Dragon Prince Yuan (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

♪The suppressed fury♪
♪Will eventually break
through the prison of fate♪
♪And I will be reborn from the ashes♪
♪Neither a python nor a spiritual bird
can swallow a true dragon♪
♪I chose to swim against the current
to change my fate♪
♪I start the path of revenge
and the struggle for destiny's favor♪
♪Let the howling gale pass by♪
♪I look up at the vast sky, smiling♪
♪Fearless of the surging waves♪
♪I am on fire now♪
♪Fighting hard in adversity♪
♪Guarding these lives with my life♪
♪With one stroke,
I control mountains and rivers♪
♪The return journey is full
of uncertain prospects♪
♪I move mountains and overturn seas♪
♪Capable of swallowing the sun
and moon and impacting the world♪
♪This battle brings peace to the world♪
♪I move mountains and overturn seas♪
♪Capable of swallowing the sun
and moon and impacting the world♪
=The Dragon Prince=
(Adapted from the novel
The Dragon Prince by Tian Can Tu Dou)
We'll each send one person
to see who can stay longer
in the water here.
Don't worry.
Zhou Yuan will win.
Do you think I'd make this wager
without being prepared?
- For the three hours we've won,
- What is this?
I suggest
allocating an hour
to Houses C and D.
Good move.
Using their tactics
against them.
=Episode 7=
(The Zhou Mansion Exam)
Darn it, Zhou Yuan!
Qi Yue,
why get angry?
This time,
Zhou Yuan just took advantage
of his minor achievements
in his Spirit to luckily win.
If you take it seriously,
he won't stand a chance against you.
That man
has made me a laughingstock
in the Zhou Mansion.
The reputation
I've painstakingly built here,
he's ruined most of it!
Calm down.
In the Mansion Exam,
you can defeat that waste.
Don't worry.
I will make him return
everything back.
Ever since His Highness
won against Qi Yue,
everyone has been in high spirits.
Besides, we have two more hours to train
in the Jade Waterfall.
everyone's speed of activating meridians
has significantly improved.
- One more meridian.
- One more meridian.
The fifth meridian.
Su Youwei is truly impressive.
Su Youwei activated
the fifth meridian so soon.
Her talent is exceptional.
Very good.
Now, three of you
have activated five meridians.
(Youwei has activated
the fifth meridian?)
(I can't fall too far behind.)
It's a pity
that His Highness started
his cultivation too late.
Otherwise, with His Highness's talent
and diligence,
he must have at least activated
four meridians by now.
All right.
It's about time.
Everyone, come ashore!
That's it for today's cultivation.
Wait a moment.
It seems His Highness
is about to make a breakthrough.
Good lad.
Having activated
four meridians so quickly.
That's why
you're the dragon of our family.
what's the matter?
Eat it.
I'm afraid I can't activate meridians
this fast anymore.
I can feel it.
The effect of the Jade Waterfall
on me is getting weaker.
If I want to quickly activate
the fifth meridian,
I must find another way.
Otherwise, if Qi Yue has activated
seven meridians
before the year-end Mansion Exam,
I will definitely not be his match.
I have a method
that can accelerate it.
I have a first-grade Primal Pattern
called the 36 Beasts Activating Pattern.
Using the essence blood
of 36 first-grade Primal Beasts.
Once inscribed onto the body,
it can utilize the ferocious energy
in the blood to activate meridians.
Such a way
must carry considerable risks, right?
Yes, this method is perilous.
For those without firm will,
the ferocious energy
can easily ruin their mind.
That is to say,
they could become fools.
give it careful thought.
the path of cultivation
is filled with danger.
If I'm even afraid of the fierce energy
of a first-grade Primal Beast,
how will I face other difficulties?
Well said.
Tomorrow, I will have someone collect
the essence blood
of all 36 first-grade Primal Beasts
for you.
No need, Father.
I will hunt them down myself.
If he doesn't accumulate
some combat experience,
even if he's activated his meridians,
he's just a man with power but no skill.
There are many Primal Beasts
in the Heilin Mountain.
(Heilin Mountain)
Commander Lu Tieshan will go with you.
He will be responsible for your safety.
This place is not bad.
why don't we camp here?
Set up a camp.
- Yes.
- Yes.
I'll go hunt Primal Beasts right away.
I'll let Mr. Lu leave some men
to protect you.
Tuntun can protect me.
Over there.
Don't let the thieves escape.
Chase them!
Hurry up.
Don't let them get away!
Stop there!
This way.
Hurry up.
Over there.
Hurry up.
(Zhou Yuan went to the Heilin Mountain.)
Zhou Yuan,
if you stayed in the city,
I wouldn't be able
to do anything to you.
But you went
to the Heilin Mountain to court death.
Then I will grant you that.
Did the thieves escape?
(Qi Ling)
I had the guards chase them for a while.
Soon everyone in the city will know
that a treasure
has been stolen from our mansion.
Very good.
Now you take men to the Heilin Mountain
to catch the thieves.
Zhou Yuan,
you've made me lose face
in the Zhou Mansion.
so you'll pay with your life.
Dragon Stele Hand.
Shatter Mountains.
The 15th one.
The 16th one.
Mr. Qi,
the man is moving closer
to the target point.
Start searching the mountain.
Search towards the direction
of Lu Tieshan.
Make a big noise.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Not bad this time.
At least there were no injuries.
It's been several days.
It would be unacceptable
to get injured again.
Remember to take
only the blood from the heart.
The energy is most fierce there.
Okay, Yaoyao.
Now we're still short by 20.
I'll continue hunting beasts.
Who's there?
I didn't expect to see you here.
What a small world.
Mr. Qi.
What are you doing here?
Two thieves stole a valuable treasure.
They fled into this mountain.
I had to come all the way
to this remote place because of them.
What a joke.
What thieves had the guts
to steal from Lord Qi's residence?
The theft at Lord Qi's residence
is known throughout the city.
Lord Qi has ordered us
to take back the treasure
and make the thieves pay for it.
Mr. Lu,
please don't make it difficult for me.
There are no thieves in this area.
His Highness is training here.
All others
must leave at once.
Well done, Lu Tieshan.
Acting high and mighty.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Qi Ling.
Are you suspecting us
of being involved with the theft
or are you not taking
His Highness seriously?
(Luo Tong, Luo Hao)
I've long heard that the man
has a beauty following him.
I didn't expect her
to be such a top-notch beauty.
Luo Tong,
you go deal with that man.
I'll take care of this beautiful girl.
Only me?
No more nonsense.
That man has only activated
four meridians.
With your six meridians,
it's a piece of cake for you.
don't kill her too fast.
Remember to leave a bite for me.
Pretty girl,
don't be afraid.
I will cherish you.
You little thing, darn your eyes.
Stay out of my way.
Get lost!
The 17th one.
Who's there?
Come out!
Mr. Lu, you misunderstood.
I had no intention
of disrespecting His Highness.
It is simply my duty.
If I don't catch those thieves,
I can't complete my assignment.
(This man seems
to be deliberately giving me trouble.)
(There must be something fishy.)
Your Highness,
your life is really valuable.
After finishing this task,
we'll be able to live
in luxury for the rest of our lives.
(He managed to break through
Lu Tieshan's defense.)
(It seems something happened.)
Stop looking.
To deal with you,
I alone am enough.
Your Highness,
just resign yourself to death.
There is a beautiful girl over there
waiting for me to enjoy.
How is that possible?
Six meridians
Mid-grade primal technique,
Black Ghost Palm.
Dragon Stele Hand.
Crack Earth.
Primal energy breakthrough?
It's the advanced primal technique,
far surpassing the ordinary technique.
It seems I underestimated you.
Ghost Shadow Steps.
Mr. Lu,
I still don't understand what you mean.
Roaring Tiger Pattern.
It's the prince.
(It seems)
(my task is completed.)
(Xuanmang Technique)
(After being continuously compressed,)
(it has astonishing power, comparable to
a mid-grade advanced primal technique.)
(Shrouding the Heavens)
Go through hardships
to reach the other shore.
Ye Fan!
Everyone is waiting for me.
I cannot stop here.
(Purple flames surge,
and waves rise again.)
♪Riding the wind,
sliding across the stars♪
♪Traveling thousands of miles♪
♪The more perilous the path,
the more precious the journey♪
♪The destiny comes
to the world in chains♪
♪But the persistence deep in the heart
cannot be locked away♪
♪Aiming for the sky of hope♪
♪I dashed out as fast as I could♪
♪It's not for anyone to choose♪
♪Born with great courage♪
♪I control my fate,
reckless of the danger♪
♪Look ahead and never turn back♪
♪Embark on a new journey
with close friends♪
♪And you'll be fearless and brave♪
♪The wild wind whirls away,
causing crashing waves♪
♪I swim among the waves♪
♪I venture into the thorny jungles♪
♪And I don't feel pain♪
♪Even if I fall into despair,
I can still survive♪
♪Traveling thousands of miles,
I sing to the sky with vigor♪
♪I am on fire now♪
♪The more desperate the situation,
the more passionate I become♪
♪The destiny comes
to the world in chains♪
♪But the persistence deep in the heart
cannot be locked away♪
♪Aiming for the sky of hope♪
♪I dash out and never give up♪
♪I always have the courage
to start on a new journey♪
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