Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e07 Episode Script

Unstable Factor

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
What is going on?
I need you to go to Doldam Hospital.
Do you want me to work there?
Form a team of your followers
and go down there.
Make sure
Bu Yong-ju doesn't operate
on Chairman Shin.
staff of Doldam Hospital.
We have been dispatched
to Doldam Hospital as of today.
I'm the chief of General Surgery,
Song Hyeon-cheol.
I will appreciate your help and support.
If you can,
keep Bu Yong-ju quiet.
I want him out of my life
once and for all.
I will not let him
live a life of a surgeon.
But how, President Do?
That's what I need you for.
You must
find a way.
I'll try my best, President Do.
How should I interpret
this situation, President Do?
When I was down there last time,
I noticed that you're short on staff.
So I sent some of our staff
to support you.
Support me?
-Is that all?
-Why do you ask?
Do you have any problem with my decision?
Even if you do, shut up
and don't mention it.
That should be the best for you.
Times of unlimited competition.
You either kill or you die.
It's a battle of survival.
We are going to
Doldam Hospital for an innovation.
Don't forget that the future of
Geosan Medical Center
lies on our shoulders.
-We can do this!
-We can do this.
-We can do this.
We can do this!
-We can do this!
-We can do this!
I'm Ji Min-jeong.
I've worked at Geosan Medical Center
for 10 years.
I was the head nurse there.
I'm Oh Myeong-sim.
I've worked here for 18 years.
I'm the head nurse here.
I'll be in charge of
distributing workloads.
Do you have a problem with that?
We are
the face of Geosan Medical Center.
We must never
let them have the upper hand
in taking the initiative.
I do.
I will be the one
distributing the workloads to my nurses.
It's only reasonable.
I know much more about them
than you do.
Do you
have a problem with that?
They take pride
in beating their opponents.
And the world encourages them to do so.
Prove yourself.
You always came second to Dong-ju
both at school and at the hospital.
For once.
Go and win against Dong-ju just once.
Father, I
I don't want a loser son.
Do you understand?
If you don't beat your opponents,
you're looked down upon.
The fear of becoming a loser
drive people into
the world of competition.
Brace yourself.
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
Try me.
Do you really not know?
-Are you sure?
-I really don't.
I didn't even have time to pack
because of the short notice.
Thanks to that,
my wife is very upset with me.
My kids were crying all night.
Even my mother-in-law
paid us a visit and--
But you're not making any sense.
You all barge in here
and yet, you don't know the reason for it.
That's exactly my point.
How can they reassign
so many people like this?
Hey. It's not like the hospital
will take responsibility
if I get divorced.
Hello, In-beom.
Which seat can I take?
Do you want to take this one?
I think this one is the best one here.
What is going on?
Why are you here?
Is it because of the surgery? Is that why?
Excuse me.
Can you please stop talking to me
like you know me so well?
I was just curious.
I don't want you to be curious about me.
It makes me uncomfortable.
Why are you being rude?
I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
In-beom, wait. Are you upset?
What was that?
He was so rude to you.
-Aren't you going to do something?
-You think?
Was he rude?
What is going on between you two?
Aren't you going to tell me?
Things are just like you and me.
He is just a younger colleague,
just like you are.
How could you even
compare me to that jerk?
There is something special
between you and me.
Is there anything special?
What is that?
We have
a special bond.
A special bond?
You don't think so?
You are adorable.
You can't say that to a grown man.
I'm not a kid.
You are a kid. You didn't know that?
-Am I?
You just act like a teenager.
Did you really not know that?
-Let's get back to work.
You know what?
I'm not sure why you feel
uncomfortable around me.
But now that you are here,
I just want to get along with you.
If you have any questions,
you are always welcome to ask me.
And I know some famous restaurants
around here.
Never mind.
How old is the file cabinet?
Vintage furniture is popular these days.
I'm sorry.
We are short of money.
I will buy you a new one if you want.
That's okay. I won't be here that long.
-Oh, right.
This is for you.
Congratulations on your promotion,
Manager Jang.
You are asked to perform
an important role as a manager
for Doldam Hospital by President Do.
Let's give it our best shot.
I will make sure to do my best.
I'm ready to put my life on the line
for the future of Doldam Hospital.
-Speaking of which
-Yes, sir.
I'd like to know more
about Doldam Hospital in detail.
-Like some inside stories
or hidden bottleneck problems.
it seems
Teacher Kim is a pivotal figure
in this hospital.
Is there anything wrong with him?
What do you mean?
Me? Are you talking to me?
Yes, you.
What is your position in this hospital?
Well, I am
You are an orderly.
on the board for emergency medicine.
Actually, on the double board
for cardiothoracic surgery.
Maybe you are
a hidden medical expert in this hospital.
No, I wouldn't say that.
I just try to work hard.
Okay, then.
I will consider that for further tasks.
It doesn't matter what it is.
If you have anything that can
finish Teacher Kim with a single blow,
I want you to share it with me.
Finish Teacher Kim with a single blow?
If things go well with that,
I will recommend you
for a position at Geosan Medical Center.
Just think about it.
We still have plenty of time.
Are you not going to do anything
about them?
Just let it go.
It is so obvious
why they came all the way here.
But what can we do?
They say they came to support us.
Are you going to let them
stab you in the back again?
You are not alone this time.
The whole staff of Doldam Hospital
is at stake.
I'm aware of that. Gosh, you startled me.
Are you sure you're aware of that?
I'm sure I'm aware.
So please just let them be.
Do you know that there will be
no hospital you can go to
other than here?
Where are you taking that?
We just got a new one,
so I'm taking it to the storage.
Who is she, by the way?
She will be working here for a while.
Her name is Woo Yeon-hwa.
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
I'm Yun Seo-jeong.
Where is the new device?
-It's in the hybrid room.
She is my second favorite person
here after Ms. Oh.
I see.
Look at the ultrasound device.
Is this hospital beyond space and time?
It's not the Stone Age now.
I just saw the old device here.
-This is so cool.
-Is it a relic of the past or what?
Chest portable device? Are you here, too?
It's so nice to see you again.
I'm so happy.
It is a miracle that you could
actually save a life in here.
What is that?
It's an external cooling device.
Therapeutic hypothermia is
popular these days.
It became famous after they used it
for a president of a conglomerate.
Hello, you are new. It's nice to meet you.
Let me ask you a question.
Why have you been stuck
in this hospital for the past five years?
Beautiful mountain,
clean water, fresh air.
-And Teacher Kim.
Have you heard of the name?
He is a legendary surgeon.
He was once a legendary surgeon.
He is still a legendary surgeon.
I know things will get tough,
but once you get through it all,
your life will be changed.
No, I don't want a change.
Me being here
is the worst change
that has ever happened to me in my life.
The whole thing is a complete mess.
I don't want to go through anything.
Where do you want to put the ECMO?
Do we have a new ECMO?
I can't believe this.
It's so pretty.
Look at that.
She's dancing.
-I feel like crying.
-Please put it here.
This is so good.
-Are you happy?
-Of course I am!
Where should I put this?
Hello? This is Teacher Kim speaking.
Did you
receive the devices?
Yes, I received them all.
My work is done here.
If you try to mess with me again,
I won't let you get away with it.
when will you schedule the surgery?
I will give you a call
as soon as we are ready.
Just make it quick.
Give me a call.
What a brat.
He's never scared of me.
That's why you like him.
This is jujube tea.
Jujube tea?
He killed someone.
And it was a pupil of his.
Simply put,
he's a psychopath.
I'm more used to using a knife.
Are you really a doctor?
How many patients have you killed?
This is Doldam Hospital.
Yes. I got it.
A CPR patient coming in three minutes!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
-What happened?
-It's a stab wound.
He collapsed in front of my restaurant.
Do-il, are you okay?
This is his blood. I'm fine.
-Dr. Yun, scissors.
We should call the police first.
-Vital signs?
-It's 100 over 70, pulse 130.
Set up IV lines and execute a full drop.
These three wounds
on his right side aren't too deep.
But these two on his left are punctured.
Check for hemoperitoneum with a sonogram.
This is our new equipment.
Doctor, his saturation is at 88 percent.
Hey, Dr. Geosan. Perform an intubation.
You're too slow!
Yes, Doctor.
It's done.
His blood pressure is 80 over 40.
Get two packs of emergency RBCs.
Get RIS ready.
It's here.
We have a new portable chest X-ray.
-Should I get it ready?
-No, we need to take a sonogram.
If his blood pressure rises above 100,
-take a CT scan as well.
We need the portable chest X-ray.
We have an emergency patient.
Let's move him. One, two, three.
Dr. Yun, cover up his wound
and get his personal information first.
Call the general surgeons.
-Both Dong-ju and the new guy.
-Hey, Dr. Geosan.
-Both of you can follow me.
-Yes, Doctor.
I need a dressing set
-and a six-inch EB.
Can you see if he has a wallet
-and a phone?
Can anyone call the general surgeons?
-Call both Dr. Kang and Dr. Do.
-I will!
I will get them.
She's very quick.
Yes, and she's nice.
-Gosh, you startled me.
-I'm sorry.
We have an emergency patient.
An emergency patient?
Hello, Dr. Kang.
This hospital is worse than I thought.
How can he think of doing a surgery
for the chairman here?
have you made your decision?
Which side will you take?
Me or Bu Yong-ju?
Hello, Dr. Do.
Are you all settled in?
What about the office? Is it okay?
It's fine.
I knew it.
It's just fine.
What can we do? We should
do our job as long as we are here.
Let's get to work.
I'll talk to you later.
Are you still taking sides?
Then what are you doing here?
I haven't got any connections or families,
but your father is the president.
How did you end up here?
I did not end up here.
I'm just here for an experience.
I can go back whenever I wish.
Unlike you.
Apart from your father,
is there anything you can do
better than me?
If you have anything, show me.
Prove yourself.
For once.
Go and win against Dong-ju just once.
You're awful.
I'm just awful,
but you're awful and terrible.
Do you want to hit me?
You're not even worth it.
It'll only hurt my hand.
You're not even a good surgeon.
Why are you worried about your hand?
Excuse me.
You are wanted at the emergency room.
Your lips are bleeding.
Excuse me.
Aren't you a general surgeon?
Teacher Kim wanted you there, too.
Ventricular fibrillation. Compression.
Give me 200J.
-We're ready.
-Move away.
Let's perform intubation.
Tube, please.
Move away.
Give him 1mg of epinephrine
every 3 minutes.
Squeeze the resuscitator
every six seconds.
Two minutes passed.
Switch hands and check his pulse.
No pulse, he's in PEA.
You, compression.
When was the report made?
It was 3:48 p.m.
He was at a bus stop,
and he suddenly collapsed.
Someone called 911,
and the witness was performing CPR on him.
What was his initial treatment?
We performed ventricular fibrillation
on him twice.
That's 17 minutes before he arrived here.
Do you have his information?
He had an ID, so we talked to his wife.
She's on her way here.
Okay. Thank you.
Dr. Kim, he has another wound on his back.
-Hey, Dr. Geosan.
-Yes, Dr. Geosan here.
Continue to perform compression
until he comes back.
-Don't give up.
Let's check his pulse.
He's still in asystole.
My gosh.
It looks like it's somewhere
in the thoracolumbar junction.
I felt something hard inside.
I think this is a knife blade.
It must have broke when he was stabbed.
Where are the surgeons?
They are so slow.
Drag them here if you have to.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
What took you so long?
-What's the case?
-He's a stabbed patient.
He was stabbed five times in his stomach,
and there is a knife blade stuck
in the TL junction.
What about nerve injuries?
Both of his lower motors do not seem well.
What's wrong with your lips?
-What about his stomach?
-He has two bowel perforations.
We can't see if it's his small bowel
or large bowel through the CT.
His sonogram showed that
the wounds are close to his vessels.
It's toward his vessels as well.
-Did you fight with someone?
-I'm not a kid.
What's with him?
Is he sulking because of that?
Yes, Dr. Song.
We need you in the emergency room.
-May I help you?
We got the call saying my dad
collapsed at a bus stop.
They said he was transferred
to Doldam Hospital.
Our doctors are treating him right now.
Please wait over there.
How could this happen?
-My goodness.
-Don't cry, Mom.
Checking heart rhythm.
He has a pulse. It's an ROSC.
The blood pressure is 90 over 60.
-He needs a C-line, right?
Right. I need a C-line.
-That's the one.
It's not looking good.
Dr. Kang is here.
Why did you come alone?
Where's the other guy?
The other guy? Who?
Medical team of general surgery
from Geosan Medical Center came down here.
I wasn't expecting that from President Do.
I asked you where the other guy is.
We paged you both.
I don't really know where he is.
I'm here.
He's a John Doe.
He has five wounds in his abdomen.
The three on his right are light wounds,
but the other ones aren't.
He has perforated bowel.
Blade of the knife broke
in the right side of his abdomen.
Will this call for a combined operation?
-Where should we start?
-With his abdomen.
He might not be able to walk again,
but at least he won't die.
I'll go prepare for
a different operation, then.
Hold on.
I just got the call.
Are you going to operate
on a John Doe patient?
My goodness.
He isn't something
a small hospital like this can handle.
Don't waste your time on him.
I suggest you transfer him
to a bigger hospital.
It doesn't matter
how big or small a hospital is.
It's the surgeon that matters.
I'm just worried that it might go wrong.
What will happen if we operate
without the guardian's consent
and the operation doesn't go well?
It's not like we can ask you to take
full responsibility and resign.
Excuse me.
According to
the Emergency Medical Service Act,
in case the emergency patient
is not capable of making decisions
and there is no a guardian to ask,
an exception is made to ask for consent.
I'm just saying.
Hey. Did you hear that?
It's the law.
What should we do?
Move him to the operating room.
Can you set the place up?
-Do In-beom, was it?
You will perform the surgery.
Dr. Kang is the assistant.
Why am I the assistant?
What are you saying?
Are you not up for it?
Suit yourself, then.
Can I fill in his spot?
You should help them treat
the cardiac arrest patient.
I'll treat the spine. That will be all.
Did you see that?
He's like that.
The smell of human blood
makes him go crazy.
Like a mad man.
Let's move the patient, Mr. Park.
Yes, Doctor.
Excuse me. Coming through.
Hey. Be careful.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing? Go after Teacher Kim.
I can take care of my own business.
I'm not a kid, you know.
You're one to hold grudges.
Are men all like that, Mr. Park?
I'm not sure.
Excuse me.
Watch where you're going.
Are you blind or something?
It's waterproofed. Bandage up your hand.
You can't go in the operating room
with an open wound.
Did I do something wrong to deserve this?
I won't know if you don't tell me.
What don't you like about me?
Your very existence.
Hold on.
Why would you say that?
Did I do something wrong?
-Let go of me.
-Tell me.
Why don't you like my very existence?
Are you asking because you don't know?
Is there something I should be aware of?
Are you playing innocent
or just plain rude?
What are you talking about?
I understand.
Even when your dad is
the president of Geosan Medical Center,
you wouldn't want other people knowing
that you're born out of wedlock, right?
It's okay. I understand.
I'll pretend to understand.
So stop bothering me from now on.
Born out of wedlock?
Does he think
Don't use your fist when you
get in a fight in the future.
If you really feel like
beating someone up, just kick him.
Or you could just take the beating.
Why me?
-What are you talking about?
-You had me come down here.
And now you're asking me
to perform a surgery.
Why? Do you think I'm trying to use you
to get back at your father?
Aren't you?
Stop your nonsense
and focus on the operation.
Where's Dr. Kang? Why isn't he here?
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Page Dr. Kang again.
-There's no need.
I'll be the assistant today.
Teacher Kim as an assistant?
Teacher Kim.
He's here. Dr. Kang.
Sorry I'm late.
Get out of here. We don't need you here.
-Teacher Kim.
-I said, we don't need you here.
Let's get started.
-Teacher Kim.
-Show me what you've got.
Let's see how good you are.
Commencing operation.
His heart is back,
but I don't think he will wake up.
Even if he does,
he won't be able to live normally.
-What about his brain?
-There is no hypoxic damage.
If his brain is fine,
-shouldn't you try TTM?
That's too expensive. It won't be easy.
I'll talk to his wife.
-Targeted temperature management?
If one's heart stops for whatever reason,
there is a high chance
it will stop again within 24 hours.
So we performed a blood test
and a brain CT scan
to find out why it stopped.
A brain CT scan?
Isn't that expensive?
Mom, what are you saying?
These are the necessary procedures.
And the result showed
he didn't have much brain damage.
There is something
called targeted temperature management.
We keep the patient's body temperature
lower than normal
to prevent further brain damage.
Will he wake up if we do this treatment?
There is no guarantee.
But to speak with numbers,
when someone's heart stops
outside of a hospital,
only 4 out of 100 survive.
Among them,
only one out of the four
can carry on a normal life.
My goodness.
What if we do this treatment?
The chances are twice as high.
We'll do it.
The problem is
the cost.
How much does it cost?
The cost of just
the materials is 1.6 million won.
We are actually very poor.
We are eligible for medical care type one.
But the materials of this treatment
aren't approved by the medical care.
You won't be covered for these.
You have to pay this.
What do we do?
What are we going to do?
Please perform the treatment.
-Seon-hwa, please.
-Mom, don't worry.
I'll find that money.
We probably have a lot to pay as of now.
Dad became like this
after giving his everything for us.
How sad will his life be
if we can't do this for him?
Doctor, please do your best.
Please save him.
We'll do our best.
That treatment is not insured.
Why is this important treatment
still uninsured?
This isn't a plastic surgery.
I don't know what they do
in those high offices,
but no.
We're spending money
on a patient with no hope.
What if he doesn't wake up?
His chances are only 8 to 100.
Even if the chances are
as low as 1 to 100,
shouldn't we try everything?
What if it doesn't work?
What will you do
about his family's financial strain?
What if they say that they can't pay?
What will you do
about the damages to the hospital?
That's not for me to worry about.
That's for those high ups.
We treat patients,
and people in high offices fix this world.
If you don't like what they do,
you should become one of them
to fix this broken world.
A doctor doesn't have the time for that.
Someone like you should step up, Mr. Jang.
I'm Manager Jang, not Mr. Jang, Dr. Yun.
I've been promoted
as a manger as of today.
Really? Congratulations.
Thank you.
I will treat him, okay?
No way.
Never. Not in this life.
-Mr. Jang.
-Manager. I'm Manager Jang.
I'm sorry, Manager Jang.
We have police officers here.
I think they are here
for that stabbed patient.
No. Understood?
Mr. Jang, I mean, Manager Jang!
Darn it.
-Let's do this.
-Are we really doing this?
Do you trust my instinct?
I have a strong feeling
that he will wake up. Let's do it.
Will you take the responsibility
if something goes wrong?
Will you do this?
Thank you very much.
I've just been called.
That Crazy Whale.
I knew I should have never met you again.
Where is this place?
Who am I?
Darn it.
Shouldn't you be taking care of me?
What's his case?
I'm not sure. He's asking us
to give him a vitamin IV.
We're already busy enough.
-Is it him?
Yes, it's me.
He's in a surgery right now.
Jeez. Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of this.
Make some soup, will you?
Make sure you put in beef.
Sir, how are you doing?
You look okay.
You can go home.
Be quiet.
Give me some IV.
Don't you have them
with vitamin A, B, C, D, E, F, and G?
Come on, get them on me.
Let me fill up on my vitamins.
If you want nutritional IV,
go to the outpatient clinic.
You are awfully talkative.
Just put me on IV
if you don't want to die.
You're the one who should leave
while I'm still nice.
If you don't, I'll call the police.
Do you want them here?
-Do you really want to die?
-No way.
I'd like to live a long life.
-Mr. Gu.
My gosh.
He's leaving. Help him.
Who is this Mr. Gu?
Why are you here?
Is the surgery over?
-I was kicked out.
-Kicked out? Who kicked you out?
Who would kick me
out of the operating room?
You shouldn't walk out like this.
You should have stayed.
Let me see that.
Teacher Kim always yells
and embarrasses everyone.
I thought you would be used to him by now.
That kind of a surgery is so rare.
It would've helped you if you stuck around
to just watch what he does.
Isn't that right?
Go out with me, Seo-jeong.
What are you saying?
I'll forget
about how you called me
a kid and a teenager.
Go out with me.
You can't speak to me like this.
You're very bold.
Is that a no?
Forget about it.
Go back to the operating room
and tell him that you are sorry
no matter what he says.
Tell him that you'll do your best
even if all you do is assisting him.
The third time's a charm.
I'll ask you out two more times.
So think about it.
You did not listen
to anything I said, did you?
Goodbye, then.
One of them is asking me out all the time,
and the other one is caught up
in a family affair.
My life became so tiring.
Things got very annoying
thanks to that weird girl.
What a witch.
Do you have a lighter?
I don't smoke.
It's a non-smoking area.
That doctor is such a jerk.
Where is Mr. Jang?
He stepped out with the police officers.
-The police were here?
The patient who was stabbed
with a knife. Remember?
They're saying he got involved
with gangsters.
Are you blind or something?
He's a stabbed patient.
He was stabbed five times in his stomach,
and there is a knife blade stuck
in the TL junction.
Where are Mr. Jang
and the police officers?
They're at the emergency room.
Where on earth are they?
Dr. Kang, what are you doing here?
Mr. Jang.
As of today, I'm the manager.
I've been promoted.
Where are the police officers?
What? They already left.
Do you have something to tell them?
I think a gangster came into our hospital.
A gangster?
Do you remember the stabbed patient?
The police said he might be
involved with gangsters.
-Yes. So what?
-I just saw this man
with something like a sickle
wrapped in papers in the bathroom.
Ask the police to come back
and tell all the staff members.
I'll go to the operating room.
Hello? Is this the police?
I'm calling from Doldam Hospital.
Dr. Song, it's me again.
It seems like a lot happens
in this hospital.
They got involved
with gangsters this time.
Who are you looking for?
Where is Dr. Yun?
She's in the hybrid room with a patient.
I see.
I think a suspicious man is
in our hospital now.
Please protect everyone
in the emergency room.
Okay. Mr. Jang I mean,
Manager Jang already told me.
-Please don't worry.
-Thank you.
-I'm counting on you.
Hurry up and find the man.
Have you seen a man with a weapon?
Please stay calm.
Come out.
Come in. Hurry.
Search the room in every corner.
I think it's the small bowel.
Bring five more packed RBCs.
Yes, Doctor.
-How is his condition?
-Good so far.
I found the bleeding point.
Hemostatic forceps.
Forceps to tie it.
Dr. Kang.
What are you doing here?
I told you to leave.
Why did you come back?
We have an emergency.
Emergency? What do you mean?
I assume that the gangster
who hurt this patient is in our hospital.
Are you afraid that gangster might
barge in here?
You never know.
-We should stay alert.
-Forget it. Get out of here now!
I'll stay.
What? Hey.
Even if the gangster comes in here,
you wouldn't be of much help.
So just stop bothering me
and get out of here.
I'll stay here.
Go back and tell him that you are sorry
no matter what he says.
What did I do so wrong?
I was late only for a few minutes.
Is it that wrong?
You were late,
and you were even preoccupied
when you came in here.
I wasn't preoccupied.
What were you thinking
after I told you to assist Dr. Do?
You were frustrated and upset.
You didn't want to do it.
Should I do this or not?
That was all you thought about.
Listen. This isn't your playground.
Whether you two fight or whatever,
leave it outside.
Once you entered this room,
you should've cleared your mind
and focused on the patient.
How dare you throw a tantrum
when you started an operation
without a clear mind?
Do you think you can do your best
when you're preoccupied?
You don't even deserve
to breathe in the air in this room.
Get lost.
I stopped the bleeding.
I'll conduct a segmental resection,
and then end-to-end anastomosis.
I'll close it up as soon as possible
and move on to the spine.
Babcock forceps.
I hope he'll get through this.
-Let me ask you something.
-What is it?
You could've ordered
the targeted temperature management.
Why did you try to convince me?
It's because he's your patient.
No. I think there's some other reason.
What is it? Tell me.
There's no other reason.
Why would there be?
I'll go drink some water.
Why all of a sudden?
She seems so suspicious.
Doesn't she?
She says she's on the double board
for EM and CS,
but she behaves passively like an intern.
I knew it. Something is off.
Don't you agree?
I don't know.
How could I say
that I'm working as an orderly?
No way I'd tell him that.
I wish I was in there.
Where did he hide? Why can't we find him?
-Have you found him?
-No, we haven't.
Did you search thoroughly?
Don't you think Dr. Kang was mistaken?
Do you think so? Gosh.
Excuse me.
Are you still here?
He's in there, right?
-Excuse me?
-The guy stabbed with a knife.
He's undergoing a surgery
in this room, right?
Am I right?
I'll be done after one more stitch.
We'll switch the positions once he's done.
Dr. Nam, how's he doing?
He's better since Dr. Do
stopped the bleeding.
-Prone position?
-Yes, please.
Would he be okay with the pressure
on his abdomen?
I think he'll be okay
if we raise his pelvis a little.
-I'm done.
-Okay. Let's switch the positions.
Are you ready?
This is ridiculous.
How dare you come in here
looking like that?
I'm sorry, Doctor.
It's not that I wanted to come in here.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Get in there slowly.
Walk slowly.
You might get a cut on your neck.
Step back. Now.
Seo-jeong, are you all right?
I'm sorry.
Who are you?
Who are you and why are you
doing this in the operating room?
Who is the leader?
Who gives orders in this operating room?
That's me.
What's the matter?
Stop the operation right now.
If you don't stop it right now,
I will kill this woman.
Get off the patient right now!
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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