Dhootha (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Continued on Page 6

"November 16th, 2022.
Police have launched a hunt
for the man in the above picture.
He broke into renowned industrialist
Bharadwaj's house in Siripuram
where his daughter Priya,
wife of famous journalist Sagar"
"Continued on page six."
16th November.
16th November.
That's tomorrow.
Hold it.
Hold on tight, guys.
Sir, there's something underneath.
It's a human body!
Guys, pull the body out carefully.
-What is it, Ranga?
We found Koti's body.
Ranga, send the body for postmortem.
And call Dr. Ashok.
Tell him it's very urgent.
-Inform Koti's family as well.
-Okay, ma'am.
And if the wife doesn't identify the body,
-send it for a DNA test immediately.
-Sure, ma'am.
Within 24 hours of identifying this
as Koti's body,
I want Sagar and Ajay Ghosh in my custody.
Sir, namaste.
-Who are you?
-You've arrested my husband.
-I came to talk to you about it.
-Who's your husband?
Koti, the lorry driver.
-So, you're Koti's wife?
-Yes, sir.
-Come inside.
-It's okay, sir.
I came to talk to you.
It's pouring, and you're drenched.
Come inside.
It's totally okay. Come inside.
-Hey! Come and sit here.
-It's okay, sir.
Don't feel uncomfortable.
It's okay. Sit comfortably.
Come on.
What's your name?
-Kala, sir.
Sir, I came to the station
so many times to meet you.
They didn't let me in.
That is why I came to meet you personally.
You're drenched. Pat yourself dry.
Go on.
It's okay. Go on.
Listen, Kala
Your husband wasn't arrested
in a petty accident case.
He was caught smuggling guns
illegally from UP.
As you know, gun smuggling case
is a big deal.
The Anti-Terrorism Squad
is dealing with the case.
-It's out of my control.
I don't know when they'll let him go.
I'm not sure if they'll even let him go.
Sir, I have three kids at home.
They haven't eaten anything for two days.
-They're asking about their father.
-Hey! Why are you crying?
I have a friend named Mohan
in the department.
One phone call and your husband
will be out in two days.
Crying doesn't solve problems, does it?
It is my responsibility
to get your husband released.
You and I need
to be of help to each other.
Do you understand?
If you make me happy,
I'll give you all the help you need.
Listen, Kala
Look, you're still dripping.
Don't worry. I'm here for you.
What do you say, Kala?
You don't have to do anything for me.
Remember, you're doing this
for your husband.
That's it.
That's nice.
Come inside. We'll talk.
Come on.
Come fast.
Who is it at this hour, Kranthi?
Go back to sleep, Mom.
I'll take a look.
What are you doing here, Sagar?
At this time?
I was present when Charles died.
He committed suicide
right in front of my eyes.
Also, it was me who bribed Ghosh
to torture Koti, the driver.
Ghosh assumed that
he died in the process
and dumped his body in my farmhouse.
But when I got there,
Koti was still alive.
He slipped and fell on a cleaver
and died on the spot.
Then I buried him in the adjacent plot
and covered his body
with the dog's body on top.
You'll find his body if you go dig there.
I know all of this.
We've already been there
and dug up Koti's body.
There's no point in you
confessing to all of this right now.
If you have something to say,
save it for the court.
-You may go now.
-Kranthi, please!
Kranthi, please wait!
Take a look at these newspapers once.
They've been haunting me
for the past one week.
It was written well in advance
how people related to me are going to die.
It was printed beforehand.
I found this clipping an hour ago.
Take a look.
Priya's news.
Check the date. November 16th.
I don't know
what's going to happen to Priya.
Kranthi, I couldn't save Anjali.
The least I can do is
save Priya and our baby.
I have no idea who the man
in the newspaper is.
We need to ask Priya.
Maybe she knows.
Kranthi, I need to warn her.
But she wouldn't talk to me right now.
We had a fight.
She's staying at her father's place now.
They won't allow me in there.
Kranthi, you need to come with me, please.
I promise
I will surrender
once this is all over. I promise.
Sagar, what are you even saying?
What's with all these newspapers?
So, in the year 1962,
a journalist named Satya Murthy
was killed on a printing machine.
Since then, the machine
has been printing papers
and taking down
corrupt journalists one by one.
Is that it?
Kranthi, you have to believe me.
We have very little time.
I need to go meet Priya.
Kranthi, we need to meet Priya somehow.
All these pieces
are from one single paper.
See this.
It's all fitting like a jigsaw puzzle.
If we join these, we'll see
another article in the center.
What is this?
"Sub Inspector Ajay Ghosh
brutally murdered."
Oh, my God!
"In his house in the police quarters,
Mankapuram SI Ajay Ghosh
has been brutally shot dead
with a country gun.
The primary investigation concludes that
the murder could've taken
place at one o'clock in the morning."
"The killer seems to have
fired all the bullets in the gun.
Four of those bullets have
pierced through Ajay Ghosh's body.
The remaining bullet missed its target,
and hit the wall behind him."
What is this?
-Yes, Ranga?
-Ma'am, I'm at the police quarters.
Someone has shot Ajay Ghosh to death.
When did this happen?
Around one o'clock in the morning, ma'am.
Fifteen minutes ago,
the neighbors reported gunshots
being fired to our control room.
can you tell me
how many bullets have been fired?
Let me see, ma'am.
It looks like the whole
magazine has been emptied.
I think all six bullets
have pierced through his body.
Ranga, no.
Only five bullets were fired.
Four of them
have pierced through his body.
One bullet has missed the target.
Check behind the body.
You're right, ma'am!
One bullet is stuck in the wall.
How did you know, ma'am?
I'll call you back.
As it is.
It happened in the same
manner as written in the paper.
How long will you take?
This is my husband's, isn't it?
-Where did you find it?
-What did you do to my husband?
What did you do to my husband?!
Stop nagging me about what I did to him.
Do you know who you're talking to?
What did you do?!
Calm down. I'll tell you.
Your husband was a bloody smuggler.
He looked like a damn buffalo.
But I just gave him a couple of blows
and he died. What am I supposed to do?
And you're acting as if you're so pious!
Is your husband the only man in your life?
Is he the father of all your three kids?
You're a whore who goes from
one bedroom to another at midnight.
Namaste, sir.
-Open the gate.
-Okay, sir.
-Sir, sorry to disturb you.
I'm Kranthi Shenoy.
I'm the Deputy Commissioner of Police.
I need to talk to Priya
regarding an important case.
You want to talk to her about
a case in the middle of the night?
She's pregnant.
She needs rest.
You can come back in the morning.
Sir, I understand. But
we don't have much time.
-Priya's life is in danger.
What the hell is he doing here?
What have you got to do with their fight?
Why is the police getting involved?
Sir, I'm not here to patch them up.
I don't care about that.
Let me tell you once again.
Priya's life is in danger.
We need to talk to her.
Please call her immediately.
-Ma'am, she's sleeping
-Call her now!
This is bullshit!
These papers, ghosts All nonsense!
Priya, I'm telling you.
Don't believe him.
This is just his plan
to get in touch with you.
Anjali passed away only a few days ago.
And now, both Priya
and our unborn child are in danger.
-At a time like this
-Listen, I know all about you.
-You're a bloody
-Dad, please.
Let him finish.
Priya, please take a look
at this photograph for me.
Take a good look and tell me.
Have you ever seen him in any of
the stories or cases that you've covered?
Are you sure?
First, we need to find out
who this man is.
We don't have much time.
Priya, keep this newspaper with you, okay?
Even if you remember the slightest detail,
call Kranthi and tell her, okay?
And Priya, please don't
meet anyone tomorrow.
Stay in your room, okay?
Please be careful.
We'll also organize some
security for you, okay?
You don't have to tell me
about my daughter's safety.
I know how to take care of my daughter.
If there's any threat to her life
right now, it's because of you.
That's the end of this discussion.
You may please leave.
She needs some rest.
Where will you go now?
I'll go back to my flat.
I can't go to Mom and Dad
at this time. They'll panic.
-Yes, ma'am.
Who placed this flowerpot here?
I did, ma'am.
Sir told me to do it this morning.
But I forgot.
When did you place it?
A while ago.
Just before Sagar sir were here.
Okay, ma'am.
Do you believe
that he's telling the truth?
Dad, look.
It's the same flowerpot.
It seems you told Vasu to place it here.
But Vasu is saying that he placed it here
just before Sagar came over.
I mean, it's the same flowerpot.
The same flowerpot is in this picture.
How is it possible, Dad?
Do you see what's happening here?
something is not right.
Sagar may not be a good husband.
But he's a good father.
He's really a good father.
He wouldn't lie about his baby.
It's just a matter of a day, right?
I'll stay in my room.
Who are you?
What do you plan on doing to Priya?
"Charles David.
His wife Marian passes away
in a gas cylinder blast."
Charles' wife Marian died in
a cylinder blast in the kitchen?!
Just meeting Ravi made the news
of my death appear in the paper.
But I don't know how I survived.
But Marian is alive.
-Hello, is this Mr. Viswanath's house?
-Yes, who is this?
-How are you related to him, sir?
-I'm his son.
Sir, has anyone died in your family
since your father's passing?
Why are you asking about my
father, who died 40 years ago?
Sir, please.
This is valuable information.
It's a matter of life or death
for my family. Please, sir.
Has anyone died in your family
since your father's passing?
Before my father passed away,
many people have died in our family.
However, there were no
more deaths after he died.
Only recently, my mother passed away.
How, sir?
Thank you, sir.
Thank you so much, sir.
Mr. Seshagiri Rao's house?
R&B Guest House.
Can I speak with you about Mr. Mohan?
Hello. Is this Mr. Murthy's house?
Can I speak with
Mr. Venkata Ratnam's family?
There's only one way to stop it.
I couldn't find a way
out of this all these days.
But finally, I have found a way.
My death.
All of this will stop only if I die.
Charles' newspaper
says that Marian is dead.
But she's still alive.
That's because Charles committed suicide.
I've contacted every journalist's family
from the file Kiran gave me.
All the family members are alive.
Because as soon as
the targeted journalist dies,
the ghost stops targeting the family.
They're all alive.
Only natural deaths.
No accidental ones.
If I want to save Priya,
my baby, and my parents
I must die, Kranthi.
And Kranthi
I'm so sorry for pulling you into this.
Thank you so much for all your support.
I love you so much.
Every moment that I've spent
with you is so special to me.
I know I've ruined
a beautiful relationship.
All of this happened
because I'm a corrupt journalist.
After knowing that Anjali
lost her life because of me,
I don't want to live anymore.
Before I die, there's something
I need to tell you.
The battery is dead.
The charger
Oh, God!
-How is he?
-He's absolutely fine, ma'am.
-Nothing to worry.
-Thank you.
Thank you for saving my life.
Well, I need you for the case, Sagar.
Luckily, a patrolling vehicle was
in close proximity and we could save you.
You decided to end your life.
Why did you have
a change of heart all of a sudden?
I checked the washroom.
You threw up all the pills, right?
Until now, I thought
I was the most corrupt journalist.
But there's someone even worse than me.
Her briefcase fell down
when I was looking for the charger.
I read the case files that were inside.
Her work ethic is worse than mine.
With more ease than I peddle lies
she is able to hide the truth.
The ghost of Satya Murthy
that's haunting me
will catch up to Priya someday.
I thought my family,
Priya's family, and the baby
would be safe if I committed suicide.
The last newspaper that
the machine prints should be about me.
I won't stop until that happens.
Please spare Priya and my baby.
I'll do whatever you want me to.
Please tell me.
"The change you bring in one person
leads the world to progress."
"The change you bring in one person
leads the world to progress."
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