Country Comfort (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You

Well, Bailey, what do you think?
"About"? Oh, Tuck!
Bailey, we've been doin' crunches,
workin' on his abs.
- [Brody] Me!
- Oh, baby!
You got your first little ab!
[Brody] Right? Isn't she pretty?
- Almost as pretty as my cake.
- Why does it just say "Chloe"?
Today she finds out
if she got the lead in the school play
and I'm waitin' to write "Congratulations"
or "Don't worry, the sun don't shine on
the same dog's tail all the time."
Let's pray she won.
'cause I only got one tube of icing.
Guess who got the lead in the school play?
[chanting] I got it! I got it! I got it!
Guess who didn't get it?
[chanting] Savannah! Savannah! Savannah!
Oh, Chloe, I'm happy you got the part,
but that is not how a winner behaves.
A true winner wins
with grace and humility.
Bailey, I just got a call
from Rocky Top Records.
Guess who's a top five finalist
in their big Nobody competition?
- Who?
- You!
What? I made the top five?
I'm a top-five Nobody?
Soon to be the biggest nobody of all time!
[excited cheering]
I can't believe it! This is the most
exciting thing that's ever happened to me.
Thank you, Lord. I don't know
why I deserve it, but I'm so grateful.
See, Chloe? That is how a winner behaves
when they win.
Guess who didn't make it. Boone!
Poor Boone.
I made it! Boone didn't!
I made it! Boone didn't!
I made it! Boone didn't! [laughs]
What happened to "win with grace?"
Up top, Bailey!
- Yeah, Bailey!
- [all cheering]
- What are we celebratin'?
- I got the lead in the school play!
You did? That is great news, honey!
And Bailey aced her Rocky Top audition,
which means she gets to
perform for the head of the label!
And Boone doesn't.
That's huge, Bailey. Congratulations.
How about I take everybody out to dinner?
- Celebrate, any place y'all want.
- Tootsies!
Oh, what am I thinkin'?
I can't go celebratin' this news
at the bar Boone sings at every night
dressed like this.
[theme music playing]
It's comforting to be reminded that this
is where you spent nine years of your life
preparin' to care of my children.
Isn't it invigoratin'?
- I got my ab into shape just in time.
- It's fun bein' eye candy, isn't it?
Daddy, how come you're eatin' so much?
Mm, Daddy's just a little frustrated.
Summer put us on a little break.
You gonna eat the rest of those fries?
Why did Summer put you on a little break?
Well, we're havin' a, uh
A little issue.
What kind of little issue?
The issue is your daddy wants to keep
goin' on playdates with Summer,
but Summer's decided not to share
her toys with him anymore.
There's Boone, Bailey. Tell him you're in
the top five right before he performs!
With any luck,
we won't have to hear him sing!
I'm going. Somebody record this
so I can relive it over and over again.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Boone Calhoun Band!
[crowd cheering]
Go! Go, go!
I I can't go.
I missed the window. It's closed.
Oh, look. Isn't that the girl
half your age who replaced you?
Window open.
Thanks, y'all. Ladies and
Hey, y'all remember Bailey Hart?
[crowd cheers]
It is meant to be that
you're here tonight.
- 'Cause I got big news to share.
- I've got bigger news!
- If you don't mind, this is important.
- Mine is, too.
- This is about Paisley.
- This is about Bailey.
I'm sorry, Bailey,
but this is a really big deal.
This afternoon,
Paisley told me she's leaving the band.
Well, I What?
That's right, y'all.
Paisley's gonna be singin' backup
for the Maren Morris tour.
She leaves for LA tonight.
I'm very happy for you.
Anyway, what I'd like
I'm happy for her, too.
I mean, I'm sad for me, but
[straining] I'm fine.
I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just, uh
Truth be told, the last few days have just
been emotionally draining for me.
Me, too. Highs and lows. Mostly highs.
Me, mostly lows.
I was this close
to bein' the opening act for Keith Urban.
- Not close enough.
- [Bailey] Oh!
A few hours ago,
I found out that I didn't, uh
I didn't make the Rocky Top competition.
Do it now, Bailey.
Been a hell of a week. [sighs]
Things will get better.
Well, here's my big news.
After 20 years of tryin' to make it,
it's time for me to face facts.
It's time for ol' Boone Calhoun
to give up on his dream.
- What?
- That's right.
Tonight is my last gig here in Nashville.
I'm headin' back to Georgia to work for
my daddy's septic tank company.
you're givin' up on your dream, Boone?
You gotta know when to fold 'em, right?
So, what's your news?
[nervous chuckle] Oh, this really isn't
the time or the place.
Bailey was chosen
as one of the Rocky Top top five!
- [Dylan] Yeah!
- [crowd cheers]
- Bailey, that's incredible.
- Yeah, it's pretty great.
No, you are gonna crush it!
[sighs] Not without you by my side.
What do you say
we get the old band back together?
- What?
- What?
[loud cheering]
Well, that took an unexpected turn.
I mean, the record labels
are lookin' for America's next sweetheart,
not America's next sweetheart and Boone.
What about her heart?
She worked so hard to get over him,
and now she's sittin' with him
playin' footsies at Tootsies.
Enough, y'all. Stay out of it.
- But Daddy
- But Cassidy, it's Bailey's life.
She is a grown woman,
she can make her own decisions.
I need chips and salsa.
Daddy, you don't really think
that Bailey and Boone
are just gonna sing together?
Did you see the way
she looked into his eyes?
He does have some smokin' eyes.
Those tattoos.
Maybe I should get some.
I certainly have the real estate.
Okay, no.
And "smokin' eyes"?
Daddy, do you not remember what a mess
Bailey was when she got here?
- Pitiful.
- Gorgeous.
This is gonna be worse.
She's just pourin' salt
on a wound that hasn't healed.
All right, look, kids,
I know y'all love Bailey
and ya'll mean well, but butt out!
We have any Cheez Whiz?
But Daddy, you always say
when one of us gets in trouble,
we all gotta get involved.
Look, that rule is only for our family.
You do not get involved
in other people's lives.
But Daddy, I'm worried about Bailey.
Tuck, maybe we should go back
to that bar and get her.
You know, everyone saw you wink.
Seriously, do we have Cheez Whiz?
You know that's cake, not Janet Leigh.
- What?
- From Psycho.
[imitates Psycho music]
No? [chuckles]
- You don't remember her in the shower?
- I took one. It didn't help.
Okay. [chuckles]
I'm gettin' why you couldn't sleep.
You think
Summer's having trouble sleepin'?
You think she's up eatin'
and agonizin' about not being with me?
- You think she misses me?
- Why don't you text her and find out?
No. If I text her, she'll know I'm eatin'
and agonizin' about not bein' with her and
that I miss her.
- [phone rings]
- Oh! Hold, hold, hold
[clears throat]
What's up, Summer?
No, it's my phone.
It's Boone makin' sure I got home okay.
So, what do you think about me
and Boone getting back together?
Now, look, Bailey,
this family makes it a practice
never to get involved
in someone else's personal life.
Even though that someone else
had no problem divin' into mine.
I pushed you to be honest about the kids
with Summer 'cause I want you to be happy.
- It worked great.
- [Bailey sighs]
Yeah. I'm sorry I got involved.
Even though Cassidy droppin' the bomb
about how it's a sin to have
premarital relations
is what pushed it over the edge.
I mean,
I like havin' a church-goin' girlfriend,
but why all of a sudden
is she a church-goin' girlfriend?
Isn't the toothpaste
already out of the tube?
So, you do wanna talk about it.
But you can.
Mm. So, I'm thinkin'
this whole "church-goin'" situation
isn't so much about church as it is about
Well, Costco.
You know how when you're shopping,
they hit you up with free samples
in hopes that you'll buy
the whole supersized box?
I think maybe Summer
stopped givin' ya free samples
in hopes that you might buy the whole box.
Get what I'm throwin' out there?
I hope not.
It sounds to me like what you're sayin'
is Summer's tryin' to manipulate me.
What? No! I didn't use that word.
That's an ugly word.
- What else is it?
- She did it in hopes that you
- "Buy the whole box!" That's manipulation.
- You keep sayin' that word I never said.
That's what she's doin'.
Just like what Boone did to you.
- Geez, talk about manipulation.
- What?
He played you like a fiddle tonight.
Lookin' at you with those puppy dog eyes,
tellin' you
he can't take any more bad luck,
so he's givin' up his dream and workin'
in his daddy's septic tank business.
Well, how's that manipulatin' me?
He knew you made the Rocky Top finals
and he didn't,
and he played on your heartstrings
in hopes you'd let him back in the band.
He only knew I made the finals
'cause I told him.
Really? Did you know who made it
to the finals before you got to Tootsies?
No. Beau, no way.
'Cause if Boone really did know,
that'd mean he said those things
to take advantage of my generosity,
which he knows
is one of my finest qualities,
which means he would have told me
he was givin' up on his lifetime dream,
knowin', with my big heart,
I'd feel so bad for him
I'd offer him to come
back in my band.
He manipulated me!
Oh, Bailey! Finally!
Listen, before the kids get here,
I just wanna say
I was wrong to get involved in your life.
- But you were right.
- I was right, but wrong to get involved.
I did what I told the kids not to do,
and I shouldn't have done it.
- So please just don't tell 'em I did.
- Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with me.
Now, how do I look?
I mean, do I look good enough
to make Boone feel horrible
when I tell him
he's out of my band and my life?
It's a good dumpin' outfit.
Oh! With all due respect, you might wanna
change for your confrontation. [chuckles]
Oh, no, I'm not goin' to Summer's.
That's exactly what she wants.
- I have a different plan.
- Is your plan better than mine?
I'm just gonna take a break from her.
We'll just see who can hold out longer
for those little samples. [chuckles]
Good luck, Bailey. See you in a few hours.
Goin' for a run to burn some frustration.
- A few hours? Where are you runnin'?
- Bermuda.
Look how cute she looks.
- What?
- Nothin'.
Not my place to tell you what I think.
But I can tell Chloe.
What is goin' on in this girl's head
that she's gettin' back with Boone?
I'm not back with Boone.
I was talkin' to Chloe,
but since you brought it up,
where were you all night?
- And don't tell my daddy I'm askin'.
- I was actually down here with your da
"Cake." All night, just me and a cake.
That would explain those tight jeans.
Which I'm wearin'
‘cause I want Boone to eat his heart out
when I give him the boot.
Boone thinks he's comin' here to rehearse,
but it's gonna be a real short rehearsal
when I tell him
he's out of my band and my life.
I knew you'd come to your senses, B.
What happened? I mean,
the way you were droolin' over him
Well, that was before I realized
he was manipulating me
by makin' up that stuff
just to get back in my band.
I told you
those smokin' eyes are dangerous.
I gotta get to the barn before Boone does.
I wanna place myself under the skylight
so I'm dramatically lit
when I say goodbye.
Wait! Bailey
- What? Does my butt look fat?
- No. No.
You look like the solo superstar you are!
You didn't sign anything with him, did ya?
- Course not.
- Phew.
My client is smart and beautiful.
Aw, stop bein' sweet. I gotta stay mad.
Your hair looks flat
and those jeans
aren't doing you any favors.
- Really?
- Just trying to keep you mad.
[Bailey laughs]
Hey, darlin'. Sorry I'm late.
I had to go get all this stuff.
- Where's your fiddle?
- You know I don't play the fiddle.
Then where'd you learn
to play me like one?
You manipulated me.
What're you
Wasn't it just so convenient
the night I came to Tootsies
to rub it in your face
that I made the top five and you didn't,
and all of a sudden
you're givin' up your dreams
and goin' into
your daddy's sewer business?
Septic business.
And Bailey, why would I make up quittin'
the thing I love in my life more
than anything besides you?
You loved me, did ya?
Is that why you hooked up with Paisley,
a younger, perhaps not even as talented,
but I'm sure very sweet, girl?
- Bailey, Paisley and I never hooked up.
- Oh, please. I am onto you!
- Wow.
- Oh, no, you "wow"!
look here, I will never forgive myself
for treating you the way I did.
And honestly, as grateful as I am
to be playin' with you again,
I will walk away right now
to prove to you
that my intentions were honorable.
Fine! Walk!
I will.
I'll do anything to have you
not lookin' at me that way now.
How am I lookin' at you?
You're disappointed in me,
which breaks my heart.
Well, you broke mine first.
Bailey, whether you believe me or not,
lettin' you go
was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I hope someday you'll find it
in your heart to forgive me.
I won't.
Maybe I will.
Right, well
that would mean the world to me.
Maybe today.
Boone, I'm sorry.
It's just what happened with us,
and then seeing you again, and then
thinking you were manipulatin' me,
and then seein' you again.
- Are you kiddin' me?
- What the
What are you doing up there?
You were way too worried about
how your butt looked in your jeans.
I knew you were fixin' to cave.
I wasn't fixin' to cave.
It was a surprise cave.
'Cause he's so good.
Trust me, Bailey.
He dumped you once, he'll do it again.
Hey, I love her.
So you said.
I do.
Prove it. If you really love her,
you'll walk away right now
and stop makin' her life miserable.
One more thing!
Please don't tell Daddy I got involved.
Just as I suspected.
She fell right back
into the fiddler's arms!
How do you know?
Cassidy, did you get involved
when I specifically told you not to?
- That was none of your business, Cassidy.
- Maybe.
This is my life, Cassidy!
I know, and I'm sorry, Daddy.
You told us not to get involved
unless it's family.
- And Bailey's family. I won't stand by
- Cassidy, enough.
She kissed him!
What? You didn't sign anything, did ya?
I knew it. It's those darn eyes.
Exactly. I looked into those darn eyes
and I knew he was tellin' me the truth.
He was.
Well, he was!
Not that it matters now, ‘cause you told
him if he loved me, he'd walk away.
And he did!
Who walks away if they really love you?
- Cassidy, you've said enough.
- Daddy, this is a good thing.
Well, if it's such a good thing,
why do I feel so bad?
[kids sing] What doesn't kill you
Makes you stronger ♪
Stand a little taller ♪
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone ♪
When doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter ♪
What What are you doin'?
Kelly Clarkson!
Don't you remember?
The day you first came here,
when ya caused me to have a breakdown
and run out to the barn
in the middle of a tornado?
These are the exact words you yelled at me
to make me feel stronger.
Kelly's words!
Oh, I do value Kelly's words.
That's because Kelly is strong,
which is what you are.
No, I'm not. I'm not strong like Kelly.
You are for us.
Who's there every time we need Bailey?
- Oh, Bailey!
- Bailey!
And who tells us
to always have self-respect
and not put up with people
who don't respect us?
[blubbers] Bailey?
Yes! Bailey.
When did I say that?
That's not important. The point is
why can't you follow your own advice?
Because my heart
keeps gettin' in the way of my head.
That's because it's too big.
- My head?
- Your heart.
I'm so sorry
you're broken tonight, Bailey.
She didn't mean to hurt ya. She was tryin'
to keep ya from gettin' hurt.
That's Cassidy.
The meaner she is, the more she loves you.
You must really love me.
I do.
I love you more!
- Boone is such a fool.
- Oh, no.
I'm a fool.
- You are no fool, Bailey.
- Oh, nope!
Uh-uh. Beau, you were right.
What do you mean that Beau was right?
She's in distress. Don't listen to her.
Did someone get involved in Bailey's life
when he specifically told us not to?
She's family.
And since you are family, Bailey,
I have an obligation to get involved.
You deserve to be with someone
who doesn't make you cry all the time.
Are there any men out there
that are like that?
Yes, sir. She will be there. Bye.
Y'all, that was Tootsies.
Their headliner got the flu.
They're askin' if Bailey can fill in.
Well, I can't. No way.
Yes way! We can test some stuff
before your competition.
I agree. We gotta get Bailey to that bar.
I can't go to that bar with all those
pretty girls objectifying me
dressed like this.
I miss the arms that used to hold me ♪
The tender way we used to kiss ♪
I miss the way that you touch me ♪
I miss the sweet taste of your lips ♪
It hurt, it hurt, it hurt so bad ♪
This may be makin' her feel better,
but for me, big buzzkill.
Why was I so blind to see ♪
That the biggest fool is me ♪
I miss ♪
- What's he doin' here?
- Just provin' us right.
He was never quittin' this place
or "his dream."
Bailey, I didn't lie to you.
And I did not manipulate you.
The only reason I walked away is 'cause
the last thing in the world I'd do
is do something that makes you sad.
So I started packin' for Georgia.
And yeah,
for the record,
I really was goin' to Georgia.
But then I thought to myself,
"What am I doing?
I love her."
So I called Tootsies and I said,
"You gotta get her down here right now."
Why would you do that?
Bailey Hart
Will you marry me?
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