Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Sunday Clothes

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
It's Saturday!
Eight full hours
to explore the wilderness
of the creek.
Eight full hours
to not hit my fighting dummy.
Hyah![ Squeak ]
Never turn
your back on an enemy.
And eight full hours
to touch this salamander.
[ Gasps ]
Aw, geez.
I went and wet myself.
I mean, I didn't wet
wet myself, but
Do you need to go home
and change?
No, It's cool, guys.
Uh, I'm still good to go.
Oh. Oh, wait.
Aw, no!
I got my underwear wet.
Oh, it's conforming
to all my contours.
Whoa! Whoa!
Ow! Laura!
Mom and I just cleaned
the house yesterday.
There's no way
I'm letting you inside
those wet clothes.
All right. Well,
then I won't wear them.
JP, no!
You can't just get in the buff
out here in the open.
Why? What's wrong
with that, Laura?
I thought all bodies
were beautiful.
Your body is beautiful, but
the neighbors talk about us, JP.
Well, mostly about you,
and it's mostly about the things
you come home covered in,
like that time with the bees
or all the paint
or the beesagain.
I thought
they'd make me fly.
JP, you're
in middle school now.
You need to start
acting your age
and be
more responsible.
Your friends here
are younger than you,
and just look at
how clean they are.
I'm going to go
fetch you a towel.
The water comes down,
and it cleaned my head and -- ♪
Laura! Someone stole
all my clothes!
Nobody stole anything, JP.
They're all dirty.
Oh. Well, can you
stay home from work
and wash them
for me, then?
Sure. Forget about all those
sick people at the hospital.
I'll just stay home
and do your laundry.
You'd do that for me?
I'm joking.
See you after work.
Guys, I got to find
some clothes!
I'll get a higher vantage point
and survey our surroundings.
I don't see
anything up here!
This guy's got some clothes.
I think I can squeeze,
but I could never pull off
a spring look
this time of year.
It's okay, JP.
We can just hang
out here today.
Yeah. Maybe your sister
will come home
with a severed arm
we could play with.
ActuallyI might know
something I can wear.
my Sunday clothes!
But aren't those
for special occasions?
You can't wear them
to the creek.
Oh, come on, guys.
It'll be fine.
I can go a day
without gettin' dirtytwice.
Greetings, fellas.
[ Twinkle! ]
It is I, John Paul,
dressed toe-to-tip
in his very dashing,
in-season Sunday suit.
This looks says I'm ready
to chaperone your school dance
or finally ask out Barbara
from the PTA meetings.
Uh, we saw you get dressed
at the house,
but you look great
here, too.
Why'd you change
your shoes?
Uh, you have to commit
to the whole look, Kelsey.
So, what's on the agenda?
I thought we could
harvest golf balls
to cash in
at the Trading Tree.
That sounds delightful.
[ Grunts ]
See? This ain't
gonna be so hard.
[ Grunting ]
Blocked them all.
[ All shout ]
[ Grumbles ]
Darn it! He's not here.
Paintball Mike?
Aren't you and your soldiers
a little far from Rainbow Alley?
Our battlefield has been
compromised, rookie.
Everything has
gone topsy-turvy.
The seventh-graders
have joined forces
with the darn first-graders
out of nowhere.
It's a bad day to be 11,
Let's move out!
[ All shouting ]
Don't those warmongers
know people
tryin' to stay squeaky
clean out here?!
Looks like there's
some fresh meat.
All right,
let's go fetch our spoils.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
[ Both sigh ]
This might get a little
too messy for you.
Just wait there
for a little bit, okay?
[ Sighs ]
Well, at least I can't get dirty
if I'm sittin' down.
JP, stop! That rock is
covered in bird poo!
So is that one!Oh!
Maybe you should
just stand still.
[ Whimpering ]
Hey there, fellas.
Nice seeing your faces
on a Saturday.
Can I interest you
in our brunch menu?
We've got
orange slices.
Could we just get
three chubby cheddars, please?
Ugh. How am I gonna move
these oranges?
One for you,
one for you, and one for you
that has not
been opened!
Oh, JP!
I thought you
were a health inspector.
They've all been opened.
Nah, I ain't
no health inspector.
I can barely
inspect myself.
Mmm. Mmm.
[ Sighs ]
How did you make it look
so easy, Chubby Chancellor?
Both: No!!
Huh? Huh?
Areyou okay?
[ Muffled ]
Not really.
I'm the older kid.
I'm supposed to be
lookin' out for you guys,
but instead you're always havin'
to look out for me.
Uhh, JP,
I know you're going through
a difficult thing right now,
and it's probably not the best
time to bring this up --
You're gonna get
grass stains on your butt!
Oh, dang!
You guys, help me up.
If you both will excuse me,
I'm gonna go bury
these emotions
deep inside me like
a responsible adult would.
Do-do, do, do, do,
do-do-do, do ♪
Walkin' away,
don't look inside yourself ♪
What should we do?Don't look at me.
I dress like a warrior,
not a therapist.
[ Pow, pow! ]
Hey! Hey! Break it up!
You guys know the rules!
Rules don't matter
This paintball war
was supposed to be
us middle schoolers.
Those first-graders
are just kids --
slightly younger kids.
You want to know
what's not right?
Letting Cousin Bobby play.
He's like 50.
Hey! I'm 23!
It's too late
for Cousin Bobby.
But these first-graders
still have a future!
If Cousin Bobby stays,
so do the first-graders.
Hanging out with JP
all the time,
I forget that most middle-
schoolers are barbarians
and not the cool kind
who wear fur underwear.
Well, one of us is right,
and one of us is wrong.
That's how
the world works.
So, how are we gonna
figure this out?
It's not like there's
some kid in a suit
who decides
these things.
La, la, la, la, la, la,
everything is fine ♪
Why do they have
to be in a suit?!
Because anyone in a suit is
obviously responsible.
I ran out of things
to sing.
That's it!
Well, I'll tell you
what would be responsible --
solving this argument, because
I'm about to shoot everyone!
That's why we need
a kid in a suit!
Hey! This kid
can help you.
He's got a suit
and a strong sense of moral --
All right.
Suit's good enough for me.
What are you doin'?
I can't negotiate a peace treaty
between the paintballers.
Come on, JP. You wanted
to be a responsible older kid.
This is your chance
to look out for everyone else
at the creek
by stopping war.
Yeah. T-This
could be big.
Maybe they'll even give me
a Creek Peace Prize for this!
Thank you for joining me
today, gentlemen.
Paintball Mike,
would you like to go first?
[ Clears throat ]
"We, the United Sixth Grade
Paintball Federation,
want the first-graders
out of this war."
First graders are out.
Paintball Benny?
Us other guys want to be able
to keep the first-graders
to use as human
paint shields and such.
The first-graders
are in.
Hey! You just said
they were out.
We seem to be
at an impasse.
How about this? I'm just
gonna write down a number.
Would you be willing
to settle for this?
Uh, this is just a piece of
paper that says, "300," on it.
Okay, you drive
a hard bargain.
What if I were to add
a zero?
Now, it says, "0300."
That's it!
No more negotiations!
Sounds good to me.
Aw, come on, guys!
We can work this out!
You guys are brothers.
You shouldn't be fightin'.
You should be huggin'.
I mean, can you guys
even remember
how this silly war started?
Huh, maybe
the suit's right.
What are we even doing here,
Mikey? This isn't us.
Oh, wait! [ Chuckles ]
I remember how it started.
You shot Mike in the noo-noo.
[ Laughs ]
That was messed up!
The war is back on!
[ All screaming ]
[ Gunshots ]
Craig: Incoming!
Get JP out of here!
We're stuck.
Don't worry!
I'll save you!
Wait! Your suit!
Oh, dang.
I don't know what to do.
All day, I tried to be
responsible and not get dirty,
and now you guys are dirty,
and I'm responsible.
I'd take a grenade for you
no matter what you're wearing.
Yeah! You're our friend
with or without the suit.
With or without the suit?
Then I'll take
without the suit!
[ Zipping ]Uh, JP
[ JP grunting ]
Look away, Mortimer!
JP, you saved
our lives.
We are forever
in your debt.
Good job, JP.
Oh, hey, Laura!
John Paul,
don't you dare tell me
you went out in
your birthday suit again!
Naw, I wore
my Sunday suit.
You did what?!
But don't worry.
I didn't get nothin' dirty.
[ Chuckles ]
Very responsible, JP.
[ Door opens ]Woman: Somebody put some
clothes on that boy!
Back off, Carol!
His body is beautiful!
[ Door shuts ]
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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