Cells at Work! (Hataraku Saibou) (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Cancer Cell

1 USED GOODS COLLECTION What's going on? M-My shoelace broke on me! RED BLOOD CELLS: They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide using blood circulation.
Oh no! That's a bad omen! BAD OMEN #1: Shoelace breaks Please go on ahead.
I'll catch up in no time! Roger that.
I'll be taking my time, okay? Senpai! Thank you for waiting! BAD OMEN #2: Walking under a ladder Listen, you! I just warned you, and you're passing under a ladder! Uh-oh! WASTE BAD OMEN #3: Dishes break H-Hey, I'm so sorry! The dishes! Bad luck! What are you doing? I'm so sorry! I'll pick it all up for you! BAD OMEN #4: Cowlick is agitated Even her cowlick! Is this a paranormal phenomenon? What's going on? I'm getting a really bad vibe.
Oh, hey, it stopped.
Show me who you really are! So, I'm busted, huh? You've progressed the most, and so, you passed yourself off as a harmless cell, hoping to lure us out, isn't that right? What about you, lady? You think you let your two allies get away from the enemy territory, don't you? I see you're not rattled at all.
It would've saved me a lot of trouble if I had the three of you in one place.
CANCER CELL: Cells that proliferate wildly when there's an anomaly in the cell's genes.
Invading the boundaries between themselves and surrounding normal cells, they proliferate endlessly.
Cancer Cell.
Cells that proliferate wildly when there's an anomaly in the cell's genes.
Invading the boundaries between themselves and surrounding normal cells, they proliferate endlessly.
I didn't let them get away.
They were in my way, that's all.
EPISODE 7: CANCER CELL After all, they couldn't even see through your disguise.
You wretched bug bastard! You could've just wreaked havoc anywhere random, but you chose to come here and give that elaborate performance.
You've got something up your sleeve, am I right? Tell me what it is, Cancer Cell! I don't want to.
CELL Hey! What's up with that? What a lame attack! It was all I could do not to burst out laughing, and I still played along the whole time! Come on, let me enjoy myself a little longer! Hey, that's not half bad, you know.
Well, excuse me and my lame attacks! Now then, what am I gonna do with him? Something's not right.
WHITE BLOOD CELLS (NEUTROPHILS): Their main task is to eliminate foreign substances from outside, such as bacteria and viruses.
WHITE BLOOD CELL Let's turn back and meet up with NK and the other one.
Forget about them! Oh right.
Let me contact them.
What's this? This piece of paper KILLER T CELLS (CYTOTOXIC T CELLS): Mobilize under orders from the Helper T Cells.
They kill virus-infected cells, Cancer Cells and the like.
Hey! Look at this! Does this mean that the cells here are ignoring the normal proliferation program? Yeah.
There's tons of them.
PROLIFERATION: Unable to suppress cell proliferation, Cancer Cells self-proliferate at an unchecked rate.
This is totally abnormal.
They're busting through their cell membranes.
It's a free-for-all! INFILTRATION: Cancer cells can moisten the cell walls of normal cells around them.
They really did a number on the surrounding tissue, too! METASTASIS: Cancer cells travel through the blood vessels and lymph ducts, spreading to other parts of the body, and widening the scope of their activity.
FRAGILE And just look at these moving boxes, organized so neatly! Don't tell me The cells that were here aren't CELL DIVISION Proliferation, infiltration and metastasis! This is no viral infection! Are they Cancer Cells? My bad! There's so many of them! Dammit, where did they all come from? Th-This looks bad, Killer T! NK and Cell are in danger! You moron! You need to worry about yourself and this time and place instead of others! NK! Hey, NK! Damn you! All that bluster, and this is how you end up? Oh please.
The two of you sure seem to be sitting pretty yourselves! Don't be such a sore loser! You've always been a loose cannon! Why don't you shut up, idiot? You morons didn't even notice the Cancer Cell in our midst! What did you say? Both of you! Don't fight at a time like this! NK! Forget about that! Where's that young cell kid? Could you be any denser? If you're looking for that one, there he is! C-Cancer Cell? I see all three of you are here.
So that makes it three against one, I guess.
That cell kid is a Cancer Cell? So NK knew all along? No, wait When he was being chased earlier That was him acting? Meaning he and his friends put on a performance? Now that all three of you are here, I'll be glad to clue you in.
Lady, you were keen to know why I'm doing this, weren't you? I wanted to let you experience it.
How it feels to get ganged up on and massacred so violently by you Immune Cells! What? So he'd already taken over this whole building? This is why I told you I'd handle this on my own.
You wusses don't stand a chance against the enemy.
Because you're only going to get hurt.
NK Y-You damn moron CAUTION PLATELETS They aggregate when the blood vessels are damaged, and cover the wounds.
PLATELETS It's Big Sister Red Blood Cell! Hello! Well, well! Hello, little Platelets! That tickles! FRAGILE CONDENSED GAS Can't get over how peaceful it is, huh, Senpai? You said it.
Come to think of it, those bad vibes I was getting earlier I guess I was just imagining things after all? Sorry about that! Oh, that's okay.
See you later! - Bye-bye! - Bye-bye! Did you see that guy just now? That was some gigantic load of nutrients, he was carrying, huh? Looked like a lot to handle.
Should we help him out? Good idea.
Heave-ho! Heave-ho! H-Hey, hold up! Excuse me! Huh? What's the deal with this huge load of nutrients? Uh We thought it was weird, too, but we just got a giant order.
They're telling us to keep 'em coming.
It's this housing complex that placed the order.
Are there really that many cells living here? Why don't we take a peek inside? HOW CANCER CELLS WORK: Cancer cells release massive amounts of a substance called "inflammatory cytokine.
" This draws nutrient-rich blood to them on a preferential basis, contributing to Cancer Cell proliferation.
If this persists, it upsets the body's balance in various ways.
We'll just leave this outside! What was that? Talk about scary! Hey, this can't be a good thing, right? If they consume this amount of nutrients, this body's overall energy will You're right, it's not a good thing.
But we're being told to keep the deliveries coming, so It seems really sketchy, but let's help out, too.
Uh, right.
But Come on! Let's go! Right! Die, you goddamn bug! Die, you goddamn bug! Two Cancer Cells have escaped! Crap! Those goddamn bugs! Find them and eliminate them! Find them! Find them and make sure they're eliminated! This should be far enough Hey— You little imbecile! Your copying error made us look like fools! Sorry about that! I was so wiped out.
HOW MANY CANCER CELLS ARE PRODUCED IN 1 DAY: Due to copying errors that occur when normal cells divide, Cancer Cells are produced at a rate of several thousand a day, even in healthy people.
H-Hey, are we gonna get killed even though we were only just born? What do they mean by "copying error"? D-Don't ask me! But for now, let's just try to escape together! H-Hey! There's one of them! Capture him! Gotcha! Just one more to go! Smoke him out no matter what and murder him! You goddamn bug! Did you call me a goddamn bug? And you're gonna kill me? Damn you, treating me like a defect! Who the hell do you guys think you are? Why should we have to get killed? We've never done anything wrong! All we did was come into this world! I'm gonna murder the three of you instead! It won't be long now! Oh my, Red Blood Cell! What's wrong? Why are you in such a rush? Macrophage! I'm not really sure why, but we're getting tons of orders from that housing complex right there! Something strange is going on with that complex! MACROPHAGE A type of White Blood Cell.
Captures and kills foreign substances such as bacteria, and finds antigens and immunity information.
Now, we're gonna scatter all over the body via the blood vessels and lymph ducts.
That's where we're gonna proliferate, and then kill every last one of your friends.
By knocking all you normal cells down from the killers' side to the victims' side, all the way to rock bottom! That's absurd! There's no way this world can be sustained by the power of lunatic cells! You can try all you want, but the only thing in store for you is annihilation! That's just fine with me.
After all, it's my fate to die.
Hold up! Metastasis! That's the one thing I won't let you get away with! See ya.
You guys! Are you all right? B CELL (ANTIBODY-PRODUCING CELL): A type of Lymphocyte that fights antigens by producing weapons called "antibodies.
" You're finished, you damn Cancer Cell! Dear me I was aiming for his head, but I seem to have missed! Just like you said, Red Blood Cell, this place is teeming with strange cells! Killing them will be so rewarding! Just when I thought he was nowhere to be seen, there's White Blood Cell! R-Red Blood Cell! HELPER T CELLS: They relay information and countermeasure strategies for foreign enemies to other cells.
Cancer Cells! We, Immune Cells, have you completely surrounded! Just calmly surrender.
You gonna sit there forever? We're gonna take that bastard out together, all right? You don't have to tell me! Killer T, NK Losing to him Losing to those Cancer Cells isn't an option! Let's do it for this world! Let's go! There they are! It's a horde of Cancer Cells! You're right! So scary! Killer, dodge to the right! Gotcha! To the right! Eat this! Full charge! Goodness, what an idiot you are! NK! What do you think you're doing? Hilarious! I'm telling you, this is totally killing me! My bad, Killer! Oh boy, was that hysterical! Laughing my head off gave me a shot in the arm! Wh-What's going on? I-I see! NK Cell You picked the wrong opponent! I'll be happy to explain! See, as an NK Cell NK CELL'S REVITALIZATION: Transmitters called "neuropeptides" are produced when the brain is stimulated through laughter.
These bind to the surface of the NK cells, revitalizing them.
I get revitalized by laughter! No way! How can this How can this be happening? Go on, Neutrophil! Finish him off! Gotcha! Die, Cancer Cell! Canceled Oh man, I was this close, too.
Mister, are you that White Blood Cell from before? What do you want with me? You've got some bitter words for me? Like "How dare you lie to us?" Why don't you just say something already? Uh, actually I was just thinking how you're a cell, too.
You may not have the strength to move anymore, but it looks like you can still talk, huh? Before I finish you off, if you have anything to say, I'll be happy to hear you out.
Pretending to be such a nice guy You really piss me off.
When I disguised myself as a normal cell, and you rescued me, I That just made me so happy, you know? Since it was the first time in my life that anyone had ever rescued me There isn't a single cell in this world who would try to save a cell like me.
Why would there be, right? I'm really just a cell, you know! I should've gotten the chance to just live in peace every day with you all, as a member of this world! But We, Immune Cells, can't save you.
You defy the rules of this body, proliferating, stealing nutrients and destroying normal tissue.
We can neither let you live nor repair you.
I know that, all right? But But once today ends, you're all just gonna forget! My grudge, my anger, my grief They're all just gonna fade away, never to be heard! And it will be like they never existed.
Nothing will remain.
Thanks to a cell division gone wrong, the Immune Cells that should've been my allies went after me! I fought them and lost.
And now I'm gonna die without leaving my mark in this world! Why was I ever born in the first place? Even so, I have no choice but to kill you.
Because that's my job.
I'll gladly lose to you.
For today, that is.
White Blood Cell! Are you all right? Red Blood Cell! Is he Is he the enemy you fought today? The Cancer Cell So scary! Nothing to be scared about.
I've already finished him off.
For now, at least.
I'll gladly lose to you.
For today, that is.
Cancer Cell, please don't ever come here again! By the way, Red Blood Cell You're the one who summoned the other Immune Cells, right? Thanks.
I owe you one.
Sure! By the way, what were you talking about just now? No, nothing, really.
Cancer Cell Even if we do meet again, we, Immune Cells, will bring you down for sure! NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW VEIN UP AHEAD INFERIOR VENA CAVA I'm going around the blood flow by myself! Good luck! Next episode of "Cells at Work!", SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE ROUTE "Blood Circulation"! Hey, we ran into each other again, White Blood Cell! It's not like I tagged along, all right? EPISODE 8: BLOOD CIRCULATION
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