Dive Club (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Mary Celeste

[male choir sings hauntingly]
-[man] Are you ready?
[choir continues]
What’s that?
It’s a very old Russian tradition.
When someone passes away, you
wrap this around them
to save their soul through eternity.
I'm sorry,
you can’t wrap it around Lauren.
I love the Russian language,
it’s so dramatic.
-[mockingly] Tch.
Soon, I reckon, you’ll be able
to read all of these.
I’m not sure about soon.
Oh, I bet you already can.
C’mon, what does this word say?
Ah [pronounces Russian word]
[pronounces Russian word]
[both laugh]
Well, I won't be able to learn the rest of
it if you don’t let me finish this lesson.
So, can I come visit when
you move to Moscow?
Why am I going to Moscow?
To join the National Ballet
and become the next Anna Pavlova.
Just promise you won’t become
the next Anna Karenina.
I won’t.
[orchestral plays]
Can I borrow this?
[slow resonant orchestral music]
Now Lauren’s soul
will always be protected.
[orchestral music continues]
-[Lauren] My dearest, darling Maddie,
I know this is the worst time
of your life.
When my mum died, I didn’t think I could
get up everyday and keep on going.
The only reason I did was for my dad.
I can’t even imagine how much it hurts
to lose both your parents at once.
But I just want you to know
that you can still keep going
even if it seems impossible because
there are other people who need you.
I need you, Maddie.
This poem helped me
and so I’m passing it on to you.
I believe things always find
their true home.
That’s why I want to start
a Dive Club.
A place for us to be us.
[sharp gasp]
[girls laugh]
- Wow!
- On the ocean, we can be free.
- Cool, right? What do you think?
- Whoa!
- It’s perfect.
- Anna! look at this.
[majestic music plays]
-[man] How’re you feeling, champ?
This skirt itches.
You don’t have to come, you know.
If you want to stay home,
that’s that's perfectly okay.
No, I should be there for the others.
It’s just that no-one knows
what happened to her,
so why have a memorial?
Well, it's a chance for people
to say goodbye.
Maybe there’s something you
want to say to Lauren, as well.
Are you gonna put anything on the tree?
I'm not sure what the right thing is.
What's up?
I think
I think we should take a break.
I don’t want to hurt your feelings,
it’s just we haven't really been--
It’s okay.
We haven’t really been ourselves lately.
- No.
- No.
Should we just see what happens
over the summer?
Who knows, maybe we’ll fall madly in love
-Are you OK?
I miss her.
We all do.
[mellow pop song plays]
You’re not ready?
It's because I’m not going.
You have to go.
You’re being just a bit stubborn.
Because I don't want to go to a memorial
for someone that's alive?
I know this isn’t black and white,
and that makes everything so much harder.
But I do know, if you don’t come today,
you will regret it.
I’m sure your friends
are gonna need you.
[air blowing into diving apparatus]
-You ready?
I guess it’s about time I saw these
droopy little fish faces up close.
It’s just, like
what if something
goes wrong down there?
Same thing if something goes wrong
up here - we help each other.
[breathing through masks]
I love that photo.
Tell me you’re not buying into
any of this.
I think it’s nice.
Renee did a good job.
Oh, Maddie.
Not you, too.
Look, Stevie, I want to believe
that she’s out there.
What I know is that they found her jacket.
[dramatic music plays]
-[woman] We’re here today to celebrate
Lauren Rose
a beloved daughter and friend.
It takes a village to raise a child.
We come together as a community
to mourn one.
Grief is the price we pay for love
but, when a loved one is taken from us
at such a young age
This is so ridiculous.
that price can seem too high.
I invite you all to look
at this memorial tree,
full of cherished memories,
a reminder that Lauren
is still with us.
Lauren’s friend, Stephanie,
would like to pay her respects.
Lauren is smart.
Lauren is capable.
She thinks things through.
I don’t think things through.
I tend to jump in headfirst,
and hope determination alone
will sort it out.
But Lauren thinks things through,
and she wouldn’t have
made rash decisions.
Hope can be uncomfortable.
Sometimes it's easier to give up
because hope can be so excruciating
that it’s unbearable.
But are we really going to give up
just because it’s easier?
But I am asking, begging all of you.
I know I sound like
a hysterical teenager,
but are we really gonna sit here
while she’s out there
waiting for us to find her?
We have to go, we have to go.
Lauren’s sudden disappearance
was clearly a shock to us all.
It’s understandable that that our
emotions sometimes get the better of us,
but it was a tragic accident.
Lauren’s friend, Madeleine,
would like to share a poem with us now.
Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away to the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were together,
whatever we were to each other,
that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the
little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect,
without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
[dramatic music plays]
She can't have been wearing it.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just around the corner.
All is well.
- Maddie!
- Beautiful, Madeleine.
We will now head down to the water
for those would like to join us.
Thank you, everyone, for coming.
Maddie! Maddie Maddie!
-You did good, small fry.
-Thanks, Sea Dog.
Stevie! Stevie, come here!
I have something to tell you.
Can I meet you at home?
I think my friends need me.
Brad, will you be joining us for supper?
Anna, we’re all meeting at the Clubhouse.
I have something to tell you.
It’s really, really important. Come on!
-I’ll be there soon.
-Come on!
Anna, your mother's expecting
both of us for supper today.
Then you have supper with her.
Anna. Decorum, please.
I am so tired of decorum.
I am so tired of not being able to say
how I really feel.
Brad, you know, I really don't think
I can do this anymore.
Doing what, exactly?
I know you have this plan,
and you want to get married,
and have two and a half kids
and a white picket fence, but
-I just I can't.
-What’s wrong with that, though?
Nothing, not for you,
but I don’t want to end up
like Anna Karenina.
Who's Anna Karenina?
Someone very, very unhappy.
Wait a second, you’re breaking up with me
at a memorial service?
That’s not very classy of you, is it?
Give my mother my apologies.
[upbeat rock music plays]
Oh ♪
Oh ♪
[slow mysterious music]
[mournful vocalising]
I knew it.
I said she was still out there.
Everyone acted like I was a fruit loop
but I was right.
You guys saw her last, was she
was she wearing the jacket?
I’m not sure.
Argh! My phone. I left it in the
boat. You guys just just go.
See, I think that she was, but I’ve seen
Lauren wear that jacket a million times.
I left it in the boat.
You guys just just go.
She wasn’t wearing it that day.
Could it have been in her backpack?
She didn’t have it with her.
Plus, Izzie said that she saw it
in her room that day, right?
I’m, like, 98% sure
it was under the bed, yeah, yeah.
OK, if it was under her bed
after she disappeared,
and then, they find it in the water,
that means that somebody put it there.
Why would someone plant a jacket?
'Cause they want us to think
that she's lost at sea.
See, someone wants us to think
that she’s gone for good,
but, I knew it, Lauren is still out there.
[door creaks]
[heavy breathing]
["Waltz of the Snowflake" by Tchaikovsky]
[heavy footsteps approach]
I thought you’d be here.
[mystical music plays]
[tranquil music plays]
Sorry I'm late!
[door bangs]
[ominous music]
What happened?
We found it like this.
Someone knew that we would
all be at the memorial service.
Did they take anything?
No, nothing seems to be missing.
It's all here.
Then what were they after?
[clattering, wind whistling]
Oh, it’s freezing.
Izzie, didn't you say you have
something to tell us?
Yeah, yeah, I saw the jacket in Lauren’s
room when the Chief nearly caught us.
That means that someone stole it,
ripped it and then made sure
it was found in the water.
-That means someone got to her.
-She’s dead.
-That means she’s alive.
What? No. No--
Then why would they make it
look like she washed out to sea?
-She's dead.
-She's not dead!
-What? No.
-She's dead.
-She's not!
-No, Anna, this is good, it means--
Then, why would they make it look like
her jacket washed out to sea?
-Um, guys
-She washed out to sea.
-No, don't you see,
the last time you saw her--
We have one of the
Russian Crown Jewels.
What Lauren found.
-Where is it?
-Where’s the brooch?
And someone has broken in and stolen it.
[dramatic music builds]
[slow orchestral music]
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