Dharavi Bank (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
Hey, Veera!
Veera, the commissioner has resigned.
Come on. Switch on the news.
Call me once you get there.
Okay, Deepa?
- Yes, I will.
- Come.
So soon.
Stay back.
Please stay back
for a few more days.
Thalaivan has changed.
Ask Parvati.
Please stay for a while.
I just told her yesterday
that it feels nice
to have Deepu here.
I came here for dad, Bonamma.
- But staying here
- Yes!
Staying here feels like
lava under your feet, right?
If you stay here, you'll get burnt!
Deepu, stay. We'll talk about it.
Everything will be fine.
Brother is just worried.
- That's why
- You don't have to defend him.
And Shiva.
I am aware of my responsibilities.
For Dharavi, Thalaivan is in a coma.
But he is my dad.
Just look at him, Shiva.
Look at him.
He is surrounded by tubes and wires.
And all you care about
is exacting revenge.
Have you ever thought about
what led us to this situation?
Our family has been attacked.
We didn't provoke anyone.
They are trying to break our family!
And what about the families
that we've broken?
Will dad recover if you give this lecture?
You don't stay with us.
But you are a part of this family.
So, stop pretending
to be a good girl.
It's enough.
I don't want to be good, brother.
I just don't want to be like you.
Get out!
- Come on!
- Shiva.
Please stay for some more days.
Please stay back.
- Let her go, Bonamma.
- Brother, please!
All of us have come together
after so long.
But she wants to leave, right?
Our dad needs us right now.
- Shiva Shiva!
- We don't have the time to cajole her!
- Move aside!
- Shiva, wait.
- Let me escort you to the gate.
- That's fine. I'll leave now.
I'll call you.
Deepu, be careful.
Where are you?
What happened?
I wanted to meet you.
Are you not at home?
No. I am at the hotel.
So early!
Actually, I checked in last night.
The meeting with the client
got stretched.
And I was drunk too.
So, I checked in here.
Which hotel are you at?
Why? What happened?
- I am about to check out.
- No, listen.
Please extend for some time.
I really need to unwind.
Okay. Come over.
Hyatt, 504, okay?
I'll be there in an hour.
Okay. Sure.
I love you.
Same here.
I'll be there in an hour.
Yeah, bye.
Bihari and Nepali.
Time's up for them.
Get rid of them.
Sir! Sir!
Hey, Khan! Have patience.
What happened? Tell me.
You told me to track
Thalaivan's family.
I found something.
Kamal Hemraj. He lives in Colaba.
He is an artist. A painter.
He is Veerbhadra's boyfriend.
Good job, Khan.
Tell me. Who do you want to meet?
- Is this your workshop?
- Yes, of course. It's mine.
Did you give a car to Rafiq?
To remove the chassis number.
Who are you?
And what rubbish is this?
Listen, I don't know who Rafiq is!
Neither did I give a car to anyone.
I swear!
Who was here on the 4th of this month?
The shop has been closed
for the past month.
I had gone to my village.
I returned the day before yesterday.
I am speaking the truth.
Is there someone else?
Sorry. What?
Is there someone else
in your life, Mahesh?
Were you alone last night?
Deepa, this is getting
more ridiculous now.
What do you mean?
Of course, I was alone.
Then why did you make the bed
before my arrival?
- The bed--
- Don't say it was housekeeping.
- It was not that neat.
- Will you let me speak?
Do you act the same
in the court as well?
I was going to say yes.
It was messy. And I made the bed.
You know that I am not that of a pig.
And you were going to come.
I know that you don't like a mess.
So, I made the bed.
You know, I have been noticing
for a few days.
What's going on with you, Deepa?
I am sorry.
It's just that it has been so stressful.
I understand.
I love you.
I love you too.
Motherfker! Motherfker!
Motherfker! Huh!
Anna, something is fishy.
Hey, Buchkiya!
Are you sht-scared already?
You're good for nothing, fker!
Why are you sitting here?
Anna, I was just saying that
for the sake of your safety.
You won't be able to do anything.
- Anna, don't say that.
- Will you do it? Will you go?
- Anna, I didn't--
- Shut up! I said, shut up!
Come here.
Don't kill Francis.
I will ask Tara to starve his dogs.
I'll try my best.
But what if something goes wrong
while bringing him out?
Then shove a stick up his a.
It should come out of his mouth!
Do you get it?
You have to do it. That's it.
What? I have just one wife.
It's her birthday.
- So Hey!
- Come on.
Why did you bring it?
I was going to bring it.
- Daaji, what is this?
- Sit down.
The birthday girl had to bring
the cake herself! Very bad!
Sir, this is nothing.
- I also have to buy a gift myself.
- What are you saying?
- I was going to get a gift--
- Let it be!
Sir, do you know what he gifted me
three years ago on my birthday?
- What? Necklace?
- Hair dye!
- What do I
- I am her die-hard fan!
Let it be, okay?
- Die-hard fan!
- Who gifts hair dye?
I warned him that if he ever
gave me such gifts again,
I would add that dye to the tea!
Let's cut the cake now.
- Sir has to go to work. Come on.
- Hey!
- No?
- What is it?
- I messed it up.
- Just a minute, sir.
You can't go to work, okay?
I have cooked biryani today.
It's a good recipe.
Sir, please. Please!
- Sir
- Done!
No work today!
We will only celebrate today!
That's more like it!
- Come on!
- Blow it. The candles are melting.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Happy birthday to you ♪
Come on!
Hey! Open it!
Bihari, protect Francis!
I will deal with these motherfkers!
- Francis!
- Let me out!
Save me! Save me!
- Is anyone around?
- Francis!
- Open it!
- Francis!
Open it! Yes!
Come on!
Motherfker! Asle! Bard!
You think you're some bigshot?
Hey! What are you doing?
Malusare, thank you.
Who are you?
Irfan or Imran?
I am Irfan, sir.
- Don't kill me, sir.
- Come on. Get lost.
Please spare me, sir.
I will tell you everything!
Sir, please! Sir!
Look, if I call you in the future,
you will answer my call. Got it?
- Yes.
- Get going.
- I will tell you everything, sir.
- Get lost, asle!
- Get out!
- Thank you, sir!
Oh, Malusare sir!
Why did you let him go?
You should have killed him too.
They are twin brothers.
You should have killed them together.
If you kill one of them,
the other will come back for revenge.
Don't you watch Hindi films, Francis?
- Have you seen Naagin (a serpent)?
- Yes.
He will sneak back like a serpent
and bite your a. Got it?
The police were there.
They killed everyone.
Everyone is dead.
That dog is in police protection.
This was planned, Rajan.
They already knew all this.
Remind the police
and the government, Shiva.
Remind the police
that there's only one government
in Mumbai. Dharavi Bank.
And there's only one king.
If you have to kill 100 people
to kill that one culprit,
kill them. Kill everyone.
No one will be spared, Bonamma.
No one!
Where are you going?
To meet Nepali.
The police spared Irfan.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Greetings, Shiva Anna.
- Shiva Anna!
Shiva Anna!
Is your hand injury healed now?
Yes. Absolutely.
You won't miss a target, will you?
Not at all.
Come on.
Let him go, Nepali.
Or else Shiva will kill him.
He doesn't know
why the police spared him!
Look, if I spare him,
Shiva won't spare me.
He will kill me, motherfker!
Don't you get it?
Now, you tell me!
If I save him, who will save me?
- What if Shiva suspects me?
- I am here!
- It's my guarantee!
- To hell with your guarantee!
Let Shiva's anger subside.
I will bring him back.
- Yes.
- Let him go now.
Boss, it's Shiva!
What is he doing here, motherfker?
Look, Anna.
I just found out about Bihari.
Anna, no
Calm down.
Calm down, Anna.
I have not done anything, Anna.
Please calm down.
I have not done anything, Anna.
Bihari went to rescue Francis.
And only you knew that.
Anna, Irfan was also there.
Ask him!
Anna, Malusare has done all this.
Why are you silent, asle?
Who is Irfan?
I worked for Thalaivan all my life!
And you call me a traitor!
You will destroy Dharavi, bard!
You will ruin your father, Thalaivan!
Shut up, motherfker!
Shut your mouth!
Hello, sir.
- Where is Michael?
- He is inside.
Is it yours?
You look alike. Sit down.
- Change the vendor.
- Good evening, Michael.
How are you?
It's nice. Amazing.
Please excuse us. We need to talk.
About business. Get out.
Tell me, Avinash.
What do you want?
Won't you offer me tea or coffee?
You're enjoying whiskey yourself.
Leave it.
I want something from you.
Not for free. I will pay for it.
Come to the point. What do you want?
Asle, say that again!
Hey! Hello! Hello!
Put that down. Hear me out.
Calm down.
Listen to me first.
This is a business proposal.
And Sakina is in the same business.
That's why I asked you.
What business, bard?
Sorry! Sorry!
It means you don't know!
I thought she must be doing it
with your permission.
I thought you used to send her to him
to gain profit in the business.
I didn't know she goes to him
of her own free will.
Had I known that,
I wouldn't have asked you.
But you don't know anything.
Leave it. Sorry.
Let it be.
Who is that motherfker?
If I tell you his name,
is our deal final?
Why are you showing me this gun
time and again? Is it new?
You always show your gun.
Tell me the name, asle!
Speak up.
Can you see?
Hey, hello! Put it down.
I'll tell you the name.
Mahesh Krishnan.
What will you do now?
What happened?
We heard loud noises.
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