Demon's Path (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Stop right there.
Have we met somewhere?
Mr. Cheng, don't you remember me?
You are
I went to your home with Madam Kok before.
I recalled. What a coincidence, sir.
Do you intend to go up and check again?
That's a good suggestion.
Forget it!
If you don't trust me,
you can go up and check anytime.
Mister, don't leave yet.
Do you know each other?
I'm a police officer.
Please show me your ID.
Yik Sam! Your sister fainted!
Call the ambulance first!
Report to the police as well.
Call the ambulance, 999!
-Why did she faint?
-Her chest was hurting.
Yik Yan.
Stop right there!
Old man, shouldn't you apologize?
I can't hear you. Louder.
I'm sorry, sir.
She's awake.
-Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
I told you not to be reckless.
Where's Sito Wing Keung?
Did you all find him?
What about the murderer?
That's not important. You just recovered.
Get some rest and leave the rest to them.
Did you guys find Sito Wing Keung?
According to the security guard,
he climbed the stairs and disappeared.
-He never came out.
-What about the CCTV?
We've checked.
We only saw him entering the lobby.
He didn't get into the elevator?
He never appeared
in the lobby's CCTV footage again?
This building is quite creepy.
Cheng Wan San's mistress
went missing there as well.
Looks like Sito Wing Keung
got swallowed as well.
You were fine before this.
Why does your condition
seem to have worsened lately?
Maybe she doesn't want to stay here.
Or maybe she doesn't like
what I'm doing now.
So she's protesting.
What are you talking about?
Are you pregnant? Who is the dad?
What are you saying?
She's touching her heart.
-Her heart--
-Yik Sam.
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
What's the matter?
Lok is dead.
But he just called me last night.
Even though he transferred
to another team,
he's still like a son to me.
I can't believe this.
This wouldn't have happened
if he had stayed with me.
I told him many times
that we're not the policemen in movies.
Those are just actors.
They can afford to die,
but you're not the same.
What did you say?
Must you raise your voice?
Loud doesn't mean rude.
You transferred to Team Two.
-You traitor!
-It's okay.
-Please make way!
-But a person
of your personality
You will only be ostracised out there.
you died so young.
Have you ever thought
about your parents?
Did you consider that?
How do I explain to your parents?
How do I tell them what happened to you?
Who did it?
Don't be reckless. Calm down.
How do I calm down?
I've been his partner since my first day!
That fellow still owes me
tens of thousands of dollars
for the whores, baths and massages.
I helped him to woo his girlfriend.
How do I calm down?
You won't tell me?
I'll find out on my own.
Stop! Stop right there!
I just lost one son.
I don't want to lose another.
Did Lok die
like a hero?
He always said
that if he would die in line of duty,
he must die like a hero.
Tell me.
Last night, he was killed
alongside one of his colleagues
in Sito Wing Keung's home.
In that house,
apart from Sito Wing Keung's blood stains,
they found the corpse
of Wing Keung's student.
When I watched the CCTV footage,
I saw Sito walking in with a limp
to look for something.
The next day, he was gone in the building.
But I don't get it.
Why did he go there of all places?
Someone was after his life.
Yet he went out with that severe injury
instead of hiding.
There must be something
more important than his life.
His woman!
I was too agitated.
His daughter.
Maybe he finally found out
who killed his daughter.
That's why he went to Taoyuan.
If the person who attacked him
and killed Lok
is the murderer he was looking for,
why did he return to Taoyuan?
Could it be that
there's more than one murderer?
If I'm the murderer,
I'll very likely push you down.
The murderer won't say
that he's the murderer.
On TV, even though
everyone knew since the beginning
that the suspect is the murderer,
they couldn't do anything about it.
This is what you want.
Thanks, madam.
Now I know why Dr. Ho
whom they call "Arrival of God of Death"
loves to dissect corpses so much.
It's not that you like it.
You just want to find--
Are you sure I won't push you down?
You won't.
Because you haven't found
what you're looking for.
Here you go.
What is this?
Don't be anxious.
It's not your husband's autopsy report.
It's the autopsy report of Yu Lou,
Sito Wing Keung's student.
What's so important
that you have to deliver it personally?
Since you found what I needed so quickly,
there's something
I'd like to tell you personally.
You only store
work information in your brain.
I bet you don't know
this popular website that redresses
injustice which was recently created.
They compiled the cases
of the police's false accusation
including the cardboard box murder,
the flower trough double murder
in Elizabeth House,
the opera murder,
Eight Immortals Restaurant murders
and the case of The Rainy Night Butcher,
Lam Kor Wan.
You mean,
this website was set up
by Wing Keung and his students
and the person who killed them
weren't after Sito Wing Keung,
but this website?
When many of the murderer's actions
are conflicting and inconsistent,
in many TV dramas,
it's surely because
the murderer is schizophrenic.
But to me, the murderer is very likely
not the same person to begin with.
Dr. Ho, looks like
you can analyze criminal minds
better than the police.
You just have to read less reports
and watch more dramas, madam.
Ho Fei, if you are
really not the murderer
I've always been an ally of justice.
You're back. Have you eaten?
Should we order
some afternoon tea with your share?
What do you all want?
Dr. Ho, we want to borrow your apparatus
to connect with Lok and ask him questions.
-I can't help you.
We don't need your body.
Just connect to one of us.
You all broke the apparatus.
Secondly, I've already dissected
your colleague
and his family
had him cremated this morning.
No way. Was it you or Madam Kok?
What about Yu Lou?
Where is Yu Lou's corpse?
In less than 30 minutes,
he'll become a pile of ashes.
What are you waiting for? Let's go!
Let's check which crematorium it is
as we go.
Wait for me!
What are you all doing here?
We need to go to the crematorium.
Why? Do you know that fat guy?
We just completed the ritual
and sent him to the crematorium.
The corpse is gone
and Sito Wing Keung is missing.
We're at a dead end.
Yik Yan, you still have me.
We all know you're an amateur.
Amateur? But she's no amateur.
-Can you do it?
Don't we look exactly the same?
My son, is this the girl
you want to marry?
Not bad. She has a nice forehead.
She has the Beauty Tip.
Her eyes are round and full of compassion.
The chin and lips are okay too.
Girl, let me look at your palm.
It's a Split Palm.
Tell me your birth profile.
June 28, 1991.
Born around 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. June 28, 1991.
By right, you should have succumbed
to a big ordeal a few years ago.
We're not here for fortune telling.
You said your mom is good.
There's nothing she can't do.
We don't even need the corpse.
It's possible, but it's very dangerous.
You might lose your life.
What do we do?
Why are you chasing me? What?
You're supposed to find Wing Keung!
Why are you chasing me?
This is the Kun position of the southwest.
It's the direction of the Gate of Death.
The element of the Gate of Death is earth.
Looks like Sito Wing Keung
has been buried.
You said we don't need the corpse.
We can go down and ask.
-Go down? Where?
-Down there.
-Down there? Here?
But when taken to the spiritual realm,
one will stay on the Road of Death
for some time
to await judgment by the King of Hell.
If we go down now, we can still find him.
-Let's go then.
-It's the spiritual realm.
If a mortal goes in,
every second there will burn
one month of your lifespan.
That means, you lose five years
for every minute down there.
Mom, losing a few years
for a good wife is worth it.
I won't allow you to go.
If you have to carry out the ritual
and I can't go,
-who will go?
You almost lost your life years back.
Don't go.
-I'll go.
-No. Let me go.
The police force owes
Sito Wing Keung too much.
I'm the youngest here.
I have the most years ahead.
Yik Sam, you--
After Lam Lam's death,
I've been feeling useless.
I don't want to see
innocent people die again.
I'm a police officer.
Don't treat me like a child, okay?
Remember our secret code.
-If anything--
-Take your medicine
and get a checkup regularly.
Don't worry.
This set of bones is the armor
of our grandmaster, Master Fuk Fu.
Once you put it on,
the grim reapers can't see you.
"Money makes a ghost turn a stone mill."
The longer the hell messenger
turns the mill,
the longer the Gate to Hell opens.
At the yin hour,
burn the joss money immediately.
The hell messenger will turn the mill
for as long as you burn the joss money.
Can we burn now?
Burn. Hurry up.
That's not enough. Burn more.
Burn more.
Why isn't the mill moving?
Are you done?
Throw in thicker piles.
-It's working.
-The mill is turning.
It's working.
-Hurry. Thicker piles.
-Thicker piles.
-Let's finish the work quickly.
It's moving.
Time is precious. Be fast.
You must not damage
this set of bones or speak.
Because once you speak,
the spirits will see you.
No matter who calls you, never reply.
-Hurry up.
-Hurry up.
What? We're out of joss papers!
We only have a few pieces left!
-There's no more?
-What should we do now?
Burn piece by piece.
Take a few pieces each.
Burn slowly piece by piece.
Why is the mill getting slower and slower?
Burn slowly.
It's been a minute. Why isn't he back yet?
So many people die every day.
It'll take time to find someone.
Be quiet. Don't let
the hell messenger hear you.
Oh no. The mill is getting
slower and slower.
Go ahead without me.
I'll go and look for more.
Hey! How can you leave us behind?
That's the way he is.
He runs away when there's trouble.
What are you burning? Real money?
What else can we do?
Keep quiet. No one can tell.
Are you sure this is okay?
It can't be helped.
-We're out of joss papers.
I only have a few 500 dollar notes.
How can you be stingy at a time like this?
Life is more important than money.
Burn them.
Yik Sam, have you found him?
-We're at our limit.
-We're out of money.
-Do it slowly. It's real money.
-Only two pieces left.
Where are Yu Lou and Sito Wing Keung?
Peter, where is Sito Wing Keung?
Tell me.
Where is Sito Wing Keung?
Come up if you've found him.
I'm at my limit.
What happened? What should we do?
Let's worry about ourselves.
-I only have one piece left.
-Oh, no.
-No more.
-What should we do?
-Do you have smaller notes?
Burn the paper villa too.
You're going to make tofu pudding for us.
Why isn't the stone mill moving?
I'll go and check.
Be careful.
Don't get into trouble.
Don't worry.
Someone came to pray.
I told them to leave.
Where's the spirit
that was turning the mill earlier?
I wonder too.
What are you doing?
-What should we do?
No! I'm telling you to run!
Run while I deal with him!
You're always like this.
What kind of son are you?
Yik Sam spat blood again.
He has been down there for so long.
Wake up, Yik Sam.
Don't wake him up now.
His soul will be split up,
he'll become a retard.
Am I going to die here
after so many years of training?
How dare you bully my mom!
Boy, you can make it.
Boy, hang in there.
You can make it.
What took you so long?
Leave! You're out of time!
-It's a mess up there!
-What about you?
You think I'm just a cardboard police?
I'm a crime fighter!
Don't mind me! Leave at once!
Your sister is waiting for you up there!
Help me to say sorry to your sister.
I was too young back then.
I was too playful.
I didn't treasure her.
Run, Yik Sam!
Why are you covered in sweat?
Why are you still here?
I must have had a nightmare.
What happened? What dream?
In that dream, you were killed.
I wanted to avenge you,
but I couldn't find the murderer.
I'm so glad that you're fine.
That dream was so real.
I was so scared.
My dear,
it's real.
Please stay here.
If you stay here,
you can see me every day.
Don't go.
Yik Sam, don't go.
They are waiting for me.
I've been waiting for you too.
This is fake. This isn't real.
Does it matter?
The real world is so unbearable.
Don't go back, okay?
I'm sorry.
I really wish
I answered your call that day.
It's okay, silly.
He spat so much blood. What should we do?
Oh, no. Even the armor
of our grandmaster can't protect him.
This is odd. He's not down there.
But he hasn't come up.
Where exactly did he go?
Wake up!
Wake up!
Enough! He's already
What sound is that?
Oh, no. We killed the hell messenger.
There's no one to close
the Gate to Hell now.
The wandering spirits are coming up
to attack us now.
Humans and spirits don't cross path.
Give me my grandmaster's bones.
-What should we do now?
I'm not God.
I only have a pair of hands.
Without a paper machine gun,
how many can I kill?
Mom, think of something!
I still have money to collect
from the lottery company!
I don't want to die!
We have this protection candle
that can hold up for a while.
But if it's all burnt up before daybreak,
we'll be goners.
We still have one hour to daybreak!
Can you find a bigger candle?
This candle will be burnt out
very quickly.
Don't breathe so hard!
You'll blow out the candle!
My son is graduating next week!
I don't want to die!
I want to attend his convocation!
I don't want to die!
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