Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Tiempo de calidad

Hello, Alta.
- Ma'am. How was the trip?
- Great, thanks.
I've been calling, but no one answers.
Where are they?
Rodrigo isn't home.
He went out with Ms. Paloma.
Who is Paloma?
His girlfriend, ma'am.
Since when does he have a girlfriend?
So many things happened
while you were gone.
It's been a whole week.
Little Ceci isn't eating,
she says she's depressed.
I hope it's not the bulimia thing.
- And my husband?
- Oh, he's the worst.
- Why?
- He's growing a mustache.
What's wrong, sweetie?
- You aren't eating. Are you ill?
- I'm not hungry.
I bet she's on her period.
- Ro.
- What?
It happens to Paloma.
Babe, tell me all about this girl, Paloma.
No biggie. We're hanging out.
- Off to Six Flags on Saturday.
- This Saturday?
But I haven't seen you all week.
No, Ro, no.
I was thinking
we should all go to Valle de Bravo.
I feel like having some family time.
Plus, I know nothing
about you guys as of late.
Dad already said yes.
I have a golf tournament all weekend.
I can't go there.
I'd rather not go.
I want to be alone.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Ana just spent a week away,
she wants time with you.
I'd do anything to spend
some time like that with my family.
I barely got my parents
to speak to each other.
A weekend in Valle sounds great.
Yeah, right. Great.
We've been going for years, it's boring.
Give me a break!
Make the most
of what you get from your parents.
When I was a kid, I would've killed
to have a house outside the city.
I can't even remember the last time
I went on a weekend family trip.
Ro, tell Paloma you'll have
your date some other day.
And you, Ceci,
could use a change of scenery.
I guess I can ask Víctor
to cover for me at the tournament.
And I can reschedule with Paloma.
- All right, we're going.
- Yes!
I hope you're coming too, right?
- I didn't know I was invited.
- Of course!
But I told Pablo we would work
on our app this weekend.
Bring him along. He's part of the family.
Are you okay?
You know what? Tell your mom to come too.
Are you okay?
Actually, if you want Elena to come,
go ahead, invite her.
I assume you're okay, right?
What's in the juice, Alta?
Everyone's choking.
Nothing, ma'am.
Well, I already organized some activities
we can all do together.
Sounds great! I know some amazing games.
When I was a kid, my mom sent me
to the YMCA camp at Camohmila.
I already have my ideas. Mmm
But if there's time to spare,
we could do some of yours too.
It's settled. We're going to Valle.
To Valle de Bravo.
Mom, please, say something.
What can I say?
Sometimes life plays cruel tricks on us.
There are so many married men out there,
and you had to sleep
with your granddaughter's dad.
No, but her granddaughter came later.
- Mom, please.
- What?
What am I going to do?
Can you imagine? Me and Juan Carlos
spending a whole weekend together?
But, Tere, you can't push your family away
out of fear of being near to Juan Carlos.
Unless you still want him.
No! Of course not.
What if I take Anuar?
- A?
- Uh-huh!
Yes, I mean,
after all, he's Mariana's dad.
And Ana wants the whole family to go.
That will help me
keep my distance from Juan Carlos.
And what will Mariana think
if you go together?
Oh, I don't know, Mom.
I'd rather have her thinking
I'm fixing my issues with Anuar
than finding out about Juan Carlos.
You'll like this.
"With Konene, taking care of your baby
is easier than keeping a plant alive."
That's the slogan for the app?
Yes, why? It'll sell, right?
Dude, you're comparing Regina to a plant.
Okay, what do you suggest?
We need to start selling it.
The beta version is running.
Yes, but we can't launch it
with the current design.
We used the gallery template
to test it out, and it's no good.
What do you want?
- A designer will charge a ton.
- I got a quote. Here, I'll show you.
Let's see
There it is.
That much?
Yeah, but we only have to pay half
to get started.
It's important for the app to have
its own visual ID from the start,
to attract more users.
Okay, but where
do we get the money from?
I don't know. I've no idea.
We'll have to come up with something.
But trust me.
If we want Konene to work,
we have to invest in it.
- Konene will be a fucking hit.
- Hell, yeah!
There are a bunch of games
we can play in the pool at Valle.
I thought you wanted
to spend time with our family.
Mariana is part of our family.
I know. But why have Pablo and Teresa too?
Because they're Mariana's family.
And Regina's too.
it's been a while
since we've spent time together.
Should've thought of that
before taking the promotion.
Did you really name it Konene?
Dude, what's wrong with it?
It means "nanny" in Náhuatl, it's awesome.
Since when do you speak Náhuatl?
Pablo wanted to launch it as it is,
but I was firm
about getting a much cooler design.
Now, the issue is finding the money
to pay for the designer.
Convince Pablo to sell a kidney.
Or two?
If you won't borrow
money from me, make me a partner.
"Pablo doesn't like you." I know.
It's not that. Really.
So? You need the money,
I have some savings, and I want to invest.
- What do you think?
- Business is business.
Welcome to Konene, partner.
See you in Valle, partner.
What's going on?
We're all ready.
I'm not going.
What's wrong?
I just
I feel like a fool.
This guy made me believe he was into me.
But after we kissed,
he sent me packing.
Turns out this guy is coming to Valle too.
- The last thing I want is to see him.
- Yikes, Ceci.
But staying here all alone won't help.
Really, being with your family
will make you feel better, trust me.
Come on, pack your bags.
- We're all ready downstairs.
- Mariana.
Don't tell anyone I told you, okay?
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- You gonna tell me or not?
- What?
- Where did you get the money?
- Who cares, Pablo?
The important thing is, now we have
the designer we wanted for the app.
Yes, but where did the money come from?
Who cares, Pablo?
It was Elena, right?
Yes, because she's my friend.
Then we must pay her back ASAP.
We don't have to pay her ASAP.
Why not?
Will you pay her with sex, or what?
No, because she'll be our partner.
No way, Mariana.
Why didn't you ask me?
Because we need the money, dude.
Do you want Konene to launch or not?
Aah! Home, sweet home!
Okay, the room upstairs
is Juan Carlos's and mine,
Pablo will sleep with Rodrigo in his room.
And next door, Mariana and Elena.
All right?
- Yes.
- Okay?
Yes, thanks. Is there a crib for Regina?
- Girls sleep with Remy in the nursery.
- Okay, cool.
How's it going?
Hello, family!
You must be Juan Carlos, right?
How are you? I'm Anuar.
Nice to meet you. I'm Mariana's dad.
- Hello.
- We hadn't met before.
Hello. Hello, how are you? Anuar.
- Hey. Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- Hello.
- Sweetie, how are you? Hi, baby!
I'm so sorry,
but there's no other spare room.
Oh, don't be. Don't worry.
We'll sleep together.
- Yes.
- Mm-hm.
- It's fine.
- You sure?
- Of course, no worries. Yes.
- Mmm.
Well, then, we're all set.
- I'll show you the rooms. Here.
- Thanks.
- Follow me.
- Go ahead.
One button
- Two buttons
- I was terrible at that.
Oh, you startled me, Anuar.
When I changed you,
either I put things on backwards
they fell or something else happened.
this little girl
She won't lose her diaper. Right, baby?
Oh, so pretty.
- Mm?
- I'm really happy you came.
Frankly, I didn't expect
you and my mom to come together.
- Well, you know
- Mariana.
Let's go, or Ana will have a fit.
- Come here, darling.
- Mm.
Let's go, let's go. Shh.
Let's go, baby, let's go.
Where's your swimsuit?
We have to seize the sunshine,
get the girls in the pool.
It's kind of cold, isn't it?
- Cold?
- Cold? Are you cold?
- No.
- Yes, a bit. Yes.
- Yes.
- That's weird.
Maybe it's because
you two never leave the city.
I'm not cold.
Let's play something instead.
How about charades?
I'm great at charades.
- Right, we can tell.
- Okay.
- Shall we choose teams?
- Yeah!
I don't want to be
on Rodrigo's team, he cheats.
Hey, but Okay.
we'll get up early to swim, all right?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
What is that?
The old man from Up.
Oh! Annabelle!
I know! Psycho.
- Exactly!
- Aah!
- Yeah!
- Oh, no!
Good one, team!
Good job, team!
- Oh, no.
- Good one.
Ceci, perk up, they're winning. Go.
- Come on, Ceci!
- Come on! Attitude!
Come on, team.
- Come on!
- You can't catch up to us.
- Go.
- Your time starts now!
The taco guy!
- What is she doing?
- I know, I know!
Kung Fu Panda.
- No.
- No, no.
Oh, I know! Edward Scissorhands.
- Mom.
- What?
- It's Memoirs of a Geisha.
- Kill Bill. Yes?
- Time's up, time's up.
- Ceci
- Yes?
- No.
- Come on, Ceci!
- Time's up.
- What are you doing?
- Time's up.
- It's over, it's over now!
- Ceci! What are you doing?
Well, it was Karate Kid.
You should've done,
"Wax on, wax off." That was easier.
Let's stop here and call it a tie.
- Right.
- What?
Mom, it can't be a tie,
you didn't guess any.
It's not about winning.
No, it's about not losing, and you lost.
Hey, your mom is right.
Enough charades for today. Let's go.
I'm still tired from the road.
I want to lay down for a bit.
Everyone in bathing suit tomorrow.
Whew! You put the whole bottle
of perfume on. Yuck!
- Whoa!
- What are you doing? Uh
You've been paving the way
to this moment, haven't you?
What? No.
You misunderstood.
You said we could sleep together
and you put your hand on my leg.
On your knee.
As friends.
Ay, ay, ay
You know what?
Why don't you put some clothes on?
I'll go get some water.
Men are scumbags.
I hate them. They're all idiots.
They think with their dicks
rather than their heads, honestly.
I'm going to the bathroom.
How's Tinder going for you?
Oh, awful. Awful.
- I even deleted it from my phone.
- Why?
I don't know.
I felt uncomfortable with my body.
I realized
I can't just do it with any stranger.
I'd rather do it
with someone I trust, you know?
Like Elena, for example?
Ceci, don't tell anyone, but
I ended up having sex with Pablo, dude.
It was intense.
It's a surprise.
I brought a Château Mondain.
Our favorite!
No, thanks. I'm not in the mood.
Juan Carlos,
I'm really making an effort here
to spend quality time together.
I'm glad, Ana. It's great.
But don't expect that time
to go as you planned.
It's hard to have a positive attitude
- when you leave for so long.
- But I was only gone for a week.
You're acting as if I'd left for a year.
You even grew a mustache.
You know I hate it.
It's not about your week away.
It's about what's coming ahead.
Ana, I want a partner that's present,
not some helicopter
that comes and goes,
and expects us to be at her beck and call.
And I do love it.
The mustache.
You're back with Anuar.
We are trying to become a couple again.
I like that mustache on you.
Can you imagine what
we could've been in other circumstances?
You crazy? Someone could see us.
No "what ifs."
It's time to get back to our reality.
Where's Ceci?
She must be in the bathroom.
No, her stuff is gone.
Voice mail. Your call can't be
Come on. Let's go!
And your water?
Well, I drank it already.
- Hmm.
- Don't tell me you wanted one.
Can you tell me
what's with you and Juan Carlos?
What do you mean?
Don't play dumb. I saw you on the terrace.
Thank you.
Dude, maybe she went to grab a bite.
No. She said some guy that kissed her
and dumped her would be here in Valle.
Maybe she ran into him.
Oh, okay. Shit.
Go to the house.
Maybe she's there.
I'll stay here and look for her.
- Call me if you find her.
- Okay. Thanks.
Voice mail. Your call can't be connected.
So, that's why you brought me?
To make Juan Carlos jealous.
No, just the opposite!
It's just I didn't know what to do.
I told you because I trust you.
You told me because I caught you, Tere.
Oh, Anuar.
Sorry. I screwed up again. I'm sorry.
I met him way before
Regina was born and
- Hmph.
- Mm.
How was I to know
all of this would happen?
- Look.
- It's okay.
Calm down, okay. Calm down.
All I want
is to make it clear to Juan Carlos
that we can never be together again.
Can you help me?
- We'll play your game.
- Oh!
Thank you.
Back so soon?
Hmm. I thought
Elena liked staying out late.
No. Hey, have you seen Ceci?
Wasn't she with you?
Thank you.
Oh, my God!
You're wasted.
What happened? Why did you leave?
It's that guy that kissed you?
Did you see him at the bar?
Want to know who it was?
Hm? Look.
Come on, let's go, okay?
It was Pablo.
- Pablo?
- Why didn't you call?
She was sad.
Some guy ditched her. We went to a bar
You took her to a bar?
She's a minor. How could you?
Juan Carlos, we're in Valle.
Apparently, drinking age here is 14.
That's not the point.
What matters is we find her
before she does something stupid.
Olivia, how are you?
This is Juan Carlos, Ceci's father.
Uh We can't find Cecilia.
No, no, no.
I just need you to tell me one thing.
Who's the bastard that broke
my daughter's heart?
No, Olivia, I need a name.
Pab Pablo what?
You kissed my daughter?
- Well, yes, but she kissed me
- You son of a
- Whoa! Wait, Juan Carlos.
- What's wrong with you?
I open my house to you.
You hang out with my family,
- and this is how you repay me?
- Wait, Juan Carlos.
This must be a misunderstanding.
Yes, I think Ceci misunderstood me.
Did you kiss Ceci or not?
What happened to her?
What do you think?
You're an asshole.
Ceci, tell them tell them the truth
about what happened.
The truth is
we kissed.
No, it wasn't like that. No.
Fucking men!
Not you, Dad.
You're very lucky your Mom didn't wake up.
And I want you out of this house
first thing in the morning.
Let me explain. Ceci kissed me.
Good night, Pablo.
Why did you sleep on the couch?
- What time is it?
- Time for breakfast.
Anuar is making some omelets.
How are you? Are you okay?
My dad is making omelets.
can we talk about Pablo?
Why didn't you tell me?
How could I tell you
he was flirting with me?
Well, Pablo says you kissed him.
Well, he was sending me
all kinds of signals.
What kind of signals?
- Uh
- Look, Ceci,
the whole signal thing
can be a bit complicated.
Sometimes, when we like someone,
we see what we want to see.
Maybe I did get it wrong.
You can't kiss someone if you're not sure
that person wants to too.
You have to ask for permission.
And I know this sounds
like the least romantic thing ever,
but it's like the #MeToo for beginners.
You're right.
My dad.
He can't find out, he'll kill him.
Wow, you blacked out, Ceci.
You told us all last night.
Cecilia, get up. Hurry.
I'll make you chilaquiles
for your hangover.
My dad is making omelets.
Mm mm-mm.
Get up!
he hasn't killed Pablo yet.
But really, you need to talk to him.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Anuar is making omelets.
Ana's allergic to eggs.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
That's it.
- Hello, what's going on?
- Hello. I'm not staying.
I have some work to do
in the city and need to get back.
No, that's nonsense, Pablito.
You can't miss my omelet.
Or the activities I prepared for today.
Ana, he's probably got things to do.
He needs to go, let him go.
Oh, please,
if I can miss work for a weekend
Yes, I want to play on Anuar's team.
- Mom?
- Hello, good morning.
What's with the face?
Must be something I ate.
Nothing a swim can't cure, right?
Uh But we should wait a while
after eating, no?
We don't want anyone drowning.
No one's drowning, Tere.
We are so lucky.
Anuar's not only a chef but a lifeguard.
Let's go outside.
I prepared an activity
I'm sure you'll all love.
- Are you ready? Let's go.
- Yes.
I asked you to please
put your swimsuits on.
- I'm with Ceci.
- What about swimming?
- I'm with Anuar.
- Hey, but
The point is to have fun,
and the first team to make it
to the finish line wins, okay?
And what's the prize?
Choosing the next activity.
Okay. You're on.
Let's put the ropes on.
We have to coordinate, okay?
And go at the same pace.
One, two, one, two. Okay?
Hey, Ceci told me everything.
I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
Your problem is you never trust me
not even to tell me about Elena.
Understand it hasn't been
easy for me to trust again.
I mean, you've been great,
and you're a wonderful guy,
but I don't know
if you'll be the same tomorrow.
You're being unfair.
What more can I do?
You left me at my most vulnerable.
Shall we start?
Or do you need some coffee and snacks?
- No, we're ready. Sorry.
- Ready.
On your marks, get set
I said coordinated, Juan Carlos.
- That's what I'm doing.
- One and two.
- I felt vulnerable too.
- What?
When you got pregnant.
I didn't know if I wanted to be a dad.
Pablo, you're shitting me.
- You'll pull my arm off.
- Hurry up, then!
I was sure I wanted to be a mom.
I'm done playing.
- Ow!
- Come on!
- One and two.
- Ouch!
Come on.
Ro, come on!
Good, Juan Carlos. Let's go!
Let's go, let's go! Let's go, let's go!
What's your problem?
Are you okay?
You okay? Juan Carlos, are you okay?
Let's go to the pool now!
I barely touched you.
I don't want any ointment.
It's not that bad now.
But it's swollen.
Everything has to be your way.
Applying ointment
isn't doing things my way, dummy.
I don't mean the ointment,
it's everything.
You make every decision
for the both of us.
We had a middle ground,
and you screwed it all up.
Of course not. We can have everything,
as long as we support each other.
And now, I need you to support me.
Support you or adapt to you?
You decided to accept a job
where you need to travel all the time.
And we talked about it.
I never agreed to it.
- You know what, Juan Carlos?
- Ouch!
Grow up already.
Yesterday, I finished
an amazing bottle of wine all by myself.
I got drunk and it was awesome.
We're in Valle de Bravo,
everyone's outside having a blast, and I
with or without your permission,
will go do the same.
Know what? If you need ointment,
put it on yourself.
Hey, I want to apologize to you
for everything.
Uh If you want Elena
to be part of Konene
I'm in.
I trust your decision.
- Ouch!
- Dad
It was a misunderstanding.
I was confused and I kissed him.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I didn't mean to make a huge mess.
Hey, you can talk
to me about anything. Okay?
You'll always be my girl,
and I'll be here to take care of you.
Thank you.
Here I come!
No, Pablo!
- Oh, Pablo.
- Sorry!
Here, let me have her.
Careful, okay?
Trust me.
Oh, darling.
Oh, sweetie.
Your turn, Mariana, get in.
- No, I'm okay, thanks.
- The water is great.
- Come, get in.
- Mariana!
- Mariana! Mariana!
- No!
- Mariana!
- No, I said no! I can't swim!
Happy now?
Sorry, I didn't know.
Mariana has always been afraid of water
because when she was little,
I took her to Acapulco.
I got distracted and a wave hit her
You got distracted?
Yes, I got distracted.
I got distracted
because a hot guy passed by
and I turned away for a second, and
I thought she was over it,
turns out she's not.
I'll be right back.
- Pablo.
- Hey, easy, I can't hold my breath long.
Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.
Ceci told me how things happened.
I owe you an apology.
I would've done the same thing.
You kept your cool.
If someone tried to take advantage
of my baby, I'd kill him.
If you need someone
to scare the assholes away, just call me.
You shouldn't be ashamed.
It's about overcoming your fear of water,
feeling safe and trusting
nothing will happen to you.
That's exactly the problem.
I don't think I've ever felt safe.
I don't know, I grew up
mistrusting everything around me,
starting with my mom.
I don't know what the hell
she's doing here with Anuar.
Mariana, only they know.
You shouldn't get involved
in their relationship.
You need to learn to trust.
Do you trust me?
Do not compete.
This is something
we must all do together as a team.
What's most important is keeping calm
so they can feel calm, at ease, confident.
And the first step in learning how to swim
is losing the fear of water
and for them to know that their family
will always be there to support them.
You light up and light off
But you never leave away from me ♪
You light me up in the dark ♪
Oh, moon!
You make my wings shine ♪
When I feel I'm about to die ♪
You give me back my joy ♪
You orbit around my skin ♪
And almost by chance ♪
I am born again ♪
Oh moon!
Your arrival is so ill-judged ♪
When my heart is about to explode ♪
And cannot find its place ♪
Oh moon!
You ease my delirious mind ♪
And you make me fall in love more ♪
Breathing doesn't hurt anymore ♪
You orbit around my skin ♪
And almost by chance ♪
I am born again ♪
I saw you trying to sabotage Anuar,
that's why you fell.
What are you talking about?
I don't blame you.
The truth is,
I brought him to make it clear
that nothing can ever happen
between us again.
Then I thought it over and
I'm getting back together
with him for real.
- I just wanted you to know.
- Tere.
What you're doing is stupid.
Anuar and I care about each other.
We're going to give it a try.
I need Mariana to trust me again.
Now that I think about it ♪
It doesn't feel like
Such a long time ago ♪
Since my thoughts were drowning me ♪
That I could never live without you ♪
And now that I think about it ♪
Years are piling up in silence ♪
Bit by bit they persuade me ♪
That it is actually possible
Not to think of you ♪
I don't even remember what you did ♪
Or the day you left ♪
There is nothing left ♪
Nothing ♪
I have learned to live with scars ♪
I've got everything I ever wanted ♪
There is nothing left ♪
Nothing ♪
But in the end ♪
I forgot to forget about you ♪
I forgot to forget about you ♪
Now that I think about it ♪
My windows keep your reflection ♪
They still echo ♪
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