El marginal (2016) s01e07 Episode Script

Capítulo 7

PASTOR: Can't you hear
the boy crying?
You go.
I just got home.
And I've been going all day.
SILVIA: Want some?
Where did you get that?
Is that all that's left?
You took it all?
There was a whole bag.
Yes, but it's bad stuff.
You don't want any.
No, I want to sleep.
How did the gun fight go?
Did you kill anyone?
Stop breaking my balls.
Good! I'm very proud
to be the girlfriend
of a cop that kills
loads of people.
You promote justice!
I love it.
Did my mom come?
Yes, she took Lucas
for a walk.
Did you change him?
Yes, I think so.
"I think so?"
What do you think?
He had a shitty diaper?
No, it didn't smell.
Stop, stop, let me speak.
What are you doing, you idiot?
What the fuck did you do?
Are you kidding?
Sorry, Miguel.
Tell Lucas
to forgive me as well.
(SOBS) I can't take any more.
Stop fucking around,
don't be an asshole.
Come here, come on.
Why? I'm no good as a mother.
What about me? I'm a shit
father but I'm here.
Come on.
Lucas is in a real state!
Come on.
No. I have to go.
We're not in a good place.
I can't take any more,
and by your side
I'm a drug addict
and an alcoholic.
I need to get away
and see if I can get better.
What the fuck
am I supposed to do?
What are you thinking about?
Nothing, I can't stop
thinking about something.
Don't you want to
share it with me?
No, I'd rather keep
my monsters to myself.
Those monsters
will consume you.
Better they consume just me,
and not the people around me.
You must learn
to trust, Pastor.
That's why we're here.
It's not that
I don't trust you.
I don't want to
mess up your life.
It's much more fucked up
than you imagine.
Do you know why I started
working here?
Because my dad went to jail
when I was little.
I practically never knew him.
My mom told me that
he'd abandoned us.
And then, worse,
that he was dead.
I found out the truth
when I turned 18.
That's when I decided
to come here.
I started to investigate him,
did research,
searched for him.
And when I arrived
it was too late.
He was dead.
From that moment
I've lived with guilt,
thinking that he loved me
and missed me,
and felt that I had
abandoned him.
The complete opposite, right?
Did his mother come?
I called her,
she said she was going
to come,
but then she didn't.
How horrible. Really awful.
It's a shame because
she's really
a very sick person,
isn't she?
And she's missing out
on her son growing up.
Sick or not sick,
she's a terrible mother.
And you know it.
You don't say anything
as you don't like
badmouthing people,
but you know that I'm right.
She's a terrible mother.
Keep your voice down,
Miguel's over there.
Hey, what's that guy's deal?
I don't like the look of him.
See? I should have left it
in a parking lot.
I don't know why
I left it there.
PASTOR: You're paranoid, man.
They won't touch it here.
They know I'm a cop.
No, it's just the area,
you see?
PASTOR: The area, what area?
You're from here,
what do you mean?
It's not like it was before.
Yes, it is like it was before.
What's up, man?
What are you up to?
What's got into you now?
It's nice, isn't it?
Boy does it run.
If you want, you can borrow it
and take it for a ride.
Better not, because
if you do you'll never
want to drive any other.
And if I break it
or scratch it,
how would I replace it?
With my public
servant's salary?
FERNANDO: I'm also a servant.
I serve myself.
What are you up to, man?
You seem very
full of yourself.
What are you up to, asshole?
FERNANDO: Not full of myself,
I'm on a winning streak.
PASTOR: A winning streak?
FERNANDO: Yes, a streak.
PASTOR: With what?
We've rented
a house with a pool
and a beautiful garden.
Haven't we?
Will you come?
Yes, of course.
House with a pool, new car,
check you out!
I'm really intrigued now.
FERNANDO: If fortune
is on your side,
make the most of it.
If you fall with your ass
in the air,
nobody will lift you up.
No, and they'll park
their bike between
your butt cheeks.
Enough what?
I've seen some diapers.
They're made for the water,
for boys.
What size is Luqui?
What size diaper is Luqui?
Do you know?
I'll go and see
how Luquitas is,
see if he's sleeping.
Mom, I just checked,
he's fine.
Please, tell us what's wrong.
I made some notes,
because I knew
that this would be
difficult for me.
Don't be nervous,
speak calmly.
We're all here
to listen to you,
all three of us.
I've had some tests done
and I have Alzheimer's.
But, is that confirmed?
Yes, it's confirmed.
The doctor told me that
I'm in the first stage.
And in this stage
I won't have any big problems.
I'll forget a few things,
but nothing serious and
I can continue
with my life normally,
for a while.
PASTOR: A while? For how long?
What happens afterwards?
things get a bit worse and
Then it gets really ugly.
So when that time comes,
have me admitted
and forget about me, okay?
Shouldn't we see
another doctor?
ELIDA: What for?
So that they can tell me
the same thing?
I want to be well
for as long as I can,
with my grandson.
I don't want to waste
any time.
I'm telling you
because it's the only way
for you to lend me a hand,
but don't ask more.
You don't want to know more
than I tell you, okay?
For your own sake.
That's fine.
That boy, he's my son.
The boy that's gone missing
isn't my lawyer's son,
he's mine.
He's called Lucas
and he's my son.
Your son?
Are you serious?
Of course I'm serious.
How could you hide
something like that?
I'm telling you now, aren't I?
I don't understand.
Why was your son
with your lawyer?
It's complicated.
I've known my lawyer
my whole life.
We grew up together
in the neighborhood.
When I was sent to jail
I had nowhere to take the kid
because his mom was
out of the picture.
My lawyer was never
able to have kids.
So he offered to
look after him.
That's the story.
And your sister?
What sister?
The woman that came
to visit you the other day.
She's not my sister.
She said that she was,
but she's not.
Why didn't you talk
to the cops when
all of this happened?
I can't talk to the cops.
Why not? We could do it now.
No, that's not possible.
That's not possible.
I need you to help me
find my son,
but nobody can find out
about it in here.
I need to know what's going on
in order to help you.
I can't tell you.
I can't tell you,
I can't tell you any more.
I told you from the beginning.
No more questions.
You don't want to know more.
Lend me a hand with this,
but don't ask for more.
Can you do that?
SILVIA: He's asleep.
I walked around
and around with him
and then he fell asleep.
So that's that.
Lucas needs you here.
You can't just come
every four months.
SILVIA: I'm not ready yet.
What does being ready mean?
You have a child.
You can't disappear like that,
I don't even know
how to reach you.
Listen, I brought him
some clothes,
but they're too big.
I thought that he'd be
a bit more chunky.
Are you listening to me?
I'm not talking
about the stupid clothes.
I need you to be here.
I don't know
if I'll ever be ready.
I'm telling you
so that you know.
I have to get better.
What does Lucas have to do
with you getting better?
Can you tell me?
It's fine. I didn't
expect you to understand.
I don't want to fight,
but I need you here,
I want you to understand that.
My mom's sick.
She's getting worse.
She won't be able
to look after Lucas
all the time.
That's fine.
You're taking care of him.
What happens when I can't?
I don't know, we'll see.
"We'll see?"
You're his mother.
You'll see, I don't know.
I don't know, I can't.
I'm sorry.
I live in Marcos' house
and he doesn't like kids.
I don't know,
what do you want me to do?
I can't take a kid home.
"The authorities state that
"the fact that they found
"no sign of a minor
at the crime scene
"supports theory that
he could still be alive."
It's no use
looking at all this.
The media will say anything.
I think that we need to keep
a cool head, you know?
Think which is the best way
to find him.
Thank you.
I know an inmate
who has a relative
who is a cop in a high rank.
If you want,
I can talk to him.
Why? He might be
able to help us.
Because nobody can know
that I'm linked to this.
Don't worry. I'll be discreet.
I'll say it's for me.
SOFIA: Hello.
I'm about to start
the workshop.
Am I interrupting?
No, not at all.
We were just finishing.
Okay, Pastor.
We'll be in touch.
SOFIA: Is anything wrong?
Did he do something to you?
No, it's nothing.
I'm just trying to help him
with a few things.
Really, don't worry.
I'm just a little stressed.
I think I'll go home, okay?
See you soon.
Don't let it get you down.
(CHUCKLES) I won't.
See you tomorrow.
Hey, man.
Let's talk for a minute.
Did you give the merchandise
that my brother gave you
to the people in the villa?
Who are you, Robin Hood?
No, your brother
gave me nothing.
It was part of the payment
and I can do whatever I want
with my things, right?
Yes, but you could have
told me.
I don't like that fag
being close to you,
you know?
Yes, him.
It's a strategy, man.
What kind of strategy?
Didn't your brother
replace Morcilla with me
to control the courtyard?
It was all peaceful.
Until you guys came
and fucked it up,
it was peaceful.
It seems that my brother
doesn't like your strategy.
I don't like his.
You're very strange.
Look, man. I'm going
to be sincere with you.
I don't know
how to act around you.
I know that sometimes
I'm annoying and
How do you say?
Like a plaintiff in a court.
My psychologist
says it's because
they all lick
my brother's asshole
and I need my own group,
my people.
So I get like that,
I'm a bit of a pussy.
That's what I think,
not what the psychologist
That's what I conclude
with all the advice
Everything's all right.
I haven't forgotten
that you saved my life.
Not many would have
taken such a risk.
Now that we're friends,
can I dry off your dick?
Whenever you want.
Show me those beautiful tits.
Show me, like you did
the other times when
my wife was here, bitch.
LUCRE: I can't believe you.
You really are
a fine specimen, aren't you?
I know, you came to jail
so that you'd never have to
fuck your wife again, right?
How vulgar. How dare you
speak about the mother
of my children like that,
Stop, you made her come here.
No, what was it?
A complete visit?
I don't want to smell
like a hippopotamus, okay?
Are you almost done, babe?
You're busting my balls.
I'll die of an embolism.
Come on, bitch.
Let's see you,
worthless inmate.
I'm going to give you
your punishment
so that you can be released
into society.
MARIO: Fuck me, bitch,
that hurts.
LUCRE: You didn't like that.
Let's see.
Turn over, worthless inmate.
I'm going to search you.
So you're the biggest
dick in San Onofre?
You're in for it now.
Just you see what
I'm going to do to you.
Fucking hell, girl.
What are you doing?
LUCRE: What do you mean?
I'm playing around, my love.
Don't play in that area.
I don't like it.
LUCRE: What is it?
Don't be boring.
MARIO: Boring?
Boring, she says
Here, swallow the little guys.
Yes, swallow the little guys.
Fucking music.
PASTOR: I hadn't noticed.
They should ban
cumbia in here.
I can still hear you.
Don't you want me
to give you a tattoo?
I try to get on
with everybody.
Not to fall out with anybody,
or cause any trouble.
And I always end up
getting mixed up in shit.
No, not even you will have me.
The way you speak to me,
the way you look at me.
Everything's fine with you.
It's those assholes
who make me paranoid.
They bust my balls because
they see me
talking with the others.
As if I were conspiring.
You have to take sides here,
you can't be at one
with both heaven and hell.
Yes, I know.
I need to get out of here.
I need to go to another wing
because they'll come and
find me to fuck me up.
Know what?
I'll become an Evangelical
and they can all go to hell.
That's right, man.
Just you try.
No, no way.
You have to stay clean
all day long.
You can't smoke, can't drink.
No, too many rules for me.
I shouldn't be in here,
in this fucking courtyard.
I never killed anybody.
Sorry, man,
I don't mean that makes me
a better person.
It's okay.
Think whatever you like.
Did you go to
the real estate agency?
Did they value the house?
No, I didn't have time.
You haven't had time
for two weeks, man.
What's up?
I've had a lot on my plate,
I couldn't.
What things, man?
I'm busy, I can't.
What's wrong?
Are you mixed up
in something?
What is this?
An interrogation?
"What are you up to?"
Speak to me nicely, idiot.
I'm asking nicely.
Why haven't you been?
It makes me sad
to sell the house
and put her in a clinic.
It makes me sad too,
but it's the only option,
she can't be by herself.
There's a problem
selling the house.
What problem?
I'll solve it, but
The house is a guarantee
for a loan that I requested.
You lost the house, Fernando?
No, I didn't lose it.
It's just until
I cover the debt.
It's just that
Fucking hell, you asshole,
how much do you owe?
Five hundred thousand.
The interest killed me,
those sons of bitches
Shut your mouth.
What happened, Mom?
Mom, what happened?
What happened?
They came
and said they were
friends of yours,
so I let them in.
Who came?
One was very tall,
the other was
What, Mom?
He was bald.
What happened?
They told me
you owe them money,
They'll take the house
away from me,
they'll take the house
away from me.
They'll take the house
away from me.
PASTOR: Shh, shh.
Mom, don't worry.
Don't worry.
When Betina comes back,
we'll leave Mom with her
and we'll go and
find those bastards,
hear me?
Listen, I'll fix it, I'll
You'll fix nothing,
you fucking asshole.
We'll do as I say.
When Betina comes back
we'll go and
find those bastards.
Is that clear?
They're tough guys, Miguel.
My ass they're tough.
Think about how
we're going to do it.
Find out the name.
Be careful!
Be careful!
What with?
It's okay, Mom.
It's okay, just relax.
Who's the Basque?
Who's the Basque?
I'm the Basque.
MAN 1: You're the Basque?
I'm the Basque.
MAN 2: The Basque? That's me.
I'm the Basque.
I'm the Basque.
What are you doing, Basque?
For fuck's sake.
Have you come to pay
what you owe?
We'll pay you,
but in installments,
son of a bitch.
This is the first.
Mother fucker
I think you just killed a cop.
How was the whore?
She wanted to do you
in the ass.
She wanted to fuck your ass,
son of a bitch.
I prefer chicks like that
rather than those
that lie on the bed
and make you work
like a slave, man.
Daddy doesn't like that.
Come on, tell me.
Who's the girl?
You always have some mystery
and never tell us. Come on.
She's the chick
from the chat, man,
the one I met in
the whore house
a long time ago.
Stop what you're doing.
Requisition, against the wall.
What the fuck is up
with those guys?
For fuck's sake.
Everybody against the wall.
MARIO: What's wrong, Capece?
What the fuck is it, Capece?
Don't bust my balls.
What do you want? Merchandise?
Ask Diosito.
Where's Diosito?
Don't talk to me like that,
today I have permission
to do whatever I want
to you, understand?
Against the wall, come on.
Son of a bitch,
have you lost your mind?
Don't worry, that guy's
just making a scene
in order to maintain
a good image, idiot.
Have you got an arsenal there?
Were you thinking of
attacking the Middle East?
You're really
losing it, Capece.
I haven't even
started losing it,
so go along with it
or I'll make
a symphonic orchestra
full of dicks play out
of your ass.
Does Antin know about this?
Or are you digging
your own grave?
You're welcome to pass by
his office whenever
you want, asshole.
But before you do,
spread your cheeks.
We can't buy new uniforms
because we're already
over budget.
We'll have to make do
with what we've got.
What we are going to fight
for are extra hours,
I can promise that.
MARIO: Hey, bastard,
asshole, pussy
Come, don't be an idiot,
come here.
That's no way to address
the manager of
the establishment.
I'm a worker and
you owe me respect.
If you have a problem with me,
why don't we sort it out
face to face?
Why the requisition?
Are you watching me?
What do you want?
Yes, you sent me
that bunch of assholes.
Are you fired up
because we carried
out a requisition?
Requisition is a legal
and constitutional
procedure which is carried out
periodically and as a routine
in all of the jails
in the country.
I didn't read the form,
did something of
yours go missing?
Everything that they took
had better reappear,
but one thing they couldn't
take from me is this.
Yes, that's because
I ordered them
to leave anything
that's not worth shit.
I told them not to seize it.
That little dick of yours
is useless, even for pissing.
You're speaking
from experience, right?
Do you want to talk to me?
Ask for an appointment,
like everyone else.
I may just grant you one.
Me? Like everyone else?
Yes, asshole.
You want me to tell them.
Tell them.
Yes, I will.
I can tell anybody I want.
It's no problem for me.
Guys, come here.
I have something to tell you.
Listen to the idiot.
You can tell this to anybody,
to your relatives,
to the judges, to the lawyers,
there's no problem.
Because here many people think
that living in this shithole
is all fun and games,
but it's not.
In here you have
to put the money
inside an envelope
and give it to
the head of the circus.
I have the numbers right here,
I can give them to you.
Whoever asks for them,
I'll give them to, no problem.
If you want to fix things,
come and see me,
fucking asshole.
Don't say things
you might regret,
you idiot.
I'm going,
I'll let you get on.
The doctor has
stood me up, it seems.
No problem.
You're very pretty.
What are you doing in here?
You should be on television.
I prefer theater.
Really? I'd go and see you.
I'd be in the first row,
waiting to give you
a bunch of flowers.
But I can't because
I'm locked up in here.
Of course.
DIOS: We could go out
for dinner one day,
if you want.
I mean it.
A nice dinner,
really romantic,
with candles and everything.
I'll get everything,
I don't give a shit
about the requisition.
I'm owed a few favors.
I'm not sure about
a romantic dinner.
I don't think so.
Maybe a friendly dinner.
I already have friends.
What I'm looking for
is a girlfriend.
Of course you are.
I understand.
It's a pity that I can't.
You shouldn't pity me.
You should care about me.
Doctor, what happened?
Did you forget about me?
No, I didn't forget.
I never forget my patients,
there must have been
an error in communication.
What error in communication?
(EXHALES) I'm not going
to see you anymore.
You've been assigned
to a colleague
and you're on
their waiting list.
What waiting list, you idiot?
You're my psychologist.
I'm sorry.
You're not fucking sorry.
You're not fucking sorry
about anything.
What the fuck's
wrong with you?
I'm not leaving
until you tell me.
Sofia, could you leave us
for a few seconds, please?
At this stage in my life,
I shouldn't have to put up
with the humiliation
of being treated
like any old inmate.
You carried out a requisition.
You betrayed me, Antin.
What the fuck was
I supposed to do
after the scene you made
in the courtyard?
You almost set the whole
prison on fire, idiot.
What was I supposed to do?
Cross my arms and watch you?
I have to enforce the rules.
It's been more than 10 years
since I've had to bend over
and have my asshole inspected.
I'm not an idiot, Antin.
There are inexplicable deaths,
quote-unquote escapees,
Where do all these problems
come from?
From your little gang,
from your people
that you can't control,
It's not a little gang.
And your pockets
are full thanks to us.
And they have my back, Antin,
they would die for me.
Look, instead of losing
your mind like you are
because they stole
a television
and a stupid PlayStation,
you should show
solidarity with me,
as I'm busting my ass
to fix your little scams.
Where the fuck is Sosa?
Where the fuck is Sosa?
That's already been resolved.
How many times do
I have to tell you
that Sosa's wife is family?
My wife fixed all of that,
Do you want me
to fix anything else?
Want me to sit there,
in that chair,
and watch other people's
lives on the camera?
What a bore.
Antin, don't put me
on the opposing team
because one day,
you and I will
end up falling out.
Whenever you want.
You misunderstood me.
You and I will come to blows.
Whenever you want.
But with no guards
and nobody to defend you.
The one who can't bear
to be without
his bodyguards,
is you, asshole.
Give me a day and a time,
you pussy.
I'm a pussy?
You're a pussy.
What are you doing?
Giving you a day: today.
And a time.
Listen, you accused me
of being the informer
who brought to light
the business of that girl
who was kidnapped,
and taken to the fifth wing.
Not only that,
but you also say
that I cause trouble
between you and Pena.
I can't have a patient
who thinks that
I am an informer.
It's okay, don't go on,
don't feel to blame.
It was just
a manner of speaking,
we're friends.
We're not friends.
What do you mean?
No, that's where
the mistake is.
I shouldn't have allowed
for the doctor-patient
relationship to pass
certain limits.
Listen, I promise
that from now on
there'll be distance
between us.
Dios, the decision has
already been made.
Seriously, I'll forget it.
Decision made.
Stop saying that,
you fucking asshole!
Who am I supposed
to talk to now?
Listen to me,
the therapist
who you'll be with
is an excellent professional.
You'll get used to him.
The therapist can go to hell.
And so can you.
I told you a lot of things,
I opened my heart.
Things that nobody knows.
And if my brother finds out,
he'll come after you,
ANTIN: Fuck you,
you fat son of a bitch.
LUCRE: Stop! They're going
to kill each other, please!
Son of a bitch!
Fat son of a bitch.
Fuck you.
Son of a bitch!
Are your boys here
to save you?
Get that piece of shit
out of here.
How are you, Doctor?
It was a bit of sport.
To warm up the muscles,
you see.
Come on,
tell us what happened.
How did the fight start?
What can I say, you idiot?
We laid into each other.
Just like it should be.
If two guys have a problem,
they should resolve it
like men.
With no idle talk,
no messing around.
I'd like to see
the state of Antin.
This one's fucked up,
so imagine the other guy.
Did you pass by the infirmary?
Will you stop
busting my balls?
He hit me once! Just once.
What's up, Mario? How are you?
Hello, dear Pastor.
How are you?
Good. Could we talk
for a minute?
Want to sit down?
Make room for him.
No, it's okay.
Look, here's the number
for the transfer
that we agreed on.
When do you need it by?
As soon as possible,
it's an emergency.
Why is there such a rush now?
I have to pay back a debt
that I have outside, you see?
And it made you think of me.
When I asked you
to work with me,
you disappeared on me.
When I called you,
you got all sensitive.
I wasn't in the mood.
I see, not in the mood,
but you're in the mood
to make donations to
those fucking niggers
from the villa.
You're donating
the merchandise
that I gave you.
Are you also going to donate
the money that I transfer?
Are you going to donate it
to those fucking niggers?
But you told me
that the merchandise
was part of the payment,
that I could do
whatever I wanted.
You didn't tell me
there were conditions.
Don't start with all that.
Are we done?
Look, I'm not asking a favor,
but you do owe me a favor
for taking care of
Morcilla's death.
Right? You told me
the money was available,
and I'm asking for it.
Are you a labor unionist now,
or what?
I'll keep my word
and I'll transfer
all of the money
into this account.
But don't push your luck,
because right now I'm the one
who's not in the mood.
I can expect the money then?
You can.
Fucking idiot,
does he think he's
the big dick around here now?
If he goes on like this,
I'll have to send him to join
the other idiot who's
watching us from up there.
I've seen many things in jail,
but what I've just seen today,
really outdoes everything.
That's the way I am.
My method may seem
a little extreme,
but that's why
the inmates respect me:
because I treat them
as equals.
They want to lay into
the director of the prison?
They can do it, one by one.
The director will
put up with it.
Tell me, how can I help you?
The attorney
authorized a meeting.
Didn't they tell you?
Nobody told me anything,
as far as I know.
It's specifically
about the irregularities
that we've been talking about.
It's certain that
your explanations
don't convince anybody.
I hope that this doesn't
go against your expectations.
That's not my intention.
Shall we call a doctor?
No, don't worry. It'll pass.
Thank you.
You can't be like this.
You should be seen.
I will be seen.
Don't worry, really.
But what if
But I'm fine.
Excuse me,
do you know the doctor?
EMMA: Yes, of course.
Doctor Belardo, how are you?
Good. How are you?
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
We're doing an inspection
in San Onofre and
I need to talk to you.
No problem.
Shall we go to another office?
It'll be quieter there.
We'll continue afterwards.
Come with me, please.
Why can't they inspect me?
(LAUGHS) But sweetie,
why get involved
with one from outside?
We have fresh meat in here
and it's available
all day long.
Forget it.
Emma advises not to mix
too much with them.
The inmates are ideal lovers.
They're always willing,
And then you go home
relaxed, at ease,
and in here nobody finds out.
And if they do,
they're not jealous.
Are you being serious?
Yes, of course.
Have you been
with many inmates?
You never forget your first.
such a passionate lover
He had such beautiful hands.
This is the year
of the asshole.
They stole this shit
from the hairdressers.
I really miss my things, man.
You're nobody
without your things.
And they still say
material shit doesn't matter.
I'm having a shit day,
but, what's up with you?
If I tell you something,
you won't be angry?
My psychologist says
he can't see me anymore.
That's good. Sorry.
Therapy seems like
a waste of time to me.
But, each to their own,
you know?
Yes, the thing is that
I'm afraid because I told him
a load of things.
And now he's angry
and he doesn't like me.
Why are you being a pussy?
You're my brother,
what's wrong?
Fuck that asshole.
That's why I'm here.
You tell me and
I'll give you advice.
What's the problem?
Yes, but I told him
What did you tell him?
About the exit?
About the fight?
About the girl?
About the fifth wing?
Did you tell him
about Morcilla?
For fuck's sake,
are you an idiot?
What the hell got into you?
Don't bust my balls.
You're just
a sensitive person.
And sensitive people
sometimes fuck up.
That's why I love you.
It's okay, we'll fix it.
If any information comes
from that asshole,
at some point he'll set foot
in the courtyard,
and we'll fuck him over.
Did you speak to Sosa's wife?
Yes, she backed out.
What do you mean
she backed out?
Yes, I don't know.
Something happened.
Because she thinks the same as
the people in the jail:
that he escaped.
She told me that
she spoke to him on
the phone a few times.
Those sons of bitches
bought her.
Without her statement
we can't advance any further.
You look
I don't know
Your face is
You look sick.
No, I'm not sick.
I mean, a little intoxicated,
I don't know.
That's enough.
Give me a kiss.
I'm pregnant.
Whose is it?
What? Is it mine?
What do you think?
Just walk and stay outside,
don't let anybody in.
the truth is, in five years
I've never been into
the visitors' room.
I've never seen it
from this angle.
It's really shit. (LAUGHS)
Now I understand
how bad the visits must be
having seen this, right?
That's why I don't want
anybody to visit me here.
You're always so sarcastic.
Did you find out
what you needed?
If Borges knew that I lent you
the tablet that I seized
He must be jerking himself off
inspecting the humidity
on the ceiling.
Did he give you the money?
He told me
he'd transfer it to me.
He will.
When do you want to leave?
Any day.
It has to be very early
in the morning.
Very early.
Look, I'm going
to be honest
I have a problem because
there's someone bugging me,
a bureaucrat from
the Prosecutor's Office,
who's sniffing around,
looking for a needle
in a haystack.
It turns my stomach.
It would be good for me
if you go sooner
rather than later.
Could you leave tomorrow?
Let's go over the conditions.
you leave the prison
and go directly,
quickly and directly,
to deal with whoever
you need to.
Once it's done,
you come back to the prison.
Directly, no stops
of any type, and no detours.
Are we in agreement?
We are.
Secondly, two of my men
will go with you.
They can be trusted,
they're good people,
they won't help you,
they won't pull any triggers.
I don't need that.
No, I know that you don't,
but I do.
I've given you my word:
I will come back.
I trust you on your word.
I have no reason
to distrust your word,
but I've been fucked over
many times
and I prefer to be sure
that you'll come back
to the jail.
So, you're leaving tomorrow,
but we're going
to fix an agreement
and the conditions.
Are we done?
We're done.
Yes, or no?
So, tomorrow morning.
One thing.
Aren't you going to tell me?
Tell you what?
You're leaving the jail.
Who are you going to kill?
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