Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Left Behind

[gentle music playing]
[Go-yun] Uh, I'm not trying to make
some spontaneous declaration.
It's not an impulse either.
I know this is only recent,
so I I've thought about this quite a lot.
[chuckles nervously] I'll ask you
could we maybe start dating?
Well, I, uh, I mean
[phone ringing]
You're getting a call.
Oh, yeah.
[unsettling music playing]
[paramedic] Move over! Please make way!
[crowd murmuring]
[man] Dispatch, we have a patient
requiring immediate medical attention.
Requesting immediate assistance. Over.
Hello, who's this?
The police?
[unsettling music intensifies]
[siren wailing]
[phone buzzing]
This is Kong Cheol-woo.
Uh, why would the ER
A suicide attempt?
Okay, I'll be right there.
- When did the call come in?
- [paramedic] Thirty minutes ago.
He lost a lot of blood at the scene.
[unsettling music playing]
[monitor beeping]
[breathing heavily]
What's going on?
He's lost a lot of blood.
He was barely conscious when he got here.
We're operating on his esophagus soon.
Why his esophagus? A suicide attempt?
He slashed his own neck.
Definitely suicide.
I was told
he did it with a long chopstick.
He has history, so I called you.
[Cheol-woo] Oh.
- [monitor beeping]
- [air hissing]
Excuse me, Doctor.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Are you here for Mr. Choi?
[woman 1] Oh, yes.
Doctor, will Jun-gi be okay?
Yes, they're gonna do emergency surgery.
They'll ask for your permission shortly.
Oh, I'm a psychiatric resident
at the hospital.
I'd like to ask you just what happened.
Did your brother
stab his own throat with a chopstick?
[ominous thud]
[unsettling music playing]
[high-pitched ring]
It's still there.
[whimpering continues]
[utensils clattering]
[blood squelching]
- [door closes]
- [Jun-gi gasps]
[air hissing]
[monitor beeping]
He stabbed his own neck with a chopstick,
so I think this was more than suicide.
Maybe a somatic delusion,
but it might be schizophrenia.
He seems to have had a hallucination
before the attempt.
Let's take another look when he wakes up.
As soon as he recovers,
he'll go into cardiothoracic surgery,
so give his guardian
a history intake form.
Yes, I'm on it.
[monitor beeping]
[opening theme playing]
[gentle music playing]
[girls laughing]
- Honey.
- [Yu-chan's father] Yeah?
Right. I'm off for a delivery.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, no. Let me go.
[bag rustles]
[Yu-chan's mother] What's got him
working so hard all of a sudden?
Something is going on.
When something happens,
he always does that.
[Da-eun] Just out of curiosity,
I wanna ask you.
Were you waiting there for a reason?
Why though?
Because I've been missing you.
[door opens]
- Hey, Yu-chan. It's been a while.
- Hello, ma'am.
So why haven't you been by lately?
Oh, I've just been busy with work.
- Did you come because Da-Eun's here?
- No, I didn't know she was home.
She's off today.
Did you know
she came down with a cold yesterday?
She hasn't even eaten yet today.
[Yu-chan] Oh, is it bad?
She's completely worn out right now.
It's the hospital work.
What good is being a nurse when you can't
even take care of yourself, right?
I feel so sorry for her.
[Seo-wan's mother] I told you
Seo-wan ended up like this
because of his studies, didn't I?
[sobs] So why?
This is all your fault.
Why did you have Seo-wan discharged? Why?
[sobbing] He was still sick!
Why else would he have killed himself?
He was still sick.
My baby. Why did you have him discharged?
Why? [sobs]
- Why!
- [Deul-re] Okay, everyone. Come on.
[crying] Why!
This is all This is all your fault.
I won't let this go.
[Seo-wan's mother crying] My baby!
Every one of you!
Mr. Kim. It's okay.
[Yeo-hwan] It's okay.
[Yeo-hwan] Uh, Mr. Cho Nam-guk
used to harm himself once a day.
He was improving last time we heard
and hasn't attempted
to self-harm in the past week.
He is, uh, taking alprazolam less often,
as needed.
Uh, what do you think about allowing
Mr. Cho to start having visitors?
Yes, sir. Uh, I'll get in touch
with his guardian for a consultation.
And then, Dr. Cha, that paper of yours?
Please send me the first draft.
It'd be great to have it
by the end of the day.
[Min-seo] I'll do that. Thank you, sir.
[sighs] I can't see anymore.
That's enough for now.
I'll, uh, drop by the outpatients now,
so thank you all.
[Yeo-hwan] Yes. Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
Excuse me.
You're seriously just
okay with what happened?
[unsettling music playing]
Doctor, what are you trying to say?
We discharged a patient
who took his own life, sir.
So how are you so unfazed by this?
I just don't understand.
You think I'm okay?
You should go, Doctor.
The outpatients are waiting.
- [sighs]
- [door closes]
Hey, Kong Cheol-woo, come here.
Do you think
dealing with a lot of death
desensitizes you?
That you numb yourself to the pain?
Dealing with death
isn't something you can just get used to.
It's sad every single time.
We all just pretend
it doesn't affect us. That's all.
Uh, so what happened
to Mr. Seo-wan's parents?
Security escorted them out.
I will deal with that myself,
so don't let it rattle you.
Back to work.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yep.
Ms. Ha-ram, she's got a new prescription.
Check it before giving it to her.
Okay, she's also saying that
she has some stomach pain today.
Okay, let's check if she's having
different food than normal
while taking her meds.
If she still has pain
after the medication,
she might have to see internal medicine,
so let's tell her doctor.
Okay, understood.
Okay, let's get to work.
[all] Yes, ma'am.
By the way, has anyone tried
to get in touch with Ms. Jung?
I did, but she wouldn't pick up the phone.
She must be resting or something.
Let's help her out
when she returns tomorrow.
Mr. Kim was a patient
that she cared about quite a lot.
- Yes.
- Yes.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[melancholy music playing]
[phone chimes]
[Ms. Hong] Ms. Jung, are you all right?
I heard you have the day off today.
[phone chimes]
Get plenty of rest. I'll see you tomorrow.
And don't skip any meals.
[Ms. Hong] Mr. Kim Seo-wan's drawing.
What should we do?
Take it down.
[paper rustling]
[door opens]
That room and bed belonged to
someone who committed suicide.
I'm not staying in there!
Ms. Hong, what's going on?
He says he wants another room.
I'll change it.
[melancholy music playing]
- Dr. Dong.
- Yes?
What's wrong?
You've been going through
the same patient's results for a while.
Huh. Was it the same?
[nurse] Is it because of the patient
who passed in psychiatry?
You heard about that?
[nurse] It's been bothering me
all day too.
I'm sure it's worse for you.
[phone buzzes]
[Yeo-hwan] Hey, Yu-chan!
Ugh, hey. Yu-chan!
- [Yu-chan] Uh, hey, hey.
- [Yeo-hwan] Whoa, whoa, hey now.
- Okay. Let's set him down.
- Okay. Easy.
[Yeo-hwan groans] Hey, hey, hey. Hey.
Did something happen?
There was an incident today.
A patient died by suicide.
[melancholy music playing]
Did Da-eun know the patient too?
Yeah. He was close to Da-eun, as well.
Is that why she's been sick?
- Has she been sick?
- Huh?
- Let's just have one more drink.
- You've had too many already. No more.
He also treated that patient.
It's been difficult.
[both exclaim]
[elevator dings]
[Yu-chan breathing heavily]
[Yu-chan grunts]
I'm worried about Da-eun.
She's quick to recover,
but this might be tough to get over.
She's not quick.
When her pet hamster died,
she couldn't even eat for a month.
That's who she is.
She's strong
but also fragile.
She laughs a lot but cries a lot.
She's not really good
at hiding her feelings, Da-eun.
Sounds like you're the expert on Da-eun.
All right. Let's hope
he hasn't changed his passcode.
[keypad beeping]
- [door lock whirring]
- Oh, there we go.
Uh, wait. His shoes. Get his shoes.
Right, right. Good.
All right.
[Yu-chan] Okay.
[Yeo-hwan] Just toss him wherever
and come on out.
[door opens, closes]
I wish I could hate you.
[sentimental music playing]
[doorbell rings]
[doorbell ringing]
- [moans]
- [doorbell rings]
Why'd you drink so much last night
that you passed out?
I had reasons.
Dr. Hwang told me last night.
I guess she's taking it pretty hard.
Hey, you should be there for her
to help her.
Why don't you do it, bro?
The truth is,
I saw everything that day.
[emotional music playing]
Aren't you guys dating?
[breathes deeply]
We're not.
She turned you down?
Uh, no.
I said how I felt,
but I didn't get an answer.
That's when she got the call.
You doing okay?
Honestly, I'm not.
But I'm sure she's doing a lot worse.
[blow-dryer stops]
Feels like it's been a while
since we talked.
[Yu-chan] Come to the restaurant tonight.
Why, what's going on?
Ugh, just come.
You're looking so pale recently, honey.
Can you maybe
call out of work again today?
There's no one to cover for me
if I call in sick.
I have to.
Hey. What are you doing here
so early today?
Oh, I just woke up early today, I guess.
Here's the briefing for the shift change.
The patient is Mr. Choi Jun-gi,
who injured the left side of his neck
with a wooden chopstick.
He had an emergency operation at the ER
and was under observation in the SICU.
The CS Unit wrote
that he continuously tried to harm himself
during the procedure,
which made it difficult.
Okay, I can take care of this patient.
Oh, no. He's in one of my rooms.
[Ms. Hong] It's just you seem
to be going through a lot.
I'm okay.
It's really just a cold, that's all.
We don't have
Mr. Choi's history yet, do we?
[male nurse] According to his guardian,
the patient claims that he hurt himself
to remove the rocks
which had filled up his throat.
As his depression got worse,
he lost about eight kilos
over the past two months.
[Da-eun] I see.
Nurse Jung does seem down today,
doesn't she?
I don't think that it's just a cold.
I'm not sure if we should handle this
like everything's okay.
She could be trying
to drown it out with work.
And Mr. Choi also happens
to be in Mr. Kim's old room.
Is that okay?
I guess so.
She can't avoid it forever.
Let's leave her be for now.
UNIT 53/ ROOM 511
[melancholy music playing]
How are you today.
Feeling any better today?
I'll take your blood pressure first.
Your name is Choi Jung-gi?
Mr. Choi Jun-gi, right. That's you.
Just one second.
[air hissing]
Your blood pressure is normal.
If you're having difficulty speaking,
would you be able to help me
by nodding your head or raising your hand
when you need something so I know?
I'll leave you to rest.
[mysterious music playing]
- [sloshing]
- [gasps]
[Da-eun] Mr. Choi Jun-gi!
Mr. Choi! Mr. Choi, no!
No! Please calm down!
Help! Please help. No!
Please stop. Mr. Choi! No!
Mr. Choi, please calm down!
Please calm down!
[Yeo-hwan] Mr. Choi Jun-gi,
your risk of self-harm is very high,
so we'll restrain you for your safety.
You seem to be having a hard time,
so we'll give you a sedative.
Give him a PRN injection.
Injecting two milligrams of lorazepam
and 2.5 milligrams of haloperidol.
[Yeo-hwan] It's okay, Mr. Choi.
You'll feel much better now.
[ethereal music playing]
[baby laughing]
[eerie music plays]
[baby crying]
[woman] Jun-gi and his wife
were happily married
and always looked out for each other.
But when his wife died,
everything changed.
And her death was a suicide.
It must have been terribly hard
for both you and your brother.
It was hard for me,
but Jun-gi's heart was ripped to shreds.
I'm sure it was.
They were newlyweds.
Loving relationship.
And they had a baby too.
They had everything they could wish for.
Over here! She's posing for us.
[Jun-gi chuckles]
Let's name her
We should've had a name ready to go.
I know, right? What do you think? Hmm?
[Jun-gi's wife] I wonder what kind of name
would go best with our baby.
Sudden infant death syndrome.
It happened for no reason whatsoever.
They woke up one morning
to find that the baby wasn't breathing.
The funeral will proceed
how I previously explained it to you.
But we don't have a name for the deceased.
We never
named her.
[Jun-gi] We hadn't picked out
a name for the baby yet.
[somber music playing]
[Jun-gi's wife crying] I'm sorry!
My baby. My baby!
Oh God, Gyeong-seo.
[somber music continues]
[door opens]
[Jun-gi] Gyeong-seo.
[toy rattles]
Leave that stuff.
I'll take care of it.
You should go
and get some rest.
[woman] Jun-gi did everything he could.
How can anyone understand a parent's pain
when they lose their child like that?
But Gyeong-seo started
to speak less and less
All Jun-gi could do
was endure the growing silence.
How could she leave him like that?
Did she even consider
the people who would be left behind?
His symptoms of delusion could be
stemming from the grief
over his wife's death.
His expression of that grief
is the problem here.
[sobs] Do you know
what's gonna happen to him now?
We can prescribe medication
to lessen his delusions.
Until then, it's imperative
that he stay calm.
[eerie music playing]
[sighs] So which case
should we use for the conference?
I'd like for us to touch on
patient Kwak Gyeong-hui,
who's here
for compulsive hoarding syndrome.
The, uh, patient Kim Geon-jong in room 509
seems to have capgras syndrome.
- I don't know how we should
- [door opens]
- Oh, Dr. Im.
- Good morning, Dr. Im.
- Stay seated.
- Good morning.
Uh Ah
Are you getting any sleep,
you busy little bees?
- Yes.
- We're okay, sir.
We're fine, sir.
[Hyeok-soo] Jeez.
You should really wash up.
- Look at your hair.
- Yes, sir. [chuckles]
- Hwang Yeo-hwan.
- Yes.
Would you like to give a presentation
for the upcoming grand conference?
Uh, a presentation?
I was thinking of discussing PTSD
and the effects it has
on suicide survivors and their families.
Then, why don't we cover
Mr. Choi Jun-gi's case, sir?
Choi Jun-gi?
Since it's a rare case
where the deaths of his family
led to depression and psychosis,
I was compelled by it.
Okay, then, let's work with that.
Thanks very much.
You've got it.
[Soo-yeon] Make sure the chart is updated.
Don't make the same mistake again.
- You'll get an earful if they call.
- [Ms. Hong] Okay.
Uh, hi, everyone. Hey.
- Oh, hello.
- I came to deliver snacks.
[Soo-yeon] What's all this for?
Uh, I was thinking about my nurses
while I was getting something for myself.
- [Ms. Hong] You're a big spender.
- [Yeo-hwan laughs]
- Thank you so much.
- Sure, sure.
[Ms. Hong] Sandwiches!
[Soo-yeon] Let's leave these
for the night shift.
[Ms. Hong] Okay.
Ah. Enjoy.
- [Soo-yeon] We will. Thank you.
- [Ms. Hong] Thank you.
That was really nice, Dr. Hwang.
There's more than enough
[Ms. Hong] for the night shift.
[Soo-yeon] Didn't you say
you were on a diet?
[Ms. Hong] You don't gain weight
from sandwiches.
[Soo-yeon] Just have one, will you?
[Ms. Hong] Okay.
[emotional music playing]
Hey there.
Why did you say to come?
To feed this to you.
Huh? You made tteokbokki?
You like spicy food
when you're sick. Sit down!
This is nice. I happened to be starving.
Dig in. I'll get you a soda.
Mmm. Spicy! But so good.
You know what makes you crave
spicy food during a hard time?
- Hmm?
- Our bodies register spiciness as pain.
So it releases a rush of adrenaline
to alleviate the pain caused by the spice.
The capsaicin and quercetin
in the tteokbokki,
they work to improve,
uh, blood circulation
and getting rid of toxins too.
Ooh! What the heck?
Whatever. It does help with the stress.
I'll give you that.
Thanks, amigo.
All right. [clears throat]
Whoa! What, what?
That was mine!
I'll make you more.
You don't like spicy food.
Just wanted it right now.
[both groan]
[man 1] Sir, you can't go in there.
It's a closed unit. I'm sorry.
[Mr. Kim] I
just laid Seo-wan to rest.
And now,
I don't have a son to cry over.
[melancholy music playing]
[man 1] I'm sorry, sir.
This isn't the right place for this.
[Mr. Kim] What do you expect me to do?
Bury my son and just move on with life?
[Mr. Kim sobbing]
[all] Hello.
- Hello.
- Yeah.
[indistinct chattering]
[Min-seo] Hello, Dr. Im.
- [woman] Hello.
- [man] Sir.
[Yeo-hwan] Shall we begin?
Ms. Min, could you get the lights, please?
- The station?
- Ms. Jung stayed there. It's okay.
We're here to discuss PTSD.
And more specifically,
this is the post-traumatic stress disorder
that we find
in cases of suicide survivors.
Suicide survivor
is a term reserved for those
who lost someone close to them to suicide,
and they live on,
enduring the psychological pain it brings.
All of us here went through
a devastating event recently.
I hope this conference will allow us
to look back on ourselves
and to learn to better understand
the pain that our patients go through.
Mr. Choi Jun-gi, 33 years old.
About six months ago,
he lost his firstborn
to sudden infant death syndrome.
Soon after, the shock led his wife
to take her own life in a tragic suicide.
[somber music playing]
Mr. Choi, I know it's very difficult.
Could you say anything?
Any thoughts
about those who aren't with us?
You're saying
my wife?
She had so much love to give.
[somber music continues]
She loved people.
And she especially
loved babies.
Oh, wait, I'll do it.
Why is your shirt wet?
Oh, this?
It's breast milk.
I keep lactating,
even though the baby's gone.
[breast pump whirring]
[door opens]
Why are you keeping the lights off?
[unsettling music playing]
Gyeong-seo! No, no, no. No! No!
Gyeong-seo! Gyeong-seo! Gyeong-seo!
[sobs] No! My love!
I can see the scene ever passing
every time I close my eyes.
The survivors tend
to blame themselves for everything.
Especially when suddenly
they're faced with
the unexpected death of their loved one,
which is unbearable.
[Jun-gi] I only realized this
after spending some time alone.
[clock ticking]
How quiet our apartment is.
What if
what if I hadn't just
gone to work and left her all by herself
in that silent apartment.
Would she still have done it?
What if I had talked to her about it
even one time
or even just sat
and cried at home with her.
Would she be alive still?
They could even
consider themselves the assailant
PER YEAR: 68,350- 136,700
and completely blame themselves.
[Hyeok-soo] Suicide
seriously affects
at least five to ten people
who knew the deceased.
Recently, our unit
also had a suicide case.
One of our very own patients
who we discharged
ended up dying by suicide.
Despite our medical profession,
we're only human at the end of the day,
so I'm sure some of you
haven't yet gotten over his death.
We are just survivors.
Survivors constantly coping with loss.
But we mustn't let it stop us.
Instead, we should
simply keep living each day.
In some ways, though,
living in the present
can be the same
as standing on the blade of a knife
since the future is yet to come,
and the past has already gone by.
We stand on the blade of a knife
called the present.
Oh! Long time.
- A really long time.
- Yeah.
- Going home now?
- Yeah.
I love the way the breeze feels
at this hour.
[sighs] You're right. It's nice.
What's up?
You look a little tired tonight.
Lots of patients earlier?
I guess, yeah.
[Da-eun] Oh, the bus is here.
Are you feeling okay now?
Oh, yeah, I'm good.
You know, your body suffers
when your heart is aching, as well.
Only way to deal with it
Eating some good food,
watching something funny,
and engaging in self-care.
This makes you forget about
the pain for a little bit.
From all of that, it sounds like
you're going through a heartbreak.
Oh, yeah. Of course it does.
[Da-eun] Oh!
That's the game
Mr. Kim would always talk about.
And I think that's the Mediator character.
What do you think?
What do you think? Any resemblance?
Yeah, a little.
[chuckles] You think?
God, Ms. Hong would be upset
if she saw that.
I guess Mr. Kim told her
that she looked like some kind of monster.
It's gotta be that one.
Mmm, that's sorta mean, right? You think?
[sentimental music playing]
[Mr. Kim] Excuse me.
Yes, Mr. Kim.
I'm sure you must have
You all must have
sat next to Seo-wan like this.
So I guess that
he wouldn't have been lonely
at this hospital.
I think
he would have taken
good memories with him.
I'm sure that you're right.
Thank you.
For everything.
One second, Mr. Kim.
Our unit has a weekly group
for families of suicide victims.
If you'd like, you can join.
A therapy group?
It provides an outlet to grieve freely.
Why are you doing all this for me
when you don't have to?
I think I might understand
what you're going through.
- Hi.
- [nurse] Hello.
Excuse me.
- Where's Nurse Jung?
- She's at the station.
[Hyeok-soo] Uh, I hope
this group therapy session
can become kind of like your seat belt,
so to speak.
It's much safer to buckle up
with more than one seat belt.
Isn't that so?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Taking your medication regularly.
Going to therapy.
Telling your doctor exactly
the symptoms you're experiencing.
Having emergency pills ready.
Such practices will be
just like your new seat belts.
This group therapy session
is about providing a safe space
where it's okay to openly discuss
what's inside our hearts
so that we understand
just a little bit more
our pain inside and the pain of others.
Uh, before we begin,
we have a new added member of our group.
Mr. Choi Jun-gi.
Let's welcome him
with a round of applause.
Now then, let's begin.
[melancholy music playing]
After my father's suicide
it's been very hard.
We'd fight about money and other things,
so I can't help but wonder
if I made him do it.
[woman 1] Even now, I can't bring myself
to delete her phone number.
If I had just
answered when she called
before she passed.
Surviving her feels strange.
It feels like I should follow too.
The guilt of being alive drives me insane.
At night,
I always go to sleep,
hoping that I won't see morning.
But I
I always do.
And the pain starts again.
Mr. Choi.
What do you think?
Would you like to tell us anything
about what's on your mind?
If you don't feel compelled to speak,
it can wait till next week.
[Jun-gi] My wife
died by suicide.
[Hyeok-soo breathes deeply]
[Jun-gi] I never expected
to lose her so abruptly.
It all happened so suddenly, honestly.
I still am really trying to process.
I feel so sorry for her.
I wonder
was it my fault?
It broke me.
To me, it sounds like
you still haven't really,
truly made peace with your wife's passing.
Did you perhaps see her body
on the day of the funeral?
No, I couldn't bring myself to.
what if we were to hold her funeral
right here one more time?
Dr. Cha, could you come here a second?
Yes, Dr. Im.
Could you lie right here for a minute?
Mr. Choi Jun-gi.
Try to imagine
that this person lying in front of you
is your late wife.
And if there's something
that you weren't able to express,
try to right now.
I thought I was just
giving you time that you needed.
Time alone.
Time to forget
and to grieve.
I thought that's what you needed.
I see now, looking back, that
I neglected to help you.
I shouldn't have left you all alone.
I shouldn't have let you cry by yourself.
Had I realized all of this
a little before
if I paid more attention
to your symptoms
Next time, I won't leave you alone.
I'll be right at your side.
So I know that we will meet again.
[people crying]
And then, when we do
we'll start over.
I'll take these over
to the therapy room now.
[Hyeok-soo] Going through the suicide
of someone close to you
is a severely traumatic experience.
It can lead to PTSD,
post-traumatic stress disorder,
as you know.
The negative emotion associated
with these memories is so strong
that you could, in your mind,
distance yourself
from information about the event
entering your consciousness.
This is called dissociative amnesia.
[high-pitched ringing]
It's what happens
when the truth is so painful
that you deny
that anything ever happened to you.
And that's how you survive.
What about Da-eun? You think she's okay?
Yeah, but I think she's too okay.
"Too okay"? What does that mean?
Well, it seems like
she's forgotten Mr. Kim's death.
- [woman 1] Thank you for sharing.
- [man] Thank you all.
- [woman 1] You all did so well.
- [woman 2] Great job, everyone.
Oh, aren't you Mr. Kim Seo-wan's father?
Jung Da-eun. I, um
I was hoping I could meet with you.
What did
what did Seo-wan say to you?
Kim Seo-wan say to me?
You were the last one who spoke to him
on the phone before he died.
What do you mean?
Mr. Kim Seo-wan has been improving.
[woman 1] What's going on?
Kim Seo-wan was discharged recently.
I even saw him in outpatient treatment.
[unsettling music playing]
[music intensifies]
[ethereal music playing]
[music fades]
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