Breakout Kings (2011) s01e07 Episode Script

Fun with Chemistry

All visitors must sign in.
All visitors must sign in.
Hi, Barry.
It's so great to finally meet you.
Pictures don't do you justice.
Close gate B-1.
Mom! Mom.
You came.
You look good.
What do you need, Mars? Must be something big, you couldn't ask it on the phone.
I-I just You said I wasn't your son anymore.
You said you wouldn't know me if you passed me on the street.
Not unless you gave me an apology, is what I said.
That's all.
Is that why I'm here? Get down! Open the gate! Open it! Prisoner, drop your weapon.
Open the gate, screw! Open the gate! Take it easy.
Let's talk this through.
Open the gate, or I open her throat! - Mars, you're hurting me! - Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Look, I can put you in ad seg, or I can put you in the ground.
- What's it going to be? - Mars! - We have a hostage situation.
- Get down! Down, down, down! I can't get a clear shot.
Hold your fire.
I'm sorry, Mom.
No! O'Connell! Get down now! There's number one! Wanna try for number two? Get the doc! - Open the gate.
- Sergeant There's kids in there! Open it! Let them through! Let them through! Where's your keys? Right there.
Get 'em! - Stand back! - Move, move.
Eyes on them, eyes on them! - Which car is yours? - Red one over here! - She's bleeding out - We need an ambulance! Get a doctor! Go, go, go! Drive! Starla! Marlon O'Connell, aka "Mars.
" He was doing a one-year bid for trespassing and petty larceny.
Needed a few things and wasn't discouraged by the fact the hardware store was closed.
Now, this guy's a lowlife and a chronic loser, but he's never displayed violent tendencies until this morning, when he killed his mother in a visiting yard in Wallkill, then escaped with a hostage.
He killed his mother? The police found the hostage's car abandoned about a half a mile away, no signs of O'Connell.
Must have had a ride waiting for him, which means he had outside help.
Shea! This better be about the case.
Why are you trying to make me wear these Seinfeld sneakers? Shea, you think I go out shopping for your clothes? Julianne gets the clothes that you all wear.
And you'll wear tissue boxes on your feet if she gives them to you.
I'm just saying, where's my boots? I'm a-look like a Herb in these.
Enough about the shoes.
We have a dead civilian and a hostage to worry about, okay? - Now - This is so bullshit.
The hostage's name is Starla Roland.
She was visiting another inmate that she met online.
O'Connell could have left her with her car.
Must still have a use for her.
Drain her bank account, something like that? Jules, what's the story with Starla? She lives in Montrose with her parents, looks like, Perry and Sandra Roland.
Get them on the phone, and find out where her bank account is.
That's not going to work.
There's too many pieces of paper in there.
What the hell's that? That's weird.
Well, how far is Montrose? Lloyd, you stay in the car.
Help! In here! Help! Oh! Thank goodness.
I fell.
Ray! All clear.
- You okay? - Yes.
Here, let me help you up.
Where is he? - Is he here? - Who? They're not here, Ray.
She just fell out of her chair going to get the phone.
Well, she's not his hostage.
She's his girlfriend.
What will it do? I don't know.
I heard it'll take a man's head clean off.
Baby! Mrs.
Roland, Starla isn't only implicated in O'Connell's escape, but she's also an accessory to murder.
I can't believe that she knew that he was going to kill his mother.
She couldn't have.
You do accept that your daughter was a willing participant in his escape.
My stepdaughter, actually.
Her mother died years ago.
But I raised her as a daughter, until I got sick.
And now Starla takes care of me.
She's a good girl.
But that Mars he changed her.
- Perry! - Are you okay? Thank you very much for leaving work early and talking to us, Mr.
I just heard more of the details on the radio, and I'm sorry, we're not talking to you.
Not without a lawyer, uh-uh.
My daughter is a good girl.
Your wife tells a different story.
- What did you say to them? - Nothing.
She is a good girl.
But she gets involved with the wrong type So she has a thing for bad boys.
So what? Perry, you have to admit Mars was not like the other boys.
How long did they date before he was arrested? - Four weeks? - Weeks? We thought his legal troubles would put an end to it, but she became even more obsessed with him.
Not another word.
Not without a lawyer.
Anyone asks, we never saw this.
I had a friend at county pull Mars O'Connell's juvenile records.
Supposed to be sealed.
Jules, uh, just out of curiosity, what's the what's the story with you and Ray? Story? Yeah, I thought you two had a No, not at all.
'Cause I'm around four men in my life.
Charlie's married, Shea is as good as married, and Lloyd is Lloyd.
But you're, uh you're telling me Ray's available? Uh yeah.
- Interesting.
- Check this out.
At 11, Mars was cited for shooting a neighbor's cat with a BB gun.
At 13, he was cited for making threatening phone calls to a teacher.
At 15 He was arrested for burning down a homecoming float.
- What? Those a Little Rascal crimes.
- Oh, really? Well, it's not about the crimes, Spanky.
It's what it tells us about Mars: arm-length aggression, he's a loner, dad's not in the picture, you know? And then you pair him up with Starla.
Hey Julianne, do we know how Starla's mom died? That's got to factor into this somehow.
I'm trying to find out everything I can about Starla, but it's not easy.
She doesn't have a criminal record.
See, personalities are like molecules, and some molecules react with one another, sometimes quickly and dramatically.
You know, take Charlie and Shea, for instance.
I don't have a problem with Shea.
Okay, two dark-skinned men.
One of them, born in poverty, and driven to a life of crime by a cultural mistrust of authority.
The other, college-educated, and working for the same government that enslaved his people.
Do you have a point? If you bring those together, they are predictably explosive.
Boom! - Finish.
- Okay.
Mars O'Connell and Starla Roland, on the other hand, they fell hard for each other and that is a synthesis reaction.
It's two simple compounds combining to create something altogether new.
Now, it's a passive female, finally defies her parents, she goes rebel, and then a latently aggressive male finally crosses over to overt violence because she validates and encourages his basest fantasies.
Now, the only question is, how far do those fantasies extend? So, you think there'll be more bodies? Guys? Two weeks ago, Starla went to Pennsylvania and bought a gun.
Yeah, I'm guessing more bodies.
Good afternoon.
Everybody ran as fast and as far as they could, including the cashier.
Nobody saw which way they went, or what kind of car they were driving.
She posed no threat.
They had access to the register.
They killed her for the hell of it.
These are spree killers, you guys Starkweather and Fugate, Bonnie and Clyde, Klebold and Harris.
Two unremarkable people who cross paths - and the result is bloodshed.
- Bad chemistry.
Yeah, like I was saying, uh, aluminum and iron oxide.
Individually, they're stable.
You mix them together, you get thermite, and that starts a fire - that you can't put out.
- How'd that conversation go? "Hey good-looking! Why don't you finish that chocotini, - and we'll go kill a hobo.
" - Yeah, more or less.
The dominant person seeks out someone who shares his sick view of the world.
How do you make that girl into a murderer? The same girl who nurses her ailing mother? Ah, that makes it easier to flip her.
I mean, Starla's a grown woman, but for the past ten years she's been giving stepmom sponge baths and wiping her ass.
She's looking for a dominant male in the mold of her father.
Someone to take her away from all this.
In walks Mars.
Charlie, did the guy in the kitchen overhear anything useful? What guy in the kitchen? This guy.
His name's Patrick Malloy.
He's got two kids.
And that's his wife.
She's in that body bag right there.
No wonder he won't talk.
He's probably got a wicked case of survivor guilt.
He was in there for the whole thing, Lloyd.
Malloy, I can only imagine what you're going through right now, but we really need to know what you saw and heard in there.
There's a bird called the Nepalese egret.
And the Nepalese egret builds her nest in the riverbank to keep her eggs warm.
But that leaves them vulnerable to crocodiles.
But when a croc does attack, the egret does something kind of strange: she flies away.
She flies away, Mr.
Malloy, because she knows that if she stays to fight, the crocodile will kill her.
And there'll be no one to look after the eggs that do survive.
Those two people had a gun.
If you stayed to fight, who would have looked after your kids? You did the right thing.
And I know that you are in an incredible amount of pain right now, but we need your help, sir.
What's Mars looking at? By the display rack.
Tourist trap stuff.
What, they going sightseeing? He said they took his wife's keys and drove away in her car, a blue Rav 4.
Here's her license plate.
I'll get Jules on it.
You got blood on your Seinfeld shoes.
Lloyd, did that guy overhear Mars and Starla saying anything? No.
Uh, she said something about a roll in the hay after they were done.
A roll in the hay? Yeah.
Good place to lay low in the off-season.
There's the blue Rav 4.
Erica, you and me, let's go flush 'em out.
What, and I just gotta sit in the car? Since when do you ever want to get involved, Shea? Fine.
They could be anywhere up in there.
You could use my help.
But you're the man.
You say sit, I sit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on a second.
We need somebody out here to cover the entrance and wait for backup.
Got it? Got it.
Here's everything I have so far on Mars O'Connell and Starla Roland.
I'll look for more.
Get to work, Lloyd.
We need to find a pattern before these two kill again.
Like I've been saying, there's not gonna be a pattern.
They're just gonna kill whenever the opportunity presents itself.
So we're either gonna need dumb luck to catch these guys or just wait for Starla to turn on Mars.
I don't see that happening.
Yeah, it will.
The submissive partner is less immune to guilt than the dominant one.
So, eventually, she's gonna start feeling bad about the killings and look for a way to undermine Mars' plans.
We're not going to wait for her conscience to kick in.
Huh? Sit down.
Get to work.
Yeah, okay.
Lloyd? Mm-hmm? Um, could I ask your advice about something? Mm-hmm.
If there was someone I felt strongly about, and, um, there was only a brief window of opportunity to make my feelings known You-You mean, like, you, you only have occasional access to this person? - Sort of.
- Okay.
You know, given the issues that I've been working through and the fact that I'm You should go for it.
- Really? - Mm-hmm.
- Because - You know, a healthy relationship moves you into the adult ego state, which grounds you f-for The short answer is that yes, you should go for it.
You sure? Completely.
Ow Any one of you tries to escape, you'll all get sent back to where we found you, sentences doubled.
You see anything? Go tell the others.
killing at least 49 soldiers and 13 civilians.
Damage to the base is said to be heavy Must be the winter superintendent.
Wallet's missing.
No key ring.
They must have got in his vehicle.
Uh-oh, I think we're in trouble.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
You can't park here.
Come on out.
We got the officer's dashboard cam footage.
It uploads remotely.
All right, shut it off.
- Shh, I can't hear.
- You know how it ends! - Shut it off! - You want to know what these two are capable of, you gotta watch this, Ray.
These two are going down.
Mars O'Connell and Starla Roland have so far racked up four bodies.
Now, the media's only reporting three, because they don't know about the park superintendent.
We're hoping that if O'Connell and Roland don't know that we found the body, then they might try to use one of his credit cards.
Uh, there's still no hits on those.
The execution of New Jersey State Trooper Glen Randall has made this an extremely high profile case.
Right, 'cause it ain't a big deal until a cop gets capped.
Let me explain to you what should motivate you, Shea.
There are over a dozen state and federal agencies working on this case right now, so if the "Breakout Kings" don't crack it, you don't get your month.
Why are you always riding my ass, man? - Oh, I can explain that to you.
- Shut up, Lloyd.
They finally found the police cruiser in Wanaque, New Jersey, sunk in the reservoir.
No wonder the transponder wasn't working.
So they must've stolen another ride, but nothing's been reported.
Okay, so they're still roughly moving south.
How are we supposed to know what they're gonna do next if we can't predict their next move? Um, I-I've been compiling a list of Mars' known associates, and it turns out that while he was awaiting trial, he spent three weeks in a cell with Harry Lee Reddin.
The bankrobber? They put him in Sing Sing with me.
Consecutive life sentences for killing them tellers.
No joke.
Dude's a badass.
Ray's the one who brought him in when he ran.
Uh, it caught my eye because of the fairgrounds thing.
Uh, Reddin hid out for a few days in a ski resort in July.
Yeah, he was also a stickler for changing up cars at least once a day, just like these two.
Mars must have been taking some lessons from him.
Why don't you go see if Reddin can shed some light on Mars' intentions? - He won't be happy to see me.
- If you need a hand, I can tag along.
A little eye candy never hurt a negotiation.
Ray, wait up.
I'll, uh, print you a map to the prison.
Sing Sing? Jules, I been there a hundred times.
Don't worry about it.
Well, uh, then good luck.
What was that? That, that wasn't, um Th I wasn't, uh I didn't Zancanelli, let's go! Gotta run.
Hey, you okay? Mm-hmm.
Sorry for pimping you out like this.
If things get creepy, you let me know.
I appreciate it, Ray.
And if he wigs me out, I'll give you my safe word.
But don't worry.
I've never needed it before.
Open the interrogation room! Aw, Zancanelli, you can kiss my ass.
What's up with you, Angelina? Mango.
How you been, Harry? Assume you heard - of Mars O'Connell? - Man, I ain't telling you dick.
Look, Reddin, this is what I could do for you if you cooperate: I could get you into - the prison GED program.
- Great, so I can train to be a dental assistant.
And you'll get one hour a week of internet access.
We could arrange it so the guards turn off the content filters.
You can go to any site you want till your forearm seizes up.
You gonna put that in writing? Come on, you know I'm good for it.
Tell me about Mars.
This guy's pulling moves right out of your playbook.
Writing a playbook of his own, sounds like.
Well, did Mars share any fantasies about killing people? You know, going hog wild like this? He didn't share a lot.
Didn't have much personality at all.
I sure never - figured him for a psycho.
- Well, come on.
Give me something.
You spent three weeks with this guy.
Yeah, but I did all the talking.
He asked me like a million questions, you know, how to keep on the run so long, but I never thought anything of it.
All the cons want to hear that stuff.
So what'd you tell him? How to get some easy cash.
How I hit those resorts in the off-season.
Told him when the heat's hot, you gotta hole up a while.
That's how I kept you at bay, dumb guinea.
You call me that again, and you'll lose your teeth along with your internet.
You hear me? Easy, Ray.
What else about Mars? I told him to establish a routine.
Get everyone thinking that they know what your next move's gonna be, then break the routine.
By the time they figure it out, you're a puff of smoke.
Like how you robbed five banks in one week, then busted into that beach house to kick back? Yeah, like that.
And I told him, if you're going to sit awhile, you might as well pick someplace nice.
Shotgun's missing from the rack.
Still no reports of a vehicle stolen from the vicinity? For all we know, they hitched their way out of here.
Maybe, but that hasn't been their M.
so far.
I mean, they just take what they want.
They're breaking their routine.
What are you mumbling about? That's how Reddin got the cops off his tail.
He established a routine, and broke it without warning.
I mean, these guys stole, what, four different cars to get here? We're busy looking for the next one.
But there isn't one.
So what are you saying? They're still in the area? Hey, come check this out.
Another thing Reddin said is when it's time to lay low, find someplace nice.
High-end subdivision? How far do you think they're willing to walk? Criminals are lazy, so any of these houses would do.
So let's say they walk 15 minutes, tops, average walking speed is three miles per hour, which gives us a radius of what? Um What's the, what's the formula to find the area of a circle? - Do I look like Lloyd? - It's roughly 2 miles.
Housing densities we got around here? That gives us 2,000 doors to knock on.
We got to be more efficient than that.
Well, they're just not going to pick any old house.
They're going to pick houses that don't Don't tell us.
Tell them.
Excuse me.
Can I get your attention, please, everyone? - This is Shea Dan - Hof nagle.
Shea Hofnagle.
Shea is a convicted felon who has chosen to generously lend his expertise to the U.
He's going to tell you what to look out for.
Hofnagle? A'ight.
You want to blow right past any crib that has an alarm company sign out front.
Eyes here.
You're looking for something nice and private so the neighbors can't see you jimmy a window.
Feel me? So we looking for fences, bad exterior lighting Oh! And look for houses with no dead patches on the lawn.
No dead patches means no dogs.
You know, all my life I got people like you looking down on me.
Bunch of rich bitches.
Now you're looking up at me, aren't you? You know, my mom worked three jobs just to feed me? How many jobs you got, huh? Let me guess.
Zero? Except maybe spreading your legs for this one every other Thursday.
Birthdays and special occasions included? How about you, Sparky? Oh, I think Haley has something to say.
Let's hear her out.
We have lots and lots of nice stuff.
Please just take what you want and go.
Go! Go? Oh, no, we're not going yet.
We got very special plans for you people.
Isn't that right, Starla? First, I have some errands to run.
Sweetheart, where'd you put the keys to the Mercedes? Wow.
Lloyd, look at this.
Starla's mother died in a car accident - when Starla was eight years old.
- Yikes.
That's right in the sweet spot of a child's moral and emotional development.
Starla was with her when they got hit by a truck.
The car was wedged underneath the cab of the semi.
Paramedics had to use the Jaws of Life to get Starla out.
And after her mother died, they had to saw through her body in order to extricate eight-year-old Starla and rescue her from the vehicle.
Jesus, no wonder she has a death fixation.
Someone just used the fair superintendent's ATM card.
Right inside our search area.
Establish a perimeter.
Watch every exit.
No one gets in or out.
All right.
That's her.
That's Starla! Where is he? Where's who? You know who I'm talking about.
Where is he? Where's Waldo? Some rope, bleach, staple gun.
What are you sickos up to? It's not about inter-agency bullshit.
We're all trying to catch a guy who killed that trooper.
I appreciate that.
You and your guys will get a crack at Starla as soon as our specialist is done with her.
Hey, Charlie.
Could you please explain to this cretin that I'm one of you guys? You're not one of us, but it's okay, cut him loose.
There you go.
What's your plan? I'm going to play on her guilt, okay? Once the submissive partner's caught, she invariably tries to blame the other one, right? Uh, say she was forced into it, whatever.
Well, she hasn't yet.
Just give it some time, Ray.
No, Lloyd, we don't have time.
That psychopath is still out there.
She's still under his spell.
And it's your job to break it.
Let's go.
You know, we have another car, if you want to go look for her.
- Maybe she took off.
- Shut your face! I felt his presence before I ever even laid eyes on him.
You know, Starla, uh the less cooperative you are, the more trouble you're going to be in.
Then he smiled at me, and he said, "My name is Mars, and I've had my eye on you.
" The second I heard that name, I knew he was the one.
Mars and Starla? I mean, tell me that doesn't imply some sort of cosmic connection.
Anything for you in that mailbox, Shea? There was no answer.
I was just checking to see if they'd brought in the mail Yo! Oh, are you serious? Turn around.
Man, those are some ugly shoes.
Hit every house in a ten-block radius of the shopping plaza.
Maybe she drove there? Dumped the car once your boys showed up so the registration wouldn't lead them to the house.
We'll go wider.
Starla, did you know that, uh Mars was going to kill his own mother? How'd you feel when you saw him slit her throat? Does it bother you to think about that? It didn't bother Mars.
She was his mother.
What about the woman in the convenience store? The state trooper? Why did they deserve to die? They didn't deserve to live.
They didn't have what it takes to survive in this world.
Only those with the strength to take a life deserve to have a life at all.
Is that what Mars told you? Do you know that Mars is the ancient god of war? This is Ellie Kearns.
Look at me when I'm talking.
She stood by and did nothing while her husband raped and murdered a string of college students 30 years ago.
This is her today.
Serving a life sentence because she could've stopped him, and didn't.
And every year she blubbers to the parole board, and every year they send her packing.
That's going to be you, if you don't give up Mars.
Would you like some water? It's right here.
Could I, uh, talk to you for a quick second, please? I don't think she's going to turn on Mars.
Why not? You said the submissive partner eventually I know what I said, but Listen to her, okay? Look at her behavior.
She turns her body.
She makes you go around to face her on her terms.
You get in her grill, she challenges your dominance by staring you straight in the eye.
She doesn't even think to push her glass closer so I can fill it.
Ray, nine times out of ten the male partner is the one who drives these murderous dyads, but not in this situation.
She's the dominant one, all right? She is calling all the shots.
Lloyd, she's like a buck-oh-six.
I know, but, Ray, her parents said she went through a whole series of delinquent boyfriends before she settled on Mars, right? She was auditioning potential killers.
I said before, she was looking for a dominant male like her father.
No, she takes after her father.
She's the strong one.
Which means Mars, the monster that she created, is out there running around without anybody to rein him in.
And he's scared and he's desperate and if he has hostages, Ray You know what, screw this.
I'm going to pull the car back around.
- You keep an eye on her.
- What are you going to do? Okay, fruit loop, you don't want give us Mars? I'm going to drag you up and down every cul-de-sac in that subdivision screaming his name.
And when he sees you with my gun in your mouth, he's going to show himself.
She's gone, okay? But maybe that's a good thing.
It means that you don't have to listen to her anymore, and that you can - She doesn't tell me what to do! - I didn't mean that.
All that I meant was Look, all of you get up.
Go down to the basement.
What? Why? Why do you think? Get up! Maybe she's lost.
These neighborhoods all look the same.
It's She's just lost, that's all.
And if you do this without asking her You should give her a little more time.
Like, maybe like this height I need a badge or something, man.
That's the third time these fools pegged me for a Jehovah's Witness.
Julianne, what's up? Charlie, Ray's got a plan.
All right.
Hey, Charlie.
Yeah, we're about to leave.
Unless you got a better idea.
You know, Starla, I uh I know how your mother died.
Seminal moment of your childhood-- just watching life escape from a body.
So now, every time that you kill, you're reliving the last few moments you had with your mother.
It's - Yeah, okay.
Yeah, I'll be careful.
- It must be awful.
- Easy, now.
- Oh, easy yourself.
You want to know where Mars is? All right, I'll take you right to him.
Oh feces.
Hey, Ray, Ray, great plan, man.
- Move.
- Really great plan.
Are you soft in the head? Shut up or I'll snap you in half.
You'll snap When will you snap me in half? 'Cause maybe you haven't noticed yet, but we're about to die.
If she gets us in this house, we're going to die.
- Shut up! - Lloyd, keep your cool, man.
You are a meatball.
This sucks! This sucks, Ray! Do something! You know what? He's right.
I think I'll just disarm you out here.
Keep moving.
I'll do it.
I'm not so sure.
If she doesn't, I will.
Look, baby, U.
I'm not a U.
I'm a criminal.
I'm one of you guys.
Move! Why don't you let these people go? We'll take their place.
- Why don't you speak for yourself, Ray? - Get on your knees.
Keep your hands up! At least let the kids go.
They don't need to see this.
My death's on your hands, Ray.
I'm holding you responsible for this.
Get 'em, Mars.
Do 'em both.
Don't listen to her, Mars.
- It was her idea, we know that.
- Pull the damn trigger! Why don't you do it yourself? Why won't she do it herself? You don't think I can? Think again.
It's a trap! Shoot 'em, Mars! Shoot 'em! It's about time.
It was her idea.
I didn't want to do any of it for real.
It was all just talk, but she - What the hell happened? - I dropped the keys on purpose so she'll lead us here.
And what happened? You guys stopped for a smoothie? - We almost ate lead.
- Julianne had to track your phone.
It takes a minute.
Let's go.
You telling me that you let her escape? I didn't tell you because I needed it to feel authentic.
The gun wasn't loaded, Lloyd.
That's a great plan, Ray.
What about his gun, huh? That's a fair criticism.
Look, man, if I hadn't spotted Starla-- there's no way we would have gotten there in time.
I think I earned the right not to wear these anymore.
Fair enough.
I want you to understand that I don't distinguish between shades of color in here.
Color? Man, I look at you and the only color I see is blue.
And that's cool.
As long as I get my months off.
You're getting your months off.
Hey, about what happened at the coffee machine Oh, that.
I was-- I was just trying to give you a kiss on the cheek.
And then you moved your head, and I'm just I know, right.
Um I'm sorry.
Come here.
I should have known.
I knew it.
I hate being a bridesmaid.
What's going on? What's going on? - You used me, Raymond.
- Yeah, I did.
You should have told me what the plan was.
Instead of panicking, I could have helped.
Your panicking is what sold it.
No, you used me, selfishly.
And you're doing the same shit with Julianne.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about the fact that anybody with an eyeball can see that she has a thing for you.
And you exploit that for what, to get her on the team, to keep her focused? Are you out of your mind? We're close because I was there when she got DQ'd from the academy.
And I've been trying to get that kid back on her feet ever since.
So you get your facts straight.
But you don't need to dangle a relationship carrot in front of her face just to get her to do good work, okay? That is self-serving and it's damaging, Ray.
You're spinning out, Lowery.
Try and get it together.
What's your problem? Guys? The van to Maybelle is waiting.
Come here, just buy her some flowers, Lowery.
And keep me out of it.

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