Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Dee and the Cloud Gemstone

[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
[Dee] Ah!
[girl 1] Hey.
I found it first. Give it back.
Nuh-uh. I'm gonna put it
under my microscope.
-Ooh! I wanna see too.
-Then you gotta catch me.
[girl 2 chuckling]
-Um, Emilia?
-Hey, Dee.
We were supposed to play today. Remember?
Oh, right.
[girl 2] Aah! It has so many legs.
I'm the one that found the caterpillar.
Sorry, Dee.
We're looking at bugs. Wait for me!
[sighs sadly]
[sighs deeply]
Hey, Dee-Dee. What's going on?
[Dee muffling]
Oh, oh, oh. Why don't you tell me
instead of the pillow?
Emilia said she'd play with me today
and show me
her super special kickball kick,
but then she didn't.
A friend should do
what they say they're gonna do.
[Grandma sighs]
I'm so sorry that happened, Dee-Dee.
A friend should do
what they say they're gonna do.
What you do matters
as much as what you say.
Now, I'm gonna do what I said I would
and finish making
our pizza for pizza night.
With pineapple?
Ugh Only on your half.
-Aah! My key. Time to go to Oz.
-[magical twinkling]
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Hi, Dee.
-Hi, Dee.
What's going on?
-Today, we're riding the Cloud Tower.
-[elevator rattling]
Step right up, up, up
To the Cloud Tower ride ♪
It's the Oz-errific elevator ride
Into the sky ♪
It's the Oz-tastic ride
That will send you all so high ♪
So step right up, up, up, dear
And don't you be shy ♪
Now, first things first
You'll strap into your bubble ♪
Then you'll zoom up to the clouds
On the double ♪
And then your bubble comes down
From the clouds, my friend ♪
So you can get yourself in line
To ride again and again ♪
It's the Oz-tastic ride
That will send you up high ♪
So step right up, up, up, dear
And don't you be shy ♪
-Sign me up, and strap me in.
-[Scarecrow] So cool.
Dee, Dee, Dee.
Wanna ride the ride together?
Yes. Let's do it. High-five.
[person grunting]
-[man] Get me out of here.
Uh Lion, did you hear that?
Sounds like someone's st stuck.
[person yells] Help!
Hold our place in line.
I'm gonna go help whoever that is.
You got it, Dee.
[person grunting]
-[Stuffley grunting]
Stuffley? What are you doing in that log?
Is this another one of your plans
to take a magical gemstone?
[grunting] What? Of course not.
I couldn't take a gemstone right now
if I wanted to.
-[electronic bleeping]
[gently] can you help?
Analyzing the problem.
[magical whirring, beeping]
-[Stuffley sighs]
-I think you're pretty stuck.
Analysis complete. You are [ping]
pretty stuck, Mr. Stuffley.
Well, then, get me out.
I do not think I am equipped
to pull you out. You will need help.
Oh, Rubber duckies.
I'll never get to the Cloud Tower.
-[Dee] You will.
-'Cause I'm gonna help you.
-You will?
-Woo! Oh yeah. She's gonna help me.
-This is great.
Mr. Stuffley has big plans
at the Cloud Tower.
He's going to go there and take a gems
Ahem! Yes. Big plans
to ride the ride, you mean.
Nothing else.
Wait a second.
You're not gonna make trouble
at the Cloud Tower, are you?
Me? Trouble?
Ha! What trouble?
-[magical whirring, ping]
-Analyzing for trouble.
You are one terrible Teddy. Whoop-Dee-Doo.
You have done a lot of not-so-nice stuff.
Well, I promise
I won't make any more trouble.
I just wanna ride the ride.
[gently] Pretty please.
All right, Stuffley.
-[log creaking]
-[both grunting]
-[Dee gasps]
[Stuffley sighs]
[comical music playing]
Yeah. We did it. High-five.
It's something friends do.
Fr Friends?
Yeah. Friends are awesome.
They play together,
dance together, eat snacks together.
Th That does sound kinda nice.
And friends do
what they say they're gonna do.
Like, I said
I was gonna help you get unstuck,
and you said
you weren't gonna make any more trouble.
Right. Ha.
I did say that.
And the best thing about friends?
Friends high-five.
Now, come on.
Let's go ride the Cloud Tower.
Are you okay, Mr. Stuffley?
Um Y Yeah. Be right there, Dee.
She, uh, fell for it.
What Dee doesn't know is,
I don't wanna go on the ride.
-I want to get the magical gemstone on it.
-[magical twinkling]
[sinister laughter]
And, now that she got me unstuck,
I can take that gemstone,
and I can use it to rule over all of Oz.
[sinister laughter]
Here he goes again.
Stuffley ♪
I'm the teddy
Coming for the Cloudstone ♪
-Just what I need
-Just what he needs ♪
Stuffley ♪
With power over Oz
I'll be the greatest ♪
-No stopping me
-No stopping him ♪
Stuffley ♪
I'm the baddest little bear in all of Oz
I deserve everything that is and was ♪
Dee and friends
I ain't worried ♪
Gonna get my little paws
On all on their gems ♪
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
-Who's the baddest? Who's the baddest?
-Stuffley, Stuffley ♪
Hey ♪
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
Talk about Stuffley
Talk, talk about Stuffley ♪
[sinister laughter]
[elevator whirring]
Dee, you're here.
Of course I am, Lion.
[Stuffley] Scuse me.
Bear and, uh,
robot thingy, coming through.
-[Eastyn] Stop pushing.
-Watch the tail.
I'm with Dee.
Dee, is that true?
You brought Stuffley here?
He wants to be friends. He said
he's not gonna cause any more trouble,
and he's gonna do
what he says like a true friend.
-We even high-fived.
-You high-fived?
-All right, everyone.
Get into your bubbles.
-[Tin] Awesome!
Wait a second. Where did Stuffley go?
It's time to get on the ride.
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[sinister laughter]
Hmm. [gasps]
Wait, no. Lion's not on yet.
[elevator whirring]
[Stuffley grunting]
Come on, gemmy, gemmy gemstone.
You gotta be mine.
[grunts, gasps]
I did it. Woo!
Stuffley is the baddest ♪
-[Stuffley grunts]
[both scream] Ahh!
Stuffley? What's going on?
Is that a gemstone?
You weren't trying to be a friend.
You were trying to get
another magical gemstone.
-[elevator rumbling]
-[Dee] Uh-oh.
I think your crash made the bubble
[yells] break!
[both screaming]
-[Tin] The bubble broke.
[relaxing music playing]
[Dee, Stuffley screaming]
[relaxing music continues]
-[both screaming]
[Stuffley grunts]
[Stuffley] Where am I?
Where's my precious cloud gemstone?
[Stuffley gasps]
My gemstone. Mine. Gimme.
Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Nope. No way.
You said you won't make trouble,
and then you tried to take this gem.
Um, yeah. Sure. But
This belongs to all of Oz.
And I'm gonna take it back to school
to help build the Gemstone Loop.
-Gimme, gimme, gimme!
-I have to get back to the Cloud Tower.
I told Lion I'd ride it with him.
[grunting, sighs]
And because of you, I didn't get to.
[grunting] I'm getting out of here.
Or maybe not. I'm stuck.
Well, too bad for you.
Guess I'll just be on my way
since I can fly out the way I came in.
What? What's happening?
What's wrong with my wings?
Ooh! They must have broken in the crash.
I I can't [grunts] I can't reach.
Oh no, no, no, no, no. That means
It can't be.
[both] I'm stuck in here with you?
No. No, no, no, no, no!
-[Dee grunts]
It's no use. There's no way out of here.
-[Dee sighs]
You know, if you fixed my wings for me,
I could fly through that hole up there.
I could even take that gem with me.
And, um, what about me?
Oh, I'll totally open the door
for you once I get out.
Like, totally. Friends, right? High-five?
No, Stuffley. We're not friends.
My grandma says that friends do
what they say they're gonna do.
And you haven't done that at all.
I'm standing my ground 'cause I found
That you're not ♪
A real friend of mine ♪
I won't let you treat me this way
I am strong, and I made up my mind ♪
It's like my grandmama said
Your actions make you a friend ♪
I won't let you hurt me again ♪
What you do matters as much ♪
As what you say ♪
What you do matters as much ♪
As what you say ♪
Friendship is as friendship does
You gotta know, I've had enough ♪
Stuffley, you do way too much ♪
What you do matters as much ♪
As what you say ♪
And what you do
It's not at all like what you say ♪
Say ♪
But you have to be my friend.
It's the nice thing to do.
Nope. I don't have to be friends
with someone who doesn't do what they say.
Well, then, fine. You got me. [sighs]
I was just gonna let you help me out,
then leave you in here,
so I could take the gemstone.
I knew it. Guess we're stuck, then. Hmm!
-[Stuffley yells] Whwhwhoa!
-[Dee] Whoa!
The bubble wobbled. That means we could
Aah! Wobble our way out of here.
And I could get back
to the Cloud Tower to ride with Lion.
When I go this way, we wobble.
[both] Whwhwhoa!
And then, if I go this way
[both] Whoa!
we wobble more. [laughs]
[both] We're wobbling.
[both chuckling]
What happened?
You didn't wobble
when you were supposed to.
Ugh! You didn't wobble
when you were supposed to.
Maybe we both need to say
when we're gonna wobble.
Then we need to do what we say.
It's worth a try.
Ready? Wobble.
We're doing it. Cloud Tower, here we come.
Look out, world, I'm on my way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in my way ♪
On a mission, got a vision
Seize the day ♪
-Got Stuffley on this journey. ♪
-Wobble when I say ♪
-[Dee] Wobble!
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that ♪
[Dee yells] Place!
-[gasps] Rocks.
-[Stuffley] Incoming.
[both] We can do this.
-[repeatedly, one after the other] Wobble.
-[Stuffley exclaiming]
-[bubble creaking]
-We did it.
That was totally amazing.
I guess we make a good team.
Guess we do.
It's the first time I've ever seen you
do what you say you're gonna do.
Almost like a friend.
Thanks. Come on. Let's keep wobbling.
-[Stuffley] Wobble.
-[Dee] Wobble. Woo-hoo!
We're doing it.
[Dee gasps] Uh
[Dee] Whoa! Watch out.
[both yell, grunt]
[Stuffley gasps] Dee, are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
-[bubble rumbling, squeaking]
-[both gasp]
A mucky, messy swamp?
I don't want mud in my beautiful fur.
Stuffley, I I don't know what to do.
-We can't wobble our way out of this.
-[bubble rumbling]
Wait. What if you fix my wing?
Then I can fly out of here.
[both] Whoa!
But are you gonna open the door for me?
Of course I will. I promise.
I really wanna be your friend, Dee.
Well, you did do what you said you would.
So, maybe I can trust you.
[Stuffley] High-five.
There. All fixed. Give it a try.
[mechanical fluttering]
They're working. Thank you, Dee.
I'm gonna get us out of here, friend.
Aah! But the cloud gemstone.
Now, I could take it for me. Me! Me!
-[Dee] Stuffley, what are you doing?
-[Stuffley] Yes. Ha ha!
Hello, baby gemstone. You are so pretty.
Mwah! Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
[Dee] But, Stuffley,
aren't you gonna open the door?
[Stuffley] Yeah, I know I said I would,
but I'd have to give the gemstone
back to you for the Gemstone Loop.
[sighs softly]
I said I'd be a friend,
but I really want this gem.
I was wrong about you.
-You're not a friend at all.
-[sentimental music playing]
I thought that you changed ♪
But it seems
That you're not a real friend of mine ♪
Thought you were of a friend ♪
Only cared 'bout the gems
And you were not kind ♪
What you do ♪
Matters as much as what you say ♪
I could cause trouble ♪
I could leave Dee behind and be unfair ♪
But then I'd lose my friend ♪
Don't wanna be that kind of teddy bear ♪
I have to care ♪
You're right, Dee. I'm so sorry.
I know all I've ever wanted
was a magic gemstone,
but I wanna be your friend more.
Oh no.
-[Stuffley grunting]
-[bubble creaking]
Stuffley, help.
-[Stuffley grunting]
[sighs] You did it. You opened it for me.
Friends do what they say they're gonna do.
But we've still got a long way to go
to get back to the Cloud Tower.
We can get there together.
On a sudden adventure
I didn't imagine I would make a friend ♪
When we trusted each other ♪
That's when
Our real friendship could begin ♪
Together through whatever ♪
If you trust me
We'll make it out all right ♪
Right, right, right ♪
Despite all I put you through ♪
You helped me to see the light ♪
Light, light, light ♪
What you do ♪
Matters as much as what you say ♪
What you do ♪
Matters as much as what you say ♪
The lesson I learned
Is friendships are earned ♪
Kindness, honesty
Matters as much as your words ♪
Together through whatever ♪
If you trust me
We'll make it out all right ♪
Right, right, right ♪
Despite all we've been through ♪
You've helped me to see the light ♪
Light, light, light ♪
What you do ♪
Matters as much as what you say ♪
What you do ♪
Matters as much as what you say ♪
On a sudden adventure
I didn't imagine I would make a friend
-[panting, gasps]
-[Stuffley snoring]
We made it. There's the Cloud Tower.
Yes. We did it.
Now we can use the cloud gem
to help build the Gemstone Loop.
Yeah, we can.
Mr. Stuffley, there you are.
I've been looking everywhere.
Aah! Mr. S., you have the cloud gemstone.
So the plan can still happen.
Time to take that gemstone all for you.
That's not the kind of bear I wanna be.
Or the kind of friend I wanna be.
I wanna be a friend
who does what they say.
High-five, friend.
Ooh! I like this high-five. [bleeping]
Downloading high-five program
to friend operating system. Whoop-Dee-Doo.
[Eastyn] Dee! Are you okay?
-[Tin] We were so worried.
-Dee! I'm so glad you're back.
Of course I am, Lion.
I made you a promise.
Now, are we gonna ride
this Cloud Tower or what?
-Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
-[elevator whirring]
-[both] Whoa!
[Dee] You've got this, Stuffley.
[all cheering]
[sentimental music playing]
[magical whizzing]
-[all] Wow.
-So pretty.
-[all cheering] Yay! Stuffley!
-[Tin] Good job.
Hey, Dee. Ready to play kickball?
I do wanna play, but, well,
you said we could play before,
and then you didn't do what you said.
That's not what friends do.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't a very good friend today,
but I wanna be one.
Maybe we can start
with me doing what I said I was gonna do?
Yes. I'm finally gonna learn
your super special kickball kick.
So, first, you gotta make sure
your feet are lined up like this.
And kick.
oh! Yeah!
[both chuckling]
[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Hold on, here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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