Call It Love (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

The deed of our house got
transferred to a total stranger overnight.
I've lived there for 20 years,
and I got kicked out of there in 2 days.
Isn't that messed up?
You don't seem interested.
Don't care about other people's business?
Aren't you curious
about the backstory?
If you ask now, I'll tell you everything.
Along with how I plan
on getting the house back.
I'm not interested
in other people's misery.
Come in.
Looks like you didn't have much trouble
finding this place.
Yes, come on in.
Don't just stand there.
I have something to ask you.
About this house…
What about this house?
How many times do I have
to tell you this house is mine?
If you really can't believe it,
check the registration
at the district office.
What happened to the people
who were living here before?
You're killing me.
How would I know that?
I'm sure they are doing fine somewhere.
You really don't know?
I have no idea. I swear!
I was wondering why you came here.
And this is what you wanted to ask?
Give me their number if you have it.
I'll give them a--
How would I know the phone numbers
of the kids I kicked out?
Then what? Should I live with them?
Was I supposed to rent out a room
and charge them rent?
What's with that look?
Once again…
I'm the one who's vulgar, aren't I?
You didn't ask anything when I said I'd
sell this house and give you the money.
You weren't curious then,
so why are you curious now?
That's why I'm being punished now.
You're just like your father.
Looking at me with contempt
in your eyes and blaming everything…
on me.
You're no different than him.
I'll go.
Han Dongjin!
The cooking has finished.
At least have a meal before you go!
It's bad enough
to steal someone's husband,
let alone take the house
and drive the kids out.
The ladies in the neighborhood
say it couldn't possibly be that bad,
but I know.
The mistress is really living
in that house.
Anyway, there are three children.
And I think the second? Or the first one?
I think it must be the second child.
Anyway, I see her from time to time
in this neighborhood.
And of course she'd come around.
She's lived here since she was a toddler.
She's coming back
because she misses her home.
By the way…
Who are you to be asking about that house?
I'm the son…
of the woman that moved into that house.
Oh, my goodness.
If you ever happen to see her again,
could you give me a call?
At least…
Please give her my business card
and tell her I'll be waiting.
Well, that's not difficult to do, but…
Please do that for me.
But why would you want to meet her?
It's not like she'd be glad to see you.
I hear that girl is quite tough.
I'm counting on you, please.
This is Han Dongjin.
This is Golden Country Realty.
Come over quickly.
That daughter you'd been looking for
is on her way here.
You know, you asked me
to call you if she comes.
Just now, the girl's aunt came,
and it looks like she found out today
your mom moved into that house.
Her niece is coming this way
too, so hurry up and get over here, okay?
I'm coming.
-Who is it?
-Open the door.
-I said open the door.
Open this door!
This isn't your house!
Open up! Open the door!
Open the door!
You should have just sold it off.
Why are you living in this house, why?
Open up.
Open the door before I tear it down!
Come out here!
Gosh, she's going to embarrass me.
Now you show up.
Hurry up and go to the house.
Maybe you'll be able to catch her there.
Excuse me.
Ms. Ma Heeja, the owner
of the house, has personally reported you.
For trespassing.
My identification?
I never thought I'd see the inside
of a police station thanks to my niece…
You insolent brat, I'm talking here.
Hey! Sim Woojoo!
You're not thinking of going back
to that house, are you?
I bought these to throw at her,
so I have to go.
Oh, I give up.
It's up to you whether you throw
or cook those eggs.
But first, listen to me.
By the way, aren't you going to thank me?
I never asked for your help.
Okay. Then perhaps I should have just
called your mom over in Tongyeong, right?
What, should I give her a call right now?
Gosh, your eyes look just like your dad's
when you stare at me like that, you know?
Stop barking at me and take this.
What about it?
I guess you remember
whose business card it is.
Well, at least you're smart.
If you're curious
how I came by this again…
Apparently, that woman's son personally
left it with the realtor not too long
after you kids moved out.
He wanted to apologize
to you kids on his mother's behalf.
I have no idea
how such a nice son came out of Heeja.
Anyway, apparently,
he came by the realtor a lot.
He said, it might be difficult,
but he was going to persuade his mom
and return the house too.
Why are you telling me this now?
Hey! I only found out today too.
Why did you find out only today?
you're living comfortably.
So if you really want to ruin
this company, then try harder.
Why do you keep saying sorry?
You don't even know
what it means to be truly sorry.
He wanted to apologize
to you kids on his mother's behalf.
He said, it might be difficult,
but he was going to persuade his mom
and return the house too.
-Hey, did you meet her?
-Then come back to the office.
The magazine company folks are coming.
What time should I be there?
Okay, I'm on my way.
Uh, any word from Ms. Sim?
I've called her several times already,
but she's not picking up.
I've sent her text messages too,
so she'll respond soon, right?
-Let's go in and talk about it.
-Let me know as soon as she responds.
Even during the meeting?
Thank you in advance.
Sir, here are the guests
from the magazine company.
-Hello, please come in.
-Nice to meet you.
Your call could not
be connected. Please leave a message…
No answer again?
How are we doing on sales?
Now we just have to receive
the down payments.
But it's not much. Perhaps we went
a bit too low with the prices.
Try to secure those payments first
at least. I'll handle the rest.
And that part-timer
you were talking about.
I mean, the one
that tipped you off at Best Fairs.
Find out if she's still working there.
Try to do a little thinking
before you ask.
Can't you use your head?
I'm sorry, sir.
Get out of here.
Darn it.
-The person you are trying to reach…
-Why isn't she picking up all day?
My goodness!
-Who are you? Are you a ghost?
-Yoon Jun.
You should have made a sound or something.
I thought you were a ghost.
Turn on the lights, will you?
This is coffee. Do you not drink coffee
in the evening because it has caffeine?
You have to speak a little more politely.
I told you to watch your tone with me.
And you should have asked me
before buying these.
Goodness. I am sorry, teacher.
I'll do better next time.
What? You are a teacher, Mother.
You act like a teacher to your son,
and you are a teacher at school.
Enough with the nonsense.
I registered for you.
You just need to download
the app on your phone
and enter the code that's in the manual.
They said you can have
up to ten blind dates, so start next week.
Gosh, you must have spent a lot of money.
Do they give refunds?
Because I'm already seeing someone.
Are you talking about that tomboy friend
who used to do archery?
I believe you already used
that excuse two years ago.
No. I broke up with her a long time ago.
It's someone else.
What does she do?
Name, age, and job.
Give it to me in one breath.
Install the app.
She was born
in the year of the horse, age 33.
She's a bank teller,
and her name is Sim Haesung.
She's older than me.
Then bring her over one day.
Tell her I'd like to meet her.
If you're lying this time too,
your father says you should move back in.
Do you understand?
What's up with the beer here?
Did they put honey in it?
It's so sweet.
Take it easy. You'll get drunk.
Suho, you don't like women when
they're drunk? Should I stop drinking?
It's not that I don't like drunk women.
I don't want you to have a hard time.
You not only look nice,
but you talk so nicely too.
It's wonderful.
Did you see him smile?
Seriously, doesn't he
just melt your heart?
Oh, yes. We all saw that.
-Now let's drink some, okay?
-I have to drink slowly.
Come on.
By the way,
I don't know
if I can ask something like this.
People who say stuff like that
always ask questions like this.
"Suho, what do you like about Haesung?"
If you ask him something like that…
I'd be very much happy to hear it.
I knew it.
If you can't answer right now,
things will get very awkward.
I just like her
because she's not too heavy.
Because she's light.
Are you saying you like her
because she's slender?
-I mean, she is really skinny.
-Right. She is.
That's not what I meant.
I mean I like her
because she's not serious.
That's right. I once was
known to be kind of easy.
So you liked that?
After all,
at first, she did come at me like someone
who was so desperate to date.
I usually liked women that were like cats,
but she's kind of like a puppy.
And we have a big age gap.
I've never dated an older woman before.
W-Why are you so straightforward?
You're making it awkward for them.
she was the first woman to shatter
everything I look for in a woman.
Ms. Sim Haesung.
Your hands are as fine as your name.
I'd like to have your phone number,
and I wonder if you could give it to me.
You can ask loan-related
questions by calling the office number.
That's the quickest way.
She's scared out of her wits
on the inside
and she's always
conscious of other people.
And she thinks about a lot of things
but pretends not to…
Because I'm not ashamed about that at all.
It's not that she's shallow or easy.
She tries to act like that
to make people feel comfortable.
That's why I like her.
How many times do I have
to walk around the neighborhood?
I took a chance to see if you'd show up,
but I didn't expect to actually see you.
It wasn't a normal breakup.
If you made an already lonely guy
even more lonely by cheating on him,
all the more reason
you shouldn't have dared to live here.
-Excuse me.
-When Dongjin found out you lived here,
he lived out of a motel.
Did you know that?
If you knew, then you're a real scumbag.
If you didn't know, you're even worse.
Whatever. Move out right away.
If you don't want to see me here
every day, pack up and move out.
I'm warning you. Don't take me lightly.
Because even I can't handle
my own craziness.
What's your name?
I'm Kang Minyoung.
I need to know your name
since I'll be seeing you every day.
-Are you kidding me right now?
-Then did you really think I'd say yes
to something a random
stranger tells me to do?
If I were that nice,
I wouldn't have cheated.
Sim Woojoo.
My name is Sim Woojoo.
Now you know, so move out.
Do you drink?
If you do, follow me.
Ms. Sim Woojoo just called.
She'd like to use the leave she earned
from working overtime last week.
-Is it a sick leave?
-I didn't ask that.
And she's not the type
to answer that even if I asked.
She sounded fine though.
Are they walking together, or not?
They were walking together.
But why are they together?
You're here. Dinner will be ready
once the doenjang stew is done.
I can totally just go to a sauna.
Come with me.
It's too much trouble,
so you don't need to prepare dinner.
No, I'm grateful for even staying here.
It's the least I can do.
Please eat.
I do have something to tell you
before you start eating.
Could you talk more casually to me?
I may not look it, but I was raised
among some tough older sisters,
so you can call me anything really.
Okay, I got it. Let's eat.
Thank you.
Please eat up.
It's good.
So why were you staying at a motel
when you have such a nice place?
I was being nosy.
I'm sorry.
Thanks to you,
I found a reason to come home.
So, thank you.
Maybe this is why Woojoo likes you.
You know, you just look
like you have a story,
and that makes me want
to look after you and stuff.
Do you want some beer?
No, I'm doing voice care right now.
-Have you talked with your sister?
-You didn't tell her I was here, did you?
No, I didn't.
Oh, thank goodness.
Of course, I didn't either.
If she found out I was here…
Gosh, I don't even want to imagine that.
Would you like to try it?
Just tell me when you'll move out.
That's why I followed you here.
-You really are a nutjob.
-What did you say?
If you get a higher score than me--
-Move out.
-No, not that.
I'll ask Dongjin one last time.
If I ask him one more time
and he wants me gone, then I'll move out.
Let's settle it at that.
I won't be moving
just because you told me to.
Keep your promise.
I don't want to be cheap, so I'll do this.
I did archery until high school,
and I'm right-handed,
but I'll use my left to throw.
Just keep that in mind.
I went camping just once
when I was little, with my father.
He passed away.
my father was kind of good at singing.
When he played his guitar and started
singing, people started to gather around.
When his song was over,
people started applauding him.
That applause…
It was only five or six people,
but the sound of their applause
made me feel really good.
"I want to hear that again.
I want to hear it again…"
And that's what drove me
to want to become a singer.
Why do you like camping?
It's nothing extraordinary.
But I'd still like to hear it.
It's just…
Camping was something that I got to do
with an adult for the first time.
And I just happened to
really like that day.
That's very touching.
I can feel a deeper story.
Don't say that ♪
My love isn't love ♪
Even when I'm trying
to walk an invisible path ♪
Don't think that it's a waste ♪
Don't say that ♪
I'm feeling false hopes ♪
Even when I'm climbing
a mountain with no summit ♪
Don't laugh at my recklessness… ♪
It's me.
Have you eaten yet?
How about you?
Stop eating stuff like ramyeon.
I had proper food.
That's good.
I'm sorry I don't call often enough.
I heard things are tough right now.
I figured you'd call
once things got a little better.
Are you better?
A little.
I wonder who revived you.
You won't go down.
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I know for sure.
I'll come over soon, to camp out.
You're welcome to come alone,
and even better if you bring someone.
I'll be waiting for you.
Good night.
I should just leave you here
and let you freeze to death.
What's your door lock code?
Hey, what's your door lock code?
The door lock code.
They say your breakfast should be
the heartiest meal of the day.
I didn't say anything.
You didn't.
You seemed like you were having fun
outside the house.
Oh, that…
So you saw.
Thanks for not saying anything then.
It was nothing.
You sure look so happy when you eat.
It's not so easy to eat bibimbap
and look so classy at the same time.
I'm just saying you look good.
Really. It's a compliment.
You must have a difficult favor to ask,
judging by your flattering.
If I told you, would you do it?
Let's hear it first.
What's so funny?
I mean, how did my name
pop up at that moment?
Do you really have
no other women around you?
Gosh, you really live
a boring life for your looks.
I'm just living a simple life.
Will you do it or not?
What am I, an actress?
I can't do that.
It makes me sick just thinking about it.
Just go and have some blind dates.
That's the best option.
It's not because I don't want blind dates.
I'm just afraid that
one of them would want to marry me.
I'm against marriage.
I don't want to marry anybody.
Don't ask too much into it though.
It's not something so lighthearted
as to discuss in broad daylight.
I also… have some things that
I'd like to keep buried in here.
I see. Your acting has gotten better.
Just forget it.
Where are you going? Do the dishes.
Come on.
I'm just going to eat and then leave.
You take care of the rest.
Do you need any vitamins?
You can grab anything from the store.
Just do the dishes.
You don't have to tell me.
I'll just do it.
That's the way I am.
It'll be done even before you ask.
-Don't worry.
-How impressive.
Right. I forgot to tell you.
Woojoo didn't come home last night.
Isn't that crazy?
What's crazy? I didn't hear you.
Woojoo stayed out last night.
That girl must finally be dating someone.
We were both out of our minds.
First floor.
Hurry up and get off.
where did you sleep?
Ms. Sim.
At Ms. Kang Minyoung's place.
I drank so much that I couldn't go home.
Why did you come back? I saw you
leaving before coming downstairs.
Wait here. I'm going to get
my cell phone and come back.
Don't go anywhere.
can I explain things
after having something to eat?
My stomach is killing me.
Don't be nervous. Just eat.
I won't ask anything while you're eating.
Who says I'm nervous…
So eat.
She's so nice it's annoying.
Let's go grab some coffee.
We have to hurry if we want
to have coffee before work. Come on.
I didn't run into her by chance.
I was waiting for her.
I happened to find out
that she lived across from you.
You're living out of a motel,
and she's sleeping comfortably
at her place. That pissed me off.
So I told her to move out right away.
And that I'd come every day if she didn't.
Why would you do that?
Because I can.
I don't know about anything else,
but that's something I can do for you.
I just wish you could live
comfortably in your own place.
By the way, when will the company be okay?
I have something to say then.
Tell me now.
I can't tell you now.
That's what I decided.
Then, that camping something or whatever,
when is that happening?
The camping fair.
I know that. I knew it already, but just
couldn't recall it for some reason.
You can go in first.
I'll explain everything.
Where did you sleep last night?
I swear to you, it's not what you think.
I just ran into him this morning.
Forget it, then.
I have nothing to say to you.
Talk to me! Just tell me.
Hey, would you even listen
when I say anything to you?
If you did, I wouldn't have closed
the pharmacy and be here at this hour.
Stop! Just leave him alone!
Hey, do you even understand
what you're saying right now?
You do.
I'm going to end everything.
Hey, Woojoo. I think
I've underestimated you all this time.
You weren't just a nutjob.
You're a lunatic.
Darn it…
Oh, come on…
Where did she hide it? Darn it!
Not here either, darn.
Baby! Get me a towel!
Never mind. I found one here.
Darn it…
That felt nice.
Did you go through my things?
Uh, that was just…
You know that gold watch I have?
You know, the one
you bought me for my last birthday.
I just can't seem to find it anywhere.
How many times do I have to tell you
it's inside the closet drawer?
Is that right? Okay.
You asked me that last time too.
My memory blinks on and off.
-It's like a traffic light.
Baby, you know the written will, right?
What did you say, baby?
You know that will your late husband
left you. Where did you put it?
I thought we weren't going
to talk about that again.
I'm just worried. That's all.
You said that your late husband's daughter
came by the house and caused a scene.
I burned it.
What? You really burned it?
Of course not.
Anyway, it's as good as gone.
You said I'd need it one day.
So I hid it in a place no one could find,
so don't worry about it.
I missed an important scene
because of you!
-My gosh.
-I'm sorry.
Hey, do you even understand
what you're saying right now?
You weren't just a nutjob.
You're a lunatic.
There's a higher preference
for car camping.
So a lot of the new releases
are car camping tents.
So I was thinking about
grouping these types of products
and setting up a special booth.
Sounds good.
What about the cars?
With what we have plus
if our partner companies help out,
I think it'd be possible.
If not, I can just tell
my employees to go get some.
Ooh, talking like a real boss.
I learned from the best.
You know I've changed
your name on my phone.
From "Kang" to "Lifesaver."
I'm also looking into it,
so you don't have to overdo it.
It won't be for free.
I expect you to give me
a nice booth location.
We'll see.
Gosh, I'm this close to getting hurt.
Finally, we get to see the booth map.
If you don't have anything
else for me, I'll go home.
Good work.
It is concerning
that the caravan zone
is a bit far from the main entrance.
Honestly, this would mean…
I'm concerned that visitors
would come through the entrance
and not stop by the other booths…
The camping zone.
Twice a day, for three days. It can
make you a bit drowsy after taking it.
-I understand.
Okay, thank you. Have a good day.
Have a nice day.
-Are you leaving?
So when did it start?
When did the spring breeze
of romance blow into your heart?
What spring breeze…
"Who are you talking about?"
You're not asking that, are you?
When did you start falling for Sim Woojoo?
I didn't fall for her.
Yes, you did.
No, I didn't.
Stop pretending and think carefully.
Think about who has entered
that boring little life of yours.
There are peaches,
pears, and apples.
Do they have bananas?
You see, I'm on a diet.
Okay, I'll get bananas then.
One bunch of bananas, please.
Thank you. Could I also borrow a razor?
I think there's a new one
in the drawer in the living room.
All right. Have you had dinner?
Yes, I did.
Okay, I also did as well.
I'll see you soon.
Stop pretending and think carefully.
Think about who has entered
that boring little life of yours.
I know this lady…
First floor.
Please wait!
You don't like bananas.
I'm moving.
So don't go sleep at a motel
and just come home to your place.
You can just live there.
If it's because of me, you can stay.
It's your house.
I just wish you could live
comfortably in your own place.
I'm saying…
I finally don't care what you do.
I told you. I'm going to end everything.
So give me some time.
If you just keep the secret,
I promise I won't make you worry.
That secret has left my hands.
This afternoon…
…I called your mother in Tongyeong.
Did you, really?
Yes, I did.
So, you need to finish it.
Yoon Jun, are you crazy?
Not as crazy as you.
That guy is the son of the woman
that you hate the most in this world.
Please get a hold of yourself!
Did I say I'm hopelessly in love with him
or something?
Why are you going this far?
What have I done to make you do all this?
-Hey, do you really not know why?
-No! I really don't know.
You tell me. What am I feeling?
Hey, Woojoo.
I was just…
More than Jigu
who quit studying and ran away!
More than you who's acting
this crazy because of me!
More than Haesung who's dating
a boy much younger than her!
More than my sick mom!
I just worry about him a little bit more.
I just wish he could be
a little less lonely.
So what is this?
What is this feeling?
What is this
that freaks you out this much?
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