Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Inquieto: Restless, Unstable

It's just a signed CD.
Will it be
hard to suddenly
schedule a recital?
It's your sabbatical.
It is.
I need some money.
How much?
About 20,000 dollars.
I'm sorry to ask so suddenly.
I will check, but
it's best not to
get your hopes up.
Yes, I know.
All the halls will
be rented out.
More than that
Even if we manage
to book you a hall,
it'll be hard to fill the seats.
Since Seung Ji Min won
a piano competition,
he took a lot of the market.
It'll be
much more than you think.
teach me.
I'll enter the
Tchaikovsky competition.
By the time the calluses
on my fingers hardened,
He's so handsome.
- Thank you.
- You're so handsome.
I thought my heart would
have toughened as well.
Since there was
nothing special between us.
That I would be
okay now.
I told myself that every day.
Could you sign this for me?
Song Ah.
Song Ah.
Song Ah.
Are you okay?
I like you.
I like you, Joon Young.
That day, he told me his story.
About his piano,
about his love,
about his friend.
He told me about the feelings
he tried so hard to empty
in case they overflowed.
was like a habit.
I'd sit at the
piano every day
and play it.
It was like emptying the emotions
I'd kept bottled up all night.
Jung Kyung's
mother's accident
didn't happen because of you.
But still,
it's not that simple for me.
I'm sorry to say this.
I'll need
a little time.
Can you
wait for me?
I'll wait.
Oh, right. Which session is
your graduation performance?
The fifth.
Okay. Good.
That piece, Franck's sonata.
Play that for your graduation
to practice being on stage,
and take the graduate
school entrance exam.
Who's your accompanist?
I'll ask the piano major
who accompanied me
on my practical exam.
You'll play with a student?
A graduate school entrance exam
isn't like a practical exam.
An accompanist is so important.
A violin sonata
is a sonata for
violin and piano.
It's not for a violin and
an accompanying pianist.
The two people playing the
sonata must breathe together.
You must think together
and create music together.
You're companions and partners.
If you don't know a
pianist, call this person.
She's my friend's daughter.
She got a Master's at Julliard
for piano accompaniment.
I sent you her number.
You remember what I said to you
during our first tutoring session.
At a competition,
you must get
7, 8, 9 points from
all the judges.
If you get 10 from 1 or 2
judges and 6 or 7 from the rest,
you can never win the competition
is what I believe I told you.
I never forgot that.
You're doing the right thing.
Satisfy everyone to
a certain degree.
Whatever field you work in,
knowing what you're
good at is a skill.
That goes for this time as well.
Do what you're good at, not
what you want to do. Okay?
Music exists only when
there's someone to listen.
Unless you want to play
alone in a tiny room,
win a competition.
Even if I don't tell you,
I know you're much
more desperate.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Didn't Park Joon Young
sign with Chris' company
after winning the
Chopin Competition?
And Chris gave the management
rights in Korea to our foundation.
Yes. It's like outsourcing,
for old time's sake.
What if
Chris actually takes back
the Korean management rights?
Will he make Park Joon Young
sign with another agency?
Their contract is still
valid for the next few years.
Ms. Cha will sort it out.
Right Of course
It all sounds like an
excuse to us, unfortunately.
You leave us no choice
but to take back
Kyunghoo's management rights
of Joon Young in Korea.
Wait, hello? Chris.
Song Ah. Did you decide what to
play for your senior recital?
Franck's sonata.
Isn't that the piece for the
graduate school entrance exam?
- Did the professor okay that?
- Yes.
Hey, isn't that
Park Joon Young?
He's looking at us.
May I
join you?
You're also taking
senior lectures,
but none of them
overlap with ours.
It's so sad.
Will you do a senior recital?
- I'll come and watch.
- Me too.
Okay, please do.
- We have a lecture.
- Already?
We have to go.
See you again soon.
- Song Ah, enjoy your lunch.
- Thanks.
Why won't you say anything
as if we're strangers?
Who are you?
You've never been to
the student union?
I've only been to the
cafeteria downstairs.
There are so many clubs.
If there's one you
like, why not join it?
Is it okay to join two
months before I graduate?
Of course not.
It's over there.
This is SRUPO.
Where you spent your youth.
What? My youth?
Yes, well, I guess so.
This is where I
decided to study music.
The truth is, I haven't been
here in such a long time.
I don't know the
current members.
But I'm sure they'll
recognize you.
They'll be so surprised.
There's no one inside.
- The door's locked.
- Yes.
Where do you go now?
To Kyunghoo's office?
No, I'll stay here and practice.
I can't use the rehearsal room
when there's a performance.
What about you?
I guess I'm going home.
Anyway, tomorrow
So, tomorrow
What time are your lectures?
I only have one
in the afternoon.
Shall we get ice cream at
the student union tomorrow?
Do they still sell it?
Yes. I'd like that.
It tastes the same as before,
though it's 50 cents more expensive.
What is it?
It's just that you talk like
an old man.
Come on. We're the same age.
Your shoelace came
undone. Hold this for me.
I'll tie it myself.
In the movies, the man always
does the girl's shoelaces.
- In the movies?
- Yes.
That makes the
girl fall for him.
I don't want to fall for you.
Give mine back.
Don't laugh. I'm serious.
I'm not laughing.
I said don't laugh.
Use this.
I'll just go to the
restroom and wash my hands.
Here's a reminder that
we're hiring because
Professor Song Jeong Hee who
taught violin is retiring.
That's why we have an opening,
but the position is open to anyone
who teaches a string instrument.
We will hire just one person
with the highest marks
out of all violin, viola,
cello, and double bass majors.
Details on your master class,
recital, and interview
will be uploaded to the
noticeboard on our website.
Thank you.
Excuse me, then.
- Leave it with me.
- What?
Give me your violin.
You can't go anywhere with it.
Don't worry. I won't run off.
Trust me.
I didn't know you applied too.
You could've told me.
Aren't you angry?
About what?
I'm trying to compete with you.
I want to take your position.
Doesn't that make you mad?
What right do I have
to get mad at you?
There's nothing
between us anymore.
I'm glad you've
chosen your path.
You're glad?
Do you feel better?
Then how do you expect me to be?
We broke up.
What more do you expect?
Jung Kyung.
What did I do wrong?
Did I ever do
anything you disliked?
What did I do wrong
for you to do this?
I kept thinking about
what I did wrong.
What did I miss for
you to leave me?
But no matter how
much I think about it,
all I've done is look
at you for 10 years.
Is that wrong?
Did you get sick of it?
How could you throw away
our 10 years like that?
What do you want me to do then?
Did I hide anything from you?
I told you I was
having second thoughts.
I asked you to hold onto me.
But you didn't do anything.
It's not like I didn't
do anything. I couldn't.
Since the reason you were
having second thoughts
was because of Joon Young.
You're right.
I love Joon Young.
I I love him.
Stop it.
Hyeon Ho, she's just angry
and saying anything
Did you like Jung Kyung?
My goodness. How could you
Is this the one I gave you?
Before the Chopin Competition?
Use this.
How could you do this to me
How could you like Hey.
How could you do that after
watching us for 10 years?
Park Joon Young. Tell me.
- Tell me, you jerk.
- Stop it.
If you have anything
to say, say it to me.
You two.
What did you do in New York?
What did you do to make
you both lie like this?
Did you
sleep together?
We did.
We didn't. Jung Kyung,
what are you talking about?
Hyeon Ho, we really didn't.
We didn't. Tell
him it's not true!
What's not true?
You love me.
Tell me.
I want you to say it.
Hyeon Ho.
Song Ah.
Song Ah.
Tell Hyeon Ho it isn't true.
Song Ah.
That never happened, I swear.
Please believe me.
I do.
I believe you.
Between you and Jung Kyung
I mean, between the years you
two have known each other
Is there any space
for me?
I'll wait for you.
I will wait.
But I want to know
that at least.
I'll go now.
Give it to me.
Give that to me.
I'll hold it for you.
I won't run away with that.
Leave it with me.
You can't go anywhere with it.
Don't worry. I won't run off.
Trust me.
It's okay, thank you.
- Hey, Eun Ji.
- Hey, about that cake.
- Cake?
- Yes.
The one you brought
for Song Ah's birthday.
Where did you get it?
It was so delicious.
When do you need it by?
It's in Jamsil, and you have to
make a reservation a week before.
What? A week?
I'll just get one from
a bakery nearby. Thanks.
By the way, the rookie on my
team said she has time this week.
- How about you?
- What?
I told you I'd set you up.
I'll send you her number,
so give her a call.
What is this?
- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Come with us.
No, Joon Young
Okay. I'll come with you.
Does it make sense to do it now?
It doesn't, right?
Chae Song Ah.
You weren't listening, were you?
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Forget it.
Eun Ji told me
Dong Yun is really
going to meet that girl.
Why do you look so down?
Did something bad happen?
No, it's nothing.
Don't lie to me. I can
feel something's wrong.
It's nothing.
Ms. Chae, who are
you trying to fool?
It's written all over your face.
I told you it's nothing.
What is it? Tell me.
It's just
There's someone I like.
Someone you like?
Who? Is it someone I know?
It's Park Joon Young.
The pianist Park Joon Young?
So, does he know
that you like him?
He probably does.
- Since I told him.
- What? You told him?
- You did?
- Hey, quiet down.
So, Chae Song Ah told a guy
that she likes him?
Yes. I told him I like him.
What did he say?
He asked me to wait.
I don't think he'll come to me.
If he wanted to, he
would have already.
Why is the weather so nice?
Tell me about it.
In this case, since we
have these three notes,
we get a minor triad.
So the major seventh combined
to the existing minor triad
will form a
minor-major seventh
Young In, it's me.
How is Director Nah?
I'm glad.
I just arrived at the
hospital. Do you want to come?
She'll be happy to see you.
Oh, I'll go next time.
Next time.
We'll lose our management
rights for Joon Young?
Yes. I'm trying
to persuade Chris,
but he's so adamant
over the phone.
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
What did Joon Young say?
I haven't discussed
it with him yet.
We talked briefly on the
phone about something else,
but he didn't mention it,
so I don't think he knows.
I see.
Did Joon Young start his lessons
again with Professor Yoo?
Ms. Cha.
Isn't it awkward
with Professor Yoo?
It's been ages
since we broke up.
It's not awkward, but not
that uncomfortable either.
Once it passes by, love
isn't a big deal either.
We have so much to do in
life to be lost in love.
But who would know that
when they're young?
I was like that too.
That's why I hurt
people on purpose.
Joon Young, that's exactly
why you disappoint me.
If one person is very
successful or lags behind,
it might cause conflict
between each other.
Will they understand with time?
Now, love is everything to
them, so they'll blame me.
That I hurt their feelings.
But later on
No, even if they don't
understand, so be it.
It makes me feel bad.
Gosh, I also want to
be remembered as a good
person to everyone.
You are already a good
person to many people.
This is so annoying.
Mom, he told me to wait.
Mr. Kim said if I waited,
he'd allocate this case to me.
But Ms. Jang took
the case instead.
That case was supposed
to go to her anyway.
Still, he told me
I'd get the case.
Just forget about it.
Is that the only case at your
law firm? Find another one.
No! I already did all the research
thinking I'd get the case.
Darn it! This is so annoying.
You should know how to hold
your temper from time to time.
How could you be so
different from your sister?
What do you mean?
What? Do you expect me to
live like a pushover like her?
- Why are you taking it out on me?
- I can't take this anymore.
I'll go complain to
Mr. Kim about this.
Complain about what?
He probably just trusted
Ms. Jang more than you.
That's not true!
That case was mine, seriously!
He shouldn't have told me
to wait in the first place.
My goodness.
I worked day and night
because of that case.
How could Mr. Kim do this to me?
What's with her?
Yes, Mom.
No. I watched a
movie with Seung Woo.
Did I ever say I wasn't
going to practice?
I'm going to practice
before going to sleep.
Stop talking about Juilliard!
You couldn't go there either.
Can't you be more careful?
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll get it.
- No, just go get some napkins.
- No, I got it.
- No, I'll do it.
Seung Woo.
- The thing is
- Is this
your application?
You didn't apply to Juilliard?
- Hey, Song Ah.
- Dad.
How about a drink?
- Sure.
- All right.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Don't mind what your
sister said earlier.
I told her off about it.
If someone just waits
and does nothing,
do people think
they're frustrating?
I'm good at waiting too.
I wait for the bus, the subway,
and I wait for the
food at restaurants.
Song Ah.
waiting to see how you
find your happiness.
No matter what path you take,
I trust you'll find the road
that makes you the happiest.
Thank you.
You have so many CDs.
"Violinist Chae Song Ah".
That's cool.
Did he sign this for you
because you were carrying
a violin at his performance?
What a nice guy.
He is a nice guy.
Is this the one I gave you?
Before the Chopin Competition?
Use this.
What a waste of time.
- You're home.
- Yes.
Did you practice together?
Yes. But I didn't like her,
so I'll look for someone else.
I see.
You should get some rest.
Okay, you too.
I broke up.
With Hyeon Ho?
Yes. You remember his name.
Jung Kyung.
As time passes,
you tend to remember
when you hurt someone
more than when someone hurt you.
So don't
hurt someone too deeply.
Thank you, Mr. Han.
No problem.
If she tries her best,
do you think she'll get into
Seoryeong University like you?
I don't even hope for
her to get first place
in the performance
test like you.
She's practicing
very hard lately.
I told you.
Just make it into
Seoryeong University.
I'll do anything you want.
Did you just hear that?
You're the witness.
Oh, okay.
Gosh, how silly of me.
This is for today's
lesson. Here.
Thank you.
I can only imagine how proud
your parents were of you.
That's not true.
Welcome. Goodness.
Oh, gosh. You surprised me.
What's up with you?
My back hurts.
- Mom.
- What?
I'll become a good son.
Just wait a little longer.
A good son?
Why make me wait instead
of becoming one now?
Hey. What about me then?
Of course I meant both
of you, like a set.
You got that right.
By the way, you should invite
Joon Young over for dinner.
I'll cook something
good for him.
Why do you never ask him
to bring Jung Kyung over?
Are you jealous of
your son's girlfriend?
He's so clueless.
They're not even married.
Asking her to come over will
make her feel uncomfortable.
And I doubt Jung Kyung enjoys
home-cooked meals like us.
I'm so tired.
I did three lessons
today, and I'm exhausted.
- Are you tired? Go get some rest.
- Bye.
- Okay.
- I'll see you later.
Okay, see you later.
It's hot. Let's go
inside and talk.
Let's just talk here.
Why are you here?
I'm sorry.
For what?
It was a lie.
When I said I slept
with Joon Young.
Why is that important now?
You said
The fact that you said that
shows me how you feel.
Do you know why I applied
to Seoryeong University?
I have to do
something. Anything.
Graduating summa cum laude
from Seoryeong University
and a PhD from
Indiana means nothing.
There are too many
cellists like me in Korea.
I'm not that well-off.
I must do anything
I can to survive.
- Hyeon Ho.
- The second reason is
I wanted to stand on your level.
I didn't want to be an
embarrassment to you.
I wanted to be someone
who deserves
and suits to stand next to you.
That was my effort
and my love for you.
It means nothing
now, doesn't it?
And don't come here again.
Okay, Song Ah.
Let's stop there for today.
- Professor.
- Yes, hello.
Not the living room. The
master bedroom's curtains.
Take them to the dry cleaner's.
And this morning,
my older child
Joon Young.
Are you seeing a violinist?
I heard the girl did all she
could to get close to you.
Is it true?
She's not like that.
Don't be so serious.
Are you seeing someone?
The music world is
smaller than you think.
People love to talk about how
you meet someone then break up.
The gossip lasts a long time.
If you are seeing someone,
stay under the radar
for the girl's sake.
Hey. Here you go.
Why is making a chamber
group so complicated?
I'm so glad to
have you, Song Ah.
Joon Young.
It's been a while. I
heard you came back.
Are you two acting
indifferently because of me?
I hear you two are dating.
- No.
- No.
You're not?
All the professors know.
Song Ah. None of
the professors
- knew who you were
- No.
It's really not true.
If it's not true, it's not
true. No need to act so serious.
You're embarrassing me.
I apologize.
But the rumor isn't true.
Okay. I get it.
Excuse me.
Yes, Hae Na.
Oh, really?
It can't be helped,
then. I get it.
What a nuisance.
Oh, Song Ah. Will you
take a master class?
I had asked Hae Na
to go but she's sick.
It starts soon.
If you have no lectures,
would you like to go?
Get a private lesson on
your entrance exam piece.
You'll be taught by a
professor candidate.
Her name is Lee Jung Kyung.
You don't have to go.
I'll do it.
I'd like a private lesson.
You'll pass the master class as
long as you don't mess up badly.
The recital is what's important.
You must score lots
of points on that.
So find a great pianist
to accompany you.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Won't you feel uncomfortable
around Jung Kyung?
It won't be comfortable.
my feelings for
you are important,
but I have other
things that I like
and want to be good at.
Right now, to me,
getting into graduate
school is really important.
So I don't want to
lose an opportunity
where I can
learn something new
because of my emotions.
I should go.
The rumor the
professor mentioned.
I'm perplexed as
to how it started,
but I'm upset.
Hearing you deny it so
strongly in front of me
was oddly upsetting.
I said it because of you.
In case the rumor
puts you on the spot.
I'm concerned about you.
Don't talk like that.
Although you may
just be saying it,
every single word you say
and every little thing
you do concerns me.
But now,
I don't want to feel
that way anymore.
Song Ah.
Joon Young.
I'm glad to see you. I
had something to tell you.
Play the piano for
me at my recital.
I won't play for you.
Dong Yun canceled
the blind date?
Do you think it's because of me?
Since he's concerned about me?
Song Ah, I
Why are you here?
- It's all my fault.
- What's your fault?
Song Ah, are you
dating Park Joon Young?
A world-class musician won't date
an ordinary student like her.
Is that why you kept
pushing me away lately?
Every single word you say
and every little thing
you do concerns me.
Song Ah, I
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