Darwin's Game (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


Do you think they're coming?
They wouldn't let fifteen rings just sit here.
Wang wouldn't hesitate
to do something for his desires.
He'd kill anyone who interferes without bias,
whether they be elementary student or yakuza.
That's who the leader of the Eighth is.
Sounds good to me.
Then I don't have to feel guilty
over killing them.
To the best of my knowledge,
other than Wang,
there are two members
you need to watch out for.
Splitting and taking them out individually
is the key to victory.
One is Keiichi Katsura,
Wang's longtime close associate.
He's a martial artist who specializes in karate,
but his Sigil allows him
to crush opponents without using his fists.
Is it some kind of energy attack?
Unknown, but I think it's a telekinetic type Sigil.
Its effectiveness seems to be limited
to point-blank range,
so it's best to fight from a distance.
The problem is the other person.
He only joined the Eighth recently, but quickly rose
up the ranks to become a top member.
He has pyrokinesis,
which makes him a natural enemy to you.
There are actually many
remote pyrokinetic Sigils,
but his is an incredibly rare type,
in which his own body is engulfed in flames.
His real name and background are unknown,
but people call him "Sig, the Flame Demon."
A pyrokinetic
My natural enemy.
But Rein, escape is not an option for me.
There are more players in the station
than I expected.
But it is dead center, so it's not strange
for players to gather here, regardless of the code.
And even if there are other players
who have cracked the code,
we're the only ones
who have the diamond's code.
Now if I can only
solve the mystery of this number
That jacket It's Eighth!
They must have broken the code, too.
Wang, their leader!
And how many people do they have?
After crashing the hotel with a small army,
they still have this many at the station?
I see!
He mobilized members
who aren't participating in the event!
No way I can search for the treasure like this!
There are tons of hostiles in there.
Are we really gonna go charging in?
Face it, Eighth has beaten us to the punch!
Profitting while they fight is the idea, right?
After the hotel guests and Eighth
wipe each other out, we'll gather the loot.
But we've already got enough rings!
There's no need to take risks!
Haven't you realized?
If we get the diamond one,
we'll have a complete set!
There's something more to this event
than meets the eye.
Don't you think, Bro?
The evidence is slim,
but there must be a reason
for the game designers prepated seven different—
Now we have enough rings
for every member of the Danjo Boxing Club.
Let's get moving.
It's dangerous to stay here for long.
Looks like the hotel's
a battlefield over the diamond one.
Sheesh. How many are going to survive?
I was aware, but
You're not gettin' away!
He's definitely my natural enemy!
If it weren't for Rein's info,
he would've killed me immediately!
I've got plants up ahead
that can be deployed as barricades
But he could rip them to shreds instantly.
They wouldn't even slow him down.
But what if I plant grenades in a barricade?
I'm sure his Sigil
would protect him from the heat,
but would he be able to withstand
the fragments and force of the blast?
It's the moment of truth, Flame Demon!
I shall be the victor!
Keiichi, nice timing.
The elevators don't work and the stairs are blocked,
so I came from outside.
Oh yeah. That's cool how you can fly, Keiichi.
I'm envious.
It's not flyin', I made scaffolding
out of air and then climbed up.
I didn't wanna do it 'cause
it's so exhausting, but
You saved our asses, Keiichi.
That old man didn't know when to quit.
Weird. You'd think he'd be dead
twice over by now.
Only a matter of time.
But let's finish him off to be sure.
I'm using my Sigil to keep my heart pumping,
but it feels like I'm reaching my limit.
Still, there's no pain, oddly enough.
Death is easier than I thought it would be.
I guess Rein came up with
a contingency plan for nothing.
Escape the building
while leaving all the rings as bait
Oh, so this is where you're hiding.
You're a tough old bastard.
I appreciate it.
I didn't think you'd come to me.
But now
I'll get to see your faces
twisted in despair before I die!
What is it?! An earthquake?!
Earthquakes don't shake like this!
Bastard! What did you do?!
Plants are much stronger than beasts.
From animals' point of view,
plants have no intellect and can't move.
They only seem to exist to be eaten.
But to plants, animals are like servants
which they use to reproduce.
Quit your frickin' babbling!
You've also seen it before, haven't you?
A beautiful, blooming flower,
broken through asphalt!
We're in trouble here, Keiichi!
Oh, right! If this is caused by his Sigil,
then wiping him out will stop it!
Too late
This guy's already dead!
Dad? When did you get here?
At least say hi when you enter!
Sorry. I was captivated by your beauty.
What're you saying?
You're being so silly, Dad.
These are the gerberas from our garden.
So they bloomed this year too, huh?
What do gerberas symbolize?
The red ones mean "progress."
The pink ones mean "ultimate love."
The orange ones mean "enduring."
And the white ones mean "hope," right?
But I think that goes a little overboard.
It's like the florists play favorites with gerberas.
It is favoritism.
Florists love gerberas most of all.
Hey, that building
Come on.
Let's bring this damned game to an end.
There are more of them than I estimated.
It'll be hard to escape from this route.
Easy for him to say,
"search for the real treasure."
Is it not the rings?
Yeah, Wang said it ain't the rings.
He said it might not even show up
on the Alternate Reality Camera.
Then we gotta check the whole station?
Wouldn't it be easier to get
the diamond code first?
We gotta make the first move.
Besides, whoever finds the treasure
gets a thousand bonus points.
Even just capturing a player who's got info
is worth a hundred points.
Sure, if there are any players who've got it
It's simple.
Players who come here must've broken the code
and realized this is where the true treasure is.
In other words, all we gotta do
is nab anybody who shows up.
Wang's a genius. That's a foolproof strategy.
Sounds like they haven't found
the exact location of the treasure.
Then I still have a chance of winning this.
Now's my chance to move
Hey, hold up a second.
I smell something.
My Sigil is "Wolf Nose"
and I'm picking up the scent of a woman.
Oh no! They'll find me!
There! Freeze!
Don't kill her! We need her alive!
I know! For info!
Who the hell is she?!
Get her!
Get back here!
- Damn brat!
- Don't worry!
We've got this place locked down
and all the trains are just passing through!
Let's spread the word and corner her!
It's okay!
As long as I don't run into Wang,
I can force my way through!
All right! Wang isn't around for now.
I see an escape route!
Wh-Where did he come from?!
I couldn't see him with Laplace!
I got you, girly.
So why don't we have a little chat?
You're gonna tell me everything you know
about this event's treasure.
I don't know about any treasure,
and I don't have a single ring.
Oh, playing dumb?
You don't understand the position you're in.
I just told you to tell me
everything you know, didn't I?
And like I said, I don't have any rings—
See how nice I am?
I'm helping you understand
the position you're in without even using my Sigil.
Very well I'll talk.
Good, good. I don't mind obedient rugrats.
You want to know about the secret
of the true treasure, right?
I won't try to get away,
so could you let go of my broken arm?
Now you think you're in a position
to make requests?
You're not the King of Venom for nothing
King of what now?
I'll talk.
I'll tell you about the secret
of this game that I know.
Have you heard this before, Wang?
In ancient China, they used a venom-based poison.
I wanna know about this event's treasure!
Please be a little more patient.
I'm going somewhere with this.
For a while now, I've thought
that D-Game is a lot like that venom.
In China, they used the venom
as a form of assassination.
They would seal hundreds
of poisonous creepy-crawlies in an urn.
Naturally, the sealed creatures
would kill each other.
One by one, the bugs would die
and die and die
Until there was one venomous insect remaining,
the strongest of all.
Doesn't that remind you of yourself, King of Venom?
I'm going to cut your fingers off one by one.
Then your ears.
Don't worry.
I'll save that prattling tongue for last.
Took you long enough to get here, Kaname.
I got here as fast as I could.
Wh-Who are you bastards?!
You're the leader of the Eighth Clan, right?
We can negotiate,
or we can kill each other.
Pick one you like.
Hey, what was that?
You said you wanted to negotiate?
That's right.
We have crucial info about this event.
I think there's room for us to make a deal.
Hey, what do you guys think about this?!
They wanna negotiate with us!
These brats must think we're equals!
Let's waste 'em all!
Nah, we've gotta let one live.
There's your answer.
The Eighth style of a deal is "take-and-take"!
So if we're clear, give us the info now!
I told you these animals
weren't sophisticated enough to negotiate.
When you're right, you're right.
Fine by me.
This is more up my alley.
At this point, we don't have much choice.
Um, what should I do?!
Well, of course
Slaughter them!
Can you run?!
Of course I can! I don't want to die here!
Follow me! My Sigil will guide us!
What's wrong?!
You thought your peashooters
would work on me?!
Don't get cocky just 'cause
you have a big-ass gun!
I can't do this, Shuka! I can't do it!
It's making me dizzy!
Sui, what's your job?
I know! I know, but
Pollux Light!
Sota, the rest is up to you!
Gee, thanks for calling me out
in the middle of a fight!
Castor Light!
What the hell is this?!
I dunno, but let's go around it!
You punks! Quit your useless struggling!
Sis! Behind us!
Your opponent is me, Ryuji Maesaka!
You annoy me!
I've been waiting for this.
The moment I get to pump you full of lead!
I don't know who the hell you are!
It's my fault this has turned into
an all-out confrontation with Eighth.
It was inevitable.
Don't blame yourself, Rein.
I'll take you somewhere as safe as possible.
That's where I want you
to do what only you can do, Rein.
What only I can do?
Crack the final code and find the treasure.
We'll buy you the time you need,
one way or another.
Rein, we're gonna clear this game together!
Come on! Come on!
Looks like the only thing
your Sigil's good for is running away!
I was just thinkin' of fun ways to kill you!
What a coincidence! Same here!
Just as I thought
The range of his teleportation
is about 5 meters, at best?
And the range of his slicing attack
is a meter or so.
But he can't do both at the same time,
so it's all one tempo.
Bottom line, he's a swordsman with the power
to close a five-meter gap in an instant.
That's the way I see him.
Meaning, if I fight from a distance
of 10 meters or more, I've got nothing to fear!
Pain in the ass
He keeps edging away.
We did like you said
and pulled people from the south entrance!
What's the matter?!
Weren't you gonna kill me?!
Guess he's too smart to come at me head-on.
Die, loser!
That hurts, you assholes!
Even with body armor,
every shot that gets through rattles my bones!
Looks like Ryuji wins the consolation prize!
And the prize is front row seats to the show.
Your own carving show!
Screw you!
The six previous codes
displayed coordinates for Shibuya Station.
But there are no obvious clues
at the station,
and even Eighth, with all their members,
couldn't find a thing.
So if I don't solve this,
I won't be able to find the treasure.
I really didn't want to use this, but
The target isn't the outside world,
but my inner world.
I'll search for the answer in my mind.
Laplace Internal.
I'm inside. But still in the shallows.
Right, I have to go deeper.
Deeper. Deeper inside.
To the deepest part of me
Blue and warm
An ancient sea, full of life
I'll do a prime factorization of 185911.
It's not a prime number.
And its factors don't correlate with any coordinates.
Is it some kind of play on words?
I'll do a complete search.
I can't confirm anything meaningful
among simple word formations.
Six numbers
A combination of month and year?
November, 1859
The end of the Edo era
The Ansei Purge
The Second Italian War of Independence
Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species"
was published
I've got it.
I know what the final code means
and where the treasure is!
Goddamn you!
And now, D-Game's specialty,
Wang's carving show, is about to begin!
Shinji, bring the you-know-what!
Y-Yes, sir!
Mocking me
I swear I'll make him regret it!
- H-Here you go, Wang.
- Thanks!
Here! This is my special drink!
I'm gonna pickle your fingers
in this tasty brew, too!
Dammit! I won't let him turn me into liquor
without even getting vengeance!
We're gonna die here together, Wang!
Now, then
Happy trails, Kaname.
You may be the one
who can clear this shitty game.
I wonder how long Ryuji will live.
Die, you perverted freak!
Everyone, wait!
What are you up to?
I surrender. Just don't kill me.
Idiot! What the hell are you thinking?!
What was the point
of all this running around?!
They're not gonna
No, wait
His words
You're too funny!
I think this guy wants to apologize to us!
Sit tight and watch
as I slice and dice this guy.
Afterwards, I'll kill you.
I didn't come empty-handed.
I already found the true treasure
hidden in Shibuya Station.
This is the key that will open it.
In other words,
I want to trade this key for my own safety.
It's "give and take!"
You really know how to make an impression, kid.
Next time, "Fragile."
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