Death's Game (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


Who are you?
You look like you've been wronged.
There's no point in explaining.
No one believes me anyway.
I do.
I know you're serving time
in Park Tae-u's place.
You do?
I saw it myself.
Do you remember this?
It's the dashcam memory card
you threw in the gutter that night.
So why don't you take the fall for this?
This is the only thing
that can prove your innocence.
That's right.
I'm so relieved.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
It's gone now.
What have you done?
Do you know what this means to me?
This was my lifeline!
For someone
who values his own life so much,
you don't seem to care much
about the lives of others.
How could you do this
when you're a detective?
You should abide by the law!
"All this big talk about the law,
and you could end up dead."
-That was what you told me.
All this big talk about the law,
and you could end up dead.
But you look for the law
as soon as you're in hot water.
Just keep rotting away in prison.
And after your release,
live out the rest of your life
as an ex-con with a murder record
and die
in utter misery.
Excuse me, Detective.
Get back here, you bastard!
Get back here!
All the videos were confirmed to be true.
We've requested
an arrest warrant for Park Tae-u
for the charges of murder
and the concealment of corpses.
High-ranking government officials
who aided in covering up
Park Tae-u's crimes have been arrested.
Park Tae-u hasn't regained consciousness
after receiving another emergency surgery.
He is said to be in critical condition.
Taekang's Chairman, Park Jin-seop,
has stepped down from his position,
leaving Taekang in the hands
of professional managers.
While Park Tae-u's condition
post-surgery is still unknown,
the police announced
that they will question him
about the driver who was stabbed to death
a month ago by a fountain pen
as soon as he regains consciousness.
God kept you alive…
so you could experience hell on earth.
You'll live the rest of your life
in a half-vegetative state.
Killing, your favorite pastime,
is beyond you now.
You won't even be able to hurt a fly.
It was fun talking to you.
I'll get going.
Don't see me out.
held me back that night, didn't you?
I kept running
until I ran out of breath
to get my revenge.
All that was left for me
was the fact
that I had to die again.
I've got it!
You've gained a lot of weight.
You bastard!
Damn it.
Those bastards.
Let me go, you bastard.
I carried on living as An Ji-hyeong,
waiting for Death
to come knocking at any minute.
I started to get used to
living as An Ji-hyeong,
as if I had been him all along.
-Great job, sir.
-You too.
Any last words?
I guess not.
What about you?
Any last words?
Are you all right?
How are you doing?
It's just a scratch.
Thank you for saving me.
Don't mention it. It was nothing.
They'll worry when they see me here.
Who will?
Does it hurt a lot, Dad?
There you go again.
Stop crying.
Not while Seul-gi is here.
Don't cry.
Want to go get some snacks?
Who are you, mister?
He's my friend from work.
You can call him Uncle.
Yes. Uncle.
Why aren't you eating?
You're a police officer too.
Do you also get hurt
every time you work?
Whenever my dad goes to work,
he always comes home hurt.
To be honest,
I worry about him
every time he goes to work.
I wish my dad would stop getting hurt.
I'll do my best
to make sure he doesn't get hurt
while working.
Pinky promise.
You should stop getting hurt as well.
Thank you, Seul-gi.
-Are you curious?
Do you like what I got you?
Mom! Dad!
-You're back.
Are you all right now, Dad?
I'm fine now.
Let's visit a theme park
when Dad gets out.
-I'd love that!
If I hadn't died,
would I have been able to
start a family of my own?
Fucking hell!
Why would you come all the way up here?
Where else did you think it would lead?
We know you have drugs,
so turn yourself in.
Drugs aren't the only thing I have.
Die, you pigs!
That's what you get
for chasing me here, you bastards!
Who wants to go first?
Damn it.
You should stop getting hurt as well.
I wish my dad would stop getting hurt.
-You're back.
I might have failed to save Ji-su…
but not this time.
I'll make sure that doesn't happen.
Put your hands up!
Let me go!
Can people stop shooting me for once?
I thought I warned you.
Are you upset that I killed myself?
I had a good reason to.
It was to save Detective Woo Ji-hun.
I did it to save someone else's life.
What do you mean?
I sacrificed myself
to save someone else's life.
-That's right.
And who are you, exactly?
I asked who you were.
What kind of a question is that?
You seem to be very proud of yourself.
Why don't you leave for now?
Why am I so disheveled?
Gosh, I stink.
Am I a homeless man?
Knowing my next form
must've been why Death was laughing.
I've been through so much until now.
This is nothing.
Do you remember Detective An Ji-hyeong,
the man who shed light on
the brutal crimes
of Taekang's ex-CEO, Park Tae-u,
and serial killer Jeong Gyu-cheol,
bringing them to justice?
We have sad news that Detective An
died while he was out on duty.
Detective An's funeral
is currently being held
-at Taekang Hospital's funeral hall.
-Gosh, he died.
People like him
deserve to live long lives.
I know.
The chief of Seoul Metropolitan Police
visited the funeral home this afternoon,
-I should pay a visit…
-awarding him a medal
and a certificate of merit.
-to my own funeral.
-He was also promoted posthumously.
Detective An will be buried
in the police section
of the Seoul National Cemetery.
With the passing
of Detective An Ji-hyeong,
who showed us
that justice always prevails,
various groups are continuing
to share memories of the late detective
and express their condolences.
After it was revealed
that Detective An's father
was also a policeman
who died on duty many years ago
while chasing a violent offender,
many have expressed their deep respect
for the service
of both the father and the son.
Wow, from an assemblyman?
That's impressive.
"Actor Song Ji-seop"?
Man, I'm a huge fan of his.
Are you really watching over us
from above?
Thank you, Uncle.
You kept the promise you made me.
I miss you, Uncle.
Hey, wait…
Let's go.
I just…
He should've stuck to his old ways.
Acting out of character
brought on early death.
These past few months,
it was as if he was a different person.
They say people suddenly change
when it's their time to go.
Are you here for a free meal?
What? No.
-Then leave.
-I said leave.
-I was just…
I told you to get out!
-Come on.
-Excuse me.
Let him be.
We should be grateful that one more person
wants to pay their condolences.
Hold on.
Take this.
Let's go for a smoke.
Hurry and get going.
The prime minister is here!
What did you think of the late detective?
Due to my actions,
many people ended up
cherishing his memory.
But the deeds I accomplished
as An Ji-hyeong
had nothing to do with me in the end.
I won't ask you to sacrifice yourself
for your partner.
But at the very least,
let's not embarrass ourselves.
Come on!
It's all my fault.
I'm sorry, Ji-hyeong.
It's not your fault.
So you should stop blaming yourself.
I'm sure Detective An
wouldn't feel that way.
And I'm sure he feels glad
that he was the one…
to jump in that day.
Who the hell are you?
What gives you the right
to say such things?
-Who do you think you are?
And who are you, exactly?
I asked who you were.
I don't know
who I am anymore.
People are happiest
when they can truly be themselves.
In the end,
life would be meaningless
if you can never really be yourself.
I finally came to understand
that being reborn time and again
as different people
was all pointless
if I could no longer live
as my true self.
Can't we stop now?
I don't need any of this anymore.
You must've had fun
watching me being proud of deeds
that weren't even mine.
Seeing how much more of a fool
you could make out of yourself
was rather entertaining.
Did I even save Detective Woo Ji-hun?
Was he actually destined to die there?
I'm sure you now know…
that none of that matters.
Hurry up and shoot.
I just need to die two more times
for this to end.
Do you remember how I said
the pain of death would get worse
with each round?
What lies waiting for you at the end
is pain beyond your wildest imagination.
Whatever that is,
I can just kill myself
and be done with it.
You fool.
Who's this supposed to be?
Who cares?
Let's just get it over with.
This man was living the life
that I wanted so badly before I died.
He was employed,
and had a family of his own.
He was living an ordinary life
that seemed so far from my reach.
But it all ended so easily…
…and in vain.
The company he gave his youth to…
…and his family,
which meant everything to him…
…ended up abandoning him completely.
They were saying,
"You are no longer useful to us."
The empty void left in his heart
was desperately
wishing for death.
Just like…
how I had felt then.
Once again…
I had to make a choice.
Thanks, Ji-su.
I'll call you after the interview is over.
Okay. You can do it!
I need to get a job before I graduate.
I can do this.
I have to do this.
Sir, are you all right?
Are you all right?
Sir. Are you okay?
What do I do?
Is this 911?
Someone's been hit by a car.
I'm at the intersection outside Taekang.
Help me.
Please help me.
He looked up at me as if I were a god.
He was begging me with his eyes.
To this very day…
I remember how electrifying it was.
Someone should call 911.
My goodness.
You truly are a lost cause.
Wasn't the thing you wanted most
a chance to turn everything back?
What makes you so sure?
Because all the humans I've punished
ended up wanting the same thing.
Humans don't recognize an opportunity
even when it's handed to them.
Didn't you claim you could beat me
playing by the rules I have created?
We're down to the final shot.
Death is merely
a means of ending the pain I'm in.
If I'm ending up in hell anyway,
let's not waste time.
I'll end it quickly,
no matter whose body you put me in.
I doubt you will.
We'll have to see about that.
Are you still standing there?
Are you afraid to turn back?
The face I somberly remembered
The person I'm grateful for
The person I owe
Although there's no miracle we hoped for
Nor the strength to get back on our feet
Listen to the voice that embraces you
"I love you"
"I love you"
If you're still hesitating
I hope you find the courage
To stand up again
And overcome it
Subtitle translation by: Sonya Hong
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