Doctor Slump (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Isn't it really tall?
- It grew so much.
- It's so tall.
- Yours grew a lot, Seo-yeon.
- What about yours?
Everyone, how does it feel
to grow kidney beans by yourselves?
- It's great!
- It's so cool!
Ji-an, how big is yours?
But ma'am,
why didn't his bean sprout yet?
Is it a bad bean?
One minute.
Your kidney bean will sprout soon too.
Let's be patient.
Yes, ma'am.
Out of the dozens of seedlings,
mine was the only one that didn't sprout.
It was the "kidney bean incident."
This is what I remember as
the first time I failed in my life.
I tried putting the pot in a sunny area.
I was more diligent than others
in watering my plant.
- But my kidney bean…
- Pretty.
…still refused to sprout.
- Let's take a break.
- Okay.
- I think it'll grow.
- Right.
I feel bad for you.
Your kidney bean won't sprout.
You must be upset.
No, I'm not. I'm okay.
To be honest,
I don't like growing kidney beans.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Kidney beans are my least favorite beans.
And if they're in my rice, I don't eat it.
I don't need kidney beans in my life.
I won't cry because of those stupid beans.
Because of those stupid beans,
I bawled my eyes out that day.
I felt lonely and sad.
I went home crying tears
the size of those beans.
What do I say?
Mom, going somewhere?
I'm going to LA with your father
for his conference.
We'll be gone for a week,
so stay with the housekeeper.
What's that?
It's my report card.
But… I went down in rankings.
I never thought
I could get such a low grade.
Is it that hard to keep up
what you've been doing?
What's the point of living in failure?
- Go upstairs and study.
- Okay.
Have a good trip.
This is all because of Nam Ha-neul.
That's when I realized.
Life was like a kidney bean.
There were some things
that happen out of my control.
We're heading out.
Could you log us out?
Unlike happiness,
which felt vague at times,
misfortune always made its presence known.
You bastard.
I hit rock bottom in the blink of an eye.
And failure always went
hand in hand with loneliness.
To save face, I pretended
I was fine and bearing it.
Hi, Mom.
Your father's a chairman candidate
for the American Heart Association.
So make sure all of his hard work
doesn't go to waste.
To be honest, I longed
for a family who cared about me.
I really didn't do it, Kyung-min!
I yearned for someone who believed in me.
as one misfortune led to another,
my days never got better
and were surrounded in darkness.
Will I ever be okay again?
Will I ever get to enjoy
a normal evening again?
It's a pen.
What? Why isn't it working?
- What are you doing?
- My goodness!
You startled me.
Why are you up here?
You two are this close now?
That's not it.
Then, why are you here?
I came to take our blanket
and saw you here.
I came up to get some air.
The door was open, so I came to close it.
Then, you should've done just that.
Why were you staring at that pen?
What is it?
"I wanted to see you,
but you weren't home."
- Were you going to leave a memo?
- You little--
- Isn't this a spy camera?
- What?
I'm right. This is a lens.
Why do some people take photos like that?
To be honest,
at my clinic,
someone was secretly recording…
Jeong-woo, where are you?
The suspect ran down
that alleyway after getting hit.
But the CCTV camera
in that alleyway was broken,
so we couldn't find out
exactly where he went.
the police substation in your area
just sent us this dashcam footage.
You had a break-in last month, right?
I did.
The suspect was caught on the dashcam
of a motorcycle passing by at that time.
It's not completely clear, but…
They're the same person, right?
Yes, their builds, heights,
and gaits are similar.
We think they're the same person.
Also, the suspect dropped
this at the scene.
It's the same model
as the one from your clinic.
Detective Kim.
- Yes?
- Can you take a look at this?
Excuse me.
Hey, Ha-neul. What are you doing here?
I heard you were here.
This is good timing.
I stumbled across this
under your desk and…
What could this be about?
He must've left the camera
at my house that day.
Was he trying to record me?
I'm not sure.
We're looking into it,
so we'll find out soon.
Detective Kim.
Hey, how did it go?
The spy camera was slightly damaged.
It seems some water got inside,
so they can't restore the data.
Then, there's no way?
Who in the world did this?
Hidden cameras and stalking?
Hey, what's all this blood?
- I just scraped myself a bit.
- It's not a bit. It's a lot.
It looks like a scalp laceration.
You should've gone to the ER.
- It's okay. I stopped the bleeding.
- It's not okay.
Let's go to the hospital now.
- Mr. Yeo Jeong-woo?
- Yes?
You had a 1.5 cm cut,
so we sealed it with staples.
- Does he have a concussion?
- No, you don't have to worry.
- Does he need a brain CT scan--
- No.
It's not that bad.
I understand. Thank you.
Let's go.
Why are you crying?
Because I feel bad for you.
What are you going to do?
Were you drinking?
What's gotten into you?
Sit down. What's wrong?
I thought your surgery
just went wrong that day.
I thought you were just unlucky.
I thought it was a bad coincidence.
But someone may have targeted you…
How did you bear it all this whole time?
Don't cry.
- If you cry, I'll feel--
- What about how I feel?
I feel worse, you know?
You've been through so much.
What do we do?
Have you finally calmed down?
Maybe it's my depression,
but I suddenly burst into tears at times.
I should go home and take more medicine.
Do you have any idea who it could've been?
The one who set up the cameras
in your clinic and left them in your room.
Is there anyone you suspect?
There is.
The anesthesiologist
who was also in the OR…
keeps bothering me.
Right. He was supposed to testify
but backed out two days before.
That's right. It would've been easy
to set up the cameras if he worked there.
But why did he do it?
Beats me.
Don't worry too much.
It'll all work out.
Truth will always reveal itself.
Slowly but surely.
Where did you get that great line from?
A movie?
- You think I ever had time to watch one?
- Right.
Let's go watch a movie
once things are settled.
I'd like to have some popcorn
while sitting next to someone I like.
Let's go.
The third hearing over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau
will begin this morning.
The author of a dissertation
will appear as a witness today
- to prove Yeo's claims of innocence.
- Okay. Bye, Mom.
Thank you so much for the other day.
I could catch the dragonfly thanks to you.
I was so excited that I went
to Yangpyeong to give it to my son.
You went all the way there just for that?
He stays there with my mom
during the weekdays.
My mom's been living there with my aunts
ever since my dad passed away.
He's a five-year-old boy
brimming with energy,
so imagine how bored he must be
living with three old ladies.
I always felt bad
that he had no one to play with.
Anyway, thank you.
If you come across any insects,
please catch them and let me know.
Have a nice day.
What was that?
Is she giving me homework or something?
Why would she ask me to do that?
- You two.
- My goodness.
Since when have you been so close?
We're not close.
We were just talking about a dragonfly.
We had an incident.
"An incident"?
Was it a one-night stand?
What are you talking about?
No, I said it was about a dragonfly.
Why would you interpret it like that?
Your mind is in the gutter.
No, it's not. You were being vague.
If this is mine, give it to me already.
Did you add syrup?
Then this one's mine, right?
Give it to me.
- I'm hungry.
- Hang on.
What do you mean? I'm hungry.
Jeez, just wait.
I want some nice and sticky rice.
Let go of me while I'm being nice.
Not until you make me some sticky rice.
For crying out loud.
Just make it yourself!
But I can't cook.
If you can't, you should learn.
I had to learn how to cook too, you know.
- What are you looking for?
- My iron.
I swear I put it somewhere here.
Did you take it?
Why would I take your iron?
You sold once sold our air fryer
to go on a date with your girlfriend.
We broke up.
Your beating hurt for three hours,
so I vowed to never sell our stuff again.
Give it thorough search.
Where did it go?
Did it grow legs and run away?
- Take it off.
- Sorry?
I said take it off. I'll iron your shirt.
Why all of a sudden?
When I saw the news, your shirt
was crumpled at the last hearing.
You looked pretty shabby.
I'll iron it nicely, so take it off.
Goodness, that's okay. Hold on.
May I take it off myself?
Sure. Hurry up.
This is so strange.
Where did they go?
What are you looking for? Your iron?
Why would it be in the fridge?
No, not my iron.
Last night, I swear I put
some stir-fried anchovies,
soy sauce braised beef,
and stuffed cucumber kimchi in here.
But they vanished into thin air.
No way. Do you have dementia?
What do I do?
I think I'm about to cry!
You little brat!
You sure it wasn't you?
You once stole my marinated pork ribs,
leaf mustard kimchi, and abalone
to give to your girlfriend.
I'm right. It was you.
It wasn't me.
I told you we broke up!
You little punk!
That hurts!
- You little…
- That hurts.
- You…
- I said it hurts.
Where are they?
What did you say?
- What did you say?
- Mom!
You little punk.
See? You look more confident and better.
It's crooked.
Hurry up and eat.
Eat? I wasn't planning on eating.
You should still eat.
If you're satiated, it activates
the parasympathetic nerves,
which in turn makes you calmer
and more composed.
You'd feel sadder if you were
backed into a corner and hungry.
So hurry up.
I'm really okay.
Finish your meal and come downstairs
in 30 minutes. I'm coming with you.
To where?
What if that guy follows you
and beats you up again?
I never got beaten up.
I'm okay only because I'm athletic.
If it were you,
you wouldn't be alive right now.
I'm different.
- Anyway, I'm tagging along.
- I said no.
- Let's do rock, paper, scissors.
- This is a serious matter.
Rock, paper, scissors!
Okay. I'll see you in a bit.
Hey, Ha-neul!
Gosh. Just had to go with rock…
I swear I didn't steal them!
I'm home.
Hi, where did you go this morning?
What did he steal?
My iron and my side dishes
from last night are missing.
And he's the only person
under this roof who'd do that.
Was it you?
My goodness, as if Ha-neul
would do such a thing.
Your sister was
the top student in this country.
Then, she passed
that difficult medical license exam.
She also worked and saved lives at one
of the top three hospitals in the nation.
She would never steal such trivial things.
Why not?
It's possible if she's blinded by love.
Today is Mr. Rooftop's hearing.
She could've taken the iron
to iron his clothes
and the side dishes to feed him.
You never know.
Is this true, Ha-neul?
Did you really…
Don't be ridiculous.
- It wasn't me.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Right?
It wasn't me.
Move aside. It wasn't me.
It wasn't her.
Then, it was you.
It wasn't me.
It's not me.
It wasn't me.
- It wasn't me!
- Yes, it was.
- It wasn't me!
- Don't lie, you punk.
My goodness! What in the world?
- Don't tell me Mom gave you a bloody nose.
- It wasn't because I was hit.
I slipped and fell while dodging.
Anyway, it really wasn't you?
What's with you? I said I didn't.
I'll go upstairs and see for myself.
Fifty thousand won. Will that be enough?
Fifty thousand for a bloody nose?
Double it.
I'll just come clean to Mom.
I just didn't want to hear her nag.
- I'm actually not embarrassed.
- Fine.
I'll take just 50,000 won
since you're my sister.
Consider yourself lucky.
What happened to that spy camera?
What did they say?
Not sure. I think someone
put it there during the break-in.
- Who could have done that?
- Beats me.
Hey, did you see anyone?
- Anyone suspicious around here?
- What?
Someone was following Jeong-woo.
So I wondered if you saw.
Forget it.
I remember seeing a guy
follow Mr. Rooftop upstairs.
What? When?
I think it was the day
Mr. Rooftop moved in.
Gosh, the owner of this noodle shop
has quite a temper.
He's my uncle.
Have a nice day.
Hey, Su-beom. A blind date?
I'm free for the entire month.
Is she cute?
Okay, let me know.
But wait. Who is he to bad-mouth
Ha-neul and Uncle Tae-seon like that?
That's someone else.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
You just asked me now.
I thought maybe he was lost
or just a visitor,
so I didn't think much about it.
Why would anyone follow him?
What if those Macau guys
hired thugs to quietly get rid of him?
What are you talking about? Just zip it.
- Get out.
- What?
Maybe they want to settle things
outside of the justice system.
Enough nonsense.
Jeong-woo, where are you?
I'm waiting for you.
I don't think you should come with me.
I don't think I should tell you this
prior to your hearing.
What? What is it?
On the day you moved in,
my brother said he saw a man
follow you to the rooftop.
- What?
- I'll be down soon.
Let's talk in person.
Where is he?
He's still not picking up.
It's almost time. Why isn't he answering?
All rise.
The third hearing over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau
began at 10:00 a.m. this morning.
Thirty minutes have passed, however,
and Yeo has yet to arrive at court.
The main focus of today's hearing
will be to see whether or not
the medical dissertation
submitted by the defense
at a previous hearing
will be accepted as evidence.
The author of the dissertation
is slated to appear as a witness,
so this hearing has drawn
a lot of attention.
There's still no word from the defendant?
Where did he go?
My apologies, Your Honor.
We can't reach the defendant.
Could you postpone the hearing by a day?
I apologize.
I brought the evidence.
We'd like to submit this evidence.
No secret can be kept hidden forever.
Kang Jin-seok.
Dr. Kang.
I need to speak with you.
Roll down your window.
It won't take long.
What? Hey, Jin-seok!
Jin-seok! It was you, wasn't it?
Are you okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
What's with you?
Why would you…
Arrest him.
Yes, Your Honor.
the truth that we had been
desperately waiting for
finally revealed itself.
There he is!
This is News Time. Here's our top story.
We begin with the murder case
of a casino heiress from Macau.
Chang Bing's father, James Chang,
passed away after dominating
the casino industry in Macau for 30 years,
and his daughter inherited
his entire fortune.
It was revealed
that James Chang's younger brother
committed the murder out of anger.
The suspects secretly added anticoagulants
to the victim's IV,
causing excessive bleeding.
To do this, they bribed a nurse
named Park at Yeo's clinic.
He was a witness, not a suspect.
So you followed Yeo around
because you didn't know
whether to tell him the truth or not?
But you see…
You couldn't have foreseen this incident.
So why did you set up
so many cameras in the OR
and throughout the clinic?
He said it was an old habit of his.
A habit he formed after that incident.
Protamine, please.
- Protamine.
- Yes, doctor.
I'll administer the protamine.
What? What's wrong with the EKG?
We'll need the defibrillator.
Get it ready.
What? Who administered potassium?
Are you out of your mind?
It wasn't me, sir.
- It was you--
- Focus, will you?
Move. Give me the calcium.
Charge to 200 joules.
- It's ready.
- Damn it.
He ended up as the scapegoat
of a medical accident.
He decided to look
for a way to defend himself.
His old habit ultimately saved Jeong-woo.
However, he was too afraid
to tell the truth.
He couldn't muster up
the courage to reveal it himself.
Mr. Rooftop!
Unfortunately, he failed to deliver
the truth like he had planned to.
And so, the truth remained hidden.
- It's him!
- Mr. Yeo.
Mr. Yeo, is the dissertation
you tried to submit as evidence…
He couldn't understand why things were
still the same despite providing evidence.
Until the very end,
he was stuck in contemplation
between justice and fear.
It took some time
for Jeong-woo to recover.
He unnecessarily suffered too many losses.
He needlessly had to experience
failure and disappointment.
He didn't know who to blame
and felt lost for some time.
Once again, another ordinary day began.
And people didn't seem
to care about his pain.
The Yeo Jeong-woo case.
I think it'd be an great story to cover.
Should we give him a call?
That's great!
He once appeared on Doctor's Choice,
so I have his number!
Hey, he might've changed his number.
Call him right now.
This would be a total hit.
- Mr. Kim.
- Yes?
Remember those sheet masks
we made with Jeong-woo?
- Yes.
- We didn't destroy all of them, did we?
- No, we have plenty.
- The public is sympathizing with him.
If we use this opportunity well,
we might be able to sell off our stock!
Yes, that's great!
Let me read through the contract again.
- Okay.
- This way.
This crisis turned into an opportunity!
Good morning, everyone!
See? I told you Jeong-woo was innocent.
Should we give him a call?
Now? After the fight you two had?
I mean, now would be
a good time to patch things up.
And we're still unemployed.
Jeong-woo, I heard the news.
I'm glad it worked out.
Do you want to grab a drink?
Hi, Mom.
I'm proud of you.
I always knew you were innocent.
Talk to the media wisely
and put an end to this.
Inside, what his secrets left behind…
was pain.
There's one question though.
Why didn't Kang, the anesthesiologist
who was in the OR with him,
call the police
despite having definite proof?
He was probably hesitant
because someone had died.
Also, he must've been afraid
of retaliation after finding out
it was intentional homicide,
not a medical accident.
Mom, have you seen my purple shirt?
Oh, that?
It's at the dry cleaner's.
By the way,
how's the rooftop fellow doing?
I think he's stayed inside
for three days after his trial ended.
He must be exhausted
after everything he went through.
Gosh. I hate him for rejecting you.
But I feel bad about what happened.
I wasn't rejected.
Yes, you were. I witnessed it happen.
Jeong-woo, are you okay?
Of course, he's not.
Have you eaten yet?
I doubt he has an appetite.
I haven't heard from you in a while…
We planted cabbages on the rooftop
but haven't watered them in a while.
Oh, dear!
I just happen to have
a reason to go upstairs now.
What are you doing here?
You see…
We're grilling up some pork belly.
We haven't had any in a while.
Invite your friend if he hasn't eaten yet.
Don't bother him and go downstairs.
Just cook it in a frying pan.
Meat grilled outside
and meat grilled on a stovetop
don't taste the same.
Gosh, it smells lovely.
I bet it'll be so delicious!
- What's the matter with you?
- Why are you here though?
- What?
- Why do you have a watering can?
I just thought
I'd water the cabbages.
Is that so?
You've never been interested in them.
Don't be absurd.
I've been watching them very carefully.
Gosh, Ha-neul's here too.
Wol-seon, let's also drink this.
- It's fermented well.
- Sounds good.
If anyone's craving a drink, over here!
- Me.
- Come on.
Just admit you came here
because you were worried about him.
Don't pretend to grill meat,
bring ginseng wine,
or water the cabbages.
Quit all this nonsense.
- Come have some meat!
- Hey!
It's all over, so let's have a drink.
Gosh. He's honest
and confident since he's Gen Z.
Come on.
- But I--
- Have a drink.
I'm okay though.
It's not okay.
We have so much meat.
What if we can't finish it?
It's a sin to waste food.
Hurry up and eat the rest
of the meat, will you?
I have plenty of ginseng wine.
Can you open this?
- Can you grab the bottom?
- Sure.
Goodness! Well done!
- Good job.
- All right.
Have a drink.
Goodness. He's strong too.
- Thank you.
- Goodness.
Sit down.
Please excuse me then.
- Sure.
- Sit down.
All right.
Wait for me!
- Hurry up then.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Gosh, you're a good drinker.
Tilt the jar.
All right.
- Here.
- Thank you.
You went through so much.
You must feel relieved yet awful
and vice versa.
I'm sure you have mixed feelings.
I know what you suffered was unfair,
but the truth's out now so it's a relief.
Drink that and let it all go.
Why didn't you pick that up?
Well, no reason.
Come on. It's obvious.
The people who abandoned you
when you were ruined are reaching out now.
- Right?
- How despicable.
They should just
dislike him all the time like we do.
Don't say that. You don't dislike him.
There's no reason to like him.
I witnessed him
cold-heartedly and cruelly reject
my daughter right here.
I said it wasn't like that.
Also, why would you prepare
all this if you disliked him?
This was made for us.
We just let him join us.
Here. Eat up.
You were in your room for days,
so you must've not had a proper meal.
What? How did you know that?
As his landlady,
I need to know whether he's alive or dead.
He needs to pay rent.
And I need the money to prepare this food.
That's quite an excuse.
What are you talking about?
I'm not a friendly person to begin with.
Look! We invited you,
because there's leftover meat.
Look at him smile.
Eun-jeong, are you done
with your academy classes?
How about some rosé tteokbokki with me?
What? I thought
you said you didn't like it.
Do you have to leave?
I'm eating burgers with my friend. Bye.
Don't worry about it. Let's eat.
Could you ring me up?
It's on me as a thank you.
Please use my card.
Gosh, you don't have to do this.
It's my treat.
Then, can I buy a bag of jerky too?
Don't you make enough money?
Or bring a can
of honey roasted peanuts too.
He's so happy about it.
Weren't you going to
drink your beer at home?
I was planning to drink it at the park.
I live with just my daughter.
She hates it when I drink at home.
That's puberty for you.
She says I just don't get it
because I don't like rosé tteokbokki.
If I remember what she liked as a kid
and buy her taiyaki and egg bread,
she says it's for old people
and doesn't eat them.
Also, she's embarrassed
by my NeoTube channel.
- So I'm thinking about ending it.
- Why?
You said you created it
because you were bored.
I'll resubscribe
and like your videos again.
Gosh, that's okay.
To be honest, I only started it
after watching Jeong-woo succeed.
I thought it'd be easy.
You said you two weren't close,
but you got upset when I bad-mouthed him.
We used to be close.
But we had a falling-out.
I used to care about him a lot.
So it hurt me to see his life fall apart.
Give him a call if you're worried.
I'm sure your words of comfort
would help him a lot.
Do you think it'd be all right?
Of course. Call him.
I mean,
who's going to help you relieve
all that bitterness you feel inside?
My poor little Rooftop.
You were an innocent victim.
And you rejected my daughter!
You Rooftop!
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
- You must be so distraught.
So do you like him or not? Pick one.
I said I don't like him.
She's been so depressed,
always staying home,
and he rejected her,
so why would I like him?
But as a mother of a child his age,
I feel so bad for him.
"Bin Dae-yeong"?
Did this jerk ever call you
when you had hit rock bottom?
No, but…
Why are you…
Hey. Listen up.
You didn't bother to call him
when he was struggling.
So how dare you call him now?
You call yourself a human being?
No, it's not like that.
I called because I was worried--
Then, you should've called sooner.
Just get lost
before I throw a bucket
of freezing water on you.
What is it? What did he say?
I told you I didn't want to call him!
Why are you getting mad at me?
Are you drunk after that one can?
You're so weird.
Darn it! I'm so upset!
You're so weird.
If you dislike me,
then don't eat what I bought. Give it.
When did I ever say I disliked you?
I never said that.
Then, give back the dragonfly
that was on my head.
- Give it back.
- It's in Yangpyeong.
Give it back.
Ms. Lee.
Give back the dragonfly.
Take me to Yangpyeong.
From now on in your life,
if these good-for-nothings continue
to mess around and pester you,
curse them out like I just did. Got that?
Mom, that's enough.
This is so unfair!
I was the first one to spot that witness.
I could've been recruited by the police
if they caught him then!
To be honest,
I'm embarrassed to be unemployed.
I steal money from Ha-neul, Mom,
and Uncle Tae-seon.
I'm ashamed about it now.
You stole money from me too?
How much did you take?
- Fifty thousand won?
- Higher.
- Hundred and seventy thousand?
- Jeong-woo.
- What do you say?
- Lower.
How about we get out of here?
We still have some ginseng wine left.
Forget it.
It's too humiliating to stay here!
One hundred thousand?
- Higher!
- Let's go.
- Don't forget your clothes.
- Okay.
Two hundred thousand?
Good night.
This is tricky.
Can't guess, can you?
Sorry. My family was acting
like fools, weren't they?
It's okay.
I was actually grateful.
I didn't want to be alone.
Then, you should've called me.
I waited so long for you…
I'm sorry I didn't call for days.
No, it's okay.
I purposely didn't call
so you could sort out your thoughts.
Those who could've called
didn't for my sake.
And those who didn't have to call
did call me.
Ha-neul, want to grab a drink?
Just us two?
Yeah, just us two.
Let's go.
To be honest,
I thought I took things in stride.
I've experienced failures in life too.
And I've never had
a good family like yours.
I went through some rough patches too.
But everyone has their own misfortunes,
so I told myself to be grateful
for what I had.
I was proud of myself
for having endured it pretty well.
But looking back,
I didn't endure it because I was strong.
It was because I had never hit
rock bottom before.
I don't even know what I'm saying.
Why are you staring at me?
It's just…
It breaks my heart.
You've lost so much.
But I gained something precious too.
I really like you.
That was so sudden.
Remember what I said?
I said you were like a drug
someone prescribed for me.
I said I didn't see a doctor
despite having PTSD
because of you.
To me, you're like my anxiety medication.
My life is so bitter and salty.
But you're so sweet.
It felt like I was eating
candy in a salt pond.
"Candy in a salt pond"?
My life was bitter,
but the moments we shared were so sweet.
It was like eating bracken
and chocolate together.
I see.
Let's play that claw machine.
I'm sure you've never tried one before.
That's right.
Let's do it. I'll win you a stuffed doll.
All right.
Just you wait.
- What are you doing?
- Right.
I just got so excited.
Hey, you wait right there!
You're so good.
How did you do it in one go--
Right, have I told you that I liked you?
I understand.
You probably didn't know.
But I really like you.
No, I knew but--
And so, I'll make sure to get you a doll.
Let's do that.
Ice cream!
You know ice cream's the best
when you're drunk.
Of course.
I haven't told you
that I liked you, right?
You did. Multiple times.
I like you.
- I get it, so pick your ice cream.
- Okay.
Gosh, the moon is so bright.
You're right.
It's so round and yellow
that I want to make a wish.
My problem is somewhat solved now,
so please help Ha-neul become happy!
Why are you shouting your wish?
That way, the moon can hear us.
Right, you probably don't know.
- But I--
- I do know.
You like me, right?
How did you know?
Is he confessing his love
or just teasing me?
You are
the kidney bean that I planted.
I was anxiety medication,
candy in a salt pond,
and bracken and chocolate.
- And now, I'm a kidney bean?
- Yeah.
I can't wait to watch you sprout.
You see, I was so desperate
for someone who'd believe in me.
I just wanted
one person like that in my life.
Then, you appeared.
Can I
hold your hand?
Gosh, the moon is so bright.
I agree.
It's pretty.
Did I told you yet?
Yes, you did.
I think you're pretty.
I don't think you told me that before.
I didn't?
Then, have I told you this?
I like you.
That night, Jeong-woo
confessed his love several times more.
And his words
made my heart break because it told me
how lonely he had been.
I told you, right?
I like you.
I like you too.
He definitely said he liked me.
We even held hands.
If you hold hands, you're dating.
That's definitely dating.
Ha-neul's dying to go out with you,
so she's asking around like crazy.
You damn lunatic!
What's your definition
of an exciting date?
It's going to be super romantic,
so better be excited.
By the way, you do know
what "sweet" means. Right?
I've always wanted to read
and debate over dissertations.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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