Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Much Ado About Pudding

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
[Mighty Eagle]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[driving rock music]
For catapultin'!
Slingshottin'! Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zippin' in the air ♪
Crashin' everywhere! ♪
Archery, Dodgebird
Borb tennis-- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck! ♪
Flyin' Fast!
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life, you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
Mmm…. [inhales]
Summon the warrior within.
Summon the warrior within.
[birds grunting]
Just gonna get nice and limber here.
Come on, hamstrings. Don't fail me now!
[hatchlings chattering]
[bird] Yay! Pudding! Hee hee hee!
Pudding time.
-[all cheering]
Right here! Right here! Oh!
[cheering continues]
Pudding for you, Red!
Some for you, Bomb!
I got you, Stella!
[cheering continues]
[hatchlings whimpering]
[hatchlings crying]
[groans and burps]
Why does this always happen?
None of the hatchlings got pudding.
Lunch Lady Brenda never makes enough.
I mean, how hard could it be?!
Yo, Rod!
Totally agree.
How about we team up and fix it?
We? Like us? Together?
Do you have pudding trauma?
And it's-- it's Red, by the way.
Seeing you getting so worked up there
moved me. Deeply.
Can I share something
I never told anyone?
I'd rather you didn't.
-When I was a hatchling--
-Okay then.
I never got pudding.
-I never got pudding either.
-Don't listen to him, Red!
It's a bad idea.
I mean, a really bad idea!
Because Neiderflyer despises us, right?
I mean, right?
I know that we've had
our disagreements in the past.
But if there's one thing
that should unite us, it's pudding.
I do love pudding… and clouds,
and socks… old toothbrushes.
Red, you're not seriously
listening to this bird feed, are you?!
[hatchlings cheering]
But pudding is the most important meal
of the day.
Walk with me, bro.
Mi casa es su casa.
[Red gasps]
Ohh. Your cabin is chickin' amazing.
How'd you get all this stuff?
Pulled a few tail feathers. I can kind of
get away with whatever I want.
Yeah, I know. It's your worst quality.
Right. So Rod, like I said, this has
bothered me for a while.
So I put together everything you need
to break into the kitchen
and make sure there's enough pudding
for the hatchlings.
Flight vision goggles, two-way radios…
soda machine.
Whoa! What's the soda machine for?
[slurping] Uh, soda?
Anyway, I'm just missing one piece:
you and your… friends.
Why would you need us?
I'm a troublemaker.
You're the guy who fixes things.
The hatchlings need a hero.
I need a hero.
So, ver--
Uh, looks like you got
a little on you there.
So… you in, Rod?
Uh, it's Red. And yeah, we'll do it.
But how are we gonna
get out of our activities?
With these.
Cool! Dummy us'es!
Although I feel like
I'm making a weird face there.
[electricity sizzling]
Archery's awesome!
[Red] Psst!
He's alive! Alive!
I'm so, so happy!
We thought you were gone forever!
Oh, man. I'd have loved
to see Neiderflyer's dumb face
when you told him where to go.
Right, right! 'Cause he's always
doing awful, awful, awful things to you.
Yeah… like that time you got
trapped upside down on the slide
and he took a picture of your butt
and showed it to everyone.
I know this is gonna sound crazy,
but it's-- Wait, he did what to my butt?
Look, we know Neiderflyer's a jerk.
But if he can help us
get the hatchlings pudding,
we gotta do it.
I still don't trust him.
But I trust Red.
Okay. So how do we do it?
With these.
[leaves rustling]
-[Chuck] Wow.
-[Bomb] Whoa.
Whoa! This looks just like you!
[binoculars whir, Stella giggles]
Neiderflyer gave us everything we need.
Dang right he did!
He even give us a theme song!
Check this out!
[exciting music]
[flashbulbs snapping]
Hey, are you dummies gonna shoot or what?
-Oh, yeah!
Whee hee-hee-hee!
[electronic trilling]
[birds whooping]
-[Stella] Yahoo!
[giggles] Wow.
Neiderjerk actually came through.
See? Maybe he's not such a bad--
Don't say it. Don't even think it.
Let's get as much pudding
in the cannon as we can.
Already on it!
A bit of this, a bit of this…
A bit of this… a dash more of this here.
[machine bubbling]
Uh, you don't think we overdid it, do you?
It does not sound happy.
Uh, I'm sure it'll be fine.
The important thing is that the hatchlings
are finally getting pudding.
What's going on in here?
Agh! Busted.
Well, well, well, Rod and his goons
sabotaging the pudding cannon.
What? No! This was your idea!
He was in on this.
I mean, we did it,
but it was all his idea!
I don't care whose idea it was.
You're banned from pudding
for the rest of the summer.
No more pudding?
I don't wanna be banned.
I dunno. I always wanted to be in a band.
[imitating electric guitar]
I really thought Neiderflyer wasn't
acting like his usual jerk self this time.
-And yet…
-We told you not to trust him,
but you said we should trust you,
so we did trust you, and now I can't stop!
[imitating electric guitar]
This just hurts, Red. It hurts so much.
[Chuck continues]
I am gonna go give Neiderflyer
a piece of my mind!
[Chuck imitating electric guitar]
Ooh. Thank you!
[loud chattering]
'Sup, Splinterwoodies?
There's something you need to hear.
Neiderflyer! It's time that everyone
heard exactly what you did.
Neiderflyer tricked me
into convincing my friends
to break into the kitchen,
then ratted us out to Lunch Lady Brenda!
-[all gasp]
-Oh, he's right.
That's exactly what I did.
Aha! You see? He admits it!
He admits that he got the four of us
banned from pudding
for the rest of the summer,
which means there's now enough pudding
for the-- one, two, three, four--
And that's how
I got the hatchlings pudding.
[all chanting] Neiderflyer!
Neiderflyer! Neiderflyer! Neiderflyer!
[ominous music]
[sighs] Aw, what's the point?
Neiderflyer, you win. Why don't you
just put me out of my misery?
No! Red, what are you doing?!
There's so much to live for!
Clouds, socks, uh, other stuff!
I'm done. This is Neiderflyer's world
and I don't wanna live in it anymore.
[chuckles] If you insist.
Looks like it's pudding time.
[engine revving]
[all screaming]
[hatchlings cheering]
[Red] You were right
about the pudding cannon, Chuck.
It really wasn't happy.
It probably just needed a hug.
Gotta admit, that was pretty smart, Red.
Ah, justice was served.
Mmm. Tapioca justice.
Speaking of which…
[muffled jabbering]
He's gonna find a way out of there,
you know.
Yep, and he's gonna be the same
entitled jerk as before…
but the important thing is
the hatchlings got pudding.
We might not get the credit,
but we got the job done.
And really, isn't that what heroes--
Oh, come on. Are you kidding me?
What? You weren't gonna eat that,
were you?
[theme music playing]
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