Alice in Borderland (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

There's a fire
at the back of the building!
We have to find whoever murdered Momoka
and burn them in the Fire of Judgement.
A witch hunt game, huh?
This ought to be good.
The game started.
Rain check on our date?
All right, let's go witch hunting!
You, you're always with her.
Why weren't you with her today?
That's true, you weren't.
What happened? You fight?
- Are you our witch?
- It's not me!
I guess we'll know
when we throw you in the fire!
I was in my room! She was my friend!
So you're with her everyday,
except the day she gets killed.
Great, then we're agreed,
she's the witch. Take her to the fire!
Come on, let's go!
- Let me go!
- Come on!
I didn't kill her!
- Let me go!
- That's enough!
Put down Asahi.
We're all suspects in this game.
Where were all of you?
And what were were you all doing?
And can you prove it?
I can prove that you and I were having
a good time in bed.
Everyone will take turns explaining
what you did in the past hour.
Look, blood!
- I can explain this.
- Finally, this is getting interesting.
- I say she's the witch!
- You're wrong.
This is Hatter's blood.
I was examining Hatter's body.
That's how the blood got on me.
His body?
Hatter was murdered.
- Hatter was killed?
- Why didn't you tell us?
The executives believed
that this might throw everyone
into a panic.
What else are you you people hiding
from us? Huh? What?
- No more secrets, okay?
- Calm down.
I took this bullet from Hatter's body.
Its caliber is the same
as those we have here at the Beach.
This means that someone here
at the Beach killed Hatter.
Do you think that maybe
the witch killed Hatter?
I mean, that doesn't sound so crazy,
am I right?
Uh, the witch could be one of them
I found her annoying.
Let's just burn everyone.
If someone here is the witch,
then everyone in this room except me
could be the witch.
So, who here is the witch? Step forward.
If no one here will admit it,
then all of you will burn.
Get up!
Come on!
Comb through all of them, got that?
No one escapes!
Are you really gonna do what he says?
We worked together as a team until today.
- Eh?
- If the game doesn't end
after you do this,
then eventually, we'll have to kill
Burn him. He's of no use to us now.
Let's go, guys!
Suzuka, hurry!
We have others to question
and time's running out.
Listen, hide inside this room.
Alone? I want to stay with you.
I have to go and find someone.
Let me come too, Usagi.
It's sure to be game over for me
if I stay here.
It's me, Tatta!
Listen, hear me out.
I think we should work together
like we have before.
Help me find Arisu.
We gotta keep moving,
they're getting close.
They're getting closer.
Come on, hurry.
Don't shoot, she's not the witch! I swear!
Don't think, just shoot.
Don't kill me.
It's not me.
Don't do it!
I have to
or I'm next.
You're not human!
They've all gone crazy.
Not their smartest move.
Why would they go so far just to survive?
There's no way to find out
who the witch is this way.
You could be the witch. Right, Kuina?
Or it could be you.
Herd them out through the courtyard.
It'll be easier to move their bodies.
Some of them are hiding inside the hotel.
But I'll force them all out.
- Arisu!
- Arisu.
- Arisu!
- Arisu!
Are you okay?
I I can't do this.
Have you seen Arisu?
He's in the main building.
- Arisu!
- Arisu!
Come here you bastard!
Saiko, you bitch!
Where is Arisu?
He's somewhere on
the fourth floor.
How do you know that?
I saw Niragi come out of a room there.
- What do you want?
- Hey.
What are you doing?
Come here and give me a hand.
Are you the witch?
Unfortunately, not.
What about you?
I'm guessing not.
Anyone trying to find the witch
on their own is not one.
If you were the witch,
you'd be hiding right now
or having fun killing people.
Again, what are you doing?
Looking for the witch.
Ah, here it is.
What's that?
Cyanoacrylate glue.
It's a super glue.
And if we heat this up
and apply it on the murder weapon,
all the moisture
in the cyanoacrylate will evaporate
and hopefully, leave behind fingerprints.
Then I'll be able to use cocoa powder
to dust for fingerprints
on the knife handle.
After I lift the fingerprints
with cellophane tape,
I'll be able to identify the witch.
What did you do before you came here?
Forensics, Tokyo Metro Police.
Pretty good.
We can clear the game with this.
You, go ahead.
We need you to help us to clear this game.
Run, come on!
Down there!
Run for the annex!
Okay, aim!
Let's do this, come on!
Steady, aim
Did you see that?
Hey! Stand up!
We're not done with you yet! Come on!
Get up!
If you don't move, you can have lunch.
Pissy rice soup!
- Okay, whose turn is it?
- Mine! Mine!
Come on, stand up! Come on!
On your feet, Niragi!
Don't you get tired
of bullying people weaker than you?
And where were you hiding?
Oh, there are lots of places
for me to hide.
You really get on my nerves,
you know that?
Think you're so goddamn smart.
Acting like you're so damn clever!
I don't have to act clever.
Okay then.
Why don't we put an end to this right now?
Whoa, pretty good.
What'd you do before you got here?
I sold wedding gowns.
Never hesitate to strike.
Not in my house!
You're a boy! A boy, not a girl!
Don't ever come back.
Hikari? Hikari?
But enough about me.
What about you?
Our main power supply's
been diverted since this game started.
The electricity we've always used
from these power generators
was switched to the hotel's power supply.
That means that whoever's running the game
snuck into the Beach
and controls its power from underground.
What the hell are you saying?
I think you know
who the witch is. That it's
someone close to you.
You saying you think I'm the witch?
Sorry, but you're wrong.
Only the executive members
have information
on how the power grid operates.
I also know that only the executives have
the key to access the underground.
And I'll kill all the executives
to get that key, starting with you.
Sorry, but I can't let you do that.
I've got plans.
Back off!
What the hell was that?
Robert Edwin Peary.
An explorer who devoted his entire life
to reaching the North Pole.
He failed to reach it several times.
In fact, he lost eight of his toes
on one particular expedition.
However, in 1909, he became
the first Westerner
to reach the North Pole.
I'm leaving your dinner here.
As he marched ever forward
towards certain death,
people often wondered
what drove him to do so.
I believe,
that by facing the possibility of death,
it was in fact,
his way to feel truly alive.
When will I, too, feel truly alive?
What can Mom do?
Even though I am alive,
I am in a place where I cannot even choose
what it is that I eat.
I lived this life
without having any consciousness of death.
How should I feel, then,
about truly living life?
I need to escape
from this temporary home I live in.
I want to live in the real world.
And then
I came to this land.
Game cleared. Congratulations.
This was the first time I felt it.
The joy of life.
I have heard
I heard you were a tattooist
in the old world.
I want you to tattoo
something astounding on my body.
So astounding that it won't be acceptable
in the old world.
By doing this, I pledged to myself
that I will live in this world forever.
My story
has no past.
Oh, sorry, sorry.
I understand it all now.
I always thought
that you and I were the very same.
Me and you?
Both of us hate our past.
But there's a very big difference
between us.
You keep turning your back on your past.
But I will face my past.
And it will ensure that I survive.
Do you remember that arcade that closed?
What was its name again?
Uh, it was
in front of our high school, right?
- What the hell was it again?
- Dream World.
You're right, Dream World!
That's it! It was Dream World.
I'd skip class to go there
and Arisu would already be there.
Eyes glued to some dirty magazine,
reading it out loud.
The porn magazines in the '90s were
the best.
Yeah, they were really good.
Actually, I liked reading the articles.
They were well-written.
The day the arcade went bankrupt,
Arisu stood in front of the building
- and cried.
- Yep, just me and the owner.
Ah, those days were the best.
Even though we bitched about it,
high school was awesome.
Do something with your life.
Yeah. And remember us.
Promise, Arisu?
Help me.
I'm here.
Huh? Is there a fire?
I hear someone.
Help! Someone!
Someone, help me!
In here!
The door won't open!
- I did that.
- I can't do this anymore.
Is that all you've got? Hmm?
I knew it when I saw you.
Your will to survive is weak.
It's weak, is it?
You look completely different.
To me
you look beautiful.
Thank you.
"Never hesitate to strike."
I have done as you taught me,
It's good to see you.
- You're okay?
- Uh-huh, thank you.
I hate to break this to you now,
but we only have 30 minutes left.
Okay, explain the rules to me quickly.
Out of ammo.
We've killed a lot of them,
but we still haven't found the witch.
What the hell are we doing?
This is the worst of the games yet.
But just like those horse-headed taggers
we met before,
they were forced to participate
with rules of their own.
I'm sure it's the
the same this time.
The witch had to kill that girl
to start the game
and try to survive until the end of it.
In other words, the witch clears the game
if everyone at the Beach gets a Game Over,
or gets killed by the laser.
But who the hell could be the witch?
If I were the witch,
I'd join the others in the hunt.
Because it'd be Game Over if I was caught.
So, it's someone in the militant corps?
Niragi, Last Boss, or Aguni, huh?
No. If that was the case,
the militant corps would simply kill
each other.
It doesn't feel like
that's the purpose of the game.
The purpose of the game?
This is a Hearts game.
It's not just a physical game.
I know because I've cleared
a Hearts game before.
It's the most evil of the games.
You toy with people's feelings.
You betray and try to kill each other.
The Hearts game can eat away at your soul.
Even if the militant corps wins,
other conflicts will turn up.
So, what should we do?
Something's not right.
What could it be?
If I was the witch,
how would I steer
the game to win?
It doesn't suit you.
Who would've thought
that the best men's club host in Kabukicho
would wind up being a hatter?
It was my father's dying wish.
You were an SDF officer, weren't you?
You could've done anything
but join the yakuza.
Speaking of the yakuza,
Shogo was killed
for skimming the government's payoff.
You know, you're the only old friend
that I've still got left.
Live long, friend.
You too.
I shouldn't be putting myself
in the witch's shoes.
I should be in the shoes
of the game master.
Game master?
Don't you see?
The game was designed to suit
both its location and its players.
Right after Hatter was killed,
Momoka was murdered.
Someone who knows
the ins and outs of the Beach
constructed the game and its timing.
They constructed the timing?
The two deaths didn't happen
at the same time by chance.
It's like that that the game master
has been waiting for this moment.
Then, who's the witch?
Hatter's death was announced
after Momoka died.
The only people who knew
of his death before that
were the militant corps
and the executives.
But the game master may have known
about Hatter's death too.
Then everyone at the Beach is a suspect.
When I passed by the lobby
an hour before the game started,
Momoka's body wasn't there.
Someone must have moved her body there
sometime during that hour.
No point questioning someone.
The witch can simply lie.
The question is
why did the game start when it did?
Why did they wait for Hatter's death
before starting the game?
I'm guessing it was
to throw the Beach
into a state of confusion.
If that's true
If I were the game master,
what would I do next?
But of course.
I know who it is!
If we stop here,
then all we did would be pointless.
We can't stop now!
Time remaining, 20 minutes.
What is it?
I think that I know
who the witch is.
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