Angels of Death (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

The Honour of Angels

!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
He is lost, brother.
The blackness comes for him.
I will see to Kazarion.
You ensure we do not lose that servitor.
I hope your wrath isn’t spent,
We have plenty of these wretches
to kill yet.
Thank you, brother.
I am with you.
The curse is a burden upon us all.
Salvation did not die with Rafael.
The madness shall not claim you
while I draw breath.
What have you done?
I have prolonged
your biological existence.
Your flesh is a wonder, Captain.
Without the Omnissiah's mysteries
woven into it,
you would have died
before I recovered you.
I have implanted a series
of neural cut-outs
to block the connection of nerve
and muscle below the neck.
You cannot move,
you cannot feel
Release me.
You are reasoning
without a full data context.
Your body was in a coma.
It shut down to preserve
the last core processes
of existence.
Without my intervention,
you would not be able to perform
even your most basic functions.
Your flesh would have failed.
Even for your kind,
the pain would be too great to bear.
You know nothing of us.
Do I not?
You are such flawed creations.
We are the Emperor’s will made flesh.
We were taken from the dust.
We shed our weaknesses,
our frailty, to become Angels.
And yet still you fail.
You let pride ruin reason.
You let rage cloud judgement.
You are wondrous machines
crafted in a material
that betrays the mind that governs it.
I have observed you.
I have successfully used what I observed
to bring your fellow warriors here.
They are my brothers.
They are not tools to be bent
to your ends.
I am an ally, not an enemy.
I serve knowledge and that alone.
I am purer in my purpose than you.
Nevertheless, you still have a limited
but vital set of functions to perform.
I serve only the Emperor.
This world is a nest that must be purged.
That is my purpose.
In this moment,
our purposes are precisely the same.
The false angels still live.
Your trust in our flawed kin
was misplaced.
The hunt continues even now.
We will tear the prey down.
They shall not live beyond the dawn.
You shall send true angels again
to my side and they shall kill
I will not.
We shall not sacrifice their purity
for your pride.
The slaves of the machine-witch
have found them.
They are going towards the root
of the tower.
- They threaten
- Live or die
They mean nothing now.
The hour approaches.
The storms clear,
and soon
we will have the false angels’ warship.
The many arms of our god open
to embrace us.
There is nothing
that can prevent that now.
Return, sibling.
We will not waste more of the pure
on the blades of the unclean.
The coven is ready, blessed sister.
My glorious kin!
We have triumphed.
We have done our father’s work,
even as he sleeps.
Now the path is opening.
We have risen from darkness.
The many arms open to embrace us.
And the final step of ascension
waits for us to take it.
But we must take that step
We shall not yield.
We shall not falter.
We shall conquer and be found pure.
We shall rise to the light.
And we shall claim our heaven.
And go to the stars!
What do you want, Magos?
Knowledge, Captain.
Knowledge and its preservation,
that is my purpose.
I would not have expected you
to be able to accomplish that yet.
I am a son of Sanguinius.
A semi-literal truth.
But of little use.
But this
this is a truth beyond all value.
A Standard Template Construct?
You surprise me, Captain.
It is why I was here.
Why I was burrowing in the dark
while the world of flesh
fell to its flaws.
It is beyond value
and rare in the extreme.
Nothing must prevent its retrieval
and study by the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Do you know what it contains?
Secrets, Captain.
Great and terrible secrets.
That is why you need us.
You could not defeat the xenos.
You could not get your prize
off this world
with the cult controlling the dock.
You needed warriors and a warship.
I have been stranded here
ever since I discovered this artefact.
You cannot comprehend
the inconvenience this has caused.
My brothers’ blood salts the earth
because of what you have done.
It was not my intent that they die.
Quite the opposite.
I need you.
To destroy the cult,
and to secure this artefact.
To take it and me away.
I cannot accomplish either task alone.
You are less than human.
And yet also so much more.
As are you.
We are not the same.
Oh, but we are, Captain.
We share a commonality
germane to all sentient beings.
Survival, Captain.
The things we will do
in order to continue,
to exist a moment longer.
We would kill for it.
See empires sundered
or worlds put to flame.
We would sacrifice everything.
To survive.
You said that you serve knowledge.
Knowledge is survival.
The Siren Tower must fall,
and with it the heart of the cult.
Without that,
they shall prevail and I shall remain,
and you shall fail in your purpose.
There is only one way it can be done.
I need the Angels of Death.
My brothers
that’s where you’re leading them,
isn’t it?
- To the tower.
- Correct.
Now I see why you needed me, crone.
They will not follow you.
Will not do your bidding.
You need me to speak to them,
to give the order to do what must be done.
They lack coherence.
You are what gives them balance.
They need you.
Together you are the means
to accomplish our aligned goals.
I cannot command them from here.
What do you believe
I have been doing while we conversed?
Or did you imagine that I salvaged you
from a need of personal interaction.
There is a limit to what I can accomplish
with the material of flesh.
But I estimate it will be enough.
What is this place?
You promised us
we would be brought to our Captain.
This is Magos Dominus
Castia-Theta-9 speaking directly
through the proxy-servitor unit
before you.
This is a high speed macro-hoist.
Further context.
This hoist’s original purpose
was to move cargo into the orbital dock.
Now it shall carry you.
Where is our Captain?
The xenos cult is intending
to take your warship
and flee this world
through the opening in the warp storms.
This hoist will take you directly
to their inner sanctum within the tower.
There the Patriarch, and the brood,
lies in hibernation.
And then what do you expect us to do?
Our duty, brothers.
By the Throne!
For what else is there but duty
and the honour of the Angels?
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