Django (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Giant

He spoke a lot about you.
All the time, as a matter of fact.
Do you have family?
I do.
Three kids and a wife.
Probably not recognise me anymore.
Why don't you just go home?
I'm no longer the
person they think I am.
At least you're alive.
Is that Seymour?
What happened?
It's Seymour, he's lost his damn mind.
He left for the Lady's house.
What he do?
He tried to light the
whole damn town on fire.
Sarah stopped him.
Is she all right?
She's back at the house.
We won today, back in Elmdale.
Elizabeth Thurmann's
attempt to pervert the law
and steal our home has failed.
Now, I thought this
would be the end of it.
What happened here tonight is
proof that this is far from over.
That it's only a matter of time
till they come at us again.
By then, we will be ready to fight!
Where is everyone?
They knew this had been a
recruiting area for the Confederates,
so they let their victorious troops
help themselves to the war booty.
Murders, rapes, looting.
I think the Indians did it.
They were taken as
guides by both the armies.
And now that the war is over,
they're doing incursions everywhere.
It's not uncommon.
When I heard what was going
on, I went immediately.
All I found were graves.
Where's my family, Father?
Let it go, Julian.
Thank you, Father.
I don't have a guiding path
to offer, but remember
all this is the result of hate.
Don't let hate dictate your decisions.
I thought I'd never see you again.
You know I'd never leave you alone.
Things might have gone different
if Django hadn't been there.
And what about you?
Are you all right?
Seymour needs help.
He almost burned down this whole
city. He could've killed you.
No, never.
Why are you defending him?
He's confused, he feels betrayed.
He feels betrayed?
He's still your son, your blood.
Yeah, damn, rotten blood.
Straight from a filthy
drunk who died of syphilis.
The bloodline would've been
better off if it just died out.
And Elizabeth more
of that rotten blood.
Turned my own son against me.
We need around the clock
guards and we need an army.
War is never the answer,
John. You taught me that.
But, things change, Sarah.
Whatever we get from the
next sale goes on guns
We're not bringing any more
war into this world, John.
We need that money for food,
for blankets, for shoes,
for medicine, for
things that bring peace.
Folks like me
only peace we get
is what we can take.
I put on a uniform, I killed for peace.
I lost Andrew, for peace.
I carved out this whole city
outta nothing, for peace.
And I am not gonna let
Elizabeth take that away from me.
Even if I have to kill her myself.
You're scaring me, John.
We're gearing up for war, stranger.
War is a big word, isn't it?
I don't think our father
uses it lightly either.
We're worried about who's
getting caught on the other side.
We don't want him killed.
Well, I guess your father
doesn't want him killed either.
His feelings for Sarah
are clouding his judgement.
When Pops first found her,
she wouldn't say a word.
Seymour stuck by her, made
sure she ate, slept, all that.
So, he wasn't too keen
when her and Father started
looking at each other different.
Honestly, it wasn't easy for us either.
But it was good for them.
They were both walking
around with these
these black clouds, this darkness.
When they were together, the
sun started shining through.
What we're saying is, we're
starting to see the clouds again.
Look, you've done more than your
fair share since you got here.
We know it, our father
knows it. He trusts you.
And we wouldn't be
here if he didn't. So
We're hoping you could
keep an eye on our father,
just for a little while.
Make sure no one gets
hurt if the storm rolls in.
I'm not going anywhere.
No, no. Please! No!
- No, no, no.
- For God's sake!
Wait, wait!
Whoo, whoo, whoo!
Whoo! Whoo!
You all right?
Hey, what's going on?
Do you remember the day you found me?
Yeah, of course.
Why were you there?
I was returning from the front.
Just passing through.
The Comanches, they
were wearing Union blues.
They were our guides.
Me and some of the boys from the
company camped out by the river.
The screams woke us up.
Where did you find me?
You were running down to
the river, near our tent.
I don't know how you got there.
And you stopped by the water
and just stared out.
That's not how I remember it.
You weren't in a mind to remember.
Being scared can do that to you.
Do you remember you always said that
whatever we are inside,
we're always also the opposite?
That loving someone
means seeing both sides.
I'm not scared of knowing,
I'm scared of not.
I have always been honest with you.
I know you're hurt, and it feels unfair.
But I'm convinced that you
were born to do great things.
And that music you were playing,
it wasn't yours,
it wasn't the right music for you.
Your Your music has
to come from your heart.
If hating me is what your heart
needs, then then hate me.
Put that hatred into your melodies.
I ordered a new piano.
All right, load her up.
You don't want a free drink?
What's eatin' you, brother?
You can trust me.
Sometimes the best way to let out
the rot is to spread it around.
You know what I mean?
All right, I'll guess.
You're in a backwoods shit
hole in the middle of the night.
You've got a dead look in your eye,
you've been drinking a
long while on your own.
You just came back from the war.
And I'm thinking, either
the old lady left you or
she got took by Injuns.
Injuns. Definitely Injuns.
The kids too?
Two sons and a daughter.
Well This must be serendipity
that we met here tonight.
My friends and I happen to kill
Injuns for fun and for profit.
We rob the occasional bank and
we take the occasional hostage.
And my name is Leonard Bolton.
Most folks call me the Giant, on
account of my advanced stature.
This is my brother, Peter.
I bought him for thirty
dollars before the war.
He chose to hang around, even though
Mr Lincoln made him a free man.
The kid is Lawrence, and the
smart ass here is White Elk.
Don't worry, he's one of the good ones.
And that's Rosario, he came
all the way from Sicily.
What's your name, stranger?
My name is Django.
What do you say, Django?
Want to make those godless
redskins pay for what they done
to your family to the tune
of fifty bucks a scalp?
Now, these guns, they
aren't gonna save us,
because they are nothing if
we don't learn how to use 'em.
If we don't learn how to
make 'em a part of ourselves.
But that's what we're
gonna do, from today.
Left, left, left-right
- Get ready! Take aim!
- Hold the line.
We are going to turn New Babylon
into an impenetrable fortress.
Aim. Fire.
So no one can come here and think
they can take what's ours again.
Whoo, yeah!
Hold the line. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
Left, left, left, left
C'mon, hold the line.
Close your left eye and aim.
Assume firing positions. Fire!
Take aim. Fire!
The herbs made him feel
better, until last night.
Then all of a sudden, he got
real hot, he can't stay awake,
he won't eat nothing
Boil this until it's
thick and make him drink.
That'll cool him down until
the quinine is working.
We don't have quinine.
We will. I promise.
I'll go and get it.
Getting guns, huh?
Yes, ma'am. The city's unassailable now.
And what about the girl?
She is constantly challenging John.
She started to leave
the city on her own.
The child is growing
up. How does John react?
John isn't the same as he was.
Ever since the master came
to the city to set fire
to the wells, he's lost
his sense of reason.
Well done, Aaron. You honour
the family you belong to.
You must be tired, go
and get some food and rest
before you go back to the devil's den.
Ye yes, ma'am. Thank you.
What are you thinkin'?
I wanna give you something.
I wanna give you happiness.
A happiness I have to live without.
Now we wait
Where've you been?
To get what we really need.
Marybell's son is sick.
I'm trying to protect us,
I'm trying to protect you.
It's not safe going
out there alone anymore.
I'm a grown woman, I
can take care of myself.
No, you can't. And you
thinking you can is insane.
What's insane is what you're
doing to this place, John.
I'm just putting an end to the
to the wrongs I've suffered.
I'm going out again tomorrow,
to get medicine for Frank's wife.
You're too important.
I'm forbidding you from
leaving New Babylon anymore.
Are you giving me an order, John Ellis?
Yes, I am.
Ever since the oil came
everything changed.
Or do you mean John changed?
Do you think he's right?
Well, he thinks he is.
That's not what I asked.
Since when do you care what I think?
I don't know if it's right.
I don't know, I've been running
from place to place my whole life.
'Cause I thought that
was the right thing to do,
and I only ended up making it worse.
So, I'm the wrong person to ask.
You're different.
If you don't like where this place
is going, you should change it.
You have the power to do that.
You can fix what's broken.
Look at me.
Only you can do that.
That's who you are.
You have that strength.
What's wrong?
I couldn't fix it.
I couldn't save them.
You were just a little child.
Right? There's nothing
you could have done.
No, you're wrong.
It was all my fault.
I was untameable then.
I used to spend all day
outside hunting, alone.
And I hated Uncle Elijah.
I hated him so much.
Where have you been all afternoon?
Don't, don't, don't, don't.
Please, Maggie.
That's Daddy's.
Don't you always say,
"A lady doesn't smoke"?
A lady doesn't do most
things I've been doing
since your father abandoned us.
My father's coming back.
The war's over, Sarah.
Mr Garrett came back a month
ago and said he saw your father
catching a train north.
What do you think that means?
If he really cared about us,
he never would have left at all.
Maggie, that's not fair.
He left for all of us.
Not for me.
What's that supposed to mean?
Ask your uncle.
What does she mean?
Why didn't Uncle Eli go with him?
Why'd he send my father,
who had more kids?
- Sarah, your father wanted to go.
- That's a damned lie!
The truth is that he's a
filthy, good-for-nothing coward.
Sarah! I will not allow
this language at my table.
You're even worse than them. I hate you.
I hate all of you.
That night when
when I went to sleep in the
barn, I left the rifle at the house.
Later, when the Comanches came, I
I knew they had killed Mom.
Sarah, Sarah!
And they killed Sammy
right in front of my eyes.
I was so scared. And I did nothing
Don't think like that.
Nothing? You're alive. You're alive!
That's everything.
They would be so proud of you.
God, I'm so proud of you.
If they would see me right now,
they would never forgive me.
And neither will I.
Sarah, wait.
Welcome to hell.
It's a lucky day. Easy pickings.
They're mostly kids.
A scalp's a scalp.
The army can't tell the difference
and they wouldn't care if they could.
It's a trap. Looks like
we got a fair fight.
Yeah! Ha!
I need you to kidnap someone.
A young woman.
You flatter me, milady.
What makes you think a
humble outlaw, such as myself,
could do something like that?
Now you're selling yourself short.
Given the Giant is the most
wanted criminal in the state,
there must be a reason why.
It takes a special kind of
ingenuity for a man, or a woman,
to rack up that many enemies.
Half now
half when it's done.
I told you not to leave!
What's going on?
It's not your business, stranger.
You're not getting back
on that horse, Sarah.
We're all on the same side. Hold on.
We're on the same side, right?
I already told you, this
is not your business.
- Sarah, what's going on?
- Tell him, John.
Tell him why you dragged
me off that horse.
Tell Frank's dying wife. Tell
everyone that you've gone crazy!
Say it!
- Huh! Ah!
- John, let her go.
- John!
- John, let her go!
Don't ever touch her again. You hear me?
Don't ever touch her again!
What the hell's gotten into you?
What are you doing to this family?
It's not safe!
Then I'll go after her.
Jeffrey, Sam, Darryl, you go with Kevin.
Everyone else get back to training.
C'mon then, get back to training.
You were looking for me?
I told you I want you to be happy.
So, I wanna give you what
you want most in the world.
- I don't think that's possible.
- Oh, but of course it is.
I'll give her to you.
She'll wear my dress and
marry you in front of me.
And you'll spend your first
night together right here.
Then you'll take off,
to the West Coast and
start a new life
in the City of Angels
and just forget about everything else.
You convinced her of this plan?
Hmm not yet.
You can tell the boss I'm fine.
I know you are.
I hope maybe some of that courage
of yours will rub off on me.
It's not courage, Kevin.
It's just what it looks like
on the other side of hell.
She's not alone.
How many others?
Four. And two Negroes.
Well, I guess your lady's
gonna have to pay extra then.
All right.
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