Cracked s01e07 Episode Script

Rocket Man

- Previously on Cracked - You've done well.
Homicide, Tactical Don't forget the year I quit and managed a rock band.
Then Tactical.
Sean McCray, Chief of Psychiatry here.
You're doing very valuable work, and I hate it, because it means that you're not coming back.
She's not going to be content until some shrink gives her a name for whatever it is that makes me different from her.
I'm keeping your key because somebody is gonna have to come and clean up after you blow your brains out.
Is he in? It's his wife.
Yes, I'll hold! Keep it.
It's all yours.
How do I get up? I can't see from down here.
What do you want?! Hey! I could see from up there.
I got out of bed today Swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today Staring at a ghost Oh, have you seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Oh, have you seen my ghost Staring at the ground? Na na na na na na na We're looking for the underwear guy.
So, how do you feel about heights? Better than I feel about wrestling twitchy guys in boxer briefs.
So, what do you think? Seriously? I can't diagnose him from down here any more than you can arrest him from down here.
Well, he's vandalizing a Saturn 66 poster.
That is not cool.
OK, well, um you can just radio me if you need any help with him.
What, you're not coming up? How's it going, man? OK if I join you up here? Hey, Cap'n.
Yeah, sure you can join me.
Just try to stay out of my way, OK, 'cause I'm real busy up here just trying to get a grip on things.
Are are you Billy Russell? Uh I no longer feel qualified to answer that question, sir.
Billy Russell, man! Gone Through Blue, that's like a desert-island album! Sorry, my name's Aidan.
I'm, uh, with the police.
I gotta ask you, uh, Billy, what you doing up here? Uh, well, it's like this, Cap'n.
I was down there before, like, like, way down, right? But I I just couldn't see.
Couldn't see what? Well, it's dark down there in the trenches.
The first step is a killer.
Billy, you're not thinking about jumping, are you? Look, Billy, just tell me, what's it gonna take for me to get you down from here? Hey.
What's happening, man? Hey, what's going on? Yo, I dig your moustache, dude.
What's happening, baby? - Nice.
- Thanks.
I've been working out.
That's Billy Russell.
- Elevated mood, rapid speech - That's Billy Russell! Could be a few things.
I don't think it's drugs, though.
Plus, usually when someone's on drugs, they try to stay somewhere where they can get more drugs.
Point taken.
Look, no one was hurt.
We could fine him for p Excuse me.
We could fine him for public mischief, but, uh, what's the point, you know? Anyone recognize him? Besides fanboy here? No.
I want you to go check him out, and if you think he's at risk to himself or anyone else, he's gonna spend the night at St.
Now I see how he wrote a whole album in 24 hours.
Can you give me your name, please? William.
Primary songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and lead puppet of Saturn 66.
When you say "puppet", does that mean you feel like you're being controlled? Well, I can't control where I go or who I see, got no control over my time, my money, or my mind.
I can't even control my own songs, so you tell me.
So who's pulling the strings? Huh.
Billy, has a doctor ever talked to you about bipolar disorder? Uh, excuse me, I'd much rather the term "manic depression", if you don't mind.
Appreciate it.
So you've been diagnosed, but are you being treated? Treated? Hmm, well, I I have a I have a cleaning lady, I have a massage lady, I have a fix-Billy's-head lady, if that's what you mean.
Uh the cleaning lady is real sweet.
I like her the best.
Billy, I mean, the touring life, it's All the work, the partying, long hours, that's got to be tough to manage, right? Harder things to manage than that, Cap'n.
Uh, like me, for example, but you can talk to Max.
He'll tell you all about that.
Are you talking about Max Graves, your bandmate? Did what happened today have something to do with him? Everything had to do with Max, man.
It's like we're tied together, me and him.
And even if we try to break loose, there's no escaping him, man.
Where the hell is Max, anyway? Him and Doc usually have me sprung by now.
But it's early in the morning I find something so beautiful.
Good day, Detectives.
You're Max Graves? I am.
I'm here to pick up the exalted Billy Russell.
Uh he'll be another minute yet.
Uh, do you want a coffee while you wait? I don't think you want to leave me alone with this one right here.
I might just have to get collared just to get to know her a little bit better.
Oh, yeah? Billy, you were up there pretty high today.
Do you ever feel like hurting yourself? Don't have to.
What do you mean? Other people have those thoughts for me.
Billy, I'll be right back.
Aidan will keep you company.
You taking control of the interview, Cap'n? Yeah, but, uh, maybe a different line of questioning.
How'd you get that vocal reverb on Blue? Uh, me and the mic in a shipping container.
Daniella Ridley, this is Billy's psychiatrist, Dr.
Evandra Lewis.
- Pleased to meet you.
- And you.
Inspector Caligra has told me all about your joint project police and psychiatric workers out in the field together.
Bold idea.
You should be proud.
Oh, thank you.
We're making some progress.
Well, maybe we can help with community outreach a, uh, benefit concert, or No need for that, Dr.
We're not charging him.
Billy has a good heart.
It's all just too much for him sometimes.
How long has he been in your care? Almost two years now.
So, what happened yesterday? Billy sometime goes off his meds.
He likes the buzz he gets when he starts going manic best high there is, some say.
OK, I will release Billy to you, so long as you promise to keep him out of trouble.
Oh, I think we have all had enough trouble for one day.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
This way, Dr.
New Orleans, Tampa, Atlanta Wow.
Philadelphia, and Baltimore before we head back home to New York.
- Took you long enough.
- A billboard.
Now that's a new one.
You should have seen it.
We were on it.
Just two gods facing down the world like you know, like it used to be.
I'm really glad you had a good time, brother, 'cause you know we got 20,000 fans that certainly didn't.
Can we go now? I got this song I want to get down.
You're free to go, brother.
You know, once again the good doctor and me have come to your rescue.
Although last night's Saturn 66 concert was cancelled, the band has added a new show for tonight and will accept tickets from last night's venue.
Fans of Saturn 66 have already started lining up outside the Another eventful morning shift in the Psych Crimes squad.
What's everyone doing this afternoon? I'm gonna go pick up a replacement goldfish before my kids get home from school.
I got a lunch date.
Is that DATE date, or a friend date? None of your business.
Friend date.
I don't know.
Shut up.
Shut up.
- Ooh, Poppy! - Just Ugh.
What about you? What are you doing? I'm gonna get back down in my underwear, watch last night's hockey game, and eat peanut butter with a spoon.
You? Sweats, a novel, and tea in a mug.
He is? Wynton Hotel, Royal Suite.
On our way.
A concierge is meeting us out back.
I don't know, "disturbance" is pretty vague.
Maybe they're still partying.
And they got their own floor.
Must be one hell of a par- Oh, my god.
That's Max Graves.
Where's the west elevators? Come on, come on.
Where's Billy? I just I-I heard a scream and I just came running.
What happened? Who else is here? - I don't know.
I just - Is this his room? Yes.
Go wait in the hall.
None of your people leave.
Any sign of Billy Russell? No one knows where he is.
Everyone else in the band and crew is accounted for.
Anybody have any idea what happened? Well, most of them were still sleeping off last night's party, but a few of them were, um, occupied with local fans.
The only one without an alibi is Billy's psychiatrist, Dr.
All right, coordinate the search, every room in the hotel, uniforms pounding the pavement in a 10-block radius.
Check every security cam you can find.
Billy can't get far.
Even if you don't know Saturn 66, his face is on every billboard in the city.
I can't believe it.
I mean, Max was just in our offices like, what, an hour ago? I know.
He's no different from any other victim.
Let's just find the bastard who did it.
Where is he? What'd you find from the body? Aside from the fact that he fell like there's bruising on his neck, some scrapes on his knuckles.
Do you think Max was in a fight before he went out the window? I don't think it was suicide.
Do you think Billy Not necessarily.
So where is he? These guys were famous for break-ups, fist fights, feuds over royalties.
Well, there was a big party here last night.
Could have been a straggler nobody knows about.
And I saw Dr.
Lewis when I got here.
I want to talk to her, hear what she has to say.
I will call some of my colleagues and see what I can dig up on her.
As soon as we left the station this morning, we came straight back here, and then I took Billy to his room to settle him down.
And then what happened? And then we did some breathing exercises meditative visualization.
I find it hard to imagine a guy who wrote "Prescription Mistress" doing meditative visualization.
Well, you should try it.
It might help.
Help with what? Anger.
You hide it probably behind jokes and conspicuous behaviour, but it's there.
Even if I was angry, saying "om" and pretending I'm a crocus bud would only make it worse.
There we go.
Case in point.
Did you give him any medication? A mood stabilizer carbamazepine and then a mild sedative to ensure that he remained relaxed after our session.
And then I went back to my room and fell asleep we'd been up all night looking for him.
Do you think Billy killed Max? Billy's bipolar.
He can be a lot to handle, but I always thought that Max was the dangerous one.
What about you? Were you friends with Max? If you're asking if I slept with him, no, Detective.
I'm a doctor, not a groupie.
- Any luck? - Nope.
Still searching for Billy.
Uniforms have been through every room in the hotel.
Yeah, and he was a noshow on the lobby cameras, but he could have slipped out the loading bay unseen.
Forensics hasn't turned up much.
It's a hotel room, so it's full of prints.
And DNA.
Come check this out.
Billy's laptop.
You'll find this interesting.
This was sent to Billy from an anonymous email account a day before Max died.
"For all you break you will be broken.
" That looks an awful lot like what happened to Max.
Look, it's not the only one.
He's been getting messages like this going back months.
Whoever wrote this is definitely demonizing Billy.
Or someone who just straight hates his guts.
Where's the IP located? All the messages were sent from a web café in town called Trace Effects.
Aidan, do you remember when Billy mentioned about other people having thoughts of hurting him? So you think Billy was the intended target? Some crazed fan's obsession gone too far? - It's happened before.
- And this is Billy's room.
Still doesn't explain where he's gone, or why.
Unless the killer has him.
You guys head to Trace Effects, see if you can figure out who sent these.
I'm still waiting on callbacks about Dr.
Lewis, but I did turn something up on Billy.
Last time he was in town, he was committed to St.
I went this one place she used to live, and then I went to the other place, but there was no one there who knew me, so I figured if I could just get up on the bridge, I might be able to find her from there.
You say "her", Billy.
Can you tell me her name? I ain't gonna tell you that, man.
Were you planning on hurting yourself up there on the bridge? What? Nah, man, I was writing her a song.
And I still need to get that song down, but there's no one in here who'll give me a damn pen.
Look, I can't get a pen? It just kind of goes on like that.
You've kept the video? This long? Well, yeah, what can I say? It's, um their music just it captures something, you know, that, uh, that I connect with.
Yeah, um, Aidan seemed to connect with it too uh deeply.
So, uh, how did Billy end up at St.
Stephen's? Well, he, um, he had a breakdown after a show, and he disappeared.
The cops picked him up on the side of a bridge.
Was he on anything? Well, as far as I can tell, he was all jacked up on something red-lined his manic episode.
I gotta go.
Do you really think that Billy killed Max? I don't know what to think until I find him.
Do you have any idea where he would have gone missing two years ago? He was looking for her, whoever she was.
I found this on Billy's computer.
I don't know who it is.
Maybe the "her" he was looking for.
McCray said Billy was obsessed with a woman two years ago.
That could be her.
You know, there was a there's a song from his second album people said was about a woman in his life.
It's called "Annalise".
Here we go.
Rumour is, the song's about a local music journalist who did a piece on the group way back.
Her name is Annalise Byrne.
I wonder where she is now.
Annalise How could you walk away from me? We're looking for Annalise Byrne.
She's at work.
- Who are you? - Her husband.
Simon, we're looking for someone she's acquainted with.
Do you mind if we ask you some questions? Well, I'm in the middle of something here, so could we, uh Annalise is friendly with Saturn 66, right? Billy and Max? Yeah she knew them back in the day.
I mean, it's a shame about Max.
Never got the credit he deserved.
Did she stay in touch with Billy? You know, I think you'd better ask Annalise.
You know, I can't tell you what I don't know.
You're married to her, you don't know who her friends are? - How long have you been married? - Uh seven years this October.
I see you have a son.
Excuse me.
Is that is that your painting? I love your work.
Such passion.
What's up, Leo? Poppy charmed a clerk into matching the timestamps of the most-recent emails to the security footage.
On its way.
- It's beautiful.
- Thanks.
- What medium do you use? - I well, there's acrylic, there's oil base.
All different kinds.
You can see it.
It's right there.
Why? What's the whole point of this whole thing? Why are you asking me? I just really like your work.
Thank you very much.
What about this? What about that? It's just, it's the you know, this is what I do is I plan it out, and then I put it - Excuse me.
- Why are we Yeah? Simon, you're under arrest on suspicion of murder.
- Hey, get your hands off me! - Hey! Hey! Give it up, man! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Liam, go to the kitchen.
Get him out of here! Let's get him out of here.
Let go of him! Get off of me! We've got this guy, Simon Byrne, as the source of the threats to Billy.
Yeah, but if he's got a grudge against Billy, why throw Max Graves out a window? I'd ask him, but he's not talking without counsel.
An alibi? His wife, Annalise, says she was with him when Max was killed had been all day.
- Anyone corroborate that? - No.
- You don't like it? - No.
Alright, go talk to her, but get her out of here, make her feel at ease.
Annalise, were you and Billy very close? I cared about him.
I loved him, but he was just too much.
And I had a boyfriend, Simon.
And then there was the baby.
You know, Simon may not be his father, but he is his dad.
The messages he sent bordered on death threats.
That's not exactly venting.
Simon was at home with me when Max died.
He had nothing against Max.
Why would he? Annalise, when was the last time you spoke with Billy? Yesterday.
He, uh, he said something about his psychiatrist.
Lewis? Like what? Billy wanted to fire her.
Lewis has herself so tied up in Billy's business, he can't get free.
Billy told me he doesn't think Dr.
Lewis really wants him to get any better.
Leo! Where do you think you're going? I didn't do anything, OK? Then how'd you get in here? The cop that was here went for coffee.
I just wanted to look at where Max died.
What's in here, huh? What is this? Oh.
Thieves collecting souvenirs.
This is a crime scene and you're trying to turn a profit from it? No, not to sell; To keep! Billy and Max, man, I love those guys.
- Oh, hey, what's going on? - Oh, hey, what's happening? I, uh, I thought Billy had come back.
Yeah, and I, uh, I thought we told you not to leave town.
These were in Billy's room.
Lithium and carbamazepine.
A fraction of the dose Billy needs.
You're under-medicating your patient, Dr.
I wish you luck proving that.
The worst part is he actually wants to get better, he wants to be treated, and he could be.
Billy doesn't know what he wants for breakfast, let alone his life.
Did Max know about this? Did he confront you? Max hired me.
Max kept me in the organization even when Billy wanted to drive me out.
Really? Would I go through all that trouble, putting Billy under my thumb and then go out and kill the man who helped keep him there? I mean, I can report her to the college, but it won't do anything.
We've got zero evidence, no motive.
So the doctor skates for now.
Yeah, we gotta keep an eye on Simon Byrne.
I know.
That whole wife-is-my-alibi thing? It's like he's not even trying.
Well, we can hold him for harassment, but that's all we got.
Why don't you two head to Annalise's tomorrow, see if you can shake that alibi loose? We've checked the hospitals, the morgue, the holding cell, every inch of that hotel.
Billy's just vanished.
Yeah, I've been thinking.
We found him up on that billboard.
The last time, they pulled him off the bridge.
It's like the mania literalizes in his psyche.
So if he's depressed, he'd head to underground parking? I mean, it's possible.
Or he's stuck in the middle.
What if he never left the hotel? Attention, hotel patrons.
The shuttle bus to the airport leaves in 10 minutes.
Hey, man.
Um how do I get in there? Hey, Billy.
What's happening, Cap'n? What's it gonna take for me to get you out of here? Uh, I think I'm good here, Cap'n.
Just gotta finish what I'm working on.
I'll make sure you can keep working, Billy.
I'll get you what you need.
Billy Russell.
I'd like to check in.
I believe you already have my frequent flyer number on file there.
And they told me you can give me some stuff I need.
OK, I'd like a spiral notebook, ballpoint pens in black, new guitar, four-track recorder Uh, why aren't you writing? I'm starting to rethink this whole deal, Cap'n.
Yeah, just to clarify, I'm only a detective, Billy.
Guess that completes the look.
You're gonna be OK.
You're in good hands.
Yeah, uh you know what, Cap'n, I'm just gonna walk home and grab some stuff, all right? I just don't really trust that nurse to take care of things.
Uh, well, you know, Billy, you live in New York.
It's gonna take you like a week to walk home.
Come on.
It'll be OK.
Come along.
It's all right.
Out of here.
Let me go! Oh, my god - Hey.
Hey, hey.
Can we get some help here? - Need some help! - Ah! Ah! Ah! - Just steady, steady.
- You're OK.
- Settle down, Mr.
- Please, Mr.
- Ah! Ah! You look better, Billy.
You're responding to the meds.
Tell us what happened when you left the police station with Dr.
Lewis and Max.
Uh, back at the hotel, the doc did her whole transcendental thing on me.
Never works.
I told her to phone it in.
And after she left? Then Max came and cussed me out again.
And I hung my head again and told them I'm sorry for the show, sorry for my brain, sorry for - being sorry all the time.
- He was angry with you? When is he not? Nothing makes him madder than missing shows, man.
The guy goes off, just spit flying, pushing and shoving.
Just nightmare.
- So it got physical? - I locked myself in the bathroom.
And he's out there kicking and cussing, and at this point, I'm just thinking, "I need to find myself the right meds to calm my nerves", 'cause my hands are shaking so much that I'm dropping the bottles.
And then all of a sudden the yelling stops.
And so I go listen at the door, and then I hear the other one.
The other one? The other voice.
Was it a male, or female, the voice? Ah, it was so quiet whispering.
I couldn't I couldn't really tell.
Was the whispering in the room with you, or outside with Max? Oh.
No, no.
It wasn't in my head.
I'm not like that.
No, there was definitely someone else out there.
Um and then I heard this crash and this scream.
Max's voice.
I've heard that voice in every way for the last 10 years talking, singing, shouting, but I have never heard it like that.
What did you do? Um, I came out of the bathroom, and then I saw someone.
Who did you see, Billy? The back was to me.
I thought, "Man, I'm next", right, so I I freaked.
I ran.
And then, uh, I pried open the elevator doors and climbed down the ladder, and I hid in there.
I felt like I was there five minutes before you showed up, Cap'n.
Mary, it's time for your meds.
Come with me.
You were my strength My someone to hold I can feel myself fading I can feel in my bones I see you everywhere I look From every tower in the city You know Simon Byrne's red convertible right over there? Are you kidding me? Do you see this incredible collection of bargains at your feet? Like this machine for beautiful home permanents, for the lady.
You here yesterday? Sure.
Yesterday, today, every day.
This is a business.
What about that car? Was it here yesterday too? You look like a man who wants to buy his lady friend a nice present.
Oh, no, she's not my-Right.
See anything you like? Well, honey, um the belt sander.
Excellent choice.
It's almost new.
Only used once.
I still have box in the back.
- Great.
- OK, how much? - Fifty dollars.
- Fifty bucks? - Firm.
It's almost new.
Oh, I remember yesterday morning, that car, that red convertible, it was not there.
Thank you.
So, you sent threats to Billy.
That's established.
And now he's told us that there was someone else in the room when Max went out the window.
You found Billy? You knew he was missing? You went somewhere in your car yesterday when you said you were at home with Annalise, didn't you, Simon? I didn't go anywhere.
Simon! Your car was gone for two hours same two hours that Max Graves died.
- You got the wrong idea.
- How long do you think it's gonna take me to find a traffic cam image of your license plate? Or find a witness at the hotel who saw you? - I didn't - You went to Billy's room, and Max got in the way, right? No! Oh, f Man! Annalise took the car.
She went to tell Billy she never wanted to hear from him again, to tell him he'd never ever be a part of Liam's life.
Annalise went to the hotel? She didn't lie for me.
I lied for her.
If Billy's obsessed with Annalise, and she slammed the door on him, it could have put him in a dangerous state of mind.
This is Billy Russell we're talking about.
I know.
Lab work back on Billy's clothes.
- What does it say? - No DNA, but, uh, particles of glass in the fibres.
The window.
- Billy pushed Max.
- Yeah.
We got him.
Listen, I've packed all your things, OK? We gotta get back home and get things rolling.
OK? We can do this without Max.
Get you writing songs again, and if you don't feel like it, we can get somebody to write them for you.
You'll get someone to write songs for me? Yeah, well I'm the only one who can fix all this for you.
Billy, Billy, you can't go anywhere with out me.
Listen! You need to listen to me right How about you need to listen to me right now? No, Billy.
I know what you did, but they don't yet, OK? And even if they can prove it, I'll just have you committed somewhere I can pull strings.
Boo, come on.
I got you.
We can do this! Billy.
Billy! Billy, you don't know what's good for you! I know you're not.
What? Hi, Sean.
Yeah, I'm heading there right now.
What? I gotta go.
Lewis checked Billy out of St.
Why would McCray let that happen? He probably couldn't stop them.
But he said they didn't leave together.
You think Billy's at the hotel? I know where he's going.
Hey, Liam.
- Hey.
- You know who I am? - You're Uncle Billy, right? - That's right.
You get those presents I sent? Well, that's OK.
I got something better for you anyway.
Um do you want to see the whole world? I don't think we should be up here.
Don't worry, we won't be long.
Annalise, open up! It's Detective Black! Whoa.
Where's where's Simon? Where's Billy? - Has he been here? - No! We know you were with him right before he killed Max.
Annalise, what did you say to Billy? I told him no more no more calls, no more letters, no more.
But he didn't listen.
He never listens.
And then I told him What? You told him what? And then I told him I slept with Max one night on the tour when we were together.
And that Liam is Max's son, not his.
- Is that the truth? - Yes.
Why didn't you tell us that you saw Billy just before Max died? I already hurt Billy so much.
How am I gonna help you put him in jail too? I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Where's your son? Where's Liam? - He's out front playing.
- We just came from out front.
He's not there.
Hey, hey, hold on, hold on.
Daniella, lock the door! Hey, listen to me! Where's your roof? - It's over there.
- Keep her here! Wait.
I got 'em.
He's on the roof, he's with the kid.
I don't think he'd hurt him, but things could go wrong up here.
Son, don't ever let them trap you down there, OK? Up here is where it's at.
Up here's where men like us belong.
I want to go home now.
Just one minute, little man.
Just just one more minute.
That you, Cap'n? Hey, Billy.
That's a long drop in front of you, man.
I'm just here to make sure the little guy's OK.
Just saying goodbye, Cap'n.
Won't be back for a while.
Why don't you send Liam over here, and you and I can talk about that? Go on, Liam.
Tell your mom I'm sorry for everything.
Hey, buddy.
You see our friend over there? Why don't you go run to her, OK? She'll take care of you.
It's OK.
Thanks for that, Billy.
I'm not like you, Cap'n.
I just make songs, man.
I make songs and I make trouble.
No, Billy, that's not true.
Man, your songs have meant a lot to me.
And I suppose I should feel fortunate 'cause millions of people love me, right? Yeah, Billy, that's right.
Millions of people.
Well it don't make a bit of difference when the only one that matters doesn't.
I'm sure there's someone else out there for you, man.
Not like her, Cap'n.
Not like her.
Ah, Annalise.
Those times with her, best times I ever had.
And I didn't even believe her when she told me about her and Max, 'cause 'cause when I look in Liam's eyes, I when I look in his eyes, I I see myself, you know? When I called Max into the room, I told him what Annalise said, and he just went really quiet, man.
Had this look of pity in his eyes.
Billy, I-I want to talk about this.
I really do, but I mean, why don't we do it So I hit him.
Look, right now it would make me feel a whole lot better if you just stepped down off that ledge, Billy.
And then I pushed him.
I wasn't even crazy when I pushed him, Cap'n.
I have never felt more in control in my life.
Well, you're in control now, and if you could just just B-Billy! Hey! Annalise How could you walk away from me? I'm finding it very hard to breathe Forgetting who I used to be You were my strength My someone to hold I can feel myself fading I can feel in my bones I see you everywhere I look From every tower in the city I'm just holding on While you're just letting go Oh, Annalise How could you walk away from me? I'm finding it very hard to breathe Forgetting who I used to be
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