Dead Mountain (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Whose gun is this?
- S. A. Z, Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev.
Listen, Sasha, things are going badly.
Three students were seriously injured.
very similar to a hit with a rifle butt.
- These are the two commanders of "Flying squads".
Captain Yakhromeev and Buligin.
- He likes to hunt people down.
He is just waiting for someone to escape.
- Did you let him through?
What were we supposed to do, comrade Captain?
- Raise a squad!
May 8, 1959 Ivdel correctional camp
I don't understand, Sasha,
why didn't you stop him.
This is madness!
If this man killed the tourists,
he has nothing to lose.
We have detained a soldier.
from his group - Lukin.
He swears they didn't kill the tourists.
Although if they did,
they wouldn't admit it.
It's like signing
a death sentence. Anyway
when the time comes,
we'll loosen their tongues.
Do you think nature is alive?
What do you mean "alive"?
- Like you and me.
Can she think like a human?
Love, hate,
wish for death,
I knew a woman on
the plant in Sverdlovsk - Antonina.
She was talking to the flowers.
They grew in pots on the windowsill.
As soon as a flower starts to turn yellow or wither,
she would talk to it all night.
Tell it how she loves it.
And it came to life, even though
she was watering it just like the others.
I liked listening to her.
Why didn't you marry her?
- Well, she was already married.
The point is that,
what if the flowers understand,
maybe the rest of it, too.
Good! I'll go get the kettle.
Don't do anything bad to him, please!
Soon it will start snowing,
it'll erase the tracks.
Does he understand that?
- For sure. Here, see?
That's why he is going to the direction
that makes no sense.
When the snowfall increases, he will turn.
- Where to?
Most likely to Vizhay,
it's the closest place.
He left without supplies, without a tent.
It's a little below zero at night.
Buligin knows how to survive,
but everything has its limits.
- Comrade Captain!
So maybe we go to Vizhai
and wait for him there?
Is the boy right?
- No, we must follow the trail.
Maybe there's something we don't know
or the snowfall will stop.
Back! Everyone take cover!
Where are you going?! Get back!
He's got an AK-47, he'll shoot through it.
- Why didn't you warn us about the traps?
We don't set traps,
he stumbled upon one from a poacher.
He decided to take advantage of it.
and set up an ambush.
Bulygin, give up! I guarantee
that I will save you from being shot.
If I survive, I'll manage somehow.
Cover me!
Stop! Where are you going?
What happened in February?
Is he alive?
He is.
- Danilkin, well done!
Eagle eye!
- I am a hunter, Comrade Captain.
Akhromeev, get me some water!
Tell me what you did.
I'll tell you.
But on one condition.
- You're in no shape to make demands!
- Otherwise, what will you do, Volodya?
Will you kill me?
- What do you want?
Give me your word, commander.
That you'll blame it on someone,
I don't care on who.
And you'll bury me without a criminal record.
I don't want my mom to find out
about this shit at her age.
Well. I'll do anything I can.
I give you my word as an officer.
Three prisoners escaped from the camp.
We killed two of them,
but the third managed to get away.
He was the most dangerous of them all.
On the second day of the chase,
we met your students.
What happened? Was there a conflict?
- No.
We gave them a bit of a scare,
but that's all.
We didn't touch them.
- Don't lie to me!
I have nothing to lie for, Commander.
I wouldn't touch children.
Zolotarev shot your fighter?
He had a gun.
Is that the older one?
There was no such thing.
Zhmykh killed Sanya.
In short. We followed him.
The tracks led us to the house
on the outskirts of the village.
There was so much blood on the floor
that he our feet were sliding apart.
A husband, wife and their three children.
He butchered them with an axe
and after that he just went to sleep.
Comrade Chief, it wasn't me.
You think it's me?
How could I? It was the two others,
Gray and Venya.
- And where are they now?
They escaped while I was sleeping.
They wanted to go to Ivdel.
You'll catch up with them.
They didn't get far.
I give you my word, I had nothing to do with it.
What if I told you?
That we killed them yesterday?
Get up!
- Why did he kill them?
Did he take something?
- No.
It was cold.
He just wanted to stay the night, the bastard!
The night was just crazy like this
I think your students died on
the same night
He killed four people
to get warm?
Yes, Volodya.
Just to get warm.
Get up!
As long as I serve death,
it will protect me.
Are you deaf? Get up!
Are you drunk or are you sick in the head?
Get up!
- Just finish him already!
As long as I serve death,
it will protect me.
As long as I serve death,
it will protect me.
What's happening?
Damn animal!
Lukin and I
we followed his trail.
There wasn't a drop of blood.
Can you imagine?
I emptied the entire magazine.
And not a drop!
I've never seen anything like it.
Did you follow the trail?
- It lead to the railway.
It looks like he jumped on some kind of freight train.
Lucky bastard.
Do you think we'll believe you?
I don't know
what was that?
Perhaps fate intervened,
cause it couldn't have been God.
If he even exists.
He told the truth.
Don't be shy, Katya!
- It's alcohol.
I take full responsibility.
Confirmed! That soldier, Lukin,
confirmed everything that Buligin said.
Then who killed the students?
We're going back to Ivdel.
Of course, only at first
This one for the lady!
- What is this for?
Happy Victory Day, comrades!
In connection with the new data
on the injuries of the victims,
and based on what you told us.
We should look into another,
not so pleasant possibility.
The reason for what happened
is within the group.
What do you mean? That they killed each other?
- Ruled out.
I've read their diaries,
no signs of conflict in the group.
We all read them, it's not that,
even if there were conflicts.
Even if there was a madman among them,
capable of causing a fight
in such conditions.
That would explain some of the injuries,
but that doesn't explain leaving
the tent in the middle of the night.
They ran together, side by side.
Now it is clear why
the tracks were from 8 people,
but all the nine bodies were down there.
Thibaut-Brignol's injury
it was so severe,
that he must have been unconscious
and they carried him.
The group remained as one,
they acted together.
Whatever happened,
they were together against it.
Well. Any other suggestions?
Who can be so far away from populated areas,
be strong, like a master of sports
and at the same time so cruel.
Only Mansi are so well
adapted for survival there.
They are a local people,
but they are harmless.
How did the seekers they say
this mountain is called?
Mountain of the dead.
- You don't say!
But I think it's just
to make things fit their legends.
I spoke to Mansi, they say
this mountain is lifeless.
Like nothing grows on it or something related to that.
- They don't give out names like that.
So maybe we'll start looking into superstitions?
- It's not about superstition.
Rather about that there are always someone
who believes in something that is not real.
Only these people have very real hands
and can do anything with them.
All right, fellow officers!
Get to work!
I'm going to Ivdel.
At my home, it is beautiful in the Urals.
Have you ever been to Ivdel?
Not only haven't been, but
the first time I've heard of it was from you.
It's so beautiful there, Oleg,
makes your heart explode.
Just don't go there in winter.
Although even in winter it is so beautiful.
When the war is over,
you will come to visit me.
I'll introduce you to Katya, my wife.
We will go fishing. Do you fish?
I like hunting more.
- Then I'll take you hunting.
30th April 1945, Berlin
Wow, potatoes!
Vitya, where did you get them?
- There's none left where I got them.
Give me some potatoes, don't be greedy!
- Yegorov, get out of here!
Sergeant! Here you go!
Thank you, Comrade Captain.
I am very grateful to you.
Oleg, what did you do this for?
Our soup is nothing but water.
All we have is a slimy onion
and a potato and half per person.
Vitya, we're storming Berlin, this may be
the last potato in his life.
No one knows who will survive.
- That's right.
And Katya, my wife, also says that
people should do good more often.
She even says that everything comes
back to you, both good and bad.
Well done, good woman.
- Yes, she's smart.
Do you know where she was going to study?
In medical - to do autopsies of corpses.
I barely talked her out of it.
If you listen to these women
it's all coming back.
How come nothing came back to me?
From our table to yours, Comrade Captain.
Thanks for the potatoes.
Where did you get them?
- Here in the river. Can you imagine?
We thought it was just fill of shell casings.
It turns out that your wife was right.
Thank you, brother.
Clean it! We will have fish soup.
- Vitya!
Do you want to swap the Walther for something?
- Get your hands off my Walther!
I'll shoot Hitler with this Walther.
Not much time left to get it done.
Let's have a race. You killing Hitler
versus me putting our flag over the Reichstag.
Yegorov, if you set our flag
over the Reichstag,
I'll eat this fish raw.
With gills, head, scales and tail.
Major Kostin?
- It's me.
I wish you good health. Senior operative
police from Ivdel, Gorbushkin.
What can I do for you?
- You sent one man.
A fat guy.
He asked about the Mansi, about their crimes.
If we had catch someone?
If he was tried, were there any murders?
Yes, I ordered it.
He said that if there is new information,
we can contact you directly.
This happened in March,
when they were burying students.
Lots of people came.
- That was 9th.
I don't remember exactly.
I was on duty then.
And the guys and I were discussing what could have
possibly happened to the those students.
And then this Mansi comes to me.
I haven't seen him before.
He came for some documents.
His last name is Kurikov.
He said that the Ostyaki family
lives near this sacred mountain.
But they live secluded
They don't get along with Russians or Mansi.
- The Ostyaks?
They're like savages.
They've never even been to the city.
He said they could
have killed tourists,
because they climbed
on the sacred mountain.
Kholat Syakhl?
- What?
Is that the name of the mountain?
- He didn't name it, I don't know.
How could they
make them so angry?
Why is this mountain sacred?
They pray there, as I understand.
Meet us.
The man from Moscow is back.
Thank you for meeting him.
- Hey, Mom.
Kolya, what happened?
Did something happen?
I don't know, Katyusha,
he's been like this ever since he got off the train.
Maybe he didn't like something,
or he was upset because he was alone.
No, I'm sure everything
was fine there.
I'll talk to him.
I'm was at the grave of Vitya.
The guard told me that you were
standing at his grave half a day again.
My sweet little girl
I will love and remember my son
like no other.
You will too, I'm sure.
But so many years have passed.
Let him go!
Don't hold on!
He didn't give up his life 15 years ago,
so that we would stop living.
He would like us to live.
Let him go!
Let him go
I brought you something sweet.
How was the air parade, Kolya?
It was very impressive, Mom.
Did something happen after?
Then what's wrong with you?
After the parade, we sat in the evening
with Oleg Dmitrievich's mother,
we had tea and she told me
where he had fought,
he showed me his awards,
and something else in the album.
Photos, military articles
So what?
There was an article from the newspaper
I stole it while she wasn't looking.
What did you do? Steal it?
- Mother!
Wait! Just look at it.
That's dad, isn't it?
Why didn't Oleg Dmitrievich tell us?
I'm sure
that there was a reason.
Oleg, it's me.
We need to talk.
Girl, why are you making noise?
I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you.
You're an expert, aren't you?
Me? Yes.
I need to talk to Major Kostin.
- He didn't say you were coming.
There's no one here. They took him by helicopter
and they went to Dyatlov's pass.
- Yes, the Dyatlov's pass,
where the tourists died.
That's what they call it now.
Do they speak Russian?
- Even better than you.
I understand that you are the family Rahtymov?
My last name is Kostin
and I'm from the police.
As you have already been warned,
we want to ask you
Have you ever met in the vicinity of a group of
tourists in February of this year?
Young people, children still.
One older person with them.
No, we haven't seen them.
People rarely come here.
Yes, indeed.
If you've met someone,
you would remember it, wouldn't you?
Do you sit here all winter?
Or do you fish or hunt?
Winter is complicated.
We stock up in the fall.
The tourists we're asking about are dead.
Yes, we know, the forester told us.
Do you go to the mountains to pray?
- Pray? On what mountain?
Or whatever you call it,
"worship the spirits"?
And this mountain Khol
Oleg Dmitrievich, I can't pronounce it.
- Kholat Syakhl.
Did they die there?
They didn't die there, they were killed there.
The Mansi had not prayed
on Kholat Syakhl for a long time.
Spirits are everywhere,
just talk to them and they will hear you.
So none of you, saw any tourists then.
And what do you say?
She doesn't understand Russian very well.
- I don't belive so.
Have you seen the tourists?
boy, what do you say?
Don't look at him, look at me!
Come here!
What do you think?
- We didn't see anyone.
Good boy!
But you haven't learned to lie yet.
Wow! What's this?
It's a compass.
- It's a compass.
It's a compass. Look!
See the numbers on the back?
This is an inventory number.
We have an inventory of things
that the group took from the base.
Don't move!
Nobody move!
Whose compass is it?
Whose compass?!
They must have dropped it.
So they were here after all.
Then why did you lie to us?
Oleg, for God's sake
Get out, you don't belong here!
What did he say?
What did he say?
Promise you won't do anything
if we tell you the truth.
I can only promise you that you will
be treated according to the law. Got it?
I'll tell you what happened to them,
just you alone.
- Why just me?
The others won't understand.
And I'll tell you everything there - at Kholat Syakhl.
Oleg Dmitrievich,
let's take him away and interrogate him.
You don't think to
go with him to the pass?
Why not? After all he knows the truth.
We're almost there.
You can talk, start!
What are you up to?
Here his voice.,
so he says - Hontrum.
Hontrum? Who is it?
The one that walks with you.
Who walks with me? Okunev?
He's been walking with you for 20 years.
After you've spilled first blood.
First blood the war?
What does this have to do with the case?
Hontrum - the spirit of war in your language.
He wants to take away those,
who served him well.
You said you knew what happened
with tourists.
I'm waiting.
- Look what's in there.
All right, don't move.
Great! That's it, guys.
It'll be in the paper tomorrow.
Good luck!
- I wish you good health.
May 2, 1945, Berlin.
I can't believe that Yegorov
raised that flag! I just can't!
There was another one with him.
Kantaryev, I think.
Awesome Georgian!
But it won't save you
from eating a raw fish.
I see a grenade launcher unit.
And a machine-gun nest in the window.
- Let's give their coordinates.
Have them barraged, so they
don't shoot at our comrades.
Hold on! Hold on, Oleg!
Give up! The Reichstag is overrun!
Vitya! Run! Get out!
Vitya! Run!
No! You fool!
Oleg Katya
Vitya! Vitka!
What did you do?!
Everyone knows I went with you.
Think about your family.
Are you threatening my family?
You're not that kind of person.
It's Hontrum.
He makes you talk like that
and do these kind of things.
Sometimes you can stand up to him.
Like you did with those kids.
Sometimes you can't.
Like that German with glasses.
Do I know you?
Who told you that?
- Well who did you tell?
To nobody.
Numtrum can see into your soul
and they tell it to me.
There is an ordinary person,
who walked in the woods.
A tree fell on him
and he died.
What's it?
- An accident. It's an accident.
There are no accidents.
The spirits willed it and took him away.
If he'd dodge that tree,
he would fall through a hole in the ice.
If he'd swam out of the hole,
a lynx would have torn him up.
- You're talking about fate, old man.
That you can't run away from her.
- You can call it that.
So what? Is there no salvation?
There is.
If that's what the spirits want,
will be paid by someone else.
As you know it yourself?!
What does it mean?
- Hontrum wanted to take you away.
But someone else paid the price for you.
And now he's just walking
on your heels and waiting.
Who! Who paid?
You know who.
What happened to the tourists?
- The same thing that happened to you.
Sometimes spirits are so strong,
that they are not satisfied with the price,
even eight times the price
that was paid for you.
Why do people sacrifice their lives
for other people's lives,
who weren't even close?
Tell me if you know, old man.
- I don't know anything.
Sometimes they tell me something.
Vitya could have lived.
These kids could be alive.
Could he live like this?
Could they live like this?
But you lived like this.
Let's go!
We're leaving.
- What? What happened?
We're leaving.
He stayed there. He's not with me anymore.
So we reject the version
for a violent death?
None of them proved
its solvency.
No one could have been there
in the middle of the night in this cold.
With all due respect,
you're manipulating the facts.
I saw the materials, the protocols
from interrogations of witnesses,
with reference to the fireballs in the sky.
- They had nothing to do with it.
Nothing? Then what were they running from?
- Not from what, but for what?
They just wanted to save their comrades
who were injured,
Thibault-Brignol, whom they carried
on their hands, Dubinina, Zolotarev.
They were in a hurry to get to the barn,
where there are supplies, to start a fire.
Warm up their friends.
- Why didn't they do it?
You saw where they ended up.
They just got lost.
They were disoriented.
And then the blizzard must have started.
Snow, rain, whatever it may have been.
It was a series of mistakes
that cost them their lives.
But they were acting as heroes.
Then where did these injuries come from?
What did one of the seekers say,
I think his name was Slabtsov.
A block of ice broke off.
And it crashed into the tent.
Imagine a block of ice,
falls on you from meter and a half,
think it'll break your skull?
I think it will.
You've seen the pictures
what a wall of snow there was.
No one asked me, but I'll tell you anyway.
In my opinion, for people who went
through very difficult hikes,
they acted thoughtlessly, stupidly.
Understand, they didn't have time to think.
Their comrades were dying in their hands.
It's stupid, of course.
You can say that it is stupid to
give your life for another person.
But there are such people out there.
And these tourists were these kind of people.
Yes, they could stay
to start digging out the tent,
but it was faster
to run to the barn.
They made a mistake, but only because
they were in a hurry to save their comrades.
Okay, let's say this happened,
I don't really believe it, but let's assume it.
But how do we prove it?
No way.
No one will ever know what actually happened,
except the people that were there.
There is no absolute proof.
My job was to make sure it wasn't a murder,
and this was not a murder.
From here you're on your own.
I don't know.
Keep trying.
I'm sure of my conclusions.
And that's enough for my report.
Fellow officers!
I came to yours, but you weren't there.
They told me you were at Ivanov's.
I wanted to tell you.
I've been meaning to tell you all this time.
- I don't understand.
Is this an accident?
All these years
I've wanted to come.
For all these years.
So you're the captain,
which he kept writing to me about.
I'm sorry, Katya.
Let's go for a walk.
In the Department was assigned the task.
one of the cases was
in the Sverdlovsk region.
I took it upon myself. I knew you were an expert.
I knew. And it was me who asked
to appoint you on this case.
I didn't know what to do, Katya.
All this time while we've
been talking.
But I started thinking a lot about you.
I don't understand what's going on.
What don't you understand?
The feelings I have
Are they mine
or his?
- Good thing that I know for sure.
What I feel is mine.
- I want to tell you
I don't want to know anything.
I have to tell you.
Katya, he died saving me.
I was supposed to die
and he was supposed to survive.
I was wounded.
He rushed over and covered me
with his body, Katenka.
He could have survived.
He could have escaped, you know?
He couldn't have.
Otherwise, it wouldn't have been him.
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