El Presidente (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


Dreaming is free.
What's difficult is returning
to hard reality.
Sometimes, life isn't
as we deserve, Rosarito.
Sergito was on the verge of being the host
of the first Copa América
in Chile in 23 years.
He was the image of success. Or was he?
Okay, darling, this is the concept
we discussed with the community manager.
So here are the numbers, our expectations,
and here, in this column, our projections.
Nené, darling Nené
It's like you're on another planet.
It's only an inauguration, Sebastián.
Once the match starts, people will forget.
Yes, yes, yes. Of course.
This is only important because
it's a springboard for your campaign.
Sebastián, you being in politics
At one point, I heard a rumor
about Sergio and a minister lady
Look, darling, it doesn't matter.
They're only rumors.
-Show me alone.
-Of course.
With Sergio. Alone.
The investigative commission
needs something concrete, printed,
-if not, they can't help you.
-To help me,
I'm paying a very good legal counsel.
And it's not just for me,
it's for the whole board of directors,
which includes you,
-you know? So, I'll see you tomorrow.
-Look, Sergio. Wait, wait.
As members of the board,
we've decided to return our salary.
And we recommend you do the same.
-Help yourself a little, man.
-You're not listening to me, man.
That's why we have Roger and Oscar.
They're going to defend all of us.
Well, that's not good enough.
The situation doesn't inspire confidence.
The situation? What situation?
I'm the situation Yeah. Damn.
You know what, man? Go to hell.
I don't need you.
It's very easy to give up a salary
when you're already millionaires.
-Yes, you and your shitty companies.
At best, this is a hobby for you,
but not me.
This is a job for me, okay?
So you can go to hell, you son of a bitch.
Oscar, Roger. Come to the office, please.
Something good came out of it.
You hired us.
What's the saying like?
Those of us who believe in justice
shouldn't trust our lawyers.
Here you go, aspirins.
Hey, I have no problem with these types
of requests, but are you okay?
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine. I'm splendid.
How's it going with the
merchandising that you told me about?
-The containers arriving from China?
All good?
Everything's okay? Good.
And those guys, who are they?
The lawyers from New York?
-Yes, like I said. I'd already told you.
They're advising me
on some contracting issues.
Counseling on some contracts.
As sure as my name is Jashir Alabí,
if you're lying, you'll regret it.
Jashir, I
I'm a rat.
I'm an FBI informant.
Yes. They left me no other choice.
-Are you shitting me?
-No, man.
They pressured me.
And who else knows about this?
-No one else.
-And Nené?
No. Nobody. Only you know, and
well, the FBI, obviously.
-Jadue, it's me, Ciro.
-Mariano Jinkis' accountant.
-Yes, it's me.
-What's going on?
Listen, I need to talk to you.
It's urgent. Do you have a minute?
-Are you alone?
Hello, Sergio, are you there?
Can you hear me?
We need to meet. Can you make it?
Distrust is like a virus.
Once it gets hold of someone close,
the infection spreads, and it has no cure.
-Hello, honey.
-Sergio, are you at the ANFP?
Yes, I'm just going into a meeting, yeah?
I'll call you later. Yeah, bye.
Are you crazy?
Calling me on the phone like that?
It's a burner phone.
What do you know about the others?
Figueredo, Marín and Esquivel
are still being detained in Zürich.
Awaiting extradition. The rest, who knows?
Bedoya called me by telephone.
His personal one.
-What an idiot. Did you pick up?
-No, I hung up when I realized.
That imbecile Bedoya,
I always had a bad feeling about him.
They're just waiting for us
to fall into the trap, nothing more.
Thirty-three years of corruption
in FIFA, and it's our fault.
Mariano needs cash.
-So then you know where Mariano is.
-Please, Sergio.
We can't use the accounts.
Interpol, the FBI,
I don't know how many organizations
are looking for him.
Help him.
He can borrow the money from Burzaco.
Burzaco doesn't want to get involved,
at least not with us. That's another risk.
Only a traitorous son of a bitch
would be capable of negotiating
with the fucking gringos
to ruin the rest of us?
Sergio, you have the Copa América,
15 million bucks.
One and a half in logistics alone.
Throw him a bone.
I think they're watching us from outside.
Burzaco would sell out his own mother
in order to save himself.
If that happens, my days are numbered.
Please, Sergio.
Give me a few days to get the money, okay?
There's a safari outside,
and we're the prey, yeah?
So, we have to be very careful, you know?
Girls, you lady birds need to go up there
and put the harnesses on, okay? Good.
You look pretty.
-Hey, beautiful. How are you, María Inés?
-Will this be everything?
Well, this is the just start.
Later on come the lady birds,
who will put on marvelous harnesses,
and fly over this helium balloon
that'll move across the whole pitch.
Well, by then, people will have already
changed the channel.
Let's see
-Nice, no?
-I don't know.
No, no, I'm not convinced.
-Better, no?
-Fucking great.
Come here.
They're a bit fat, no?
They look like they're from La Calera.
What do you expect?
What do you expect me to do
with the budget you gave me?
Bring Schwarzenegger?
I told you to spare no expense.
Some deals are too good to be true.
And in my experience, if it's too good,
it's because something's
about to go wrong.
The Chinese are crazy about the deal.
They were super happy.
And with the huge gratuity
we're going to earn, man.
What are we going to do
with all that money?
The Chinese are very strange, huh?
They make good things, but
They invited me to China once,
but they didn't let me in China.
I don't know,
they said my papers were no good.
I don't know.
They're nutty, the Chinese.
They have problems, but what do I know?
What's this?
-A hat.
-And this?
-A stuffed animal, for the Copa América.
-And what does it say here?
-Copa América.
Are you blind or what?
What does it say here?
Copa América.
It says 2105, a hundred years later?
-Well, actually, it's only 90.
-You're good at counting?
-Yes, I
-So start counting. One
-But what
-Start counting. Two.
-But, look
-Start counting. Three.
-Hey, calm down
-Hey, man!
Six, seven. You fucked up!
Wait, wait.
Wait, man.
Wait, wait.
-Stop it, wait.
-This container never existed.
What do you want me to do, man?
-This is a port, isn't it?
-And there's a sea.
Where's the container going, then?
Cecilia. Did you tell Sergio
to pick up Sabja?
-Yes, yes, of course.
-You know, come on. With energy.
Hey, isn't it too native?
Hell, the brief said local colors, huh?
Yeah, sure. But what do Easter Islanders
have to do with soccer?
Well, calm down. The soccer is coming.
Guys, look over here. Right here.
Hey, we have a problem.
There's isn't much time left
and we're not ready.
I'm missing 30 panels of scenery.
Listen closely, Hansel.
What matters here is that for 27 minutes,
this looks like the Cirque du Soleil.
I don't give a damn what's behind it.
Watch, at this point, they get the balls.
Let's go. Here comes one,
here comes another, and here it comes.
Buddy, there goes the other.
What a surprise!
Another keychain for my collection.
Hey, have you ever thought
about giving me something else?
I love you, too.
What the hell is he doing here?
He's trustworthy.
We're going on a trip.
The diplomatic immunity of little Luque
is going down.
If that comes to pass
These old CONMEBOL men
are going to be more alert than ever.
Baldie, if I were you,
I'd be careful with those around me.
Jashir is like a brother to me.
Obviously, you've never
read the Bible, dumbass.
You forgot to pick up Sabja, didn't you?
-I thought you were going.
-I told you I'd be at the inauguration.
-Where's your head?
-Where's my head, you ask.
My head's at the Copa América.
My head's at my trip to Luque today.
-My head's--
-Luque? Now?
That's strange.
This is the most difficult
sticker to get. Vidal's.
Can we buy it anywhere?
-That would be cheating.
-What do you mean?
You know what, Sergio?
The kids want to know what Daddy does
when he's not at home and not at work.
Tell them.
You know something, Nené?
The kids would love to know
what their Mommy does
when she doesn't sleep at home.
Tell us.
-More coffee?
Sergio, do you have anything to tell me?
Anything I don't know?
I don't understand
what the problem is, Nené.
I have to leave for a few days
because they want to know
how the Copa América
preparations are going.
Everything's ready in the stadiums
that will house the Copa América matches.
During these last few hours
before the opening of the competition,
the police and their intelligence units
performed a sweep of the sports arenas
to verify that everything is in order.
At the same time, this afternoon
they made an exhaustive review
of the grass
that the Copa América will use,
finding some minor problems
in specific stadiums.
The commotion of the fans,
24 hours before the first whistle blow,
is palpable on the streets,
where it's all happiness and positivity
What took me years to build,
took these assholes
only one year to destroy.
Luque was our Vatican.
And in there,
we could do whatever we wanted,
because police couldn't get in.
But everything comes to an end,
and in the Paraguayan parliament,
they were voting on the fall
of CONMEBOL's diplomatic immunity.
We gave you the Copa América, Jadue.
Look at Marín, Figueredo, and Esquivel.
Do you realize that out there
they're voting on stripping us
of our diplomatic immunity?
We're no longer untouchable.
When we left Zürich,
I thought the matter had ended there.
We need to have a fund for our families,
just in case, and in cash.
Jadue knows.
Yes, Sergio Jadue knows a lot.
Being naive is no way to live life.
That's no way of achieving
the kind of success you've had.
Do you know how you got where you are?
With that stupid face of yours.
Yes, that's pure gold.
Yeah. You know what?
I'm not the goose with golden eggs.
I can't finance all of you.
Call Mariano Jinkis for that.
He called you in Zürich,
Jinkis' accountant.
Ciro, the skinny guy
with the Dracula face. He called you.
No, not me. He didn't call me. You?
Did he call you? Ciro?
Did he say anything? Does he know anything
about Mariano's whereabouts?
No, he didn't call me either.
I don't know anything.
He's just as dumb as you.
Well, to demonstrate transparency,
we're going to pay
for the prizes of your Cup,
with the funds in the reserve.
It's bullshit.
I bet he didn't even go to Luque.
He probably took her to Playa del Carmen,
to Paris, to New York.
He's fucking her.
Olivia, do you think I got where I am
just because I'm Sergio's wife?
Hi, Carlitos.
What do you want me to do with that?
Did you think I was taking you
to a yoga class?
Fat fuck! Fat jerk-off!
You're a fat cocksucker!
Son of a bitch, Sergio!
You make me sick!
Sick! I'm here with the kids,
with the journalists, bastard!
The fucking Copa América! Fucking Cup!
Fucking disgraceful piece of shit!
Shit is what you are! Shit!
And you left with that fucking slut.
To Playa del Carmen, man!
To Paris! To China, man!
To China, bastard!
How are you?
-How are you?
-Good, and you? You look different.
-Do I look that bad? Fuck.
-No, just very different.
What are you doing here?
That's a difficult question.
I had to pretend to be Rosario,
but in reality, my name's Lisa
and I work for the FBI.
No, come on, tell me.
Yes, Fanny.
I managed, with the Paraguayan government,
to strip Luque of its diplomatic immunity.
That's great.
-Corrupt bastards, yes.
And what's going to happen to my job?
Well, you might lose it.
That's why, well, you're my friend,
so I wanted to come and see
if I could help you with anything.
Your friend? Two seconds ago
I had no idea what your name was.
Fanny, they're horribly corrupt.
-It's my job. I had to do it.
-What are you talking about, Rosario?
Or whatever your name is.
Who cares if those guys steal money
from people with more money?
Is one going to be poorer than the other?
Whereas I and all the girls who work here
won't be able to feed our families.
Is the world going to be
a better place because of it?
I thought you were smarter than that.
Congratulations. I hope
they promote you. Excuse me.
Hey, you're asking me for funds
for I don't know what garbage.
You talk about transparency,
but you're unwilling to come to Chile.
You know what?
It's in our best interest
to go and show our faces.
That way, we can project a positive image.
Jadue likes playing the victim.
Have you seen what he said to the media
about being the only one
who isn't corrupt?
I think our friend Jadue
isn't saying anything
because he's being watched.
What are you talking about? Watched?
What I'm wondering is
What we're all wondering is
not how to get out of this, right,
but rather how did we get here.
And the answer is simple.
One of us is playing for both teams.
Let's brainstorm, let's all ask ourselves.
Because Chuck Blazer
wasn't the only traitor. No, sir.
I think that one of us here
is a traitor, too.
The question is,
who the hell is the damn mole?
Come on, gentlemen.
We've all known each other for many years.
No, no. You're mistaken, my friend.
You're mistaken.
We don't all know each other.
What are you trying to say,
you son of a bitch?
It's clear to me
what Bedoya's trying to say, Jadue.
Calm down, boys.
As president, I beg of you, okay?
You became close
with Mariano Jinkis, didn't you?
Mariano is another victim.
This whole mess began
with Hawilla's lawsuit.
You all decided to get Mariano involved,
ignoring all of Don Julio's warnings,
opinions and advice.
The question is,
why seek out Mariano so often?
Why? Why did you go to Blatter's
when you got to Zürich?
Why the interest? Who do you tell
everything you know about Blatter?
Who do you tell the things
you know about us, son of a bitch?
Who? Who do you tell?
Who are you to lecture me
about betrayal, man?
-No! No! Please, gentlemen!
-Stop, stop!
Colombian? I'm a damn pencil pusher!
A damn pencil pusher, man!
-I've got him!
-Who do you think you are, man?
I've got him, I've got him, I've got him!
This is the damn mole, look!
Here it is! Here it is.
Here it is.
He's the snitch!
He's the traitor! He's the mole!
He's the one who betrayed us.
Son of a bitch!
Here's the microphone
he's been recording all of us with!
How can you pile on me like that, guys?
It's very disrespectful.
Well, Sergio desperate times
call for desperate measures.
Hey, who else has access
to our private meetings?
Gentlemen, I couldn't
No, no, you're mistaken.
Don't worry, they'll show him
how to keep quiet.
Well Any other loose end?
We all lie. And more than once a day.
White lies, harmless ones,
but lies nonetheless.
And the lies that we create,
are not just for the others.
They're for ourselves, too.
Jadue, who felt so alone being a snitch,
ended up sharing the podium
with Bedoya without knowing it.
Tomorrow I'm taking the first plane
to the United States.
I'm going to "cooperate," as they say.
It's been a pleasure knowing you, Jadue.
You've been a formidable opponent.
I would give you my seat at FIFA,
but it's no longer worth anything.
Gentlemen, we need to evacuate.
Lying is a sin.
But does the truth exist?
Does anyone care?
Or do we want to be lied to?
Seducers, or politicians, are liars.
But an artist can make us believe
something that is not.
Only hours away
from debut against Ecuador
Welcome to the day Sergio Jadue
always dreamed of.
in training, Juan Pinto Durán,
deeply focused on the task
Today is first day of the Copa América.
Or as I always said to him,
"another little soccer stand."
Here's Sergio Jadue.
Is he happy? Does it matter?
He's managing the entire budget
of an international soccer tournament.
That's the only truth.
Isn't happiness a lie that covers up
everything we don't want to see?
What's the difference between lying
and concealing things?
The show, the lights,
the spectacle, the passion.
It all has a price, my friends.
You think you have nothing to do with it
just because you're a fan?
110,000 X 11 USD =
1,210,000 USD
You see a corrupt soccer official
on the front page,
and you're the first one to say,
"These old thieves belong in prison."
But who puts the lie together?
Who makes you believe
that those are your players,
that that is your jersey?
Who sells you all this joy
at a reasonable price?
You pay for the jersey of your country,
and just like that, without realizing it,
you married into a dream,
and we're the godfathers.
Corruption is a lie we tell as a team.
We lie well and you play dumb.
And I'm sure of that.
We have a strong team, structured, so
We like lies.
The truth is dirty, clumsy,
monotonous and poor.
Mr. Jadue, how do you feel about
the fact that none
of the CONMEBOL national federations
are present here today?
So, let's all celebrate.
Do you think it has something to do
with the repercussions
Sergio lied and took Chile to the top.
But Sergio's lie
was supported by all Chileans.
Because if the 2015 Copa América
was a show,
he was the grand magician,
the illusionist of the night.
And we already know that a good trick
works precisely because it isn't real.
Everything okay? You look beautiful.
They're going to put you
on the big screen now.
In one, two, three There it is.
You're a real bastard, Sergio.
What are you talking about?
What did I do now?
I followed you to the airport
and saw you with a woman.
No, no No, no, I don't know
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know either. Why don't you
explain it to me? Who is she?
I don't think this is either the time
or the place for that, huh?
I don't give a fuck, Sergio.
I know you don't give a shit about me,
but this is still not the time, okay?
Where you see a corrupt individual,
we see an entrepreneur.
For some reason,
outside of the world of soccer,
lies are not valued.
-Are we going in or not?
-Why not?
-Because Sergio doesn't want us to.
-And why not?
-For luck.
-What do you mean "for luck"?
-For luck.
For luck?
Why the hell can't you go in, man?
Fucking asshole
You know what, Jashir?
If I were you, I'd screw him over, man.
I'd swipe another container
and buy myself a house on the beach.
Or I'd buy a nice truck
for my friend Curly, huh?
And we could ride
the Pan-American highway together.
What do you say?
I can't.
And why can't you?
What do you have going on
with that guy, huh?
Did you sign a contract?
Does he pay you a bonus?
He gives you vacation time, maybe?
I just don't get it, God damn it,
Jashir, man.
Why do you help him out, still? Why?
More than a friend,
he seems like your damn owner.
Shut your trap.
This is not the time, man.
Not yet.
Are you sure
you don't want to tell me anything, eh?
Okay, but
can't they find you an apartment
that's a little bit better at least?
Well, it doesn't work that way.
They give me a budget,
and I decide how I spend it.
And the money they take from those guys,
what do they do with it?
I think we should rob those guys.
Yes. Go on vacation.
We'll go to Mexico, to the Riviera Maya.
What Riviera Maya? I can't remember
the last time I went on vacation.
Well, but, vacations
we can take whenever you want.
Hey, turn the TV on.
free afternoon, prior to the last match
of group phase facing the Reds.
In this context, Arturo Vidal left
in his latest model sports car,
and under circumstances
now being investigated,
ended up crashing it on the side of road.
The scene is quite striking,
a sports car being
an extremely unusual sight on these roads.
Consequently, many of the people
in the area stopped
to take pictures of the vehicle
of the national team's star player,
Arturo Vidal.
With this spectacle
hovering over the team,
the question we're all
asking ourselves today is if he can,
or deserves, to play for the team
Hey, Jadue! Free
Let go of me. Free Vidal!
Let's go.
Hey, Jadue, I'll give it to you good.
What's going on, pighead?
Are you going to suck my dick?
Are you going to suck me off? Jaduecito.
to the technical staff,
to the managers, to the people,
to the whole country. I think that
the only thing I can do is apologize,
feel the support of the people
and demonstrate on the field
that this opportunity I'm being given
is for something, so
It's very difficult for me to speak.
But I feel very ashamed
about what happened.
The only thing I can do
is apologize to all of you,
my wife, my kids,
to all the members of CONMEBOL, I mean,
who I've been spending time with
this last year, watching, spying
Not because I wanted to, you see,
but because I received orders
from the FBI, and I regret everything
about this terrible situation
I find myself involved in.
Soccer is like that.
We'd like for things
to be different, but
I'm going to try to give my all,
so we can be champions.
Come on!
Let's go, team!
Come on! Come on!
In position, in position!
-Let's go, team!
Let's win, team!
Let's go, team! Come on, come on.
Hotels and flights
are two different things.
This goes over here
That's all?
I still have a half dozen checks.
Checho hasn't told me
what to do with them yet.
Okay, but don't say anything to him yet.
He can't worry about that right now.
Sure he can.
What must be hard is shaking off the FBI.
What? You're imagining things.
Come on, Fátima.
Hey, you're being paranoid.
It seems as though
you've watched too many gringo spy films.
Hey, he didn't say anything to you
about an advance for me?
For Curly's truck?
No, no, he didn't say anything to me.
Let's see
-What's this?
-So you can eat something nice.
Ciro, unfortunately,
I don't have any money to give you.
Yeah? And I have another favor to ask.
Don't call me again, man.
Nor meet me in these shitty markets,
because I'm in the eye of the hurricane.
Get it? Everyone's eyes
are fixed firmly on me because,
I don't know if you know this,
but Luque lost its immunity,
so we're all screwed.
I asked for your help 'cause we trust you.
I thought Mariano was your friend.
Yes, I protect my friends.
But if I get a bad feeling about someone,
it's for a reason.
Look at what happened
with that whole situation with Bedoya.
He brought in all that negative energy,
and now look what happened.
-What happened?
-In the end, turns out the bastard
-was a traitor, an FBI informant.
-But where did you get that?
-I read about it, man.
-Where did you read it?
In some newspaper, I read it. In
Son of a bitch, Chilean asshole!
What the fuck are you doing here?
-It's my job, asshole.
-You brought the cops, man.
I'm not going to go chase some jerk
who isn't my mole. Get in.
Get in. Want a coffee, scumbag?
These assholes are chasing him
as if he were an animal.
It's not like Ciro robbed a bank
and killed someone.
Relax, relax. It's a routine pursuit.
Hey, hey, hey. Where are you going?
Stay here.
I'll be right back.
I can't lie anymore.
Me neither.
You have the nerve to come to my house?
Nice to meet you, Mrs. Facuse.
Do you want to come in? Have a drink?
Sleep with us?
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
Your husband will explain.
I'll see you Monday.
If you have a lover, just say so.
No, Nené.
Lisa isn't my lover.
Lisa is an FBI agent.
I'm one of her informants.
I've spent the last year
recording and spying
on my CONMEBOL colleagues.
As part of the arrangement,
I have to appear in Miami on Monday,
to await my trial.
I don't know how long that will take.
I don't know if it'll take months,
years, no
So, we're leaving with the kids,
you and I, once the Copa ends.
No, I'm not going anywhere.
And neither are the kids.
It took 28 years! The golden generation
makes us dream and, for this,
I need to shout because Chile
made it to the final of the Copa América!
In spite of the rumors,
in spite of the controversies,
in spite of the Vidal scandal
and his crash the other day,
these big-hearted guys have lifted us,
the whole country, and said yes!
Yes, we can! Chile's in the final
of the Copa América!
Enjoy and remember this day forever!
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