Class Act (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

And it's all over!
Olympique de Marseille
have won the Champion's League!
A French club
has finally won a European cup.
Olympique de Marseille
has beaten AC Milan by 1-0 tonight.
Bernard Tapie embraces his sports manager.
Forever the first!
Bernard! Bernard!
If we could just have a quick word.
This is a historic moment.
We can't say it enough.
This is it. You've done it!
Yes, it's
I know it's silly to get so worked up
about something like this, but, uh,
let's be honest. This is great.
But, Bernard,
you knew you were going to win
before you came here tonight, didn't you?
We did all we could.
We were so scared letting people down
because the further we went,
the more we were seen as favorites.
We were all worried
that we'd let you down.
I'm just so happy!
Ber Bernard, thank you
for bringing the cup home. Thank you!
We did it!
We did it!
We were so good.
You did it! I can't believe it!
- I love you!
- I love you too!
Mr. President!
It was very kind of you both
to invite me to your wedding.
My pleasure, Mr. Mayor.
I mean it.
You're a hero to the people of Marseille.
And as the mayor of this beautiful city,
which is so dear to my heart,
I want to thank you
on behalf of all of its citizens.
You done buttering me up?
No, I can continue if you want.
The sky is more blue
since you've brought us such honor,
such exceptional joy and pride
Enough, I get it.
Look, I asked you
to come here today for a reason.
I've joined the left radicals.
What a scoop.
I'm also running for mayor of Marseille.
- Now that is a surprise.
- Mm-hmm.
You're going to stand aside,
and you're gonna support my campaign.
My, my. You are absolutely extraordinary.
Hang on. There's always
a place for you on my team.
I'd rather burn in hell.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna run against me?
Like you have any hope of winning?
When I just won
the European Cup for Marseille? Come on.
Perhaps not, but I'll still fight you
to the death all the same.
And wind up forgotten in some dungeon?
Okay, so can I go now? Is that all?
Just hold on. I really like you.
I'm not like these other snobs.
I mean it.
Your personality, your background
You know, my team didn't even want me
to meet with you at all.
- How very kind.
- Yeah.
You can't believe how lucky I feel.
Besides, I think you were
a great mayor of Marseille.
I do.
You didn't do anything spectacular,
but nothing all that bad either.
I mean, the city's doing fine.
You know?
That's pretty good for Marseille.
- Really.
- Hmm.
Do you have a tissue?
I think I'm tearing up here.
You don't seem to understand
what I'm offering here.
You're time as mayor is over.
I'll tell you what's gonna happen.
I'll win the mayor's race.
Then I'm gonna run for president.
And once I'm in the Élysée,
you can go right back to being mayor.
It's a win-win. You give me your seat now.
You'll get it back later.
What I'm offering you here
is your one chance
to stay Mayor of Marseille.
Dad? The Priest is on his way.
Ah! Okay. I'll let you think about it.
Although, I guess
you've already made up your mind.
Once you get a taste of power,
it's hard to give it up.
Trust me on that.
All right, see you later.
Hey, you never told me
where you met your guy?
My guy's name is Étienne.
And, Dad,
you promised me you'd be nice to him.
He's very intimidated by you.
Don't worry, honey. I'm happy
when I see my daughter happy, all right?
- So how's it going?
- Good, thank you.
Mr. President, the zakuskas are perfect.
- Enjoying the wine?
- Well, it's a party, isn't it?
What the hell is this?
Sneakers with a tuxedo?
It's the club colors, Mr. President.
- I said the same thing.
- Unbelievable. Where is Bernès?
Uh, I don't know.
He was here a second ago.
Huh. Talk later.
- All good over here?
- Good, thanks.
Ah, how are you?
- Never better, Bernard.
- Good.
- Never better.
- That's very good.
The fish is on the hook.
Now we just wait
for the right moment to reel him in.
Enjoy yourselves.
Ah, there you are.
- You look tense. A first for you.
- What would I be tense for?
I'm getting married.
Ah! It's her!
The prettiest woman here.
I say that to everyone,
but with you, I mean it.
- Hello, Bernard.
- I'm so happy that you came.
- I wouldn't miss it for the world.
- Well, you're always welcome back here.
And at Saint-Pères.
Thank you, Bernard,
I've had a lot going on.
I finally got married!
I'd like you to meet Henri. Bernard
- Pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.
Well, I hope you're not saying we kept
you too busy to get married, are you?
- Maybe a little.
- Really? Well, all right.
I'm so happy for you and Dominique.
Thank you. Enjoy yourselves!
- Welcome.
- Thanks. See you around.
- This is Étienne.
- Ah!
Mr. Tapie.
- A pleasure to know you.
- Yeah.
To meet you, I mean.
You take care of her, unless you
wanna end up in the Port of Marseille.
Just kidding. Welcome.
But watch yourself.
- How are you, Mom?
- Oh!
You've never looked so handsome, Bernard.
And Dominique? We can't wait to see her.
Well, she wanted to stick to tradition.
I can't see her before the ceremony.
I haven't even seen her in a week.
She knows how to make you want her.
You're right about that.
- I'm so happy you're all here with me.
- So are we. Thank you, honey.
- You okay, son?
- I'm good, Dad.
How are you, Farid? Not too nervous?
- I'm fine.
- I want a good speech!
Shall we get a photo of everyone?
Family, friends, the players!
Boli! Ready to go as always.
- Where's the Mayor? Get him!
- All right.
Come over here.
Between me and my mom.
After you.
I thought you'd put up more of a fight.
Don't worry. You won't regret it.
All right. Makes more sense
if Mom is next to me.
- I'm here, honey.
- Sorry, Mr. Mayor. Sorry.
There we go. Honey, come here. Great.
Don't worry, Mr. Mayor.
This is for us, not the tabloids.
Everyone, smile!
- Try and look happy!
- Get close.
- Oh!
- Okay, ready?
Mr. Jacques Glassmann, I presume?
That's me.
It'll be fine.
I promise.
- Please, come in.
- Thank you.
You're magnificent.
You good?
Are you sure we're not bothering you?
All right. All right. Fine.
Ah, thank you.
A week without you, was hell.
- Really?
- Well, sure.
Yes! Bravo!
- Yeah! You're beautiful!
- Congratulations!
Congratulations, Bernard.
Oh, Bernard.
"Happy are those who fear God."
"Those who follow where he leads."
"You will bear the fruits of your labor."
"Happiness and prosperity are yours."
"Your wife
will be like a fruitful vine
in the enclosure of your dwelling."
"Your children
will be like olive branches on the table."
"May the Lord bless you from Zion."
- Thank you.
- Of course.
I'd like to talk about that night again.
Are you certain you were
speaking to Jean-Pierre Bernès?
Without a doubt.
He said, "I'm Jean-Pierre Bernès,
sports directer
of Olympique de Marseille."
And no one could've imitated his voice
or pretended to be him?
Why would they?
Think hard about it.
You need to be absolutely sure.
Olympique de Marseille are going to say
you made the entire story up.
They will try to discredit you.
He offered to sign me with Martigues
next season if I took the cash.
They have a stake in the club.
He already said
he spoke to their manager about it.
He's the only one that
could've known that.
You need to understand
one thing, Mr. Glassmann.
There's a strong chance this entire thing
may fall back on you and you alone.
Are you sure you want
to take this all the way?
Do you know where I grew up,
Mr. Prosecutor?
Do you know Mulhouse? Have you ever been?
One time. Hmm.
There's only three ways
to get out of there.
The factory, sports, or the morgue.
My parents gave everything
they could for me to succeed.
Not just their time and money, but
their values too.
That's what's important
in this life for me.
What are you doing here, Jean-Pierre?
Mr. President, I'm so sorry.
Why are you crying
in a pile of chairs at my wedding?
Can you give us a minute, please?
Is there a problem?
No, we just need a minute.
All right, what's going on?
I've been summoned
by the prosecutor of Valenciennes.
I got the papers this morning.
I'm screwed, Mr. President.
And why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want to ruin this.
A bit late for that.
I can't do it, Mr. President.
I'll never be able to lie.
If they question me, I'll crack.
- I know I will
- Listen to me.
Don't worry. Just calm down, huh?
You won't crack.
We're here for you. You're not alone.
We'll brief you.
It'll be all right. Don't worry. Hmm?
- Maybe I should take a sedative.
- No, stop.
Enough with the pills.
They've got nothing, okay?
Nothing. What proof could they have?
What a a pathetic player
and a pathetic referee?
Right? That's all. Zero proof.
I'm sorry for
falling apart like this. I just
Well, what can you do, huh?
Men are allowed
to express their emotions.
Have a good cry.
You'll feel better, all right? Okay? Good.
I don't wanna go to prison.
Don't be stupid.
No one's going to prison, you hear?
Look at me. Look me in the eye
I swear to you. I'll swear on whatever you
want, nobody's going to prison. Got that?
Okay. Okay.
I'm gonna call my lawyer,
and he'll look into this prosecutor, huh?
You may not even have to go in.
Listen, I know prosecutors.
They're always looking for shit.
You just bare your teeth and they go away.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Okay, relax.
Don't mention this to anybody, okay?
- Yes.
- Seriously.
- Just me and the lawyer.
- Okay.
And for the love of God,
would you go back out there
and enjoy yourself? It's my wedding!
- It's impossible not to, huh?
- Yeah.
- Thanks, Christelle.
- Unbelievable.
Bernès is completely losing it!
Hey, lovebirds.
We've been looking for you.
- Yeah.
- Hey, we said no more lies.
- Bravo!
- Oh! Oh!
I think I got something.
Let's go inside and count it.
After that, it's tricky.
You have to move your feet.
There you go!
That's it!
- Oh!
- Oh!
Oh! Careful!
Look at that!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Oh, what's all this now?
Ah! There you are!
- Yes?
- Good evening, Mr. Prosecutor.
We found the money.
- Have you counted it?
- Yes.
We found 250,000 francs in small bills.
He buried it there.
That's great.
- Thank you very much.
- Goodbye.
So this player,
does he have any proof?
No, he doesn't even have the money.
Where did it come from? The money?
From Bernès.
He took it straight from the Vélodrome,
on my order, I'll admit.
- Can it be traced back to you?
- No.
I wasn't dumb enough
to write it somewhere.
How could you do this, Bernard?
I'll go see this guy.
I know prosecutors.
They're just fishing for deals.
Do you know how expensive trials are?
Or how long they take?
It's our word against Glassmann's anyway.
We just need to present
our version of the story
and the case goes away.
That's how the legal system works.
Especially without proof.
And if he won't make a deal?
Why the hell wouldn't he?
There's nothing connecting me back to it.
It's like I was never even there.
Are you sure of that?
I'm gonna drop in on this little prick.
Are you looking for someone?
Uh, yes, Monsieur Montgolfier.
- That would be me.
- Ah.
And you would be
You don't recognize me?
Well, of course I do, Mr. Tapie.
- Would you like to come in?
- Uh, yes, I'd love to.
Are you sure?
Well, yeah.
- Would you close the door?
- Yeah.
Please have a seat.
I hope you don't mind.
Nice office you've got here.
The sobriety and solemnity of justice.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
It's a bit small, maybe.
I have a fear of wide, open spaces.
Uh, you're not about to make a mess
of my office now, are you?
No, it's just your lamp is
shining right in my eyes.
I work best in the dark
with a bright light just next to me.
- So if it's not too much trouble for you
- Ah, okay.
You're quite the character.
I'm sorry. I know it's a bit late.
I wanted to come earlier
The hour interests me
less than the motive.
I expected to deal with many things today:
violent husbands, abused children,
drunks found
in the middle of the street
You know, sordid cases like this.
I didn't expect a visit
from the former Minister of the Republic.
Especially not one I'm used to seeing
on television.
Well, now you can confidently state
that I'm much thinner in real life, huh?
I remember you more
from your younger days.
Your show was called Succeed
or something like that.
Ah, no, Succeed was the name of my book.
The show was called Success.
Either way, you looked great.
And I don't anymore?
Well, who am I to judge?
That's your job, isn't it?
I'm merely the voice of reason
in a world sorely lacking it.
Do you know
what prosecutor means in Latin?
Tell me.
Someone who takes care of others
and must, therefore,
oppose anyone who does not.
At least, that's my own interpretation.
Okay, so a generous man, right?
Uh, that's not quite how I'd put it, no.
How would you put it then?
I did not expect to be having
this sort of conversation with you.
No? This sort of conversation excites me.
Because you're used to being in court,
No, from my friend,
the Minister of Justice.
Do you know him?
Mmm, like any prosecutor
knows the Minister of Justice.
Yeah, he speaks highly of you.
never hold back on flattery, do they?
- Oh no, he sounded sincere.
- Mmm. I wasn't just talking about him.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but you didn't come here
to speak about my office
or the Minister of Justice, now did you?
No, but you're right.
I wanted to talk about a friend.
Another friend of yours?
The President of the Republic, perhaps?
No, not him. I mean, a real friend.
No, Olympique de Marseille's
general manager, Jean-Pierre Bernès.
Ah, Jean-Pierre Bernès.
His name does ring a bell.
It should. You've summoned him, after all.
Ah, yes, of course.
The game with Valenciennes and Marseille.
Are you familiar with the case or
If you could refresh my memory,
that would be great.
Okay, I'm sure you know
we won the European Cup?
It would be hard to have missed
that piece of information.
- Okay, my general manager
- Jean-Pierre
- Bernès.
- Right, Bernès.
Hang on a second. Let me take some notes.
- Go ahead.
- It is late.
Uh Bernès.
Jean-Pierre Bernès.
So Jean-Pierre Bernès warned me
that the League
filed a complaint against OM
after claims made
by a player for Valenciennes, Glassmann.
- Jacques Glassmann.
- Glassmann.
So, according to Glassmann,
Bernès supposedly offered him
money on the phone
in exchange for him holding back
during the game
between Valenciennes and Marseille.
There is a complaint. That's true.
One second.
I think
This is it.
Jacques Glassmann, that's right.
Jean-Pierre Bernès.
A sum of money over the phone.
Oh yes, it's coming back to me now.
Good. I'll make it short.
I don't wanna ruin your evening.
- Coencas
- Coencas?
he's the President of Valenciennes.
- Right, yes.
- Good.
Now, I don't know
if he used to be a choir boy.
But not anymore, that's for sure.
I'll bet you have a file this thick on him
somewhere in your department.
You wouldn't have to look hard, I'm sure.
So, Coencas is drowning with the club.
He'd kill his mother
to avoid relegation to D2.
To D2?
- Meaning second division.
- Second Division.
- Yeah.
- Yes, I I thought that.
Sounded familiar
What else?
Well, obviously he called up Bernès.
Not the other way to bribe OM.
And now the League
is trying to pin all of this on us.
Hmm? This Le Graët, the glasses guy,
the President of the League,
he's been out to get us since forever.
And it's easy for him to put it on Bernès,
since Bernès had other corruption charges
from his time at Bordeaux.
He barely has to do anything,
And it makes
every headline in France. Huh?
"OM tries to corrupt a struggling club
from northern France."
Come on. Let's be realistic.
Why would Marseille need
to fix a game against Valenciennes?
It's Marseille - Valenciennes
It's like I don't know It's like,
uh, Sylvestre being afraid of Tweety.
Tweety usually wins though, doesn't he?
Okay, sure, but this isn't really
No, it's just an example.
You know what I mean, right?
We're a better team than they are.
- That's it.
- Mmm.
Anyway, the League
has been trying to get rid of me
ever since I ratted some other people out
for corruption, okay?
Now I'm running for mayor of Marseille
and everyone knows,
so I won't go into
what they say about me in Paris.
They'll take any chance they get
to smear me.
Pardon me, Mr. Minister.
I understand this case upsets you,
but could you slow down just a little bit?
- Ah, of course.
- Thanks.
So you're claiming
that it was Valenciennes
who tried to corrupt
Olympique de Marseille?
Exactly, right.
Do you have any proof?
Meaning what?
Well, if that's what you're saying,
then you must have proof.
Well, when it comes to corruption,
there's never a check with a name.
Yes, I would imagine not.
But I'm telling you the truth here.
- That's it.
- Of course you are.
Okay, very well.
I'm sure you'd agree, however,
that nothing you've said
necessarily means Jean-Pierre Bernès
did not approach players
from Valenciennes to fix the game.
Well, that would be
quite a coincidence, huh?
I can assure you, I've seen
stranger things than that in my career.
Well, yeah, I'm sure you have,
but why would Bernès do a thing like that?
I have no idea.
So be careful, then,
before making an accusation like that.
Oh, I'm not accusing. I'm just thinking.
Well, you should think
a little harder because
Olympique de Marseille
would have much better financing
than a small club like Valenciennes,
I'd think.
Wouldn't it be easier for Marseille to get
Valenciennes players on board
than the opposite?
That's economics.
That's just mathematics.
Well, maybe, uh, economically
or mathematically, as you say,
but what would be the point then?
I think it's clear you don't
know anything about soccer.
- About sports in general, unfortunately.
- Okay, well, I'll make it easy.
In soccer,
a team at the very top,
like OM,
wouldn't need to pay off
a team at the bottom to win.
We have different resources,
a different budget,
a level of talent that can't be matched.
If you play the match 500 times in
500 places, the result will be the same.
As long as we play our way
and Valenciennes plays theirs, we win.
That's it.
It's not economics or mathematics.
It's just the way things are.
I don't really know what to add to that.
- It's just the way things are.
- Exactly.
I'm sorry.
You must think me terribly annoying, but
couldn't you also imagine that a team
that's about to play an important game,
such as a European championship,
might want to save energy
in the game before.
Come on now. You think anyone thinks about
energy before the Champion's League?
On the contrary, you give everything.
You rehearse your game plan,
full speed ahead.
Well, that's also perfectly logical.
So, Valenciennes wanted to corrupt you,
but it didn't work.
And none of the players
from Valenciennes were paid off?
Right. Hmm.
What do I do with this statement
from Jacques Glassmann?
Well do whatever you want.
Make a paper airplane.
Nothing he's saying even makes any sense.
That's why he has a reputation.
- Which is?
- Well
He likes the sound of his own voice,
you know.
So, what do we do now?
Huh? Where do we go from here?
Uh, I don't know.
Will you file a complaint?
Who against?
You said Coencas, the coach
from Valenciennes, tried corrupting you.
Yeah, no.
I mean,
it's not exactly the first time, huh?
And I'd rather not
get involved in all of that.
Then, we will conduct
a simple investigation
to follow up
on the French League's complaint.
Right, an investigation,
that you could close right away.
That would've been an option,
but I'm afraid it's already begun.
Oh yeah?
An envelope containing
250,000 in small bills
was found buried
in Christophe Robert's aunt's garden.
He plays for Valenciennes.
- An envelope with 250,000?
- Yes.
Okay, great. What does that prove?
At a minimum,
that some transaction occurred.
Or that Christophe Robert
had gambling debt,
'cause he's got a reputation.
Is that so?
These professional soccer players
have quite the reputations.
Yeah, everyone knows that.
I'm sorry,
but that envelope proves nothing.
Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?
No, go ahead.
Thank you.
I always focus better when I smoke,
yet I know it's poison, hmm?
I should think about quitting.
Were you ever a smoker?
Uh, yeah.
Big one and for a long time.
What made you stop in the end?
Just willpower.
I suppose I don't have any.
That's not my impression of you.
I'll tell you that.
Would you agree that this envelope,
wherever it's from, at least corroborates
Jacques Glassmann's version of events?
Yes, or it's a fabricated lie.
Maybe the envelope
was put there intentionally to hurt me.
You have plenty of imagination.
Or maybe you have too much.
Would you agree
that 250,000 is a large sum of money?
Do you have any idea
what these players earn?
Christophe Robert
earns 95,000 francs a month
and Jacques Glassmann
earns 54,000 before bonuses.
I thought you knew nothing about soccer.
We're talking about their salaries,
not their athletic abilities.
All right.
So what are you getting at?
Nothing, Mr. Minister.
You asked me
how much a professional player earns.
I just answered your question.
Right. Well, 250,000 francs
isn't that much to them.
It's more than two months' salary
for one and four months' for the other.
Yeah, no, but you know what I'm saying.
No, not really.
Fine. I think that money
came from Valenciennes, okay?
It was put there
to back up their lie against me.
Or maybe Christophe Robert
has gambling debts with the mob.
You should investigate that, by the way.
Maybe Coencas put it there
to cheat some other way,
because in case you forgot,
they wanted to bribe OM.
This aunt of Christophe Robert
lives in Bordeaux.
Yes, and?
How do you explain the fact
that Christophe Robert shows up there,
as his aunt confirmed,
late at night,
to bury money in her garden,
relating to a transaction that,
according to you, never happened,
because you turned it down?
Surely you agree
that it's more credible to imagine that,
as Jacques Glassmann has said,
this money is simply what was given to him
by Jean-Pierre Bernès.
Jacques Glassmann reports the corruption.
Christophe Robert panics.
That night, he gets in his sports car
and drives 798 kilometers,
which is quite far, by the way.
He buries the money.
Then he turns around
and is back in Valenciennes the next day.
I told you Christophe Robert
is mixed up with criminals.
You know?
And maybe he was afraid
the mob was after him, or I don't know.
The instant a player from his club
starts talking about corruption?
You told me yourself you've dealt
with some extraordinary coincidences
in your career, so, uh
Look, this whole thing is a web of lies.
You might as well forget about it.
It'd be better for everyone.
You won't prove anything,
because there isn't anything to prove.
Bernès, he's just a sweet guy.
You really think he's dumb enough
to pay those idiots off?
You'll see as soon as you meet him.
He's such a wimp, he couldn't even spell
his own name in front of the police.
You said he was involved in cheating
while he was in Bordeaux.
Yes, but the mob are all over Bordeaux.
That's why he left and came to OM, hmm?
And why do you think he chose us?
Because that's not how we operate, okay?
We're about transparency.
We're about sportsmanship.
We have values, you know.
That reminds me of something.
You know who told me that?
No, tell me.
Jacques Glassmann
when he gave his statement
right where you're sitting now.
Okay, look.
I'm not spending all night
in your office, huh?
So if there's things you aren't
telling me, you need to tell me now.
You've got some nerve.
You came here yourself.
I didn't ask you to.
- Okay, so you've seen Glassmann?
- That's correct.
Wow. I can't believe
he's keeping this lie going.
Perhaps he's simply telling the truth,
wouldn't you say?
Well, in the end,
it's his word against ours.
Exactly right, plus the envelope we found
linked to Christophe Robert.
So you met him yourself.
You understand what I'm saying.
You've seen his face, hmm?
You know about his salary.
It's in your file,
his entire professional career.
You must know the type.
In two years, he'll retire
without a prospect career-wise.
So what?
So he's made all this up
to get people talking about him.
Just imagine all the headlines.
If you fall for his lies,
in six months, he'll be everywhere.
But you wanna help his career?
Be my guest. That's your prerogative.
My prerogative, exactly.
It's the essence of my position.
as you say,
why don't we keep it simple?
This is what Jacques Glassmann told me.
The eve of the game
between Valenciennes and Marseille,
he was taken aside
by Christophe Robert and Jorge Burruchaga
and invited back to their room.
He first spoke on the phone
to Jean-Jacques Eydelie,
then later with Jean-Pierre Bernès,
your general manager.
He offered to compensate
the three players if they went easy.
The initial offer was 400,000.
Over the objection of Jacques Glassmann,
Jorge Burruchaga
countered with 500,000.
This offer was immediately accepted
by Jean-Pierre Bernès.
Then later on, outraged,
especially when Christophe Robert
confirmed the money had been paid,
Jacques Glassmann went straight to
the referee's office to file a complaint.
The rest you know,
because you were there too.
Glassmann made it all up.
He was even offered
a contract at Martigues for next season.
But he probably made that up as well.
Oh, and Christophe Robert also confessed
in this office three days ago.
You've been screwing me this whole time.
And here I was thinking
you knew nothing about the case.
It's possible I might've exaggerated.
You just like to stir up shit.
You want your 15 minutes of fame,
and you want to get
your own little piece of Tapie.
No, you're not really
that important to me.
You asked
what was happening with the case,
and I've answered your questions.
And the fact you're here tonight
strongly indicates to me that you're
involved in this affair somehow.
Do you think I'm scared of you, huh?
And what makes you believe that?
I can crush you, you know.
You think you're untouchable?
At this precise moment,
I wouldn't say I'm the one
who seems to think he's untouchable.
All right, we're both reasonable people,
you and me, hmm?
In my case, that is certain.
Fine, then here's what we'll do.
I'm going to leave this room
And we'll pretend
like I never came here tonight.
We'll forget the whole thing.
And if you really want to help society,
I'll give you people
who are actually corrupt.
I have a stack of files that high.
Come on.
You're not four years old, Bernard Tapie!
Did you think you could just come in here
and chitchat,
and I'd wipe your record clean
because you gave me
the names of your little friends
who were naughty at recess
on the playground?
You're in the office
of a prosecutor of the Republic.
I could take you to court
for trying to influence a magistrate.
You have responsibilities, Mr. Minister,
not just as the president of a soccer club
or as a former minister of the Republic,
but also in life.
You can't act like this.
And I don't mean with me.
I mean with the country.
Mr. Minister, I did not summon you here,
but you chose to come
into this office yourself.
Now I am the one who will decide
when you are allowed to leave.
Do you think it's impossible
that someone would refuse to be paid off?
You think just showing up
with a suitcase of cash
is enough to make any man
sacrifice his integrity, his values?
In fact, there are men out there
who just aren't like that.
And one of those men is Jacques Glassmann.
Since you're so desperate
to believe all that, hmm,
remember he took the cash
before he changed his mind, huh?
And why is that something he'd do?
Pressure from his teammates,
from his coach, his club.
- He lied. Don't you see?
- Of course, he lied.
Christophe Robert as well,
so all the money
we found buried in his aunt's garden,
that must be fake, huh?
Maybe it's just Monopoly money?
I know why you
came here tonight, Mr. Tapie,
but you're not going to cover this up.
Why don't you just confess?
Beg your pardon?
I'm asking why you don't
just confess to what you did?
You arranged to fix a soccer game.
You're not the first or last.
You said it yourself.
It's not such a big deal.
Never bought anyone, I'm telling you!
Mr. Tapie,
no more games.
Let's be serious for a minute, okay?
Why this stubbornness?
If you stop lying,
if you confess to everything now,
the judge will be lenient.
But if you continue to lie,
if you keep pretending
this has nothing to do with you,
that this is all
just some conspiracy against you,
I very much doubt you'll avoid a sentence.
In this case,
an act of passive or active bribery is
punishable by two years in prison
and then a fine of 200,000 francs.
It's prison, already?
You made your decision
before I even walked through that door.
I left the decision to you.
I asked you if you wanted to come in.
You're the one who made that choice,
not me.
If I'd have known I'd be dealing with you
You're not dealing with me.
You're dealing with justice.
- You know where I came from?
- Yes, I'm well aware of the legend.
I'm not talking about the legend.
I'm talking about reality.
I came from nowhere, huh?
Nobody helped me.
When you're from nowhere, you have
to throw some elbows to get somewhere.
It's that way for everyone, no?
Sorry, it's nothing personal,
but with your last name
and where you're from,
I think your position
is a little more secure, huh?
But when I was born,
I had a one-in-a-thousand chance
of going to college.
One-in-100,000 of owning a company.
One-in-one-million of being a deputy.
of becoming a minister.
Now, I might be president of the Republic.
That'll be the day I go into exile.
Laugh if you want to.
You don't know what I represent to people.
When they see me,
they see that with a little work,
they can achieve so much more
than people like you promised them.
- Daydreams then.
- If you say so.
That's probably the thing
I hold against you most,
on a personal level, mind you.
You could do so much more, so much better.
But here you are.
Instead, you chose bribery.
Chose corruption,
base acts.
You could've been a meteor instead
of a mere nebulous haze, Mr. Tapie.
You lived by the image.
Now you will perish by the image.
All right, are you done?
Well, I'm not.
I came to discuss a soccer game with you.
That's all.
Are you sure?
You, Bernard Tapie, came here tonight,
when no one asked you to,
just so you could explain
how a certain soccer game wasn't rigged?
You see, I think there was something else,
something you needed to get out.
Deep down inside,
you're crying for justice.
That's what you came for tonight,
for justice.
You're completely insane, aren't you?
Why else would you come here?
Think about that.
Did you have to come?
Guilty people in general
stay burrowed in their holes,
waiting for someone to flush them out.
And innocent people fear suspicion,
but you
you went beyond all that.
You turn up with a load of nice words,
lectures, and threats.
You could've come
with a suitcase full of money,
which would've been the same thing, right?
Why then?
You may leave if you wish.
I'm sure we'll see each other soon.
Just remember, if you do end up in prison,
it won't be you, personally,
who'll be locked up. It'll be Tapie.
The myth.
The thing you've embodied.
This great dream you've put
in the heads of thousands of children.
Children who will wake up tomorrow
feeling like you've betrayed them.
- In just a moment
- He's coming. Mr. Bogaert!
Please, Mr. Bogaert,
one question.
Mr. Bogaert, please!
Can you tell us
what Bernard Tapie is feeling right now?
Uh, fatalistic.
But courageous.
- And has he made up his mind?
- He's made up his mind.
- How is he spending his last hours?
- He's having some tea.
With sugar?
Thank you.
Oh, you want some too?
Oh, there you go.
We have to go, Bernard.
More of them are showing up.
Today is the day Bernard Tapie will leave
his home on rue des Saint-Pères
and present himself
at La Santé Prison by 8:00 p.m.
After a months-long trial and a verdict
that was confirmed on appeal,
he will serve eight months in prison,
the sentence originally requested
by Prosecutor Éric de Montgolfier,
who tried the former minister
as the main defendant
in the Valenciennes players' bribery case.
I think this is it.
I'll try to interview Mr. Tapie.
Mr. Tapie?
Move back! Move back!
Let him out.
- Move back.
- Mr. Tapie!
Just a couple questions!
How is your family, Mr. Tapie?
I don't see him!
Where is he?
Bernard Tapie
is still holed up in his townhouse,
but the departure of his father
seems to indicate
that things are starting to progress.
If he doesn't present himself
at La Santé prison at 8:00 p.m.,
the police will be forced
to come and get him.
The question
on everyone's mind:
will Bernard Tapie
sleep in prison tonight?
In the next few hours,
the former OM boss
will make his decision known
whether he'll go to prison,
- or give up his last chance to
- All right.
You good? It wasn't too long?
No, no, don't worry.
- Which way is it?
- That way, on the left.
I drove by. It's clear.
- Do you want me to come with?
- No, no, it's okay.
You've already done so much.
- I'm sorry for this.
- Stop it.
I'm the one who's sorry.
For all of this to happen,
I must've failed you somehow.
I don't know.
All right.
Look after yourself.
You look after yourself.
I love you.
Hey, it's Tapie!
Hey, welcome, Bernard!
- Tapie!
- Tapie! Tapie! Tapie!
Tapie! Tapie! Tapie!
Tapie! Tapie! Tapie!
Tapie! Tapie! Tapie! Tapie!
All right, that's enough!
- Tapie!
- Quiet down!
Everyone, just shut up!
Are you okay?
And you?
It's not that bad, really, prison.
Well, I sleep fine.
There's that.
The bed's not as nice
as at home, you know.
So how are the kids?
They're fine.
Stéphanie came back to Saint-Pères
with Étienne.
That's good.
They can take care of you.
It's me who'll take care of them.
Are you mad at me?
I'm giving it all up, you know.
Sports, politics, the business.
We'll cash out whatever's left, huh?
Then we can leave with the kids.
And my parents.
I owe them that much, the poor things.
But we'll keep the Phocéa.
It'll be good, hmm?
Nothing to say?
I I'm not sure what to say.
I love you.
I saw something on TV the other day
about tribes in America.
How in some you're born without a name.
No first name, nothing.
In fact, their whole lives
are a quest to get their name.
Their whole childhood,
their whole adolescence,
until someone calls you
Small Cloud or Red Bison, you know?
I think it's life that decides your name.
It's, uh,
the people you meet.
The hardships you have to face.
I wasn't born Bernard Tapie.
I became Bernard Tapie.
At least we achieved that.
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