Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


Do you sense it?
The energy, it feels
Almost as if it's
The Dragon is up ahead.
I know it.
Thou hath finally arrived.
O', Heartless One.
Arisen, I think charging it head-on
would be a grave error.
I see that.
Heartless One,
how much darkness hast thou seen
throughout thine travels here?
The darkness of the human condition.
The darkness of the soul.
I know you have.
Humans suck each other dry
to fill their own bellies.
Loved ones unable to convey their feelings
smite one another.
The selfish neglect their responsibilities
and lose themselves in vice.
Once honorable men crumble
when confronted by monetary gain.
And the weak-willed are all too eager
to be consumed by their lust.
Humans pretend to be moral creatures
but are driven
by their most base instincts.
They are corrupt,
evil beings.
Dost thou not agree?
Humans are imperfect.
I have faced the worst of humanity,
learned that man is capable
of unspeakable evils.
But they are not inherently corrupt.
Mankind is redeemable.
They are not deserving of your judgement!
You think your intentions are benevolent?
You burn villages to the ground
and kill scores of humans
purely for your own amusement.
You are the corrupt.
You are evil incarnate.
This is all for my amusement.
Is that what thou truly thinks, Arisen?
I do.
Then you have learned nothing
in your travels.
You're just a husk of a man,
aimlessly searching
for what hath robbed thee of thine heart.
You stole my home
my child, my wife.
You stole my future!
You have taken everything from me!
Dost thou hate me?
Then defeat me.
Fulfill your revenge.
Do what you desire.
What is the matter, Arisen?
Is thine hatred
not strong enough?
Do you think we finished it off?
Let's find out.
It's trying to escape!
It's not going anywhere!
Thou believes my actions are derived
from amusement, yes?
I know your actions are derived
from amusement.
Such simple creatures humans are.
I need nothing.
I kill because it is my nature
as a Dragon.
Your nature?
I desire not your deaths.
I require not
the nourishment your bodies provide.
I have no thirst for your blood.
I have no need for sleep,
nor a desire to procreate.
These are the needs of lesser beings,
the needs of flawed humans,
not those of a Dragon.
Then why do you kill us?
Simply because you exist.
Asking me not to is tantamount
to asking you not to breathe.
An effortless function
that requires no thought
and yet is paramount to your survival.
That is not the same thing.
Is it not, though?
To kill is a choice!
I am simply bound by my nature.
But you
Look unto thine self.
Thine desire to kill me,
be it your nature?
Or is it your need to kill what you fear?
To destroy what you hate?
This is your doing!
You took everything from me.
You took Olivia, my unborn child.
Your lies will not save you!
You shall die by my hand!
It is your destiny!
Come, then.
Will thou fulfill thine need, Arisen?
The time hath come.
There can only be one survivor.
I'm ending this right now!
Well done, Arisen.
Arisen, you've done it.
Art thou satisfied, Arisen?
Thou may have brought an end to me,
but it shall not bring back your wife,
nor your child.
All thou has accomplished is the release
of thine own rage.
A rage that has consumed you.
Thou hast committed
a deadly sin thine self.
The sin of pride is thine transgression.
What did you say?
The sin of pride is what links us together
What are you talking about?
I, too, was once human.
And, like thee,
I battled and slew a Dragon as an Arisen,
consumed by my need,
my desire for revenge,
my pride.
Humans who lose their hearts
and become an Arisen
are destined to battle Dragons,
but that battle must not be waged
for the sake of revenge.
Pursue only one's prideful desire
to slay thine Dragon,
then thou be fated to become
the next Dragon.
The Arisen
turn into Dragons?
Such is our curse.
She cannot help you.
The Pawn knows nothing.
When thou peers into the dark,
the dark peers into thee.
What will become of me?
Thou cannot fight
the nature of the Dragon.
Thou shalt lose thine will
and exist only to kill humans,
just as I did.
So shall thee.
Canst thou even imagine
coming back to one's senses
from time to time,
only to be faced by hell on earth?
And it is a hell of thine own making.
I am exhausted.
I have come to only ever want
for one thing:
My death.
Which is when thou appeared.
An Arisen who might kill me.
The release I hoped for.
Is that why
Is that why you killed Olivia?
Just so I would seek revenge?
A human desire.
The last shred of my humanity.
And now that death is within my grasp,
I know that my desire be fulfilled.
That's the only reason?
All so that
All so that you could die?
No apologies shall I offer you.
Thou were defeated by thine own desires,
and now
thou must pay the price.
I refuse!
I'm right here.
kill me!
I'm losing control,
but there's still time to stop this.
Kill me.
But, Arisen, I am your protector.
I beg of you!
You would prevent the death and slaughter
of countless lives.
If you kill me now,
the only life lost would be mine.
Thinking rationally is your specialty,
isn't it?
Just do it!
I'm sorry, Arisen.
I can't do it.
I'm so sorry!
I know.
One final request.
Protect those foolish humans
from me.
I shall be the humans' protector
Come on, already!
You're OK.
You're stronger than you know.
Go on. Your friends are waiting for you.
Thank you, ma'am.
Take care.
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