Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Afsnit 7

It's me, from the other morning.
Don't you want to show me your room?
- Why did you come here?
- I wanted to see you again.
- You could help me with something.
- What?
I think I've found something.
- Where is Anders Kjeldsen?
- I don't know.
- He never says where he is.
- Where is Emma Holst?
I don't know, I've told you that.
He must have moved her yesterday.
He also took my car.
He forced me to help him.
- Has she said where Emma is?
- She says she's not involved.
Why had you packed a suitcase?
I was hoping
the police had found him.
That's why I dared to escape.
- Come here for a moment.
- Sure.
You have to see this.
We've dug up four fingers
in her garden.
We found these.
Why is there a glass jar
with four fingers in your garden?
- They're your trophies, aren't they?
- They belong to Anders.
I didn't know he'd
buried them down there.
It's got nothing to do with me.
Samira Khan, Rose Bojali.
Mette Marcussen.
You found these girls
through your job at the shelter.
You realised they wouldn't be missed.
You picked the victims.
- They weren't my victims.
- But you helped him find them.
He forced me.
He threatened to kill me
if I told anybody. He beat me.
- Did you choose Julie too?
- No.
That was Anders.
He wanted someone younger, a blonde.
One night he took Julie.
I have nothing to do with that.
- How long have you known Anders?
- Three years.
You could have gone to the police.
I didn't dare.
He threatened to kill my niece.
Your brother was at your place when
you were arrested. Why was he there?
He came to tell me off.
He had a party recently.
I did something that he was upset
about. It doesn't take much.
What did you do?
I gave a speech for Mikkel,
and I talked about our childhood.
But I didn't praise him enough.
I will ask again: Where are
Anders Kjeldsen and Emma Holst?
I don't know.
We can prosecute her as an
It's her basement, she chose
the victims. But did she plan it?
I don't think Anders forced her.
She's lying.
You think the accomplice
had a relationship with Erika Bernn.
But we don't know Erika
was their victim?
But if she was,
Stine must have known her.
If you can connect Stine Velin
and Erika Bernn, we've got her.
- They've checked the fingers.
- And?
None of them were Erika Bernn's.
Emma's finger wasn't there either.
So, Emma could still be alive.
I'm sure Stine knows where she is.
What the hell should we do?
- Louise?
- I need to know more about her.
Thanks, Jens.
Can I go now?
My parents are upset.
- I have to talk to them.
- Soon. Sit down.
- Louise Bergstein, psychologist.
- Mikkel Velin.
Nobody in my family knew
that Stine knew that killer in Greve.
He sometimes lived at your sister's
place and he held his victims there.
I didn't know that.
I had no idea, nor did my parents.
Has Stine changed
in the last few years?
I'm not that close to my sister.
We see each other a couple of
times a year at my parents'.
I can't remember when we went to
her house last. Now I understand.
- You were at her house yesterday.
- That was the first time in years.
Why were you there?
Stine turned up
at my 40th birthday party.
Her behaviour was scandalous,
to say the least.
She was hitting on my friend,
even though his wife was there.
That's the way she is,
and it's not the first time.
I went there to say that I never
wanted to see her again.
Could we continue at bit later?
I have to get home to my family.
Does the name Erika Bernn
ring any bells?
- No.
- A Swede. She lived in Malmö.
- Maybe Stine talked about her?
- No. Her ex, Martin, was Swedish.
- What is his surname?
- Petterson.
- Are we done?
- Yes.
You can go.
- Martin Petterson was Erika's fiancé.
- And Stine's ex. It could be revenge.
A few years ago, you lived with
your boyfriend, Martin Petterson.
That was four years ago.
Why did you break up?
It was his decision.
- Do you know who this is?
- No.
It's Erika Bernn.
She was Martin's fiancée.
I've spoken to Martin. He said
that two months after he left you,
he got engaged to Erika.
They knew each other
while you two were still together.
- Did you know that?
- He said he'd met somebody.
He didn't say what she was called.
Erika Bernn was killed 3.5 years ago.
She was raped, tortured
and thrown into a lake.
- Did you get Anders Kjeldsen to help?
- No.
Her ring finger was cut off,
and you have a collection of fingers.
They're not mine, I told you.
You didn't know
that they were engaged?
Erika Bernn got the ring
that you should have had.
That's why you cut her finger off
while she was still alive.
- So, you think I raped her too?
- You let Anders do that.
Erika was your victim,
and you wanted the body to be found.
You wanted Martin to know that she
died in the worst possible way.
I didn't know him.
You say this was 3.5 years ago.
I didn't know Anders Kjeldsen then.
- She knows where Emma is.
- If not, we're wasting our time.
- Anything else at the house?
- Unfortunately not.
- She's dodging everything.
- I didn't praise him enough.
You're right. She looks into your
eyes when she tells the truth.
- Look when she mentions her brother.
- Your brother was at your place.
- What did he want?
- He came to tell me off.
She looks him in the eyes
when she replies.
- She doesn't look away.
- I didn't praise him enough.
That could be true.
Mikkel mentioned the argument.
- Did you choose Julie too?
- Here she does it again.
That was Anders.
He wanted someone younger, a blonde.
If Anders has taken Emma and Julie
on his own,
she's also telling the truth here.
It's a simple pattern.
When she's lying,
she's looking down or to the side.
She's looking at you
when she's telling the truth.
- Where is Anders Kjeldsen?
- I don't know.
She's lying.
She knows where Anders and Emma are.
Why are you protecting him?
- There.
- I'm going back in.
Jan. Anders wants to protect her,
but I don't think it's mutual.
I think she'll denounce him
if that can save her. Use that.
These are photos of you
at Natasha Gilholm's funeral.
I can go on.
- He forced me. It was his idea.
- It was a bad idea.
The photos led us to you.
The night after he became wanted
by the police, Anders stole a car.
He stole it from the road where
you live. Did you know that?
Normally, you probably tell him
to steal far away from your house.
The same night, he tried
to take a new victim in Greve.
He failed, but it didn't stop him.
The following night, he took
another woman, but not at random.
She was a psychologist,
and she works for the police.
Anders Kjeldsen knew
that she was working this case.
But he didn't care,
he wanted Natasha's dress back.
Should you shoulder the blame on your
own? That's what will happen, Stine.
Even though he was the one
who messed up.
You'll be locked up for 30 years.
The only thing that will help you
is if you tell us where Anders is.
You sat next to Julie's mum
in church.
You consoled her poor mother.
Did you promise to find her daughter?
Yes, I'm sure you did.
That's what you're like.
Let's be honest
You love this case.
You'll probably be promoted.
You can also write a book.
I think a lot of people
would want to read it.
If Julie had survived,
she would never have got over it.
Believe me,
it's not something you forget.
Maybe it was good
that the big, strong police
Damn it! Jan!
You killed her.
Are you waiting for her?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- It was Stine who killed Julie.
She looked you in the eyes
when you said it.
Kjeldsen picks up the victims,
she kills them.
- Sure, but why?
- Because she's a sadist.
She enjoys power and manipulation.
When she's cornered, she attacks.
She has a personality disorder,
but there's something we're missing.
There's something bigger in her past
that triggers her.
Didn't she say that Julie
never would have got over it?
Maybe she was talking about herself.
Let's talk to her parents again.
- Does it have to do with her family?
- Maybe they are hiding something.
- It's worth a try.
- Okay.
Is it really true that Stine
hid those girls in her basement?
Yes, unfortunately.
That's why we'd like to know more
about Stine.
Could you tell us what she
was like as a child?
Stine had a difficult childhood.
She had a lot of conflicts
with her teachers and classmates.
- How was she a teenager?
- It didn't get any better.
She started seeing boys early.
In eighth grade she started
skipping school more and more school.
Her teacher suggested
she go to a psychologist.
We thought it would be better
to send her to boarding school.
- So you said no to the psychologist?
- Stine lied a lot.
If she was angry with someone,
she'd come up with false accusations.
She was treated well
at the boarding school.
We couldn't control her,
and that wasn't good, but
There was also that thing with
Mikkel that summer.
What was that?
Mikkel had been in hospital.
We were probably
focussing mostly on you.
What did you go to hospital for?
It was because
I'd been beaten up
on the way home from a night out.
I was in hospital for just over
a month just before my final exams.
So I had to repeat my final year.
- Who attacked you?
- Some idiot who wanted money.
He got my money,
but he kept hitting me.
He wanted to fight, without a doubt.
What did he look like?
He was about my height.
Same age, dark curly hair.
I looked at photos
at the police station, but
- I didn't find him.
- Wait a minute.
Could it be this guy?
Yes, that's possible. Who is it?
It's Anders Kjeldsen, 20 years ago.
But how?
Could Stine and Anders
have known each other back then?
Is it possible that she asked Anders
to attack Mikkel?
No. No
- Why would she have done that?
- Maybe you can tell us.
You said that you did not want to see
Stine again after the party.
What happened there?
It was clear to everybody
that Stine had decided
to ruin my night.
Stine said she gave a speech
that you didn't like.
What was that about?
We can talk to the other guests,
but we'd prefer to hear it from you.
She got up, gave a speech
and said that I had
That I had molested her
when we were teenagers.
- But that's absurd.
- When did she say it happened?
That's a good question. Who the hell
knows what goes on in Stine's head?
- I've never touched her.
- Why would she say so then?
Because that's the way she is.
That's what we're trying to say.
She's lying.
I've probably pissed her off,
and then she attacks.
That's what she's like.
Did you know about this accusation?
Stine told me back then.
But Mikkel said that it wasn't true.
Stine had made up horrible things
about people she was angry with.
That's what Stine's lies
are always like.
After a while, she lets them go.
Then she makes up new ones.
- Did you ever discuss it as a family?
- No.
We didn't think
there was any reason to.
- I think Stine is telling the truth.
- About being raped?
Yes, but her parents
didn't believe her.
They chose Mikkel over her, and
she's in denial about that betrayal.
We have to use this to make her talk.
I think she'll tell us where Emma is.
I'd like to talk to her.
I think I know what needs to be done.
Please, let me go.
She's not coming.
We should have let Stine
see a psychologist.
So she could continue to lie?
You know her.
- We did the right thing.
- But
The police psychologist
doubted Mikkel.
Are you also doubting him?
- No.
- I have never doubted him either.
The psychologist doesn't know her.
Hi. I'm Louise Bergstein and
I'm the psychologist on this case.
Anders took you.
You got away lightly.
You know that, right?
Or did he do something to you
that I can't see?
I know Anders likes you.
I know that you've known him
since you were young.
I've been at your parents' house,
and Mikkel was there.
He told us what you accused him of
when you were 16.
Your parents said that you lied. They
didn't think Mikkel could do that.
They also told us about your speech,
and they said it was a lie.
- They still don't believe you.
- Why do you care?
Because I believe you
- Damn it!
- Wait, wait
I believe you when you say
that Mikkel raped you.
You parents didn't believe you.
I believe you.
I believe you, Stine.
It must have been hard seeing Mikkel
get away with it.
They believed Mikkel, not you.
They chose him over you.
It must have been hard for you
that your parents betrayed you.
They betrayed you.
You can't change the past,
but you can make this stop here.
You can't get revenge on your
parents by letting Emma die.
So, please, tell me where she is.
Stine? Where is she?
Tell me.
At Nivå harbour.
In a building on the pier.
Get to it.
Send all units to Nivå harbour.
Thank you. They will take you
to your cell shortly.
Eriksen, follow me.
Nothing. They're not here.
Line? Line, can we go now?
- Lie down!
- Away from the window.
Unlock them, I said!
Let's pack up and drive back.
- Louise?
- Stine has escaped in a police car.
Come on!
The motorway would be
the obvious option.
But she's driving towards Skovlunde
and Ballerup. Why?
Maybe to dump the police car
and get another car?
She's on the way to her parents.
She's after them.
- You're coming with me.
- I'll send a unit there now.
I went in too hard.
She's capable of anything now.
What are you doing here?
Why haven't you killed her?
I can't trust you.
She tried to get away.
- You've ruined everything.
- I'm turning myself in to the police.
- I'll take the blame for it.
- It's too late.
- You can try to escape.
- Where would I go?
What use are you to me?
Give me the gun.
It's your fault. It's your fault
that the police found us.
Because I just had to go
to Natasha's funeral.
And because you just
had to get the dress back.
It's so pathetic that she
wields that power over you.
Subtitle translation by: Aino Bergh
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