Dahaad (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Stakeout

Surround the building.
He might try escaping.
-Yes. Come on.
-Sajjan, get two men to cover the area.
-Yes, sir.
Sir, his van isn't here.
-Mansoor, go check.
You stay here.
Open the door!
At the back! In the bathroom!
It's locked.
The lights are on.
Sir, I can hear cries
from behind the house.
Sounds like a woman.
-Break the lock.
-Yes, sir.
-Take him outside.
-Yes, ma'am.
Open up!
I'm here! In the bathroom!
I'm locked in--
-Where is Anand?
-Vandana, where's Anand?
-I don't know.
He locked me in.
I don't know where he went.
Where's my son?
He's OK. An officer is with him.
What happened here?
Look at this.
It's the same pendant Anand
gave me on our anniversary.
Do you still have it?
It was right here.
He must've taken it.
I'm wearing the same necklace.
Do you have any idea where he's gone?
He took off in his van.
Maybe he's gone to his father's.
Go, wait outside Anand's father's house
till we get there with a warrant, OK?
Yes, sir.
Why are the police here? Where's Papa?
Papa is coming soon.
I'm right here with you, OK?
Everything will be OK.
Give me a minute, son.
Vandana, I know it's hard
to testify against your husband.
But your testimony will help us catch him.
If we don't stop him, who knows how
many more innocent girls will die!
Sit. I'll take down your statement.
We've been together for 11 years.
Things were not always perfect, but…
we lived together under one roof,
yet, I didn't suspect a thing.
Sometimes, it's easier
to deceive those closest to us.
Don't blame yourself.
You're not a fool. He's just very cunning.
It was my fault.
I had a husband,
but I looked for love elsewhere.
Maybe that's why…
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Your dear husband's killing spree
started long before he married you.
Shall we start?
Sir, that's his father's house.
No sign of his van.
My men have surrounded the place.
Drive on.
-Open the door!
-Who is it?
-We want to search the house. Who are you?
-Bansi. I work here.
-What's going on?
-We need to search the house.
Search the house? Why?
We're checking to see who's here.
Who's here? I'm the only one here.
-We need to search the house.
-Step aside.
Hey! Out! Out!
We have a warrant.
OK. Send in whoever you want.
But she can't set foot inside.
And why not?
Do I need your permission?
I will not talk to you.
We all know her background.
This is my ancestral home.
No backward caste person
has ever set foot inside.
Who is forward? Who is backward?
That's not your call.
Your ancestral home?
Those days are over.
The Constitution rules now.
Law and order rules.
The law gives me the right
to enter as a police officer.
And I will enter your house.
No matter how upset
the souls of your ancestors get.
If you try stopping me,
on the grounds of caste discrimination
and obstructing a police investigation,
I'll have you arrested.
Search every corner. Parghi, over here.
Bhaati, over there. Sajjan, look upstairs.
Bag any incriminating evidence you find.
-Get Bansi here. And the video camera.
There's no one upstairs.
Mansoor, look over there.
Open the door.
Yes, Bhaati sir?
-Get me the evidence bag and gloves.
When did you last talk to your son Anand?
A few days ago.
What has he done?
He committed heinous crimes.
He's on the run.
If he calls again, inform us at once.
It's for his own good.
What's going on? Tell me.
What has he done?
The investigation is ongoing.
We can't talk about it now.
There's no law that
forbids you from telling me.
You barged into my home
and turned everything upside down,
so I have the right to know why.
First, you arrest my younger son Shiv.
Now, you're after Anand.
-My whole family--
-How did your sons get on?
Did they get on?
Whether they did or didn't,
that's between the two brothers.
We believe someone is
framing Shiv for murder.
Who would frame Shiv?
We'd like to know too.
That's why we're asking you.
Shiv may be my younger, but he's
ten times more sensible than Anand.
He's a very good-natured boy.
But that damn Anand never liked him.
Because Shiv has
all the qualities a man should have.
If one of them has messed up,
I guarantee it's Anand.
He's the black sheep of the family.
-Which one is Anand's locker?
-That one.
Thank you.
I asked him why he wanted
to close his bank account.
He said his wife had cancer.
He needed cash for her treatment in Delhi.
He looked like a troublemaker.
What has he done?
We need the CCTV footage
and his account statements.
-Yes, Parghi?
-Yes. False name. False documents.
He only ever deposited cash.
Last week, he withdrew 1.6 million
rupees and closed his account.
How did the bastard have that much money?
He probably sold the jewelry
he stole from his victims.
Let's send photos of the jewelry
the girls were wearing
to all the dealers who
trade in stolen goods.
Someone must have bought something.
Many buy stolen goods.
We're looking for a needle in a haystack.
Our lives are all about looking
for needles in haystacks.
I'm hanging up.
No! That's just impossible!
Veena, there's rice cooking on the stove.
I'll call you later, OK? Bye.
What is this?
Why is Roohi telling her parents
that you're going to Delhi?
And that your consent form
has been signed. Is that true?
Never mind. I'll find out for myself.
What the hell is going on!
Shivangi, I'm busy now. Let's talk later.
You're always busy.
Just tell me.
Did you sign Nupur's consent form?
Can we talk about it later?
We're talking about it now!
I'd told you Nupur is not going anywhere.
Then, why did you sign her form?
Answer me--
You're not going anywhere!
I don't care what your father says!
Sindoora has identified Anand.
She's agreed to testify
against him in court.
Anand gave his wife a necklace
that belonged to a victim.
You can see it in this photo.
-Will his wife testify?
-Yes, sir.
Find him ASAP.
Who knows what he'll do next.
Parghi and Bhaati are
following up on a few leads.
We'll set up checkpoints
in every nearby city.
We need more men.
-You'll have them.
-Thank you, sir.
Bhaati sir.
I've spotted the van.
It's heading toward Chittorgarh.
Tell them to set up
checkpoints in Chittorgarh.
His van was spotted on the way there.
Chittorgarh control room, come in.
Chittorgarh control room, come in!
Hey, stop.
-Have you seen this man?
Has no one seen him?
Our men are patrolling
every corner of Chittorgarh.
He's nowhere to be found.
Don't you ever have any good news, Parghi?
Bhaati sir, your mother is here.
What is it? What are you doing here?
Ask yourself that question.
You didn't come home all night.
You don't answer your phone.
I was working.
Have you sacrificed your family for work?
Any idea how worried your mother gets?
My child is absent all night,
wouldn't it worry me?
Stop scolding me. I have work.
I can't help it.
Why do this work anyway?
Can't you get another job?
What is this damn work?
No letup. Day or night.
That's enough!
You're coming home with me!
I can't, Ma.
I've found another boy for you.
If you carry on like this,
he'll be gone too.
-What can I do?
Who will ever marry you?
-Come with me.
-Listen to me!
Don't humiliate me here! Go!
I won't leave without you.
Must you make my life hell?
There's enough chaos here.
Do me a favor, go home!
I'll be home as soon as I can!
I won't roam around aimlessly! Go!
-Is his SIM activated?
Zero activity since last night.
-You can nap at home.
OK. Let's talk about your brother Anand.
Did you get on with him?
He's always kept to himself.
I've tried to spend time
talking to him and doing stuff.
But he never made an effort.
-He's the same with everyone.
-Why's that?
We were very young when our
mother died in an accident.
After she died, he became withdrawn.
What has Anand got to do with all this?
Could he have taken your car
on the night of the 30th?
I would know if he had.
Maybe he took it without telling you.
The car keys were with me the whole time.
-You must have a spare set.
-Yes, in a drawer.
It's always locked.
Why are you dragging Anand into this?
Aren't you satisfied making my life hell?
I'm not.
I joined the force to make
life hell for people like you.
If you're as innocent
as you pretend to be,
then let me tell you,
someone is trying to frame you.
Why would anyone do that?
That's what I'm figuring out.
Try and remember everything
that happened that night.
The less you hide,
the sooner you'll be freed.
I was at home.
I poured myself a small drink. Before
I could even finish it, I fell asleep.
I passed out near the dining table.
I woke up the next morning
and went to work as usual.
My car was parked where I always leave it.
-Are you sure it was only one peg?
I don't know what happened.
No matter how drunk I get,
I always sleep in my own bed.
-What were you drinking?
I had a peg from the bottle
Anand left me the night before.
Do you still have the bottle?
Yes. It must be at home.
Let's start again.
What happened when Anand came over?
You're being charged with murder.
There's a mountain
of evidence against you.
If you want to walk free,
then you'd better cooperate.
Tell me what happened.
It was around eight in the evening.
The doorbell rang. I opened the door,
and Anand was standing there
with a whiskey bottle in his hand.
Does he come over often with whiskey?
That was the first time.
We chatted for a while.
He had a drink and so did I.
He needed some money.
So, I went to the shop to get it.
I came back and gave it to him.
Then he left.
So, he was alone in your
house for a short time?
Do you have any water
bottles like this one?
I have a whole set.
Your fingerprints are
all over this bottle.
We found it at the crime scene.
Next to the girl's dead body.
Bag these three bottles.
Where are Shiv's spare car keys?
They were right here. They're gone.
Found anything?
Water bottles like the one we
found near the victim's body.
His spare car keys are missing.
Bhaati sir, should I send
the whiskey bottle to the lab?
Do it now. Tell them we
need the report urgently.
I'm going home for an hour.
Call me if anything comes up.
-Any news on Anand?
-Nothing yet, ma'am.
Listen, order dinner for everyone.
Looks like we'll be
spending the night here.
Where are the kids?
In their room.
We talked about it, didn't we?
About Nupur not going to Delhi.
You should be happy our
daughter is getting this chance.
Chance? For what?
To loaf around?
Who says she's going to loaf around?
She's going to a competition.
-Don't you trust your daughter?
-Don't you dare talk about trust!
You signed the form behind my back.
Don't you get it?
Why did you sign the consent form?
Shivangi, I've been working
non-stop for the last 48 hours.
I don't have the energy for this.
How would you have any energy?
All your energy is spent at the station.
You're either tired or not in the mood.
Who gives a damn about your moods!
I want to talk.
We're talking about our daughter.
No way is she getting my permission.
She doesn't need it. I've given her mine.
You can't decide it alone. I'm her mother.
I'm her father.
I know what's right for her.
Fathering a child doesn't
make you a good father.
You see the kids
for ten minutes in the morning.
You're at the station
the rest of the time.
When you come home,
the children are in bed.
They're my headache all day.
What should I do? Sit at home idle?
I don't work because I enjoy it.
Running the house, the school fees,
who pays for everything?
What a big favor you're doing us!
You should be grateful
I don't ask for much.
I manage with what you give me.
Anyone else would've raised hell.
What do you think you're doing now?
No way is Nupur going to Delhi
for any stupid competition!
What is this really about?
What do you think will happen to her?
I know what will happen.
What do you know?
A young girl traveling without
her parents' supervision
is not good from any angle.
I won't let her go as
long as I'm alive. No.
I'm begging you. Don't impose your
nonsense on me or my children.
Nupur cannot sit at home forever
because of your idiotic fears!
This is a great opportunity! She will go!
You think these are idiotic fears?
Do you have any idea what it's
like dealing with a growing child?
Why are you taking her side?
What will she gain by going to Delhi?
She'll be out of the house for one.
She won't be backward like you.
I run your house, raise your kids,
do your laundry,
-wash your dirty dishes--
-That's not what I meant.
You mean I should be forward?
That would be good?
And how should I be forward?
Like your Anjali?
Calling you 24/7.
It's her job to call me if I'm needed!
Do you think I don't know
why you come home late every night?
I'm working! That's why I'm late!
I might be backward, but I'm not stupid!
I'll tell the teacher I can't go.
They'll take someone else instead.
You won't do any such thing.
I said you're going. That's it!
Yes, sir. RJ-88-SP-1991.
It just left the Raisar toll booth.
The car no. is RJ-88-SP-1991.
That's the one. Confirmed.
Bhaati sir, the van was spotted on NH-52.
It passed the tollbooth a short while ago.
He's on NH-52.
He's heading to Bikaner.
The Pakistan border isn't far from there.
If he keeps driving in that
direction, he'll reach Pakistan.
Alert the closest unit.
Bikaner patrol unit, come in.
Bikaner unit, come in.
Yes, go ahead. Bikaner unit.
The van was seen
at the Bikaner-Raisar tollbooth.
OK. Copy. We're on the other side.
We're sending a jeep.
The van was seen at the last tollbooth.
Take four men to Raisar.
-We'll cover the checkpoint here.
Let's go!
Stop, stop!
Go back.
We've found the van, madam.
It's at the restaurant
beyond the tollbooth.
Don't let him know you're onto him.
This could be our only chance.
Keep the radio on.
I want to hear what's going on.
Yes, madam.
They've found the van.
Where's the van driver?
He's eating, sir. Inside.
Can you see him?
-What's happening?
-The signal is weak.
Patrol unit, come in.
Can you see him?
He's right in front of me. He's eating.
Approach him carefully.
Don't let him escape.
OK, copy.
-Is that your van outside?
Yes, ma'am. We've caught the bastard.
Bring him to the Mandawa station.
What is it, sir? What have I done?
Madam, there's a mix-up.
It's not him.
What's wrong, sir? Please tell me.
Ask him his name.
Yes, madam.
The van parked outside, is it yours?
I'm only a driver, sir.
My boss told me
to take the van to Bikaner.
I've checked his papers.
The van is registered to Car Auto-deals,
a Bhilwara company.
They buy and sell used cars.
Anand Swarnakar sold the van
to them a few days ago.
The driver was told to drive it
to their main office in Bikaner.
OK. Bring the van here immediately.
OK. Copy, madam.
Bhaati, go home and rest.
Kailash and I will take care of things.
Take charge in five hours.
I'll stay, sir.
It's not a request, it's an order.
You've been working for 60 hours.
The brain needs rest to function properly.
We'll manage. Go.
Is this the time to come home?
Would you like to eat?
Let me make you something.
Never mind. I'll sleep a little.
I need to go back to work.
But you've just come. Must you go?
The boy is from a good family.
He's well-educated, he's an engineer.
Have a look.
He looks good, doesn't he?
Now, I'll show you some photos.
Look carefully.
None of these girls are alive.
They were murdered.
Do you know why?
Because their mothers kept
forcing them to marry…
believing as you do that without a man,
they will have no future.
They made their daughters'
lives hell with their nagging.
So, what happens?
This is the outcome.
These girls think that
if they don't marry,
the sky would come crashing down.
So, the first guy who turns up…
and shows the slightest interest
has the girls running away with him.
Then he murders them
and dumps their bodies.
Who's to blame for their death?
It's easy to blame the man.
But if the girls' families
had let them live in peace,
they would not have fallen into his trap.
Want to see more photos?
Parghi sir.
The Jhunjhunu District Magistrate's
court called.
-They've sent you a summons.
-A summons?
You must appear in court
at 2:00 p.m. today.
What is it about?
They didn't say.
I shall read out Rajni Thakur's
and Altaf Dhanwal's plea.
The petition is filed under Section 482.
They're asking the court for protection.
They allege that their lives
are under threat from
Rajni Thakur's family
because they were married
against her family's wishes.
Anyone here from Mandawa police station?
Sir, I am. Sub-Inspector Kailash Parghi.
I'm in charge of the case.
Both petitioners are adults.
Their plea states that
they married with full consent
without any external coercion.
Hence, the court dismisses the case
against Altaf Dhanwal.
Sir, I appeal to the court
to dismiss the case of theft
against Rajni Thakur as well.
It has no grounds.
The FIR was filed
only to intimidate Rajni Thakur.
The court moves to dismiss
the case immediately.
The police department must arrange
for the petitioners' protection.
-Do you understand, Mr. Parghi?
-Yes, Your Honor.
Thank you, sir.
It's the start of a new life.
Thank you.
Stay happy.
Bhaati sir.
I'm not sure if this is relevant,
but Faiz Iqbal's bank statement shows
that Anand made a debit card
payment to a cybercafe.
-Yes, Bhaati sir.
The browsing history has been cleared.
There's a way I can retrieve it,
but it's a long process.
He's deleted everything.
Check the other computers
and the register.
There must be a log
of the computers he used.
I don't think he's left any trace.
Do as I say, Kassim.
There is a way, Bhaati sir.
But it may take a few weeks.
We should impound all the CPUs.
The last time he was here,
he asked for a printout.
Do you activate the printer history?
Check the print queue.
Read the printer log
on the day he was at the café.
He printed out a ticket
from Karachi to Kathmandu.
-In the name of Digvijay Shekhawat.
-When for?
-Mansoor, take all the CPUs.
-Yes, Bhaati sir.
We've alerted airport security
at Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur.
We've also informed the border
checkpoints at Munabao and Attari.
There are many illegal border crossings.
These are not the only ones.
The border is too long for us to patrol.
What a screw-up!
The guy at the cybercafe said
Anand spent the day chatting
with his headphones on.
Has Kassim looked into it?
Yes. But it'll take time.
You here? At this hour?
-Get out!
-Lower your voice!
I must hide somewhere.
Get up. Don't make a sound.
Follow me quietly to the basement.
I really pity your intelligence.
What did you think?
I would help you hide from the police?
You have destroyed our family name.
I'll call the police myself…
and hand you over.
You'll hand me over?
You'll hand me over?
Do you know what I'll tell them?
I'll tell them what you did to my mother.
Don't you remember?
Because I remember it clearly.
I'll tell everyone.
Let's go.
Who will believe the word of a murderer?
Whether or not anyone believes it,
your darling Shiv will.
He knows I was there when it happened.
I'll tell him how you murdered our mother
and how you made me lie.
-Let's go--
-Don't touch me!
-Get out!
-Keep your voice down.
Go. I'm coming.
I should've known I was raising a snake.
Where's the money you took from Shiv?
I have it.
And that's where it'll stay.
In fact, you'll be giving me more money.
I wouldn't even give you my old slippers.
Today, you'll do exactly as I tell you.
If you don't listen to me,
I'll tell Shiv.
So what if the police arrest me!
Don't think for a minute
that you'll be spared if they catch me.
I've written it all down
and left it with someone reliable.
If I don't call him,
the note will be sent to Shiv.
That million in your account?
Your life savings? I want it.
You'll rot in hell.
You're a monster in the guise
of a human being. A monster.
I'm your blood.
I've inherited your virtues.
The bank opens at 9:00 a.m.
Go and stand in line.
By 11:00 a.m.,
the money should be in my hands.
Get it? Now go!
By the way,
I took some food from the fridge.
Tell Bansi, like some ravenous dog,
you stuffed your face last night.
-Lock the door from the outside.
Kappu, sweetie.
Kappu, wake up. Wake up, son.
-It's time for school.
-Let him be, Chanda.
Ask the constables
outside if they want tea.
Stay at home today if you'd prefer.
I don't mind.
Is Papa back?
Isn't he back yet?
Son… Papa…
What's happened to Papa?
You know the police who came here?
They're trying to find Papa.
Is Papa lost?
No. He's not lost.
He's gone somewhere,
but he didn't tell anyone where.
Because he's done something bad.
Now, he'll be punished for it.
What did he do?
Papa hurt some people.
I don't know, son.
Papa is to blame for what he did.
It's not your fault.
I know you're a good kid.
When you're older,
you'll stay good, right?
You'll respect everyone?
You'll never hurt anyone?
-Give it to me.
-Here, take it.
The money.
If you think you can escape,
you're mistaken.
The cops are everywhere.
I'll do what I need to.
What will you do?
I've spoken to the Bheghwals.
They're helping me.
It's a good thing I put
your mother to rest.
At least, she didn't live to see this day.
Tell Bansi to give the constables
some tea. Distract them.
Sir, have some tea.
Have it.
Take your positions. Over.
Sir, our men are in position.
Sajjan! What's going on? Did you see him?
Not yet.
Bhaati sir. The truck has just arrived.
It's entering the village.
Let's go! Hurry!
Come on, move it!
Keep moving!
They've started loading the truck.
-People are getting into the truck.
-And Anand?
No sign of him.
All units, stay where you are.
Stand by for further instructions.
We'll move once the truck drives off.
The truck's leaving, Bhaati sir.
Move it!
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