Dekalog (1989) s01e07 Episode Script

Part 7

Excuse me Yes? I'd like to return my book of registration.
Aren't you going to appeal? This is your last year you might still succeed.
Expelled is expelled.
What country you going to? Canada.
To your family? No.
This is passport But if you want to take the child with you You'll need the mother's consent I know I just wanted to check whether the passport's ready.
It is.
I think I'd better collect my own passport And provide that consent the next time.
You'll get the passport straight away then.
Ania Ania! Stop it! Ania! Go away.
Ania dear! Get out of here.
You don't know how to hush her get out! Ania baby It's all right, Ania.
What happened dreamt of wolves? Yes? There, there My dear little girl Hasn't mummy told you there aren't any wolves? Ania There aren't it's all right know, isn't it? It's all right now you're going to sleep.
? My dearest little one.
I can't stand it.
There, there, Majka.
You used to cry like this, too when you were a baby.
But why does she tell her about wolves? I believe you're to be up early.
There, there, listen Ania! Ania! You're free, princess How did that magic spell go? Do you remember, children? Abrakadabra, may the cave open! You're all invited to the wedding party! Are we hiding, Majka? No.
We're running away.
Shall we play a trick on mummy? I have no coat.
I've brought it with me.
Madam? A child's disappeared.
My daughter Christ, don't you understand? My child's gone Shall we have a ride, Ania? On what? Look.
Have you kidnapped me? What? You've kidnapped me like in the book You're a big girl now, aren't you? Mummy says I am exactly.
Now look at me You see, mummy isn't your mother.
And I have no mother at all? Oh yes, You have.
Your real mother.
You see, I am your mother.
Yes, We have even two Yes, two tents and two mattresses.
Majka went to the bieszczady mountains.
An excursion from the university.
Phone next week, o.
? I believe just entered the flat Ania? Ania Ewa? Ewa It's Ania.
She disappeared.
What is it? I must go to the toilet, Majka.
All right, go I'll be on the outlook.
Is it her? Yes she's rather excited that's why she has to pee What do you want? May me come in? What do you want? I took her with ran away from home.
You ran away.
And? Hi.
A lot has changed.
So it has we haven't seen each other for Father died.
Three years ago And you? I make teddy bears.
What happened to your former plans? The university the things you wrote? I gave it up.
What about this? Want anything to eat? Or maybe some tea? She's asleep.
Perhaps I'd better take to bed? No.
She's happy.
Just look at her Do you still remember me? No.
I paid a lot for it but it's all right now.
Do they know? No.
I picked her up at the theater.
Mother was running about like crazy Stumbled against a step nearly fall down the stairs Why are you speaking of her like this? You should be glad to hear it It started some time ago I think I hate her.
You haven't changed.
Or maybe there are just the two extremes.
Just the two For today, the situation is that I took Ania with me I won't give her back I first thought about it some three or four years ago I'm not a good girl in a dark blue skirt anymore.
The girl who fell in love with her Polish teacher Just because what he said was different.
You still have lots of chances.
You haven't stolen anything or killed anybody.
Is it possible to steal your own property? I don't know.
I guess not.
This means I haven't stolen anything.
And as for killing.
Yes, I think I could kill her.
It isn't much that you know about your mother.
I've only just learned quite recently What? Why she's like that.
After I was born she could have no more children.
This means it was because of me in away But she always wanted children I know that And then, when Ania was born You see this does explain a thing or two.
There was another person, too who agree that arrangement.
I was only sixteen then.
Jaenne d'arc hadn't been much older You said that before They said they meant well I should finish school and so on.
It's only now that I know they really after the baby.
And there was that scandal at school, too.
Ahe was the headmistress I was a young teacher And you went to the same school But you mattered most The moment you ought to have said you wanted that baby to You said nothing I couldn't.
You couldn't? You were involved, too.
Mother said, "if you don't want trouble for seducing a minor If you want still to be a teacher keep quiet.
" Am I right? Ss that what she told you? I overheard her say that to father it's just like hear You knew she'd do it.
She said it to your father? Yes.
Was she lying? Just a little.
To be frank, I never thought This could be arranged like that in Poland That your own child is officially registered as somebody Of course it can be arranged.
All it takes is a doctor you know that particular doctor Did not know what he was doing and that was that.
I usually take a nap in the afternoon.
An hour or so O.
, take it.
There's no reason why you should change your routine Now I think it's good she agreed then This way, I have my ease Yes And I won't trouble you too long.
Are you going away? Yes.
I'm making an excursion to Romania.
In summer.
Let me see your passport it's long since I've seen such a Here.
What's this? A certificate stating that I gave birth to a baby six years What about your mother? Is she willing to give you the girl back? Mother? Yes.
She'll have to You'd never believe it I never knew she could be so tender and loving.
She never gave that to me.
Let me tell you something.
Something that I should never tell to anybody When Ania was still a baby About six month old, she was I returned from a holiday camp somewhat earlier than planned They always send me to such camps then Well, I came back and I saw mother.
Feeding Ania So what? It's normal, isn't it? No.
She was breast feeding.
Why, she had no That's right.
But she gave suck to Ania, and Ania sucked She won't let you go now What happened? Nothing.
I just cut my finger It won't hurt anymore Go to sleep now, Ania Sleep, my baby I'm going out.
Take care of Ania.
What do you want to do? Annoy mum just a little I'm going to the telephone booth.
No, wait.
Here, use this.
Oh no.
Not from your place they certainly notified the It's a case of kidnapping your phone might be tapped I'll phone from the booth.
Want me to go with you? The booth is at the station.
Are you going to leave Ania all along? Want me to read you a story? About your mother and your grandmother "The Italian film mother and daughter Some scenes that I can touch Around me" Hello! Hush Got the bears? Yes.
Who's this? My daughter you kidding? Don't come here a day or two I might be in trouble.
Because of her? Yeah.
Dad? Yes I have her with me What are you planning to do? Let me speak to mother.
Tell me.
You can't help me, dad.
Mother cried all the time She's waken a pill or something and I believe she's asleep Who is it? Hello? I have her with me Oh god.
She's with you Have you notified the police? Yes.
But it does matter where are you? Call it off tell them you found her That for one thing.
Of course I will.
Where are you? We are coming to you, Stefan! Well, where are you? We'll be there in no time.
We're somewhere I won't tell you where You've got to the change everything What? What do you want to me change? I don't get you Everything.
Ania's got to be mine she can't.
She has to.
But nobody knows anything So what? I'll tell them all.
I can prove it you can prove nothing.
Ania's mine She's registered as my daughter.
Only Jadwiga knows you're actually Ania's mother But Jadwiga won't tell Where are you? Father knows, too Father knows nothing nothing at all And Wojtek.
Don't count on Wojtek.
I'll tell you about it when I'm retired.
Now listen to me.
You stole my baby You stole my baby and my motherhood My love You stole myself, everything You have two hours time to decide what to do Then I'll tell you what I want Where's Majka? She had to go out she'll be back soon.
What woke you up? I often wake up like this.
Majka says I have no mother You must have got her wrong Of course you have a mother you have the father, too Majka says you are my aren't you sleepy anymore? Want me to show you how teddy bears are made? These here? Yes I say, did you know she was going to kidnap Ania? No I haven't got any spot.
Oh, but you have.
Here And here Ah, that's right.
Great Are you a wizard? Yes.
Yes? No.
I once was a wizard A great one, and very very wicked.
Wicked? Know any more tricks? Sure.
Show me.
Why are you up? She work up Majka He says he's a wizard.
You were to call me mummy.
Say: Mummy Please.
No: Mummy majak Please, Ania Say: Mummy.
Mummy, do you hear? Please call your mummy mummy Majka.
Please call me mummy.
Do you hear? Majka.
Come on, say: Mummy.
Mummy Please, Ania.
Call your mummy mummy.
Who? Ah yes, now I know It's all right.
No I have no idea.
I haven't seen her six years long.
All right.
They're looking for you.
I know.
He knows nothing.
He was asleep That's won't kill them.
We know nothing about our own child About her friends where she might be now We lost her.
I never though she might do this to Ania She loves Ania.
You've got to give her back.
I can't.
Majka was always your little daughter Ania always mine.
Majka couldn't have been your little daughter.
You always exacted too much of her.
You wanted her not to be able to cope with it.
She knew she had to become worthy of your love And that day when you saw her in the bedroom With traces of bandage across her belly She was six months gone then You started screaming I knew that was the end She didn't say anything Now don't tell me the history of our family.
I know it But you think Majka doesn't.
She does all right I say, Stefan.
She wants to take Ania away forever To take her far away, If you know what I mean Far, far away.
Once and for all.
Where to? Canada.
She She got an invitation A fictitious one And Stefan.
I thought Perhaps it was all for the better, let her go Let us stay here with the little one Let her go and never come back But she's thought it all out They're both going Do you hear? We'll lose both them We've got to find them Go some place! Where to? You used to have such a lot of friends Yeah.
I don't have them anymore.
Phone gezegorz I beg you, Stefan Ania? Ania Ania baby.
Ania Wake up, Ania.
Ania! Ania! It's all right.
It's all right now.
Can you sleep? It's all right.
She screams nearly every night It's been going like this for years She dreams of something But she's never told us what she dreams about I wonder what she might be afraid of Of the future.
If you're planning to take her away where to? Anywhere.
Fay away Well, she won't stand it: Your shouting at her knocking her about Your hysterics She's too sensitive You seem to have taken scare.
You can stay here as long as you like No This way, you're going to ruin your own child.
She's your child, too.
You should go back home.
I see.
She needs a normal home Her own toys Her bed.
Milk at supper don't you see? Yes.
I see.
What do you see? That she needs a home.
You're right.
A fellow I know has a car he delivers the teddy bears.
Let me fetch him.
You'll back in Warsaw before it dawns.
All right.
Go get him.
But you can live here I'll move away No.
You're right.
Go get that car Wake up, Ania.
Do you hear me? We're going away.
Get up, and put your clothes on.
Where's wojtek? Wojttk doesn't want us But he said to give you this teddy bear.
Have I woken you up? I'm sorry It doesn't make any sense.
But it's Ewa.
You know her She kissed my hand to make me come to you Yes? I'm afraid.
All of this is.
There isn't much I can do I might try and announce it on TV tomorrow And if she hasn't collected her passport yet, we could stop That's all I'm really sorry I hope I haven't roused this kids? No.
They're asleep.
I feared this might happen.
She's away.
What shall we do? Well, two hours have passed.
Two and a half, actually.
Now listen to me You're bringing Ania back.
Father will sell the car and his organ You'll buy a flat for yourself You'll see Ania whenever you'll like You'll take her with you on all sundays To the cinema or no matter where Ania will be mine and yours.
After my death she'll be yours only.
What anything else? Yes.
Your authenticated consent to Ania's going a broad.
I need it for tomorrow.
Do you understand? Majka.
Please, I can't In that case you won't ever see us again.
Ania's asleep in my arms now And I don't care This night this night I understood I only have her and nobody else in the world Nobody else I'm counting five If you don't say yes, you can say good bye to us.
Forever One, two, three, four, five.
Majka! I agree! Yes! I agree! Majka? Majka! Come back, Majka! I agree! Do you hear!? Majka! Do you here? I'm sorry.
It's me Wojtek Who? Wojtek.
Wojtek? Yes.
It's me You lied to us You lied to us before.
I did.
Is she there? She was.
She ran away taking the girl with her.
Where is she? She said she didn't care anymore I don't know she couldn't have gone too far.
I have a car I'll start looking for her To the left for the tread you check it to the right Near your place? Yes.
The neighborhood of jozefow Want to pretend the sticks boats? Yes.
Then sail one Kiss me, Ania give me a hearty kiss You love me? Yes Nothing? Nothing.
I'm afraid We did it all wrong Let's check the railway stations.
It's too early for the first train.
Today is Sunday.
Our family brings you bad luck Wojtek dear.
That's true.
I'll drive that forest road to outwork Go now When does the train leave? Where to? Anywhere In two hours.
It's Sunday.
You've run away from your husband, eh? Are you run away from home? From everything.
Come on in.
It's warm inside I've go a blanket.
You can get some sleep.
Excuse me.
Have you seen a girl with a child? Have you? A young girl, wears glasses Had a big back on her shoulder.
And the child is a girl of six.
Yes, she was here.
But she went away some two hours ago Where did she go? No idea.
She asked about the road I don't know.
Ania Mummy! Ania baby My dear little girl my darling.
My baby.
Majka! Majka! Majka! Majka baby!
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