Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

So you're drunk, are you?
- I'm not drunk.
- Just a bit sleepy.
How's the rest
of the holiday going?
Yeah, it's good.
I know it was a bit short
the other night on the phone.
Oh, don't worry about it.
We okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Uh, I shouldn't have
called you so late.
It's fine, it's me, I was just
being paranoid.
How are things with Bobbi?
Um, they're alright.
It was a bit tense for a while,
but it's better now.
I'm glad to hear it.
I saw a girl on the beach todaywho looked like you.
People are always saying
someone looks like me.
And then when I see the person,
it's always someone
And then I have
to pretend not to mind.
No, this woman
was actually very attractive.
Oh, so you're telling me about
an attractive stranger you saw.
How sweet.
She looked like you.
I mean, she was probably
a bit less hostile, though.
It's really good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
You could visit me
when you get back.
Yeah, I'd like that.
I miss you.
I miss you too.
The black hole ♪
Of the ♪
Here's to the final year.
We hope.
Also we need
to hear about Croatia.
We had fun.
Fun? Is that all we're getting?
They're being all discreet
because of their new famous friends.
Melissa and Nick get you
to sign a nondisclosure?
There's just
not much
to report, honestly.
No gossip. Sorry.
Someone was murdered
on this holiday.
Okay, I need advice.
I wanna move closer to town.
- Good luck finding somewhere.
- It's a nightmare right now.
You're moving out?
- Yeah.
- Why?
Well, my parents
are getting divorced,
but in a very
operatic sort of way,
so there's that.
Shit, I'm sorry.
Yeah, just need
to get out of there.
You could rent my spare room.
We'd literally never see you
again if you moved in together.
We've evolved, Philip.
Can I get four IPAs, please?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
Why didn't you just ask me
about the room?
I don't know. I guess
I didn't want you to feel
like you had to offer.
Are things really
that bad at home?
It's fine. Just need out.
Will I let my dad know then?
Us as flatmates?
You sure?
- Me and you?
- Why not?
Okay, then. Yeah.


- Is that the last one?
- Yeah.
- I wanna
- Yeah. Yeah. Alright.
God, look at this one.
Who even are they?
Yeah, it's going up.
What's it like
having sex with a man?
Um, like, is the penis
just not absurd?
It's just a device with no
aesthetic relation to anything.
That's kind of its charm.
I'm sorry I was
so judgmental about Nick.
Is it okay if he
comes over here this week?
Like while you're in class?
Yeah, of course.
You-you would say
if it made you uncomfortable?
We're good.
Thank you.
It's Dara.
They're getting drinks tonight.
Wanna go out?
- What, now?
- Why not?
It's why I pay rent in town.
Well, let's go.


A bit hungover. Yeah.
Did you go out?
Um, we just went out dancing.
Sounds fun.
Are you all packed?
Just about. Yeah.
What were you up to today?
I'm avoiding my parents' calls
and I'm feeling bad about it.
I can't
quite picture your parents.
Is your dad
as handsome as you are?
I'm not sure
you'd like him, though.
He's very right wing.
Is he really?
Oh, my God, yeah.
You can imagine he loves me,
his camp actor son.
You are not camp.
You're aggressively
You even have a mistress.
I don't think
he'd actually approve of that.
I can't wait to see you.
Yeah, me too.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah, it was so loud.
I've never heard that.
Maybe it's because your room
is next to their
- It's like great.
- The only people
you shouldn't envision
having sex is your parents.
But older people having sex
is kind of, like,
exciting and hopeful.
Welcome, class of 2019.
In the first week
of the semester,
I always think
of the Kennelly line.
"Every beginning is a promise."
So with that in mind,
let us start
with the Kennelly poem, Begin.
You look fucking good.
Come in.
Brought some pastries.
Very classy.
Thank you.
It's a nice place.
It's a nice coat.
Come here.
So glad you're back.

Blue now is the color ♪
Love the drug I'm needing ♪
Got to keep this feeling ♪

With the headlights burning ♪
We're looking up
for something ♪
Answers on the ceiling ♪
I'll say goodbye here.
Talk to you soon.

Alright, um Bye.

when is the housewarming?
We need a party.
Um whenever.
- Next Friday?
- Okay.
We'll see, we'll see.
Phillip is literally putting it
in his calendar already,
aren't you?
May Maybe.
I have to head now.
Um, I'll see you later.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Um, '70s party, but we are 70.
- Uh, yes. That's good.
- Dentures and punch.
What's this?
Louise Gluck poem.
Bobbi gave it to me years ago.
I love it.
It's beautiful.
How is Bobbi?
She's good.
She's working hard.
Does she mind me coming over?
No, I don't think so.
This is the first relationship
you've been in
since you two were together,
Yeah. Why?
Don't know.
Is that strange for her?
She was the one
who broke up with me.
Is that relevant?
You know, you just referred
to this as a relationship.
What would you call it?
No, I like that.
- Hi!
- Hey.
- Good to see you.
- Welcome back.
- What have you got?
- Oh, um
- Louise Gluck, yeah.
- I love her.
How are you?
Uh, great, thanks, yeah.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
Yeah, adjusting
to real life again.
Are you free now?
I have some time to kill,
so I was gonna get a coffee
if you wanna join.
Um, I'm with Bobbi,
so, um, probably
- Hey.
- Bobbi!
- Hi.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- Good, good, good.
I'm trying to tempt Frances
into getting a coffee with me.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
- Now?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Cool.
You have that already.
- I know.
- I-I was just looking at it.
Well, we missed
you guys after you left.
I missed you guys.
Yeah, it was good
to have you there.
I do hope you had fun.
We did. And it was beautiful.
Thanks again.
It was so generous of you
to let us stay.
No, not at all.
You know, I haven't seen
Nick so relaxed in a long time.
He He's still in such good form
since he got back.
Whereas I've gone
straight into full neurosis.
How do you feel about the book?
Oh. I'm fucking terrified.
I can't believe the launch
is coming around so quickly.
Will you both be there?
Of course. I'm excited.
Okay. Thank God.
Oh, Nick's on his way.
He just got out of an audition.
I'll just tell him where we are.
That's nice.
Yeah, he'll be happy
to see you guys.
- I have to go, actually.
- Sorry, I have class.
- Okay.
- Um
It was really good to see you.
- Um, bye.
- Good to see you too.
- Bye, Frances.
- I'll see you at home.
Yep. Bye.
Do you want some dinner?
Uh, what is it?
Stir fry.
Sorry I had to leave earlier.
It's cool.
I really did have class.
I know.
That didn't feel good.
You know, Melissa's
still my friend. I like her.
I know.
I'm just
I'm just not sure
what to do yet.
Where are you going?
To the bathroom.
Is that alright?
You don't have to get dressed
to go to the bathroom.
Just in case.
So respectful.
You're not keeping it.
I like it.
Unfortunately, I like it too.
You look good in it.
I can't imagine you
trying on clothes.
Or like
I can't imagine you wondering
if you look good in something
I try on clothes.
I mean, I feel like
you don't have
the most vulnerable personality.
Even though
I know that's not true.
Human vulnerability is measured
by whether you
try on clothes or not?
No, but
Like worrying
what others think of you or
what you think of yourself.
I care what
other people think of me.
I know what I'm saying
doesn't make, like, total sense.
I care what you think of me.
I know I can be hard to read.
It's not intentional.
And maybe that's
what you're getting at.
People tend to find me
a bit cold and not very fun.
People find me
cold and not fun too.
Bobbi thinks
I'm withholding emotionally.
She actually has
a real problem with it.
Come here.
I really want that coat.
You can't have it.
Ah. What do you
think about this for Friday?
- I love it. Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?
Did you ever think about
inviting Nick to the party?
No, not really.
- It'd be weird.
- Yeah.
How's it all going there?
It's good.
I've loved
these last few weeks with you.
Is there a "but" coming?
I don't want you
to leave me now.
I would miss dominating you
in conversation.
- Is that what you do?
- Yeah.
I would miss this.
Does it make
you feel bad, though?
When you're with her?
What if I told Melissa?
I don't like lying to her.
I mean, if that's too much
then never mind.
No, it's okay, just, um,
trying to imagine.
I think it's better
if she knows.
You don't want
to leave her, though?
What if she tells you
to stop seeing me?
That's a risk.
But, I mean,
all of this is already a risk.
- If you want to
- you should do it.
And another one.
- Frances?
- Sorry.
- There you go.
- Thank you.

- How does it look?
- Very good.

Okay, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
In here. Here, here, here.
I don't know
where any things are.

Did you have fun?
- Yeah. I'm glad we did it.
- Did you?
Can I tell you something?
Nick wants to tell Melissa
about us.
And do you want that?
I honestly don't know.
- When is he gonna tell her?
- I don't know.
Um, not till after the launch.
Well, if he wants to tell her,
he must be serious about you.
You're really falling for him,
aren't you?
I'm happy for you.

I think it's time to ♪
Be ourselves ♪
'Cause I don't know, oh ♪

I feel guilty ♪
When you're elated ♪
Sometimes it's perfect ♪
Other times I'm jaded ♪
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