Begins Youth (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Man in the Mirror

This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Hello, this is 911
How can I help you?
There's a fire
Where is your location?
Are you calling from a payphone?
Where is the fire?
Is it nearby?
What's the current
situation of the fire?
- Well, it's
- Hello?
It seems like it's
going to catch fire soon
You think it's going to catch fire? Hello?
That piano academy
I brought your long johns
It's still chilly
I told you it's okay
I have a heating mat
Oh dear, see, you're coughing
Put these on, right now
I heard the bicycle shop is moving too
Last month, Minsu's family
put their house up for sale
Everyone moving around
makes me feel uneasy
You know
Since your friend's father got elected
they probably won't
go through the redevelopment, right?
His campaign promise was
to invalidate the redevelopment
I can't trust politicians
If that father could
use his influence a bit
maybe your father could still
receive work injury compensation?
But you just said you
couldn't trust politicians
Please don't hope for that
I know it's embarrassing and awkward
I understand
Changjun Kim, Elected legislator of Songju
I promise I'll make Songju towards the light!
Are you going to say
that man is your friend again?
I really wish he was your friend
Let's go, I'm hungry
Enjoy your meal
Thank you
Ah, come on, eat it
You didn't even finish
the roll of gimbap I bought yesterday
Try it
I saw you going out with Dad
- One bottle of soju, please
- Yes
You're not going to drink it
Here it is
You're not going to pick it up!
If you drink it,
I'll forget
all the good memories with you
If you drink that!
the Dad who used to play catch with me
will be gone
I'll throw away the ball
and everything
Eat it, slowly
What? I can't hear you well
Eat before it gets cold
Do you still have no plans
to live together again with the family?
Do you still
Chuncheon Gospel Church
- Oh, hello
- Hello
Oh, Haru
You graduated from
middle school this year, right?
How are you doing after the heart surgery?
- Are you okay?
- Me?
Heart surgery?
Oh, that
During last summer break
Oh right, Haru, remember
when you were hospitalized
He's gotten much better,
all thanks to the pastor's prayers
- That's very good to hear
- Yes
So, Haru, how about
joining the Bible study
and going to the summer
Bible camp with us?
I don't think my parents would allow it
They don't seem ready
for it yet, both of them
I'm all ready though
- Let's go, we'll be going now
- Okay
Peace be with you
Haru, why did you do that earlier?
What do you mean?
You did that on purpose
to embarrass Mom and Dad
I've said this many times
we're trying to make sure
you don't get hurt
Haru, can you stop texting
when your dad is talking to you?
Who is it?
A friend
A friend?
That friend?
Haru, shall we have dinner?
Oh, I'm going to eat with my friend
Which friend?
That friend
I'll be back
Just like you said, Dad and Mom
need to feel what it's like
How hard it is to hide something
But without you,
I couldn't have done this
Yeah, it's not my fault
Just like it's not my fault
for being this way
Where are you now?
Almost there?
Why did he go to the bus
terminal at this time of night?
Why is he keeping secrets these days?
It's hurtful
This is the boarding announcement
The express bus to Seoul
will depart in a few minutes
If you are boarding,
please proceed to the gate to board
Wonjoong Byeon, Death, Key No.8
Issue with the 7th members, sexual assault
It's embarrassing to even mention,
but making a false accusation of sexual
assault against Changjun Kim
Eunjoo is not that kind of person
Changjun Kim
There's something I must tell you
I'll put it in my second favorite thing after you. Please find it
Did everyone see this?
Hwan's dad is seriously respectable!
Everyone's relieved
since your dad got elected
Thanks, Hwan
Too much water rots the roots of a tree
and too much contemplation becomes poison
I'm sorry, I'll clean it up right away
- Excuse me, Principal Jo
- Yes
About the rumors during the election
I think you
might know the truth
If it's about the relationship between
your dad and Cein's mother,
it's not appropriate to discuss at school
And perhaps your dad would know better
My father doesn't seem to
want to talk about it
Sometimes it looks like
he really doesn't remember
Is that so?
Scholarship students of
that year were particularly close
As you grow older,
would you forget about your friends?
There are two possibilities
Either you really don't remember
or pretend not to remember
many students from that
year of scholarship had unhappy lives
and for a politician,
everything can be a weakness
But to completely ignore his friends
Why don't you ask him directly?
Run, run, come on
Hey, take out your earphones!
Don't you take out the earphones? Huh?
Good morning, Sir
Hey, you
Your tie, tie
You should tie it, man
Ah, this guy, sigh
- Ma'am, is Hosu here?
- Over there
Hey, Hosu
Hey, Hosu
They say you fainted again
- What?
- How did you know?
Everyone was whispering about it
They say it happened
on the first-floor stairs
Yeah, it did
Recently, it happens without any sign
Hey, are you maybe
Maybe what?
Isn't it
because you're not taking
your medications properly?
Ah, it's not that
I think the medications
don't work for me well
I moved hospital and changed medications
Is there something on my face?
What's up?
Hey, your face is really red
Do you have a fever?
- You have a cold, right?
- No
I'm fine
Are you really okay?
It's nothing, what
I mean, you
Ah, sigh
Are you okay?
- I'm okay, I'm okay
- You fainted again!
- How bad?
- Hey, hey, hey!
Ah, celebrities can't afford to get hurt
It becomes too famous
It's not the first or
second time I fainted
I'm worried because
it's not just once or twice
You've been fainting a lot lately
Is it because of stress?
You don't have to worry about
the redevelopment anymore
Hwan's dad is firmly handling it
You've been too busy lately
Attending classes for a certificate
and going up to Seoul for auditions
- Right?
- Yeah
There must be a reason
I think
it's definitely because
of that certificate
That's kind of exam, right?
Bro, you can't do it, it's not for you
You're just like me
You're not cut out for studying
That's really ridiculous, hey
It's true I'm not talented
in studies compared to other things
but being in the same group
as you is the real problem
Hey, and my landscaping teacher
said I'm really talented
Do you have to wear those band-aids
on your hands if you're talented?
This is like a badge of honor, a badge!
You need to get this kind
of injury to earn the certificate
Anyway, it's a relief
I thought you were badly hurt because
they said there was a lot of blood
Hey, why are you there
I know
- Are you okay?
- Harder! Harder!
Enough! Ah, it hurts
Hwan, do you have a tail?
Ah, why did you hit there
- What's with him?
- Bro, how long have you been here?
I came here before him
Perfect character for our elder!
If there's a spot, he lies down first
Anyway, in the end, everyone
got here instead of that closed hideout?
Ah, except for that one person
I know who it is without looking
What's this?
A key?
What is this?
Everyone must be going crazy
wondering what this key is for, right?
What, no reply?
I guess I didn't give enough hints
What's this key everyone's buzzing about?
Why no answer?
Is it too hard?
Should I give a hint?
Who wants a hint, shout out
and throw your pants!
Do I have to guess this?
In case he comes to find me
Just leave it
Anyway, it's his loss if he comes
He'll get told off again
Ah, thank you for the meal today
Keep up the good work
Do you still manage
the principal's orchid?
Do you keep doing it because you want to?
What are you talking about?
Just wondering
if the principal forced you to do it
Never mind then
Are you really okay?
Why is everyone ghosting me?
Ah, geez
What the
Jeha Jeon!
- What?
- Isn't he there?
Why, is it locked?
He was all excited in the chat,
where did he go?
Doesn't seem like he's here
- Let's go
- What? No, no
- It's right, right here
- Hey, open the door
Unfortunately, I'll only let those in
who get my question right
- What's he saying?
- Okay, here's the question
What is Jeha Jeon most afraid of?
Ah, this is too easy
So cute
- Ghosts?
- I can't hear you!
Is it too hard?
Should I give a hint? Do you want it?
If you want it,
say, 'Big Brother Jeha'
Ah, just kidding
I'll give you a hint
It's four letters
I.F N.O,
Ah, guys, it's just a joke,
why are you guys so angry?
Let's just go
- Let's go
- Yeah, let's go
Hey! Wait a minute!
Just a minute
Ah, come on
You all ignore my chat
If you don't want to come, then don't
You know how hard it was
for me to open here?
Don't come? Really?
Yeah, don't come
Okay, let's go!
- Let's go
- Let's go
Ah, really, geez!
Ah, really
Aww, how cute
Oh my, our middle schooler
How did you make the key?
I found a matching lock and attached it
Now no one else can open this
Not even disciplinarian, why?
Because I'm the only one who has it
Wow, Jeha, you're smart
But why don't you bring
that brain to tutoring, huh?
What do you mean?
My grades have gone up lately
- Of course, all thanks to you
- Yes, right
Jeha Jeon is the best
You are the real deal, happy now?
By the way, it's been a long
since Cein lay down there
We haven't been here
in a long time, right?
When was the last time we came?
That day
In the summer
- Before the final exams
- Around that time
Found that body on the beach
They said that person
committed suicide, right?
Ah, that person?
Wasn't he a senior at our school?
He came to our school before he died
My classmate Junsu saw him
when he was playing soccer
That's why the detectives came
to school and met the principal
Why did he come here so creepily?
Because he's an alumnus of this school
People tend to visit memorable
places before they die
Now that your dad won the election
aren't you going to treat us?
Ah, you mean elected?
- Yeah, let's have a party!
- Oh, yes
We can have it at your big house
Last time, my dad was
in Seoul, so it was okay
Then let's have a small
party at your container
- We should celebrate
- I don't
Yeah, let's do it there
People say, "Strike while the iron is cold"
how about we do it today?
I know, it's not 'cold'
It's 'warm'
Isn't it 'warm'?
I don't
even know where to start
to tell you what's wrong
- Isn't it?
- Wrong?
So, what time is the party today?
Is it 'warm' or 'cold'? Do you know?
Guys, can't we just meet
after dinner, really?
I can't miss dinner, okay?
I'll eat super fast, really
I'll just drink my meal, okay? Really!
Slow down
Is it because he's growing?
Jeha, do you want to try golf more?
Yeah, the people we went to
the lounge with last week
said Jeha seems to have a talent for golf
It was your first time but you played well
You were almost on par with Mingook,
who's been taking lessons for a long time
Jeha does have some athletic talent
That time, I had a cold,
so I wasn't in good condition
I might take him again next week
Oh, Jeha must be so happy
- Thanks for the meal
- Huh?
This is the time to talk
more about golf with dad
I told you, I'm going to Hwan's
Dad's celebration party
You must go golfing with
Dad this weekend, okay?
Cool, Hosu
Why, why? What's up, why?
I ran right after eating,
my side is so hurt
Since Jeha is here, let's get something
What are we buying?
- I don't have money
- Me neither
I left mine
Since it's my dad's
celebration, I'll treat
Dad gave me his card
- Did you steal it?
- No, he gave it to me!
Hwan, can we buy whatever we want?
Yeah, let's buy everything
Let's go!
- Let's go!
- Yes!
Hosu, take the water out of pickle
- Bro, where's the cup?
- Oh, here's the cup
Sir, please get up and help
Ah, seriously
Give it to me, I'll do it
Hey, I'll do it for you
Why aren't they coming soon?
Jooan, can you help here?
- Mr.Kim
- Welcome
- Congratulations
- Thank you
Nice to meet you
Sir, come here!
- Cein
- Hurry up!
Come on up
- Cheers!
- Move
Okay, everybody
Where's your coke?
There's coke right here!
Congratulations on
Changjun Kim's win in the election!
Congratulations, legislator!
Let's go! Assemblyman Changjun Kim!
Let's go!
Oh, Mr.Kim
Jangwon Seo from Songju Police Station
I greeted you last time about
your son's issue, remember?
You know you got elected because I stepped
down from the primaries and supported you
You owe me this time
When your father was legislator
I started as a driver,
cleaned cars, polished shoes,
and took care of your dad's issue
I'm not interested in politics
I just bought some property,
not the main area,
just next to it
but it's awkwardly located
in the redevelopment zone
Mr.Kim, the chief of Songju Daily,
Sangjun Lee, is here
I'll see you later
My property
It's coming!
Take it easy
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- One!
- Let's go!
- One, two, three!
One, two
What, didn't you get it right?
Did I
forget something?
Something you forgot or
something you lost?
We met at that meeting, right?
Did you really
forget everything?
I postponed today's meeting with the
Economic Federation to next week due to the schedule
Don't worry too much
Is that it?
But when are you guys leaving?
- I'm going to sleep here
- Me too, me too!
So be it
Ah, come on
Is it really a cold?
But isn't it time for the
middle schooler to go home?
Go brush your teeth and sleep
I need to ask my Mom too
I need to ask my Mom too
It's cold, get something to wear
Mom, please just for today!
I told you I'll go golfing
with Dad this weekend
Then you have to allow me
next time for sure!
Hey! The door won't open!
Say the password
Hey, the kid's crying
Open it, please!
Ah, always picking on only me!
Try pushing harder
He left?
Seems like he left
Did you think I wouldn't open the door?
What are you doing?
Hey, you'll get hurt, hey
Hey, wait a moment
Stuck? Hey, is it stuck?
- I'll get you out
- Hey, don't pull
- No, no!
- No?
- We should push
- Push?
Only Dissolution Leads to Survival!
They said this place
would be redeveloped
If it doesn't happen, what then?
Well, rich people will buy it
and sell it for more
The real landlord never
gets their hands dirty
Wow. You've been reading books, huh?
Mocking me, middle schooler?
You are really weird lately
Reading books you never read,
and wandering around at night
How do you know?
That I wander at night?
Uh, I
Uh, I saw you a few times
You went to Munhyeon
Bus Stop yesterday, right?
You saw me?
I was just
passing by in my Dad's car and saw you
entering the bus terminal
I felt stuffy being at home all the time
Sigh, you should've asked me to come along
Forget it, man, you've been busy too
Playing the good son
That's just
so Dad treats me well, and Mom likes it
Stepdad praises me for being good at golf
Improved grades and golf too?
But it felt weirdly good
It's natural to feel good when praised
Why is that weird?
I knew the stepdad won't like me
no matter what I do,
I didn't feel anything until now
But being pampered suddenly felt good
But it's not going to work out anyway
For stepdad, there's only one son, Mingook
I feel sorry for Jeha
He's still a kid, but he knows too much
Jeha is kid, but he's not weak
Sometimes, when I hear
what he talks about,
it's creepy because it feels
like he's older than me,
Hwan, weren't you going
back to the apartment?
I was planning to go
tomorrow, after packing
Take care on your way
Can I
go to your house?
That's too much, isn't it?
It's just
strange that I don't want to go home today
Wow, look at this turn!
Hey bro, are you sleeping?
Isn't it cool?
I'm cool, aren't I?
But I think a kid
in my class does better
Do you know
anything about dancing, do you?
This is the essence of a dancing machine
I'll just keep it for myself
You, subscribe while I go toilet
and click "Like"
- Haru, subscribe too, okay?
- Okay
You subscribe, too
Yep, hanging out with friends at a party
What, do you have a girlfriend?
No, just a friend
Yeah, a girlfriend is also a friend
What are you saying,
she's really just a friend
Ah, that Munhyeon Middle,
now Munhyeon High?
You talk too much with her
and seem too close recently
What's that, we just get along well
Hey, so we don't get along?
- Jooan, I like you and everyone else
- Me or her?
What's 'me or her?'
If she and I fall in the water,
who would you save first?
Uh, hey!
Did you just hesitate?
You asked so suddenly
Hey, even if I ask you when you sleep
shouldn't it come out like
'Uh? Of course, it's you'?
Really disappointed, really sad
- I mean, Jooan
- Don't
- Jooan, I mean
- No, that's enough
Go play with that friend
Some stranger is here
Bro, there is a st
stranger here!
- Hey
- Yeah, it's almost done
Wow, you can even do this?
I lived alone in the US
And here, living alone, my skills
only improved making ramen
I'm benefiting from that
- May I use the restroom?
- Yeah, go ahead
Does he want to add an egg?
What are you doing?
Uh, Hwan, that's
Ramen is ready
Come out
I'm sorry
I was just too curious
I know
It's not someone else's business
It's about your mom
But I shouldn't have done that
It is just
I just wanted to know the truth
The truth that Mom isn't the person
the principal talked about
or at least make it easy
If I could just know the truth,
I thought I would feel a bit more at peace
It might
not be like that
What might not be like that?
Is there something you found?
I'll go
Take care
Nothing much, really
More than half are
in favor of redevelopment
It seems it will proceed smoothly
Can I come in for a moment?
Thank you for the card
Keep it
Buy what you need
Do you know
Eunjoo Kim?
Eunjoo Kim
Who's that?
- Someone you know?
- No, Eunjoo Kim
Who's that?
Does that person know me?
Never mind
I'll be going
What's the next schedule?
There's a general meeting with
employees of Songju City
There are two possibilities
either you really don't remember
or pretend not to remember
Mokryeon Mansion
- Hurry up, you punk
- Sorry
Let's go!
Was that Dohyeon's friend
he was talking about?
Bro, where are you?
That guy, Dohyeon's friend,
does he live in our apartment?
I've never even seen their faces
- Dohyeon went crazy about it
- Oh, right
It seems like Dohyeon still
gets along with those guys
They just rode off
together on a motorcycle
It woke me up completely
Why is he asking for the hideout key
in the middle of the night?
Cein Min, you little!
If he wasn't older than me
Is there something in there
that only I don't know about?
Jeha, do you still have the hideout key?
Well, there is one more
After Mom cleared out
her favorite piano academy
I'll put it in
my second favorite thing after you
Please find it
Do you need a help?
When did you come?
Just now, the door is open
- What are you doing?
- Ah, I
I think I left something here
What you left is inside there?
It doesn't seem to be here, though
- Aren't you leaving?
- Ah
I'll take a nap here before I go
You go first
Oh, okay
The person who finds this
is the person
Mom loves the most in the world
Did you talk to Dohyeon yet?
At the facility?
I know those punks' faces.
If I see them
Wait a minute
Hey, what time is it?
- 10:30. Hey, look at this
- Hey, yo!
- Why are you so late?
- You are so late
What are you talking about?
- Eh?
- 30 minutes late
Those punks?
- The guy from Munhyeon High
- Whose is that last one?
Oh, it's for my friend
He's graduating today too
Ah, that Munhyeon Middle
now Munhyeon High?
Really the same clothes?
Damn, bro, wait, I'll call you again
- Unavailable
- Ah, Haru, never picks up
- Hey, Jooan
- Hey, what are you doing!
Why aren't you answering the phone!
I was changing my clothes
- Why are you angry all of a sudden?
- Where are you?
Will you meet that punk today?
Yeah, I'm about to meet him
- Why?
- Hey, don't meet him
Why are you like that
Anyway, don't go!
If you go out today,
I won't see you for the rest of my life!
What is it?
- Where are you?
- To meet a friend. Want to come?
Here at the apartment's main stairs
- Hey, what's up?
- Listen
Do you know Haru Park, or not?
Ah, that psycho?
- Hey!
- What's wrong with you?
Don't mess with Haru Park
I'll kill everyone if anyone
touches him, got it?
- Hey!
- Who's that?
- Hey
- Are you okay?
Hey, Jooan
What's this?
Are you outside?
- Yeah
- Hey, damn
Why are you like this all of a sudden,
at least give me a reason
I told you not to meet him!
Those punks are bad guys
They're the ones who messed up Dohyeon!
Ah, whatever
Where are you now?
Where are you now!
Where did he go?
He's not here yet, why?
Why are you like this?
Forget it
I'll talk to that punk myself
Is he here?
Is he your friend?
That guy?
What happened?
Haru seems to be in
a dangerous situation now
Is that your friend?
That one?
Changjun, don't trust Mr.Koo
He's a bad person
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