Actress (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Dream of Dying

Ms. Yasemin.
- bravo! Sweetie, you were amazing!
- Thank you.
An outstanding catwalk, really.
Take this, dear.
It's got strawberries. Your favorite.
- Really, thank you.
- You were amazing.
Twinkle, twinkle. That's how you shone
on stage, like a star.
They'd like to interview you, Ms. Yasemin,
if you have time.
Uh [stammers] just give me two minutes,
and I'll be back. Thank you. Excuse me.
Okay, of course. Fine.
The star of the catwalk.
Yes, everyone was great.
- Where is he?
Who? Hmm?
Mazhar, the guy who was with you.
Where is he?
Oh, do you mean Mr. Cihan?
He left when it got busy.
He said he didn't want to disturb anyone.
He's a thoughtful man.
What happened? Are you okay?
- Oh, fuck. Ahmet.
- Huh?
Go home! Wait quietly!
- You have a nice home.
- Where's Ahmet?
You were like this even as a child.
What do you want?
You had everything.
Where's Ahmet?
But you still couldn't be happy.
Holy shit! How are you not dead?
It's all because of your mother.
You know about
that famous experiment, right?
The one the Americans did in 1944?
They took 20 babies
that had been abandoned by their mothers,
and handed them over to nannies.
The caregivers provided
for all the babies' needs.
Except for three things.
and affection.
More than half the babies died.
They believe they were given up on.
why didn't you die?
As if not dying wasn't enough,
you also tried to kill
the only person in this world
who really loves you.
Fortunately, you failed.
I'm not dead.
I'm right here.
Fuck you.
You're a monster.
Where's Ahmet?
Okay, what do you want?
If you disobey me and do something stupid,
I will just send your handsome man's head
to your home.
Ah, by the way
you've found yourself a new Derin.
She's a nice girl.
Who was that man?
- Ekin.
- What did he do to Ahmet?
- He's no one. Go to bed.
- What's this talk about the Hunter?
- Why did he say that to you?
- I told you to go to bed and sleep.
Derin died because of you.
Now Ahmet will die because of you.
You are a bad person, Yasemin.
This week's guest on Night Talks
with Levent Ceylan is Yasemin Derin,
who is followed by millions. We will
ask her everything you want to know.
We will also be revealing our trump card.
By the way, where's Ahmet? Is he on leave?
Taner, cancel the show tomorrow.
It's live. How am I supposed to cancel it?
Cancel it.
They can find a different guest.
Yasemin, don't be ridiculous.
We've been promising people
for months. Forget it.
I said cancel tomorrow's show.
Yasemin, will you listen to me?
Are you fucking with me now?
How can anyone find a live guest
in one day? We promised.
Have you lost your work ethic?
Do I have to learn
fucking morality from you?
Rather than dealing with me,
you should go take care of Ekin,
because she could kill you.
She is capable of it.
Yasemin, look, she--
First of all, that's diff--
Yasemin, I was drunk,
and I don't remember shit.
Yasemin, will you listen to me, please?
Yasemin, we need to talk.
Later, Ekin. Later.
Ekin, can we talk?
Fuck you! Asshole!
Commissioner Fatih
Cenk, answer the phone.
Who the fuck is calling me
at this time?
Motherfucker, I'll shove
that phone up your ass. Get the fuck up!
Chief, is that you? I'm so sorry.
Yes, it was fucking me!
I'm calling you. Where are you? Huh?
- Why don't you pick up the fucking phone?
- Chief, I'm undercover.
Where the hell are my photos?
Chief, I will send them.
I will send them.
But you used to offer backhanders.
Now you don't at all.
Oh, I'll give you a backhander, all right.
You'll actually see the back of my hand.
I'll shove the words you spout
right up your ass. Just wait and see.
We're closed.
Have you read this?
Whoever saves one life
is saving all human beings.
Whoever takes a life
has killed all mankind.
Whoever takes a life unjustly.
Can killing be justified?
I don't know.
Is it possible?
Look, Yasemin.
I'm warning you.
When you cross me, and I'm sure you will,
- I'll do what's necessary.
There was a movie I was thinking of doing.
The Hunter. The script was crap,
but I still wanted to do it.
Well, I wanted to play a cop,
not the Hunter,
because I liked the ending.
At the end, the cop shot the Hunter down,
ripping holes in her body.
you do what's necessary,
as and when it's necessary.
My best friend and I
If you're hiding something on this woman,
I'll find it, Fatih.
And tell Ate
to take that photo down immediately.
Where are you going?
What's it to you?
Get out of my way. I've got things to do.
Yasemin, tell me what you're doing.
And I will help you.
Get out of my way
or we're gonna have a falling out.
Go get yourself an ice cream
or something, okay? Come on.
Tell me,
or you're not getting out of here.
- Do you understand?
This is for you.
and you should say hello to Ate(unkn@wn).
The door is open. Come inside!
There's nothing to be afraid of.
He's just sleeping.
And his wife and kid are on vacation.
So it's just us.
If I asked nicely,
would you get me that tablet?
Grab that chair and sit next to me.
It's looking like you're coming out
of this house a dead man.
- But let's see.
I won't.
Can you open it for me please?
There you will find
a folder called "Audition."
Inside it is another folder,
called "Others."
Open that for me, please.
Pay attention to the girl at the end.
Doesn't she look a lot like your roommate?
A perfect target
that fits Ahmet's criteria.
Instead of falling
into that quagmire on social media,
he should have looked around a bit,
shouldn't he?
Look, it was right in front of his nose.
I don't give a damn
if this Ahmet lives or dies.
You know?
It's up to you.
He is killed or set free at my command.
All you have to do is one thing.
No, no.
Not now.
Not now.
That would be too easy, wouldn't it?
You're going to kill Taner
while millions watch
on live television tomorrow.
Everyone loves you so much.
Why does everyone love you so much?
Huh, Yasemin?
Do you think you're lovable?
Doesn't this hypocrisy bother you anymore?
Here's your chance.
I'll let Ahmet go
but first, everyone will see
what a monster you are.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
Shh, look at this one.
Wow, wow.
Look at that babe. Look!
What a beauty. Look, look, look!
Hey, baby!
- What a sweet thing you are, night owl!
- You're banging, babe! Hey!
You're hot and wild.
Are you an angel?
Look, look! The babe is calling us over.
She's signaling to us.
She's pulling us over. Go for it.
Bro, we've hit the jackpot tonight.
High five, man.
High five, for fuck's sake.
She's pulling over.
Hey, man, let me pull over.
Look at my face. Am I looking good?
I'm good, aren't I?
Buddy, are you okay?
- You okay?
- Fuck.
- She fucking broke my tooth.
- For fuck's sake.
You like it a lot,
and I've got it, brother.
The wraps are here.
Oh, great. We're starving!
- Fuck!
- Motherfucker!
Hey, get the fuck out of here!
Move! I'm the police.
Move! Out!
Chief, what's going on?
Fuck your fucking chief.
Have you sobered up?
- I have, Chief.
- Good.
When this is over, I'll give you the award
for best tabloid journalist.
Aren't the photos all
from the fashion show?
I didn't catch who got out of this car.
He pulled up to the back door.
Chief, Yasemin Derin left
the venue alone after the fashion show.
We couldn't follow her driver, Ahmet.
He disappeared.
We're investigating the other car
you gave us the license plate number of.
Is Ahmet okay?
He's going to be.
Was the woman following you a cop?
Are you okay?
I will be.
Don't cancel the live interview
We are going!
We are.
Wait, wait, wait.
Make it bigger.
Leave the others. We'll follow this one.
After Donanma Street it disappears, Chief.
Okay. One by one, we'll check
every street off that one. Open Hasköy.
Are we okay?
We're fine.
Aren't we?
We are.
We're all good.
- Nice.
- Uh-huh.
Sorry that I was so hard
on you yesterday morning.
No, it's nothing.
But I got scared for a bit.
I thought,
"This girl is going to kill me."
Oh, my gosh.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Night Talks with Levent Ceylan.
I didn't think
it would end like this.
I had a beautiful dream of dying
in a car cemetery
being shot full of holes by the police.
When all the lights are on,
nobody can see you
because they're not even looking at you.
In fact, nobody gives a shit about you.
She is Turkey's most talented,
most beautiful, most anticipated
and most followed star.
If you disappear today,
you will not be heard about a week later.
They will immediately replace you
with a new product
with a longer expiration date.
Fresher, more alive and more stupid.
As long as you give them what they want.
Aren't we all like that?
We'll fall in love with anything
to take us out of our miserable lives.
We're all two-faced sons of bitches.
And I take first prize.
- Yasemin Derin.
- Welcome.
- Great to be here.
Thank you very much.
You've got 19 million followers.
That's an incredible number.
I mean, you get hundreds
of thousands of likes
- when you share anything.
How do you deal with them?
I mean, actually, I don't think
we should say "deal with it,"
because 19 million, you know,
it's like a country's population.
So I think of it like this.
It's like a whole country is
supporting me wholeheartedly.
So the fact that so many people like me
and support me
actually makes me feel honored and proud.
So I am very happy, of course,
because of your love.
Thanks. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Of course, you also feel
the responsibility of this.
Do you receive many interesting messages?
I think I've become a favorite bride-to-be
among the mothers.
- They want you as their daughter-in-law.
- Yes, I guess I have that image.
I don't know.
But, for example, I'm a good cook.
Yes, there was such a situation.
That's interesting for me, for example.
She should stay at home instead
of being on the screen, poor girl.
Yes, today I'm going to kill Taner here.
People love me so much.
But why do people love me so much?
Really, why do you love me so much?
A difficult question.
Who's going to answer it?
Is the microphone ready?
Do you know why I'm famous?
Why am I famous?
Why am I sitting here in front of you.
Isn't it ridiculous?
I was in six TV series,
and four of them didn't work.
In fact, one of them was so bad
that it was going to be canceled
during the commercial break.
I have 19 million followers.
Nineteen million.
The population
of the Netherlands is 17 million.
Who are these people?
Don't do it, Yasemin.
Why am I so famous?
Should I tell you why
I'm so famous?
Because I have the best manager possible.
Taner and I
started this journey together,
but I never had the chance to thank him.
Now I would like to thank him
in front of you, right now,
because I've been
a bit of a pain in his ass lately.
Dear Levent, if you don't mind,
can we invite Taner to the stage?
Of course, of course, whatever you want.
You started the conversation in such a way
that you scared us all.
- He's a very close friend of mine,
Taner Yakin. Give him a round of applause!
Whoo! Let's hear it!
Let me apologize in advance.
Because I'm gonna kill you here tonight.
Make some noise! Let's hear it
for my dear manager, Taner Yakin.
I want to thank you live
in front of everyone.
Really, everything you did
meant a lot to me.
My being here now is thanks
to Taner Yakin.
Very nice, but let's not leave it
at a simple thank you.
I think we should get creative.
You know what? Why don't you play the game
with Taner instead of me?
- Great, great.
- Oh, no, no. Now--
- Wonderful. Great, it's a deal.
- Is this what happens on talk shows? Okay.
If she's been bothering you lately,
maybe you'll have a chance to get revenge.
That's a really good idea!
Okay. Well, let's get started.
- After you, sir.
- Ladies first.
Thank you, thanks.
After you.
To the family living room.
The great battle between Yasemin Derin
and Taner Yakin begins.
The rules are very simple.
Whoever draws the winning card can do
whatever they want to the other person.
- Will you cut the cards, please?
- Of course.
When I say what he or she wants,
I mean they are limited
to what's on the table.
Excuse me, we'll take this one.
And this one.
I'm shuffling again.
You can share your trump cards.
After you.
Let's not drag this out too long,
eh, Taner?
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