El Mantequilla (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Emiliano Escamilla: El Nuevo Mantequilla

All characters, plots, situations
-[driver] Here, Miss.
-[passenger] It's fine.
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
-Keep the change.
-You're kidding.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
[passenger] Have a nice day.
[passenger] That's it.
-I told you I would be absent.
-Two years.
Well, I came back for you and Emiliano,
like I promised.
Two years, Jacinto.
Abandoned in this town.
if I weren't as crazy about you as I am,
if you weren't the best wife,
the only heaven-sent gift,
do you think I would have returned
for you, for both of you?
You must want something.
I love and want you and Emiliano.
[sighs] I swear, on this most sacred spot,
my father's grave.
I really want us
to have a family together.
This is our time.
Margarita, without you, I'm nobody.
I don't know what life has in store,
but I don't want it without you.
[breathes heavily]
So, how is this going to work?
They keep looking for you. [sniffles]
Your picture haunts us everywhere.
They could catch you leaving this spot.
See this suitcase?
[sighs] It has a lot of money.
Enough for the three of us
to live comfortably for two years.
You're going to take it.
I'll strike a deal so we can go together,
so they'll leave us alone.
The day after tomorrow,
take Emiliano and the suitcase
and I'll see you in departures
at the Rosarito Airport at 3:00.
And if you don't show up?
You go with Emiliano. [sighs]
I swear on my life that I'll catch up.
Trust me.
[knocks on door]
Detective Robles, do you want a whiskol?
-Come on, Elenita.
No, thanks.
Uh, Captain, I'd like it
if you could give me a few minutes.
-Okay, everybody out. Let's go, Velasco.
-[Velasco] Fine, fine.
Excuse me, Captain.
So, Detective Robles, what's up?
[sighs] I'm going to be perfectly frank,
Captain Camacho,
and I know that you're not going to like
what I have to say.
Like a dog with a bone. Out with it.
I understand that the feat
of capturing Pedro Botello
is not only mine, it's the division's.
It just doesn't add up
that he's been arraigned and sentenced,
even though during the last days
of the investigation
there was no sign of the artwork
or the money among his belongings.
What are you saying?
-That the case cannot be closed
-It isn't closed.
I also read the newspaper.
The newspaper?
I was going to tell you tomorrow,
but since you're already
chomping at the bit,
I'll give you the reins now.
It's yours.
I don't understand.
You were the first to establish
a criminal connection
between Mr. Pedro Botello
and the Butter Man, right?
Your name is already semi-famous.
Botello's capture made us look very good.
So, it's logical that you're assigned
to capture the new Butter Man:
Emiliano Escamilla.
You're assigning me
the most important case in the division?
-Yup. It was always yours.
So? Now will you accept the whiskol?
-[laughs] Of course, Captain.
Okay. Cheers.
Thanks, Captain. Cheers.
Okay. Mama, look at me.
What will you say to the police
when they come and ask you about me, hmm?
-What will you tell them?
-That what?
-That what?
-That-That the boiler's not working.
-Damn it!
I don't know anything about plumbing.
It won't turn on. When'll you fix it?
Forget about the fucking boiler, Ma.
You haven't seen your son
in ten years, hmm?
-But are they coming for me, or
-No, nobody's coming for you.
-They're looking for me.
So, you have to tell them
that I haven't come in ten years
because if not, they'll screw you.
-Did you understand that?
-Ma, do you understand?
-Yes, yes.
-[door opens, hangers slide]
-Where are you going?
Look, trust me.
I always come back, right?
Trust me. I'll come back for you.
I've heard that song and dance before.
All men are alike.
Give them everything and they just leave.
I'm not just any man. I'm your son.
Go. Fuck you. What are you doing?
Looking for my father.
I'm just about to find that asshole
and I'll make him pay
for what he did to you, what he did to us.
You're going to take a shower?
Holy shit. [whispering] Holy shit.
You stink like hell, son.
I finally meet you in person, Mr. Garduño.
An honor.
Garduño, don't leave the CEO hanging.
[laughs] Alonso Arellano. A pleasure.
Your story from yesterday tripled sales.
You put us in first place, kid.
Ah, sir, well, I don't know what to say.
I suppose it's
just good journalism, right?
With respect.
Yes, of course, precisely.
And I do want to honor you.
-Hand it to me.
-Yes, sir.
This is for you, so you never forget
the journalistic heights
to which we all aspire.
-Thank you, sir.
I'll hang it up at home today.
No. No, I'll tell you where to hang it.
-Come this way.
Look. [laughs]
This will be your office.
Ah. And since you're young,
and must be up to date,
we'll start using those fancy computers.
-[Pablo] Really?
-[Alonso laughs]
Yes, so that you can get right to work.
What do you say?
I say my family in Chignahuapan
will be very proud.
Come in, come in. [laughs]
[Alonso laughs]
Look, I think it goes right here,
in the middle.
That's the spot. Right there.
That's it, very good. [laughs]
[indistinct chatter]
You've sure cleaned up good.
Elena, how can I help you?
Well, I thought you might not have eaten,
but I don't know if you'd like
what I brought you.
I already had breakfast, thanks.
-[Pablo] Hmm?
Who gave you the tip
about Emiliano Escamilla?
[laughs] I can't reveal my sources.
I've helped you thousands of times
and now I'm asking you
to return the favor.
That would be unethical of me.
Are you seriously
going to spout ethics at me?
I've known you since your obituary days,
which wasn't that long ago.
I thank you very much.
But this is sensitive information
and I can't share it with just anybody.
And since you and I aren't friends,
I can't reveal my sources to you.
Really? Now you're offended?
-[Elena] No.
I know what's going on.
You're lying again.
Elena, I'm growing as a professional.
And I learn from my mistakes.
I'd think someone like you
who started out like me would understand.
-You have no shame, Pablo.
-What do you mean?
You've no fucking clue
who your source is, right?
It's as plain as day on your face.
Fucking liar.
-Elena, if you're here to
-You didn't verify it.
What the hell do you know
about how I work?
Maybe not.
But I do know that you have no principles.
You're not a journalist, son.
You're a rat crossed with a sheep
who takes dictation.
Elena, show self-respect
and get out of my office.
-Fuck you.
-All right, then.
Here. Here it is.
-Here you are.
-[driver] Thank you very much.
[Margarita coughs]
[sniffles, coughs]
What did you say?
When was the last time
you saw your son, Emiliano?
Do you know whose son is handsome?
[actor, through TV] What? Again?
No. Look, love.
That one's going to be a star, just watch.
I went to work. I went to bring a lollipop
home for our daughter
[actor 2]
But it's all a game to you, José Julián.
[José Julián] What game, Vero?
Or else my life would be over.
I need to live.
[actor 2]
Not here. Anita is still a child.
Did someone visit recently, Margarita?
Where do I know you from, huh?
May I enter the bedroom?
Ah. I left some underwear soaking.
Wash them, will you?
[José Julián] Who puts bread on the table?
[Margarita coughs]
[coughing continues]
Who helped you clean the drawers, ma'am?
Well, me, who else? I'm alone.
Nobody helped you?
Did you clean these drawers yourself?
-[TV dialogue continues]
Mexico City.
[TV announcer] I hope you're having
as great a time as we are.
We'll be back with our participants
trying to win one of the biggest prizes
[keys jingling]
-[knock on door]
-in the history of national TV.
That's right. And the biggest prize
-You changed the lock, huh?
What are you doing here?
What's up, compadre? Nice underpants.
Abelardo, good afternoon.
Why do you talk like that?
Where are those clothes from?
Where were you?
The cops are looking for you.
They say you're a con artist.
They looked here.
-Okay, shh. What did you tell them?
-The only thing I know.
That you were hired
by an international company and
I haven't heard from you in months.
Well, that was all a lie, sweetie.
Do you think I'm an idiot or what?
I watch the news. Your face shows up.
They say your name is Emiliano.
-That's my name.
Hey, you're going to clean up this mess.
[Itzel laughs]
Why are you laughing? Where is it?
-Your fucking face.
-Where's my money?
That's all you care about?
Yes, I need it. Where is it?
Your compadre's in my pants
and you care more about your damn money?
Where's my money, Itzel?
I spent it already!
-All of it?
How the hell did you spend all of it?
I spent it in Acapulco, with Rogelio.
Son of a fucking bitch,
-but you couldn't afford Capri, asshole?
-Hey, hey!
-Son of a bitch!
Four years of marriage, Abel,
or whatever the hell your name is.
And all you care about
is that I spent your fucking money
and not that
I'm sleeping with your colleague.
Fucking hell!
I don't give a damn who you sleep with!
I don't give a damn
about you or that asshole.
Or Abel, the dumbass you treated like shit
and never fucked.
-Damn witch.
-You're damn ugly with a big nose.
-Fucking Smurf.
-Leave, jerk!
And don't come back, you son of a bitch!
Stop! Police!
[Itzel] Do something, Rogelio!
[Emiliano] Hey, hey!
-Emiliano, let her go.
-I'll let her go.
Lower your weapon, okay?
Everyone gets so fucking violent.
-Go get him.
[groans] Fucking bitch!
Stop, asshole!
Just wait till I catch you.
-Stop, asshole!
Ah! Damn it!
[speaks indistinctly]
[pants] He disappeared.
[moans, grunts]
[exhales, mutters]
[weapon clicks]
Emiliano Escamilla,
you're under arrest
for the crimes of fraud, robbery,
and identity theft.
[applause, whistles]
That girl's got balls, for sure.
-[agent] Good work! Good work!
Enjoy your applause. It won't last.
Shut up, idiot.
I am pleased to see
you have more balls than your dad.
Take him to lockup.
Separate from the others.
Take them, too.
Excuse me, are conjugal visits allowed?
Detective Robles.
Detective Benavides.
Congratulations. We need to celebrate.
Thanks, Captain,
we need to interrogate the suspect now.
We'll do the interrogation
at the Ministry offices
because there's more security and
for some bragging rights, eh?
We need to wait
for the official transport to be ready.
I don't want patrol cars.
If the press take pictures,
they'll see we have a budget.
I've got the transport ready, Captain.
And we're all set up for the call.
What call?
It's your honor to escort the accused
in the official transport,
while Detective Robles receives a call
from the president
to congratulate her on her work.
The president wants to speak to me?
-[Camacho] That's right.
-[Beto] Mmm.
I wish I were an official's daughter.
-[Camacho] Where will we take the call?
-[Velasco] In your office, sir.
And you go on ahead
with the new Butter Man.
[Camacho] Robles.
How much do agents earn, more or less?
How much? A few thousand pesos?
Want me to shut him up,
Detective Benavides?
Let him waste his spit.
How does the system treat you, Benavides?
Because with your age,
you should be retired.
And if you're not,
it's because your retirement
and pension they'll give you
is a fucking joke.
Yes or no? Hmm?
So, you do what? You choose to stay.
And what does the system do?
It puts you with an ex-captain's daughter
who isn't worth a damn.
And you're the babysitter. [smacks lips]
A fucking shame.
Because you're the shit, I saw you.
Risking your knees chasing me,
climbing that building, running around,
so at the end of the day, when you get
to the station, who gets the applause?
The government?
She got it all.
She had you all trailing behind
like bodyguards.
The system has failed all of you.
I have a half a million dollars.
I'm willing to give it to you
so you can split it equally.
And you're saying,
"Yeah, right, asshole. We let you go?
For the promise of
a half a million dollars?"
You bring me there, I give you the money.
And I'll even buy you a damn cold beer
while you count it.
And then you let me go.
What do you take me for?
I'm a detective
with more than 50 years in the service.
You think we'd sell ourselves
and our principles of serving our country
for half a million dollars?
What we really want
is that you tell us where the painting is.
You want the fucking painting?
Then take me to the warehouse.
Take me there for the painting,
the half a million
I'll give you everything that's there.
Look, compadre,
turn right and then take another right,
like you're doing a U-turn,
we're going elsewhere.
You should have started there, Benavides.
Thank you very much, Mr. President.
It's an honor to serve the country.
Yes, thank you very much. It's an honor.
Until later.
I'm so proud, Elena.
Very good. So proud.
-Thanks, Captain.
-[phone rings]
[phone rings]
-[phone rings]
-Aren't you going to answer?
[sirens blaring]
[officer, through radio]
Rear units, approach the southeast.
[indistinct chatter on police radio]
[police radio continues]
-[sirens continue]
-[bullets clatter]
Leave him.
Where is he?
He escaped.
We lost him.
Your weapon.
-Give me your weapon.
[sirens continue]
Why were shots fired only from yours?
He wanted to kill me.
[stammers] I looked death in the face.
He shot me with my own gun.
And he had the courtesy
of returning it to you?
You're a son of a bitch!
[officer, through radio]
don't let them through the 39.
Ah. Working late, I see.
I like that.
To shut up everyone
who says you don't deserve it.
That's right, sir.
Until the story is perfect.
Very good. What are you working on?
What do you think?
-What a number the CIPD pulled.
-Ah. Eh.
-Yeah, man. Unbelievable.
-[Pablo] Ridiculous.
Well, it might be better
to let this one slide, eh?
We might let their incompetence slide,
but I don't think the citizens will.
The citizens won't find out,
young Garduño.
Uh? Hold this.
Let's see. How does this erase?
The new Butter Man escaped?
That's right. That's better.
[laughs] Give that back.
Look. Start over,
but now you write about the weather,
the drought in Durango,
the rain in Tabasco.
That's truly impacting the entire country.
Ah! Don't stay up too late, son, okay?
You're a shame to our division.
Months of work over the new Butter Man
and you let him escape.
-Cancel the press conference, Pérez.
-Yes, sir.
And you have 24 hours to arrest that guy.
It's your case.
whom did the president congratulate?
Do you want to face him
and let him know everything that happened?
It's your fault, Beto.
[tires squeal]
-[pop music through radio]
Elena, you haven't slept in two days.
Yesterday you flew to Tijuana and back.
Do you really want to risk your health
for a corrupt, lying bunch?
I told you, I'll sleep on the plane.
It's three hours.
You won't survive on three hours.
I have to catch this guy, Tatiana.
If not, I'll always be a joke.
Why don't they ask Beto?
[music continues]
I think the best thing is that
we leave things here.
What the hell are you talking about?
About us.
[music continues]
Where is this coming from?
It doesn't matter,
because I'm just your roommate, right?
Nobody knows we're together.
Sometimes, I think you don't even know it.
-You ignore me
you're never with me, we don't fuck.
You don't even sleep with me at home.
Look, Tatiana, I'm a cop.
[sighs] What did you expect?
That you'd value us, at least.
Look, I think this is the worst time
to talk about this.
Why don't you wait until I get back,
and then we'll talk?
What for?
It's never a good time to talk with you.
-There's your gate.
Go on, you don't want to miss the flight.
[music continues]
Have a good trip.
I hope things go well in Tijuana.
Are you serious?
[music continues]
[music ends]
[plane flies overhead]
-Here you go. Thank you.
-[driver] Thanks.
[actor, through TV]
Almost had a heart attack.
[actor 2] Sorry
So, your son hasn't contacted you?
-Hey, move out of the way.
-[TV continues]
You make a better door than a window, kid.
What did you say?
Your son hasn't contacted you?
No, I don't have a son.
Hey, do me a favor.
Bring my medicine from the dresser. Go on.
[actor 2] Good for you.
[TV continues]
What medicine do you want me to bring you?
About what?
[shutter clicks]
-[speaks indistinctly]
-[shutter clicks]
You've gone too far, idiot.
We're going to Panteón Jardín.
[shutter clicks]
Are you sure you want us to do this?
Yes, Captain.
I'm headed to the airport.
[TV announcer] Zarza gets the ball back
that Hugo Sánchez had lost,
López Zarza has the ball,
-he shoots, and goal, gentlemen
-[agents] Goal!
Prepare an arrest warrant.
For whom?
Captain Cuauhtémoc Robles.
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