Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

What are you doing? You're hurt.
You're in no condition to go anywhere!
Listen to me.
Your wounds could get infected.
That's none of your business.
I'm coming with you.
Get out.
No. I'm not letting you go by yourself.
Stop, Detective Moon!
Detective Moon!
Goodness, what is this about?
You're going to kill him!
This bastard killed Seung-gil.
Why, you lunatic.
I did what?
I'll take a look and see
if he really did kill him.
Hey, Byeong-ho.
I have a hundred mouths to feed.
If we don't get rid of him,
all 100 of them would starve to death.
So what should we do?
I'll get rid of him.
You will?
Moon Jang-yeol ended up here
because of me.
Shouldn't I wrap things up?
I'll return after checking
if he's really dead.
It wasn't him.
He's not the one who killed him.
No, this asshole's the one who killed him.
I saw the whole thing!
He did order Seung-gil to kill you,
but he's not the one who killed Seung-gil.
Don't you believe me?
I do.
there are more reasons
I should beat him up.
Detective Moon!
Hey, Moon Jang-yeol!
I'm glad you're here.
Arrest this bastard.
Someone made a report,
so we have no choice. Come with us.
Take all of them in.
Detective Moon.
Wait, Detective Moon.
Keep up the good work.
For goodness' sake.
Have you eaten?
My gosh, you're such an impatient guy.
You should always ask
before hitting someone.
That's how you don't get the wrong person.
Look at this.
They wouldn't have stabbed him so randomly
if they were to kill him.
They would have gone for specific spots.
Be it his neck or his heart,
they would have gone for
the most lethal spots.
But look at these pictures.
The killer didn't have any spots in mind.
They stabbed wherever they could.
They didn't know where they needed to stab
or how deep they needed to stab
to kill him.
From what I can tell,
this is someone
who's never stabbed anyone before.
This is just too unnecessary.
Why would Baek
send someone so lousy to kill him?
Am I wrong?
Anyway, hang in there.
I'll see what I can do.
Don't skip any meals.
Goodness. Don't they feed people in Seoul?
That's inhumane.
Did you look into it?
How did you know?
We found evidence
that Baek recently bought fishing boats
and that he was using them
to traffic drugs.
How did you know?
Do you have an informant?
I have an informant.
An informant who knows everything.
Thank you for the ride, Captain.
Sure thing.
It's going to take a while
for Detective Moon to get back.
But what's going on between you two?
Are you guys a thing?
Excuse me?
You guys are an item, aren't you?
There's a rumor going on
in the neighborhood.
That you two went to the mountain
together and everything.
That's absurd.
It's not like that at all.
If you say so.
But isn't it pretty clear
when you've been to the mountain together?
I said it's not like that.
I got it. Get some rest.
It's really not like that.
All right.
I'm getting more suspicious
because you keep denying it.
See you.
We're not a thing!
For Pete's sake!
How did I get tangled up with that nutjob?
I'm actually glad he's not there.
Father, try this.
Ok-hui made these and brought some over.
What's going on?
Did a tofu factory go under somewhere?
I don't know.
She's been frying tofu for days now.
Maybe it's because
she was conceived in the bean patch.
You're still doing this?
Deok-hee said
Detective Moon can't eat raw tofu.
You don't even know
when he'll be released.
He's coming back today.
The nutjob's getting out today?
I mean Detective Moon.
Your future husband?
What on earth
do you like about him so much?
He's not scared of me.
Men like that are rare.
They stabbed wherever they could.
They didn't know where they needed to stab
or how deep they needed to stab
to kill him.
From what I can tell, this is someone
who's never stabbed anyone before.
I'll catch whoever did this to you.
I promise.
Detective Moon,
it must've been so hard for you.
Have some tofu.
I fried it since you don't eat raw tofu.
Eat this so you don't go to jail again.
I'm good.
Help me.
There are no CCTVs or eyewitnesses.
No footprints or fingerprints either.
You're all I have
right now.
The only thing I can do for Seung-gil
is catch whoever killed him.
Please help me.
Is this the scene of the crime?
I need to know
what happened to him here that night.
But I don't see any dogs or cats here.
I can only help you by touching something.
You're not going to
make me do that, are you?
The magpie might have seen it.
Didn't you see?
It just flew away.
There must be babies inside the nest.
Maybe if you touch them…
How am I supposed to climb
all the way up there?
Hold on a second.
You all right?
Keep climbing.
Why is she coming back down?
Wait a second.
Why did you come down?
The babies can't even open their eyes yet.
I can only see
what they've seen with their eyes.
There's nothing I can touch around here.
A snake!
You said you can see
even if it's out cold.
- I'm scared.
- So am I.
But where is a snake's butt located?
You're the vet. How would I know?
Is it here?
Or here?
Did you see something?
- A raincoat.
- A raincoat?
I saw it when I touched Seung-gil too.
It was too dark and brief then,
but looking at it now,
he was wearing a raincoat.
A raincoat that has a hood
and looks like a cape.
- A rain poncho.
- Yes.
It didn't rain that day though.
Anything else?
The guy had a staggering walk.
Staggering? Was he drunk?
No, he didn't seem drunk.
Anyway, he staggered.
And he was stabbing Seung-gil all over.
It was awful.
That one.
- That one?
- Yes.
Good job!
Do you want that?
Do you remember anyone
who recently bought a rain poncho?
Who doesn't wear a rain poncho
around here?
You can't be holding up an umbrella
while working in fields
or on boats now, can you?
Bye, Ok-hui!
See you, Auntie.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man.
Thank you.
I'll make our beautiful Mujin…
What now?
The rain poncho is the only clue we have.
If anyone could have a rain poncho…
That means anyone could be the killer.
The killer was wearing a rain poncho?
How do you know that?
The victim told me.
The victim?
Yes. Before Seung-gil died,
he told me he was attacked
by someone wearing a rain poncho.
Why are you telling me this now?
But aren't rain ponchos
common around here?
We all have one at home.
It didn't rain that day.
For someone to wear a rain poncho
when it wasn't raining…
It means he wanted to
easily wipe the blood away.
The crime was premeditated.
Why does your boyfriend
keep badgering people?
What's wrong?
Why does Ok-hui have
such a gloomy look on her face?
I should touch her and see.
You're being weird today.
No need. It's chump change anyway.
- "One more bottle."
- Just go.
You haven't eaten yet, have you?
Take a seat.
I'm fine. This happens all the time.
This knife…
That heartless brat.
Can't she see that I'm hurt?
- What's that?
- Detective Moon.
What are you doing?
Dr. Bong, calm down. What's going on?
- Did you come here like this?
- Yes.
By bus?
What is this?
This is the same knife
the guy in the rain poncho was holding.
Let me see.
Detective Bae, compare this knife
with Park Seung-gil's stab wounds.
Detective Na, find out where this is sold
and look into everyone who bought it.
What's going on?
This seems to be the same kind of knife
used to kill Park Seung-gil.
What are you doing? Get to work.
I have this knife at home too.
We have a few at home too.
I have a whole set of those.
What's the point
of identifying the weapon?
Everyone has a few of those at home.
Everyone bought it back when it was a fad.
I'm pretty sure almost everyone in Mujin
owns at least one.
Still, one thing's for sure.
What is?
That the killer is a Mujin resident.
I guess the RIU
really is on a different level.
We haven't even found
the actual murder weapon yet.
So how can you be so sure?
Hey, Deok-hee.
Go and arrest
all 30,000 residents of Mujin.
Are you serious?
Yes, go ahead and arrest all of them.
You're joking, right?
Took you long enough, you idiot.
Are my eyes aging?
Mr. Park.
Are you busy?
No, I was just…
What are you doing with that?
- There's a hole in it.
- Oh, give it here.
Isn't it hard
supporting your family abroad?
It is, but I still have to do it
for my kid.
Mr. Park.
When someone…
becomes a shaman,
can they see things,
read peoples' minds, see the future,
catch criminals, and all that?
Since they can see
with the eyes of a deity…
So there were some shamans
who did catch criminals.
How can I become a shaman?
It's not just for everyone.
Only chosen people can.
You told Ye-bun to do it.
She was different.
And I needed some quick cash at the time.
Do you think I can become one?
You know that everyone
calls me crazy in this neighborhood.
Everything I do goes wrong,
and my relationships don't last long.
Doesn't this mean
I should become a shaman?
That's because you have a nasty…
I mean…
Anyway, you can't become a shaman.
I don't care. Make me a shaman.
It's not something you can force.
And there are other solutions
than becoming a shaman.
Like praying, performing rites,
or using talismans.
So just tell me.
What's the problem?
Can you make someone
fall head over heels for me?
You mean Detective Moon?
No way. How did you know?
I heard that you played the accordion.
Many young men moved away
from this neighborhood that night.
They felt too uneasy to stay.
So would you like a talisman?
One talisman
can bring anyone into your life.
Mr. Park.
Don't you cut corners.
Come on! I've seen other shamans
use chicken blood.
You knew about that?
I'm a bit scared of chickens.
Have you heard of Ornithophobia?
Fear of birds?
Give me a minute.
I brought you the chicken, sis.
You're a mess.
It's because I got this
purebred Korean chicken myself.
Thank you for this. Come on in.
I mean no offense, but I'm a Christian.
So I'll have to pass, sis.
But I'm offended!
Put this talisman in his underwear.
Why do shamans always tell people
to put things in underwear?
There you go.
Why is she hanging from there
like she's the national flag?
I have no idea.
I gave up on trying to understand her
since elementary school.
I think she has eyes for Detective Moon.
Isn't he out of her league?
- He is.
- Right.
He's super charming.
Anyway, should we help her down?
No, leave her be.
She'll ask for help when she's tired.
That'll take all night.
This watermelon is good.
So sweet.
Let's finish it before she falls off.
Something bad always happens
on these kinds of days.
My dog's been having diarrhea
and has been on low energy
for a few days now.
All right.
If that's the case, I'll take a look.
Has your dog run away from home recently?
How did you know?
My puppy's so smart
that it keeps undoing its leash.
I think your puppy drank seawater
when it was out.
Seawater is high in salinity,
so it can be dangerous
for dogs with bad kidneys.
Have your dog drink water often,
and soak its kibble in water
for the time being.
What is it? Suicide?
Not likely.
They found stab wounds on the body.
Then it's another murder?
- Do we know who she is?
- Her body is too decomposed,
so they're still investigating.
Dr. Bong found the body?
What could push someone
to do this to a person?
The stab wounds are too inconsistent
for one person to have done it.
Maybe there were several people.
It's as if the killer stabbed her randomly
with their eyes closed.
What is it?
The victim has been identified.
Who is it?
It's someone we know.
The streamer.
How did you know?
It was Streamer Ms. Si-a,
Yeom Jong-hyeok's abduction victim.
But Yeom Jong-hyeok
is in detention right now.
How did you know that it was her?
Her earrings.
Now, hold on!
What's going on here?
Mujin has never seen any murders before.
But now there's been
two murders already on my watch.
This is why I didn't want to get promoted.
Listen up.
Detective Na and Detective Bae,
look into anyone who might have had
grudges against the victim
and find out her last whereabouts.
Dig into every detail of when and where
she was murdered and dumped.
And Detective Moon, you…
You focus on Park Seung-gil's case, okay?
I'll investigate Si-a's murder too.
How long were you Si-a's manager?
A bit less than two years.
When was the last time you saw her?
The day she was discharged
from the hospital.
About two weeks ago.
And you never reached out to her once
in those two weeks.
It was normal for her
to go off the grid from time to time.
Did she mention whether
she was meeting up with anyone?
You're the victim's boyfriend, right?
I am,
but I was going to break up with her.
Her manager said you were supposed to
meet up with her that night.
She said she would come over
but never showed up.
And I didn't hear anything more from her.
Did you not suspect anything
when she didn't show up?
She used to change her mind about things
all the time.
So I didn't think much of it.
Anyway, I don't know anything.
The last time I saw her
was at the convenience store.
The convenience store?
I remember her.
She was here to buy beer that day.
She gave me her number.
Give me a call.
I'll buy you a drink.
Did you ever give her a call?
I didn't want to.
Did you see her with anyone else?
Ms. Si-a.
Yes, that's me.
This was that day.
It's nice to meet you.
But she was very different in real life.
What do you mean?
- I'm also on MeTube.
- I mean…
How should I put this?
She behaved quite differently on camera.
First, the energy of water and trees.
And I'm not talking about
just any old water or trees…
…I'll read your fortune.
Okay, I can't wait.
First, the energy of water and trees.
And I'm not talking about
just any old water or trees.
What I mean by that is…
I got her call history,
and an employee of the auto repair shop
called her a lot around that time.
I think it was about two weeks ago.
I went to tow the car
after getting a call,
but no one was there when I got there.
The driver wouldn't pick up,
so I just brought the car back.
Do you know how the accident occurred?
I have no idea.
Was there anyone besides her manager
who visited her at this hospital?
There wasn't anyone like that, but…
Anything you want to tell me?
You know the lady
who works at the animal hospital?
It seemed like
she was in an argument with her.
Sure, the streamer was rude.
But the lady seemed like a handful too.
A "handful"?
She might come across as cold,
but she's very thoughtful
and warm-hearted on the inside.
Don't be too quick to judge someone.
Did you track her account?
I did.
Her last transaction was made
at the convenience store two weeks ago.
But there's something odd.
What is it?
Assemblyman Cha's office
transferred her some money.
Number One.
Number One.
I heard she was a famous streamer,
so I asked her
to be in my promotional video.
You paid her a lot of money.
Don't get me started.
She was adamant that we pay that price
and wouldn't let us
use the video otherwise.
She even threatened to badmouth Mr. Cha
on her channel, so we had to…
That's enough.
There's no need to mention that.
Did you ever meet her again after that?
No, I didn't.
We parted ways
as soon as we filmed that video.
Thank you.
Keep the reporters silent.
We don't want any unnecessary rumors.
Yes, sir.
People like her suck you dry
if they think you're a pushover.
God knows how many families
she's destroyed.
Serves her right.
She can't expect to live a carefree life
after destroying someone else's family.
I'm coming down. Get the car ready.
I bet there are many things
you want to know about me.
I'm going to answer
all your questions honestly…
What are you watching?
I'm looking for potential suspects
from the comment section.
I'm sure there were a lot of people
who wanted to harm her.
Yes, Captain.
I'm on my way in.
What are you doing here?
Get some rest. You must have been shocked.
I was worried.
I heard the victim was Ms. Si-a.
Who did it?
We're still investigating.
We're mainly looking into the people
the victim last met,
but it hasn't been easy.
Who in the world would do such a thing?
What we've learned so far
is that there was a car accident
on the day of the incident.
The car was found,
but the person disappeared.
A car accident?
Did that accident happen
when Si-a's car ran into a pile of metal
on the side of the road?
How did you know that?
I saw it when I touched
Gwang-sik's butt the other day.
I saw him getting into
a car accident with Si-a.
Excuse me.
Do you recognize her, by any chance?
It's that woman.
She and I almost got into
an accident a while ago.
Her car got smashed, so I offered to help.
But she sent me away.
You remember her very clearly
despite the brief interaction.
It's been a whole two weeks too.
She was such a beauty.
But why do you ask?
Is something wrong?
That's still under investigation.
Goodness, Detective.
Why do you have so much lint on you?
It's fine.
If you remember anything else,
please contact the station.
This is my house.
I was on my way home,
and she hit me out of nowhere.
I thought he was trying to assault me.
Since it turned out
to be a misunderstanding,
let's just let things go and move on.
Take her home.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go.
What is this neighborhood coming to?
You're still here?
I had to check something.
I told you to focus on
Park Seung-gil's murder.
So why are you obsessing over this case?
Once we catch Si-a's killer,
we'll know who killed Seung-gil as well.
What in the world are you talking about?
They could be the same person.
Seung-gil's killer
could also have killed Si-a.
How so?
You saw the wounds on the victims.
They were attacked with the same weapon
in the same manner.
I told you.
That knife is a dime a dozen
here in Mujin.
And what do you mean,
"in the same manner"?
They were just stabbed randomly.
Let's say we go with your idea
and consider there are two killers
with the same weapon.
But two novices
who'd never killed anyone before
committing murder in the same area
around the same time?
Leaving similar-looking wounds?
How likely do you think that is?
I'm sure there's only one killer.
Are you insane?
Do you even have any idea
what you just said?
You're saying there's a serial killer!
What you just said could bring chaos
to the neighborhood,
cause the housing prices to drop,
and stop tourists from visiting!
Then it wouldn't just be me
losing a job at this station!
Who do you think you are?
I've been too easy on you, haven't I?
Why, you little bastard.
Goodness, the neighborhood is going crazy.
We used to have zero crimes in this town.
And now, we've already found
two dead bodies.
I'm too scared to live here now.
There were cops in town yesterday too
because there was a suspicious person.
I have to walk along the beach
on my way home,
and it makes me so nervous.
Take a detour.
That would do it.
I'm too scared
to even go to the bathroom now.
Use a potty.
Right, that would do it.
Our village leader has all the answers.
It must be nice to live with him.
Yes, take him with you later.
- For Pete's sake, woman.
- It hurts.
But you see,
no one in our village
would do such a thing.
Maybe it was an outsider.
What? An outsider?
Like the men from Seoul
who came here to buy the vacant lots.
They looked like a bunch of thugs.
Very suspicious.
It wasn't them.
- What?
- What?
How do you know that?
They gave me rice cakes as a gift.
Anyone who shares food
can't be a bad person.
That's true.
Then maybe it's those outsiders
who put up their tents
to fish around here.
It can't be them.
- Why not?
- I asked them,
and they attended
Mujin Elementary School until third grade.
- So I was wrong.
- Right.
Then who on earth could it be?
At this rate, our housing prices
will hit rock bottom.
As if our housing prices ever went up.
They've been the same
for the past 20 years.
This is why I said we shouldn't cut down
that hackberry tree 20 years ago!
It was your grandfather who cut it down!
Was it now?
Why did he do that?
Maybe we should have a shaman
perform a rite or something.
Right. That's a good idea.
Maybe the whole village
should hold a rite together.
We once managed
to calm down the stormy sea
by holding a rite, remember?
Goodness, how can you say that
when your wife's a deacon at a church?
What are you talking about?
We have freedom of religion
in this nation.
- For goodness' sake.
- If we have to hold a rite, we should!
- Are you planning to hold a rite?
- What?
Goodness me, when did you get here?
Just now.
I see.
The neighborhood feels so unsettled.
There's something definitely wrong.
Are you really going to hold a rite?
It's not my decision to make.
I should first announce this
to the neighborhood.
May I have your attention, please?
There has been a series of crimes recently
in our neighborhood
that are too heinous to describe.
I advise all women and the elderly
not to wander around late at night.
I urge you all to go home early.
There will be a public meeting tomorrow
at the village hall about this issue.
I highly advise you all to attend.
Why did you come out?
To walk you home.
I'm okay.
Your shift isn't over yet.
I talked to my boss.
It's dangerous at night.
Let me come with you.
Well then. You should go inside.
Thank you for walking me home.
Dr. Bong.
Don't walk around alone at night.
Make sure to call me
when you have to go somewhere.
I'll accompany you.
What's going on?
Does he like me?
No, he's probably just sweet by nature.
But that doesn't mean
he's sweet to everyone.
He's doing this
because he has feelings for me.
Because he likes me.
Hi, Seon-woo.
Hello, Ms. Jung.
You've been grocery shopping?
I'm making japchae and gimbap.
Don't walk alone at night anymore.
It's dangerous to walk alone these days.
Be sure to call me when you go somewhere.
I'll accompany you.
I guess he's sweet to anyone. This bast…
How sweet of you.
He's basically everyone's safety officer.
Let's go in and put the groceries away.
Don't just stand there and sit.
Why did you call me?
I'm going to ask you point-blank.
Do you really think there's one killer?
Then convince me.
What is the motive
behind these two cruel murders?
I don't know.
What do the two victims have in common?
Nothing we could find so far.
So you don't know the motive,
and the victims have nothing in common.
But you think there's only one killer?
A serial killer?
I didn't think being unmarried at this age
would help me out like this.
If I had a wife and kids,
I wouldn't be so brave.
Go ahead and investigate.
I was going to go on a cruise
in the Mediterranean Sea after retirement.
I guess riding a pedal boat
on Sapgyoho Lake would do.
But since I can't pedal by myself
because of my bad knees,
you can come along and do it for me.
I'll get you on the cruise.
Give it here.
Keep your word.
Oh, my goodness.
You made it.
Good to see you, sir.
- Oh, my.
- Hello.
- Thank you for your hard work.
- Don't mention it.
- Come on in.
- Hello, ma'am.
We will now begin the village meeting.
I asked you all to gather here today
to hear all of your opinions
on whether or not
we should hold a rite as a village.
So please don't hesitate
to share your honest opinions.
It's a bit awkward
for me to say this.
But our village has held huge rites
whenever something like this
happened in the past
to keep the negative energy
of the land in check.
- Right.
- Right.
It was to keep people with bad intentions
from stepping foot into Mujin at all.
- Right, we should.
- We should keep the bad energy at bay.
I'm against the rite.
Those things are all just superstitions.
Don't you think we're better off
getting CCTVs with the money?
If we had CCTVs, we would have
already caught the killer by now.
- That's right.
- I agree.
So Assemblyman Cha,
why didn't you install more CCTVs
while you were still in office?
To be honest,
this neighborhood never needed them.
There were no crimes here.
But considering recent events,
I promise to install CCTVs in every alley
and make Mujin a crimeless city again
if I'm elected.
Look at me, everyone.
My opponent didn't even show up
while I'm here and paying attention.
- He's right.
- Yes.
Vote for Cha Ju-man, candidate number one.
Vote for Cha Ju-man, candidate number one.
- Vote for Cha Ju-man.
- Are you here to win votes?
Outsiders have no say in this.
I may not have grown up here,
but I'm still one of the residents.
Says who?
Everyone gathered here
was born and raised here.
The same goes for Assemblymen Cha.
He's been working hard
for this neighborhood for decades.
It's all right, sir.
I value everyone's opinion.
I apologize if it looked like
I was here solely to win votes.
Listen up, everyone.
What's more important
than telling outsiders apart from insiders
is deciding on whether or not
we'll hold a village rite.
Rites cost so much money.
I don't want our village funds
to be wasted on something like that.
Oh, you.
The rite won't cost that much.
Do you think I'll rip off
my fellow villagers or something?
I'll only charge you
for the labor and materials costs.
Rites are temporary,
but CCTVs will last for a long time.
I doubt CCTVs can prevent incidents.
We need to strengthen
the energy of the village
to stop terrible things from happening.
Mr. Onion, you ate the snacks
you got from the church last time,
so why haven't I seen you there
on Sundays?
The Buddhist temple gave me rice cakes.
Right, nothing beats rice cakes.
This is all because we cut down
that ginkgo tree 20 years ago.
Your grandfather cut that down too.
Excuse me.
But aren't you handing out
any rice cakes today?
For Pete's sake.
This isn't a happy occasion,
so why would we have rice cakes?
I'm telling you, we need to install CCTVs!
Come on, we need to hold a rite!
Why don't we plant back
the trees that were cut down?
Calm down, everyone.
This is going to turn into a fight.
What the…
Sorry I'm late.
Hey, Gwang-sik.
Are you all for rites?
Or are you not for rites?
Excuse me?
Are you all rites? Or are you no rites?
I'm all right.
So you're for it.
We're also all for rites.
- There he is.
- He's coming out.
- Gosh!
- Goodness!
- Good job.
- He's here.
You can trust me, everyone.
- Right.
- Of course.
General MacArthur will help us.
- We believe in you.
- Please do a good job.
Please do your best.
A round of applause!
Deokgu? For how long?
Don't worry too much, sir.
I'll be right over.
Where on earth is she?
What is this about?
Is Father doing well?
Don't call him that.
Then how else should I call him?
Just because you and I are divorced
doesn't mean he's a stranger.
Hey, Jong-muk.
Long time no see. How have you been?
Hey, Gyeong-taek.
Why is that brat
wandering around alone this late?
Hey, you!
You scared the shit out of…
Did you say "shit"?
Snot out of me.
You scared the snot out of me.
If you're so scared,
why are you wandering alone at night?
I'm making a house call.
Deokgu is in critical condition.
How reckless. You might end up
in critical condition yourself.
Let's go.
You're coming with me?
I need you.
Who's going to catch the killer?
That's your job as a detective.
Eyes forward.
Let's go.
How's the investigation going?
I think Seung-gil and Si-a
were murdered by the same person.
Then does that mean
there's a serial killer in Mujin?
Nothing's for sure yet,
but the chances are very high.
Then you have to hurry up and catch him.
That's why you have to help me.
You always start by asking for help
only to threaten me later.
Will you help me or not?
What exactly do you want me to do?
The culprit is definitely
a Mujin resident.
So touch everyone from Mujin.
You're insane.
How am I supposed to touch
all those people?
Come on.
You think someone
who killed two people won't kill again?
What if there's another murder?
Are you going to sit around
and wait for the next victim?
A reckless criminal
calls for reckless investigations.
There are 30,000 people in Mujin.
It would only take you a month
if you touch 1,000 people per day.
Okay, let's do this.
- Hey.
- Yes?
Give me your money.
Give it to me.
I don't have any money.
I'm going to hit you
for every little coin I find.
Search him.
You little punks.
The hell are you looking at?
Carry some cash on you, all right?
I said, go home.
Who are you?
Got any cigarettes on you?
- What?
- You're dead meat if I find any.
You rascals…
Carry some cigarettes on you, all right?
Get lost.
Not leaving?
Then I'll go.
I was so scared I thought I would die.
That was pretty good.
Did you fool around back in the day?
Mr. Park.
You said you were afraid of birds.
That's why I'm getting rid of it.
Your face tells me
things didn't go well with Detective Moon.
I think he has someone else in his mind.
That's none of your business.
Is there any talisman that makes things
not work out between them?
Of course.
Those talismans are more effective.
Your emotions are bound to be stronger
when you wish misfortune on others
than when you wish them well.
Can it make sure
things don't work out between them?
The way this talisman works
is that it'll bring bad luck
to whatever they do.
That's why their relationship
won't work out either.
But I advise you not to get it.
Because it all comes back to you later.
Hello, sir.
Hello, Ok-hui.
Is Ye-bun home?
I think she's out.
Then I'll just go wait in her room.
Stop, you punk!
You're killing me.
Go stand at the end of the line.
All right. Next.
You can go.
All right, next.
What are you doing?
I'm looking for a shooting star.
Why are you looking for a shooting star?
To make a wish upon it.
What wish?
I just
want someone to like me.
I should make a wish myself.
What are you wishing for?
want to be 21 again.
Back then, I was so young
that I only valued
things that were new and shiny.
When what really mattered
was the person staying right by my side.
People are foolish.
We realize the value of things
only after losing them.
If only I could go back,
I would like to make things right.
What the heck, Ok-hui?
What are you doing?
I can't sleep. Let me borrow your pillow.
Use your own pillow.
I need the pillow of someone
who sleeps well without any worry.
Turn the light off!
Bae Ok-hui.
Look at what you're doing
just because of a guy.
Just stop liking him.
- What the…
- The way this talisman works
is that it'll bring bad luck
to whatever they do.
Oh, my gosh! No!
If you are my destiny…
I will gladly cast myself
into fate's arms.
Do you speak French?
I'm a French teacher.
What is your French name?
Sébastien Wernerbe
Berber Caburiels Stravos.
One talisman
can bring anyone into your life.
Am I losing my hair?
I am.
It looks bare up there.
I think we're done with most crooks now.
Is there a way to speed things up?
Why is it so noisy here today?
The village is holding a rite.
A rite?
All right, that's great.
Follow me.
As there are no rootless trees,
there are no descendants
without ancestors.
We pray to General MacArthur
to help the mighty spirits
who look after this village
drive out all of the negative energy!
It's good to see you again, Father.
How dare you come here?
The old man's still got his temper.
Why would you come here?
I'm going to work things out
with Hyeon-ok again.
What a nice day for touching butts.
I know.
Now, shall we begin?
Don't be selfish.
Hey, Mr. Tenant.
I saw that you drove nails into the wall.
Don't do that again, okay?
It'll ruin the walls.
What was that?
Go ahead and touch them.
- Jang-yeol.
- Jang-yeol.
Jang-yeol, it hurts.
It hurts so much.
I'm cold.
Get me out of here.
- The person…
- The person…
- who killed me…
- who killed me…
- The person who killed me…
- The person who killed me…
- is here.
- is here.
Mr. Kim, I think I got my powers back.
I think there's going to be
another big incident soon.
A power outage?
Oh, my gosh!
You can see everything, right?
Where are you going?
I got myself a workshop.
What are you going to do
if he turns out to be the serial killer?
We need to catch him quick
or else you'll be in more danger.
Gwang-sik lied.
Gwang-sik's actually psychic too.
Where are you?
Dr. Bong, did you follow me here?
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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