Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Han-jun's at the emergency stairs.
Gopuri, you bastard.
-Go catch Gopuri!
-Damn it.
Hey, stop right there!
Where did that bastard go?
Where's the killer?
Su-cheol's after him.
What about Choi Yeong-seop?
Damn it.
I'll go get the doctor!
Choi Yeong-seop!
Tell me who the killer is!
-Tell me who it is, then you--
-Mr. Shaman.
Su-ji, my Su-ji.
Su-ji's asking me
to tell you that she's sorry
she broke your heart.
That she loves you
and that you never let her down.
She says you can let it go now
and come to her.
Your daughter is kind.
I didn't kill anyone.
He's going to use someone like me again
to kill…
He won't stop…
Choi Yeong-seop.
Choi Yeong-seop.
Mr. Choi!
Wake up! Mr. Choi!
Do something!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
-Give me 200 joules.
One, two, go!
One milliliter of epinephrine.
-One, two, three, four, five, six…
-Give me 200 joules.
-One, two, go!
Choi Yeong-seop!
You can't die like this!
Choi Yeong-seop, wake up!
Choi Yeong-seop!
Wake up!
Stop it.
This was our chance to finally find out
why Jae-jeong was murdered.
I know. I thought
we'd finally be able to catch the killer.
I want an apology.
I told you so many times,
over and over again
that Choi Yeong-seop
didn't kill Kang Eun-hye
and he was just a pawn.
But you kept ignoring me.
Look what happened now.
-You heard it too!
Choi Yeong-seop said
he didn't kill anyone!
Even if that's true,
he was still an accomplice.
So you won't admit it to the very end?
I guess you won't need
the killer's DNA that I risked
my life to get.
Mr. Nam!
Without that,
you won't catch the killer either.
So admit that you made a mistake
and apologize!
Apologize for ignoring me and hitting me!
For screwing me over when we said
we'd catch the killer together
-and for removing the CCTV!
-I get that he's upset,
but he's being so immature about it.
If you destroy the evidence,
I will arrest you for real this time.
You really are a bad person, aren't you?
Okay, fine!
I'll apologize, I will.
I'm sorry.
I apologize for having
ignored your opinion.
I should have listened to you better.
I was too hasty.
I admit that I made a mistake
and I apologize.
That didn't feel sincere.
I'll be the bigger person
and accept your apology.
Here you go.
And you! Are you listening?
If you want to catch the killer,
find the man who killed Choi Yeong-seop!
Don't do a slapdash job
just to close the case!
Investigate like a true police officer!
A true police officer!
Got it?
Now go!
-Okay, bye.
-See you again.
Nam Han-jun…
Nam Han-jun!
Nam Han-jun!
You can do it.
Are you feeling better?
I don't think I am.
If you were going to be this upset,
why didn't you just lash out at Mr. Nam?
Well, I was angrier with myself
than I was with Nam Han-jun earlier.
Now that I know
that Choi Yeong-seop isn't the killer,
everything I did until now felt pointless
and it made me feel incompetent.
That made me upset.
Why did it never occur to me in
the last three years that Choi Yeong-seop
might not be the killer?
I was sure it was Choi Yeong-seop too.
I guess Mr. Nam Han-jun was
the only one who saw through everything.
He must be laughing at me
somewhere even now.
Damn it!
Thinking about it makes me mad again.
Let's catch the killer together,
the two of us.
Damn it.
He hasn't eaten anything.
Shouldn't we drag him out
and feed him porridge or something?
It's his own fault for hoping
that there would be a DNA match.
Right. But being like that isn't good
for your mental health.
Gosh, Han-jun. It's okay.
Everything will be okay.
It's all right, everything's okay.
-What are you doing?
What do you mean it's okay?
And why does it smell like
someone else's house here?
What's that?
Fermented skate
with steamed pork and kimchi.
You must be hungry. Come on, eat with us.
Are you kidding me?
I told you to eat smelly food
in the kitchen over there!
You're driving me crazy.
At least turn on the air purifier!
Purify me.
Fine, throw your fit.
At least I'm used to it.
It's better than silence.
How can you speak
to your older brother that way?
Did you find who Choi last talked to
on his phone?
Yes. It was a burner phone.
What's this smell? It smells like feet…
Gosh, you're eating cheonggukjang too.
Jeez. He's got dozens of phones
under his name.
This is a dead-end.
What about Choi Yeong-seop? Anything new?
The autopsy results didn't show
any traces of unusual chemicals.
And we're having trouble finding
where Gopuri went.
He ran through the underground floor
of the old wing
-where there aren't any CCTVs.
-And the police?
They seem to be closing the case
with Choi as the killer.
Are you trying to start a fight with me?
The killer murdered Choi Yeong-seop
right in front of me.
That's why
I'm trying to close the case discreetly!
If this gets out to the press,
do you think you'll be the only one
getting fired? Move it!
Are you really okay with another station
catching a serial killer this big?
A serial killer?
We've so far confirmed that he killed
Do Jun-ha, Han Jae-jeong,
Kang Eun-hye, and Choi Yeong-seop.
Four people?
I'm sure he will kill again,
and word will get out
even if I keep quiet.
Are you really okay with that?
Gosh, I'm getting goosebumps.
We have to get him
before the other stations!
I'll arrest him no matter what
and have him punished by law.
But you have to keep things quiet
and catch him as quickly as possible.
If there isn't any progress within a week,
I'll give it to another division. Got it?
Yes, sir.
Ms. Kang, who was reported missing
a while back, was the victim.
About Kang Eun-hye
who went missing a month ago…
She had a fight
with her father and left home.
See? I told you it was nothing.
I should have looked into it further.
It's my fault.
We were the ones
who said she was a runaway.
How is it your fault?
Sir, now isn't the time
for you to get upset.
We have to catch this killer.
It's just that I feel so bad.
I feel terrible for her.
The poor girl…
Kang Eun-hye is the key
to solving this case.
-How does this case differ
from the two previous ones?
What can it be?
I don't know.
-The shoes.
-What about the shoes?
The previous cases were
more of a ritual the killer performed
following his murders.
He choked his victims to death
with the Gopuri knot,
then untied it as he watched
the bodies burn.
It was a ceremony, a ritual of his.
-But this time,
because of the shoes
It feels very personal.
Before, he threw the fabric on the body
and burned them together,
but this time,
he wrapped up the burnt body.
The killer felt remorse
and affection toward the victim.
What I'm sure of is that she must have
done something to reach him.
So the killer might be someone
who knew Kang Eun-hye?
Kong Su-cheol! You've still got it.
I'm a seasoned detective.
Then that would mean
that high school girl
really is our last hope.
We need to get him before Grumpy.
Going against the police
might get us in trouble.
You wait and see.
I'm going to get Gopuri before Grumpy does
and shove him right in her face.
Then I'll mock her
for being incompetent as much as I want.
Just the thought makes me happy.
No, don't look at him. Just ignore him.
Mr. Shaman told me
that major crimes was being haunted
and that the ghost was after me.
-That's ridiculous!
When has Mr. Shaman ever been wrong?
He's right. He's a big help,
especially when we are
at a dead-end like this.
Hey! We won't ever
need help from him again!
Lieutenant Han,
I'm not taking sides or anything but--
He's a total fraud!
You can't say that.
He gets everything right.
He blinds people with all his words and--
-Hey, dunce!
-Damn it…
It's just like the dunce team
to fight during their team dinner.
We weren't fighting.
Are you having your team dinner today too?
You must not have heard about
how we just wiped out the Nogari gang.
I told the chief he really didn't have to,
but he just insisted on
treating us to a barbecue.
You guys enjoy your humble dishes.
The chief's buying them a barbecue dinner.
Jeez, he's never once bought us
dinner since our team first formed.
Hey, for division three, I'm always
happy to pay for a beef dinner…
-Damn it.
Hey, wait. Wait a minute.
-Hide me. Let's go.
-Yes, sir.
Thank you for the dinner, Chief!
-Thank you!
-Thank you!
Hey. It's division seven.
Are you guys having your team dinner?
The guys in division three
just wouldn't stop asking me
to treat them to a barbecue dinner,
so I just bought them a little.
I'll treat you guys to
a grand dinner sometime. Okay?
I'll get going then.
Chief, why don't you make it today?
It's the perfect occasion.
What? Today?
Yes, today would be great.
Yes, treat us today, Chief!
Hey, what's with you?
He's right. We didn't even eat much today.
Well, all right. Should I?
Fine. Dinner's on me!
-Thank you!
-Thank you!
Yes, all right.
Let's go. I'll grab the bill.
-Put them back up.
-Let's go.
-Hey, what's this?
Here's the beef.
Did you guys have beef?
Gosh, there's a whole box.
You're drinking by the box?
Sir, we've only just started.
Ma'am, the chief's here, so let's have
another platter of Korean beef!
No, wait. Just order the pork.
Could you change the grill? For the beef--
Why change the grill? No, cancel that.
Sir, have a drink with us.
No, darn it, I don't want to!
-Load him in there. Put your head down.
-Go on now.
-Careful, take care.
Thank you for your help.
-You go too.
-Go where?
Go straight home!
-Go, go on.
Thank you, sir.
-Get him home safe.
Go home already, you punk.
Lieutenant Han, why don't we go there
and just have one more drink each?
-This, please!
-This, please!
We're in sync.
Here's your food.
Thank you.
I was full, but this is
so delicious that I keep eating it.
-Oven-baked chicken is the best.
You've still got a lot to learn,
Lieutenant Han.
Fried chicken is the only way to go.
Lieutenant Han. I'm sorry
about last time.
You know…
About letting Mr. Shaman see
Choi Yeong-seop.
No, sir. I apologize!
I just assumed he was the killer
during the investigation,
and I'm sorry about today and I'll keep
doing something to be sorry about!
You don't have to apologize for that.
Why would you make
such a passionate apology?
Come on, sit down.
Well, to be honest,
I'm an old stuffy geezer now.
I was a little jealous
because they sent someone younger
and more competent than me
as the new team leader.
And it hurt my pride too.
That's why I was kind of grouchy
and didn't act my age.
Let's just call it even.
We're even now.
You know what I liked best
about being assigned to Daeun station?
What was it?
That you were here.
I became a team leader all of a sudden,
but I began to get scared
when I started to think about
why the higher-ups gave me the position.
But I had you here,
so it has been so reassuring.
So, I hope to learn even more
with your guidance, sir!
All right!
We're in it together!
Again, I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can say.
What about Kang Eun-hye's parents?
We're a step behind.
Lieutenant Han and Prosecutor Cha
have already spoken to them.
Damn it…
Go talk to Kang Eun-hye's friend
before Grumpy does. Hurry.
What? What about you?
Aren't you going to go with me?
I'm busy. Trying to catch Gopuri is
going to put me out of business.
If you let her get ahead of you again,
you'll end up unemployed.
Move! Hurry up and get a move on.
Ms. Kang's mother said
you were her best friend.
I'll be waiting at the cafe then.
Call me when you get there.
-Gosh, a thief!
-Thief! My money!
-Oh, that's…
That no-good…
My money!
A thief!
-Ma'am, are you okay?
-Oh, no!
I think we need to call an ambulance.
Are you hurt?
Not me. For him. He needs an ambulance.
Jeez. How dare you steal a bag
from an old lady?
You better stop struggling,
or your arm's going to break.
Eun-hye was accepted
into a production? When?
Two months ago.
Then was she already a trainee
before she went missing?
Yes. She told me her dad couldn't find out
and that I had to keep it a secret.
Which company did Eun-hye get into?
Joyce Entertainment.
-Joyce Entertainment.
She was so happy she made
the team that was going to debut.
She said she'd call me
when she made her debut,
so I was waiting.
I already told someone this exact story.
To whom?
A male detective.
Could it be?
Why would you go talk
to the victim's friend?
You don't have the authority!
Come on, I need to make sure that
Kang Eun-hye's wrongful death is avenged.
She really didn't deserve it.
You think I'm going to fall for that?
And you might be a cop, but so what?
You can't boss me around.
Focus on your own investigation!
Nam Han-jun. Nam Han-jun!
You must have a lot of lives to burn.
You fraud. I'm going to destroy you!
Damn it.
Hey, someone brought
a possessed person to the cafe.
Su-cheol isn't here,
and they're looking for you
while people are watching.
-I'm sorry, it's my fault.
What is the cause of all this commotion?
It's bad. It's really bad.
We're in trouble.
It's a ghost.
Ghosts don't exist.
But she said…
Mr. Shaman. Thank goodness, sir.
Please help us.
My brother is behaving strangely. He keeps
saying he can see his dead girlfriend.
I think he's being haunted by a ghost.
Hey, I'm scared of ghosts too.
Do something, will you?
I'm sorry,
but exorcism isn't my specialty.
Mr. Shaman.
I'll pay you ten million won.
Just get rid of the ghost, and I'll pay
you another ten million right away.
Please, help us.
Na-dan, show them to the VIP room.
What? Wait.
What's he going to do
if he really is being haunted?
Ji-yeong, why are you doing this? Don't.
I'm sorry.
your brother is being haunted?
Yes, I've been to all the famous
Buddhist temples, churches, and shamans.
We've been everywhere
and you're our last chance.
It must have been very hard.
Let's take a look.
Take a look at what?
I can't believe you took
on an unreserved client.
We don't have anything on them.
What are you thinking?
What if they find out
that you're a fake shaman?
We're fucked.
We're fucked? Why? What?
What do you mean?
You don't have…
You don't have the earpiece?
Where did you put it, you moron?
Let's see.
I call upon the gods of heaven and earth.
I wouldn't be able to tell you anything
even if you had the earpiece, you moron.
It serves you right after all the bragging
you did, Nam Han-jun.
You're on your own.
I don't hear anything.
-There's nothing.
-Hey, Ms. Yoon.
You're still producing
Fraudbusters, right?
I've got a tip-off for you.
I have a great idea.
Do you want to give it a go?
Hope you enjoy your abject humiliation,
Nam Han-jun.
I thought you said
you weren't angry with Mr. Nam--
I held back because I was in the wrong,
but I won't ever forget what he did.
I'm going to pay him back
for all that humiliation and indignity.
-…where you should be.
-What the heck?
A live stream?
Is this a set-up?
Nam Han-jun, you're fucked--
We're screwed.
It must have been so tough for you.
Yes, Mr. Shaman.
What should we do? Should we do
an exorcism or something?
No, you don't even need a talisman.
He was never haunted
in the first place.
Oh, what are you talking about?
I mean, he keeps talking nonsense
about how he can see his dead girlfriend.
Yes. It is nonsense.
There's no way he'd go surfing
when his girlfriend is dead.
My late girlfriend liked to surf.
How dare you!
How dare you keep up that shoddy act
in the presence of a god?
If you keep pretending to be haunted,
a real ghost will come for you.
I'm sorry. I was just doing
what I was told!
Please, forgive me.
You, on the other hand…
You're going to ruin your life
if you keep doing that.
-You're addicted to gambling.
Do you want to lose your job
and get divorced?
How did you…
What's gotten into him?
Maybe he really is a shaman.
Should I ask him to read my love fortune?
You're right, Mr. Shaman.
I want to stop too, but I can't seem to.
When I'm back to my senses,
I find myself in a gambling house.
What should I do, sir?
Well, there are ways,
but let's turn that camera off
for a start.
My image rights are very expensive.
Do you think you can afford it?
The camera?
How did he know?
Maybe Mr. Nam really is a shaman.
That can't be it…
Thank you, Mr. Shaman. I will never
forget what you've done for me.
All right.
If something troubles you, drop in again.
Yes, sir.
Damn it. What's going on?
Ms. Yoon.
I knew it.
Detective Han. Sidekick.
You two were behind this, weren't you?
Are you referring to me
when you say "Sidekick"?
Who else would I be talking about?
Well, we're…
We heard the coffee here was good
and came to grab a cup.
I don't like the owner here
-but their desserts are wonderful.
-It's good. It really is.
Are you really going to lie
in front of a shaman?
Are you sure
you're not here to talk
to the capable Ms. Yoon
standing here?
Ms. Yoon.
I'm sorry, detective.
Are you still going to deny it?
Fine. I sent her!
You kept interfering with my investigation
pretending to be a shaman,
-so I got angry--
-I was hoping it wouldn't be true.
My dear son really is a shaman.
It wasn't Su-cheol.
It was you, Han-jun…
-My Lord.
Are you all right?
My Lord. My Dear Lord.
What I'm most angry about is
not that you're a shaman,
but that my children all lied to me!
Ma'am. That's not it.
We didn't mean to lie to you.
Han-jun is--
So what happened is, Han-jun is trying--
I'm sorry, but I have my principles.
It's slightly different
from what you want, but…
My Lord can't do this to me.
-My Lord.
Han-jun. My legs are cramping up.
-Come on.
-What is it?
Let's just tell her the truth.
If she finds out I'm doing this
to catch Gopuri,
she'll end up joining a prayer retreat.
So, did you talk to Kang Eun-hye's friend?
Yes. She said Eun-hye was a trainee
at Joyce Entertainment.
-Joyce Entertainment?
We're back.
We're back.
Give me the water.
Ma'am. I don't think we can
find the killer through her shoes.
The design has so many copies
that it's impossible to find
the manufacturer or where she bought it.
Do the two of you know
anything about Joyce Entertainment?
Joyce Entertainment?
Kang Eun-hye was a trainee there.
Every idol group
they produce ends up fizzling out…
What's this person sorry about?
It came in just now.
What was she scared of
and what did she pretend not to see?
The sender's account is private,
but the background of her profile photo
is the same as Kang's photo.
Joyce Entertainment studio?
Yes. The one who sent the DM
must be a trainee there too.
I should go see her.
But with Joyce Entertainment,
I don't think that'll be easy.
Park Jin-sang is the one
who owns the place.
The third son of Park Dong-gi,
the chairman of Choekang Insurance.
You mean that "Pain in the Ass"?
I feel disgusting
when you touch me.
I'm sorry, sir.
Get rid of this.
He's been pretty quiet lately,
but he has an impressive criminal record
including DUIs, drunken assaults,
substance abuse, and philandering.
Also known as "Pain in the Ass."
He's a typical idiot conglomerate heir.
People even gave him a nickname.
A nickname?
They call him "Party Like Geenie"
because he parties like crazy.
Oh, my God!
Excuse me, we're doing sobriety tests.
Breathe into the machine.
It's 0.125. We're revoking your license.
Please, step outside.
Revoke my license?
What the hell are you talking about?
Do you know who I am?
I said, do you know who I am?
Officer Kim, Officer Lee, arrest him.
Arrest me? Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am? Damn it.
Take him downtown.
Do you think I'm going down? Do you?
They also call him MC Geenie since
he kept repeating "Do you know who I am?"
He does have his human rights,
so I'll stop here.
They say like attracts like.
With Shin Gyeong-ho of S&H Group
and Cha Seung-won of Choekang Group,
they were called Three Mad Dogs.
And he's a director
He's out of his father's good graces,
and he can't just party all day.
But what's really strange is…
Joyce Entertainment.
Most of their contracts have expired,
and they don't make any money.
They're losing money every quarter.
Their stocks are worthless.
They should have gone bankrupt already,
but amazingly enough,
they received a lot of investments.
They've just got that one girl group
in the works though.
Yes. One thing's for sure.
Kang Eun-hye was in deeper
with Joyce Entertainment than we thought.
I hacked into her messenger account,
and the last person she messaged was
the director of Joyce Entertainment.
That's quite a message.
He sounds like a pimp.
If it's true, we should beat him to death
whether he's Gopuri or not.
Find out first where
Park Jin-sang is right now.
Excuse me.
What took you so long?
I almost died.
What are you doing here?
You know her, right?
A trainee at your company
was found dead in the sewers.
Damn it.
We have so many trainees.
How am I supposed to know who that is?
Then give me all the information
you have on her.
Why should I?
So what if you're a prosecutor?
Bring a warrant, you punk.
How's uncle?
Is he well?
What about Dad?
You made him go through all that
at the Prosecutor's Office.
-It still makes me--
-That's why.
I did that to Uncle.
What do you think I'd do to you?
What do you think?
Send me the data
if you don't want to become a suspect.
Or maybe I should ransack
Joyce Entertainment first.
I'll send it over.
I will.
I will, you scumbag.
I need to speak to you
in person right now.
Right, there he comes.
I wonder where he's going in such a hurry.
He does look like he's in a hurry.
-Keep your distance.
Tail him.
Got it.
Stop it!
I think there's something behind me!
We're going to quietly sneak in
and find out what's happening in there…
Why aren't you coming?
You first.
-Elders first. You go first.
-No, please.
Isn't that Kang Eun-hye's picture?
Death came for me.
What are they doing?
And I couldn't escape it.
What shall I do with this body?
Do you think he really is Gopuri?
Do you see a burn scar on his wrist?
It's dark so I can't see.
Oh, gosh.
Steamed rice cake.
Apples and jujubes.
I want to have bananas. I want bananas.
Damn it, why does that idiot want bananas
at a time like this?
You! You're sullying the ceremony!
You fool! What good is a ritual
if you cannot recognize the god you host?
What's that crazy bastard doing?
But what are you doing in that body?
General? What are you talking about?
I think the general
picked the wrong person to possess.
Serve better food next time!
I hate to come
when there's nothing good to eat!
-I'm sorry, General.
-I'm sorry!
I'll be off then.
-He's going?
-I'll be back.
-But you only got here…
You can't leave.
-Wait, General!
-Do something.
He's off his rockers.
The bananas were the only thing
I could use to hide my face.
Yes, that was some fast thinking.
Nice job, Kong Su-cheol.
I need to check for myself
if Park Jin-sang is Gopuri.
What? How?
Through my VIP client.
Yes, it's me.
There's something I need to ask you.
Just a phone call would've sufficed.
What's with this fuss?
But this is the only way
I get to see your face these days.
But what is it?
Are you accepting my proposal?
No, not that.
-You know Park Jin-sang, right?
-I do.
Why? Do you want me
to introduce you to him?
He said he won't cooperate
without a warrant.
Damn it.
Hey, Detective Na.
Hand over the case?
Be methodical, okay?
Make sure you search every corner.
-Ma'am, what do we do now?
-Hey, that's a different case.
-Is that Ms. Han?
-This isn't right.
-Give me that.
Come on. This isn't it.
Yes, the Choi Yeong-seop case
will go to division three.
You'll join the Illegal Election
Activities Regulation Division.
Sir! It hasn't been a week yet.
Give that to me.
Chief. I mean, Cheol-geun.
Why are you doing this again?
Who pressured you this time?
-Why would you do this to us--
The reception at the station
is really bad…
Lieutenant Han.
Let's go rogue big time.
What can he do to us
if we catch the killer first?
He's the chief, so what?
You're right.
Undercover operations
are the heart of investigations.
Let's take on the challenge.
Here. Take this.
What is this?
It's a gift from the boss.
When we flex, we go at it together.
Thank you, sir.
Shall we get going too?
That's our Na-dan.
He really stands out in the crowd.
You better be careful.
Wait for me.
I have the CCTV and gained access
to Joyce Entertainment's server.
I'm ready!
Can I get a picture with you?
Of course.
Na-dan. I told you to blend in.
I can't control it. I just shine.
This way.
Do you think you can go
and put the bug in the office?
Good job.
Mr. Kim Sang-hyeop and Mr. Na Gwang-tae?
Your style is quite… Can I see your IDs?
-Oh, yes. Our IDs.
-Our IDs.
Oh! Oops! My mistake.
-Here, another ID.
My resident registration card. Why?
-Why are you dragging us?
We can rap, sing, dance…
-Why? Rap, dance
-Everybody can audition. Why can't we?
-The plan's been ruined.
-Holy shit.
How about this?
-What should we do?
I knew they'd mess it up.
Let's get ready.
I knew you'd have a way.
Me too?
I'm not doing it alone.
-Jenny, Jinny!
-Jenny, Jinny!
-Jenny, Jinny!
-Jenny, Jinny!
Mr. Shaman.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Gang Hae-seong, the CEO.
I've heard a lot about you from Ms. Lee.
Pick out our future K-Wave stars.
You must be the big shot here.
Yes, right.
Nice to meet you.
You're hurt.
I sprained it while playing golf.
You should've been careful.
You have three misfortunes this year.
Well, one's gone by,
and seeing as how you even did a ritual
to prevent misfortune…
How did you know that?
A misfortune that worsens with time…
One will go to your family,
and in the end,
it will reach you.
Is there a way to stop it?
There is.
You need to trust me completely.
What is it?
I found someone suspicious,
so I brought them here.
They're police detectives.
She wouldn't come to practice
and didn't answer my calls,
so I thought she quit.
Is Eun-hye really dead?
Did you see anyone suspicious around her?
Someone she was afraid to meet,
or someone that scared her
whenever they called.
Something like that.
I'm not sure.
Then, by any chance…
do you know this person?
-They seem to be a trainee here.
-This is…
-Who's that?
-He's the youngest at Minamdang.
Damn that shaman and his idiots.
It is you! What are you
doing here, detective?
Did he just call you a detective?
Bring them in.
Come on, let go of me.
Mr. Shaman!
Do you know them? Who are you people?
You fool!
You cast doubt on those
who would save you?
You'll never stop
the misfortune like this.
Well, I was just…
I remember getting rid of a ghost
that was haunting you.
-How are your shoulders?
-They're great.
I feel light as a feather.
And you were an aspiring actress.
I told you to give up the role
since being a detective doesn't suit you.
You mean that crime drama audition?
Detective Lee Jae-han.
This is Lieutenant Park Hae-yeong.
This is Detective Lee Jae-han, right?
We can change the past.
That's from Signal!
but you don't know that show?
I'm pretty busy…
But today's audition isn't for actors.
we're here to audition to become an idol.
You don't mind if they go first, do you?
I guess it's okay.
I'm dying to see how good you are.
What does your father do?
I don't have one.
I live with my grandmother.
Then, should we talk to her
about your contract?
-I don't want to join your company.
Then why did you audition?
A Jo Na-dan invention!
Shoe inserts for dancers!
They can be yours for just 10,000 won!
You're here to sell those?
Yes. I already sold 20 of them
to the people who came to audition.
You did?
You can't handle him.
Jo Na-dan, out!
Okay, out!
Okay then, shall we move on
to the next applicant?
Your team's called "Jenny and Jinny"?
Ms. Han Jenny?
My name is Han Jenny.
I'm Du Jinny.
Music, please.
I'm out of prison now.
Give me a call.
Lieutenant Nam.
He's the cop from three years ago.
What should we do?
It's me. Be careful.
We are looking for idols,
so they're out, right?
You're in!
-We're in!
Okay, we're in!
They're so pretty.
Try them on.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
I'll find that friend for you.
In return, help me.
How are we going
to work together like this?
Well, something weird happened.
The culprit must have hidden it there.
I found where the buyer is.
I'm just as offended.
Let's just keep going
our separate ways.
Expedition gambling and high school girls…
They call it a streaming service,
but it's pretty much a porn studio.
Why are you so fixated on this case?
I'm an officer of the law.
There's no way I'm losing to you!
Did someone with a burn scar
on his arm put you up to this?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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