El embarcadero (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

-Sorry about the hour. Did I wake you?
Not at all.
I'm awake here, at the station.
I was drawing until 3 am.
I can't sleep.
I can't think about anything else.
-Do you really think Oscar was murdered?
-It's just a hunch.
Still just a feeling,
but it's been a while since I had one.
But first off,
I need to get everything in order.
I'll question the neighbors again,
go over the evidence.
Can I do anything, in the meantime?
Help in any way?
This is my job, Mrs. Leyva.
I promise to let you know
if there's any news.
I'd tell you to go back to sleep,
but I think you're like me.
We could stay up talking
on the phone for two hours,
but it's better you try to relax
and distract yourself with your drawing,
and, most importantly,
be discreet about this.
It's the only way you can help me.
Damn you can run, huh?
Come on, listen. I'm the other woman,
the home wrecker,
and you're the crazy bird lady,
so to each their own.
You sabotage 336 million projects
and I encourage you.
Fuck Snatch and Trust.
You and I are going to be chilled,
so that's that.
If you want someone to go down on you
in the bathroom at happy hour,
I'll get a mop
and clean the floor for you.
That way you won't mind
taking off your panties.
I actually have an idea.
-For what?
-The building.
-Sketches are good.
-30 of them.
I've been following you since Malvarosa
and I can't keep going. Good Lord.
-30 sketches?
-Shall we go?
The building is supported
by a concrete and steel core,
and the floors would come off it.
They're like rings.
Each is a different size,
making the building twist around itself.
It would be like a helix.
It's alive, organic.
It could even remind you of a pagoda,
maybe. I don't know.
I calculated it
with 23 different types of window.
The curved glass would be the most
difficult and expensive part,
but I'm sure we could do it.
The most interesting thing, though,
is that we would plant
a forest on the roof.
2500 m3 of earth.
I still don't know how many tons
of CO2 it'd absorb,
but what would be unique
is having a vertical forest
in the heart of the city.
An Eco-friendly, organic, dynamic
building. Unadulterated life.
Do you like it?
-Come on!
You know we're the worst runners
in Valencia, right?
Since when do you sunbathe topless?
Since now? I just started.
Well, I won't be the party pooper.
There. What a buzz.
-Goodness me.
Where have you been? You're soaked.
-Yeah, well I've been fired.
-Oh, no.
Apparently I wasn't meeting the
standards of the business' expectations
and something else really important,
I only went to Frankfurt
eight times in two years.
So you decided to celebrate
taking a swim in your suit?
-Did you come in your car?
-So the seats are also soaking?
-Soaking and covered in sand.
-Where's my girl?
So what are you thinking now?
I don't have the slightest clue.
But I'm very happy.
-I'm glad you're happy?
-You are?
-I'm happy!
There we go.
I've spent half my life worrying
about what's going to happen,
what's coming, what's next,
and I forgot about
what's most important.
-And what is that?
-Well, this. Living in the moment.
Everything that happens while
I'm thinking about share values.
Why do I care if the price of soya
rises or falls in Argentina?
I don't know.
What I want to think about is Sol.
I don't want to miss her growing up.
And about you,
hanging out the laundry.
-Hanging out the laundry? Great.
-Noticing how your neck tastes of salt.
It looks like we'll have
to continue this later.
I've made plans with the girls.
-Afternoon. How are you?
How's it going, ladies?
-You know how it is.
-Leave her alone, you stud.
-Give me that.
-Look at his ass.
I was going to leave her with Vicent,
but seeing as you're here
-I'll stay with her. I'd love to.
-Are you sure?
-Come on then!
-I'm coming.
Shots, shots, shots!
Have fun and drink
to my health, a lot!
Celebrate me being fired.
Toast to the unemployed guy.
Fancy a run?
It's noon,
you can't run in this heat, Mom.
Thank goodness.
You have no idea how stupid
I feel in these leggings.
You've got white wine, right?
You have such nice wine. Thank you.
Is that all you have to say?
Acting like nothing happened?
I'm aware I was a bad mother,
but your father's cheating destroyed me.
I needed to get on with my life
and you were the one who suffered.
I was selfish. Extremely selfish.
That's the first time
you've been honest.
I didn't give you the love you needed.
And maybe that made you lean on
-I don't know, those happy memories.
-Excuse me?
I'm just saying that maybe
it made you stop paying attention.
Hang on
-Paying attention?
-Well, yes.
To the fact your husband
had a lover and
Mom, are you really blaming me
for Oscar having an affair?
No, baby. I'm not blaming you at all.
I'm not.
But you didn't notice that
and a few other things.
-What other things, Mom?
He was going to a strip club.
When I was sorting boxes
the other day, I found a diary
where the good ol' douche wrote
he went to a club every Wednesday.
Here it is: The Lula Club,
Kilometer 38, Sueca Highway.
Not exactly a tennis club.
One of the things you never
want to hear from your mom is
that your husband goes to brothels.
The idea of him in one
of those places overwhelms me.
Apparently neither I nor Verónica
were enough for him, so
I don't know what he wanted there.
But what I really don't know anymore
is how many more of Oscar's secrets
I can actually take.
Good afternoon.
-Look who's here!
-Look at her.
-She just fell asleep.
-She's such a beautiful little thing.
-There you go.
-Look at her.
Could you warm this for 30 seconds,
Tino? No more, no less.
I'll charge you for the electricity.
How come you're still
with this old grump, Maru?
-He's a great dancer.
-You've never danced for me.
She's the only one I managed
to convince.
Get me a beer.
Hey, Vicent. How are the eels?
-I haven't been fishing.
-Why not?
My eel trap got caught in some reeds.
-I've been fixing it for two days now.
-Oh, man.
This little girl smells bad, you know.
-I changed her just before we left.
-Uncle Vicent is here.
-Will you change her?
Yes. There, there, my love.
-Here, take this.
-Uncle Vicent will change you.
-Help Uncle Vicent, Maru.
-Heavens, what a stink.
-She's still asleep.
-I'll help, I don't trust him.
Is there a little gift for Uncle Vicent?
The same again, Tino.
-And I'll get Oscar's too.
-I'll bring it over.
-Bring me some shrimp too.
-Thanks very much, Andrés.
I should thank you.
I listened to your investment advice
and almost doubled my money.
That's great.
A little bit of luck and intuition.
Look, I'll get to the point.
I want you to come work for me.
I have some bars, clubs
and other premises.
I have a small hotel.
I'll make you a business offer
and you decide the conditions.
-Yes, man.
Well, my only condition
is that it's here in La Albufera.
Damn, if that's all you're asking for
What will I be doing? The accounting?
Well, well The hell's angel rises
from the ashes.
You haven't ridden for a long time.
I know. It's been a long time
since I did a lot of things.
I wanted to talk to you. About Oscar.
-What about him?
-Well, you know how I am.
When something doesn't add up,
I can't switch off.
It goes round and round
my head and
I don't know,
maybe the first time I asked you
you didn't understand
or thought it wasn't important.
The voicemail you left him
a few hours before he died.
What did you want him
to urgently pick up?
What voicemail?
"Oscar, it's Vicent. Did you call?
I need you to come for your stuff."
I can't keep it anymore.
What were you keeping?
I already told you.
We went fishing the day before.
He left his rod and tackle here.
I wanted to give them back.
I'm not a storage unit.
Okay. In that case, that's all.
You tell me,
"I don't want to look after
a fishing rod that isn't mine.
It's a dangerous tool,
the hook could rip one of my balls off."
And the stupid cop gets on his bike
and rides away eating dust.
The thing is,
I keep going over it in my mind
What if it's different?
What if I'm the one
who rips your balls off
and you're the one who eats dust?
This is what we have to do.
It has dynamic, moving curves.
The symmetry looks like
it's balancing itself. It's organic.
Not that straight up and down shit.
Oh, no. Not that one.
Here are the sketches in pencil.
I get you're annoyed we didn't come
to the meeting, I'm sorry.
But seriously, this is much better.
For the next five minutes
I don't care about the building.
We're both here talking
like we're just colleagues.
We haven't been like that
for four years.
Three and a half.
Three and a half years that we've slept,
laughed and made plans together.
You said it was great I'd left my wife,
that nothing had changed,
but now you won't return my calls.
We don't talk anymore.
So everything has changed.
I just realized
how many lies we'd told.
And the damage we did.
I see it in Alex.
I can't go on like that.
Like what? I left my wife, dammit.
I did it because I'm in love with you.
We had a wonderful love story. Amazing.
But I destroyed your marriage.
I ruined someone else's life,
when they never did anything to me.
I can't build anything on those ruins.
I just can't.
We'll start from scratch.
We can do that.
We already started from less
than scratch.
Dinners in the suburbs,
Thursday nights in boutique hotels,
weekends we stole from your wife.
Don't you see?
We both deserve
a beautiful love story.
A new start. A new story.
We have to end this.
We've all been to Asia.
We all know it. Singapore,
Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, right?
And we've all seen the same
straight up and down buildings.
Course lifelessness.
Straight lines are of the past.
The world is moving
and that's what I'm offering to you:
change, curves.
The same enormous structure,
with windows embedded in its skin.
Where its inhabitants
can virtually lie in the void.
And on top?
A forest on the roof.
This has never been done,
ladies and gentlemen.
We've come this far
with an amazing project,
but sooner or later
clairvoyance comes into play.
And it's just come
to my architects now.
This, ladies and gentlemen,
is the past.
This is the future.
He was in his office for 35 minutes.
I thought he was writing up our
dismissal, but he was sketching.
He sketched it with the photos
I showed him, called the investors,
they came back
and he sold them on it.
They've invested. We have two months
to redesign the project.
-The strip club is on the left.
-Where are you?
At a strip joint off the freeway
with my mom.
-I'll explain later.
-A strip club? Okay, talk later.
Okay, bye.
-Are you sure you want to go in?
-Did you want something?
-A bitter lemon.
-We don't have any.
-What do you have?
-Spirits, shots
-A shot of Sambuca, then.
I'd like a white wine in a tall
glass with lots of ice, please.
Listen, girls, this is a brothel.
-I think you're in the wrong place.
-Not at all.
I'm a hooker, I want to work here.
I'm alright for now.
Tell me, what is your name?
-Amelia, how long have you worked here?
-Four years.
-Four years.
I'm sure you met this gentleman
in the last four years.
No? He was a regular.
A lot of people come in here.
Could we speak to the owner?
He doesn't usually come by.
He has a lot of businesses, so if you
Listen, that man was my husband.
And he died.
We thought he'd killed himself,
but it turns out he was murdered.
Since he came here every week,
you either tell me why and who with
or I'll send the police to ask.
Then I'll see you in court.
-Oscar, ready?
-One minute.
I'm here to talk about my husband,
Oscar León.
He came here every week
and I want to know
if he was always with the same girl,
or various or anything you can tell me.
Alejandra, right?
I'm so sorry about Oscar.
You'll understand
I couldn't go to the funeral.
-Did you know him?
We were friends.
I get you have
a lot of nighttime establishments
and nobody asks for receipts,
or anything. It's normal.
But you have an excess of cash
that you have to justify,
otherwise it'll become dirty money.
But I've heard about, what's
it called? A Dutch Sandwich.
-What are you talking about?
-Look, all I want
is for you to do what you do
so things run more smoothly.
Call it what you want,
this is a crime.
A crime is killing your dad or screwing
your sister. That's a crime.
If the authorities get wind of this,
you could get six years, man.
Six years. Look
I can recommend any type
of investment, I'd love to help.
But not with this.
Not this.
It's a question of principles.
Thank you.
I understand.
You have your principles.
I have mine.
We're both honorable men.
But you know what?
Everyone has dirty laundry to air.
Take me, for example.
I have clubs
where I put dancers in cages.
And you?
You sit in your Porsche,
an amazing woman in the front seat,
a joint in your hand and a baby.
Hey! Look who it is.
How are you doing, princess?
-She ate it all.
-Great, thank you, Maru.
And your wife has no idea
about any of this,
because she's in Valencia.
We all have two versions of ourselves.
Public and private.
That doesn't make us less honorable.
Don't look at me like that. I'm talking
about business for both of us.
Good business.
Come on, Oscar.
Okay? Take a look at it.
Hey there, beautiful.
-What did you have?
-Three glasses of wine,
but the drinks in these places
are really expensive.
Well, the good news is Oscar was
the accountant not a customer.
Great! From financial engineer
to accountant for a brothel,
bit of a demo
-You have four new messages.
You need to come.
There are developments in the
investigation of your husband's death.
You need to take me
to the police station.
-What's happened?
-Conrado needs to tell me something.
Is it something to do
with what you said in there?
Is it possible Oscar
was murdered, Alex?
They don't know yet,
it's just a line of investigation.
I'll take you to the station,
but I'm coming in.
No, you'll take me
and leave me there.
-Not happening, sweetie.
-You'll leave me there.
-They've asked me to be discreet.
-But I'm your mother and
Just for once could you not be
the mom you want to be
and be the mom I need you to be?
This is about my pain, not yours.
You'll leave me there.
So, I can come to the brothel,
but not to the station.
-Not there, no.
This is the fiscal activity of the shell
companies I found in Oscar's paperwork.
As you yourself found,
Oscar was moving
various amounts of money
in and out of the country,
for the last three years.
The truth is I'm glad to see you.
In total it's a pretty
serious amount of money.
I still don't know the origin, but it
clearly fits with what I've found.
And what's that?
It seems Oscar gave Vicent
a package to take care of,
containing rolls of money.
And he didn't say anything until now?
Maybe I didn't ask
the right questions.
The question is:
where did he get all of this money?
He was unemployed,
so either he won the lottery
or there's clearly something
we don't know.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, it's just
I had a drink and I feel dizzy.
-Should I get you some water?
-No, I'm fine.
I've also been investigating.
I went to a bar called Lula.
-You went to Lula?
I found out he went there
and, like you, I imagined the obvious,
but it turns out I was wrong.
At first I was glad,
but now I'm not sure I should be.
And what did you find out?
He worked for the owner.
He was the accountant.
That guy has several suits
filed against him.
For exploitation and money laundering.
He's managed to have them thrown out,
but I wouldn't be surprised if the money
Oscar was moving came from there.
So we could have a possible motive
for your husband's murder.
In two hours, I've gone
from thinking he was a john,
to finding out he worked for a pimp
and that he was possibly murdered.
Could you order me a cab?
I need to
There's no need. I'll give you a ride.
Is something up?
I made you a promise
I still haven't made good on.
Thank you.
For taking you out
on a combine harvester?
No, for believing me.
For the investigation
and what you said to me yesterday.
No, look
When my wife died,
the medication seemed
like a good option.
You know? Because with them,
life slows down, it's
But you don't move anymore.
You get used to living like the lions
you see at the zoo.
In a 5 by 5 cage, waiting for a scrap
of meat to be thrown to keep you alive.
That's how I was.
Yesterday, I told you it's been three
years since I behaved like a cop.
But what I didn't say,
is that it's also been that long
since I behaved like a man.
when I saw you in your nightgown
with that energy and excitement,
I remembered how exciting life can be
when you're an untamed lion, you know?
Because you you've
You've awoken my instincts,
you've awoken my
You know?
Do you get what I'm saying?
I think so, yes.
That's why I should be
the one thanking you.
-Please, no. I'm really
-Do you want to make love?
What? No.
I mean I'm sorry.
-It's just Oh, God.
No, it's just I'm not ready.
I'm not as strong as you. Okay?
But when I'm ready,
I'll give you a sign.
Oh, right. Okay.
-Is that okay?
-How's it going?
What did you do with Daddy all day?
Where have you been?
Did you have fun with Daddy?
Yes? I'm not sure.
Let's see that smile.
-Why are you here?
-I didn't know where to find you.
I just got back from London
and found out you were fired.
Listen, Oscar. This won't stand.
I'll do all I can,
I'm going to speak to the president
-What are you laughing at?
-You're a fucking great friend.
Come and meet my family.
-This is Fran.
-Hi, nice to meet you.
This is Verónica
and this one here is Sol.
This is Sol. Say hi, Sol.
Martina! You came back!
Well, I never actually left.
-Well, welcome home.
-Thank you.
We're going to have dinner.
Are you hungry?
A little.
Dinner time!
-Let's eat.
No! Tell her no. She's stealing them.
Come on.
-Goodnight, Martina.
You can fill the hole left by someone
with happy moments,
new people and a bit of willpower.
And you can be okay,
but infidelity and lies
become embedded.
What concerns me is
the pain this novel could cause.
I have women close to me
who have been cheated on
and who might feel offended by it.
I really appreciate
you coming down here, Darío,
but the truth is
-I'm not comfortable with this book.
-How could I not come, Blanca.
Carme calls and says our star
writer won't publish with us.
Have you had an offer
from another publisher?
God, no.
I've been with you for twenty years.
There's no other offer.
I'll tell you something
and I'm not paying lip service.
This is the best writing
you've ever done.
I just finished it
and can't get it out of my head.
-It's very personal and deep.
-Darling, I'm not deep.
I'm not. I'm imaginative and playful.
I'm superficial.
We're nominating it for the Aphrodite
Award for women's literature.
And you know who organizes
and pays for that award.
Yes. Let me come up with another story.
-You know I write quickly.
-No, Blanca, please. Look, darling.
You've been writing
under pen names for years.
This is the perfect time to come out and
start enjoying the success you deserve.
She's passed out.
-Do you mind?
Thank you.
Who taught you
to enjoy life like this?
I don't know.
I guess I've always lived like this.
Your family then.
-Your parents or something?
Not them.
Or maybe they did. What do I know?
You know Conrado pretty well, right?
Why do you ask?
He took me out on the combine
harvester and he kissed me.
Really? Fancy that.
How does he kiss with that mustache?
Then he asked if we could make love.
You must have done something
to snap that guy out of his trance.
Conrado is a great guy.
And that's the truth. Thank you.
I wish he hadn't been
through what he has.
-His wife committed suicide.
-I heard.
He had a terrible time.
She was raped
and then she killed herself.
And Conrado was in a kind of limbo.
He couldn't sleep,
but he couldn't be awake either.
It was driving him crazy.
Like a shark in an aquarium.
Constantly tense.
He even beat up a few guys.
Anyway, he's a lot better now.
He started taking medication
and that was that.
He's fine now.
Do you like him?
-Do you like him?
-I don't know.
I really don't know.
Something's happening to me.
But I still don't know what it is.
It must be this place.
I don't really get it.
All I know is I feel good here.
I feel really good.
-What were you keeping for him?
-Money, goddammit! A lot of money.
-Who gave it to him?
No idea. I gave it back
to him the day he died.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Have you stopped taking your pills?
-Go fuck yourself.
-Fuck you, bastard.
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