Dempsey and Makepeace (1985) s01e07 Episode Script

MakePeace, Not War

Ziggy, get the van round.
I'll open the door.
What you waiting for, Winston?
A formal invitation?
OK, Lenny, I'm coming.
OK, Ziggy, let's go!
Come on, let's go.
Come on!
OK, let's get to work.
Ten minutes, and we split.
Only go for the small,
expensive stuff, right?
What's that?
T-shirts. Medium-sized.
We should've left you at home.
Go and find something
that's worth a bob or two.
Lenny! Look what I found.
They got away with a few videos.
And a portable television.
Could have been worse.
There's a packet of shirts missing.
You took some shirts.
One packet, only one packet.
I-I-I'll b-bring it all back.
Where does your friend live,
the one who got away?
I don't know!
Tell me his name
and where we can find him.
It's Ziggy. His name is Ziggy.
And he r-r-runs
a store down Brewer Street.
I don't know where he lives.
I swear on the book.
'Passengers to land at Naples.
'Final call
for Alitalia flight AZ291.
'Passengers only on this flight'
You seen him yet, Dempsey?
The narcotics boys in New York
confirmed he'd be on the flight.
Are you sure
you'll still recognise him?
Great conversationalist,
isn't he, sir?
I'm not sure I don't prefer that
to verbal diarrhoea,
Sergeant Makepeace.
If you get my meaning.
That's him.
In the camel coat.
Right, you boys will oblige
by feeling that gent's collar.
The rest, I trust,
is arranged, Inspector?
Yes, sir. We'll be able
to pull him straight away.
Under no circumstances
must he be allowed near a telephone,
- is that clear?
- Yes, sir.
And when he goes down,
he mustn't talk to anyone.
The slightest squeak,
and Dempsey, here,
is up the creek without a paddle.
- Understand?
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience
this may cause, Mr, er
Schwartz. The name is Schwartz.
German, isn't it?
I'm third-generation German.
My great grandfather was German.
I'm originally
from Cincinnati, Ohio.
What is this,
some kind of panel game?
It's merely a routine spot check,
sir. Nothing to get alarmed about.
I'm not alarmed.
I'm in a hurry.
Plane was 20 minutes late.
The party who's meeting me here
isn't used to being kept waiting.
This will only take a minute, sir.
Now, if you'd care to open the case.
It's unlocked.
Open it yourself.
'Would the Saga
representative please contact
'the airport information desk
to take a telephone call.
'Saga representative
to the airport information desk
'to take a telephone call.'
This your normal brand, sir?
Things like toothpaste,
I leave to my secretary.
Keen on decay, is she,
your secretary?
I don't understand.
Heroin, that's what.
Your feet aren't going to
touch the ground, sunshine.
- You're waiting for me.
- This way.
You forgot my bag.
Somebody die?
Probably, Mr Schwartz.
My name is Merle.
I trust you had
an uneventful flight.
Can we get down to business?
How much do you want
before you stop?
I'm just getting to the good bit!
Here's a fiver.
Well not that good.
- I've got a message from Ziggy.
- Ziggy?
Aye, Ziggy. He's in a wee bit
of bother, wants to have a chat.
Did he say what about?
He didn't.
He was short of breath at the time.
A man, an American called Schwartz,
was met by Merle this morning.
He'd just flown in from New York.
The man Schwartz is ex-CIA
and was involved in flying opium
into Laos when Vietnam had finished.
I remember those times.
My brother was taken from
our village by a Burmese officer.
They took him to Kayin,
a village in the No Phadaw sector,
where he was thrown into jail
for four days.
On the fifth day
hands tied behind his back
they dragged him through the village
until he died.
When we asked for the body
they refused.
They said it was to be left
for the wild animals to eat,
like all the Kuomintang.
Schwartz was with them.
He set it up.
He was responsible.
Do you wish me to make
the necessary arrangements?
Not yet.
He's the broker.
We'll wait until
the deal's been struck.
I have to see the face of the man
who was responsible
for my brother's death.
He'll have come to set up the deal.
Oh, he's good at that.
Leave me.
I have to make sure
we have the money.
Oriental Banking and Finance?
Sir Charles Kershaw, please.
It's personal.
Sir Charles.
Lei Shan. Hello.
I am collecting for Poppy Day.
Hello. Charlie three.
He's gone into
number 14 Hanover Terrace,
with the woman and the big Greek.
'Charlie three, be very careful,
we're on thin ice. Over.'
Roger. Out.
Hi, Ziggy.
What you trying to do,
give me a heart attack or something?
What's up? Jameela Horne
said you wanted to see me.
Yeah, a couple of mates and me
did over a warehouse last night,
up Park Royal way.
I was driving.
Anyway, someone got the drop on us,
and I drove off like a banshee.
- What did you get?
- Oh, not a lot. A few videos and these things.
The other two got left behind, see,
and I dunno what's happened to 'em.
Well, I should imagine they're safe
and sound in Ealing nick by now.
Do us a favour.
They won't be in no nick.
All the stuff in that warehouse
is off the back of a truck.
They wouldn't have called the fuzz.
Reporting stolen property stolen?
Where exactly was this warehouse?
Unit 12, Manor Road, Park Royal.
But be careful, darling.
I think they may be
a bit heavy-handed,
do you know what I mean?
Well, I'll be in touch. If you
hear anything, give me a bell.
have her on the house.
It's got your moniker on it.
Thanks, Ziggy.
It's a new method.
Untried and untested until now.
The T-shirts
are impregnated with heroin.
About half an ounce per garment.
Untried and untested.
- What stage is it at?
- Stage Four.
Anything less than that is lethal.
You should know that.
Yeah, unless you want to
chase the dragon.
Chase the dragon?
Yeah, that's when you smoke
the small chips through a straw.
It's a common practice
in Southeast Asia.
You should know that.
I'm sorry.
I'm edgy.
It's this missing packet
of garments that's bugging me.
The boys will be back soon,
they'll have them.
Good morning.
Detective Sergeant Makepeace.
I understand there's been
a robbery reported here.
I'm sorry, Detective Sergeant.
There's been no robbery.
As you can see,
there's very little stock.
My information must be wrong.
I'll be on my way.
I'm not sure that's possible.
You see
I think you're too far
into the lion's den.
- Davros.
- I'll get it.
- Why you?
- It's my deal.
Well, take the Rolls.
Davros, you drive.
Listen, Huey,
you're talking silly money.
For King Solomon's mines,
I want more than just a name.
So screw your nut
and come up with some details.
Little grass thinks he's
Wembley turf all of a sudden.
Harry's up the creek, sir.
Charlie five, I think I need
some muscle, and quick.
'I'm making for my flat with
a Rolls-Royce in hot pursuit. Over.'
All stations Charlie. Cease
transmission until further notice.
what's the problem, girl? Over.'
I followed a lead of Ziggy's -
he's one of my informants.
He did a job last night with
two mates, but they were disturbed.
The stuff in the warehouse was hot,
and he thinks that
his mates may be in trouble.
So I went to have a look, and who
should I see there but Dempsey,
a piece in black
and that ape of a chauffeur.
They have a back-up team of two
and were about to tear my head off,
but I gave them the slip.
I'm going like a bat out of hell
down Cricklewood Broadway
with the ape and the Roller
up my tailpipe.
And I think Dempsey's with him.
Try and lose them.
Get back to your flat and lie low.
I'll get some of the boys
round there right away.
'But I don't want Dempsey's cover
He's up to his backside
in alligators as it is.
- 'Over.'
- What about my backside?
Dempsey won't let anyone
lay a finger on it, girl.
Really? Over.
The sights are zeroed
for normal vision.
And it's loaded.
What's the number of the warehouse?
- What?
- You heard me.
- I don't understand.
- Understand this, mudface.
Sit. Stay.
If you don't stop following me
like that, I'll call the police.
I am the police.
Very funny!
'Are you supposed
to be trying to kill me?'
You guessed it.
I presume you intend to fail.
'And blow my cover? Sorry,
Makepeace, I'll have to kill you.'
What did she say?
- Who?
- Merle.
She said we wait,
we get her when she comes out.
Maybe she won't come out.
Maybe she goes out the back.
Maybe we should go in.
Maybe you should shut up.
- I gotta get the shirt.
- Leave her.
Leave her!
Nice touch, Makepeace.
I'm impressed.
Harry? Harry?
Hey, if you want an Academy Award,
you should've landed on your back.
For God's sake, Schwartz! Get in!
- Is she dead?
- What do you think?
Get a blanket, Chas.
Where the hell have you two been?
- Don't sweat it, it's done.
- He got her right there.
Not only does he
bring back the evidence,
he gets himself a bonus too.
- A bonus?
- Sure.
There's $1,500 in that shirt.
We must get it to the laboratory
in Kilburn tonight.
- The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
- Sunday?
Sunday in the city
is as quiet as the grave.
Amen to that.
'Chief Superintendent,
can you tell us anything
'about the shooting
here this afternoon?'
'I can't say anything
'until the dead officer's
next of kin have been informed.'
Can you tell us
when the dead officer's name
will be released, sir?
That's all, gentlemen. Thank you.
Get me out of here.
Detective Chief Superintendent
Spikings to see you,
Lord Winfield.
Spikings, my dear chap!
Come in, come in.
Abbott, take
the Chief Superintendent's coat.
- It's all right, sir, I won't keep you.
- Nonsense. Nonsense.
Abbott, take his coat.
Now, my dear fellow,
what'll you have to drink?
Come to see me about Harriet,
have you?
Blotted her copybook, eh?
I knew it'd happen.
Sit down, my dear fellow.
Er, Abbott, bring us a bottle of the
Montrachet, there's a good fellow.
No, there's really no need, sir.
We haven't drunk it all,
have we, Abbott?
The Montrachet? I believe that
there is, er, a bottle left, sir.
Oh, God, have we drunk it all?
- I'm afraid that we have, sir.
- Very well.
Can't leave just one.
They don't keep so well
on their own.
I take it, Lord Winfield,
that you haven't seen the television
this evening?
No, I don't think we've got one.
Never seen one about.
I believe Abbott has one downstairs.
Why do you ask, old chap?
Something good on?
I sometimes go down to Abbott's room
if there's something good on.
- No, sir, i-it's not that.
- Dinner!
Have dinner with me.
Abbott always does for two.
He thinks I don't know, tells me
he has a sandwich or something.
He must think I'm soft in the head.
Bloody fool.
Abbott? Abbott!
Lord Winfield
I'm afraid I have something serious
to tell you.
It's about your daughter.
Lei Shan?
I've been waiting for you to call,
Mr Schwartz.
I understand you made contact
with the seller some days ago.
- Have you got the merchandise?
- 'Sure I have.'
- We'll meet early next week, then.
- 'Tomorrow.'
'Tomorrow's too soon.
I need more time.'
There is no more time.
Here's where we'll meet
I didn't know you were a Mozart fan.
That, I'll have you know,
is the theme from Elvira Madigan.
By Mozart.
See if we got a mention on the news.
'This is Robin Houston reporting.
'In London tonight, an officer
of the plainclothes division
'of the Metropolitan Police
was shot dead.
'The identity of the officer
is being withheld
'until the next of kin
has been informed.
'The economic summit in'
Incidentally, how did Daddy
take the news of my death?
With a Havana in one hand
..and a Scotch in the other.
Yes, I forgot. Always Irish.
Followed by terrine, cold salmon,
and new potatoes.
And a bottle of Montrachet.
- Slightly chilled.
- Mm-hm.
Well, it's good to know that
austerity is still biting hard
in Eaton Square.
While I was being
rather unceremoniously bundled
out of the back of Hammersmith Mall,
you were having a gay old time
with the old man.
- And a bottle of the family's best Montrachet.
- The last bottle.
But of course.
Here we are. It's not exactly
the Ritz, but it's home.
Sort of.
Do you live alone, sir?
It may appear to the outside world,
that I'm centrefold for Playgirl,
but no,
there is the redoubtable
Mrs Spikings.
- She won't mind my staying?
- I'm always pitching up.
We've got company.
- Did you see him?
- Yep.
Police! On the floor, face down,
spread your arms and legs!
I love it when you talk to me
like that.
You all right?
- It's OK, sir, it's only Dempsey.
- What are you doing here?
Well, there was this newsflash,
and some blood on the T-shirt.
It was steak. Adds authenticity.
Were you concerned?
Yeah, I thought my aim was off.
What's the deal?
Tomorrow, 8:00 AM.
- I set up with this chick Lei Shan.
- Lei Shan?
She's the front for the money.
You know, there's about 1,500 bucks'
worth of heroin in every T-shirt.
They'll be processed
by midnight tonight.
And where's it to be? This meet?
- Steven's warehouse in Wah-ping.
- Wapping.
Dempsey seems to me to be
very much in the minority
- if anything goes wrong tomorrow, sir.
- Yes, Makepeace.
- Well, sir, I've got an idea.
- No, Makepeace.
- It may just give us the edge.
- No, Makepeace!
- It would double our chances.
- Just what I'm afraid of.
Besides, you're supposed
to be dead, remember?
I'd get some sleep,
if I were you.
You don't say a hell of a lot,
do you?
Have it your own way.
He's a mute.
- You don't say.
- You're late. Where have you been?
I checked out the warehouse,
made sure it was OK.
I'm impressed. And?
It's OK.
And what about me?
I'm impressed. But tired.
You don't know what you're missing.
I can guess.
I really don't think you can.
Night, Merle.
Would have been the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- Shinned up the drainpipe.
But if I'm cramping your style,
I can always shin down again.
Do it.
"I'm impressed, but tired."
Morning, guv.
- Breakfast?
- Yeah, in a minute, Chas.
None of those cardboard sausages.
Any sign of Makepeace?
- Not a peep, guv.
- She's up to something.
I hope she doesn't screw up the
year's work that's gone into this.
- Who made this?
- McAlpine.
I'm going downstairs for a shower,
a shave and a shish kebab.
How many we got at Wapping?
- Eight, when we get there, guv.
- Uh-huh.
- And the lab at Kilburn?
- Four.
Two at Hanover Terrace, six units
are in cars, and that's it.
- Any wooden tops in it?
- No.
- River police?
- No, guv.
Just as well.
They sniff something interesting,
they'll be up and down on
that river like a fiddler's elbow.
Mind the shop.
Davros has just left.
Yeah, he's going for the stuff.
Right on.
The Koreans are already
at the warehouse.
Yeah. Just you and me,
and the black widow.
Shall we go?
What's going on? Who's this?
This is my partner,
Detective Sergeant Makepeace.
You remember her.
If only you hadn't been so tired.
You stay here.
I'll check out the place.
Be careful. Our Korean friends
are around here somewhere.
Open the doors.
Get the stuff.
Be on your guard.
I don't trust Merle.
And leave Schwartz to me.
As it came from the bank,
in bundles of tens and twenties.
Nonsequential and used.
It's all there, Mr Schwartz.
If you want to count it.
Merle, check the money.
What's this?
You're not Schwartz.
- Armed police!
- Wait!
Hold it!
Hey, you! Back in the car! Now!
Try to stop me,
she dies right here.
Right, drop your guns.
Dempsey, drop your gun.
Drop it!
You. Whoever you are,
put that back in the car.
Davros, you hurt her,
I'll find you and I'll kill you.
Believe it.
Open the door!
Dempsey! You'll get her killed!
Turn left, you fool! Left!
Down, Makepeace, down!
Come on.
Party's over.
Have you thought about
a career in teaching?
Space programme?
You know, they're sending women
to the moon these days.
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