Crazy Love (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Come here, my little puppy.
Let's have a snack.
It's hot. Blow on it first, okay?
Dip it in sugar too.
Is it yummy?
You can do it
-All right!
He's so much better than you.
That was great.
Here you go.
Your stomach will hurt.
Come on. Eat up.
They're all heavy drinkers.
Come on. Eat it now.
-Go ahead and eat.
-This is great.
What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?
You'll end up crawling home.
Hey, don't give him any more drinks.
-Isn't it tasty?
Lie down and rest.
-Give me more booze!
Here you go.
-Have another.
-Pour me some more!
Look at this guy.
Even if you were to offer 1,000 boxes
of potatoes, you can't buy this car.
Let's toss these potatoes.
I'm not throwing away the potatoes.
I'm throwing away this worthless car.
Even if you were to offer me
1,000 truckloads of these darn cars,
I wouldn't exchange them for my potatoes.
So go back on your own.
Was I too mean?
No, I wasn't mean.
It wasn't mean at all.
Why should I?
Why should I apologize?
I'm not crazy.
She was an eyesore anyway. This is great.
Because of that darn amnesia,
it was like living in hell.
I love it!
This is heaven!
I'm free!
I'm free.
I'm free.
I could also die…
while crossing the street, right?
what am I doing right now?
Live for yourself.
For myself?
For yourself,
look up at the sky,
look at the flowers,
sing songs,
and dance too.
Just for yourself.
That's how you should die, Sina.
What am I doing here?
What was I thinking?
Why did I come here?
You brat, it's so late!
I don't want to go home today.
Hey, why are you so wasted?
I'm going to marry you.
-It's not like that.
-You punk!
You darn punk!
-Out of my way, I'm going to kill you!
That's nonsense, you punk.
Okay, understood.
You punk.
He's human after all.
Even Mr. Noh Manners
is a human like me.
He licks the lid
of the yogurt cup like me,
wears a T-shirt
with a stretched-out collar like me,
and laughs… like me too.
It wasn't your fault…
that I'm dying.
It wasn't anyone's fault.
I'll forgive you.
What's wrong?
Why isn't she coming back?
Please find my mom for me.
Your mom called.
When is she coming?
What am I looking there for?
She's never coming back
because she doesn't want to see you.
Hey, potato!
Why isn't
Lee Sina coming?
Why should I wait for her?
I'm not waiting for her.
So you didn't come home after all.
Oh, you're up.
What took you so long?
Were you waiting for me?
Why would I wait for you?
It was just a question.
I got back so late, so I couldn't come.
Sorry to make you wait.
-I said, I wasn't waiting for you.
-Okay, then.
I'm serious. I really wasn't waiting.
Okay, I heard you. Sit down and eat.
Here you go. Enjoy.
What is she doing all of a sudden?
Did she poison it?
What's wrong?
It should taste good.
Aren't you going to eat?
By the way,
why do you hate onions?
Actually, you used to really hate onions.
About you liking onions…
I lied to try to fix your eating habit.
I always wondered
why you hate onions so much.
They're sweet and delicious.
Oh, right. You don't remember.
I guess I won't get an answer.
Please go ahead and eat.
Let's eat, my little puppy.
It's onions every day.
I hate onions.
I want ham.
I want ham!
I'm not eating.
-Hey, it's onion boy!
-Onion boy!
Hey, did you eat onions again today?
-Did you?
-Gosh, he stinks.
-He stinks.
-He stinks!
Life is…
shorter than you think.
Say sorry when you're sorry,
say thank you when you're thankful,
and try things you used to hate too.
Try that, okay?
If you try eating onions
without any memories of them,
perhaps you'll learn to like them.
Please eat slowly and come later.
I'll take the subway to work.
I need to buy snacks
for the research team.
Hello, sir.
He's finally back to himself again.
My goodness. I'm sorry.
Say sorry when you're sorry,
say thank you when you're thankful…
I'm so sorry--
I'm… also sorry.
"Sorry"? Did he just--
Hyesun, what's wrong?
Maybe he lost his mind.
Did that darn Mr. Noh Manners
curse at you?
Then what?
He said… sorry.
He said sorry!
There must be a hidden meaning
when someone suddenly acts strange.
After throwing a fuss and leaving
because of the potatoes,
she suddenly serves me fancy meat dishes
with an angelic face?
What's the hidden meaning behind that?
It's me. Let's meet now.
I'll have a seat.
Where did you… How…
I'm the top private detective.
Mr. Joo Junpal.
How do you know my name?
Crosschecking is a must.
I have my sources too.
You can call me John.
I'm quite impressed with your work so far.
Let's sign an official contract.
That's an excellent decision.
I don't sign contracts
with anyone just for money.
You're a lucky one.
Let's see.
The top private investigator always has
everything ready perfectly.
Let's proceed to the next step.
Okay, then.
Is this the latest fashion trend?
What are you doing?
Wait. Please hold still for a second.
Let's see. What's the exact width?
About this much.
About this much.
There are holes every 5.5cm apart.
-Hello, sir.
It isn't time for cleaning yet, is it?
I… asked him to do it.
Because I spilled coffee earlier.
Is that so?
All done, sir.
What's going on?
I think it'll be difficult
to request bail for Mr. Kang Min.
Is that right?
I feel bad.
I feel bad too.
But you've done everything you could
by writing a petition.
What Mr. Kang Min really needs
isn't to be released on bail,
but your forgiveness.
You've already forgiven him.
So don't worry about him anymore.
Please have this when you get hungry.
And juice too.
Yes, thank you.
Hello, sir? It's me.
Please don't file…
Mr. Kang Min's petition.
And please watch him carefully
to see if he requests bail.
From now on, please report all matters
regarding Mr. Kang Min to me.
Yes. Please make sure
not to report to Mr. Noh.
What's most important right now
is for Mr. Noh to regain his health.
I don't wish to involve
Mr. Noh with this anymore.
Yes, please. Thank you. Bye.
-Would you like a sandwich?
-Thank you.
-And a juice.
-Thank you.
-Please have a sandwich.
-Thank you.
No, it's okay. I'll hand them out, ma'am.
I meant, Ms. Lee.
Thank you!
Thank you.
-Here is some juice too.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Here is some juice too. Please enjoy.
Ms. Sina.
I'm so sorry about that day.
Something very urgent came up.
It's okay. Please don't worry about it.
My goodness.
Thank you so much for your understanding.
As a token of my apology,
I'll treat you to a meal.
How's lunch today?
I appreciate the gesture,
but I don't have time
as I have a lot to take care of.
I see. You have a lot to take care of.
I guess you're very busy.
What was that?
She thinks she's all that now?
She hasn't even married him yet,
but she thinks she's the head of Gotop?
She's annoying.
Oh my god!
Are you jealous?
You aren't jealous
of someone else getting married
just because you're divorced, right?
-What did you say?
-I mean,
it just seems like
you're very jealous of Ms. Lee, you know?
By the way, are those knockoffs?
I have the same pair,
but they look a bit different from mine.
I'm sure they aren't knockoffs.
You even own a building, Ms. Ma.
You just work for fun.
There's no way those are knockoffs, right?
Of course not.
I'm so jealous.
She used to crawl before me
and didn't dare make eye contact.
She's forgotten about her early days.
How dare she.
I said, I understand.
I'll wire the money tomorrow!
She wouldn't have done that
to my other clothes, right?
What… What in the world?
Mr. Noh loves everything to be 5.5cm.
Pop, pop.
Lee Sina…
What the heck?
What the heck is this?
I'll give you a nice haircut.
You'll look pretty.
Why do they look like cucumbers?
Lee Sina.
Lee Sina!
I thought I'd feel better.
Why do I feel so down?
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Ms. Lee.
I mean, I was a little surprised
that you wanted to see me, ma'am.
I called you because
it's a little hard to talk at the office.
Sorry. I know you're busy.
Not at all. Please call me anytime.
I wanted to see you because…
A resignation--
I thought it'd be better
to give it to you than Mr. Noh.
It must be tough looking after Gojin
while working as a secretary too.
I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner.
No, not at all.
I'm the one that should apologize.
You shouldn't apologize to me.
I'm sorry for not being thoughtful
while you've been taking
good care of Gojin.
You'll do a handover, right?
Since you know Gojin very well,
please give lots of guidance
to his new secretary.
Will do.
Job poaching?
Are you suggesting we poach an instructor
from another company when we just opened?
They'll hate us.
It's to bring good talents to Baek Edu.
Other companies will
poach our instructors too.
You're right. Baek Edu isn't a charity.
We should try harder
since we're a newcomer.
Please run with it.
What's next?
You have an advertisement meeting.
But you need to go to the hospital first.
Hospital? What hosp--
Is he in the hospital again?
A hospital isn't a hotel.
It's a place for the ill.
That depends on the user.
To me, it's a hotel
where my kids come to greet me.
Since I have, I'll get going now.
I heard you're traveling far.
Have a safe trip.
When will you take over Gotop
or whatever it's called?
I just launched Baek Edu.
Are you asking me to run
when I haven't even learned to walk yet?
Besides, we're in the education business.
We're here to coexist
with other companies,
not to take them over.
How idiotic. To run a business,
you need to take over others.
Rest well.
If you want something,
go get it no matter what it takes,
and if you can't have it,
destroy it so that no one else can!
That's how it works
in the real business realm and real life!
That's the way you do things, Father.
You establish schools
saying you'll educate people
to invest in real estate
and erect buildings.
You use your kids' marriages to get rich.
And you take over weak companies
to be called a darn chairman.
I don't do business like that.
I'll never live my life like that either.
Let's wait and see if you do or not.
You're just like me.
That's why you got married
even though you loved someone else.
I'm not like you, Father.
Just like you protected your company
using my marriage,
I protected my love…
with that marriage too.
That was the only way
I was able to protect it!
Ma'am, are you all right?
I'm fine.
We'll be late for the meeting. Let's go.
Actually, I'm not okay.
I need my medicine.
I'll get you some water.
A different kind.
Just five minutes, please.
What do you want?
My handkerchief.
Give me back my handkerchief.
Oh, that? I threw it away.
You threw it away?
How much was it? I'll pay for it.
You need to respect other people's stuff.
If you lost it, you should apologize.
Fine! I'll buy you one, okay?
Hold it right there.
Just five minutes.
I won't ask you
to pay for the handkerchief,
so please let me hide like this
just for five minutes.
I did a terrible job teaching today.
The students asked me questions,
but I couldn't answer any of them.
I feel so embarrassed.
My forehead feels hot too.
I'm so embarrassed.
My forehead feels so hot.
I did this once,
and I felt completely better.
How annoying!
Noh Gojin, that punk.
-What do you want?
I told you, no one was allowed in!
I thought you should really see this.
What is it?
They're from the department store.
Department store?
My precious--
Do this to all of them,
and send them
to the CEO's office at Ilpum Edu.
Noh Gojin, that punk. He really sent them!
Noh Gojin! You're dead meat!
Oh my, honey.
Jeez, how could anyone live
without someone to hug?
Gosh, Lee Sina, you're crazy.
I'm going to lose my mind.
Why would you lose your mind?
You startled me!
What are you doing?
Prepping for my audition.
What happened to the female ghost role?
Why a grandma?
I didn't get that role.
No need to console me.
To actors, it's just a part
of everyday living.
By the way, Okhee. By any chance…
when you're playing a role,
do you start liking your counterpart?
Of course. Some couples even get married.
But that's only 1% of the cases.
The rest are just delusional
from playing their roles.
-That's how it is, right?
Right. My heart is just beating faster
because I'm going to die soon.
Why do you ask? Do you like
your hubby Mr. Noh Manners?
Why would I like Mr. Noh Manners?
That's nonsense!
Fine. If you don't like him, that's that.
Why do you have to get so upset? Jeez.
Your last show was so fun to watch.
I even watched the rerun.
So, I heard
that Mr. Noh won't be
on the show for a while.
Then who's going to fill that role?
Gosh! It hasn't been decided yet?
Then let's go for a round of golf soon.
I looked into
a really amazing golf course,
so we just need to set a date, okay?
I look forward to your call then.
You startled me.
Who were you talking to
that you're so startled
as if you got caught red-handed?
Why were you eavesdropping, Chabae?
No, I wasn't. This meeting room
isn't your personal space.
Who is calling me?
Baek Edu, I see.
I'll try to find some time soon. Okay.
Baek Edu? Why are they calling you?
New companies are all the same.
They're poaching. It's nothing new to us.
What's wrong? They didn't call you?
Of course, they called.
They called me too.
They called you? I see.
So they did. All right.
Well, that's that then.
That arrogant punk.
What goes up must come down, you punk!
You'll wither away soon too.
Baek… Baek Edu.
Who are you?
Hello. I've been newly assigned
as your secretary--
You've been newly assigned
as my secretary?
Yes, sir.
How did you get newly assigned here?
What's with you lately?
You always had to work late.
But you came early
for Mom's death anniversary
and came here today too.
How do you have so much free--
Did you get fired?
-What's that?
-An allowance.
Why is it so much?
I'm sorry for everything.
Keep doing acting that you love so much.
He's big, but he's still a baby.
Why are you home so late?
How come you're here again?
Is something wrong?
Jeez, why is everyone
asking the same thing?
Why did you give us so many potatoes?
You worked so hard.
You shouldn't just give them away.
He's my new son. That was nothing.
I'd gladly give him even more.
How is my son-in-law?
Well… Aren't you hungry? Let's eat.
You cooked so much.
I put a lot in the refrigerator.
Heat them up and eat, okay?
Don't eat just kimchi
because you can't be bothered.
Don't worry about me. I can feed myself.
Don't you have any
good lady friends at all?
What do you mean?
You should get remarried, Dad.
Jeez, Dad.
Have some water.
It's lonely eating alone.
Sooho will go his own way
once he graduates too.
You'll really be left alone.
I won't be alone.
I'll have my potatoes and cabbages too.
It'd be nice if you had a companion too.
Don't talk nonsense.
Don't worry about me,
and marry my future son-in-law soon, okay?
What now?
Is something… troubling you?
Even when things are hard,
don't blame others and endure it, okay?
You must endure to receive blessings.
You may think that
I'm just a nagging old man now,
but if you endure it all,
you'll realize one day that I was right.
You're right.
Everything you're saying is right, Dad.
It was no one's fault.
don't blame anyone either, Dad.
Blame what?
just in case something happens later.
When I die.
I don't blame anyone.
How am I going to die…
leaving you behind alone?
I'm sorry for dying before you.
Mr. Joo Junpal here?
I drove here.
It's non-alcoholic.
It's quite tasty.
This is Mr. Lee Yonggu, Lee Sina's father.
This is her brother Lee Sooho.
Borrowings from relatives to note.
What? They don't have
any financial issues?
No, not at all.
And what Mr. Kang Min said was true.
There's no connection
between Ms. Lee Sina and Mr. Kang Min.
I'm sure that they're not accomplices.
And please take a look at this.
This is the path Ms. Lee Sina took
and her current location.
I put a tracker on her then.
At 1200, she met her brother
Sooho at Baekga University.
At 1300, she met her father.
Currently, she's back in Seoul.
And please take a look at this too.
I took these pictures myself this morning.
I didn't find anything strange at all.
You're wrong. There is something strange.
It's as I had expected.
The hidden meaning behind
the strange behavior was that she'll soon…
run away.
Seoul is so beautiful.
Is this your first time in Seoul?
I've lived here for five years,
but never realized it.
I've always thought it was so cold here,
but it's actually quite warm.
That's why people live like fools.
What's so important that we live
without even noticing our surroundings?
You're right.
I lived like such a fool.
Now that I'm leaving soon,
I finally realized it.
You must be moving away?
I think I'll be leaving soon.
Ms. Lee Sina never called back after that?
No, sir.
She can't just stay in denial.
Maybe she's getting treated
at another hospital?
I think so too.
She wouldn't be
able to live everyday life.
You can't endure that level of pain
just on painkillers.
That's true.
-Sir, you can't do that!
-Let go. I need to see the doctor!
-You can't go in now!
-Where is the doctor?
-Get out of my way!
-May I help you?
-Oh my.
-You said my daughter was fine.
-Sir, please.
You said nothing was wrong with her.
Then how can she have cancer?
Why does she have final-stage cancer?
Sir, please calm down and explain.
How can I calm down, you quack?
A scan from another hospital shows
that she has cancer. Do you see that?
Let me take a look first, okay?
What are you going to do now?
Sir, what do we do?
The MRI images of Ms. Lee Sina
and Ms. Lee Sinae
were taken on the same day,
and got switched.
How could you make such a mistake?
I'm so sorry!
They had similar names
and even the same birthday, so…
Now. Please call her now!
Yes, sir.
I came…
to take a picture.
What kind of a picture?
My last picture.
Okay, I'll take it now.
One, two…
I'm sorry.
Ms. Lee Sina?
Yes, speaking.
I'm calling from Gwangae Hospital.
-Ms. Lee Sina.
-What do you mean?
Please, have a seat first.
What do you mean?
I'm… I'm sorry.
It turns out that
you don't have glioblastoma.
This is… the scan of your brain.
The person handling the scans
accidentally switched yours
with a glioblastoma patient's scan.
Does that mean…
I won't die?
That's correct.
It was a misdiagnosis.
I'm so sorry.
Thank God.
Thank you so much!
Thank you. Thank you so much!
I'm not going to die!
I can grow old like you too.
I'll have gray hair someday!
I'm not going to die!
I'm not going to die.
Your future is in my hands.
Lee Sina!
You're dead meat now.
Where are you going, honey?
Where are you going? It's very late.
Are you going somewhere far?
I'm just… going home briefly.
I see. Okay.
All right. See you later.
Okay, then.
I need to tell you something.
Okay. What is it?
It's something very important.
By the way,
I actually don't have…
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