at ease on a full stomach.
Now, now.
The scenario that we came up with
roughly goes like this.
It's very unfortunate,
but you had an affair,
and your husband lost it.
So he kills you
and then commits suicide.
To Jian
We have no bad feelings towards you.
But farewell
and attain enlightenment.
Why aren't you answering it?
Isn't it Mom?
Who is it?
Sir, this is Juncheol.
How did you get this number?
That's not important right now.
Bale is still alive.
I can't talk for long.
He's on his way to your mom's funeral
with Lee Seongjo.
You promised to eat pork belly
with me tonight!
Where are you going?
Something suddenly came up.
I'm sorry.
I'll come back before dinner. I promise!
Darn it.
Jeong Jinman!
Will you be right back?
Yes, I'll be right back.
Please, answer your phone! Come on!
Solve the riddle.
What is a horse's favorite sport?
What is a horse's favorite sport
Are you really my uncle's friend?
Is this the place?
The bastard didn't even give us a call.
Go bring the kid.
I'll stay here.
Yes, sir.
What a long day.
Why the unnecessary gunfight?
That's just more shit to clean up.
Fuck, my teeth.
What the hell?
Over here!
I'm so sorry,
but my phone died.
Can I borrow your phone?
Who the hell is this bastard?
So persistent.
This is for my teeth.
Why won't it come off?
Attain enlightenment, you bastard!
Where's the kid?
It's bulletproof.
Bale's alive?
I'm sorry.
I had no choice.
What about my brother?
What the hell?
You'll get seriously hurt
if you fall from there, kid.
So stop that and come up to me. Come on!
Goodness. The apple doesn't fall
far from the tree.
Oh, my goodness!
I think we're in a bit of a jam.
This is incredible.
Nothing's impossible in this country.
I didn't bring you here
to sightsee.
The mute
that was helping Jeong Jinman.
Seongjo took him out.
Just shut your mouth
and find the witness
that Jinman smuggled out of Laos.
That's our top priority.
You're so uptight.
But what's this smell?
Don't worry about the hospital bills.
If it can't be done in Thailand,
get treated in Korea.
You know I have money. I'm rich!
I don't want to get involved in this.
I resigned from Babylon.
I don't want anything to do with them.
Jeong Jinman. Now that you're up, leave.
I need a gun, Pasin.
I only need one.
If you help me,
I'll leave right away.
Why did you try to kill Bale?
Why did you do it?
I really don't get it.
Jeong Jinman always obeys the company.
Why did you cause so much trouble?
I wanted to set things right.
If I had testified properly in court,
Bale would be in jail right now.
the women in that room
wouldn't have died like that.
I wanted to set things right.
I think I made another mistake.
It holds 13 rounds.
Thanks, Pasin.
What will you do with that?
Be careful, Jinman.
Everything burned down.
And our team members are all dead.
And the girl?
She disappeared.
I think there was someone else
in the store
That's enough, Bale.
If you secretly conspired like this,
did you think I wouldn't know?
Can you stop here?
Even if I stop,
Jeong Jinman won't stop now.
The company will take care of the rest,
so you stay out of it.
Don't cause problems.
Tend to your wounds quietly.
You're going to let
Jeong Jinman go like this?
Who said that?
He's a traitor that lied to all of us.
On top of that, he killed Juncheol
and seven of our men.
We will take out Jeong Jinman.
And the company will make
an example of him.
What's your plan?
Enter the building.
I think I found her.
I'll take care of her and bring her out.
Stand by.
leave it to the general this time.
Just take it easy on the sidelines, okay?
I should be the one
to end Jeong Jinman.
Don't you think so?
I know how you feel, but just this time
What are you doing here?
I told you to stand by.
You traitor!
Jian, let's go home now.
- My sweet boy!
- Salute!
- Happy birthday, Grandpa!
- Thank you so much, my boy.
- Dad, why are you so late?
- Sorry, something came up at work.
- Grandpa!
- Yes?
- Take a look at this.
- Okay.
The man made this for me.
Shall we go in?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Mister, can you make a car too?
Jungwoo, put away your toys,
and wash your hands.
He gets so excited
when we have guests.
Stop bothering him. Come on.
Is it done yet?
Yes, Mother. Can you taste this?
It's perfect.
Simmer it a little longer.
Do you want to try this?
You should've told us
we were going to have a guest over.
I forgot I invited him.
- Did you all say hello?
- Yes.
Dinner's ready. Come and sit.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
It's not much, though.
It's more than I could hope for.
Let's go eat.
What are you doing?
There are five rounds left in the mag.
Your grandson,
son, daughter-in-law, and wife
I'll have one left
after I kill those four.
I was in the house for an hour
before you got here,
but I didn't do it.
What do you want?
I know you're a calculative man,
so I'll put it simply.
My mother,
brother, sister-in-law,
and my comrade and friend.
I lost four people
of mine.
Don't you think
that's enough punishment for what I did?
If you stop here,
I'll bury everything that's happened
and take it to my grave.
Please, General.
It's me.
Jinman says he'll stop here.
Do you think you can?
Do you think Babylon will stop?
Babylon might back down,
but Bale won't.
Are you going to make the first move?
I could,
but not right now.
I need a long-term plan.
You'll make a shopping mall down there?
You're a crazy bastard, Jinman.
You do the digging.
Let's go, Brother.
You're going to live with me now.
- Great job, boss. See you tomorrow.
- Yes, see you tomorrow.
You shouldn't walk alone late at night.
Want to have a drink with us?
Who are you?
What are you trying to do?
Oh, you're quite good.
Is this Honda's?
Get out.
A gun? Where did you get that?
Do you want to try it?
Listen up, Jian.
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