Curses! (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Celtic Cloak

[Russ] "Miss you.
I saved Stanley from a terrifying"--
Should I say "scary" instead of
"terrifying"? It's fewer syllables.
You're way overthinking this.
The scryer bowl only gave us
a short connection with Dad last month.
We all have a lot to say.
It's important to be efficient.
[in robot voice]
It's important to be efficient.
-[imitating robot noises]
-[Russ sighs]
Mom, where's your card?
I'm good, baby. I'll speak from the heart.
Sweet. Is everyone ready?
[Stanley] Indeed I am.
Stanley's scared to get too close
to the bowl after last time.
I am not scared.
I am keeping watch. Hmm.
First, the personal object of Dad's.
[sighs] I gave this to your dad
on his 30th birthday.
It was his favorite toy as a kid,
but he'd lost it.
I won this one in an online bidding war.
Hmm. Goodbye, Pyramid Peter.
And now your offering, Mom.
This name tag is from
my first big museum job.
[Alex] Kids.
Kids, is that you?
"Miss you. I saved Stanley
from a scary messenger creature."
-Alex, are you all right?
-I got trapped in a painting.
-"We returned more artifacts. And"--
-The briar is turning red.
Pan, stop yelling! Dad, speak up.
I can't. The skittering.
I don't want them to find me.
-Who's "them"?
-We'll kick their butts.
Alex, the briar has been
telling us which artifacts to return.
I think what you're doing is working.
I can feel it.
Keep listening to the briar.
I miss you, Alex.
You heard your dad.
We've got to follow the briar
to the next artifact.
Well, Hisa's painting
had red thorns around it.
So did the paintbrush.
But after we ended the curse on it,
the thorns turned back to green.
So the red thorns wrap around
the artifact we need to deal with next.
Well, that is the hypothesis
I'm currently favoring, yes.
Let's track down some red thorns.
Mmm. Mmm. [chews]
Red thorns. I found red thorns.
I promise I was looking for
the red thorns, but this caught my eye.
-A pirate's got to accessorize.
Hmm. The briar led us to the cloak,
so it must be the next cursed thing
we need to deal with.
The question is how?
Let me try it on. We'll see what happens.
Oh, as lovely as that sounds, Pan,
it's too dangerous.
[Larry] Danger is where I thrive.
Stanley, cloak me.
[Stanley] Mm-hmm.
-[Stanley] Larry?
I saw strange creatures
in the eye of a storm.
It was… [inhales deeply]
What do you think this means?
Oh, I took a class on ancient textiles
in grad school.
This pattern is Celtic.
So we gotta return it to wherever
Celtic things come from.
That could be anywhere in northern Europe.
[Stanley] Ooh, wait a minute.
I remember seeing this
while Larry and I were cataloging.
-I don't see that island on this map.
-Well, it's the best clue we've got.
I'll ring Margie to see
if she's up for a jaunt to Scotland.
Hmm. Alex still drowning in work, huh?
Yes. Sometimes it's like
he's in another world altogether.
[Margie] That's gotta be tough.
It's been really hard on the kids.
They haven't gotten to
spend much time with him lately.
I meant tough for you.
I'm fine.
Really? You look like
you got things on your mind.
It's just family stuff.
Well, just know that when
you're ready to talk about this stuff,
I'm here to listen.
No judgments.
Hey, I see the island.
-Whoa. What was that?
-[alarm beeping]
Just some turbulence.
Is everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
One time Rufus and I pulled off
an emergency landing in a polar vortex.
We can handle a little fog.
I'm not sure I can handle it though.
[grunting, straining]
That sounded bad. Is it bad?
Yeah, I'd say it's bad.
One of us will stay to help you.
Nah, go do your thing.
I can take care of Rufus.
We're a good team.
Isn't that right, old pal?
[Russ] You think the cloak's curse
is connected to these shipwrecks?
Could be. I wonder if there's someone
we can talk to around here.
I can hardly see more than
a few inches ahead of us.
[Pandora gasps] Hey, fam!
Check this out!
Dad is stuck in a statue,
and you're collecting sticks?
Uh, no.
We'll use them to
feel our way through the fog. Hmm.
Actually, that's pretty clever.
[Pandora] How are we supposed to
de-evil this cloak?
This island is empty.
What were you expecting?
A sign saying,
"Return your cursed cloak here."
[gasps] Russ?
I'm okay. I tripped.
It looks like our yard
during that gopher infestation.
[Sky grunts]
These bones are fresh.
Someone or something
ate the fish recently.
W-What do you mean by "something"?
-I bet that person knows.
[yelps, growls]
Excuse me? Can you help us?
Well, I mapped out the red thorns in
the eastern rooms, as Sky requested.
[grunts] How's the western half?
Coming along.
Oh, Larry, this is artistry.
I had no idea.
Eh. Standard treasure map template.
Being in Hisa's painting
reminded me of my love for art.
I haven't explored my creative side
in a long time. It's refreshing.
Give me your map, Stan. Let's slap
them together and call it a day.
[stammers] It's a work in progress.
[gasps, mumbles]
It's something.
Change of plan.
[grunts] Let's go through
the eastern rooms together.
I'll call out the red thorns to map,
and you paint them.
I've got to do everything around here.
[Sky] Where'd our mysterious friend go?
I say we start our search there.
-[breathes heavily]
Hi, we didn't mean to alarm you.
I'm Sky Vanderhouven.
-I wanted to--
Well, that was rude.
She looked spooked.
How about I try to speak to her alone?
Less threatening that way.
You go help Margie with the plane,
and I will meet you back there. Okay?
[breathes deeply]
-[breathes heavily]
-Please, I don't want to hurt you.
I don't like spying on Mom.
We can't leave her alone up here, Russ.
That lady is creepy.
What if Mom needs our help?
We want to return something
that belongs on this island,
but we don't know how to do it.
That's the only reason we came here.
If you can answer a few questions,
we'll get out of your hair
and leave you to your…
Are you a gardener?
I have-- I had an herb garden.
I've been preoccupied.
Truth is, my husband turned to stone.
Worst part is he knew it was
going to happen, but he never told me.
And now, I'm leading the kids through
this series of seemingly impossible tasks,
but sometimes,
I'm just as scared as they are.
We get to speak to Alex once a month
for hardly any time at all,
but the kids dominated
the whole conversation.
I barely got to say hello.
I know they miss their dad,
but I miss my husband.
Hmm. Mom needs some time, Pandora.
Let's go back to the beach.
I love my family more than anything.
But there's no space for me
to have feelings of my own.
[chuckles] There you are.
Sorry for the rambling.
This is the artifact
I wanted to ask you about.
[grunts] Ooh.
[gasping, screeching]
Wait. What happened?
[panting, screeching]
[panting, screeching]
Come back. [yells]
[sighs] Help!
[Russ] It's our fault Mom is sad.
I know.
I guess sometimes I forget she's got
more going on than just being our mom.
Uh, Pan? I don't like the look of that.
What in the--
[Russ] These are the craziest
weather patterns I've ever seen.
[Pandora] No kidding.
It's like we're inside a snow globe
that someone keeps shaking.
Should we go back for Mom?
I don't even know where we are.
Much less how to get back.
We're on the sand. That means
we must be close to Margie. Come on.
[Russ] Let's keep looking for Margie.
You've made me watch a million movies
featuring dark seaside caves.
None of them ended happily.
Russ, it's another shipwreck.
Huh? Wow.
The square-mile-to-shipwreck ratio
on this island is super high.
I know. It's so cool.
Sometimes I can't believe we share DNA.
[thunder rumbling]
This is so gross.
[gasps] Hey, Pan, look.
"Log of Ronan StClair,
captain of the ship Dimitry's Revenge."
No way! A captain's log!
"Day 15.
The tales of violent storms sinking
any ship that approaches Seulah Island
must be false,
rumors spread by weaker men
who failed where I will succeed.
Dimitry's Revenge is only
one day's journey from the island,
and the ocean remains clear as glass.
Soon my crew will be fishing
along Seulah's bountiful shores
and raiding the ships of those
who didn't live to tell the tale."
[Pandora] That clearly didn't happen.
[Russ] That's all he wrote.
Not a word about a cursed cloak.
[both] Hmm?
-Hmm. Huh?
What the codfish?
Well, this is a new one even for me.
Russ, do you hear that?
Ooh, yikes. [whimpers]
The tide is coming in.
We gotta get out of here.
Okay, now.
[both grunting]
[groans] It's getting higher.
Run for it!
[panting, grunting]
Russ, what are you doing?
It's a message in a bottle.
It could be important.
[groans] I can't believe
I'm saying this to you, but be careful.
[grunting] Trust me, I'm trying.
[strains, grunts]
Yes! Horus for the win!
"All ye who travel here,
beware the selkie trapped on the island.
She attracts fish, but it's a ploy.
She beckons storms. She will destroy you.
Do not fish here. Save yourself.
'Tis too late for us.
Captain Ronan StClair
and the crew of Dimitry's Revenge."
A selkie! Of course!
What's a selkie?
It's an ancient mythological creature
who is a seal in water
and a human on dry land.
There's only one human on this island
besides us and Margie.
The cabin lady. She must be the selkie.
And we left Mom alone with her.
[Pandora] Mom! Mom!
Mom, are you here?
-Ew, it stinks in here.
-[insects buzzing]
Now the fish bones make sense.
She's half seal. That's what she eats.
-[both gasping]
We're just looking for our mom.
[panting, grunting]
Sorry we broke in, but, uh--
[gasps, screeches]
[groans] Why does she keep doing that?
Hmm. These sticks were harpoons.
She thinks we're here to hurt her, Pan.
That's why she's scared.
We really gotta find Mom.
-[pants] Mom!
Mom! Mom!
-[Sky] Russ! Pandora!
-[Pandora gasps]
Russ, look! I found Mom!
Pandora, are you both safe?
Uh, yes, we're fine.
Mom! Hang on. We'll get you out.
Grab the other end of the cloak
so I can climb up. [grunts]
[all straining, grunting]
-[Sky] Whoa!
-[all grunting]
Mom, we figured out that
the cabin lady is a selkie.
What? I had no idea they were real.
Check it. We found a captain's log in
a shipwreck and a message in a bottle.
I take back every time
I said reading was boring.
This is incredible.
So the selkie is causing the storms
and the shipwrecks.
How is she doing that?
According to myth, when a selkie comes on
land, she sheds her skin to become human.
She needs to put the skin back on
to return to seal form.
Because of the selkie's
connection to the sea,
mourning her lost skin
seems to cause deadly storms.
So the cloak is the selkie's sealskin?
That's why Larry felt a storm
when he put it on.
She must think someone buried it,
and that's what she's been digging for.
It's coming together now.
Someone took the selkie's cloak,
trapping her on the island,
so she would keep attracting fish
for people to catch.
[sighs] Poor thing.
Let's get her back out to sea.
[sighs, pants]
Uh… [groans]
This is yours, right?
We don't want to take anything.
We came here to give this back.
-You're welcome?
[all whimpering]
-[Margie yelling]
-Oh, no, Margie!
[Margie] Oh, Rufus!
[seals barking]
What amazing creatures.
[Russ, Pandora panting]
Ready to go?
What happened to you over there?
I got stuck in a hole.
And what were you two doing
while your mom was in a hole?
Feeling guilty for not
considering her feelings.
Yeah, we're sorry
we didn't let you talk to Dad.
We get that him being, uh…
busy hasn't been easy for you either.
Tell us when you're frustrated though.
We can handle it.
Yeah, you're always strong for us, Mom.
We can be strong for you too.
Thank you, my loves.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up
in the role as your mom,
I forget how brave and mature
you've both become.
[both sighing]
I don't wanna pry into family business,
but, Sky, I got questions.
[Larry] Dead end. That the last of it?
[Stanley] We have mapped
all the other red thorns. I'm sure of it.
Guess we're done, then?
Oh, it's quite remarkable, really.
The pattern resembles a flower.
Hmm, I see a giant squid.
What do you think it means?
It is unclear to me.
We'll have to bring it to
the family's attention when they return.
Now, what say we unwind with some croquet?
Only if I can be the ball.
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